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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #09
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 15:10:21 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Tuesday, 18 Oct 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 09
+Today's Topics:
+ installing tex
+ Underlining
+ changing \hsize at page-break?
+ List processing TeX macro needed
+ Page layout in LaTeX?
+ Help needed to convert fonts
+ [sci.geo.meteorology] latex style for AMS conference preprints
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE CmacTeX2.2 (Macintosh)
+ New version of greektex available
+ kpathsea 2.2, dvipsk 5.58b, xdvik 18c, dviljk 2.2 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 16:06:06 -0600
+Subject: installing tex
+I would like to install tex on my machine by
+doing an ftp transfer from
+There lots of files on labrea under the tex directory.
+I don't know which files I would need to be able to run
+latex on my machine which is a sparc running Unix.
+I would appreaciate any help regarding the installation
+of latex on my machine.
+Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 11:11:21 -0600
+Subject: Underlining
+Last month, I requested help in locating/finding a macro that would:
+1) underline words, but not the intervening spaces;
+2) permit line breaks to occur while underlining.
+I received about a dozen responses, every one different. Many of them
+were interesting and taught me things I did not know. However, only
+one response was completely on point. My vote for TeXnician of the
+month therefore goes to Jim Nearing (
+for the following clever and concise pair of macros:
+% This underlining macro is implemented by tail recursion.
+% If the terminal character is not found, it executes the desired
+% process and \let's \next equal itself. It then calls \next.
+% If the terminal token is found, it \let's \next equal \relax
+% before calling \next.
+% The first word is handled separately.
+% Usage: \ul{whatever you like, it will continue the underlining
+% even across line breaks}.
+\def\ullspecial#1 {\ifx\empty#1 \let\next=\relax \else
+ \iffirstul\firstulfalse\else%
+ \discretionary{}{}{\hbox{\ }}\fi%
+ \underbar{#1}\let\next=\ullspecial\fi \next}
+\def\ul#1{\firstultrue\ullspecial#1 \empty }
+The only thing to watch out for is that it does require that the
+values of hyphenpenalty and exhyphenpenalty be sufficiently low to
+permit line breaks to occur. If you desire to suppress hyphenated
+line breaking, then the value should be set to some reasonably high
+value, but not an impossibly high one. He suggests 1000 (as opposed
+to the 10000 usually used to ban such breaking), and I have found
+that that works well. Alternatively, one could simply alter the value
+of these variables for the paragraph in which the underlined text
+occurs. For most people, who desire the ordinary hyphenated line
+breaking rules, the macro works wonderfully as it stands.
+Thank you again, Jim!
+Doc Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ :
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 08:23:54 -0330
+Subject: changing \hsize at page-break?
+Dear Friends,
+I would like to typeset a long paragraph that goes into the next
+page so that each page has different \hsize. How could I change
+\hsize at the page break?
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Mohammad Ghodsi, Assistant Prof. (o |
+ | Computer Engineering Department (o ^ ) |
+ | Sharif University of Technology ghodsi@irearn.bitnet |
+ | P.O. Box 11365-9517, Tehran, Iran Fax: +98 21 601-2983 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 13:07:40 +0100
+From: Bo Thide' <>
+Subject: List processing TeX macro needed
+I am looking for a short and efficient soultion for the following
+>From a list of names, each delimited by a delimiter \mydelim, I want to
+produce two "name boxes" to be used as output. In the case of three or
+more names I want one long where all \delim's are replaced by a ','
+except for the last one which should be replaced by '{\rm and}', and one
+short with the first name followed by '{\it et al}.'.
+Example 1:
+The list
+First A. Familyx \delim First B. Familyy \delim First C. Familyz
+shall be translated into
+First A. Familyx, First B. Familyy {\rm and} First C. Familyz
+and to
+First A. Familyx {\it et al}.
+Example 2:
+The list
+First A. Familyx \delim First B. Familyy
+shall be translated into
+First A. Familyx {\rm and} First B. Familyy
+both for the long and short output.
+In a way this is similar to what 'bibtex' handles so elegantly for
+author lists. I thought this would be rather trivial in TeX, but
+several days of studies of Knuth and von Bechtolsheim has not lead me
+I need to solve this problem quickly and would appreciate any help
+or hints that you might have.
+ ^ ---Bo Thidi-----------------------------------Scientific Director---
+ |I| Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden
+ |R| Office Phone: (+46) 18-30 36 71 Office Fax: (+46) 18-40 31 00
+ /|F|\ Home Phone: (+46) 18-52 79 11 Home Fax: (+46) 18-55 41 84
+ ~~U~~
+Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 21:13:42 +0700
+From: Napajit Singkorapoom <>
+Subject: Page layout in LaTeX?
+I am a LaTeX beginner. I am using LaTeX for my report and I have some
+questions would like to have your suggestions as follows;
+1) Using Letter size pape(8.5"X11"), one-sided output, how to set the
+page layout as
+ - 3 cm left margin
+ - 2 cm right margin
+ - 3 cm top margin
+ - 2.5 cm bottom margin
+2) the page number should be in the "top margin" at center position as
+ -1- , -2- ,,,,,,
+3) equation numbers are according to the section numbers i.e.,
+ in section 2 , eq. no. should be 2.1, 2.2, ..
+Your promptly actions are highly appreciable.
+Thanking you,
+Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 15:17:25 +0100
+Subject: Help needed to convert fonts
+I'm using Textures 1.6.2 on a Macintosh
+and I'm also using TeX, Version 3.1415 on a Unix machine.
+I have bought the package Lucida from Blue Sky Research.
+With this package, I got
+ - the Outline fonts
+ - the Screen fonts
+ - the AFM files
+ - the metrics files
+for the macintosh.
+I would like to use these package on my Unix machine.
+So I have (for all the fonts)
+- - create the VPL files from the macintosh metrics document (with EdMetrics)
+- - create the TFM and VF files from these VPL files (with vptovf)
+- - create the PFA files from the outline fonts (with macfont)
+I have modified the file in such a manner that dvips
+(dvipsk 5.58a) could deal with these files (tfm,vf and pfa)
+BUT after all these manipulations, I don't get the same results with
+the macintosh and with the Unix machine.
+What's wrong ?
+Pascal Maes
+Place du Levant,3
+B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+Date: 31 Aug 1994 17:03:08 +0200
+From: (Phil Austin)
+Subject: [sci.geo.meteorology] latex style for AMS conference preprints
+Steve Krueger has modified the AGU preprint style to produce
+a two-column format suitable for AMS conference proceedings.
+The style file (amspp.sty) and example (rad-pp.tex) along with
+a bib file are available from:
+Phil Austin INTERNET:
+(604) 822-2175 FAX: (604) 822-6150
+Atmospheric Sciences Programme
+Geography #217
+University of British Columbia
+1984 W Mall
+Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
+Date: 02 Sep 1994 13:51:48 +0200
+From: (Tom Kiffe)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE CmacTeX2.2 (Macintosh)
+Version 2.2 of CMacTeX is now available on CTAN in the directory
+tex-archive/systems/mac/cmactex. It consists of TeX3.1415, Metafont2.71,
+dvips, a previewer, a Postscript printing utility, and the usual font
+utilities like gftopk, etc.
+The principal feature of the new version is use of Apple Events to
+launch and execute the various subprograms. As a result, Version 2.2
+requires System 7. The popular editors, Alpha and BBEdit, can be
+configured to completely control CMacTeX, i.e., it is possible to
+launch TeX from your editor, have it process the file displayed in
+your editor's front window, automatically switch to the previewer, and
+if you are satisfied, have the editor launch dvips to convert the
+dvi file into Postscript. CMacTeX can also talk with the editor. If
+TeX encounters an error and you type an 'e' at the ? prompt, CMacTeX
+will ask the editor to open the tex file and highlight the offending
+As in earlier releases, most of CMacTeX is free. For further information
+see the Readme files available on CTAN.
+Tom Kiffe
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 17:57:04 +0200
+From: (Giorgos Spiliotis)
+Subject: New version of greektex available
+A new version of greektex has been posted in the following sites:
+ CTAN sites eg.
+ in the directory pub/tex/language/greek/greektex
+ (
+ in the directory pub/greek/greektex/dos
+ (
+ in the directory pub/moschovakis/greektex
+greektex is a package of public domain programs which make it easy to
+use the well known Greek text fonts of Silvio Levy in Plain TeX, LaTeX
+or AMS-LaTeX with the full functionality of these sets of macros,
+exactly as we use them to process English files. In fact greektex
+understands files with mixed Greek and English text, so that it is
+particularly useful for the typesetting of Greek scientific class notes,
+articles and books: these typically contain many English words---names,
+references, scientific terms traditionally given in both Greek and
+English when first introduced, etc. It is very easy to install
+greektex in any platform with a full TeX implementation. The system
+is especially simple to use on a PC equipped with a VGA screen, for
+which it provides a full bilingual keyboard system for entering (and
+seeing on the screen) mixed English and modern (monotoniko) or classical
+(polytoniko) Greek text.
+The heart of greektex is a set of "Greek-English" 256 character fonts
+which extend the Computer Modern fonts of Knuth by a selection of the
+Levy characters: For example, the first 128 characters of CLR10 are
+exactly the characters of CMR10, while characters 128-255 are the Greek
+"apla" (traditional) characters, as programmed by Levy. Each font is
+named by replacing the CM prefix of the Knuth font it extends by CL,
+e.g. CLTI10 is the extension of the English text italic font CMTI10,
+etc. Using these fonts, it is easy to get Greek-English versions of
+macro packages, basically by replacing each CM font by its CL extension
+in the font definitions, and adding Greek hyphenation and a brief set of
+macros to handle classical, polytoniko input. The package includes such
+extensions for plain TeX, LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX, so that their format
+files can be produced immediately by running initex on them. It also
+provides 300 DPI compilations of the CL extensions for all preloaded
+fonts of (classical) LaTeX, as well as a complete set of all the
+metafont files and adaptations of the Sauter scaling programs needed to
+compile the fonts in any resolution and point size.
+Those familiar with the first two versions of greektex (posted by
+Moschovakis in 1991 and 1993) will be interested in the following new
+features of this more complete system, prepared jointly by
+Moschovakis and Spiliotis.
+(1) The fonts have been slightly improved and the internal coding of
+some characters changed, to make the system compatible with more Greek
+extended keyboard drivers and provide fuller coverage of classical
+Greek. In addition, the fonts have been renamed, so that it is not
+possible to print dvi files produced by earlier versions of greektex
+using the new fonts, BUT: __monotoniko__ greektex files produced for
+earlier versions can be reTeXed with the new version and they will print
+exactly as before.
+(2) The polytoniko (classical) system is implemented by a new set of
+macros, based on a very simple architecture which makes it very robust,
+so that, in particular, it enjoys essentially full LaTeX functionality.
+(Files with polytoniko input prepared for the second greektex version
+cannot be handled by this version.)
+(3) This distribution includes an extended dual keyboard system, which
+makes it possible to enter from the keyboard and see on the screen the
+diairesis on cap Iota and cap Ypsilon and the anw teleia in monotoniko,
+as well as all the accents, aspiration marks and the iota subscript in
+polytoniko. The classical accent+stress "decoration" of each vowel
+(excluding the modern oxeia) is easy to enter by escape sequences and it
+shows on the screen clearly, immediately preceding the vowel.
+Internally, each decoration is coded by a single byte, and this is the
+key to the new, very robust implementation of polytoniko.
+(4) The files needed to compile a Greek-English format file for
+AMS-LaTeX have been added. (To do this, you need, in addition, all the
+AMS macro files and fonts required for AMS-LaTeX.)
+(5) A Greek bibtex and makeindex system has been added. They can
+handle Greek bibliographies and indexes as well as special Greek
+lexicographical ordering.
+A complete description of the system is given in the manual
+"greektex.doc" and in the README file of the package, from which we copy
+the INDEX.
+ INDEX of the greektex distribution, July 1994.
+========== Files which are necessary to install and run greektex ========
+Note: Some files come in two versions with different extensions,
+ .gr and .tex, e.g. and geabbr.tex. Only those
+ with the extension .tex are used by greektex, but
+ they are hard to read; the .gr files are easy to read in
+ a DOS-bilingual keyboard, and they are TeX-equivalent to the
+ others, in most (but not all) platforms.
+(1) README This file.
+(2) pkunzip.exe The program needed to uncompress on the PC
+ the zip files of this distribution.
+ (This is a recent version of pkunzip;
+ older versions may not work with these
+ zip files.)
+(3) install.dos Installation instructions under DOS.
+ Installation instructions under WINDOWS.
+ cpwin.tcp Code page file, needed for WINDOWS installation.
+(4) greektex.doc The document describing how to use
+ the system. It also gives the credits for the
+ public domain programs used and distributed.
+ greekdrv.doc The document explaining how to use the
+ the extended keyboard programs in (5).
+ fsample.tex A small texfile which facilitates
+ printing (with latex) a coding table of a font.
+(5) DOS programs for creating Greek-English files.
+(6) The TeX input files needed by the system.
+ geplain.tex,
+ gehyphen.tex, geletcat.tex, geabbr.tex,
+ gelplain.tex, gelfonts.tex,
+ geamsla.tex,, gefontdf.ori,
+ gegreek.sty,
+(7) The tfm files for the Greek-English fonts.
+(8) 300 DPI pk files for the Greek-English fonts.
+ Files are named in DOS convention, e.g.
+======================= Auxilliary programs ==============================
+(9) The metafont files used to create the fonts,
+ with a brief instruction document clmf.doc
+ and some batch files for compiling fonts in
+ additional pointsizes and any resolution.
+(10) Greek-English version of bibtex and accompanying
+ makeindex program, for DOS.
+(11) Programs for converting between different, common
+ coding systems for Greek with technical instructions
+ on the use of code pages.
+(12) A complete dual keyboard system, includes grx-vgagrx
+ and more.
+(13) Two simple Greek-to-English and English-to-Greek
+ filters (written in C) which make it (just barely)
+ possible to create, read and convert files with
+ mixed Greek and English text in a monolingual
+ environment. See l2g.c for explanation.
+ Also C-code for a filter g2h.c which converts .gr
+ files, with Greek to teX-equivalent .tex files
+ with hexadecimal coding of 8-bit characters.
+(14) Greek input file and Postscript file of a one
+ page document which illustrates the method for
+ entering polytoniko using and the output;
+ and a preprint of a publication which describes
+ greektex in some detail.
+IMPORTANT. If you are getting these files by ftp, make sure that (3) -
+(10) are transmitted in binary mode. Files (3) - (5) and (9) - (12) are
+not needed for installing and running greektex.
+As far as we know, all the programs in this package are in the public
+domain and they are offered without any obligation or guarantee, with
+the usual proviso that if you change any files you should also change
+their names.
+For questions and comments, please send email to the author closest to
+your site.
+Yiannis N. Moschovakis George Spiliotis
+Department of Mathematics M.Sc. in Data Engineering
+UCLA, L.A. CA 90024 Digeni 26-28
+ Voula 16673
+ Athens, Greece
+July 1994
+Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:20:42 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: kpathsea 2.2, dvipsk 5.58b, xdvik 18c, dviljk 2.2 available
+New versions of dvipsk/xdvik/dviljk are in the usual place:
+ ... and CTAN and its mirrors; see the end of the message.
+Please use the nearest site, to reduce the load on our Sparc 1.
+I think the same patch that John Interrante and others created for web2c
+6.1 will work for this release (but I didn't actually try it); you can
+get that as the file from the above sites.
+Naturally, I am working on the next release of web2c. It will be ready
+no sooner than a month or two from now (and perhaps significantly
+longer); it's no use to ask me precisely when, as I simply do not know.
+As always, thanks to the many people who contributed. I tried to note
+names in the ChangeLog entries.
+Also as usual, I've tested these with gcc 2.5.8, using GNU make 3.71, on
+several architectures: Linux 1.0.4, SunOS 4, Solaris 2.3, HP-UX 9, Alpha
+OSF/1 1.3, RS/6000 AIX 3.2.4, Aviion DG/UX 5.4.2, SGI IRIX 4.0.5F, and
+MIPS Ultrix 4.3. I used stock MIT X11R5 on all the machines for xdvik.
+You can get GNU software from and its mirrors, and you
+can get MIT X from and *its* mirrors.
+Here's the NEWS:
+dvipsk 5.58b
+* config.$PRINTER is read even if -o or -f is specified, i.e., always.
+* Paths in dvips config.$PRINTER files are not ignored (this was accidental!).
+* Closing quote in \special{"..."} omitted from the output.
+* --help and --version options supported.
+kpathsea 2.2
+* MakeTeXPK invoked for the any_glyph type; this is for xdvik.
+* MakeTeXPK sources $(psheaderdir)/ if it exists.
+* pxlNNN/ searched for (as well as dpiNNN/ and cmr10.NNNpk)
+xdvik 18c
+* Include SELFILE support by default.
+* Support the `ps: <literal PostScript>' special.
+* Support --help (and -help and +help).
+* Convert both 330 and 328 dpi to 329 (magstephalf).
+* Checksum warnings omitted if either the font or DVI checksum is zero.
+dviljk 2.2
+* Use perror for nonexistent input files.
+Help fight the new programming monopolies -- write
+ Here are the CTAN sites and their mirrors:
+prompt$ finger
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+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 9]