path: root/info/digests/texhax/txh/bowen.txh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texhax/txh/bowen.txh')
1 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/txh/bowen.txh b/info/digests/texhax/txh/bowen.txh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..625d22a104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/txh/bowen.txh
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+Subject: refer to BiBTeX conversion
+Further to Peter King's message in TeXhax Digest V88 #79, I have a
+program which is also based on "awk" and "sed", called "ref2bib" which
+will convert "refer" format to "BibTeX" format. The heuristics have
+been developed by applying the program to a number of "refer" format
+databases here at Oxford. Ref2bib can produce most of the types of
+record which are allowed by BibTeX. Since it is a shell script, ref2bib
+can easily be modified if required. Additionally, if a file called
+".ref2bib" exists in the user's home directory, then this is used as a
+"sed" script source for individual customization. Note that ref2bib
+was developed entirely separately from r2bib and Peter King's program.
+It may or may not make a better job of conversion, depending on the
+"refer" format input supplied. It also has options to determine the
+naming of entries and the folding of output.
+The program is accessible from the Programming Research Group archive
+server at Oxford University by mailing a message containing:
+ send prog ref2bib.shar
+to <> or <archive-server@ox-prg.uucp>.
+A message containing "help" can also be sent for more information on
+using the archive server. I am happy for this program to be placed
+on any archive server, etc., in the US and elsewhere to reduce
+international traffic.
+Jonathan Bowen
+Oxford University Computing Laboratory
+Programming Research Group
+UUCP: bowen@ox-prg.uucp (...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!ox-prg!bowen)
+------------- snip snip ---------------
+#! /bin/sh
+# This is a shell archive, meaning:
+# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
+# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
+# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
+# Makefile
+# example.ref2bib
+# ref2bib
+# ref2bib.1
+# This archive created: Thu Jun 23 14:22:17 1988
+# By: Jonathan Bowen (Programming Research Group, Oxford University, UK)
+export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
+echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(841 characters)'
+if test -f 'README'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
+sed 's/^ X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
+ XThese files relate to the ``ref2bib'' command for converting
+ Xrefer format bibliographic database files to BibTeX format
+ Xfiles for use with LaTeX. The files include:
+ X
+ X README this file
+ X Makefile make and install files
+ X example.ref2bib example ".ref2bib" file
+ X ref2bib shell script which does the work
+ X ref2bib.1 manual page
+ X
+ X
+ XWritten by
+ X Jonathan Bowen, October 1987.
+ X Oxford University Computing Laboratory,
+ X Programming Research Group,
+ X 8-11 Keble Road,
+ X Oxford OX1 3QD,
+ X England.
+ X Tel: +44-865-272574 (Sec: +44-865-273840)
+ X
+ XCopyright (C) 1987,1988 by J.P.Bowen
+ X
+ XPermission is granted to copy these files for
+ Xnon-profit purposes, provided this notice is left intact.
+ X
+ X UUCP: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!ox-prg!bowen
+ X
+if test 841 -ne "`wc -c < 'README'`"
+ echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 841 characters)'
+fi # end of overwriting check
+echo shar: extracting "'Makefile'" '(329 characters)'
+if test -f 'Makefile'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
+sed 's/^ X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
+ XBIN=/usr/local/bin
+ XMAN=/usr/man/man1
+ XSRC=README Makefile example.ref2bib ref2bib ref2bib.1
+ X
+ Xinstall:
+ X chmod +x ref2bib
+ X cp ref2bib $(BIN)/ref2bib
+ X cp ref2bib.1 $(MAN)/ref2bib.1
+ X chown root $(BIN)/ref2bib $(MAN)/ref2bib.1
+ X chgrp system $(BIN)/ref2bib $(MAN)/ref2bib.1
+ X
+ Xshar:
+ X shar -a $(SRC) > ref2bib.shar
+ X compress ref2bib.shar
+ X
+if test 329 -ne "`wc -c < 'Makefile'`"
+ echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 329 characters)'
+fi # end of overwriting check
+echo shar: extracting "'example.ref2bib'" '(226 characters)'
+if test -f 'example.ref2bib'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'example.ref2bib'"
+sed 's/^ X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'example.ref2bib'
+ Xs/Sorensen/S{\\o}rensen/g
+ Xs/Jorgensen/J{\\o}rgensen/g
+ Xs/Molgaard/M{\\o}lgaard/g
+ X/^ TITLE = /s/\([{ ]\)Z\([ :\.,}]\)/\1{Z}\2/g
+ X/^ TYPE = /s/onographs}$/onograph}/
+ X/^@/s/{ed\./{Ed/
+ Xs/^ AUTHOR = {\(.*\), ed\.},$/ AUTHOR = {\1},/
+if test 226 -ne "`wc -c < 'example.ref2bib'`"
+ echo shar: error transmitting "'example.ref2bib'" '(should have been 226 characters)'
+fi # end of overwriting check
+echo shar: extracting "'ref2bib'" '(10690 characters)'
+if test -f 'ref2bib'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ref2bib'"
+sed 's/^ X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ref2bib'
+ X#!/bin/sh
+ X#
+ X# ref2bib - convert Unix "refer" format
+ X# to BibTeX "bib" format.
+ X#
+ X# Written by Jonathan Bowen, Oxford University, October 1987.
+ X#
+ X# Copyright (C) 1987, J.P.Bowen
+ X#
+ X# Permission is granted to copy this shell script for
+ X# non-profit purposes, provided this header is left intact.
+ X#
+ X# ARPA:
+ X#
+ X
+ XPATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb
+ XPROGNAME=`basename $0`
+ XDEBUG=false
+ XUSENAME=false
+ XBIB=bib
+ X
+ Xwhile expr X$1 : X'-' > /dev/null
+ Xdo
+ X case "$1" in
+ X -|-0|-w)
+ X ;;
+ X -[1-9]|-[1-9][0-9]|-[1-9][0-9][0-9])
+ X WIDTH=`expr X"$1" : X'-\(.*\)'`
+ X ;;
+ X -a) : Name by author and year
+ X USENAME=true
+ X ;;
+ X -d) : Enable debugging
+ X DEBUG=true
+ X ;;
+ X -n) : Named output files
+ X ;;
+ X -u|-U)
+ X echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [ options ] [ file ... ]
+ XConverts Unix \"refer\" format to \"BibTeX\" database format.
+ X-a name entries by author and year (default=$USENAME)
+ X-d enable debugging (default=$DEBUG)
+ X-n output to named files (ext \".$BIB\") (default=$NAMEDFILES)
+ X-w no maximum width
+ X-u display usage information
+ X-N maximum width of N characters (1-999) (default=$DEFAULTWIDTH)"
+ X exit 0
+ X ;;
+ X -*)
+ X echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [ -a -[width] ] [ file ... ]"
+ X exit 0
+ X ;;
+ X esac
+ X shift
+ Xdone
+ X
+ XGEN=`date -u`" on "`hostname`
+ X
+ X$DEBUG && echo "Generated: <$GEN>" 1>&2
+ X$DEBUG && echo "Width: <$WIDTH>" 1>&2
+ X
+ X# Process each file, or if none given, standard input
+ Xfor FILE in ${*-$STDIN}
+ Xdo
+ X
+ X# First set up shell variables as required
+ X if [ "$FILE" = "$STDIN" ]
+ X then
+ X else
+ X if [ -r "$FILE" -a -f "$FILE" ]
+ X then
+ X NAME=`basename $FILE`
+ X else
+ X NAME=""
+ X echo "$PROGNAME: Can't read $FILE" 1>&2
+ X fi
+ X fi
+ X
+ X# If all is OK, read input and terminate with a blank line.
+ X if [ "$NAME" ]
+ X then
+ X if [ "$FILE" = "$STDIN" ]
+ X then
+ X# If no files given, read from standard input.
+ X $DEBUG && echo "Reading from standard input" 1>&2
+ X cat
+ X echo
+ X else
+ X $DEBUG && echo "Reading <$FILE>" 1>&2
+ X cat $FILE
+ X echo
+ X fi |
+ X
+ X# Expand and remove trailing spaces if present
+ Xexpand | sed 's/ *$//' |
+ X
+ X# Next do the real work
+ Xawk 'BEGIN { # Initialization
+ X gen="'"$GEN"'"
+ X default="'"$NAME"'"
+ X }
+ X/^%/ { # Any % line
+ X entry=substr($0,4)
+ X percent=1
+ X }
+ X/^%A / { # Author
+ X if (author == "") {
+ X name4 = substr($NF,1,4)
+ X author = entry
+ X }
+ X else author = sprintf("%s and %s",author,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%B / { # Book
+ X if (booktitle == "") booktitle = entry
+ X else booktitle = sprintf("%s %s",booktitle,entry)
+ X entrytype = "INCOLLECTION"
+ X }
+ X/^%C / { # City
+ X if (address == "") address = entry
+ X else address = sprintf("%s %s",address,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%D / { # Date
+ X if (year == "") {
+ X year = $NF
+ X year2 = substr($NF,length($NF)-1)
+ X }
+ X if (month == "" && NF > 2)
+ X month = substr(entry,1,length(entry)-length($NF)-1)
+ X }
+ X/^%E / { # Editor
+ X if (editor == "") editor = entry
+ X else editor = sprintf("%s and %s",editor,entry)
+ X if (entrytype == "") entrytype = "BOOK"
+ X }
+ X/^%F / { # Footnote
+ X if (note == "") note = entry
+ X else note = sprintf("%s %s",note,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%G / { # Government order number
+ X }
+ X/^%H / { # Header
+ X if (annote == "") annote = entry
+ X else annote = sprintf("%s %s",annote,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%I / { # Issuer
+ X if (institution == "") institution = entry
+ X else institution = sprintf("%s %s",institution,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%J / { # Journal
+ X if (index(entry,"Proc.") > 0 || index(entry,"Proceedings") || \
+ X index(entry,"Conference") > 0) {
+ X if (booktitle == "") booktitle = entry
+ X else booktitle = sprintf("%s, %s",booktitle,entry)
+ X entrytype = "INPROCEEDINGS"
+ X }
+ X else {
+ X if (journal == "") journal = entry
+ X else journal = sprintf("%s %s",journal,entry)
+ X entrytype = "ARTICLE"
+ X }
+ X }
+ X/^%K / { # Keyword
+ X if (keywords == "") keywords = entry
+ X else keywords = sprintf("%s, %s",keywords,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%L / { # Label
+ X if (label == "") label = $2
+ X }
+ X/^%M / { # Memorandum
+ X }
+ X/^%N / { # Number
+ X if (number == "") number = entry
+ X }
+ X/^%O / { # Other (conference)
+ X if (conference == "") conference = entry
+ X else conference = sprintf("%s %s",conference,entry)
+ X entrytype = "INPROCEEDINGS"
+ X }
+ X/^%P / { # Page(s)
+ X if (index(entry,"-") > 0 || index(entry,",") > 0) {
+ X if (pages == "") pages = entry
+ X else pages = sprintf("%s,%s",pages,entry)
+ X }
+ X else if (numberofpages == "") numberofpages = entry
+ X }
+ X/^%Q / { # Corporate or foreign author (surname first)
+ X if (author == "") {
+ X name4 = substr($2,1,4)
+ X author = entry
+ X }
+ X else author = sprintf("%s and %s",author,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%R / { # Report, paper or thesis (i.e. unpublished)
+ X if (index(entry,"Ph") > 0) entrytype="PHDTHESIS"
+ X if (index(entry,"hesis") > 0) entrytype="PHDTHESIS"
+ X if (index(entry,"Sc") > 0) entrytype="MASTERSTHESIS"
+ X if (index(entry,"aster") > 0) entrytype="MASTERSTHESIS"
+ X if (index(entry,"ech") > 0) entrytype="TECHREPORT"
+ X if (index(entry,"eport") > 0) entrytype="TECHREPORT"
+ X if (index(entry,"aper") > 0) entrytype="UNPUBLISHED"
+ X if (index(entry,"orking") > 0) entrytype="UNPUBLISHED"
+ X if (index(entry,"npub") > 0) entrytype="UNPUBLISHED"
+ X if (index(entry,"ocument") > 0) entrytype="MANUAL"
+ X if (index(entry,"anual") > 0) entrytype="MANUAL"
+ X if (entrytype=="UNPUBLISHED") {
+ X if (note == "") note = entry
+ X else note = sprintf("%s %s",note,entry)
+ X }
+ X else {
+ X if (type == "") type = entry
+ X }
+ X }
+ X/^%S / { # Series title
+ X if (series == "") series = entry
+ X else series = sprintf("%s %s",series,entry)
+ X if (index(entry,"Tech") > 0) entrytype="TECHREPORT"
+ X }
+ X/^%T / { # Title
+ X if (title == "") title = entry
+ X else title = sprintf("%s %s",title,entry)
+ X }
+ X/^%U / { # Unused
+ X }
+ X/^%V / { # Volume
+ X if (volume == "") volume = entry
+ X }
+ X/^%X / { # Abstract
+ X abstract[++xcount] = entry
+ X }
+ X/^%Y / { # Unused
+ X }
+ X/^%Z / { # Can be used to supply an entry name
+ X name = entry
+ X }
+ X/^[^%]/ { # Other lines - abstract if started by "%X" field
+ X if (xcount != 0)
+ X abstract[++xcount] = $0
+ X }
+ X/^$/ { # Empty line delimits a record
+ X if (percent == 1) { # End of a record
+ X if (index(entrytype,"BOOK") > 0) {
+ X publisher = institution
+ X institution = ""
+ X }
+ X if (entrytype == "" || entrytype == "BOOK") {
+ X if (pages != "") {
+ X if (booktitle != "") entrytype = "INCOLLECTION"
+ X else entrytype = "INBOOK"
+ X }
+ X }
+ X if (entrytype == "MANUAL" || index(entrytype,"PROCEEDINGS") > 0) {
+ X organization = institution
+ X institution = ""
+ X }
+ X if (entrytype == "TECHREPORT") {
+ X if (type == "") {
+ X type = series
+ X if (substr(type,length(type)) == "s") {
+ X type = substr(type,1,length(type)-1)
+ X }
+ X series = ""
+ X }
+ X if (number == "") {
+ X number = volume
+ X volume = ""
+ X }
+ X }
+ X if (index(entrytype,"THESIS") > 0) {
+ X school = institution
+ X institution = ""
+ X }
+ X if ("'"$USENAME"'" == "true") name = sprintf("%s%s",name4,year2)
+ X if (name == "") name = default;
+ X if (entrytype == "") entrytype = "MISC";
+ X printf "\n@%s{%s:%03d,\n",entrytype,name,++num
+ X if (author != "")
+ X printf "\tAUTHOR = {%s},\n",author;
+ X if (editor != "")
+ X printf "\tEDITOR = {%s},\n",editor;
+ X if (title != "")
+ X printf "\tTITLE = {%s},\n",title;
+ X if (booktitle != "")
+ X printf "\tBOOKTITLE = {%s},\n",booktitle;
+ X if (journal != "")
+ X printf "\tJOURNAL = {%s},\n",journal;
+ X if (volume != "")
+ X printf "\tVOLUME = {%s},\n",volume;
+ X if (number != "")
+ X printf "\tNUMBER = {%s},\n",number;
+ X if (pages != "")
+ X printf "\tPAGES = {%s},\n",pages;
+ X if (type != "")
+ X printf "\tTYPE = {%s},\n",type;
+ X if (series != "")
+ X printf "\tSERIES = {%s},\n",series;
+ X if (institution != "")
+ X printf "\tINSTITUTION = {%s},\n",institution;
+ X if (organization != "")
+ X printf "\tORGANIZATION = {%s},\n",organization;
+ X if (school != "")
+ X printf "\tSCHOOL = {%s},\n",school;
+ X if (publisher != "")
+ X printf "\tPUBLISHER = {%s},\n",publisher;
+ X if (address != "")
+ X printf "\tADDRESS = {%s},\n",address;
+ X if (conference != "")
+ X printf "\tCONFERENCE = {%s},\n",conference;
+ X if (key != "")
+ X printf "\tKEY = {%s},\n",key;
+ X if (keywords != "") # Non-standard keyword field
+ X printf "\tKEYWORDS = {%s},\n",keywords;
+ X if (label != "") # Non-standard label field
+ X printf "\tLABEL = {%s},\n",label;
+ X if (numberofpages != "") # Non-standard length (in pages) field
+ X printf "\tLENGTH = {%s},\n",numberofpages;
+ X if (year != "")
+ X printf "\tYEAR = {%s},\n",year;
+ X if (month != "")
+ X printf "\tMONTH = {%s},\n",month;
+ X if (annote != "")
+ X printf "\tANNOTE = {%s},\n",annote;
+ X if (note != "")
+ X printf "\tNOTE = {%s},\n",note;
+ X if (xcount != 0) {
+ X printf "\tABSTRACT = {%s",abstract[1];
+ X for (i=2; i<=xcount; i++)
+ X printf "\n\t\t%s",abstract[i];
+ X printf "},\n"
+ X }
+ X printf "\tGENERATED = {%s}\n}\n",gen
+ X }
+ X author=""
+ X booktitle=""
+ X address=""
+ X year=""
+ X month=""
+ X editor=""
+ X annote=""
+ X note=""
+ X institution=""
+ X organization=""
+ X school=""
+ X publisher=""
+ X address=""
+ X conference=""
+ X journal=""
+ X key=""
+ X keywords=""
+ X label=""
+ X number=""
+ X pages=""
+ X numberofpages=""
+ X type=""
+ X series=""
+ X title=""
+ X volume=""
+ X name=""
+ X entrytype=""
+ X name4=""
+ X year2=""
+ X percent=0
+ X xcount=0
+ X }' |
+ X
+ X# Some things can be automatically edited
+ X sed 's/\([\\\$&#^_]\)/\\\1/g
+ Xs/\([{ ]\)LaTeX\([} :]\)/\1{\\LaTeX}\2/g
+ Xs/\([{ ]\)TeX\([} :]\)/\1{\\TeX}\2/g
+ X/^ TITLE = /{
+ X s/\([{ ]\)\([B-Z]\)\([ :\.,}]\)/\1{\2}\3/g
+ X s/\([{ ]\)\([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]*\)\([ :\.,}]\)/\1{\2}\3/g
+ X}
+ Xs/\\0/\~/g
+ Xs/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1'"''"'/g
+ Xs/ - / --- /g
+ Xs/\([0-9]\)-\([0-9]\)/\1--\2/g' |
+ X
+ X# Other edits can be customised by the user
+ X if [ -r $EDITFILE -a -f $EDITFILE ]
+ X then
+ X sed -f $EDITFILE
+ X else
+ X cat
+ X fi |
+ X
+ X# Optionally fold lines
+ X if [ "$WIDTH" ]
+ X then
+ X awk 'BEGIN {width='"$WIDTH"'}
+ X/^[^ ]|^$/ {printf "\n%s",$0} # Print most lines normally
+ X/^ [^ ]/ { # Fold lines starting with a single tab
+ X i=1
+ X while (i <= NF) {
+ X if (i > 1) {
+ X printf "\n\t\t%s",$i
+ X pos = 16+length($i)
+ X }
+ X else {
+ X printf "\n\t%s",$i
+ X pos = 8+length($i)
+ X }
+ X if (++i <= NF) {
+ X pos += 1+length($i)
+ X while (pos <= width) {
+ X printf " %s",$i
+ X if (++i > NF) break
+ X pos += 1+length($i)
+ X }
+ X }
+ X }
+ X }
+ X/^ / { # Fold multiple lines starting with a double tab
+ X i=1
+ X while (i <= NF) {
+ X pos += 1+length($i)
+ X if (pos > width) {
+ X printf "\n\t\t%s",$i
+ X pos = 16+length($i)
+ X }
+ X else {
+ X printf " %s",$i
+ X }
+ X if (++i <= NF) {
+ X pos += 1+length($i)
+ X while (pos <= width) {
+ X printf " %s",$i
+ X if (++i > NF) break
+ X pos += 1+length($i)
+ X }
+ X }
+ X }
+ X }
+ XEND {printf "\n"}'
+ X else
+ X cat
+ X fi |
+ X
+ X# Finally, output to named files or standard output
+ X then
+ X $DEBUG && echo "Output to <$NEWFILE>" 1>&2
+ X cat > $NEWFILE
+ X else
+ X cat
+ X fi
+ X
+ X fi
+ Xdone
+ X
+ Xexit 0
+echo shar: 1 control character may be missing from "'ref2bib'"
+if test 10690 -ne "`wc -c < 'ref2bib'`"
+ echo shar: error transmitting "'ref2bib'" '(should have been 10690 characters)'
+chmod +x 'ref2bib'
+fi # end of overwriting check
+echo shar: extracting "'ref2bib.1'" '(3078 characters)'
+if test -f 'ref2bib.1'
+ echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ref2bib.1'"
+sed 's/^ X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ref2bib.1'
+ X.TH REF2BIB 1L "23 October 1987"
+ X.UC
+ Xref2bib \- convert refer formatted records to BibTeX format
+ X.B ref2bib
+ X[ options ] [ file ... ]
+ X.I Ref2bib
+ Xreads input from a number of files or standard input.
+ XGroups of consecutive lines starting with a ``%'' character
+ Xare assumed to be records in \fIrefer\fP(1) format
+ Xseparated by one or more empty lines.
+ X(See the \fIaddbib\fP(1) manual page for further details.)
+ XThese are translated into BibTeX database format records on
+ Xstandard output.
+ XOther lines are ignored and thrown away except for
+ Xlines after an ``%X'' field in a record (see below).
+ XDetails of the BibTeX format may be found in the
+ XLaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual on pp140\-147.
+ X.PP
+ XThe BibTeX records are given names of the form ``filename:ddd''
+ Xwhere ``filename'' is the basename of the current file
+ X(or ``bib'' if reading from standard input), and ``ddd'' is
+ Xa three digit number starting from ``001''.
+ XThe filename may be replaced by including a (normally unused)
+ X``%Z'' field in the refer record.
+ X.PP
+ XThe ``%X'' field may be used to hold an abstract.
+ XAny lines in a record after a ``%X'' which do not start
+ Xwith a ``%'' are considered to hold further abstract details
+ Xand are included in the corresponding BibTeX record.
+ X.PP
+ XSome words and character sequences (such as ``LaTeX'') are detected
+ Xin the input automatically and converted to a suitable LaTeX form.
+ XThe BibTeX output may be further massaged through \fIsed\fP(1)
+ Xby placing a \fIsed\fP script in the file \fI$HOME/.ref2bib\fP.
+ XFor example, accents for known names may be added automatically.
+ XE.g.:
+ X.IP
+ Xs/Sorensen/S{\\\\o}rensen/g
+ X.LP
+ XNote that backslashes need to be doubled up since they are normally
+ Xused as an escape sequence.
+ X.PP
+ XThe output is normally folded at word boundaries to ensure that
+ Xlines do not become too long on output.
+ XThe following options are available:
+ X.TP 10
+ X.B \-N
+ XSpecify a maximum width for the output.
+ XThe default is 72 characters.
+ XIf N is omitted then lines are not folded and may be of any length.
+ X.TP 10
+ X.B \-a
+ XName the record using the first four letters of the first author's
+ Xsurname and the last two digits of the year, rather than using
+ Xthe filename (e.g. ``Bowe87:001'').
+ X.TP 10
+ X.B \-n
+ XUse the name of the input file(s) to produce output file(s) with
+ Xthe same name and extension ``.bib'' rather than sending the output
+ Xto standard output.
+ X.TP 10
+ X.B \-u
+ XDisplay the usage of the command.
+ X.TP 10
+ X.B \-w
+ XDo not fold the output. Lines may be of any length.
+ X.PD 0
+ X.TP 40
+ X$HOME/.ref2bib
+ X\fIsed\fP script for output
+ X.TP 40
+ X*.bib
+ XBibTeX database files
+ X.TP 40
+ X*.bst
+ XBibTeX style files
+ X.PD
+ Xaddbib(1),
+ Xbibtex(1),
+ Xfold(1),
+ Xlatex(1),
+ Xrefer(1),
+ Xsed(1),
+ X``LaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual'' by Leslie Lamport
+ XJonathan Bowen, Oxford University
+ XThis program is not perfect, needless to say, and thus
+ Xthe output produced may require further hand editing.
+ X.PP
+ XThe shell script and manual page may change without notice.
+ X.PP
+ XPlease report problems to \fI<>\fP.
+if test 3078 -ne "`wc -c < 'ref2bib.1'`"
+ echo shar: error transmitting "'ref2bib.1'" '(should have been 3078 characters)'
+fi # end of overwriting check
+# End of shell archive
+exit 0