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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V95 #07
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 13:30:22 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 24 Mar 1995 Volume 95 : Issue 07
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ tex footnote problem
+ Re: TeX, how to detect already defined control sequences
+ public-tex installation question
+ Lucida Bright Fonts
+ Typetalk (fwd)
+ M O D E R A T O R ' S N O T E
+ Apologies for the delay in the appearance of this issue,
+ due to me working hard on bringing a new campus mail relay into
+ service which will hopefully speed up the distribution of the digest.
+ --David Osborne
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Thu, 02 Mar 1995 11:31:00 +0000
+From: "C.FORDE@UK.AC.QUB.V2,PH 0232-245133-3950" <>
+Subject: tex footnote problem
+We are having a problem with the footnote symbols printed out below the
+last line of text in a document:
+text lines
+last text line
+odaggerNumber of lines in program
+odoubledaggerUpdated versions available
+In the above dagger indicates the sybmol dagger or double dagger
+We would like rid of the zeros before the dagger symbols
+any ideas
+The tex that generates the stuff is as below:
+We are using latex (Northlake Convergent TeX, V3.14b-1) on this file
+% preamble for program index
+% these declarations set up a reasonable page size for A4.
+% Use by including the line "\input layout " AFTER the \documentstyle{..}
+% declaration (assuming you call this file layout.tex)
+\textheight 23cm
+\textwidth 15.5cm
+\linewidth 15.5cm
+\topmargin 0.00in
+\footheight 1cm
+\parindent 0in % no paragraph indent
+\setlength{\parskip}{0cm} % about one line between paragraphs
+ \begin{list}{}
+ {\setlength{\labelsep}{0.3cm}
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0cm}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{1.2cm}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.5cm}}}{\end{list}}
+% to print one footnote only per page
+ \ifnum\a=\b \else \a=\value{page}
+ \footnotetext{\ddag Updated version available.} \fi}
+% set footnote symbol to dagger
+% footnote symbol for superseded programs set to double dagger
+% right arrow symbol
+\begin{document} % PLUS THE \end COMMAND AT THE END.
+\oddsidemargin 0.0in
+\evensidemargin 0.0in
+Date: Mon, 06 Mar 1995 15:03:53 +0000
+From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
+Subject: Re: TeX, how to detect already defined control sequences
+>> My own solution to the skipped-if problem is not as pretty:
+>> \let\then\iftrue
+>> \def\ifundefined#1\then{\ifx#1\undefined\empty}
+>> ...
+>> \ifundefined\test\then Fail\else Graduate\fi
+This is interesting, and is similar to my own `properly nestable user-written
+ifs' which also use \then; the difference is that they modify \then on
+the fly, unfortunately a manner which prevents the code from being used
+in expansion-only contexts. One of the things I am wondering about
+for e-TeX is whether more things could be done in (e-)TeX's mouth...
+ Philip Taylor, RHBNC.
+Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 14:06:01 +0000
+From: George Kiraz <>
+Subject: public-tex installation question
+I am trying to install the public tex version
+(systems/msdos/public-tex) on my PC, and I am having problems. initex
+cannot find tex.poo (although the error message calls the file
+tex.pool) . I placed tex.poo in a specific directory and i did SET the
+variable for it, but that did not solve th e problem.
+I appreciate any help (please reply by email to
+ _ _
+ \\\||///
+ ___________\||||/___________ George Kiraz
+ \___\___\___/ \___/___/___/ University of Cambridge
+ \___\___\_|ARAM|_/___/___/ Computer Laboratory
+ \___\___\_\__/_/___/___/ New Museum Site
+ \___\___\_||_/___/___/ Cambridge, CB2 3QG
+ |||| Tel. +44 1223 334615
+ |||| Fax. +44 1223 334678
+ |\_//\\_/|
+ \_/ \_/
+Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 14:03:07 +0000
+From: Kieran Parsons <>
+Subject: Lucida Bright Fonts
+Does anyone know of a UK supplier of Lucida Bright and Lucida Math fonts?
+(or if not, any supplier at all!)
+Thanks in advance,
+ Kieran
+- --
+# #
+# Sender: Kieran Parsons #
+# E-mail: #
+# #
+Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 14:35:24 +0000
+From: "R. Allan Reese" <>
+Subject: Typetalk (fwd)
+TYPETALK: mailing list on typography and graphic design
+There now exists an Internet mailing list dedicated to all manner of
+discussions related to typography and graphic design. Note that this list
+is interested primarily in the ARTISTIC aspects of graphic design. The
+list is unmoderated, and no one will censor what you say, but questions of
+the "Why won't my TrueType font print on my HP LaserJet?" and "Why won't
+SuperATM work with <a certain font>?" sort are best directed to the
+newsgroup comp.fonts. Note that this Typetalk mailing list has nothing to
+do with the Typetalk relay service in the U.K.
+To subscribe, send a message containing the words: subscribe typetalk
+(and no other words or characters) in the body of a message to (The subject line is ignored.)
+- ---forwarded by
+(R.) Allan Reese Email:
+Head of Applications, Computer Centre Direct voice: +44 482 465296
+Hull University Voice messages: +44 482 465685
+Hull HU6 7RX, U.K. Fax: +44 482 466441
+About TeXhax...
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+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 95 Issue 7]