path: root/info/digests/texline/no10/nordic.tex
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+\def\proposal{\smallskip\noindent{\sl Proposal:\/\enspace}}
+\def\MLTeX{Multilingual T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\^E}\kern-.125emX}
+The following contribution has some of the characteristics
+of a historical document. It is essentially the paper which
+Jan Michael took to Stanford and with which contsind
+the details of the arguments with which he and
+Roswitha Graham so ably and persistently bent the ear of Don
+Knuth -- with the outcome that after many years of stability,
+\TeX\ is changing.}
+\centerline{\bf Proposal to the TUG Meeting at Stanford}
+Donald Knuth created \TeX\
+to typeset American text interspersed with mathematical
+formulas. Apart from a few limitations \TeX\ has also
+proved suitable for typesetting other languages. Most
+limitations have been overcome by modifying the \TeX\
+program itself (\MLTeX, \JTeX, \TeXXeT\dots),
+creating new fonts (Devan\=agar\=\i,
+Hebrew\dots), and modifying the
+existing ones (Icelandic Modern\dots).
+While covering the requirements of one or more
+specific languages these modifications have created
+compatibility problems. \TeX\ input files may require
+features which are only available in certain extended
+versions of \TeX, or {\DVI} output
+files may not print correctly unless you make non-standard
+modifications to the device drivers. The only way to solve
+these problems is put the necessary capabilities into the
+standard version of \TeX.
+In this paper I describe the
+problems of typesetting the Nordic languages with the
+current version of \TeX, and propose modifications to the
+\TeX\ program itself, the standard fonts, and macro
+packages, which will solve the problems. Most of the ideas
+concerning hyphenation come from Michael Ferguson's
+\MLTeX, which solves some of the problems in that area, but
+not all. I also include a proposal for modifications to
+macro packages (\LaTeX\dots), in
+order to support the use of the language of your own
+choice. It originates from a proposal by Hubert Partl, approved by the German
+\TeX\ users group. In spite of the fact that I have
+restricted myself to the Nordic languages, the proposals
+that I put forward will also be useful for a large number
+of other languages. All the modifications proposed in this
+paper may be carried out in a backward compatible way, that
+will not influence the use of \TeX\ unless you decide to
+use the added capabilities.
+This list of proposals was first discussed at the Nordic \TeX\ meeting
+in Stockholm in June 1989, and followed up by discussions through
+electronic mail. Among those people who presented suggestions and
+critique on my original proposal were Staffan Romberger, Peter Busk
+Laursen, Bruce Wolman, Simen Gaure, Heikki Heikkil\"a, Bo Thid\'e,
+and Bernard Gaulle. I apologize if I
+left anyone out of this list. I also want to express my gratitude to
+Roswitha Graham, who arranged the Nordic \TeX\ meeting, and whose
+encouragement has been of invaluable help to me.
+\leftline{\sl Introduction}
+The Nordic problems with \TeX\ may be divided into:
+\item{\rtr} typesetting text in the Nordic languages
+\item{\rtr} using our own words, date formats, etc., instead of the American
+ones hard wired into some macro packages (\LaTeX\dots)
+\item{\rtr} using our national letters in macro names, etc.
+The last-mentioned is of minor importance, so I set it aside, and
+concentrate on the typesetting. To avoid the confusion that may arise
+from using different character sets and handling at the various stages
+of \TeX's typesetting process, I have further subdivided this group of
+problems into:
+\item{\rtr} input of national letters
+\item{\rtr} internal handling of national letters and words
+\item{\rtr} output of typeset national letters
+\multispan2{Code}&{\sc ascii}&Sw/Fi&Da/No\cr
+124&&\tt \char'174&\tt\"o&\tt\o\cr
+\caption{Nordic 7-bit national characters.}
+\leftline{\sl Input of national letters}
+\ssection{7-bit national characters}
+ISO 646 \cite{iso:646} ({\sc ascii} is the U.S.\ national character set based
+on ISO 646) reserves character codes 64, 91--94, 96, and 123--126 for
+`national or application use'. Unfortunately, three of these codes
+are used both for
+important functions in \TeX, and for important national letters in
+the Swedish, Finnish, Danish, and Norwegian national character sets.
+Nordic users expect to be able to use their national letters on their
+national keyboards, just like any other letter. Hence, on computers
+with 7-bit character codes or where \TeX\ will only accept 7-bit input
+we have had to remap \TeX's escape and group delimiter characters, for
+national use.
+Function&{\sc ascii}&Sw/Fi/Da/No\cr
+Escape character&\tt\char`\\&{\tt/}\quad or\quad {\tt!}\cr
+Begin group&\tt\char`\{&\tt<\cr
+End group&\tt\char`\}&\tt>\cr
+}}}\caption{Nordic 7-bit \TeX\ remapping.}
+The only real problem with this, apart from us being incompatible, is
+that the \command{write} command uses the begin group and end group
+characters in force when a macro was defined, not the ones in force
+when the \command{write} command is executed.
+Add a \command{bgroupchar} and an \command{egroupchar} (\TeX\
+already has an \command{escapechar}).
+\ssection{8-bit extended {\sc ascii} characters}
+Some implementations of \TeX\ running on computers with 8-bit extended
+{\sc ascii} character sets discard the 8th bit of the character code, silently
+converting characters with codes 128--255 (usually including European
+national letters) to other characters. This is both confusing to the
+users (who have these letters on their keyboards, and expect them to
+work in \TeX, just like in any other program), and not very useful.
+Make character codes 128--255 permanently active on computers with 8-bit
+extended {\sc ascii} character sets. This will make it possible to redefine
+them to do something sensible, or lead to an `Undefined control
+sequence' error if they have not been defined. As more and more
+computers get such character sets, this should be part of the \TeX\
+standard. On computers with an {\sc ebcdic} character set, the character
+codes which don't correspond to {\sc ascii} characters should be mapped to
+128--255, and made active.
+\leftline{\sl Internal handling of national letters and words}
+\ssection{Hyphenating words with accented letters}
+\DeK\ restrained \TeX\ from hyphenating words with accented
+letters, as those words are foreign to American and probably won't
+hyphenate correctly anyway. When using \TeX\ for typesetting languages
+which use accented letters (with the appropriate patterns) this
+restriction has been worked around by creating non-standard versions of
+\TeX\ (like \MLTeX) or non-standard fonts.
+Make \TeX\ accept accented letters in \command{patterns} and
+\command{hyphenation}. This will make it possible to use the
+standard version of \TeX, and the standard fonts to typeset text in other
+languages than American, using the built-in hyphenation.
+\ssection{Don't use shifted boxes for national letters}
+\TeX\ (the macros in {\tt plain}, used with the Computer Modern fonts) uses
+shifted boxes for some national letters (\AA, \L, \c c\dots).
+This makes \TeX\ dependent on the metrics of the Computer Modern fonts,
+and it won't work with the above-mentioned hyphenation.
+Put national letters into the fonts or use \command{accent} to construct
+them. Use the same method for the uppercase and lowercase version of the
+same letter. Assign the appropriate \command{lccode} to each national
+letter put into the fonts, so that words with these letters may be
+\ssection{Multilingual hyphenation}
+\TeX\ only supports one set of hyphenation patterns and exceptions.
+Make it possible to have multiple sets, and to switch between them,
+so \TeX\ may easily be used for multilingual typesetting.
+\ssection{Variable suppression of hyphens}
+\TeX\ will never insert a hyphen that has fewer than 2 letters before it
+or fewer than 3 letters after it. These values are not suitable for all
+Make the number of letters required before and after an inserted hyphen
+settable parameters. Either generate all patterns so that these parameters
+can be set to their minimum values (both 1), or add information to the
+patterns about the values used when they were generated, and restrict \TeX\
+from setting the parameters to smaller values than that.
+\ssection{Allow hyphenation of words with explicit hyphens}
+Some languages have very long words with explicit hyphens. Normally \TeX\
+will refuse to hyphenate these words, though they are perfectly hyphenatable
+and must often be hyphenated.
+Make it possible to turn off this `feature', so that words with explicit
+hyphens may be hyphenated.
+\ssection{Discretionary hyphens in patterns and exceptions}
+Some languages (Swedish, German, and probably some more) have
+words that require \command{discretionary} hyphenation.
+\TeX\ does not allow for this in \command{patterns} and \command{hyphenation}.
+Make \TeX\ accept \command{discretionary} hyphenation, both in
+\command{patterns} and in \command{hyphenation}, and
+make the corresponding changes to {\tt PATGEN}. It might be tempting to refer
+these words to the exception mechanism, but since it is possible to form
+an almost unlimited number of compound words and inflection forms that
+require \command{discretionary}, I think they are best handled by adding
+`hyphenation rules' to the hyphenation patterns. The
+basic rule, the only one \TeX\ knows of at the moment, is
+The German rule that `ck' is written as `k-k' when
+hyphenated, may be described by
+and the triple consonant suppression (for example, `tt'
+turns into `tt-t' in some words, because one of the t's was
+suppressed), takes a few more rules like
+for a handful of consonants that may occur at such
+positions. The rules should be read into \TeX\ with the
+patterns, and the number of the rule to be applied at a
+certain position should be stored together with the odd
+interletter value at that position.\looseness1
+\ssection{Log hyphenations for proof-reading}
+No matter how good the hyphenation is, there will always be words which
+are not correctly hyphenated. In languages where compound words are
+frequent, more words tend to be incorrectly hyphenated. It may therefore
+be necessary to proof-read the hyphenations. As even a minimal change
+may cause a lot of hyphenations to change, all hyphenations may have to
+be proof-read after every change, unless there is a way to detect which
+hyphenations have changed.
+Make it possible to log hyphenations, e.g.\ by adding a
+\command{tracinghyphenations}. This will facilitate the proof-reading
+of hyphenations, and make it possible to write a program which finds
+the hyphenations that have changed.
+\leftline{\sl Output of typeset national characters}
+\ssection{Full Latin character set}
+\TeX\ is capable of typesetting most letters used in Latin
+scripts, using the macros in {\tt plain} and the Computer
+Modern fonts. The following letters and accents in ISO
+6937/2 \cite{iso:6937/2} (which is a superset of the ISO
+8859/1, 2, 3, and 4 character sets) cannot be typeset that
+way: Icelandic {\em Thorn/thorn} and {\em Eth/eth}, Lapp
+{\em Eng/eng} and {\em T/t~with stroke}, Maltese {\em
+H/h~with stroke}, Croat and Lapp {\em D/d~with stroke},
+Catalan {\em L/l~with middle dot}, Greenlandic {\em k~with
+short stem}, and the {\em ogonek accent}, used in Polish
+and Lithuanian. A few more letters and accents used in
+Latin scripts may be found in ISO/DP 10646\cite{iso:10646}.
+The baseline quotation marks (,,), required for Icelandic and German
+typesetting, and the guillemots (similar to $\ll$ and $\gg$), required
+for French typesetting, and occasionally used for typesetting the Nordic
+languages, are also missing from Computer Modern.
+Extend \TeX's Latin fonts so that they contain all of the letters,
+accents, quotation marks, currency symbols and other graphic symbols needed
+to typeset languages written with a Latin script.
+Of the 234 letters in ISO 6937/2 (counting both upper and lower case),
+155 may be formed from a basic letter and a diacritical mark. Therefore,
+only 13 accents and 25 special letter forms need to be in the fonts.
+\ssection{Placement of accents}
+\TeX's accent placement algorithm does not place all
+accents correctly\cite{romberger:texlatin}.
+Extend the {\tfm} format, so that \TeX\ may:
+\item{\rtr} use the current algorithm
+\item{\rtr} use an explicit accent placement with respect to the base letter,
+instead of the one calculated by the algorithm
+\item{\rtr} use an explicit accent placement for accent-letter pairs not
+handled by the above-mentioned method
+\item{\rtr} use specially designed accented letters as replacements for
+accent-letter pairs
+\ssection{Kern accented letters, too}
+\TeX\ performs no implicit kerning between two letters if the second is
+accented. In most cases, the result would look better if the letters
+were kerned.
+Make \TeX\ insert implicit kerns between letters without regard to if they
+are accented, or design an algorithm which takes both the basic letter and
+the accent into consideration when inserting implicit kerns.
+\leftline{\sl Macro packages}
+Several macro packages (like the \LaTeX\ style files) contain American words,
+date formats, etc., which should be replaced by the corresponding words and
+date formats from the language used in the text, when using another language.
+Thus, the heading `Contents' should be changed to
+`Inneh\aa ll' in Swedish, `Inhalt' in German, etc.
+Define macros for all occurences of American words, date formats, etc.\ in
+macro packages, so that they can easily be replaced, e.g.\ by
+redefining those macros in a style file.
+\leftline{\sl Conclusion}
+The problems of typesetting the Nordic
+languages with the current version of \TeX\ have been decribed, together with proposed
+modifications to the \TeX, the Computer Modern fonts, and macro packages,
+which should solve the problems. This may serve as a basis
+for further discussions aimed at a European proposal. The changes needed may then,
+ be incorporated into a standard version of \TeX.
+\leftline{\sl Bibliography}
+Michael Ferguson,
+{\sl A \MLTeX},
+\TUGboat, 6(2), 1985, pp57--58.
+Michael Ferguson,
+{\sl\MLTeX\ Update},
+\TUGboat, 7(1), 1986, p16.
+ISO, {\sl ISO 646: ISO 7-bit coded character set for
+information interchange},
+ 1983.
+{\sl ISO 6937/2: Coded character sets for text
+communication -- Part 2: Latin alphabetic and
+non-alphabetic characters}, 1983.
+{\sl ISO\slash DP 10646: Multiple octet coded character set},
+Donald~E. Knuth,
+{\sl The \TeX book},
+Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+Donald~E. Knuth,
+{\sl\TeX: The Program},
+Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+Donald~E.\ Knuth and Pierre MacKay,
+{\sl Mixing right-to-left texts with left-to-right texts},
+\TUGboat, 8(1), 1987, pp.\ 14--25.
+Leslie Lamport,
+{\sl\LaTeXsl: A Document Preparation System},
+Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+Hubert Partl,
+{\sl German \TeX},
+\TUGboat, 9(1), 1988, pp70--72.
+Hubert Partl {\it et al},
+{\ttit german.sty}
+Staffan Romberger and Yngve Sundblad,
+Adapting \TeX\ to Languages that use Latin Alphabetic
+Characters}, Proceedings of the First
+European Conference on \TeX\ for Scientific Documentation,
+Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985.
+Yasuki Saito,
+{\sl Report on \JTeX: A Japanese \TeX},
+\TUGboat, 8(2), 1987, pp.\ 103--116.
+Dominik Wujastyk.
+{\sl The Many Faces of \TeX: A Survey of Digital \MFsl},
+\TUGboat, 9(2), 1988, pp.\ 131--151. {\sl see also}
+\TeXline\ 8.
+\rightline{\sl Jan Michael Rynning}