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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V95 #10
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 17:42:06 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 17 May 1995 Volume 95 : Issue 10
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ Including diagrams using OzTeX?
+ Question about headers.
+ Re: smallcaps and oldnumerals in Lucida B expert packae
+ Re: smallcaps and oldnumerals in Lucida B expert package
+ LaTeX for NextStep
+ LaTeX 2e on ftp
+ Floats at odd pages.
+ [comp.text.tex] [Feynman diagrams for LaTeX] FEYNMF v0.9 released
+ ANNOUNCEMENT: gsftopk version 1.9
+ ANNOUNCEMENT: xdvi patchlevel 20
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Mon, 01 May 1995 15:44:21 +0100
+From: "M. MacDougall" <>
+Subject: Including diagrams using OzTeX?
+I wonder if you could assist me by informing me of any applemac software which
+would enable me to incorporate diagrams into a file when using OzTeX.
+(Usually I use Teachtext to write my .tex file.)
+I would greatly appreciate it if you would assist me as this information
+would be most useful to me.
+Your sincerely,
+Margaret MacDougall.
+Date: Tue, 02 May 1995 14:12:09 -0000
+From: C D Radcliffe <>
+Subject: Question about headers.
+Is there a way of getting a user defined heading,
+\markright{\sc My heading}
+to appear on the first page of a document? Am I missing something
+simple? I can set the page counter to 0 and 'con' latex, but there must
+be a better way.
+Chris Radcliffe,
+Department of Mechanical Engineering,
+University of Leeds, __o
+Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. _ _`\<,_ (0113 - 2332152) -_ (_)/ (_)
+Date: Tue, 02 May 1995 14:36:31 +0100
+From: Sebastian Rahtz <s.rahtz@ELSEVIER.CO.UK>
+Subject: Re: smallcaps and oldnumerals in Lucida B expert packae
+Victor Sanchez asks why the Lucida metrics
+package on CTAN uses derived, and not real,
+smallcaps. This is simply an oversight, and is
+corrected in the forthcoming re-release of all
+the metrics, and PSNFSS. The curious reader
+may like to look on CTAN in fonts/psfonts.beta
+to see how this is developing. A proper
+announcement will be made soon
+Sebastian Rahtz
+Date: Tue, 02 May 1995 14:55:43 -0400
+From: (Berthold K.P. Horn)
+Subject: Re: smallcaps and oldnumerals in Lucida B expert package
+> Hello, I bought the full Lucida Bright font package from Y&Y, including
+> the expert fonts (boldmath, smallcaps and text figures). I changed their
+> names to the Berry scheme in order to use Mr. Rahtz metric files in CTAN.
+> I needed to do this since I needed T1 encoding as I write mostly in
+> spanish nowdays. In a note about the lucbr package Mr. Rahtz points out
+> that "support for the expert package has been added specially for the
+> boldmath fonts". However, it seems that only support for boldmath was
+> added as the smallcaps and oldnumerals are still derived from the caps
+> and titling figures (and hence look lighter).
+You may want to get the latest versions of lucida.dtx and lucida.ins from
+Y&Y. These take care of some minor problems in the older versions found in
+PSNFSS on CTAN. Or, just wait for Sebastian's new versions to show up on
+CTAN when he is satisfied with the changes he has made. The new versions of
+the lucida.* files also solve some problems with upright Greek in bold math.
+You can contact Y&Y at
+I don't know about the metric files, since I use the fonts directly (using
+the TFM files supplied with the fonts). There may be aditional problems
+lurking in the VF files that I am not aware off.
+DISCLAIMER: repsondent has connections with Y&Y.
+Date: Thu, 11 May 0382 15:15:25 +0100
+From: Anil Vithala Rao <>
+Subject: LaTeX for NextStep
+Is there a version of LaTeX for the NextStep operating system for the PC,
+i.e., NextStep for x86?
+Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 19:09:43 +0000
+From: g.p. TEYSSIERE <>
+Subject: LaTeX 2e on ftp
+Dear LaTeX users,
+Could you confirm, please, whether the LaTeX 2Epsilon version is available
+on ftp. I got the reference with the subdirectory /tex-
+archive/macros/latex/base but this server is declared as unknown.
+Many Thanks in advance.
+Gilles Teyssiere
+Dr Gilles Teyssiere
+University of London
+Dpt of Economics,
+Mile End Road,
+London E1 4NS.
+Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 18:05:03 +0100
+From: (Weynand Kuijpers)
+Subject: Floats at odd pages.
+Dear reader,
+At this moment I am writing my graduation report. Some time ago I encountered
+the TeX/LaTeX typesetting system, and decided to write this report with the
+package. In contrast to many text processing systems TeX/LaTeX satisfies all
+my needs in a very convenient way. Compliments for this. Still a question
+rises for which I cannot find an answer.
+In this report I want to incorporate large numbers of eps graphs. A very fine
+mechanism for this purpose has been developped. But I would like to set a
+default that puts all floating stuff (including tables) on the odd (left)
+pages of the "book" document class. Is this possible by using a style file
+or need I some extra code?
+Please forgive me if I haven't read the LaTeX Companion good enough. I hope
+that someone else has come across this question and solved it.
+Thanks in advance Weynand
+Weynand Kuijpers
+Daytime Private: E-mail
+Fokker Space&Systems
+P.O. box 32070 S. Lohmanlaan 70
+2303 DB Leiden 3118 RT Schiedam
+(0)71-245886 (0)10-4717511
+Date: 06 May 1995 04:47:58 +0000
+From: (Thorsten Ohl)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] [Feynman diagrams for LaTeX] FEYNMF v0.9 released
+This announces a new version of feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont
+package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman diagrams.
+This version features a new ``immediate'' mode, which allows to access
+Metafont's wonderful expressiveness much more conveniently.
+I plan to release this version as version 1.0 after revising the
+manual. If you're desperate for a feature or have suggestions for the
+manual, this is the time to speak up. I will be very reluctant about
+adding features, but hints for the manual are welcome.
+This software will show up through the magic of mirroring at the CTAN
+host near you. Below is the README file.
+- -Thorsten
+/// Thorsten Ohl, TH Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
+//////////////// net:,
+/// voice: +49-6151-16-3116, secretary: +49-6151-16-2072, fax: +49-6151-16-2421
+# $Id: README,v 1.15 1995/04/28 01:20:45 ohl Exp $
+ This is feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont package for easy drawing
+ of professional quality Feynman diagrams. feynmf lays out most
+ diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without
+ any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of
+ Metafont is available for the most obscure cases. See the
+ documentation for appetizers, examples and more details.
+ Anyway, you are invited to share, use, abuse, and improve it, see
+ the file COPYING for details.
+ Enjoy,
+ -Thorsten
+ Comments, bug reports and improvements are welcome at:
+ (aka:
+ New versions can be found in:
+ or at CTAN:
+ {,,}:
+ ... macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf
+ There are two mailing lists
+ both are open for subscription. The former should be very low
+ volume and carry only important announcements. The latter can
+ serve as a more general discussion forum.
+ To subscribe, send mail to
+ and NOT to the lists itself. The following commands (on a line in
+ the body of the mail, not in the subject) are useful: `subscribe
+ feynmf-announce', `unsubscribe feynmf-bugs', `help', etc.
+Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 17:47:09 -0700
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: gsftopk version 1.9
+This is to announce that version 1.9 of gsftopk is available. gsftopk is
+a utility that calls Ghostscript to render PostScript fonts, and then converts
+them into pk format. This allows you to view PostScript fonts in xdvi.
+This version is necessary if you are using gs3.3.3.
+To upgrade, you can either:
+ 1. get the whole package again:
+ CTAN:tex-archive/fonts/utilities/gsftopk/gsftopk-1.9.tar.gz
+ or
+ 2. apply the following patch to version 1.8:
+ CTAN:tex-archive/fonts/utilities/gsftopk/gsftopk-1.8-1.9.diff.gz
+These files are also available in Unix compress format from
+in the directory pub/Software/TeX.
+Also, gsftopk 1.9 is included with xdvi-20, which is also being released
+at this time.
+- --Paul Vojta,
+Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 17:50:48 -0700
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: xdvi patchlevel 20
+This is to announce that patchlevel 20 for xdvi, a previewer for .dvi files
+under the X Window System, has been released. It is available via anonymous
+ftp from in the file contrib/applications/xdvi-20.tar.Z
+(and coming soon to a mirror site near you...).
+Patchlevel 20 fixes some bugs that were present in patchlevel 19. Patchlevel
+19, which was recently released but not announced (due to the bugs), adds:
+ o Support for header= and `!' PostScript specials.
+ o Path searching for PostScript header and figure files.
+ o Ability to use compressed PostScript figure files.
+ o Numerous smaller bug fixes and enhancements.
+Among the bugs fixed is an image clipping problem with gs 3.x. The patch to
+gs that I had circulated earlier is no longer necessary (and probably
+incorrect). The new FAQ file contains a revised patch, provided by Tim
+Theisen, which fixes bugs both for ghostview and for xdvi. You should use
+it if you are using gs 3.3.3.
+This version of xdvi also includes version 1.9 of gsftopk, which contains
+fixes for working with gs 3.3.3.
+Information on xdvi is available on the WWW at the following URL:
+- --Paul Vojta,
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp. The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+TeXhax Digest issues are filed below /tex-archive/digests/texhax/
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are filed in /tex-archive/digests/indexes/
+A Hypermail version of TeXhax is also available on the World-Wide Web at URL
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+Alternatively, finger for full details.
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 95 Issue 10]