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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #11
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 12:24:34 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 16 Dec 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 11
+Today's Topics:
+ Problems installing TeX on AIX: no MetaFont
+ Questions about previewers and dvi drivers
+ MS-DOS DVI driver for Olivetti inkjet printer?
+ tugboat 15 #2 (june 1994)
+ TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ Short introduction to LaTeX 2e
+ lshort2e.tex Uploaded
+ TeX Users Group -- 1995 election announcement
+ kpathsea 2.5, dvipsk 5.58e, xdvik 18e, dviljk 2.4
+ TeXhax/UKTeX merger opinions
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 1994 11:44:00 -0000
+From: "Alex Nunes, CCS, Birkbeck" <>
+Subject: Problems installing TeX on AIX: no MetaFont
+This is a probably an FAQ, but anyway:
+I am trying to install TeX/LaTeX on an RS/6000 running AIX 3.2.2.
+I retrieved the TEX distribution from in the
+systems/aix3.2 directory. I can successfully untar and compile. Once
+I've compiled the executables I find a full tex and latex build but no
+metafont. This is fairly useless because even though I can run all the
+latex programs, when it comes to printing almost all the fonts are
+missing and uncreatable without MF. When looking in the README file it
+seems to imply that MF is part of this distribution.
+Am I missing something?
+Alex Nunes
+UNIX Support
+Central Computing Services
+Birkbeck College
+University of London
+Malet Street
+email: (internet)
+ (some JANET sites)
+Tel: 071 631 6337 (UK)
+ 004471 631 6337 (rest of the world)
+Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 12:30:31 +0000
+From: Jeremy Henty <>
+Subject: Questions about previewers and dvi drivers
+Imperial Software Technology is developing a tool which
+generates hardcopy using LaTeX and included PostScript.
+Naturally we would like this output to work on as many TeX
+systems as possible, so I would be grateful for answers to
+a few questions.
+ * What are the commonly used previewers and dvi drivers we should
+ aim to support?
+ * Do any of these programs not support either the "psfile=" or
+ "header=" specials?
+ * Is the LaTeX2e "graphics" package going to become the standard graphics
+ interface? Will other packages support its syntax for compatibility?
+ * According to the manual page, xdvi does not "as yet" support "header="
+ specials. Will it? If so, how soon?
+ * What (if any) are the significant differences between xdvi and xdvik?
+ dvips and dvipsk?
+Please email responses.
+Thank you in advance,
+Jeremy C. Henty
+Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 11:29:54 +0200
+From: Shlomo Reisner <>
+Subject: MS-DOS DVI driver for Olivetti inkjet printer?
+A question: Does anyone know of a MSDOS dvi-driver for ink-injection
+printer. I have an Olivetti 250JP - (emulation of HP DeskJet Plus).
+Thanks for any information.
+Shlomo Reisner
+Dept of Mathematics
+Univ. of Haifa, Israel.
+Date: 09 Dec 1994 13:25:57 -0500
+From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.ORG>
+Subject: tugboat 15 #2 (june 1994)
+it is with pleasure and a great deal of relief that i announce that
+the june issue of tugboat (15 #2) is now being printed, and should
+be mailed to tug members in about a week.
+an unfortunate combination of logistical and production problems
+have conspired to delay the issue, including internal office moves
+by the editor, with storage of all materials related to the issue,
+extended absences of the editor attending meetings and for other
+reasons, and unexpected difficulties in actual file processing.
+i am sincerely apologetic for the delays; steps are being taken
+to address these problems to help avoid them in the future.
+serious production difficulties have also hampered preparation of
+the proceedings issue (tugboat 15 #3). i received notification
+earlier today from the proceedings editors that the bulk of the
+camera copy has been shipped to me for final action. a few pages
+remain to be processed into camera copy, and i expect to be able
+to send that issue to the printer the week after next. (i shall
+be attending a standards meeting next week, and my office is
+being moved again next weekend, so nothing can happen during that
+work is also proceeding on issue #4, and i intend to complete it
+as soon as possible, although i cannot give an exact date just yet.
+however, i believe that it will be possible to get the first 1995
+issue out by the end of march, the cover date.
+the table of contents for 15 #2 follows.
+ -- bb
+ --------------------
+TUGboat 15, 2, June 1994
+ 87 Addresses
+General Delivery
+ 89 Christina Thiele
+ Opening words:
+ Meetings; ISO and de facto standards
+ 89 Barbara Beeton Editorial comments:
+ ``LaTeX2e'' is now just ``LaTeX''; New CTAN features;
+ Northwest Computing Support Center closed;
+ TeX output in audible form
+ 91 Michel Goossens WEPT: A Week on Electronic Publishing and Typography
+ 96 Philip Taylor Report of the 2nd meeting of the NTS group,
+ February 1994
+ 97 Alan Hoenig {Meta}Font Forum redux
+ 98 R. Ramasubramanian, R.W.D. Nickalls and M.A. Reed
+ ASCII.sty: A new style-option and encoded font with
+ IBM graphics control characters for use with TeX
+ and LaTeX
+Book Reviews
+ 103 David M. Jones and David E. Wald
+ Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander
+ Samarin, The LaTeX Companion
+ 106 Victor Eijkhout
+ Norman Walsh, Making TeX Work
+ 107 Jacques Andre
+ Christian Rolland, LaTeX guide pratique
+Typesetting on Personal Computers
+ 108 Alan Hoenig NextTeX: TeX plus the NextStep Operating System
+ 110 Michael Downes Interaction tools: dialog.sty and menus.sty
+ 131 Bernard Gaulle LaTeX V3: philology & typography,
+ reports to read, reports to do
+ 131 Claudio Beccari Tough table becomes easy with PiCTeX,
+ but it's even easier with LaTeX
+ 132 Paul Anagnostopolous
+ On the review of TeX in Practice
+ 133 Baskerville, Volume 4, Nos. 1--2
+ 136 Cahiers GUTenberg Nos. 16 and 17
+ 138 Die TeXnische Komoedie 1993, Heft 1--4
+News & Announcements
+ 143 Calendar
+ 160 TUG'95 -- St. Petersburg, Florida
+Late-Breaking News
+ 148 Barbara Beeton Production notes
+ 149 Coming next issue
+ 150 Barbara Beeton Change in TUGboak policy
+TUG Business
+ 145 Meet the Board, Part II
+ Michael Ferguson; Peter Flynn; George Greenwade;
+ Yannis Haralambous; Nico Poppelier; Jon Radel;
+ Sebastian Rahtz
+ 151 Institutional members
+ 155 TUG membership application
+ 152 TeX consulting and production services
+ 154 Index of advertisers
+Date: Mon, 14 Nov 1994 19:52:54 -0500
+Subject: TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ The latest version (2.16) of the TeXsis macro package of TeX macros
+for physicists is now available (as of 12 November 1994) via anonymous
+ftp from, in the directory /texsis.
+The most notable changes or additions are:
+ * All bug fixes from patches to TeXsis 2.15 are included in TeXsis 2.16
+ (they were all pretty minor).
+ * The manual has been re-organized to make it clearer, and easier to
+ learn how to set up a complete document.
+ * Figures and tables can be put at the _bottom_ of a page or column,
+ using \bottomfigure and \bottomtable, or \heavyfigure and \heavytable.
+ More generally, any sort of insertion may be put at the bottom of a
+ page or column with \bottominsert or \heavyinsert.
+ * The double column macros have been completely re-written. They are
+ much improved, and support insertions at the bottom of columns,
+ including footnotes. The new macros can also be used by themsleves
+ with Plain TeX.
+ * \NFootnote creates numbered footnotes.
+ * The PhysRev.txs style file defines \PhysRevManuscript for papers
+ being submitted to the Physical Review, and \PhysRev and \PhysRevLett
+ to emulate the layouts of those journals.
+ * The IEEE.txs and WorldSci.txs style files have been updated.
+ * \ListFigureCaptions lets you print figure captions at the end of
+ the document.
+ * Many other small additions and improvements.
+Those of you who have been using the beta version of 2.16 in the past
+few months will find little changed, except that the manual has been
+updated to match the changes to the macros.
+ ----------
+ To make it easier for the casual reader of electronic preprints
+("e-prints") to print a TeXsis document we have also put all of the core
+TeXsis macros into one source file (called mtexsis.tex), with all the
+comments and blank lines removed. A reader who does not have TeXsis on
+his/her system can then simply get this file, add "\input mtexsis" to
+the manuscript file, and print the paper with Plain TeX. You can make
+your e-print manuscript files automatically load mtexsis.tex if it is
+needed by adding the following line at the begining of the manuscript
+ \ifx\undefined\TeXsis \input mtexsis.tex\fi
+It is suggested that you try running such a manuscript through Plain TeX
+with mtexsis.tex first to make sure that it works.
+ ----------
+ As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed, and
+can be sent to us at
+Eric Myers <> |
+Departmenty of Physics and Astronomy | "Frankie say '\relax'"
+Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York |
+Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 11:18:26 +0000
+Subject: Short introduction to LaTeX 2e
+I have installed Tobias' stuff as announced below
+- ------- Forwarded Message
+Subject: lshort2e.tex Uploaded
+ Now available for CTAN:/pub/tex/info/lshort (i.e.,
+ A not very Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e (58 Pages)
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ by Tobias Oetiker 16/11/1994 <>
+ If you want to learn how to write your documents with LaTeX,
+ this introduction is for you. It is not about setting up a
+ LaTeX system. While it is not as comprehensive as Lamport's book,
+ it should be sufficient in most cases.
+ The document is provided in PS DVI and source form ...
+ Enjoy!
+ All the best
+ Tobi
+- ------- End of Forwarded Message
+English-speaking LaTeX users of the world have good reason to be
+grateful to Tobias for the work he's done (as should users whose
+German speech is as dubious as mine ;-)
+Thanks, Tobi
+Date: 12 Dec 1994 18:45:42 -0500
+From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.ORG>
+Subject: TeX Users Group -- 1995 election announcement
+ -----------------------------
+ 1995 TeX Users Group Election
+ -----------------------------
+The terms of the TUG President and of 5 members of the Board of Directors
+will expire as of the 1995 Annual Business Meeting, which will take
+place in conjunction with the 16th Annual Meeting in July 1995. The
+directors whose terms expire in 1995 are Barbara Beeton, Michael Doob,
+Michel Goossens, and Tom Rokicki; a shortfall in the number of nominees
+in the last election left one position unfilled. The election to choose
+the new President and Board members will be held next Spring, and
+nominations are invited.
+The Bylaws provide that ``Any member may be nominated for election to the
+office of TUG President/to the Board by submitting a nomination petition
+in accordance with the TUG Election Procedures. Election ... shall be
+by written mail ballot of the entire membership, carried out in accordance
+with those same Procedures.'' The term of office of the President is
+two (2) years, and of a director, three (3) years. Incumbent officers
+may be nominated for successive terms.
+The name of any member may be placed in nomination for election to one
+of these offices by submission of a petition, signed by two other current
+(1994 or 1995) members, to the TUG office at least 30 days prior to the
+mailing of ballots. (A candidate's membership dues for 1995 will be
+expected to be paid by the nomination deadline.) A petition form follows
+this announcement; forms may also be obtained from the TUG office, and
+electronically from the usergrps/tug area of CTAN.
+Along with a petition form, each candidate is asked to supply a
+passport-size photograph, a short biography, and a statement of intent
+to be included with the ballot; the biography and statement of intent
+together may not exceed 400 words.
+The deadline for receipt at the TUG office of petitions and ballot
+information is February 1, 1995.
+Ballots will be mailed to all members early in March. Marked ballots
+must be postmarked no later than May 9, and received no later than
+May 23. These deadlines will be noted on the ballots.
+Ballots will be counted by a disinterested party not part of the TUG
+organization. The results of the election should be available by the
+end of May, and will be announced in a future issue of this publication
+as well as through various TeX-related electronic lists.
+ Barbara Beeton
+ for the Elections Committee
+ --------------------------------
+ Nomination for 1995 TUG Election
+ --------------------------------
+Only current (1994 or 1995) TUG members are eligible to participate.
+The signatures of two (2) members are required in addition to that of
+the nominee. Type or print names clearly, exactly as they appear in
+the most recent TUG membership list or on a TUG mailing label; new
+members should enter the name which they used on their membership
+application form. Names that do not exactly match the TUG records will
+not be accepted as valid.
+ ---------------
+The undersigned TUG members propose the nomination of:
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+ Name of nominee (signature) (date)
+for the position of (check one):
+[ ] TUG President
+[ ] Member of the TUG Board of Directors
+for a term beginning at the 1995 Annual Meeting, July 1995.
+ Members supporting this nomination
+ Nominated by Signature Date
+ (please print)
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+Return this petition to the TUG office (FAXed petition forms will be
+accepted). Petitions and all required supplementary material (photograph,
+biography and personal statement for inclusion on the ballot) must be
+received in the TUG office no later than the deadline:
+ February 1, 1995
+It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that this deadline
+is met. Under no circumstances will incomplete applications be accepted.
+A candidate's membership dues for 1995 must also be paid by this deadline.
+TeX Users Group
+Nominations for 1995 Election
+P.O.~Box 869
+Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869
+FAX: 805-963-8358
+Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 19:07:09 -0500
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: kpathsea 2.5, dvipsk 5.58e, xdvik 18e, dviljk 2.4
+New versions of dvipsk/xdvik/dviljk are in the usual place:
+ ... and CTAN and its mirrors; see the end of this message.
+Please use the nearest site, to reduce the load on our old Sparc 1.
+The biggest change is using Autoconf 2.1 to prepare the configure
+scripts -- who knows what that's broken. Aside from that, it's just
+minor bug fixes.
+The patch that John Interrante and others created for web2c 6.1 for the
+previous kpathsea release should basically work for this release, except
+for the configure scripts; you can get that as the file from the above sites. (Naturally, I am working
+on the next release of web2c. It will be ready no sooner than a month
+or two from now (and perhaps significantly longer); it's no use to ask
+me precisely when, as I simply do not know.) I hope John (or someone)
+can update the patch soon.
+As always, thanks to the many people who contributed. I tried to record
+names in the ChangeLog entries.
+Please report bugs to
+Email with a line containing
+ subscribe
+in the body of the message to join this mailing list.
+If you only want to see announcements, not bug reports and discussion,
+subscribe to instead. (Email to join that list.)
+Help fight the new programming monopolies -- write
+Here's the NEWS:
+kpathsea 2.5
+* Go back to calling db_insert after a successful MakeTeXPK, and check
+ for lack of an ls-R.
+* Handle case of magstep -.5 for MakeTeXPK properly.
+xdvik 18e
+* The SelFile widget masks all but .dvi files by default (thanks to
+ for implementing this).
+* `G' can change the gamma value dynamically, as well whether grey is used.
+* Crash when starting without a filename fixed (hopefully).
+* `Can't find 300dpi using 300dpi' warning fixed (hopefully).
+* Compile-time default mode removed; back to letting MakeTeXPK guess.
+* Usage message improved for SELFILE case.
+dvipsk 5.58e
+* MakeTeXPK once again does umask 0.
+* M[ode] lines in config.$PRINTER override again (as intended).
+* Compile-time default mode removed; back to letting MakeTeXPK guess.
+* -o option overrides o in config files.
+dviljk 2.4
+* Character 32 not downloaded on old printers, to work around an
+ apparent bug in the emulation on a Kyocera.
+Here are the CTAN sites and their mirrors:
+prompt$ finger
+Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Taiwan) /tex-archive
+ (Australia) /pub/tex/ctan
+ (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
+ (Switzerland) /mirror/tex
+ (The Netherlands) /pub/tex-archive
+Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Japan) /CTAN
+ (Australia) /tex-archive
+ (North Carolina, USA) /tex-archive
+ (France) /pub/unix/tex/ctan
+ (Germany) /pub/tex
+ (Germany) /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
+ (Virginia, USA) /pub/text-processing/TeX
+ (Singapore) /pub/zi/TeX
+ (England) /packages/tex/uk-tex
+ (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
+ (Missouri, USA) /packages/TeX
+Please send updates to this list to <>.
+The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
+ (Germany)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (Texas, USA)
+ -- anonymous ftp and gopher /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (England)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- gopher on node
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 12:18:27 +0000
+Subject: TeXhax/UKTeX merger opinions
+Following my note about merging the TeXhax and UKTeX Digests
+(TeXhax V94 #xx, UKTeX V94 #xx), I received 12 responses, all
+in favour of the merger. There were two reservations expressed:
+- - frequency of the new TeXhax... weekly was felt by a couple of
+ people to be too often
+- - one person requested that the digest be given a new name
+One of the advantages of increased frequency is that questions
+can be answered and announcements made in a more timely fashion.
+This has always been one of the "advantages" of the UKTeX Digest
+which I'd like to carry over into the new, merged digest.
+However, after we've had a few issues, if lots of people feel
+strongly that a weekly digest is hitting their mailbox too often,
+please let me know and we could move to, perhaps, two-weekly issues.
+As for names, well, I felt it would be less confusing to keep the
+name of the "elder" publication, which is mentioned in many online
+locations and Internet list-of-lists (e.g., Meckler's "On Internet 94").
+If you have any views on any of this, please let me know.
+~~David Osborne (TeXhax Digest moderator)
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 11]