path: root/info/biblio/komoedie.bib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/biblio/komoedie.bib')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/biblio/komoedie.bib b/info/biblio/komoedie.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65005fe671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/biblio/komoedie.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% BibTeX-file{
+%%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe and Peter Schmitt",
+%%% version = "1.05",
+%%% date = "07 October 1996",
+%%% time = "08:04:41 MDT",
+%%% filename = "komoedie.bib",
+%%% address = "Center for Scientific Computing
+%%% Department of Mathematics
+%%% University of Utah
+%%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112
+%%% USA
+%%% Institute of Mathematics
+%%% University of Vienna
+%%% Strudlhofgasse 4
+%%% A-1090 Wien
+%%% Austria",
+%%% telephone = "+1 801 581 5254 (NHFB)",
+%%% FAX = "+1 801 581 4148 (NHFB)",
+%%% checksum = "49532 365 1167 10775",
+%%% email = "beebe at (Internet) and
+%%% a8131dal at
+%%% (Internet) or schmitt at awirap.bitnet",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% keywords = "TeX, DANTE, bibliography",
+%%% supported = "yes",
+%%% docstring = "This bibliography contains the publications
+%%% of the journal Die TeXnische Komoedie, the
+%%% publication of DANTE, Deutschsprachige
+%%% Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. (the Group of
+%%% German-speaking TeX Users).
+%%% At version 1.05, the year coverage looked
+%%% like this:
+%%% 1992 ( 24)
+%%% Article: 14
+%%% Book: 1
+%%% Misc: 9
+%%% Periodical: 1
+%%% Total entries: 25
+%%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
+%%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
+%%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
+%%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
+%%% characters. This is produced by Robert
+%%% Solovay's checksum utility.",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+@Preamble{"\input bibnames.sty "
+# "\input path.sty "
+# "\hyphenation{An-wen-der-ver-ein-i-gung Deutsch-spra-chi-ge
+ Bal-ken-di-a-gram-me}"
+# "\def\PiCTeX{Pic\TeX}"
+@String{dec = "Dezember"}
+@String{j-KOMOEDIE = "{{Die \TeX nische Kom{\"o}die}}"}
+@String{pub-DANTE = "DANTE. Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung {\TeX} e.V."}
+@String{pub-DANTE:adr = "Postfach 10 18 40, D-6900 Heidelberg, Deutschland"}
+ key = "Komoedie",
+ title = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ publisher = pub-DANTE,
+ address = pub-DANTE:adr,
+ editor = "Luzia Dietsche",
+ title = "{{Die \TeX nische Kom{\"o}die}}",
+ publisher = pub-DANTE,
+ address = pub-DANTE:adr,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ series = "4. Jahrgang",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Heft 4/1992 4. Jahrgang Dezember 1992",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Editorial}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "3",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] .",
+ author = "Luzia Dietsche",
+ title = "{{[Editorial]}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "3",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Hinter der B{\"u}hne : Vereinsinternes}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "4--8",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Behind the stage : Club matters",
+ author = "Joachim Lammarsch",
+ title = "{{Gru{\ss}wort}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "4--6",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Welcome message",
+ author = "Lothar Meyer-Lerbs",
+ title = "{{\TeX\ auf dem Mac}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "6",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "\TeX\ on the Mac",
+ author = "Markus Erlmeier",
+ title = "{{\TeX nische Software f{\"u}r den Amiga}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "6--8",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "\TeX nical software for the Amiga",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "9--34",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] The stage is the world",
+ author = "J{\"u}rgen Gl{\"o}ckner",
+ title = "{{Erzeugung virtueller Fonts}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "9--16",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Generating virtual fonts",
+ author = "Joachim Dippel",
+ title = "{{Neues zum \LaTeX-Seitenlayout: Der Ourhead Style}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "16--20",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "News on \LaTeX\ page layout: The ourhead style",
+ author = "Stefan Breuer",
+ title = "{{Anmerkungen zum \verb|\footnote|-Befehl}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "20--22",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Remarks on the \verb|\footnote| command",
+ author = "Werner Burkhardt",
+ title = "{{Schaubilder mathematischer Funktionen mit
+ \PiCTeX}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "22--27",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Diagrams of mathematical functions using \PiCTeX",
+ author = "Joachim Bleser and Edmund Lang",
+ title = "{{Balkendiagramme in \LaTeX-Dok\-u\-ment\-en}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "28--31",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Column charts in \LaTeX\ documents",
+ author = "Dieter Jurzitza",
+ title = "{{Schaltbilder mit \LaTeX}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "32--34",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Circuit diagrams with \LaTeX",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Was Sie schon immer {\"u}ber \TeX\ wissen wollten
+ \dots}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "35",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] What you always wanted to know about \TeX
+ \dots",
+ author = "Luzia Dietsche",
+ title = "{{Fette mathematische Akzente}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "35",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Bold mathematical accents",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{\TeX-Beiprogramm}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "36",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Accompanying program",
+ author = "Markus Erlmeier",
+ title = "{{Pas\TeX\ --- neue Version in Planung}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "36",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Pas\TeX\ --- a new version is in preparation",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Rezensionen}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "37--40",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Reviews",
+ author = "Ernst Bratz",
+ title = "{{Beinahe gut --- ein subjektiver Test von Scientific
+ Word}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "37--38",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Almost good --- a subjective test of Scientific Word",
+ author = "Lothar Meyer-Lerbs",
+ title = "{{Ganz un\TeX ni\-sche B{\"u}cher}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "38--40",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "Completely non-\TeX nical books",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Spielplan}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "41--51",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Repertory",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Adressen}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "52--55",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Addresses",
+ key = "Editorial",
+ title = "{{Inhalt Heft 492 /}}",
+ journal = j-KOMOEDIE,
+ year = "1992",
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "56",
+ month = dec,
+ note = "[Section:] Contents of issue 492 /",