path: root/info/digests/texhax/txh/scheme.txh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texhax/txh/scheme.txh')
1 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/txh/scheme.txh b/info/digests/texhax/txh/scheme.txh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2eb841c5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/txh/scheme.txh
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+18-Apr-88 16:15:34-PDT,23015;000000000000
+Return-Path: <ramsdell%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
+Received: from mitre-bedford.ARPA by SCORE.STANFORD.EDU with TCP; Mon 18 Apr 88 16:15:02-PDT
+Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
+Received: by linus.MENET (3.2/4.7)
+ id AA03984; Mon, 18 Apr 88 15:04:06 EDT
+Date: Mon, 18 Apr 88 15:04:06 EDT
+From: John D. Ramsdell <ramsdell%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
+Posted-Date: Mon, 18 Apr 88 15:04:06 EDT
+Message-Id: <8804181904.AA03984@linus.MENET>
+Subject: SchemeTeX for bitnet folk.
+Please replace the version of SchemeTeX I sent earlier today with
+this version.
+#! /bin/sh
+# This is a shell archive, meaning:
+# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
+# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
+# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
+# st
+# This archive created: Thu Mar 31 08:17:02 1988
+export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
+if test ! -d 'st'
+ mkdir 'st'
+cd 'st'
+if test -f 'Makefile'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
+# schemeTeX Makefile @(#)Makefile 1.2 88/03/31.
+CMDS = st schemeTeX
+DOCS = st.dvi reader.dvi
+TEXSTY = astyped.sty
+DEST = $(HOME)/bin
+TEXDEST = $(HOME)/sty
+# Generic rules
+.SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .st
+ make $*.tex && make $*.dvi
+ st $*
+ latex $*
+# Generic commands.
+all: $(CMDS)
+doc: $(DOCS) $(CMDS)
+install: $(CMDS) $(TEXSTY)
+ mv $(CMDS) $(DEST)
+ -rm $(CMDS)
+# Specific commands.
+schemeTeX: schemeTeX.l
+ lex -t $? > schemeTeX.c
+ cc -O -o $@ schemeTeX.c -ll
+ rm schemeTeX.c
+ cp $? $@
+ chmod +x $@
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f 'README'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
+SchemeTeX---Simple support for literate programming in Lisp.
+SchemeTeX is a Unix filter that translates schemeTeX source into LaTeX
+source. Originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, it can
+easily be used with most other dialects.
+1) Processes the file "st.tex" with LaTeX and read that one page
+2) Decide if you plan to use your Lisp system's standard LOAD
+procedure or a modified one. I recommend you start by using your Lisp
+system's LOAD, which means all text lines must begin with ";".
+3) Assuming you do use the standard LOAD, edit "" so that it
+contains the correct extension, i.e. ".scm", ".lisp", or ".clisp".
+Otherwise do not modify "".
+4) Edit "Makefile" to reflect the correct destination of the
+executables(DEST) and the correct destination of the style
+5) The command "make install" installs schemeTeX.
+6) If you plan to modify your Lisp system's standard LOAD, follow the
+model given in "st.t", a schemeTeX for the T dialect of Scheme.
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f 'astyped.sty'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'astyped.sty'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'astyped.sty'
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @(#)astyped.sty 1.2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% ASTYPED DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - released 88/03/29
+% for LaTeX version 2.09
+% Based on Leslie Lamport's verbatim environment in latex.tex.
+% Defines the `astyped' environment, which is like the `verbatim'
+% environment except most of the special characters have their usual meanings.
+% Space, ^K, and ^A are the only specials changed.
+\def\astyped{\trivlist \item[]\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi
+\@tempswafalse \def\par{\if@tempswa\hbox{}\fi\@tempswatrue\@@par}
+\obeylines \tt \catcode``=13 \@noligs \let\do\@makeother \do\ \do\^^K\do\^^A
+ \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces}
+% Used inside astyped environments for normal formatting of a line.
+% I wish I could give space its normal catcode within \notastyped.
+\def\notastyped#1{\mbox{\rm #1}}
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f ''
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "''"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
+% @(#) 1.2 88/03/29
+\title{{\tt read-st}}
+\author{John D. Ramsdell}
+\verb;read-st; converts Scheme\TeX{} representations of Scheme objects
+into the objects themselves much as \verb;read; does. It uses the
+non-standard, but generally available routine \verb;peek-char;.
+(define (read-st . rest) ; Returns what \verb;read; returns.
+ (let ((port (if (pair? rest) ; \verb;read-st; arguments are
+ (car rest) ; the same as \verb;read;'s.
+ (current-input-port))))
+ (letrec ; Lines of a Scheme\TeX{} file
+ (((text-mode-and-saw-newline) ; beginning with ``{\tt(}'',
+ (let ((ch (peek-char port))) ; start a code section.
+ (cond ((eof-object? ch) ch)
+ ((char=? ch #\() ; If code section, then use
+ (got-code (read port))) ; \verb;read; to get code,
+ (else ; else skip this line as
+ (text-mode-within-a-line))))) ; it is a comment.
+ ((text-mode-within-a-line)
+ (let ((ch (read-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? ch) ch)
+ ((char=? ch #\newline)
+ (text-mode-and-saw-newline))
+ (else (text-mode-within-a-line)))))
+ ((got-code code) ; Ignore the remainder of the
+ (let ((ch (read-char port))) ; last code line and return
+ (cond ((eof-object? ch) code) ; the results of \verb;read;.
+ ((char=? ch #\newline)
+ code)
+ (else (got-code code))))))
+ (text-mode-and-saw-newline) ; Start by looking
+ ))) ; for a code line.
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f 'schemeTeX.l'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'schemeTeX.l'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'schemeTeX.l'
+/* schemeTeX -- Scheme to TeX. John D. Ramsdell.
+ * Simple support for literate programming in Scheme.
+ * Usage: schemeTeX < {Scheme TeX file} > {TeX file}
+ */
+#if !defined lint
+static char ID[] = "@(#)schemeTeX.l 1.2 88/03/29";
+static char copyright[] =
+ "Copyright 1988 by The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.";
+/* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. The
+MITRE Corporation makes no representations about the suitability of
+this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
+or implied warranty. */
+/* SchemeTeX defines a new source file format in which source lines
+are divided into text and code. Lines of code start with a line
+beginning with '(', and continue until the line that contains the
+matching ')'. The text lines remain, and they are treated as
+comments. If the first character of a text line is ';', it is
+stripped from the output. This is provided for those who want to use
+an unmodified version of their Scheme system's LOAD. When producing a
+document, both the text lines and the code lines are copied into the
+document source file, but the code lines are surrounded by a pair of
+formatting commands, as is comments beginning with ';' within code
+lines. SchemeTeX is currently set up for use with LaTeX. */
+/* Define STRIP if you want to remove all comments in a Scheme TeX
+file. */
+/* Modify the following for use with something other than LaTeX.
+Also see tex_verbatim_echo. */
+#define BEGIN_COMMENT "\\notastyped{"
+#define BEGIN_CODE "\\begin{astyped}"
+#define END_CODE "\\end{astyped}"
+#define TEX_ECHO tex_verbatim_echo(yytext, stdout)
+/* Lex is used for identifying code in an Scheme TeX file. */
+int parens; /* Used to balance parenthesis. */
+/* All input occurs in the following routines so that TAB characters
+can be expanded. TeX treats TAB characters as a space--not what is
+wanted. */
+#undef getc()
+#define getc(STREAM) expanding_getc(STREAM)
+int spaces = 0; /* Spaces left to print a TAB. */
+int column = 0; /* Current input column. */
+int expanding_getc(stream)
+ FILE *stream;
+ int c;
+ if (spaces > 0) {
+ spaces--;
+ return ' ';
+ }
+ switch (c = fgetc(stream)) {
+ case '\t':
+ spaces = 8 - (7&column);
+ column += spaces;
+ return expanding_getc(stream);
+ case '\n':
+ column = 0;
+ return c;
+ default:
+ column++;
+ return c;
+ }
+#\\\( {
+#if defined STRIP
+ }
+#\\\) {
+#if defined STRIP
+ }
+\( { ECHO; parens++; }
+\) { ECHO; parens--;
+ if (parens == 0) { /* End of code. */
+ char c; /* Check that nothing follows. */
+ while ((c = input()) == ' ') output(c);
+ if (c == '\000') return 0; /* EOF */
+ if (c != '\n' && c != ';') return -1;
+ unput(c);
+ }
+ }
+\"[^"]*\" {
+ if ((yyleng > 1) && (yytext[yyleng-2] == '\\'))
+ yymore();
+ else
+#if defined STRIP
+ }
+;[^\n]*$ {
+#if defined STRIP
+ ;
+ fputs(BEGIN_COMMENT, stdout);
+ fputs("}", stdout);
+ }
+\n { ECHO; if (parens <= 0) return 0; }
+. {
+#if defined STRIP
+ }
+fatal (s)
+ char *s;
+ fprintf(stderr, "On line %d, %s\n", yylineno, s);
+ exit(1);
+tex_verbatim_echo (s, f)
+ char *s; FILE *f;
+ for (; *s != '\000'; s++)
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\\':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '$':
+ case '&':
+ case '#':
+ case '^':
+ case '_':
+ case '%':
+ case '~':
+ fputs("\\verb-", f);
+ putc(*s, f);
+ putc('-', f);
+ break;
+ default: putc(*s, f);
+ }
+ char c;
+ do { /* TeX mode and saw newline */
+ c = input();
+ if (c == '(') { /* TeX mode changed to code mode. */
+ unput(c);
+#if !defined STRIP
+ fputs(BEGIN_CODE,stdout); putc('\n', stdout);
+ do { /* Copy out code using yylex. */
+ parens = 0;
+ if (0 != yylex()) fatal("Bad code section.");
+ if (parens != 0) fatal("Premature EOF.");
+ c = input();
+ unput(c); /* Repeat when there is code */
+ } while (c == '('); /* immediately after copied code. */
+#if !defined STRIP
+ fputs(END_CODE, stdout); putc('\n', stdout);
+ }
+ else { /* Found a text line. */
+ if (c == ';') c = input(); /* For those who want to use bare load. */
+ while (c != '\n') {
+ if (c == '\000') exit(0); /* EOF. */
+#if !defined STRIP
+ output(c);
+ c = input();
+ }
+#if !defined STRIP
+ output(c);
+ }
+ } while (1);
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f ''
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "''"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
+#! /bin/sh
+# schemeTeX @(#) 1.2 88/03/29
+DIR=`dirname $1`
+BASE=`basename $1 ${EXT}`
+case $# in
+0) schemeTeX ;;
+1) schemeTeX < ${DIR}/${BASE}${EXT} > ${DIR}/${BASE}.tex ;;
+2) schemeTeX < $1 > $2 ;;
+*) echo "usage: $0 file-name"; exit 1;;
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f 'st.t'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'st.t'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'st.t'
+(herald st) ; @(#)st.t 1.2 88/03/29
+;;; SchemeTeX --- Simple support for literate programming in Scheme.
+;;; February 1988, John D. Ramsdell.
+;;; Copyright 1988 by The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
+;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+;;; software and its documentation for any purpose and without
+;;; fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
+;;; notice appear in all copies. The MITRE Corporation
+;;; makes no representations about the suitability of this
+;;; software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
+;;; express or implied warranty.
+;;; SchemeTeX
+;;; defines a new source file format in which source lines are divided
+;;; into text and code. Lines of code start with a line beginning with
+;;; '(', and continue until the line that contains the matching ')'. The
+;;; text lines remain, and they are treated as comments. When producing
+;;; a document, both the text lines and the code lines are copied into
+;;; the document source file, but the code lines are surrounded by a pair
+;;; of formatting commands. The formatting commands are in begin-code
+;;; and end-code. SchemeTeX is currently set up for use with LaTeX.
+;;; Exports: load-st, compile-st, and TeX-st.
+;;; (load-st filespec optional-load-env) Loads Scheme TeX source.
+;;; (compile-st filespec) Compiles Scheme TeX source.
+;;; (tex-st filespec) Makes LaTeX input.
+(define st-extension 'st)
+(define src-extension 't)
+(define tex-extension 'tex)
+(define (load-st filespec . options)
+ (let ((t-filename (tangle filespec)))
+ (and t-filename
+ (apply load t-filename options))))
+(define (compile-st filespec)
+ (let ((t-filename (tangle filespec)))
+ (and t-filename
+ (compile-file t-filename))))
+(define (tex-st st-filespec)
+ (let* ((st-filename (st-filespec->st-filename st-filespec))
+ (tex-filename (st-filename->filename st-filename tex-extension)))
+ (with-open-streams ((st-port (open st-filename '(in)))
+ (tex-port (open tex-filename '(out))))
+ (if (weave-port st-port tex-port)
+ 'done
+ 'failed))))
+(define (tangle st-filespec) ; => t-filename or false.
+ (let* ((st-filename (st-filespec->st-filename st-filespec))
+ (t-filename (st-filename->filename st-filename src-extension)))
+ (if (and (file-exists? t-filename)
+ (file-newer? t-filename st-filename))
+ t-filename ; No need to tangle.
+ (with-open-streams ((st-port (open st-filename '(in)))
+ (t-port (open t-filename '(out))))
+ (and (tangle-port st-port t-port)
+ t-filename)))))
+(define (st-filespec->st-filename st-filespec)
+ (->filename
+ (cond ((symbol? st-filespec)
+ (list '() st-filespec st-extension))
+ ((and (pair? st-filespec)
+ (= (length st-filespec) 2))
+ (append st-filespec (list st-extension)))
+ (else st-filespec))))
+(define (st-filename->filename st-filename default-type)
+ (make-filename
+ (filename-fs st-filename)
+ (filename-dir st-filename)
+ (filename-name st-filename)
+ (if (eq? default-type (filename-type st-filename))
+ '()
+ default-type)
+ ;;broken? (filename-generation st-filename)
+ ))
+(define (tangle-port st-port t-port) ; => false on failure.
+ (labels
+ (((tex-mode-and-saw-newline)
+ (let ((ch (read-char st-port)))
+ (cond ((eof? ch) '#t)
+ ((char= ch #\left-paren)
+ (unread-char st-port)
+ (t-mode))
+ ((char= ch #\newline)
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline))
+ (else (tex-mode-within-a-line)))))
+ ((tex-mode-within-a-line)
+ (if (eof? (read-line st-port))
+ '#t
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)))
+ ((t-mode) ; This routine should return
+ (print (read-refusing-eof st-port) t-port)
+ (newline t-port) ; #f when read-refusing-eof
+ (tex-mode-within-a-line))) ; obtains an error.
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)))
+(define begin-code "\\begin{astyped}")
+(define end-code "\\end{astyped}")
+(define begin-comment "\\notastyped{")
+(define (weave-port st-port tex-port)
+ (let ((spaces 0) ; Expansion of tabs into spaces.
+ (hpos 0)) ; Used in get-char and get-line.
+ (catch leave ; Exit with leave when EOF is found.
+ (labels ; All input is read with
+ (((get-char eof-value) ; get-char and get-line.
+ (if (fx> spaces 0)
+ (block (set spaces (fx- spaces 1)) #\space)
+ (let ((ch (read-char st-port)))
+ (cond ((eof? ch) (leave eof-value))
+ ((char= ch #\tab)
+ (set spaces (fx- 8 (logand 7 hpos)))
+ (set hpos (fx+ hpos spaces))
+ (get-char eof-value))
+ ((char= ch #\newline)
+ (set hpos 0) ch)
+ (else (set hpos (fx+ hpos 1)) ch)))))
+ ((get-line eof-value)
+ (set hpos 0)
+ (let ((ch (read-line st-port)))
+ (if (eof? ch)
+ (leave eof-value)
+ ch)))
+ ((tex-write-char ch) ; Write to TeX file
+ (if (or (char= ch #\\) ; escaping TeX's special
+ (char= ch #\{) ; characters.
+ (char= ch #\})
+ (char= ch #\$)
+ (char= ch #\&)
+ (char= ch #\#)
+ (char= ch #\^)
+ (char= ch #\_)
+ (char= ch #\%)
+ (char= ch #\~))
+ (format tex-port "\\verb-~a-" ch)
+ (write-char tex-port ch)))
+ ((tex-mode-and-saw-newline) ; State at which decision must
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#t))) ; be made if to go into T code
+ (if (char= ch #\left-paren) ; mode or stay in TeX mode.
+ (t-mode)
+ (block
+ (if (not (char= ch #\semicolon)) ; For those who want
+ (write-char tex-port ch)) ; to use regular load.
+ (if (char= ch #\newline)
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)
+ (tex-mode-within-a-line))))))
+ ((tex-mode-within-a-line) ; Copy out TeX line.
+ (let ((line (get-line '#t)))
+ (write-line tex-port line)
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)))
+ ((t-mode) ; Change from TeX mode
+ (write-line tex-port begin-code) ; to T code mode.
+ (write-char tex-port #\()
+ (sexpr 1))
+ ((sexpr parens) ; parens is used to watch
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#f))) ; for the closing paren
+ (cond ((char= ch #\semicolon) ; used to detect the
+ (copy-comment '#f) ; end of T code mode.
+ (sexpr parens))
+ (else
+ (sexpr-write-char parens ch)))))
+ ((copy-comment eof-value) ; Handle comment.
+ (let ((line (get-line eof-value)))
+ (write-string tex-port begin-comment)
+ (write-char tex-port #\semicolon)
+ (write-string tex-port line)
+ (write-char tex-port #\})
+ (newline tex-port)))
+ ((sexpr-write-char parens ch)
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (cond ((char= ch #\left-paren)
+ (sexpr (fx+ parens 1)))
+ ((char= ch #\right-paren)
+ (if (fx= 1 parens) ; Done reading sexpr.
+ (t-mode-after-sexpr)
+ (sexpr (fx- parens 1))))
+ ((char= ch #\")
+ (copy-out-string parens))
+ ((char= ch #\#) ; Worrying about #\( and #\).
+ (maybe-char-syntax parens))
+ (else (sexpr parens))))
+ ((copy-out-string parens)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#f)))
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (cond ((char= ch #\\)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#f)))
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (copy-out-string parens)))
+ ((char= ch #\")
+ (sexpr parens))
+ (else (copy-out-string parens)))))
+ ((maybe-char-syntax parens)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#f)))
+ (cond ((char= ch #\backslash)
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#f)))
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (sexpr parens)))
+ (else
+ (unread-char st-port)
+ (sexpr parens)))))
+ ((t-mode-after-sexpr)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#t)))
+ (cond ((char= ch #\semicolon)
+ (copy-comment '#t)
+ (t-mode-merge))
+ ((char= ch #\newline)
+ (newline tex-port)
+ (t-mode-merge))
+ ((char= ch #\space)
+ (tex-write-char ch)
+ (t-mode-after-sexpr))
+ (else
+ (read-error st-port "Bad text following code")))))
+ ((t-mode-merge)
+ (let ((ch (get-char '#t)))
+ (cond ((char= ch #\left-paren)
+ (write-char tex-port ch)
+ (sexpr 1))
+ (else
+ (write-line tex-port end-code)
+ (write-char tex-port ch)
+ (if (char= ch #\newline)
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)
+ (tex-mode-within-a-line)))))))
+ (tex-mode-and-saw-newline)))))
+fi # end of overwriting check
+if test -f 'st.tex'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'st.tex'"
+cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'st.tex'
+% @(#)st.tex 1.2 88/03/29
+\author{John D. Ramsdell}
+Scheme\TeX{} provides simple support for literate programming in any
+dialect of Lisp. Originally created for use with Scheme, it defines a
+new source file format which may be used to produce \LaTeX{} input or
+Lisp code.
+Scheme\TeX{} source lines are divided into text and code. Lines of code
+start with a line beginning with ``('', and continue until the line
+containing the matching ``)''. The remaining lines are text lines,
+and they are treated as comments.
+When producing a \LaTeX{} document, both the text lines and the code
+lines are copied into the document source file, but the code lines are
+surrounded by a pair of formatting commands (\verb-\begin{astyped}-
+and \verb-\end{astyped}-). This \LaTeX{} environment formats the code
+as written, in typewriter font. A Lisp comment within a code line is
+formatted in an \verb-\mbox- in Roman font. A Scheme\TeX{} style
+command should include the \verb-astyped- style option, so that the
+\verb-astyped- environment is available. An example:
+Scheme\TeX{} was designed under the constraint that code lines must be
+unmodified Lisp code, and text lines must be unmodified \LaTeX{} code.
+Text editors with support for Lisp and \LaTeX{}, such as Emacs, may be
+used for Scheme\TeX{} code much as they are used for Lisp code and
+\LaTeX{} code.
+Some users prefer not modifying the \verb-LOAD- function in their Lisp
+system. To support those users, the rule that text lines must be
+unmodified \LaTeX{} code has been relaxed. Text lines that begin with
+``;'' are copied without the initial ``;''.
+\section*{Usage under Unix}
+The extension for Scheme\TeX{} files is ``\verb;.st;''. For T, the
+file \verb;st.t; contains two programs used to obtain code from an
+``\verb;.st;'' file. The T expression
+\verb;(LOAD-ST; {\it filespec environment\/}{\tt )}
+loads a Scheme\TeX{} file by creating a T source file if no T source
+file exists which is younger than the Scheme\TeX{} file. The T source
+file is then loaded using the usual \verb;LOAD; procedure.
+\verb;COMPILE-ST; is like \verb;LOAD-ST; except it compiles the file
+instead of loading it.
+A \LaTeX{} file is produced from a file with the ``\verb;.st;''
+extension using the Unix shell command
+{\tt st} {\it file-name}
+It will produce a file with the ``\verb;.tex;'' extension. The
+obvious make file is in Figure~\ref{makefile}.
+.SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .st
+ make $*.tex && make $*.dvi
+ st $*
+ latex $*
+\caption{A Scheme\TeX{} Makefile}\label{makefile}
+fi # end of overwriting check
+cd ..
+# End of shell archive
+exit 0