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+Article 76 of ucam.mlist.texhax:
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V1997 #9
+Date: 14 Oct 97 10:29:50 GMT
+TeXhax Digest Tuesday, 14 October 1997 Volume 1997 : Number 009
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: patgen
+ LaTeX2e June 1997
+ Getting the Index to Work - No Flames Please
+ Re: Commercially available LaTeX for SGI?
+ New releases of changebar and supertabular
+ Q booch diagram typesetting
+ LaTeX2e question
+ BiBTeX question
+ Announcing gsftopk 1.15
+ release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+ Re: release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+ Re: release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 17:49:37 -0400 (EDT)
+Subject: Re: patgen
+ find any version of patgen.web in the TeX archives. Can anyone help me
+It's at many places. It's by itself at:
+on CTAN (e.g., ...)
+From: "SIDNEY J. Katzen" <>
+Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 09:14:05 GMT
+Subject: LaTeX2e June 1997
+In older versions of LaTeX2e I was able to alter the textwidth of the
+document in a homemade style file read at the beginning before
+\begin{document} in the normal way:
+Now I find that that this has to be inserted before the
+\begin{document} to have any effect. Alternatively I can use
+\AtBeginDocument. Other page dimension alterations in this style
+file seem to work OK. Is this a bug?
+Sid K
+Dr. S.J. Katzen
+School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (5F06)
+University of Ulster
+County Antrim
+N. Ireland
+UK BT37 0QB
+Phone: X-44-1232-36-6448
+Fax: X-44-1232-36-6804
+From: (Matthew Witten)
+Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 00:18:42 -0400
+Subject: Getting the Index to Work - No Flames Please
+This is probably a stupid question. But I am a Tex person trying to learn
+how to use latex and makeindex (unix system). I am trying to find the
+command to actually generate the final index and understand that if your
+file containing the index details is foo.idx, then the command to make the
+new printable index is
+makeindex foo.idx
+Unfortunately, when I use the command makeindex, or any variant, I get the
+error cannot find command makeindex. Can someone help me out here? I'm not
+a novice at tex, just at latex and making indexes. And, while your at it,
+anyone with glossary development experience - where is the makeglossary
+command hidden?
+Please send comments directly to me. I will summarize for the list if there
+is interest. Thanks for your patience.
+Tarynn M. Witten, Ph.D.
+From: Paul Garlick <>
+Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 09:06:52 +0100
+Subject: Re: Commercially available LaTeX for SGI?
+Dear User Group,
+May I ask a quick question on the availability of a commercial version of
+LaTeX to run on the workstation I am using. It is a Silicon Graphics Indigo
+2 R10000 running IRIX 6.2 (without a direct connection to the internet at
+present). Following a tip from the UK-TUG FAQ list I have contacted Arbor Text
+Inc. but they in fact no longer supply the software. Do you have any
+information on alternatives? or would I be better off buying a modem and
+downloading the free version? The latter approach seems attractive but I do
+not know any TeX gurus to ask if I get stuck. If I could find the price of
+a commercial version I could weigh up the pros and cons.
+Many thanks in advance for your help,
+Paul Garlick (imminent MSc thesis writer!).
+From: "Johannes L. Braams" <>
+Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 20:13:04 +0200
+Subject: New releases of changebar and supertabular
+As of tomorrow 29th september both the packages supertabular and changebar
+will be available from CTAN in new versions, as described below.
+Supertabular version 4.1a:
+Two new environments have been added, mpsupertabular and mpsupertabular*.
+They were provided by Axel Kielhorn <>. These environemnts
+are variants of the old supertabular environments that put each tabular
+segment in its own minipage. This easses the addition of footnotes to
+a multipage tabular.
+Fixed a few bugs, one with \\[...] inside \tablehead and \tabletail, the
+other in the calculation of the available height on the first page of the
+supertabular. This one affected it's use in twocolumn mode only.
+Changebar version 3.3c
+Finally fixed the bug that produced diagonal bars when a changebar was
+started near the end of a page. Also made changebar work in LaTeX's
+twocolumn mode, in twocolumn the bars appear on the `outside' of each
+column (which means to the left of the left column and to the right of
+the right column).
+Also fixed a bug in the calculation of the positioning of the bars.
+If you encounter any problems with these packages please report them
+to me, using the latexbug.tex mechanism
+Kind regards,
+Johannes Braams
+From: Aleksei Makarov <>
+Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 16:13:05 +0000 ( )
+Subject: Q booch diagram typesetting
+Is there a pakage that simplifies the typesetting of booch diagrams
+(those as used in object-oriented porgramming)?
+A. Makarov
+From: "AS Dawes" <>
+Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 13:09:18 +0100
+Subject: LaTeX2e question
+Can you please tell me if there is a package for LaTeX2e
+which I can get hold of on the WWW that does the following
+or similar:-
+I have a postscript file in EPS format which I want to
+place ANYWAY on my page. The implication of this is that
+it can overwrite text etc if present under it. I wish to
+set properties such as its height and width as well as
+an arbitrary origin on the page (for example coordinates
+could be measured from the bottom left hand corner of page).
+I hope you can help and look forward to hearing from you.
+Thank you
+Dr. Alan Dawes
+p.s. I am using LaTeX2e <1996/06/01>
+From: Tomasz GRZEGORCZYK <>
+Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 17:19:14 METDST
+Subject: BiBTeX question
+Since it is the first time I write to this address I do
+not know how is it organized, who am I speaking to
+and how should I write this e-mail.
+So, sorry for the `non personnal' mail and I hope to
+write it in a better way next time!
+The question I have is about BiBTeX and cross references.
+As a matter of fact, it is easy to make them by number but
+is it also possible (and how!) to make them by name and date?
+I mean that so far, the output in the text (article, PhD thesis) is
+a reference like `[number]' and one has to go to the bibliography to
+check what does it correspond to. Instead of that, I would like to
+have in the text something like `[name, date]'.
+Does this format already exist or should I try to write a macro
+by myself?
+Thank you for your help!
+PS: the LaTeX version I am using is Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1),
+LaTeX2e <1996/06/01>
+- --
+- ---------------------------------------
+Tomasz Grzegorczyk
+Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
+CH-1015 Lausanne
+phone: +41-21-693 4643
+fax: +41-21-693 2673
+- ---------------------------------------
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 12:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
+Subject: Announcing gsftopk 1.15
+This is to announce that version 1.15 of gsftopk is available. gsftopk is
+a utility that calls Ghostscript to render PostScript fonts, and then converts
+them into pk format. This allows you to view PostScript fonts in xdvi.
+In addition to various bug fixes, this version:
+ 1. Is ported to the Amiga (courtesy of Christophe Labouisse).
+ 2. Accepts '<<', '<[', and '<<[' syntax in the file.
+ 3. Accepts numerous additional command-line arguments.
+ 4. Has better configuration scripts (thanks to Nelson Beebe for help
+ on this one).
+The upgraded version is available from CTAN in the file:
+ tex-archive/fonts/utilities/gsftopk/gsftopk-1.15.tar.gz
+Recall that CTAN is one of the following hosts:
+or one of their numerous mirror sites.
+- --Paul Vojta,
+From: Ralph Youngen <>
+Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 23:12:58 -0400 (EDT)
+Subject: release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+The American Math Society is pleased to announce the release, for free
+and unrestricted use, the Type-1 (PostScript) versions of the AMSFonts.
+This collection includes the Euler, ``extra symbol'' and cyrillic fonts
+in selected sizes.
+These fonts, produced by Blue Sky Research, of Portland, Oregon, and
+Y&Y Inc., of Concord, Massachusetts, and previously distributed by them,
+are made available through the cooperation of a consortium of scientific
+publishers along with Blue Sky and Y&Y. Members of this consortium include:
+ Elsevier Science
+ IBM Corporation
+ Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
+ Springer-Verlag
+ American Mathematical Society (AMS)
+In order to assure the authenticity of these fonts, copyright will be
+held by the AMS. This is not meant to restrict in any way the legitimate
+use of the fonts. However, the AMS does require that the AMS copyright
+notice be removed from any derivative versions of the fonts which have
+been altered in any way. A more detailed statement of these requirements
+can be found at the AMS Web site, .
+The canonical versions of these fonts are located on the AMS FTP server
+and are also accessible via the Web:
+Four system-specific packages are available from the AMS site:
+ for use on Macintosh, containing the fonts in standard Macintosh
+ Type 1 format
+ - packaged as required for use by Textures
+ - packaged for use by OzTeX, CMacTeX, or other Mac TeX implementations
+ for use on a Windows or DOS system, containing fonts in PFB format with
+ PFM metrics files;
+ for use on a Unix system, containing fonts in PFB format with AFM
+ metrics files.
+Each system-specific package is accompanied by a READ.ME file which contains
+instructions for downloading and installing the fonts. Please review the
+appropriate READ.ME file in its entirety before undertaking to install the
+fonts on your system.
+The fonts in Macintosh and PFB (binary Type 1 outline) formats, along with
+metrics in appropriate form, will be mirrored on the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) in the area
+ fonts/amsfonts/ps-type1
+Users requiring the fonts in PFA (ASCII Type 1) form should convert them
+with the aid of one of the tools available for that purpose from CTAN.
+The AMS does not provide installation assistance or technical support
+beyond any installation instructions included with the collection.
+Installation and use of these fonts may require some technical expertise.
+From: (Ralph Freese)
+Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 14:27:49 -1000
+Subject: Re: release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+Great! Thanks!!
+ Ralph
+One slight glitch in how these fonts are set up on TeXLive2 which
+may effect how TeXLive3 is set up:
+We copied the ams pfb files into a new directory under
+./texmf/fonts/type1 and changed dvips's map file for the
+cmps printer to use these rather than the bakoma versions.
+The glitch is that bokoma had some intermediate sizes the ams
+didn,t, for example, msbm8. Since mxbm8.tfm exists, the dvi file
+can have it and then using
+ dvips file.dvi -P cmps -o
+will fail because there is no msbm8.pfb in the ams map file.
+Of course this can be solved in several ways like getting rid of
+msbm8.tfm. What we did was make the file ../texmf/dvips/cmps/config.cmps
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+( is the ams's map file.) In this case the ps file generated
+will have the fonts like MSBM10 (from the ams) and msbm8 (from bakoma).
+From: (Ralph Freese)
+Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 13:30:33 -1000
+Subject: Re: release of AMSFonts in PostScript format
+Thanks. That's certainly the answer. The unix distribution of the amspsfonts
+didn't mention this but it is in the documentation for the amsfonts.
+But one more glitch: using this from unix gives
+! LaTeX Error: File `OMXcmex.fd' not found.
+As I know you know, this is because LaTeX has changed to all lower case
+for these files. For now I'll link OMXcmex.fp to omxcmes.fd, but the
+AMS will have to upgrade its amsfonts.sty file.
+ Thanks again,
+ Ralph
+> Hi: That is what the psamsfonts option is for!
+> Use it when you load the AMS package in LaTeX 2e.
+> --
+> Berthold K.P. Horn
+> Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
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+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- UK
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+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
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+End of TeXhax Digest V1997 #9