path: root/info/digests/tex-implementors/026
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Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/tex-implementors/026')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/tex-implementors/026 b/info/digests/tex-implementors/026
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+Date: 14 Aug 90 Message No: 026
+To: TeX implementors and distributors
+From: Barbara Beeton
+Subject: Some corrections; TFtoPL 3.1; catching up
+I started putting this message together in April, but was interrupted
+and never sent it. Fortunately, there has not been too much activity in
+the intervening months that has required new versions of TeX/ware and
+MF/ware to be retrieved and installed; however, I recently received a
+message from Knuth saying that he expected to spend some of August
+tending to his TeX correspondence, so it's time to clear the decks.
+It was called to my attention that some lines in difference listings in
+these messages have been corrupted. Below are corrections as necessary.
+The corrected passages include the complete difference segments, not just
+individual lines. Please replace the offending segments as appropriate.
+(Note that if you received andy of the affected messages after the initial
+mailing, the original files have been corrected.)
+A short explanation may be useful. I use the TOPS-20 SRCCOM program to
+generate the difference lists. This program has a couple of flaws (it
+omits blank lines, for example), but it has the virtue that it does not
+extend lines beyond their original length, unlike the VMS DIF program,
+which is the only other option available to me. This makes for more
+reliable transmission across network gateways. After creating and
+validating a difference file, I transfer it to a VAX for construction of
+the message and mailing. This sometimes runs afoul of a TOPS-20/VMS
+imcompatibility, namely that the DEC-20 is a 36-bit-word machine, and
+ascii is packed at 5 characters to a word with one slack bit. If the
+slack bit happens to be turned on, that word will be lost in the 20-to-VAX
+transfer. In the examples corrected here, I forgot to take one more step,
+namely running the difference files through a program that turns off all
+slack bits. I realize there are undoubtedly better tools available to do
+this job automatically, but the local systems programming staff hasn't
+come up with any. Apologies for any problems caused by these errors.
+Although it's probably general knowledge by now, having been posted to
+TeXhax, Karl Berry is now "more or less maintaining" web2c. To quote
+his most recent message to me, "the port for TeX 3.0 and Metafont 2.0
+is released, and now on and, as well
+as in Europe." Any questions can be sent to Karl at
+on CSnet.
+The afore-mentioned TOPS-20 machine is scheduled to be unplugged at the
+end of the year. One of my biggest jobs is to migrate all the Math
+Society's TeX archives and records from the 20 to the VAX, and I'm
+spending every spare moment on that. In the process, I keep finding
+things that should have been announced here, so I will announce them,
+regardless of how late. For a start, TFtoPL was upgraded to version 3.1
+last November. Differences between versions 3.0 and 3.1 below.
+Oren Patashnik has announced the availability of a set of TeX macros that
+make BibTeX work with plain TeX; the message to TeXhax will be distributed
+in due course, but here's a copy of the advance notice he sent me:
+ Date: Tue, 14 Aug 1990 10:19:50 PDT
+ From: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
+ To:
+ Subject: BibTeX-for-plain-TeX macros
+ There is now distributed with BibTeX a set of TeX macros that makes
+ BibTeX work with plain TeX (and presumably with other macro packages
+ that don't deviate too far from plain TeX). The file is btxmac.tex,
+ stored on Labrea.Stanford.EDU's BibTeX area (pub/tex/bibtex).
+ --Oren Patashnik
+Finally, it's now been about four months since I last sent a message to
+this list, and quite a few address changes have been made. Please help
+out by acknowledging receipt. (I should hear about the bounces sooner
+than I'd like to.)
+Corrections to differences between WEBMAC.TEX versions 1.4 and 4.0
+(message #25)
+**** FILE TX:<TEX82>WEBMAC.CM.1, 1-62 (2808)
+\def\A{\note{See also}} % cross-reference for multiply defined section names
+\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
+**** FILE TX:<BNB.WORK>WEBMAC.TEX.1, 1-62 (2843)
+\def\A{\note{See also section}} % crossref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % crossref for multiply defined section name
+\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
+**** FILE TX:<TEX82>WEBMAC.CM.1, 1-186 (9074)
+ \def\U{\note{Used in}} % cross-reference for uses of sections
+ \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
+**** FILE TX:<BNB.WORK>WEBMAC.TEX.1, 1-190 (9406)
+ \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
+ \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
+ \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
+Differences between TFtoPL.WEB versions 3.0 and 3.1
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-15 (852)
+% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-14 (850)
+% Version 3.1 (November 1989) renamed z[] to lig_z[] for better portability.
+% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-32 (1473)
+ \centerline{(Version 3, October 1989)}
+ \vfill}
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-33 (1551)
+ \centerline{(Version 3.1, November 1989)}
+ \vfill}
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-63 (2869)
+@d banner=='This is TFtoPL, Version 3' {printed when the program starts}
+@ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-64 (2950)
+@d banner=='This is TFtoPL, Version 3.1' {printed when the program starts}
+@ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1256 (48904)
+ end;
+ right;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1257 (48987)
+ end; {there are no other cases}
+ right;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1409 (54539)
+@!z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
+@!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1410 (54649)
+@!lig_z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
+@!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1471 (57148)
+ t:=z[h]; z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;
+ end;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1472 (57262)
+ t:=lig_z[h]; lig_z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;
+ end;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1475 (57240)
+hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; z[h]:=zz; incr(hash_ptr); hash_list[hash_ptr]:=h;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1476 (57362)
+hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; lig_z[h]:=zz; incr(hash_ptr);
+ hash_list[hash_ptr]:=h;
+**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1513 (58592)
+left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(x,z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(eval(x,z[h]),y); class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
+ end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
+end; {there are no other cases}
+**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1514 (58718)
+left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(lig_z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(x,lig_z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(eval(x,lig_z[h]),y);
+ class[h]:=simple;
+ end;
+pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; lig_z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
+ end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
+end; {there are no other cases}
+% Character code reference
+% Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+% Digits: 0123456789
+% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
+% Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
+% Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
+% Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
+% Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
+%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
+% "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~
+[ end of message 026 ]