path: root/info/digests/texline/no8/resolution.tex
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+\centerline{\bf Resolution}
+You may notice a few things about this edition
+of \TeXline{}. There are the obvious things like lateness
+and bulk, but also a few more which are less apparent.
+Right at the masthead \TeXline\ is now subtitled `a
+newsletter of the \TeX\ community'. It used to be `the
+newsletter of \TeX\ users in the UK and Ireland'. There
+are a couple of reasons for doing this, which reflect
+some changes in my view of the \TeX\ world. When it
+started, the intention of the newsletter was to try to
+provide a connection between people who came in contact
+with \TeX\ (and \LaTeX\ and \MF\dots). They didn't even
+need to exhibit missionary zeal. The common ingredient was
+A large proportion of the
+growth in the list was from outside the UK and Ireland.
+With this issue, I have included all the participants to
+\TeX88. It seems inappropriate to make it appear that
+\TeXline\ is directed only to the European offshore
+I've never liked to be called a `user'. It has slightly
+perjorative associations. Much nicer to be part of a
+community than to be a user. But what about the
+\TeX\ bit? Is `\TeX' a sufficiently generic term that the
+\MF\ eccentrics, the \LaTeX\ hordes, and the lone \AmSTeX
+er don't feel slighted? Come up with a better term and
+I'll use it.
+Having said all that, the newsletter cannot be `the'
+newsletter, it has to be `a'. I would be delighted to see
+others. The
+French group `GUTenberg' ({\it Groupe (francophone) des
+Utilisateurs de \TeX\/}) are producing their
+journal-like {\it Cahiers de GUTenberg\/}, and it would be
+surprising if other national groupings, like the Germans
+or Dutch didn't do something similar too.
+When you look at the contents of this edition, you will
+notice that the sources of several articles are from
+outside the British Isles: in particular, the article
+from Janusz Bie\'n on Polish \TeX\ illustrates some of
+the problems that are encountered in employing \TeX{}.
+Larry Siebenman's article was presented at a GUTenberg
+meeting last April (and will be published elsewhere in
+French), the originals of \DW's article were published in
+\TUGboat, and we have an account of \TeX88 and the TUG
+meeting from Barbara Beeton, which will also have
+appeared in \TUGboat{}. My own `Odd types' review
+appears in the BCS-EP newsletter.
+It is not my plan that \TeXline\ will merely plagiarise
+other material. But I hope that by
+showing material which has its origin in \TUGboat,
+people will be encouraged to join TUG.
+Another item to note is a new email address. I have
+eventually tired of having mail bounced through the Kent
+\unix\ Gateway. To ensure contact with non \Janet\
+networks this new address, || is probably
+\centerline{\bf Parochial matters} \smallskip
+Last year saw the first meeting in the UK of a local
+\TeX\ grouping. Perhaps just as GUTenberg produced their
+first {\it Cahiers} as `num\'ero z\'ero', this should be
+described as the zero-eth meeting. Two accounts of the
+meeting appear in the newsletter. Everyone in the UK who
+receives \TeXline\ will receive details of the next
+meeting, which will be held in London (either at the
+London School of Economics or at Imperial College) in early
+March. The program will be arranged on the theme of
+`Pictures in \TeX'. Part of the meeting will be given
+over to making some concrete proposals for the formation
+and organisation of a \TeX\ group. I would hope that by
+organising a group like this, it would not
+inhibit smaller, regional groupings. It is obviously
+difficult to arrange any meetings which are truly
+`national'. But there are `pockets' of people who might
+find it useful to get together. I will be pleased to make
+the \TeXline\ mailing list available to anyone who wants
+to find out who else there is in their own area who talks
+\font\palb=palatinob at 9pt
+\font\pal=palatino at 9pt
+\centerline{\palb \TeX puter}
+{\pal \TeX puter} is a super seedy implementation of
+\TeX{}. It differs from other implementations only in
+speed. Typically taking less than one second for each
+typeset page it is roughly five times faster than a
+similar implementation of \TeX\ on an {\sc ibm} pc/AT
+{\pal \TeX puter} is available for the following
+transputer based systems:
+\item{$\bullet$}the Meiko Computing Surface
+\item{$\bullet$}the Cesius Scientific Accelerator
+\item{$\bullet$}any system running the Helios operating
+\item{$\bullet$}B004 compatible {\sc ibm} pc add-on
+Development is continuing on two more \TeX\ products
+which will produce similar stunning advances:
+\item{$\bullet$}{\pal ps\TeX}: a version of \TeX\ which
+generates \PS\ code instead of \dvi\ files:
+\item{$\bullet$} {\pal ps$^{\bf 2}$\TeX}: a parallel
+processing version of \TeX{}. This will be fast enough to
+allow (almost) instantaneous previewing of ammended pages.
+\rightline{\sl Bill Noble}