path: root/info/digests/texhax/txh/animals.txh
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Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texhax/txh/animals.txh')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/txh/animals.txh b/info/digests/texhax/txh/animals.txh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb6ada0ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/txh/animals.txh
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+29-Apr-88 15:25:54-PDT,8851;000000000000
+Return-Path: <amgreene@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
+From: <amgreene@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
+Subject: Animals
+Date: Fri, 29 Apr 88 18:26:35 EDT
+Here's a small diversion for those who are sick and tired of TeX files that
+produce useful output.
+It's an implementation of the classic pseudo-Artificial-Intelligence game
+``Animals.'' For those who are unfamiliar with the game, the user thinks
+of an animal, and the program asks a whole bunch of yes/no questions about
+the animal, stepping down a binary tree until it gets to a guess: ``Is it
+a fish?'' If the guess is wrong, the program adds the user's animal and
+a question to tell them apart to the database.
+This program was written to prove that TeX can really be used as a regular
+programming language. Thanks for inspiration go to Mark Eichin and
+Jonathan Kamens, both members of the Studnet Information Processing Board
+at MIT, for telling me they'd believe it could be done when they saw it.
+There are two places in the program where filenames appear. These will
+have to be modified for your system, unless you have a directory called
+/mit/amgreene/texhax. These can be found quickly by searching for the
+flag *FLAG*.
+- Andrew Marc Greene (
+ Student Information Processing Board, MIT
+---------cut here for animals.tex-----------------------------------
+% Animals (in TeX, no less!!!)
+% This is the program that uses a binary tree of questions to
+% guess the type of animal of which the user is thinking.
+% Andrew Marc Greene, March-April 1988
+% Moral support (i.e., ``You can't do that! Show us!'')
+% provided by the Student Information Processing Board
+% of MIT.
+% Instructions on running this program:
+% tex animals
+% Think of an animal. The program will try to guess your animal.
+% You will be asked a whole bunch of yes/no questions. This is a
+% spartan implementation, so answer with a capital Y or N. When
+% the program finishes going through its tree, it will either have
+% guessed your animal or it will ask you to enter a question that
+% it can ask to differentiate between your animal and its guess.
+% It will then ask you which one is `yes.'
+% Here's where I declare all my variables, etc.
+% ``curcode'' is the current index into the data file.
+% ``temp'' is a temporary holding variable.
+% ``lc'' is a loop counter
+% ``ifamg'' is a general-purpose flag. amg are my initials.
+% ``ifreploop'' controls loop repetitions.
+% ``ifmainlooprep'' controls repetitions of the main loop.
+% ``inp'' is the input file.
+% ``outp'' is the output file.
+% ``amgY'' and ``amgN'' are character constants. Why I did it this way I
+% don't remember.
+% The data file consists of records stored in the following format:
+% Record Number <newline>
+% Question <newline>
+% If-Yes-Goto-Record Number <newline>
+% If-No-Goto-Record Number <newline>
+% The following routine scans the data file until it reaches the
+% record requested in \curcode
+ \global\read\inp to \foo
+ \ifnum\foo=\curcode\amgfalse\else\amgtrue\fi
+ \ifamg\read\inp to \foo\read\inp to \foo\read\inp to \foo
+% The following routine displays the question and waits for a Y or N
+% answer
+{\read\inp to \foo
+ \read\inp to \foo\global\curcode=\foo\read\inp to \foo
+ \read\inp to \foo\read\inp to \foo\global\curcode=\foo
+% The following routines deal with the user's input
+% \vread (verbatim read) ignores <newline>s and makes <space>s normal
+% \GetYN gets input and repeats until it gets a Y or N response.
+\def\vread#1{\catcode`\^^M=9\catcode`\ =12\global\read-1 to #1}
+ \if\amgN\baz\global\ynfalse\else\replooptrue\fi\fi
+\immediate\write16{Hey, you! Answer Y or N, please.}
+\message{Please enter Y or N -->}
+% The following routine is called if the ``Goto-Record'' is -1,
+% meaning that the program didn't guess correctly and is clueless.
+% It gets the new animal and the differentiating question, and
+% modifies the data file. Actually, it makes a modified copy of
+% the file, then copies the temporary new one over the old outdated
+% one.
+\immediate\write16{Well, I'm stumped. What animal did you have in mind?}
+\immediate\write16{OK. What question would let me tell the difference?}
+\immediate\write16{Is the answer to that question Yes or No if I ask about}
+\read\inp to \lastcode\lc=\lastcode
+% Open up the files. These names are system-dependent. *FLAG*
+% Read through the inp file, copying all records that don't need to
+% be changed, outputting modified versions of the changed ones (and
+% discarding the old), and appending the new records.
+ \read\inp to \foo
+ \amgtrue
+ \ifnum\foo=\temp\amgfalse\fi
+ \ifnum\foo=-1=\amgfalse\fi
+ \ifamg\immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \read\inp to \foo\immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \read\inp to \foo\immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \read\inp to \foo\immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \amgtrue
+ \else\ifnum\foo=\temp
+ \immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \immediate\write\outp{\userquery}
+ \immediate\write\outp{\number\lc}
+ \global\advance\lc by 1
+ \immediate\write\outp{\number\lc}
+ \read\inp to \animal\read\inp to \foo\read\inp to \foo
+ \amgtrue
+ \else
+ \lc=\lastcode
+ \ifyn\WriteUsers\WriteAnimal
+ \else\WriteAnimal\WriteUsers
+ \amgfalse\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifamg
+% Now copy the temporary file over the original one
+% These filenames are also system-dependent. *FLAG*
+ \read\inp to \foo
+ \immediate\write\outp{\foo}
+ \amgtrue
+ \ifeof\inp\amgfalse\fi
+ \ifamg\repeat}
+% This routine is called by NewAnimal and writes the record for
+% the user's new animal
+\immediate\write\outp{Is it \usersanimal?}
+\global\advance\lc by 1}
+% This one writes the modified old animal
+\global\advance\lc by 1}
+% Now we get into the main routine.
+% It simply repeats the scan-query loop until it gets a 0 (right answer)
+% or a -1 (wrong answer, I'm stumped), and calls the appropriate routine.
+ \temp=\curcode
+ \Scan\Query
+ \mainlreptrue
+ \ifnum\curcode=0
+ \immediate\write16{Thank you for using Animals. I'm glad I got it right.}
+ \mainlrepfalse
+ \else
+ \ifnum\curcode=-1\NewAnimal\mainlrepfalse\fi
+ \fi
+% Ah, the joys of a job well-done. We can now exit to the system, knowing
+% that the world is a slightly better place for our efforts.
+% The following line of code, probably the most profound in the entire
+% program, sums up this philosophy of life in four characters. The
+% Puritan work ethic is embodied in this amazingly meaning-laden
+% command designed by Donald Knuth.
+-----------------------cut here, too---------------------------------
+The following is the data file:
+-----------------------cut once again for animal.dat-----------------
+Does it fly?
+Does it live on statues?
+Does it have wings?
+Is it grey?
+Is it a condor?
+Is it a pigeon?
+Is it a sparrow?
+Does it look like it is wearing a tuxedo?
+Is it a moose?
+Is it a penguin?
+Is it a turkey?
+----------------------this is the last cut-----------------------------