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+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 7 Apr 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 006
+% The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: extension of eqnarray*
+ Re: HypherTeX
+ Questions: twocolumn mode, eqnarray
+ Re: C to TeX, anyone? (I will write it; suggestions wellcome)
+ heading and footnote in LaTeX
+ Re: "Papyrus" and "Reference Manager"
+ MakeIndex
+ BibTeX help!
+ Long filenames for type1 fonts
+ Marginal asterisks in LaTeX
+ Latex for Mac ?
+ side margin changes after 1st page in LaTeX letters?
+ Hungarian accents and Hyphenation
+ Font shrinking with negative magsteps
+ fig2MF available on FILESERV/Niord
+ List Of TeX Tutorials
+ ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Computer Modern' Blackboard fonts available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: 11 Mar 1993 15:00:00 -0000
+From: Mike Piff <>
+Subject: Re: extension of eqnarray*
+Jon Ahlquist asks for a multi-column extension of eqnarray:
+I use the following to align at several points the way eqnarray* does, ie,
+suitable for
+a = b < c <= d
+type alignments.
+I never use eqnarray (numbered), but I am sure that it can be done in a
+similar way.
+$$\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup%
+ $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil&&\hskip 2\arraycolsep\hfil ${##}$\hfil
+ &\hskip 2\arraycolsep $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil\cr}
+ a &=& b &<& c &\leq d&=&\\
+ e &\leq& f &=&g
+Dr M J Piff e-mail:
+Department of Pure Mathematics
+University of Sheffield
+Hicks Building
+Hounsfield Road
+SHEFFIELD S3 7RH Telephone: SHEFFIELD (0742) 824431
+Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1993 10:05:58 -0500
+From: (Berthold K.P. Horn)
+Subject: Re: HypherTeX
+> I am interested in TeX has a tool for writing hypertext.
+> I know there exists GNU texinfo.
+> Has anyone notice of related information.
+DVIWindo supports hyper text linkage. You can define `buttons' and `marks'
+using \special. If the user clicks on a button, viewing is transferred
+to the corresponding mark. The right mouse button can be used to return.
+Buttons can be highlighted using different fonts (bold), colored text,
+colored rules, TIFF bitmap images, reverse video, whatever...
+DISCLAIMER: respondent has connections with Y&Y.
+Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1993 19:52:51 +0100
+From: Wolfgang Ratzka <>
+Subject: Questions: twocolumn mode, eqnarray
+> 2) Does anybody have an extension of \begin{eqnarray}\end{eqnarray}
+> that numbers equations and can line up more than one term in each row?
+> I would like to line up several terms in several equations
+> to show similarity of structure among the equations.
+There is equationarray.sty which should be availabel in the usual places.
+ ___ Wolfgang Ratzka
+| | :-) -------------------------------------------------------
+| /\ | \ X400:
+|/ \| \ SMTP:
+Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 20:05:39 +0100
+From: Peer.Stritzinger@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE
+Subject: Re: C to TeX, anyone? (I will write it; suggestions wellcome)
+I'm going to write a TeX macro package that allows you to
+directly include your C source in the document.
+The features I want to include are:
+* Different styles (font etc.) can be specified for string
+ constants and comments.
+* Comments can be written in TeX using math and whatever you
+ like. Multi-line comments are formatted with margins
+ depending on the context.
+* Tabs are expanded.
+* I don't think the readability of a C-program improves if
+ the keywords of the language are highlighted, but if
+ someone tells me he would prefer this, it can be included
+ easily.
+Unfortunately I can't start writing this until at least the
+end of May. The positive side is that I can consider
+suggestions from the net. So if you have any features you
+want included in this package feel free to contact me.
+- -- peer
+P.S.: The package will be free of course.
+Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1993 10:40:58 +0700
+From: (Wei Xing Zheng)
+Subject: heading and footnote in LaTeX
+I am trying to use LaTeX to underline a whole heading
+and to center the running head, e.g. to make a heading
+ Time series analysis 3
+- -------------------------------------------------------
+where "Time series analysis" is the running head and
+"3" the page number. I have found that the commands
+\pagestyle{myheadings} and \markright cannot work
+desirably in this case. Is there any other way to make
+a heading as above? Further, is it possible to use
+LaTeX to overline a whole footnote, e.g. like
+- -------------------------------------------------------
+Time series analysis 3
+Looking forward to a reply. Thanks.
+Wei X. Zheng
+Dept. of Maths, University of Western Australia
+Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1993 11:21:37 -0600
+From: Craig Stuart Niederberger <>
+Subject: Re: "Papyrus" and "Reference Manager"
+Kudos to David Rhead for pointing out what to me has seemed to be
+a persistent problem--TeX/LaTeX interface with personal bibliographic
+systems. I use RefMan (Reference Manager) because I write medical
+articles, and it allows direct importation of references from bibliographic
+retrieval systems such as BRS Colleague. This has caused me some difficulty,
+because I prefer to use LaTeX (for obvious reasons) in writing the
+articles themselves. Right now, I am using my own, admittedly suboptimal
+I keep 2 sets of databases, my RefMan databases, and my BibTeX databases.
+Article "codes" are consistent in both. (Ugly, because a numerical code
+is assigned by RefMan such as 1423, which has nothing to do with the
+content of the article. I would prefer "readable" codes such as
+Goldman:CardDeath93 but I am too lazy to change my well over 1400 RefMan
+articles, growing by leaps and bounds every day.)
+I have a journal style in RefMan, which I use to print out a transfer file
+of articles (ASCII) that I select to port over to BibTeX. This style divides
+the article information with colons (:).
+I wrote a simple C program to convert that ASCII file to BibTeX format.
+This way, I can still use the database retrieval features of RefMan to find
+the article and then cite it in my LaTeX text, which is really handy. I
+can also import articles into RefMan from say, BRS Colleague or Medline,
+and then (sort of) directly transfer them to a BibTeX file.
+If anyone is interested in the C program, I'll give it to them. If anyone
+has a better way of doing this with RefMan, PLEASE let me know.
+Craig Niederberger M.D. Internet EMAIL:
+Department of Urology, Room 440E US Phone: 713-798-7267
+Baylor College of Medicine FAX: 713-798-5577
+One Baylor Plaza
+Houston, Texas 77030-3498 USA
+Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1993 11:14:25 -0600
+From: "Jerry Packard, U of Illinois" <>
+Subject: MakeIndex
+Dear Helpful Persons:
+Do you know where I might get a publicly-available version of MakeIndex
+for LaTeX?
+Thanks, J. Packard
+Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 16:44:07 -0500
+From: "Roberto R. Garcia" <>
+Subject: BibTeX help!
+After many hours of reasearch over the internet I have been
+unsuccessful in finding any information on BibTeX. Maybe I didn't
+look hard enough. Anyway, I would be very happy if someone could
+explain what this is and if there exists a ny .EXE files that will
+process .BIB files. Does this make sense? If not, ple ase set me
+Roberto R. Garcia
+Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 18:11:29 -0800
+From: mackay@edu.washington.cs (Pierre MacKay)
+Subject: Long filenames for type1 fonts
+# As a service to those who need short file names, font
+# files are commonly distributed with names that will fit
+# into the Procrustean limits of MS-DOS. The naming convention,
+# particularly for type1 outline fonts has been carefully
+# worked out to give as much information as possible in a little
+# space but, on a fully functional Unix system, it is a lot
+# clearer to see exactly what the supplier/``foundry'' really
+# calls the font.
+# This script extracts the name from either a pfa file or an afm
+# file, renames the short file with the full name and then
+# links the old short name to the full name. (Have it both ways!)
+# It is reasonably safe (barring system crashes) to run this
+# script as part of a "for" or "foreach" loop, since the globbing
+# is already done before the script starts working.
+ext=`expr $shortname : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
+fullname=`grep "FontName" $shortname | awk '{ print $2 }' | tr -d "/"`
+echo "$shortname --> ${fullname}.$ext"
+mv $shortname ${fullname}.$ext
+ln -s ${fullname}.$ext $shortname
+exit 0
+Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily
+to: Elizabeth Tachikawa
+otherwise to: Pierre A. MacKay
+Smail: Northwest Computing Support Center Resident Druid for
+ Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10 Unix-flavored TeX
+ University of Washington
+ Seattle, WA 98195
+ (206) 543-6259
+Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1993 13:53:52 -0500
+Subject: Marginal asterisks in LaTeX
+I am a novice LaTex user and I need some help. I need marignal
+asterisks for la tex documents. I want to be able to turn asterisks on
+and off with a command an d I want a specified footnote on each page
+that contains one or more asterisks in the margin. For
+instance after a command like:
+\asteriskson{the footnote goes here}
+Each line in the text that appears after this command would contain a
+marginal asterisk in the right hand margin. Asterisks in the margin
+adjacent to figures, table, equations, etc. are also required. Then a
+command like:
+would turn them of (no more asterisks would appear in the marginal column).
+The footnote would say something like:
+"Disclosure of information on lines specifically identified by an
+asterisk (*) is not permitted"
+Does some macro to do this already exist? Is what I need properly
+called a "macro"? How hard would it be to write one? Can anybody
+help me?
+Tom Sobota
+Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1993 17:11:05 -0800
+From: anz@vas.COM (Alex Zamfirescu)
+Subject: Latex for Mac ?
+I would like to know if anyone out there has used
+any Latex version on the Mac PowerBooks.
+What is feasible on the PowerBook and where can
+I get the software.
+Alex Zamfirescu
+Please reply to
+Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1993 15:33:59 -0400
+From: John Kohl <>
+Subject: side margin changes after 1st page in LaTeX letters?
+I'm trying to do some tweaking of the latex letter.sty margins to shift
+the text for a letter to print on letterhead. The letterhead has stuff
+at the top and along the left side.
+The first page should have the altered top and side margins; the
+subsequent pages should have "normal" margins (to be printed on blank
+Any suggestions/pointers on how to do this?
+John Kohl
+Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1993 08:44:01 -0800
+From: Piter Verhas <>
+Subject: Hungarian accents and Hyphenation
+[This message is converted from WPS-PLUS to ASCII]
+ Using TeX for the Hungarian Language
+ Accented letters and hyphenation
+ Peter Verhas
+1. Introduction
+All accented letters we use in Hungarian are handled by TeX without
+modification thoguh it is inconvinient to type \' , \" or \H{} each time
+for an accented letter. There are many conversion tools to ease the use
+of the accented letters. These tools convert the extended character set
+to the usual TeX notation. There is another approach to use accented
+letter. This changes the fonts to have those accented letters in the font
+file, and modifies plain.tex or latex.tex to have these characters (code
+is larger than 127) catcode letter.
+The Hungarian hyphenation can also be handled by TeX without modification
+since it has the \discretionary macro. Such hyphenations are common and
+frequent in Hungarian. If consonants like sz (which sound like s in
+English) or cs (which is something like tsch in the name Tschebishev) are
+doubled have the form ssz or ccs, except when the hyphenation breaks
+them. In such case they are sz-sz or cs-cs. Such hyphenation can NOT
+automatic handled by hyphenation tables, and those tables that are in use
+usually prevent hyphenation at such places. Typing the discretionary
+macro for each such hyphenation is also very time and effort consuming.
+The solution that some of us use since few years, and which might be
+interesting for Hungarian writing people from practical, and for others
+from the intellectual point of view is a preprocessor that inserts these
+discretionary hyphenations and does the conversion for the accented
+letters. The program I would like to introduce does more in fact.
+2. HiOn, the Hungarian TeX preprocessor
+HiOn is a TeX preprocessor that makes two major tasks:
+1.) It transforms Hungarian accented letters to their TeX notation.
+2.) It inserts the standard soft hyphenation string according to the
+Hungarian grammar rules at all possible places.
+The first task ease the generation of the source files allowing user to
+use the extended character set of his system (which can be IBM PC
+character set, ISO Latin II or any user defined code table).
+The second prevents bad hyphenations or overfull, underfull hboxes
+depending on the actual TeX setting. To do this HiOn implements a fast,
+rule based hyphenation algorithm. This base algorithm is extended with an
+exception dictionary since version 1.7, which is the current version.
+HiOn reads the source file (default extension is HUN) and generates a TeX
+file (default extension is TEX). This way the TeX files act as temporary
+files just like DVI files. The generated TeX does not contain 8 bit
+characters (unless user requests special accented character handling)
+which is transparent to all mailing systems and need not depend on
+particular TeX macro set.
+This way HiOn can benefit TeX's discretionary capabilities for
+hyphenating words which contain compound consonants. HiOn hyphenates
+words like ``processzor'' correct to the form
+``pro-ce\discretionary{ssz}{sz-}{sz}or'' which tells TeX to break the
+word as
+o pro-cesszor
+ or
+o procesz-szor.
+Such hyphenation rule can be found in German as well (ck hyphenated as
+Using the expanded hyphenation rules introduced in version 1.1 HiOn can
+hyphenate those verbs that have alternation prefix like ``megenni'' which
+hyphenates as ``meg-enni''. HiOn checks the whole word not only the
+prefix as the prefixes themselves do not guarantee being
+verb-alternation-prefix. Therefore it knows ``el-ad\'o'' and also knows
+``e-le-f\'ant''. HiOn also know by rules such weird hyphenations like
+o malac-s\'ag
+o meg-gy\'urni
+o megy-gyes.
+As introduced in version 1.7 HiOn uses an exception dictionary and
+correctly hyphenates all compound words that appear in the Hungarian
+dictionary: ``Magyar \'Ertelmez\H{}o K\'ezisz\'ot\'ar''.
+The exception dictionary has an ASCII and a compressed binary form. Using
+the ASCII form users can extend the exception dictionary with words which
+are not common but need hyphenation. A typical example is a long chemical
+name. The binary form was designed and optimized for size and speed. On
+special request HiOn converts the ASCII form to binary and this way the
+extended dictionary can get into effect.
+HiOn is highly configurable, has approximately 30 options to tailor to
+the actual needs. As version 1.7 HiOn should HYPHENATE ALL HUNGARIAN
+WORDS CORRECT. Even if it failed in some cases users can include words in
+the exception dictionary.
+HiOn was written and continuously developed during the last three years
+in computer language C in a structured manner and compiles and has the
+same behavior under MS-DOS, VMS and UNIX.
+HiOn as a shareware product is available in Hungary in source code and in
+MS-DOS executable format with full documentation in Hungarian and
+exception dictionary in ASCII and in binary format.
+NONPROFIT and EDUCATION usage of HiOn only requires registration. (Some
+more minor requirements are included in the User's Guide.)
+PROFIT-ORIENTED usage of HiOn requires special agreement with the author.
+A book was already published prepared using HiOn V1.2 and some other
+books are under publishing. There is one registered, profit-oriented user
+of HiOn in Hungary.
+3. Conclusion
+ With HiOn the usage of TeX (and LaTeX or any other macro package) was
+tailored to the special needs of the Hungarian language and it has the
+same felxibility and capability as in English.
+Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 18:15:02 -0800
+From: mackay@edu.washington.cs (Pierre MacKay)
+Subject: Font shrinking with negative magsteps
+{\Large A table of negative magsteps}\\
+\vspace {.25in}
+\noindent The increasing availability of outline fonts, especially
+those licensed for general use through the X Consortium
+(Charter, Courier, Utopia), and the growing number of \TeX-related
+utilities for printing and screen preview of documents using
+these fonts, requires the use of some rather interesting magstep values.
+There is usually only one design size for an outline font, and the
+\TeX{} user must depend on scaling for all point sizes, in the
+hope that font hinting will supply some of the non-linear effects
+which ought to distinguish a 5-point from a 10-point font.
+A PostScript or Ghostscript engine will deal with the scaling
+implicitly, but {\tt xdvi} and other display programs which depend on
+rasterized font images need to have them supplied by some sort of
+conversion program. The {\tt ps2pk} utility, available through a number
+of servers on the internet, is a good tool for creating PK fonts
+from type1 outlines. It comes with several associated programs,
+including {\tt mag} which calculates appropriate dpi values at various
+screen and printer resolutions. As long as your concern is
+only with large fonts, this utility is very straightforward, but
+when you need to create 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9-point images from
+a 10-point design master, the values are a bit less obvious.
+To shrink fonts you have to use negative magstep values and
+fortunately the {\tt mag} program is designed to permit this.
+Here is a table of negative magsteps, for the full range
+of sizes from 9-point down to 5-point. Values are given for the
+true magstep series and also for integer pointsizes.
+Arguments can be made for choosing either series.
+\multicolumn{2}{|c||}{Magstep Series}&\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Pointsize Series}\\
+magstep&300 dpi&magstep&300 dpi&pointsize \\
+value&value&value&value&reduction \\
+- -0.50&274&-0.58&270&$9/10$ \\
+- -1.00&250&-1.22&240&$8/10$ \\
+- -2.00&208&-1.95&210&$7/10$ \\
+- -3.00&174&-2.80&180&$6/10$ \\
+- -4.00&144&-3.80&150&$5/10$ \\
+\noindent The next magstep, $-5.00$ would bring the values into complete
+agreement, at a dpi value of 120, but 4-point fonts are not much use
+for anything. Two additional values which have sometimes come in
+useful are $-0.6 (-0.63)$ for an $8/9$ reduction, and $-0.8333
+(-0.85)$ for a $6/7$ reduction. The first value, incidentally, is
+half a magstep, and the second is the reciprocal.
+Pierre Mackay \\ \\
+Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily
+to: Elizabeth Tachikawa
+otherwise to: Pierre A. MacKay
+Smail: Northwest Computing Support Center Resident Druid for
+ Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10 Unix-flavored TeX
+ University of Washington
+ Seattle, WA 98195
+ (206) 543-6259
+Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1993 17:15:43 -0600
+From: "George D. Greenwade" <>
+Subject: fig2MF available on FILESERV/Niord
+Anthony Starks <> kindly forwarded along his new version of
+fig2MF (version 0.04; 16 March 1993). Attached is the description file for
+your reference.
+Regards and thanks to Anthony for his submission, George
+ ------
+The FIG2MF package contains a UUENCODEd ZIP archive of Anthony Starks'
+fig2MF (version 0.04, 16 March 1993). This package translates the graphics
+language Fig to METAFONT using the mfpic macros. With this tool, any
+program that creates Fig code, such as xfig, can be used as font creation
+tool. Included in the distribution are preliminary documentation, source
+code, manual page (in TeX), required MF macros, and a testing script, along
+with a variety of sample figures.
+To retrieve the one-part distribution via e-mail, include:
+in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
+The UUENCODEd file is 66 512-byte blocks in size. The ZIP archive is
+available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in
+Files in FIG2MF.ZIP/FIG2MF-0_04.ZIP:
+Anthony Starks' fig2MF (version 0.04; 16 March 1993) tool for
+convert Fig code to mfpic METAFONT code.
+ Length Method Size Ratio Date Time Name ("^" ==> case
+ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- conversion)
+ 0 Stored 0 0% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/
+ 2117 Deflate 919 57% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/README
+ 9870 Deflate 3142 68% 03-16-93 16:42 fig2mf/fig2MF.c
+ 4122 Deflate 1712 58% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/fig2MFman.tex
+ 24650 Deflate 8238 67% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/
+ 114 Deflate 99 13% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/tf
+ 3411 Deflate 1213 64% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/alltypes.fig
+ 3448 Deflate 577 83% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/balls.fig
+ 1297 Deflate 411 68% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/bean.fig
+ 1321 Deflate 257 81% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/book.fig
+ 362 Deflate 123 66% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/chase.fig
+ 2443 Deflate 955 61% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/face.fig
+ 9376 Deflate 1183 87% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/house.fig
+ 1316 Deflate 520 60% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/many.fig
+ 253 Deflate 103 59% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/mitsu.fig
+ 374 Deflate 131 65% 03-16-93 16:39 fig2mf/parc-place.fig
+ 254 Deflate 101 60% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/plane.fig
+ 1918 Deflate 543 72% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/powells.fig
+ 478 Deflate 146 69% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/qd.fig
+ 1215 Deflate 229 81% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/shade.fig
+ 734 Deflate 221 70% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/thick.fig
+ 7273 Deflate 1064 85% 03-16-93 16:40 fig2mf/type.fig
+ ------ ------ --- -------
+ 76346 21887 71% 22
+Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 12:40:38 -0600
+From: Tundra Tim Daneliuk <>
+Subject: List Of TeX Tutorials
+List Of TeX-Related Tutorials As Of 03.26.93
+Herein is a list of tutorials on TeX-related subjects. If you are the
+author of such a document and that document is freely available
+(public domain, GNU Copyleft, etc.) please feel free to email me the
+information in the format defined below and I'll include it in the
+next revision of this list.
+Also, if any of the information is incorrect, misleading, or otherwise
+needs amending, please let me know.
+Thanks to all who have contributed.
+- ---------------------------- Submission Format ------------------------------
+Document Name: <Title Of Document>
+Latest Version: <Version Number And/Or Date>
+Author Name: <Last Name, First Name>
+Author Email Address: <Optional, If You Don't Want To Be Pestered>
+Size (Bytes): <Or Pages>
+Brief Description: <One Line Please>
+Intended Audience: <Novice, Advanced, Specialist In Some Discipline, etc.>
+Distribution Site: <Primary ftp Site>
+Comments: <Whatever Makes Sense Here - Try To Keep It Under 50 Lines Or So>
+- ------------------------- Beginning Of Tutorial List ------------------------
+Document Name: Application Of NFSS In The Context Of Latex
+Latest Version: January 1993
+Author Name: {\.Z}bikowski, Rafa{\l}
+Author Email Address: Not Available
+Size (Bytes): ~40K
+Brief Description: A FAQ containing two embedded LaTeX documents
+Intended Audience: Newcomers to the New Font Selection Scheme and
+ amsfontsS no (La)TeX expertise assumed.
+Distribution Site
+Comments: The purpose of this document is to describe briefly
+ AmSFonts and the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) in the
+ context of LaTeX. The issues addressed are as follows.
+ AmSFonts: What are AmSFonts? Where to get AmSFonts from?
+ How to install AmSFonts for LaTeX?
+ New Font Selection Scheme: What is the New Font Selection
+ Scheme (NFSS)? Why to use NFSS? Where to get NFSS from?
+ How to install NFSS? How to use NFSS to install AmSFonts
+ for LaTeX?
+ Also: How can NFSS and AmSFonts be used in practice?
+ (Examples.)
+ The questions are attempted to be answered from user's
+ point of view as opposed to (La)TeXpert's/designer's.
+Document Name: A Catalogue of TeX Macros
+Latest Version:
+Author Name: Jones, David
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 367136
+Brief Description: A Catalogue of TeX Macros.
+Intended Audience: Anyone who uses TeX.
+Distribution Site:
+ pub/tex/TeX-index
+Comments: The goal of this document is to provide a catalogue of all
+ publicly-available TeX macros and macro packages, such as AMS-TeX,
+ plain TeX, eplain, FoilTeX, LaTeX, AMS-LaTex, LAMS-TeX, Lollipop,
+ etc. Although it is far from complete, it already contains nearly
+ 1000 entries. (It also includes a section on BibTeX style files.)
+ The author actively solicits contributions and greatly appreciates
+ it when authors of macro packages send him updates or new entries.
+Document Name: The Components of TeX
+Author Name: Joachim Schrod
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): ca 30 KB
+Brief Description: It describes the components and files users of TeX
+ get in contact with.
+Intended Audience: Not a document for beginners. For those who have used TeX
+ for a while and wonder what all those files are good for.
+Distribution Site (ftp or uucp):
+ pub/tex/documentation/components-of-TeX.tar.Z
+Comments: Also available from all larger TeX archives.
+Document Name: elm.tex (Essential LaTeX Mathematics)
+Latest Version: (no version number - only one version)
+Author Name: Carlisle, David
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 18362
+Brief Description: An addition to Essential LaTeX, describing mathematics.
+Intended Audience: Those with an interest in typesetting mathematics.
+Distribution Site:
+Comments: Does not describe mathematics under the NFSS. Uses the obsolete
+ ms[xy]m fonts. Requires amssymbols.sty.
+Document Name: A Gentle Introduction to TeX
+Latest Version:
+Author Name: Doob, Michael
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 198589
+Brief Description: Introduction to plain tex.
+Intended Audience: Rank beginners.
+Distribution Site: Many (try gentle.tex on Archie)
+Comments: Hard copy also available from the TeX Users Group at a nominal cost.
+Document Name: Getting Up And Running With AMS-LaTeX
+Latest Version: December 16,1992
+Author Name: Hirschhorn, Phil
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Pytes): 25
+Brief Description: Overview of the American Mathematical Society version of
+ LaTeX.
+Intended Audience: Intended for someone with at least some experience with
+ either plain TeX, AMS-TeX, or LaTeX.
+Distribution Site: Contact author via email.
+Comments: Attempts to give enough information for someone to get started with
+ AMS-LaTeX without having to read the manual. Contains a template
+ file.
+Document Name: An Introduction To TeX And Friends
+Latest Version:
+Author Name: Maltby, Gavin
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 150405
+Brief Description: An introduction to the TeX world through LaTeX. Covers
+ text processing and mathematical typesetting. Far from a
+ reference work, for there are many commands not even
+ mentioned. Around 80 pages.
+Intended Audience: LaTeX beginners, especially those who want to typeset
+ mathematics and proceed to AmSLaTeX
+Distribution Site: To Be Determined
+Comments: Prepared for short course given at University of Natal,
+ Pietermaritzburg. Prepared in great haste, so not ultimately
+ polished.
+Document Name: Metafont For Beginners
+Latest Version: draft 2, Fri 23 Oct 1992.
+Author Name: Tobin, Geoffrey
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 15252
+Brief Description: A brief overview of what Metafont is and does.
+Intended Audience: Moderately experienced TeX users
+Distribution Site:
+Comments: Short and sweet, a great way to get started with Metafont.
+Document Name: symbols.tex
+Latest Version: 2.00
+Author Name: Carlisle, David
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 17594
+Brief Description: A listing of all the standard LaTeX math symbols and the
+ AMS symbols.
+Intended Audience: Those with an interest in typesetting mathematics.
+Distribution Site:, SHSU, stuttgart
+Comments: If used with the NFSS, requires AMSFONTS2.1, and amssymb.sty. If
+ used without the NFSS, does not show the AMS Fonts.
+Document Name: TeXsis -- TeX Macros for Physicists
+Latest Version:
+Author Name: Myers, Eric and Paige, Frank
+Author Email Address:
+Size (Bytes): 835584 (tar file)
+Brief Description: TeX macros extending Plain TeX
+Intended Audience: Physicists and others who write technical documents.
+Distribution Site:
+Comments: See the files README and INSTALL in the ftp directory.
+ The manual is written in TeXsis, so you need the macros to print it.
+ Partially a tutorial along with the macros necessary to help
+ physicists make use of TeX effectively.
+ "Tundra" Tim Daneliuk
+ OR (Yuk!): eskimo!
+ ALSO: ...uunet!!clout!eskimo!tundra
+ US SNAIL: 4927 N. Rockwell, Chicago, IL 60625
+ MA BELL: (312) 989-1052
+Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1993 12:10:42 +0400
+From: (Gilles F. ROBERT)
+Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Computer Modern' Blackboard fonts available
+Hi all,
+There has been one or two weeks ago a discussion on this list about 'bold
+blackboard' fonts: which are available and what are they like.
+The answer has been (as far as I understood)
+ - the AMS fonts msbm (older version msym) are intended for use with Times
+and aren't truly what a mathematician expects (the stress is on both stems
+instead of being on only the left one).
+ - Alan Jeffrey's bbold fonts are sans-serif ones, with (almost) no
+possibility of design variations for, say, a bold variant.
+That was all, and in particular nothing for use with Computer Modern.
+I was already working at that time on the project of changing the codes of, and other files to add a 'Blackboard' variant to
+Computer Modern.
+The whole package contains five 'main' files:
+ - (the 'base') contains the supplementary definitions needed
+for double stems etc..
+ - (the 'driver') is fairly simpleand only makes the necessary calls.
+ - (based on programs for uppercase letters.
+ - (based on programs for lowercase letters.
+ - (based on and programs for the digits~1
+and~2 and for parentheses and brackets.
+There is also a whole lot of parameter files that are (almost) the same as
+those provided by DEK.
+For most of them, the only differences are
+- - change 'cmbase' for 'blbbase' on line~2
+- - change 'generate roman' for 'generate blbord' on last line
+- - add two extra parameters (interspace# and cap_interspace#).
+Since I do not have (yet) any anon. ftp server here to put these files, I
+can e-mail the files, but I would be very honoured if someone gave me an
+address where to put all these things.
+ _ _
+| Gilles F. ROBERT
+| _ _ _ Institut Fourier, Mathematiques Pures
+| | | B.P.74
+|_ _|_ _| 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex (FRANCE)
+ | \
+ | \ e-mail :
+Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX
+Users Group, and the latest software versions is available
+in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest.
+Please send contributions to:
+Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ On Internet:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
+ send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx
+ send a similar one line mail message to
+Back issues of the digest are available for anonymous ftp from
+the UK TeX Archive, (
+ in [tex-archive.digests.texhax.YY]texhax.NN
+and from (
+ in /pub/archive/digests/texhax/YY/texhax.NN
+where YY = last two digits of year, NN = issue number
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 93 Issue 6]