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+>From Mon Oct 16 08:28:17 1989
+Return-Path: <root@ese>
+Date: Wed 11 Oct 89 19:36:21-EST
+From: bbeeton <>
+Subject: Impending TeX 3.0; verification of mailing list
+Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(229)+TOPSLIB(132)+PONY(228)@MATH.AMS.COM>
+Date: 11 Oct 89 Message No: 018
+To: TeX implementors and distributors
+From: Barbara Beeton
+Subject: Impending TeX 3.0; verification of mailing list
+After a long silence (message 17 was sent on 29 June) there is some big
+news to report:
+At the TUG meeting, Don Knuth announced some changes to TeX, largely to
+support non-English and multilingual environments. A sheet describing
+the proposed changes was handed out, but on the assumption that the
+contents of that proposal have already reached everyone (and not having
+a copy in electronic form), the details are not attached. More about
+this later.
+A second major development was Leslie Lamport's decision that, since he
+does not intend to develop LaTeX further (he will devote what time he
+spends on LaTeX to writing a long-awaited manual on writing style files),
+he is willing to turn maintenance and development over to a committee.
+A natural head of such a committee was present at the meeting, Frank
+Mittelbach, and, subject to Frank's arranging the time to work on the
+project, Leslie has expressed his willingness to be consulted and give
+advice to this work. There were two well-attended meetings of persons
+interested in "the future of LaTeX", gathered at Leslie's request, at
+which various strategies were discussed. If memory serves (though I
+took notes, I have not yet unpacked them; between the middle of August
+and now, I have attended two TeX meetings and two standards meetings,
+and have not yet even finished attending to the accumulated mail), the
+first stage will consist of such tasks as generalizing the existing
+LaTeX macros to be language-independent and performing any pending bug
+fixes. After that is complete, more extensive changes, the direction
+of which is yet to be decided, will be undertaken. I will try to bring
+news of this project as it develops.
+The TeX-related files from Score, except those that were entirely
+Score-related, have been made available for ftp from another Stanford
+computer, . This is a VAX 11/750 Unix machine.
+The relevant directories are accessible as ~ftp/pub/tex .
+Score was made unavailable to logins, including FTP, on 20 September.
+Back to the TeX 3.0 announcement. I have received the following message
+from Don:
+ Date: 25 Sep 89 2223 PDT
+ From: Don Knuth <DEK@SAIL.Stanford.EDU>
+ Subject: progress report
+ Well, I'm still not finished with TeX version 3.0, but I'm beginning
+ to see the light at the end of the tunnel! (In other words, I'm
+ beginning to develop tunnel vision.)
+ I've completed a revision of the text for the 17th printing. It was
+ possible to sneak in all the new stuff with only 95 pages changed.
+ I've made "errata.five" to document all the changes to The TeXbook
+ and The MFbook occasioned by the new versions. Almost every change
+ appears in nine point or eight point type; thus, changes were substantial,
+ but they affect only macro writer and advanced users to a noticeable degree.
+ Vols B and D will change on virtually every page, so there's no
+ hope to keep those errata uptodate. I have recorded all the substantive
+ changes in TEX82.BUG and MF84.BUG as usual, but that's all I can do.
+ Hundreds of modules changed in order to handle each of the four major parts
+ of this revision.
+ I plan to write a brief description of the new features, which do look
+ good to me at the moment (although I'm still not finished with the
+ tough algorithm that reconstitutes hyphenated words as discretionaries
+ when the new ligature conventions are in use). (One of the hardest
+ things is to make it possible to hyphenate a word that's preceded by
+ a double-quote ligature and -- with the new ligature conventions ---
+ then the first character of the word has been altered besides. I need
+ to stand on my head to handle that.)
+ There's still more than a week's work to do, realistically, because
+ it won't be easy to update TRIP and TRAP. But then I'll have a tape
+ with brand-new sources, and I'll try to get all the old-timers
+ psyched up to propagate the new versions to the whole world.
+And a later progress report from Don:
+ Date: 06 Oct 89 0310 PDT
+ From: Don Knuth <DEK@SAIL.Stanford.EDU>
+ Subject: as of 3:07am today (PST)
+ TeX is alive and well. Oh what a TRIP he has just taken.
+ (METAFONT is next; that won't be as dangerous an operation)
+It's clear that certain files will have to be retrieved in full, and the
+main .WEB files are probably among them; certainly TRIP and TRAP will best
+be obtained in new versions. Regarding TRIP, I have received quite a few
+inquiries for difference files between past versions and the current one.
+Unfortunately, only the latest version has been maintained on any computer
+at Stanford, and I have only a few random versions, most of which i can't
+identify unambiguously, but they're almost certainly not the same versions
+that you have. Therefore, I am still looking for a good way to encode
+TRIP and TRAP so that they will survive network mail transmission and be
+able to be decoded on the other end. Or perhaps it will be best to ask
+for you to help one another and pass the files along after they get
+installed in the various archives. Offers of such assistance can be
+forwarded through this mailing list by sending a message to
+This seems a good time to include the contents of that list so that the
+names and addresses can be verified. Please check your own name below,
+and look carefully to see if all the implementors and distributors you
+know of are included. And then send all corrections and suggestions to
+me. Even if you have no comments, please acknowledge this message --
+since the last message the AMS has been switched from the Arpanet to
+NSFnet, and there have been some unexplained mail failures.
+This is the TeX implementors mailing list.
+! This file contains the mailing list of TeX implementors and !-
+! distributors accessible via network mail. This file is !-
+![prg.bnb.TeXdistrib]TeXdistrib.list !-
+! Last update: 11 October 1989 |-
+! !-
+! The following are primary maintainers or distributors: !-
+! !-, ! 16Dec87 Jim Fox, CDC Cyber !-, ! 23Nov88 Bart Childs, DG MV !-
+KNM5936@TAMSIGMA.Bitnet, ! 23Nov87 Ken Marsh, HP9000/500 !-
+Platt@ccm.UManitoba.CA, ! 24Nov87/8Oct89 Craig Platt, IBM/MVS!-
+Guenther@wsuvm1.Bitnet, ! 20Nov87 Dean Guenther, IBM/CMS !-
+Simpson@yktvmx.Bitnet, ! 23Nov87 Rick Simpson, IBM RT !-
+"well!pti", ! 23Nov87 Lance Carnes, PCTeX !-, ! 20Nov87/10Apr89 John Crawford,Prime!-
+"tektronix!reed!barry"@uunet.UU.NET, ! 21Nov87 Barry Smith, Textures !-, ! 22Nov87 Pierre MacKay, Unix !-
+"nls!davek"@uunet.UU.NET, ! 21Nov87/8Oct89 Dave Kellerman, VAX/VMS !-
+! !-
+! Additional TeX implementors or distributors: !-
+! !-, ! 28Jul89 Gary Beihl, !-
+FISICA%ASTRPD.INFN.IT@ICINECA2.BITNET, ! 4Dec87/25Jan89 Max Calvani, !-
+! VAX/VMS/DECnet, Italy !-, ! 27Jul89 Walter Carlip, OzTeX, U.S. !-, ! 20Nov87/1Apr89 Mike Ferguson, MTeX !-
+GRZ046@DBNGMD21.Bitnet, ! 20Nov87 Edgar Fu\ss, Atari ST !-
+XITIKGUN@DDATHD21.Bitnet, ! 24Nov87 Klaus Guntermann, Atari ST !-
+U0275@DGOGWDG5.BITNET, ! 8Oct89 Klaus Heidrich, for !-
+! Stefan Lindner, Atari ST !-
+GRZTEX@DBNGMD21.Bitnet, ! 20Nov87 Ferdinand Hommes, IBM !-
+! "unido!altger!tep"@uunet.UU.NET, 29May88 Klaus Lichtenwalder, C !-
+! disabled 30Jun89 after failures on messages 016, 017 !-
+"sun!saxony!pjm"@UUNET.UU.NET, ! 24Nov87 Pat Monardo, CommonTeX !-
+TNIELAND%FALCON@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA, ! 28May88 Ted Nieland, DECUS !-, ! 8Sep88 David Osborne, ICL Clan !-, ! 20Nov87/5Sep89 Tom Rokicki, Amiga !-, ! 17Nov88 Yaski Saito, JTeX !-
+FE617@DHAFEU11.BITNET, ! 27Oct88 Peter Sawatzki, !-
+! Turbo Pascal !-
+P920021@DBORUB01.Bitnet, ! 14Nov88 Norbert Schwarz, CDC Cyber !-, ! 30Nov87 Jim Sterken, ArborText !-
+! "munnari!!ATREVORROW"@uunet.UU.NET, !-
+! 15Dec88 Andrew Trevorrow OzTeX/Mac !-
+! suspended by request, Apr 89 !-
+WSULIVAN@IRLEARN.Bitnet, ! 25Jul88 Wayne Sullivan, SB*TeX !-
+"mcvax!!G.Toal"@uunet.UU.NET, ! 14Jun88 Graham Toal, Acorn !-, ! Brian Williams, UK DECUS !-
+! !-
+! Implementors or distributors of, e.g., device drivers: !-
+! !-, ! 23Nov87 Nelson Beebe, UofUtah !-, ! 23Nov87 Michael Harrison, VorTeX !-
+X066TR@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU, ! 23Nov87 Tom Reid, TeXrox !-
+! !-
+! Other primary information re-distributors: !-
+! !-, ! 29May88 Peter Abbott, UKTeX !-, ! 28Jul88 Adrian Clark, VAX/VMS !-, ! !-
+! 4Jan88 Malcolm Clark, TeXline !-, ! 8Sep88 Mike DeCorte, LaTeX-Style !-
+UCIR001@FRORS31.Bitnet, ! 28May88 Bernard Gaulle, GUTenberg !-
+DLatex@ucbcmsa.Bitnet, ! 24Nov87 Doug Henderson, PC MF !-, ! 20Nov87/27Jul89 Don Hosek, output devices !-
+Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.LLNL.GOV, ! 5Dec87 Charles Karney, VMS exten !-
+RZ92@DHDURZ1.Bitnet, ! 23Nov87 Joachim Lammarsch, DANTE !-, ! 28Jul89 Jon Radel, PC pub-domain !-
+R02SCH@DHHDESY3.Bitnet, ! 22Jan88 Peter Schilling, DESY !-, ! !-
+! 22Nov87 Chris Thompson, UK !-
+X230GV@TAMVM1.Bitnet, ! 20Nov87 Glenn Vanderburg, TeX-L !-
+!, 28May88 Alex Warman, Australia !-
+! !-
+! Other addressees: !-
+! !-, ! 20Nov87 Eric Berg !-, ! 24Nov87/8Oct89 Malcolm Brown, !-
+! former TeXhax !-, ! 8Sep88 Michael Garcia, request !-
+! Smithsonian Astrophysics !-
+"frame!drf"@Sun.COM, ! 20Nov87/8Oct89 David Fuchs !-, ! 24Nov87 Bill Gropp, former Apollo !-, ! 25Nov87 Ray Hirschfeld, MIT, comp !-, ! 3Mar89 Jerry Leichter, !-
+! Adrian Clark's VMS in U.S. !-, ! 28Sep89 Art Ogawa, request !-
+JEPTeX@Venus.TAMU.EDU, ! 28Apr89 J E Pittman, request !-
+B35048@ANLCMT.Bitnet, ! 23Nov87 Tony Scandora, !-
+! former DECUS, request !-
+SCHOEPF@DMZNAT51.Bitnet, ! 3Mar89 Rainer Schoepf, bug 2.98 !-
+QZDMGN@DRUEDS2.Bitnet, ! 28Dec88 Reinhard Wonneberger, !-
+! request, EDS, Germany !-, ! 20Nov87 Ken Yap, ex-LaTeX-Style !-
+rey, ! 1Dec87 Ralph Youngen, AMS !-
+dcl, ! 1Dec87 Dan Latterner, MR !-, ! 28May88 verification copy !-
+! !-
+! paper mail only: !-
+! Randy Best, DCS !-
+! Richard Kinch, C !-
+! Kevin King, Talaris !-
+! !-
+! still to be added: !-
+! ??? , Apollo !-
+! ??? , Burroughs !-
+! Arthur Flatau !-
+! Ralph Stromquist ???, Sperry !-
+! Lian Zerafa, FTL, Mac !-
+! !-
+! asked and declined: !-
+!, 20Nov87 Leslie Lamport, LaTeX !-
+!**** Last Line ****!
+% Character code reference
+% Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+% Digits: 0123456789
+% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
+% Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
+% Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
+% Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
+% Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
+%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
+% "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~
+[ end of message 018 ]