path: root/info/digests/texhax/txh/kingold.txh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texhax/txh/kingold.txh')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/txh/kingold.txh b/info/digests/texhax/txh/kingold.txh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2b9eb8769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/txh/kingold.txh
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+26-Aug-88 06:58:29-PDT,25088;000000000000
+Return-Path: <>
+From: Peter King <>
+Date: Fri, 26 Aug 88 14:46:57 BST
+Subject: refer to BiBTeX conversion
+I have written a shell script (using both sed and awk) which
+will convert refer (or bib) databases to BiBTeX format. The program
+r2bib on the UNIX tape does a similar job, but I belive my script
+is more useful because it
+ a) does a better job of generating keys
+ b) converts accents and (some) troff special characters
+ c) is readily customisable (if you know awk)
+ d) does a slightly better job of classification
+ of type of reference.
+It's probably too long (c. 850 lines) to include in the mailshot,
+but here it is for archiving. I have sent Pierre MacKay a copy.
+The manual page was adapted from the r2bib manual page.
+Peter King
+Peter King, Computer Science Department JANET:
+ Heriot-Watt University ARPA:
+ 79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ or
+Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555 UUCP: ..!ukc!!pjbk
+------------------------------Cut here-----------------------------------
+export PATH || exec /bin/sh $0 $*
+: "This is a shar archive; use /bin/sh to extract"
+: "Extracted files will be owned by you, and will have"
+: "default permissions"
+echo If this archive is complete, \"End of archive\" will appear at the end
+echo Extracting ref2bib
+sed 's/^X//' <<'End-of-file' >ref2bib
+X# shell script to convert refer (or bib) databases to BiBTeX format
+X# reads its arguments (or standard input)
+X# and writes the BibTeX to standard output
+X# the in-line files ref2b*.{sed,awk} do not change, and could be
+X# stored in a library somewhere. The sed script can actually be
+X# given as an argument in ' ' quotes provided the ' in the
+X# file are replaced with '\'' !!
+X# the awk script is too large for this treatment.
+X# The gnereation of keys can be altered by changing the
+X# values of some awk variables
+X# errors etc. in ref2bib.errs
+Xcat << 'ZZ' >ref2b$$.sed
+X# sed script to do some of the ref to bib database conversion
+X# written by Peter King, Heriot-Watt University
+X# You may do anything you like with this code
+X# EXCEPT claim that you wrote it
+X# First alter the TeX special characters
+X# convert the special characters and accents from troff to BibTeX
+X# assumes the accents are those of the Berkeley -ms with .AM
+X# quotes
+X# \0 as space between surname de\0Souza etc.
+X/\\/s/\\\\*0\([a-z]*\)\\\\*0/\\0\1 /g
+X/\\/s/ \([a-z]*\)\\\\*0/ \1 /g
+X# but trap the ones that start with a capital letter and convert them to
+X# ties
+X# now deal with special characters and Greek
+X# Now trap title words that must be capitalised
+X# first all words that are all capitals (at least two consecutive)
+X# we need the slashes to allow for M/M/1 queues
+X# then some proper names
+X# first some mathematicians
+X# (for some I've added the Pattern [^ -]* toe the end to get Markov,
+X# Markovian, etc.
+Xs/Euclid[^ -,;]*/{&}/g
+Xs/Gauss[^ -,;]*/{&}/g
+Xs/Jacobi[^ -,;]*/{&}/g
+Xs/Markov[^ -,;]*/{&}/g
+X# this is really Rouche (acute accent) , but the accent processing will disrupt it
+Xs/Bayes[^ -,;]*/{&}/g
+X# computing
+X# coding theory
+Xcat << 'ZZ' > ref2b$$.awk
+X# awk script to convert refer (or bib) format databases
+X# to BiBTeX format.
+X# written by Peter King, Heriot-Watt University
+X# use freely, but dont claim that you wrote it
+X# Generates keys using authors names and year (see %A entry )
+X# You may wish to alter treatment of key fields that are ignored
+X# such as %U %W %Y %K etc.
+X# regular expressions should be sorted according to frequency
+X# so that minimal tests are made
+X# From tests in a local data base the order given appears quite good
+X# 2883 %A
+X# 1813 blank lines
+X# 1774 %T
+X# 1764 %D
+X# 1505 %P
+X# 1347 %J
+X# 1331 %V
+X# 1201 %N
+X# 773 .. continuation lines
+X# 501 %C
+X# 424 %I
+X# 192 %B
+X# 187 %E
+X# 92 %S
+X# 89 %R
+X# 33 %X
+X# 30 %K
+X# 16 %O
+X# 12 %any other % lines
+X for(i=1;i<=27;i++)
+X addkey[i] = substr(" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",i,1);
+X lkey = 3; # number of characters used from authors to make key
+X maxauthor = 3; # maximum number of authors to use in
+X # constructing key
+X rx = 1
+X }
+X/\\[*u0]/ || /\\d[^{]/|| /\\s[^s]/ {
+X err = 1
+X print "Non translated \\ symbol : Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print $0 > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X/^%A/ {
+X if (A==0) keys="";
+X A ++; lastx = "A";
+X authors[A] = substr($0,4)
+X if(A> maxauthor) next
+X ic = 0
+X lc = 1
+X while(ic < lkey && lc <= length($NF) ){
+X kc = substr( $NF, lc, 1)
+X if ( kc ~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ){
+X keys = keys kc
+X ic++
+X if(ic==lkey) next
+X }
+X else if ( kc == "\\" ) lc ++;
+X lc ++;
+X }
+X next
+X }
+X/^$/ {
+X if(NR==pr+1){
+X }
+X else {
+X refs ++
+X # if FILENAME != prevname then new file
+X acnt[A]++;if(A>MaxA)MaxA=A;
+X if(T==0)print "No title : Reference "refs" "keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(A==0)print "No author : Reference "refs" "keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(D==0)print "No date : Reference "refs" "keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if( (!T)||(!A)||(!D))err=1;
+X # classify the reference
+X if(J){
+X #journal or conference
+X if(B||E||R)print "Journal & book?: Reference "refs" "keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(C||I) {conf++
+X type = "Inproceedings"
+X }
+X else{
+X jour ++;
+X type = "Article"
+X }
+X if(!P) print "No page nos.? : Reference "refs" "keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if( B||E||R||(!P))err=1
+X if(err){
+X print "Journal reference in error" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X }
+X else
+X if(B){
+X # article in book
+X type = "Incollection"
+X bookart++
+X if(N||R||(!E)||(!I)||(!C)||(!P)||(V&&(!S)))err=1
+X if(!E) print "No editor? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(!I) print "No publisher? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(!C) print "No city? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(!P) print "No page nos.? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(V&&(!S))print "Volume but no Series Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(N)print "Issue no.? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(R)print "Report? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(err){
+X print "Book reference in error" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X }
+X else if(R){
+X #report
+X type = "Techreport"
+X reps++
+X if(E||N)err=1
+X if(N)print "Issue no.? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(E) print "Editor? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(err){
+X print "Report reference in error" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X }
+X else if(I){
+X wholebook ++
+X type = "Book"
+X # book
+X if(N||R||E||(!C)||(V&&(!S)))err=1
+X if(!C) print "No city? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(N)print "Issue no.? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(E)print "Editor? Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(V&&(!S))print "Volume but no Series Reference "refs" " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(err){
+X print "Book reference in error" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X }
+X else {
+X unclass ++
+X type = "Misc"
+X err=1
+X print "Unclassified reference in error" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X # generate date
+X ndate = split(date,df)
+X if ( ndate > 2) print " Funny date " date > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if (ndate == 1 ) { df[2] = df[1]; df[1] = ""; }
+X # generate key
+X if(keys == "") keys = "ANON"
+X keys = keys substr(df[2],3,2)
+X if(keyused[keys] >=1) {
+X key_suffix = keyused[keys]++;
+X keys = keys addkey[key_suffix];
+X }
+X else keyused[keys] = 1
+X if (err) {
+X print "Key: " keys > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(A) for (i=1;i<=A;i++)
+X print "%A " authors[i] > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(T) print "%T " title > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(J) print "%J "journal > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(B) print "%B "book > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(V) print "%V "volume > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(N) print "%N "number > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(I) print "%I "publisher > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(C) print "%C "city > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(E) for (i=1;i<=E;i++)print "%E "editor[i] > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(S) print "%S "series > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(P) print "%P "pages > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(R) print "%R "report > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(D) print "%D "date > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(O) print "%O "other > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print "" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X if(T){
+X twc = split(title,z)
+X title = z[1]; lt = length(z[1]);
+X for(i=2;i<=twc;i++) {
+X if(lt +length(z[i]) >= 55) {sc = "\n\t\t";lt = 0;}
+X else sc = " ";
+X title = title sc z[i]
+X lt += length(z[i]) + 1
+X }
+X }
+X if(O){
+X twc = split(other,z)
+X other = z[1]; lt = length(z[1]);
+X for(i=2;i<=twc;i++) {
+X if(lt + length(z[i]) >= 55) {sc = "\n\t\t";lt = 0;}
+X else sc = " ";
+X other = other sc z[i]
+X lt += length(z[i]) + 1
+X }
+X }
+X if(X){
+X twc = split(abstr,z)
+X abstr = z[1]; lt = length(z[1]);
+X for(i=2;i<=twc;i++) {
+X if(lt + length(z[i]) >= 55) {sc = "\n\t\t";lt = 0;}
+X else sc = " ";
+X abstr = abstr sc z[i]
+X lt += length(z[i]) + 1
+X }
+X }
+X printf "@%s{\t%s",type,keys
+X if(A) {
+X printf ",\n\tAuthor = { %s",authors[1]
+X for(i=2;i<=A;i++) printf " and\n\t\t%s",authors[i]
+X printf " }"
+X }
+X if(T) printf ",\n\tTitle = { %s }",title
+X if(B) printf ",\n\tBooktitle = { %s }",book
+X if(E) {
+X printf ",\n\tEditor = { %s",editor[1]
+X for(i=2;i<=E;i++) printf " and\n\t\t%s",editor[i]
+X printf " }"
+X }
+X if(I) printf ",\n\tPublisher = { %s }",publisher
+X if(C) printf ",\n\tAddress = { %s }",city
+X if(J) { # substitute the journal abbreviations from the standard styles
+X journal = "{ " journal " }"
+X # {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Comp.* Sur/ ) journal = "acmcs"
+X # {acta} {"Acta Informatica"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Acta Inf/ ) journal = "acta"
+X # {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Com.* ACM/ ) journal = "cacm"
+X if ( journal ~ /CACM/ ) journal = "cacm"
+X # {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"}
+X if ( journal ~ /IBM J.*R.*D/ ) journal = "ibmjrd"
+X # {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"}
+X if ( journal ~ /IBM Sy.*J/ ) journal = "ibmsj"
+X # {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"}
+X if ( journal ~ /IEEE Tran.*Soft.*Eng/ ) journal = "ieeese"
+X # {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
+X if ( journal ~ /IEEE Tran.*Computers/ ) journal = "ieeetc"
+X # {ieeetcad}
+X if ( journal ~ /IEEE Tran.*Comp.*Desig/ ) journal = "ieeetcad"
+X # {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Inf.*Proc.*Lett/ ) journal = "ipl"
+X # {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Jou.* ACM/ ) journal = "jacm"
+X if ( journal ~ /JACM/ ) journal = "jacm"
+X # {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
+X if ( journal ~ /J.*Comp.*Sys.*Sc/ ) journal = "jcss"
+X # {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Sc.*Comp.*Prog/ ) journal = "scp"
+X # {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"}
+X if ( journal ~ /SIAM .*Comp/ ) journal = "sicomp"
+X # {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Comp.*Sys/ ) journal = "tocs"
+X # {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Data.*Sys/ ) journal = "tods"
+X # {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Grap/ ) journal = "tog"
+X # {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Math.*Soft/ ) journal = "toms"
+X # {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Off.*Inf.*Sys/ ) journal = "toois"
+X # {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"}
+X if ( journal ~ /ACM Tran.*Prog.*Lan.*Sys/ ) journal = "toplas"
+X # {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"}
+X if ( journal ~ /Th.*Comp.*Sci/ ) journal = "tcs"
+X printf ",\n\tJournal = %s",journal
+X }
+X if(V) printf ",\n\tVolume = { %s }",volume
+X if(N) printf ",\n\tNumber = { %s }",number
+X if(P) printf ",\n\tPages = { %s }",pages
+X if(O) printf ",\n\tNote = { %s }",other
+X if(R) printf ",\n\tNumber = { %s }",report
+X if(S) printf ",\n\tSeries = { %s }",series
+X if(df[1] != "")
+X printf ",\n\tMonth = { %s }",df[1]
+X if(D) printf ",\n\tYear = { %s }",df[2]
+X if(X) printf ",\n\tAnnote = { %s }",abstr
+X if(L) printf ",\n\tKey = { %s }",label
+X printf "\t}\n\n"
+X A=0;B=0;C=0;D=0;E=0;F=0;G=0;H=0;I=0;J=0;
+X K=0;L=0;M=0;N=0;O=0;P=0;Q=0;R=0;S=0;T=0;
+X U=0;V=0;W=0;X=0;Y=0;Z=0;
+X type = ""
+X book=""
+X title = ""
+X volume = ""
+X city = ""
+X date = ""
+X publisher = ""
+X journal = ""
+X number = ""
+X other = ""
+X page = ""
+X report = ""
+X series = ""
+X toterr +=err
+X rx++
+X }
+X err = 0
+X pr = NR
+X next
+X }
+X/^%T/ {
+X T ++; lastx = "T"
+X if(T>1){err=1
+X print "Two titles: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print title > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X title = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%D/ {
+X D ++; lastx = "D"
+X if(D>1){err=1
+X print "Two dates: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print date > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X if(($NF<1900)||($NF>=2000)){err=1
+X print "Date error? : Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X date = substr($0,4);
+X next
+X }
+X/^%P/ {
+X P ++; lastx = "P"
+X if(P>1){err=1
+X print "Two page nos? : Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print pages > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X pages = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%J/ {
+X J ++; lastx = "J"
+X if(J>1){err=1
+X print "Two journals: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print journal > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X journal = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%V/ {
+X V ++; lastx = "V"
+X if(V>1){err=1
+X print "Two volumes: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print volume > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X volume = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%N/ {
+X N ++; lastx = "N"
+X if(N>1){err=1
+X print "Two issue numbers: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print number > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X number = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^[^%]/ {
+X if( lastx == "A") authors[A] = authors[A] " " $0
+X if( lastx == "B") book = book " " $0
+X if( lastx == "C") city = city " " $0
+X if( lastx == "D") date = date " " $0
+X if( lastx == "E") editor[E] = editor[E] " " $0
+X if( lastx == "I") publisher = publisher " " $0
+X if( lastx == "J") journal = journal " " $0
+X if( lastx == "L") label = label " " $0
+X if( lastx == "N") number = number " " $0
+X if( lastx == "O") other = other " " $0
+X if( lastx == "P") pages = pages " " $0
+X if( lastx == "R") report = report " " $0
+X if( lastx == "S") series = series " " $0
+X if( lastx == "T") title = title " " $0
+X if( lastx == "V") volume = volume " " $0
+X if( lastx == "X") abstr = abstr " " $0
+X next
+X }
+X/^%C/ {
+X C ++; lastx = "C"
+X if(C>1){err=1
+X print "Two cities: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print city > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print " 2 cities " FILENAME, pr+1, NR > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X city = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%I/ {
+X I ++; lastx = "I"
+X if(I>1){err=1
+X print "Two publishers: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print publisher > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X publisher = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%B/ {
+X B ++; lastx = "B"
+X if(B>1){err=1
+X print "Two books: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print book > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X book = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%E/ { # this really deals with 'bib' format
+X # refer only allows one %E fielsd, so we ought to
+X # split it somehow
+X E ++; lastx = "E"
+X editor[E] = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X F ++; lastx = "F"; # should not get these
+X print "Unexpected flag: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print $0 > "ref2bib.errs"
+X err = 1
+X next
+X }
+X/^%O/ {
+X O ++; lastx = "O"
+X if(O>1){err=1
+X print "Two others: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print other > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X other = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%S/ {
+X S ++; lastx = "S"
+X if(S>1){err=1
+X print "Two series: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print series > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X series = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%R/ {
+X R ++; lastx = "R"
+X if(R>1){err=1
+X print "Two reports: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print report > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X report = substr($0,4)
+X next
+X }
+X/^%X/ {
+X X ++; lastx = "X"
+X abstr = substr($0,4)
+X if(X>1){err=1
+X print "Two abstracts: Reference " rx > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+X next
+X }
+X/^%K/ {
+X lastx = "K"
+X next
+X }
+X print refs " references" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(toterr) print toterr " erroneous" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(conf) print conf " conference papers" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(jour) print jour " journal articles" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(wholebook) print wholebook " books" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(totB) print totB " book articles" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(reps) print reps " reports" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(unclass) print unclass " Unclassified" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(totO) print totO " have additional information." > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(totK) print totK " have additional keywords." > "ref2bib.errs"
+X if(totX) print totX " have abstracts/commentaries." > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print totA " authors" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X for(i=0;i<=MaxA;i++)if(acnt[i]){
+X print i, " authors ", acnt[i] > "ref2bib.errs"
+X av += i*acnt[i]
+X }
+X print "Average ", av/refs > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print totT " titles" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X print "Key frequencies" > "ref2bib.errs"
+X for(k in keyused) print k, keyused[k] > "ref2bib.errs"
+X }
+Xsed -f ref2b$$.sed $* | awk -f ref2b$$.awk
+Xrm -f ref2b$$.sed ref2b$$.awk
+echo Extracting ref2bib.1
+sed 's/^X//' <<'End-of-file' >ref2bib.1
+X.TH REF2BIB 1-local
+Xref2bib \- convert refer input files to bibtex .bib files
+X.B r2bib
+Xfile ...
+X.B ref2bib
+Xreads the
+X.I files
+Xand produces a
+X.B bibtex
+Xreference list (a .bib file) on the standard output.
+XIf no files are given, ref2bib reads
+Xstandard input.
+XA rudimentary attempt is made to convert
+X.I troff
+Xspecial characters and accents to the equivalent
+X.I TeX
+XThe file ``ref2bib.errs'' contains complaints about references that were
+Xnot recognised, and other problems, as well as a summary of the
+Xnumber of conversions completed.
+X.B refer
+Xfiles are inherently unstructured (compared to
+X.B bibtex )
+X.B ref2bib
+Xonly does a passable job. In particular
+X.B refer
+Xdoesn't require a keyword, while
+X.B bibtex
+X.B ref2bib
+Xgenerates one using the following procedure:
+Xthe first 3 characters of the last names of the first three authors
+Xare concatenated, (preserving the capital letters), and the last two
+Xdigits of the date are appended. If this key has already been used,
+Xthen 'a', 'b', 'c', are appended as needed.
+XJournal entries that appear to be in the standard bibliography style
+Xfiles list of @strings, are converted.
+XThe %D field is converted to month and year entries if there are two
+Xfields, otherwise it is assumed to contain only the year.
+XA large number of proper names, such as Hilbert, Turing, etc.,
+Xwhich are often found in the titles of articles are enclosed in braces
+X{} to protect them. This treatment is also applied to any strings of
+Xmore than two consecutive capital letters.
+XTo determine the type of reference that the
+X.B refer
+Xentry is,
+X.B ref2bib
+Xhas to do some ``calculated guessing''. The heuristic used
+Xhere (again, in order of precedence) is:
+X1. If it has a journal entry (%J) then it's considered to
+Xbe an @article, unless there is a city entry (%C) or a publisher entry
+X(%I) as well, in which case it's
+Xtreated as an @inproceedings.
+X2. If it has a book entry (%B) then it's considered to
+Xbe an @incollection.
+X3. If it has a report entry (%R) then it's considered to
+Xbe a @techreport.
+X4. If it has a issuer entry (%I) then it's considered to
+Xbe a @book.
+X5. Otherwise it's considered to be a @misc.
+XAll @misc entries are listed in the ``ref2bib.errs'' file.
+XQuite often
+X.B ref2bib
+Xwill misguess and you will need to edit (by hand) the resulting .bib
+XAny fields that
+X.B ref2bib
+Xdoesn't know about it will ignore (and complain about on stderr).
+XThis manual page is based on the manual page for
+X.I r2bib ,
+Xa program which performs a simpler version of the same conversion,
+Xwriotten by
+XRusty Wright, Center For Music Experiment, University of California San
+XPeter King, Computer Science Department, Heriot-Watt University,
+XImplemented as a
+X.I sh(1)
+Xscript, using
+X.I sed(1)
+X.I awk(1) .
+XThis makes the conversion very slow, but also means that it is easily
+Xmodified to alter the heuristics. In particular, the key generation
+Xalgorithm is easily changed.
+echo End of archive
+exit 0