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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V95 #06
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Wed, 01 Mar 1995 10:13:38 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 1 Mar 1995 Volume 95 : Issue 06
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: TeX, how to detect already defined control sequences
+ LaTeX2e compatibility problem
+ RE: DVItoLN03
+ RE: Commands for page selection in Ghostscript
+ Re: DOS color dvi previewer
+Re: DOS color dvi previewer and Commands for page selection in Ghostsc
+ Macros to upcase/lowercase words with dotless i.
+ Setting Japanese printer
+ Paul Higgins: AMS-LaTeX on approximate PC
+ Re: email/path/http macros
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 19:11:23 -0800
+From: Donald Arseneau <>
+Subject: Re: TeX, how to detect already defined control sequences
+In TeXhax Digest V95 #05, K. Berry wrote:
+>% From p.308 of the TeXbook. This cannot be used in places where TeX
+>% might be skipping tokens, e.g., in conditionals.
+The "\relax" test is how LaTeX does it, but so many meaningful
+commands are \let equal to \relax, it is a very unreliable method.
+For example, in LaTeX, you can foolishly do: \newcommand{\protect}{}
+and disaster will follow.
+I have used various bizzare names (\Und@rfined, e.g.) but I now just
+use \undefined. If you define it, things will break anyway, so just
+trust it.
+For a version that *can* be skipped in conditionals, there must be
+an obvious fundamental \if__ command, so:
+% From p.308 of the TeXbook. This CAN be used in places where TeX
+% might be skipping tokens, e.g., in conditionals.
+Use: \if\undefined{this}use \this \else \def\this{} \fi
+(None of this is news to Karl, but I thought I would (b)elaborate.)
+Donald Arseneau
+Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 17:47:08 +0000
+From: David Lindsey <>
+Subject: LaTeX2e compatibility problem
+We have encountered a problem with the way LaTeXe treats the UK currency
+symbol (called up by the \pounds{} macro) compared to
+LaTeX 2.09. It appears that LaTeX2e, even in 2.09 compatibility mode,
+no longer uses the italicised dollar symbol in the 'cmti' font but
+invokes a symbol from the 'cmu' font instead. This might go unnoticed
+if one has such a font raster image installed. If not, the result may
+be some mild grumblings from a device driver when one comes to view or
+print it and a blank space on output if the driver doesn't make fonts on
+the fly.
+So, I guess my question(s) is/are: 'Is it a bug or a feature and are there any
+other similar, related, differences one might encounter?'
+David Lindsey (
+Aberdeen University Computing Centre
+Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 19:34:24 +0000
+From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
+Subject: RE: DVItoLN03
+- ->I'm copying this reply to TeXhax; hopefully someone who is more
+- ->conversant with the present-day layout of the archive than I am can
+- ->assist Alan. It may be that I'm mistaken, and that the files wanted
+- ->_are_ still in the archive: if so, I can only say that the layout
+- ->nowadays is non-intuitive.
+I can probably supply whatever he needs. ** Phil.
+Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 19:37:26 +0000
+From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
+Subject: RE: Commands for page selection in Ghostscript
+- ->There is what appears to be some utility and batch files for running
+- ->ghostscript with keystrokes for selection of pages, magnification,
+- ->translations etc.
+- ->These have been written by P.Pianowski and B.Jackowski and were
+- ->presented at the 8th EuroTex Conference 1994.
+- ->My problem is that I have tried to run ghostscript (MS-DOS) with these
+- ->command
+- ->procedures with no success. The "batch files" do not appear to be DOS.
+- ->Does anyone have any more information on this stuff, or know how/where I
+- ->can contact the authors of the work?
+Neither Bogus/law (B.Jackowski) nor Piotr (P.Pianowski) have access to
+e-mail; however, I have a copy of their code and it seems to work for
+me. Can you tell me more of the nature of the problems you are
+ ** Phil.
+Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 23:50:30 -0500
+From: "Richard J. Kinch" <>
+Subject: Re: DOS color dvi previewer
+In article <16490.792353753@unicorn> ogam@ALPHALMA.CNRS-MRS.FR wrote:
+: I am looking for a DOS/Windows dvi previewer that supports the
+: color packages and the virtual fonts. I acquired a commercial version
+: of Tex/Latex from PCTEX, after having read their publicity on the
+: compatibility with Latex2e and packages. It is far from being compatible.
+: So please if you have this information, We will appreciate.
+TrueTeX supports both color text and virtual fonts.
+Richard J. Kinch
+611 Mitchell Street Tel (607) 273-0222
+Ithaca NY 14850 USA FAX (607) 273-0484
+Publisher, TrueTeX (R) brand of software for typesetting
+ Info at FTP://
+Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 09:07:36 +0000
+From: Sebastian Rahtz <s.rahtz@ELSEVIER.CO.UK>
+Subject: Re: DOS color dvi previewer and Commands for page selection in Ghostsc
+ ript
+a) color previewers for DOS. there are no
+previewers of which I am aware that implement
+the full spec of the LaTeX2e colour package. I
+suggest using a dvi to PostScript, and then
+GhostScript. PCTeX#s dvi to PS is partially
+compatible with the colour package, but doesnt
+implement everything
+b) psview. i use this GhostScript addon every
+day. the batch files in the archive are for 4DOS,
+since they emanate from the 4AllTeX people. I
+suggest reading the file for
+instructions. I append a suitable DOS batch file
+for those with ansi.sys loaded. the paths will
+need editing
+sebastian rahtz
+- ------------------- PSVIEW.BAT follows --------------------
+@echo off
+rem {PAGE} p goto specified page
+rem [pgup] goto next page
+rem [pgdn] goto previous page
+rem {MAG} m set magnification factor
+rem g draw grid
+rem {HORIZ} {VERT} v view magnified and shifted picture
+rem {SHIFT} s set shift
+rem [left] shift left
+rem [right] shift right
+rem [up] shift up
+rem [down] shift down
+rem q quit with saving the restart information
+rem x exit
+rem r rotate picture counterclockwise by abs(STEP)*90
+rem hf flip picture horizontaly
+rem vf flip picture verticaly
+rem i view picture with initial parameter settings
+rem w view whole picture
+rem c redraw current picture
+rem {INCR} * undo previous picture
+rem {INCR} + redo undone picture
+rem { ... } means optional parameter
+echo [27;"q";13p
+echo [0;72;"u";13p
+echo [0;80;"d";13p
+echo [0;77;"r";13p
+echo [0;75;"l";13p
+echo [0;73;"p";13p
+echo [0;81;"n";13p
+echo [43;"1.4 m";13;"v";13p
+echo [45;"0.7 m";13;"v";13p
+echo [114;"ro";13p
+echo [105;"i";13p
+echo [119;"w";13p
+echo [99;"c";13p
+echo [112;"pn";13;"v";13p
+echo [103;"g";13p
+echo [118;"v";13p
+echo [115;"s";13p
+echo [113;"q";13p
+echo [120;"x";13p
+l:\emtex\gs386 -Il:\emtex\gs -Il:\psfonts -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE ps_view.p
+s -c (%1) run > nul
+Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 07:40:36 -0200
+From: Hedison Kiuity Sato <>
+Subject: Macros to upcase/lowercase words with dotless i.
+I wonder to know a macro to upcase words with dotless i. By the way, this
+necessity arose when I used the package portuges.sty in LaTeX2e.
+Portuguese is a language that, frequently, uses the sequence \'\i{}. So,
+for example with "book" style, the chapter title is automatically upcased
+and put in the running head, but all sequences \'\i{} remain as they are,
+instead of the correct \'I. The reason is that the TeX primitive
+\uppercase don't do this job.
+Thanks in advance.
+Hedison Kiuity Sato - PPPG/UFBA Fone: 55(71) 237-0408
+E-Mail: Fax: 247-3004
+Universidade Federal da Bahia
+Programa de Pesquisa e Pos-Graduacao em Geofisica
+Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 16:00:20 +0000
+From: (Yoshihiro Kawai)
+Subject: Setting Japanese printer
+I would like to let me know how to set up when I print out of emTex, English
+letter Tex, results to Japanese printer, Cannon ink_jet handy printer.
+Thank you very much in advance.
+Sincerely yours,
+Yoshihiro Kawai
+Postgraduate Student
+University of Oxford
+Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 11:27:01 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Subject: Paul Higgins: AMS-LaTeX on approximate PC
+This message was sent to me as UK TUG membership enquiries bod:
+- ------- Forwarded Message
+Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 11:16:10 +0000 (GMT)
+From: Paul Higgins NO PHONE NO SUPPLIED <>
+Dear Sir,
+I want to install AMS-LaTex onto a pc with a Pentium chip. Is this
+possible, and are the necessary programs available from the TeX archive?
+If not, what is the best way for me to get a good version of TeX running?
+yours faithfully,
+Paul Higgins.
+- ------- End of Forwarded Message
+Robin Fairbairns; please answer to Higgins directly, not to me.
+Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 07:44:16 -0800
+From: Donald Arseneau <>
+Subject: Re: email/path/http macros
+I had an idea for a good way to allow linebreaks in email addresses
+and such: typeset in math mode and let punctuation characters be
+relations and binary operators. This even gives good breakpoints
+in "http://whatever" --> http: // whatever
+I put together the macros, with no real documentation yet, but I would
+like some opinions before finalizing them. Would anyone like to do
+a test run? I have some specific questions:
+ - How is my default list of punctuation characters?
+ - Are there inappropriate breaks/non-breaks?
+ - Should I make it easy to define different macros with different
+ punctuation lists? (despite the added complexity)
+ - What should the main macro be called? I used "\email", but that
+ is probably in heavy use already.
+ - LaTex2e options or plain TeX compatibility?
+So send me email, and I'll send you \email!
+Donald Arseneau \email{}
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+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 95 Issue 6]