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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V95 #13
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 11:20:55 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Monday, 14 Aug 1995 Volume 95 : Issue 13
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ Including figures side by side
+ Book-style printing, dvi file rearrangement
+ cyrillic
+ TUG Office Relocation
+ ANNOUNCE: xtem X11-TeX-menu, new release
+ xtem X11-TeX-menu, bug (fixed) in version 4.00-Beta
+ Announcement 4allTeX CD-ROM version 3
+ New 4allTeX CDROM
+ EuroTeX'95 conference
+ EuroTeX'95 program
+ EuroTeX'95 registration
+ TeX Users Group
+ fontname 2.0 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 18:20:54 +0000
+From: "Valmor F. de Almeida [ChemE mf11708]" <>
+Subject: Including figures side by side
+>Is there anyone out there who can help me sort out the placement of four
+>EPS files which form part of a figure. I want each to have a sub-caption, and
+>an overall caption and figure no. I want them in the following positions
+> ------------------
+> | 1 | 2 |
+> | | |
+> --------------------
+> (a) (b)
+> ------------------
+> | 3 | 4 |
+> | | |
+> --------------------
+> (c) (d)
+> Fig XX: The figures
+>or therabouts.
+>I have tried using minipage but don't fully understand how this works
+>For some unknown reason, TeX doesn't like my \subfigure command
+ This is how I do it using LaTeX2e
+ \begin{center}
+ $ \begin{array}{cc}
+ \includegraphics[width=X.Xin]{figurea.eps}
+ \hspace{.5in} &
+ \includegraphics[width=X.Xin,draft]{figureb.eps} \\
+ {\mathrm (a)} \hspace{.5in} & {\mathrm (b)} \vspace{.5in} \\
+ \includegraphics[width=X.Xin]{figurec.eps}
+ \hspace{.5in} &
+ \includegraphics[width=X.Xin]{wave2.eps.gz} \\
+ \mathrm{(c)} \hspace{.5in} & \mathrm{(d)}
+ \end{array} $
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{ Bla bla bla ...
+ \textrm{(a)} bla bla.
+ \textrm{(b)} bla bla.
+ \textrm{(c)} bla bla.
+ \textrm{(d)} bla bla.
+ \label{fig:bla}
+ Use the array environment and consider each figure as an entry of the
+ array.
+ Valmor de Almeida
+Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 23:59:11 -0400
+From: "Gyorgy Foldes (= Fo\"ldes Gyo\"rgy)" <>
+Subject: Book-style printing, dvi file rearrangement
+I am using emTeX,and want to print my 100-page dvi file on a laserjet the
+following way: two pages on a sheet , the first sheet containg page 100 on the
+left side, facing page 1 on the right side, the second containing page 2
+facing page 99, on the third sheet page 98 facing page 3, on the fourth sheet
+page 4 facing page 97, etc. Is there an MS DOS utility, which can rearrange
+my dvi file this way? I collected some dvi-rearrangers from,
+but none of them appears to to do this, or I am using them the wrong way.
+Please, send the answers directly to me, because I get TeXhax quite
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 15:23:17 +0200
+From: (Holger Schellwat)
+Subject: cyrillic
+Dear colleague,
+ Maybe you have come across the following problem
+and could gve me some hint:
+ In my bibliography I want to include references in cyrillic.
+I am using AMS-LaTeX 1.2 of January 1995 on LaTeX2e of
+November 1994 on TeX 3.141, and BIBTeX 0.99b. Including
+cyrillic article titles in records in the .BIB file works
+fine, but including cyrillic author names causes trouble,
+since BIBTeX cannot extract reference tags (for the
+AMSALPHA bibliography style). However, I would be content
+if the tags would appear in latin, entered in the KEY
+field of the BIBTEX record. Onfortunately though,
+the presence of an AUTHOR field seems to overrun the
+information in KEY. Any suggestions?
+Thank you very much in advance for your efforts.
+Best regards,
+Holger Schellwat
+ Institute for Technology and Natural Sciences
+ University College of Orebro
+ S-701 82 Orebro
+ Sweden
+ Internet:
+ Phone: ..46(19)301311
+ Fax: ..46(19)301463
+Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 10:57:18 +0100
+From: Patricia Monohon <>
+Subject: TUG Office Relocation
+ TUG Office Has Moved to San Francisco
+ =====================================
+The Office of the TeX Users Group (TUG) has moved from Santa Barbara to
+San Francisco (June 21st.
+Our phone and fax numbers are phone 1 415 982 8449
+ fax 1 415 982 8559
+Our postal address is 1850 Union Street, #1637
+ San Francisco CA 94123 USA
+Our physical address is 870 Market Street, Suite 801
+ San Francisco CA 94102
+Our e-mail address remains the same
+The TUG Office
+Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 14:46:27 +0200
+From: (Roland Weibezahn)
+Subject: ANNOUNCE: xtem X11-TeX-menu, new release
+We have finished the new version (xtem_TeXMenu.4.00-Beta) of
+ "xtem", an X11-TeX-menu
+which runs with the new Tcl/Tk/TclX (Tcl 7.4/Tk4.0)
+as well as with the old version (Tcl7.3/Tk3.6).
+Besides adapting xtem to the new Tcl/Tk we have don errror corrections
+and new features, some of them are:
+ - file and directory selection in one menu, directory creation possible now
+ - radiobuttons where possible
+ - double mouse clicks in select boxes replaced by simple mouse clicks
+ - improvements in the program execution
+ - creation of the TeXtool buttons in the main menu optional by choice of
+ the local administrator
+The setting files from older versions of xtem may be kept unchanged
+(mkcommand.vst excepted), thus switching from the older version (3.12) to the
+new release will be done easily.
+This new release 4.00-Beta will become the official release after
+a test period of some weeks and following error corrections,
+we are thus interested in extensive tests of the new release
+on different Unix Systems.
+The file necessary for installation is:
+(The final release of course will be transferred to the ALCATEL and CTAN server
+For those who don't know xtem_TeXMenu up to now, we give a short overview:
+xtem provides for a simple and comfortable graphical user interface to control
+the following facilities:
+ - file and directory selection, directory creation
+ - editor (vi, emacs, ...) including additional windows for the
+ LaTeX-syntax (using hypertext) and examples
+ - TeX, LaTeX, ...
+ - previewer (ghostview, xdvi, TkDvi, ...)
+ - printing (including comfortable printer selection, ...)
+ - syntax and spelling check
+ - makeindex
+ - bibtex
+ - additional programs as required
+ .
+ .
+ .
+Online help is available for all the buttons and windows by simple mouse click.
+xtem is written for Unix platforms and has been tested on many systems.
+The configuration has to be done by the local TeX-Administrator
+by adapting configuration files ("open lists").
+Happy and comfortable TeXing,
+the authors: G. Lamprecht, W. Lotz, R. Weibezahn
+Dr. Roland Weibezahn Phone : +49-421-218-3532
+LRW Bremen Telefax: +49-421-218-4112
+c/o University Bremen
+Bibliothekstr. 1 Postbox: 330440
+28359 Bremen 28334 Bremen
+Germany email:
+Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 11:10:51 +0200
+From: (Roland Weibezahn)
+Subject: xtem X11-TeX-menu, bug (fixed) in version 4.00-Beta
+Dear xtem users,
+finally I didn't test well enough version 4.00-Beta, sorry:
+printer selection/driver selection/format switch etc. are done
+correctly, but when the printer driver really is called next time,
+all the printer/driver settings are switched to the default settings
+You may correct this by a simple patch:
+in file dm.tcl you have to replace one line (line number 142):
+if {$prmtext==""} {vstr_printer; set pg_start "$start"; \
+ set pg_end "$ende"; updateWdmb1}
+(the line is broken into two lines with line length <80 here!)
+by the following lines:
+##################### start replacement ################################
+proc vstr_driver {} {
+ global Wdm Wdv prtdriver dmdsel_v prmtext prmrelabs prmsel
+ set f [open_vst prt_$prtdriver.vst]; getscl $f e
+ set s [string index [string trim $e] 0]
+ getscl $f e; close $f; set z [split $e $s]; set dmdsel_v "$e"
+ set prmtext [string trim [lindex $z 0]]
+ set prmrelabs [string trim [lindex $z 1]]
+ set prmsel [string trim [lindex $z 2]]
+ if [winfo exists $] {selection clear $}
+ if [winfo exists $] {selection clear $}
+if {$prmtext==""} {vstr_driver; set pg_start "$start"; \
+ set pg_end "$ende"; updateWdmb1}
+##################### end replacement ###################################
+i.e. vstr_printer *may not be called* in this case, but only a part
+from this procedure, which I put into a new procedure named vstr_driver.
+I have put version 4.01 on our server, yet the only difference to
+version 4.00 is the error correction mentioned above!
+Another question: as I have no dvilj printer driver
+(and don't want to install it, as I am using Postscript printers only)
+I am interested in getting the man page for this printer or getting
+the options needed in the files "printing.vst" and "prt_dvilj.vst"
+conderning formats, portrait/landscape, page selection etc.
+ Roland Weibezahn
+Dr. Roland Weibezahn Phone : +49-421-218-3532
+LRW Bremen Telefax: +49-421-218-4112
+c/o University Bremen
+Bibliothekstr. 1 Postbox: 330440
+28359 Bremen 28334 Bremen
+Germany email:
+Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 16:20:54 +0200
+From: phons@EI.ELE.TUE.NL
+Subject: Announcement 4allTeX CD-ROM version 3
+4allTeX: NTG's TeX distribution for DOS and OS/2 machines
+===================Version 3=Version 3===================
+The THIRD version of the NTG cdrom and the floppy distibution
+is now available!
+And we have STILL the FIRST PLUG and PLAY TeX distribution for MSDOS
+PCs. Our CD's also run on OS/2, and large parts of them are useful for
+other platforms like Unix.
+A TWO-CD release with on the first CD-ROM the complete 4TeX/4allTeX
+workbench, based on emTeX. 'You name it, we have it' (more or less..)
+And the 4TeX workbinch nicely integrates everything.
+The second CD-ROM is loaded with TeX documentation: back issues of MAPS,
+Baskerville, TeXHAX....
+Find out more about it on the WWW server of the NTG (dutch TeX users group)
+Included is an order form for the CD-ROMS. Shipping will start after the
+TUG conference of Jul 24 to Jul 28.
+The price of the CDROM includes an extensive 170 page users manual,
+and includes shipping and handling, it is set on
+ 60 dutch guilders (present exchange rate USD 39)
+The DISKETTE version of 4allTeX is part of the NTG 4allTeX CD-ROM,
+but also works as a stand-alone system. Only one diskette is needed to start,
+we offer a MODULAR and ready to run emTeX setup for DOS machines.
+A ready to run emTeX is packed on 1 (ONE) high density diskette.
+The system can be extended with a series of extension disks, which also
+contain popular extensions like dvips, GhostScript, AMSpell and a series of
+extensions to LaTeX and METAFONT. Note: Our floppy series does NOT
+incorporate the FULL emTeX distribution. It is however compatible with its
+directory structure.
+New features:
+* emTeX official release as of 4-Jul-95
+* New directory structure according to emTeX structure.
+* LaTeX2e Jul95 pl 1.
+* updates to lots of other programs.
+How to recognize:
+Version 3 : ZIP archives, ZIP comment **** 4allTeX version 3 archive ****
+Version 2 : ZIP archives. (which is a *obsolete* beta test version)
+Version 1 : ARJ archives.
+Where to get:
+please do not slurp everything at once:
+it has a reason why we made the effort to create a modular system......
+ CTAN:/systems/msdos/4alltex (in a short while)
+Phons Bloemen
+Information & Communication Theory group Eindhoven University of Technology
+Word(t) Klein Zacht Raampje Perfect voor '95? Stap over! TeX & LaTeX & Linux
+Date: Fri, 04 Aug 1995 12:12:25 +0100
+From: Peter Abbott <>
+Subject: New 4allTeX CDROM
+The July 95 edition of the 4allTeX XD-ROM is now available. if you require
+a copy the cost (inc p&p) is 25 UK pounds. Please make cheques payable
+to 'UKTUG' and send to me
+Peter Abbott
+1 Eymore Close
+Selly Oak
+Birmingham B29 4LB
+Purchase orders are acceptable, there is a surcharge of 5 pounds.
+Treasurer and Membership Secretary, UKTUG
+Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 21:11:24 +0200
+Subject: EuroTeX'95 conference
+ EuroTeX'95 The TeX Toolbox
+September 4-8
+Arnhem, The Netherlands
+Conference information
+The EuroTeX conference 1995, including tutorials, will take place from
+September 4th until September 8th in the Netherlands. The conference
+will be held at Papendal, near the city of Arnhem.
+Papendal is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the
+Netherlands. Right in the middle of the vast woods of the province of
+Gelderland. About eight kilometers west of Arnhem. Tucked away under
+the lee of the green Veluwe-fringe.
+The conference starts on September 4th in the afternoon and runs until
+September 7th noon. Thursday afternoon and Friday September 8th are
+reserved for tutorials.
+The theme of the conference is: The TeX Toolbox.
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Meeting costs
+The registration fee includes the Welcome Reception on Monday, all lunches
+from Monday to Thursday, all dinners from Monday to Wednesday and one copy
+of the proceedings. One tutorial (1/2 day) is included in the conference
+fee. Extra tutorials cost Dfl 70 each. Lunch on Friday is Dfl 15.
+The conference fee also includes the `social event' on Wednesday
+afternoon and evening.
+Conference rates:
+- - members of TUG or Local TEX User Groups (please specify): Dfl 375
+- - others: Dfl 450
+Reservations of hotel rooms at the conference site can only be done by
+the EuroTeX organisation committee. Papendal offers the following
+- - single rooms Dfl 90 per day per person
+- - double rooms Dfl 75 per day per person
+- - quadruple rooms Dfl 50 per day per person
+ (breakfast included).
+Accomodation is limited, so register as soon as possible.
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Further information
+If you can ftp, get information from CTAN (,, or from, from directory
+If you have access to a WWW browser you can go to
+ There you can find the program, a
+registration form and other useful information.
+You also can get the information by sending an e-mail message to
+In the body of the message give the following commands:
+SEND eurotex/xxxxx
+where xxxxx should be replaced by any of the filenames below. More than one
+SEND command is allowed, but each line should have a single filename.
+eurotex.eps EuroTeX logo
+eurotex95-form.asc Registration form (ASCII)
+eurotex95-form.dvi Registration form (DVI)
+eurotex95-form.html Registration form (HTML) Registration form (Postscript)
+eurotex95-form.tex Registration form (TeX)
+eurotex95.dvi Program (DVI)
+eurotex95.html Program (HTML) Program (Postscript
+eurotex95.tex Program (LaTeX)
+eurotex95.txt Program (ASCII)
+exchange.html Dutch currency exchange rates
+papendal.gif Traveling directions (GIF picture for motorways)
+papendal.html Traveling directions (HTML) Traveling directions (Postscript
+papendal.txt Traveling directions (ASCII without picture) Program (1 Page summary in Postscript)
+If you need other, personal information, email to the conference committee
+at, or in case of registration questions contact the
+registration supervisor:
+Dr. Ruud H. Koning
+Liendenhof 137
+1108 HH Amsterdam ZO
+The Netherlands
+tel/fax (+31)(0)20-691726
+Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 21:18:07 +0200
+Subject: EuroTeX'95 program
+ EuroTeX'95 The TeX Toolbox.
+For more info on registration, ftp to CTAN, tex-archive/usergrps/info, WWW
+to, or email to
+(Items marked `*' are not confirmed yet)
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Monday a.m.
+Welcome Reception and registration of conference attendants.
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Monday p.m. (14:00-18:30)
+Theme: I) Fonts
+ VFComb -- a program for design of virtual fonts
+ S. Turtia, A.Berdikov
+ The Conversion of the Euler Metafont sources to PostScript Type1
+ E.J. Vens
+ EC and DC fonts
+ J. Knappen
+Theme: II) Multiple languages
+ A package for Church Slavonic type-setting
+ A.F. Slepuhin
+ A Russian style for Babel: problems and solutions
+ O. Lapko, I. Makhovaya
+ ScholarTeX
+ Y. Haralambous
+ Status of Babel
+ J. Braams
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Tuesday a.m. (9:00-12:30)
+Theme: Graphics and packages
+ Graphics in TeX: a new implementation
+ A.V. Astrelin
+ TeX Plotter -- program for creating 2D and 3D pictures
+ S. Turtia, A. Berdikov
+ Typesetting Commutative Diagrams
+ G. Feruglio
+ Package for typesetting chemical diagrams
+ J. Hagen
+ MusixTeX, a package for typesetting music
+ D. Taupin
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Tuesday p.m.
+ 13:30-14:30: NTG meeting.
+Theme: Electronic documents
+ Presentation of Acrobat
+ W. Tierie
+ Producing electronic books? -- all you need is TeX!
+ J. Hagen
+ SGML, a practical introduction
+ M. Goossens
+ From LaTeX to HTML, and back
+ M. Goossens
+ SGML, Acrobat, LATEX, HyperTeX
+ S. Rahtz*
+ Panel discussion.
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Wednesday a.m.
+Theme: Tools I
+ DaTeX, TeX macros for storing and retrieving data
+ R. Koning, S. Kliffen, A. Lenstra
+ TeX: an unsuitable language for document markup?
+ P. Taylor
+ Blue's Data Bases
+ K. van der Laan
+ Occam's razor and macro management
+ L. Siebenmann
+ Formating Pascal using TeX
+ P. Palao, M. Nunez
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Wednesday p.m.
+Theme: General developments in TEX and LATEX
+ LaTeX3
+ C. Rowley*
+ e-TeX: A 100%-compatible successor to TeX.
+ P. Taylor
+ Omega
+ Y. Haralambous
+ tds
+ Joachim Schrod
+ Panel discussion.
+ 16:00-???: the social event, still a secret...
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Thursday a.m.
+Theme: Tools II
+ \csname u n d e f i n e d \endcsname = \relax: feature or flaw?
+ P. Taylor
+ Atomic fonts and electronic archiving of scientific documents
+ L. Siebenmann
+ The W95 Environment
+ A. Strejc
+ Indexing with `Any'TeX
+ K. van der Laan
+ Metafont as generator of EPS graphics
+ B. Jackowski
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Thursday p.m. and Friday
+Theme: Tutorials
+ Parallel sessions.
+ Sweet-TeX tutorial
+ L. Siebenmann
+ Page layout in LaTeX
+ P. van Oostrum
+ TeXing Paradigms
+ K. van der Laan
+ K. van der Laan
+ Metafont
+ B. Jackowski
+ e-TeX tutorial
+ P. Taylor
+ Workshop on Acrobat and electronic document delivery
+ M. Goossens & S. Rahtz
+- --
+Piet van Oostrum <>
+Date: Tue, 08 Aug 1995 10:42:14 +0000
+From: Erik Frambach <E.H.M.Frambach@eco.RUG.NL>
+Subject: EuroTeX'95 registration
+To those who want to attend EuroTeX'95 but have not yet registered,
+In order to make an estimate of the people who will attend
+and arrange hotel rooms we would like you to register
+*as* *soon* *as* *possible*!
+In order to garantee hotel accomodation we need to know how many
+people are coming and what accomodation they need, so please.
+If you have access to WWW, load the EuroTeX'95 page
+There you will find all information and a registration form.
+You can also send an e-mail to
+You will get an automatic reply describing how to get information
+and how to register.
+In case you have other questions regarding the conference, send
+e-mail to the EuroTeX'95 Organizing Committee:
+Erik Frambach
+EuroTeX'95 Organizing Committee
+Date: 03 Aug 1995 11:35:05 +0100
+From: Peter Flynn <>
+Subject: TeX Users Group
+It is with regret that I have tendered my resignation as Secretary of
+the TeX Users Group. I have been unable to establish organisational
+support for this activity, and I feel I can no longer maintain the
+fiction that I am able even to carry out duties such as attending the
+Board Meeting.
+I notified the Board of Directors of this before the Annual Meeting
+last week, and am happy to announce that Sebastian Rahtz will be
+taking over as Secretary.
+I will continue to be active as far as I can in the TeX field and will
+continue as editor of TeX and TUG News.
+///Peter Flynn
+Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995 11:48:38 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: fontname 2.0 available
+I have released version 2.0 of the naming scheme for TeX fonts.
+You can get it by anonymous ftp from
+ ... mirrored at
+ ... and CTAN & mirrors in /tex-archive/info (see bwlo).
+There have been many changes and additions since 1.6, many as a result
+of the new psfonts distribution now on CTAN, based on the new 8r
+encoding. Here's a summary of the changes:
+* New encoding variants 7 and 8 to expand the namespace, changing
+ existing names for expert, oldstyle figure, alternate fonts.
+* Tables split out from fontname.texi to machine-readable *.map files.
+* Abbreviations for the 500-font Bitstream CD, the Softkey Keyfonts
+ Pro CD, and common Apple fonts included.
+* TimesNewRomanPS assigned its own typeface family.
+* Some afm2tfm *.enc files included.
+As always, thanks to the many contributors.
+I've tried to record their/your names in the ChangeLog.
+Please send suggestions/comments/etc. to,
+or to me personally.
+Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- write
+Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Taiwan) /tex-archive
+ (California, USA) /mirror/
+ (Japan) /CTAN
+ (Taiwan) /pub/tex
+ (Australia) /tex-archive
+ (North Carolina, USA) /tex-archive
+ (Deutschland) /pub/dante
+ (France) /pub4/TeX/CTAN
+ (France) /pub/unix/tex/ctan
+ (Deutschland) /pub4/tex/mirror/
+ (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
+ (Japan) /pub/tex-archive
+ (Deutschland) /pub/tex
+ (Deutschland) /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
+ (Colorado, USA) /mirrors/packages/TeX
+ (Japan) /pub/CTAN
+ (Singapore) /pub/zi/TeX
+ (Estonia) /pub/tex
+ (England) /packages/tex/uk-tex
+ (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
+ (Missouri, USA) /packages/TeX
+Please send updates to this list to <>.
+The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
+ (Deutschland)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- gopher on node
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (Texas, USA)
+ -- anonymous ftp and gopher /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (England)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- gopher on node
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1850 Union Street, #1637
+San Francisco CA 94123 (phone: 1 415 982 8449, fax: 1 415 982 8559)
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp. The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+TeXhax Digest issues are filed below /tex-archive/digests/texhax/
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are filed in /tex-archive/digests/indexes/
+A Hypermail version of TeXhax is also available on the World-Wide Web at URL
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+Alternatively, finger for full details.
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 95 Issue 13]