path: root/info/digests/texhax/txh/gatzka.txh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texhax/txh/gatzka.txh')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/txh/gatzka.txh b/info/digests/texhax/txh/gatzka.txh
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+Date: Mon, 27-Jul-1987 19:55:05.68 GMT+1
+From: <> (Christoph D. Gatzka)
+Subject: New files, mail access...
+To: <>
+In the continued effort to make our life a little bit harder, the system
+manager left node DTUZDV5A down for nearly 10 days. Therefore access to
+INTERACT@DTUPEV5A was impossible. The file server being part of INTERACT
+now also accepts two types of files:
+ 1) Any file understood by Jnet systems that is not mail. Commands must
+ be present in the file one per line. All files will be sent directly
+ from INTERACT to you.
+ 2) Mail that contains a VALID RFC822 header and somewhere in the mail body
+ the following lines starting with column 1.
+ @
+ your-mail-address
+ command-1
+ command-2
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ @
+ Where 'your-mail-address' is your mail address as understood by the
+ Columbia mailer running at DEARN. All files will be returned as mail.
+ For VAX/VMS systems there is a neat pascal program that restores all
+ files with decoding and 'un'wrapping from the output from EXTRACT in
+ mail - send the 'SOFT MFTU' command to INTERACT.
+ This means that the file server portion of INTERACT is now also available
+ to people on other nets or to people, to whom the direct routing of files
+ is impossible due to old routing tables.
+If you are not familiar with the file server, try 'HELP' as command. It now
+features the following files: (LaTeXstyles, CTeX, DVIdrivers ...)
+The name in <> is the product name that must be specified when requesting the
+files from INTERACT. There is also a short help available (send the message
+'HELP' to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A). Standard VMS wildcards may be used in the product
+name. For instance <LATEXSTYLE...> would send you all the files available.
+Please be very reasonable when requesting files, since this server is not an
+official one and is located at a bitnet end node, whose purpose is NOT to act
+as a file server. Thus please request ONLY THOSE FILES you really can use/need.
+For instance to request the file siam10.sty, which is in product group
+On a VAX/VMS system you would type:
+or use the mail/file methods as described above.
+All suggestions and complaints should be sent to ZRGC002@DTUPEV5A, nowhere else.
+Please note that the files cannot be sent in any other format.
+Please note that all files had their TABs expanded before sending, thus you
+will have to take special care of the Unix Makefiles, FormFeeds were expanded
+to exactly TEN new lines.
+doublespace.sty Double spacing in text
+drafthead.sty Prints DRAFT in heading
+siam10.doc SIAM LaTeX style and BibTeX style
+ieeetr.bst IEEE Transactions BibTeX style
+acm.bst ACM BibTeX style
+vdm.tex Vienna Development Method LaTeX style
+suthesis.doc Stanford U thesis style
+deproc.sty DECUS proceedings style
+deprocldc.tex Paper that describes the above
+docsty.c Program to convert .doc to .sty by stripping comments
+fullpage.doc Get more out of a page
+slem.doc Change \sl to \em
+nopagenumbers.doc Remove page numbers
+texnames.doc Define a couple more TeX names
+newalpha.bst Modified alphabetic BibTeX style
+spacecites.doc Modified to give spacing between citations.
+wsltex.p Wordstar to LaTeX filter
+ws87.p Wordstar 8 bit filter
+wsltex.c C version
+layout.tex Prints nice diagram showing page parameters
+ucthesis.readme U of California thesis style
+lfonts_ams.readme Use AMS symbols in LaTeX
+a4.sty Set page size to A4
+a4wide.sty Adjusts width too to suit A4
+biihead.sty Underlined heading
+epic.sty Extended picture environment
+lgraph.doc Data to graph command filter in Pascal
+<LATEXSTYLE.DVIDOC> DVIDOC, DVI to character device filter for Unix
+docmac.tex BSD systems
+dvidoc.sty Style file to substitute all fonts with doc font
+threepart.sty Three part page headers
+format.sty Print FP numbers in fixed format
+texindex.doc Style file and processor for index entries. Works
+texindex.pas under VMS.
+amssymbols.sty Load AMS font
+cyrillic.sty Load Cyrillic font
+agugrl.sty AGU Geophysical Research Letters style
+agujgr.sty AGU Journal of Geophysical Research style
+geophysics.sty Geophysics journal style
+natsci.bst natural sciences generic BibTeX style
+aaai.sty Style file for AAAI conference 1987
+aaai_named.bst BibTeX style to accompany
+aaai_instructions.tex Instructions to authors
+dayofweek.tex Macros to compute day of week and phase of moon
+ Examples of how to use TeX arithmetic capabilities
+ctex.readme Sources to Pat Monardo's Common-TeX in C
+lcustom.tex Useful macros and definitions for LaTeX
+sfwmac.sty Useful macros for Unix documentation
+tgrind.sty Tgrind macros for LaTeX instead of TeX
+trademark.sty Definitions of common trademarks
+xxxcustom.tex Supplementary macros for xxx-tex, for some xxx
+xxxslides.sty Supplementary macros for SliTeX, includes slides.sty
+local.suppl Supplement to local guide that describes last 6 files
+remark.sty Like newtheorem but no \it
+The following files are unique to this file server and are not present at
+<LATEXSTYLE.TEXTOOLS> Useful tools for TeX on Unix from Kamal Al-Yahya
+<LATEXSTYLE.TROFFTOTEX> Troff to TeX Converter from Kamal Al-Yahya runs on Unix
+This directory tree contains the Public-Domain DVI drivers written in C from
+Nelson F. Beebe. You will need the specific driver PLUS the contents of the
+HFILES directory PLUS the contents of the operating system directory. All
+drivers compile under TOPS-20, UNIX 4.1BSD, HP-UX, VMS, EUNICE, IBM PC Lattice,
+Wizard and Microsoft as well as under many other C compilers.
+drinotice.stx Short notice on driver family
+dvidriver.ltx Driver internals description
+dviman.ltx Driver user's manual
+00mail.1 Some mails describing problems and solutions
+00readme.txt Information about distribution files
+00revhst.txt Revision history
+dvi.hlp Help file
+dvi.lrf Cross-reference map
+story.tex canonical TeX test file
+texidx.hlp Help file for Texidx.exe TOPS-20 emacs xinfo file TOPS-20 emacs xinfo file
+tex.ulp source for TEX.INFO
+makefile. General unix makefile
+dvialw.c Driver for the Apple Laserwriter PostScript header macros for DVIALW
+dvibit.c Driver for the BBN Bitgraph terminal
+dvican.c Driver for the Canon LBP-8 A1/A2 Laser printer
+canon.ltx Description of printer commands
+dvigd.c Driver for the Golden Dawn Golden Laser 100 printer
+dvijet.c Driver for the HP Laserjet printer
+dvijep.c Driver for the HP Laserjet Plus printer
+dvim72.c Driver for the Apple Imagewriter printer in 72 dpi mode
+dvimac.c Driver for the Apple Imagewriter printer in 144 dpi mode
+dvimpi.c Driver for the MPI Sprinter printer
+dvio72.c Driver for the Okidata Pacemark 2410 in 72 dpi mode
+dvioki.c Driver for the Okidata Pacemark 2410 in 144 dpi mode
+dviprx.c Driver for the Printronix printer family
+dvitos.c Driver 24-pin printers, like the Toshiba P-1351
+derun.c Program for run-length coding debugging
+tosprx.c Toshiba P1351 to Printronix 300/600 plot file translator
+makefile.eun Eunice makefile
+makefile.1 IBM PC makefile 1/3
+makefile.2 IBM PC makefile 2/3
+makefile.msc IBM PC makefile 3/3
+errshow.c Microsoft C program to format error messages.
+<LATEXSTYLE.DVIBEEBE.LPTOPS> PostScript header macros for printing text files
+lptops.hlp Help file for LPTOPS.EXE
+lptops.c C source for LPTOPS.EXE
+lptops.1l Troff source for LPTOPS help
+lw78 Apple Laserwriter copy utility
+00ARIT.C Tests compiler arithmetic
+makefile.d20 Makefiles for the DEC TOPS-20 operating system
+zrmkcc.c TOPS-20 fast memory clear
+zerom.mac TOPS-20 fast memory clear
+texidx.c TeX index program
+gnuindex.sty Style file for indexer
+makefile.vms1 Makefiles for the VAX/VMS operating system
+vaxvms.c Alternatives for unacceptable VAX/VMS library functions To provide a distribution for VAX/VMS sites without C Comand file to build executables
+xxu.c Converts 'strange' file names to Unix syntax
+Here are some special characters that may have been badly translated: Open
+brace ({), close brace (}), exclamation mark (!), vertical line (|), open
+bracket ([), close bracket (]).
+ Christoph D. Gatzka zrgc002@dtupev5a.bitnet
+ Student of medicine
+ University of Tuebingen
+ Germany