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+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #4 - 8 msgs
+Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:05:05 +0100
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 4
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. ALternate images in a PDF file (Joel Coltoff)
+ 2. TUG 2002: further call for papers (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 3. Side by side (Roger Gawley)
+ 4. Re: Side by side (Hartmut Henkel)
+ 5. Q: \time command? (Andreas Hadjiprocopis)
+ 6. Re: Q: \time command? (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 7. Re: Q: \time command? (Nelson H. F. Beebe)
+ 8. Re: Q: \time command? (John W. Shipman)
+Message: 1
+Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:33:57 -0500 (EST)
+From: Joel Coltoff <>
+To: <>
+Subject: ALternate images in a PDF file
+I think I know what I want. I'm just not sure if it can be done
+or how to get there if it can. What I want to do is have two versions
+of each image in a file. If the printer is color capable then I
+want to use image A. If not then use image B. Sound simple enough.
+I can even do it in postscript. The problem is that when you distill
+it the black and white stuff gets thrown away. I've not used pdftex
+but as best as I can tell it supports the alternate image capabilities
+of PDF. Does this give me what I want/need? All I've gotten so far is
+the PDFTeX User Manual. Is there something else that shows some examples
+of how to do this? A gentle nudge down the correct path would be greatly
+Joel Coltoff
+Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving
+wordy evidence of the fact.
+ -- George Eliot
+Message: 2
+Subject: TUG 2002: further call for papers
+Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:02:25 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Followup call for papers --
+TUG 2002 Annual Meeting and Conference
+September 1-7, Trivandrum, India
+Even though the official deadline has passed, there is still time to
+submit a proposal for a paper to be presented at the most exciting TeX
+event of 2002, the international conference of TeX Users Group is
+scheduled to be conducted in India during September 1--7, 2002 at Park
+Center, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala.
+The theme for TUG 2002 is `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'. Show us
+why it is still the typesetting tool of choice, the range of material
+it can handle, and especially how it can coexist with the new world of
+XML. We want to hear about
+ * using TeX to typeset XML
+ * multilingual typesetting using Omega
+ * high-quality hyperdocuments using pdfTeX
+ * fonts for non-Latin languages
+ * new directions for Metafont and Metapost
+Full conference details can be found at
+Proposals for papers should be sent to
+We can accept proposals for a further two weeks (until the end of
+March 2002), and will notify authors of the acceptance at the end of
+that period. Other dates are:
+ * 12 April 2002: preliminary program available
+ * May 2002: send first version of full paper
+ * July 2002: send final version of full paper
+ * 4th-7th September 2002: TUG conference in India
+Email addresses for contact:
+ -- General information
+ -- Submission of papers
+ -- Financial matters
+ -- Travel information
+ -- Media contact
+Robin Fairbairns
+For TUG 2002 Organising Committee
+[please circulate this as widely as seems appropriate; in particular,
+if you have membership mailing lists, please consider forwarding this
+message, or a pointer to the conference web site, to the list.]
+Message: 3
+Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:41:23 +0100 (BST)
+From: Roger Gawley <>
+Subject: Side by side
+Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+any many instances of a structure like this:
+ Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+ Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+ by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+ Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+ 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+ London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+ England photocopies available from
+ Andy's Front Hall,
+ Voorheesville, NY
+I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+(if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+Tony Young
+Mowbray House
+Co. Durham
+DL15 9JG
+Roger Gawley
+17 Dryburn Road
+DH1 5AJ
+}% stop obeying lines
+But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+the effect I am after?
+Message: 4
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:01:05 +0200 (CEST)
+From: Hartmut Henkel <>
+To: Roger Gawley <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Side by side
+Dear Roger,
+with inspiration from Salomon's Advanced TeXBook I found the following:
+ \gdef\aaa#1=#2\endblk{
+ \hbox to 140pt{
+ \vtop{\hsize=50pt
+ \parindent=0pt
+ #1}
+ \hss
+ \vtop{\hsize=90pt
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let^^M\space
+ #2}}
+ \endblk
+ }
+ Hello
+ You
+ out there
+ in a
+ Stack!
+ Hello
+ You
+ out
+ there
+ in a
+ Paragraph!
+Best Regards
+On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Roger Gawley wrote:
+> Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+> any many instances of a structure like this:
+> Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+> Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+> by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+> Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+> 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+> London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+> England photocopies available from
+> Andy's Front Hall,
+> Voorheesville, NY
+> I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+> (if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+> \def\address#1=#2={\hbox{\hsize3truein\vtop{#1}\hfil\vtop{#2}}\bigskip}
+> {\obeylines
+> \address
+> Tony Young
+> Mowbray House
+> Crook
+> Co. Durham
+> DL15 9JG
+> =
+> Roger Gawley
+> 17 Dryburn Road
+> Durham
+> DH1 5AJ
+> =
+> }% stop obeying lines
+> But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+> the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+> though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+> after.
+> Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+> the effect I am after?
+> _______________________________________________
+> TeXhax mailing list
+Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Henkel
+von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH
+Schlossplatz 8, D-68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
+Message: 5
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:32:40 +0100 (BST)
+From: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+To: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Q: \time command?
+Hello texhackers,
+I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+give me the current time as well (e.g. the time the document was
+formatted with latex)
+many thanks,
+Andreas Hadjiprocopis
+Computer Science Department
+On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
+> Dear Roger,
+> with inspiration from Salomon's Advanced TeXBook I found the following:
+> {\obeylines
+> \gdef\aaa#1=#2\endblk{
+> \hbox to 140pt{
+> \vtop{\hsize=50pt
+> \parindent=0pt
+> #1}
+> \hss
+> \vtop{\hsize=90pt
+> \parindent=0pt
+> \let^^M\space
+> #2}}
+> \endblk
+> }
+> }
+> \def\startblk{\hrule\bgroup\obeylines\aaa}
+> \def\endblk{\egroup\hrule}
+> \startblk
+> Hello
+> You
+> out there
+> in a
+> Stack!
+> =
+> Hello
+> You
+> out
+> there
+> in a
+> Paragraph!
+> \endblk
+> \bye
+> Best Regards
+> Hartmut
+> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Roger Gawley wrote:
+> > Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+> > any many instances of a structure like this:
+> >
+> > Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+> > Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+> > by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+> > Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+> > 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+> > London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+> > England photocopies available from
+> > Andy's Front Hall,
+> > Voorheesville, NY
+> >
+> > I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+> > (if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+> >
+> > \def\address#1=#2={\hbox{\hsize3truein\vtop{#1}\hfil\vtop{#2}}\bigskip}
+> > {\obeylines
+> > \address
+> > Tony Young
+> > Mowbray House
+> > Crook
+> > Co. Durham
+> > DL15 9JG
+> > =
+> > Roger Gawley
+> > 17 Dryburn Road
+> > Durham
+> > DH1 5AJ
+> > =
+> > }% stop obeying lines
+> >
+> > But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+> > the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+> > though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+> > after.
+> >
+> > Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+> > the effect I am after?
+> >
+> >
+> > _______________________________________________
+> > TeXhax mailing list
+> >
+> >
+> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Henkel
+> von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH
+> Schlossplatz 8, D-68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
+> E-Mail
+> WWW
+> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> _______________________________________________
+> TeXhax mailing list
+Message: 6
+To: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 11:28:18 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+the ctan catalogue isn't terribly clever, but with the keyword "time"
+returned (amongst lots of stuff about "times fonts")
+time Defines a macro \now to macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/
+ print the current time.
+Message: 7
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 06:29:42 -0600 (MDT)
+From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <>
+To: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+Andreas Hadjiprocopis <> asks on
+Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:32:40 +0100 (BST)
+>> I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+>> give me the current time as well...
+Instead of the \today command, use the \time command.
+Here is a solution lifted from a style file that I've used for years
+to get a timestamp in typeset letters:
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\divide\hh by 60
+\divide\mm by 60
+\multiply\mm by 60
+\advance\mm by \time
+Use it like this in a LaTeX document:
+ \date{\today{ }\hhmm}
+- Nelson H. F. Beebe Tel: +1 801 581 5254 -
+- Center for Scientific Computing FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148 -
+- University of Utah Internet e-mail: -
+- Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB -
+- 155 S 1400 E RM 233 -
+- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA URL: -
+Message: 8
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:38:04 -0600 (MDT)
+From: "John W. Shipman" <>
+To: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Andreas Hadjiprocopis asked:
+| I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+| give me the current time as well (e.g. the time the document was
+| formatted with latex)
+Below my .signature you will find the macros I use for timestamping
+documents in the ANSI standard order (year-month-day hour:minute).
+Best regards,
+John Shipman (, Applications Specialist, NM Tech Computer Center,
+Speare 128, Socorro, NM 87801, (505) 835-5950,
+ ``Let's go outside and commiserate with nature.'' --Dave Farber
+% today.tex: Macro to print today's date
+% Author: John W. Shipman, NM Tech Computer Center,
+% Socorro, NM 87801;
+% \today: Outputs today's date as ``yyyy-mm-dd''
+% \now: Outputs the current time as ``hh:dd''
+% \timestamp: \today, plus one space, plus \now
+\newcount\minute % Current minute within the hour
+\newcount\hour % Current hour (24-hour type)
+\newcount\hourMins % Temporary for taking hour modulo 60
+% - - - \ n o w - - -
+{% Displays today's time as ``hh:mm''
+% The \time macro gives the minutes since midnight. Compute
+% the whole hours by dividing this by 60, then find the
+% minute by effectively taking the minutes modulo 60.
+ \minute=\time % Number of minutes since midnight
+ \hour=\time \divide \hour by 60 % Get hours
+ \hourMins=\hour \multiply\hourMins by 60
+ \advance\minute by -\hourMins % Hours modulo 60
+ \zeroPadTwo{\the\hour}:\zeroPadTwo{\the\minute}%
+}% --- \now ---
+% - - - \ t i m e s t a m p - - -
+{% Displays ``yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm''
+ \today\ \now
+}% --- \timestamp ---
+% - - - \ t o d a y - - -
+{% Displays today's date and time as ``yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm''
+ \the\year-\zeroPadTwo{\the\month}-\zeroPadTwo{\the\day}%
+}% --- \today ---
+% - - - z e r o P a d T w o - - -
+{% Left zero pad of the argument to 2 digits. The argument
+% should be a number between 1 and 99. This macro outputs
+% a `0' if the argument is less than ten, then it outputs
+% the argument.
+ \ifnum #1<10 0\fi % Conditionally output a zero
+ #1% Then output the argument
+}% --- \zeroPadTwo ---
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest