path: root/help/wp-conv/html2latex.html
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <title>html2latex(1)</title>
-<p>Up to the <a href="">TUG homepage (external link)</a><br>
-Up to <a href="textopc.html">Converters from LaTeX to PC
-Textprocessors - Overview</a></p>
-<p>html2latex -- convert HTML markup to LaTeX markup </p>
-<p>The original author, Nathan Torrington, wrote:<br>
-"The source is available
-<a href="">here (external link)</a>",
-but this is obviously no longer the case. <br>
-Instead, I (W.Hennings) put it <a href="bin/">here</a>.
-This zip-file includes an msdos executable. <br>
-There is another compiled version on CTAN which I also put
-<a href="bin/">here</a> (see <a href="html2LaTeX.txt">description</a>), but both
-result from the same source. </p>
-<p><tt>html2latex <i>[opt ...] [file ...]</i></tt>
-<p>For each file argument, <i>html2latex</i>
-converts the text as HTML markup to LaTeX markup. If no files are
-specified, a usage message is given.
-Input will be taken from standard input for files named <em>-</em>.
-Output will to a similarly named file with a <b>.tex</b>
-extension (<i>html2latex</i> recognises
-<b>.html</b> extensions). </p>
-<p>Options modify the action of <i>html2latex</i>.
-The options are: </p>
- <dt>-n</dt>
- <dd>Number sections. </dd>
- <dt>-p</dt>
- <dd>Place page breaks after the title page (if present) and the
-table of
-contents (if present). </dd>
- <dt>-c</dt>
- <dd>Generate a table of contents. </dd>
- <dt>-s</dt>
- <dd>Create no files -- LaTeX is output to stdout. </dd>
- <dt>-t Title</dt>
- <dd>Generate a title page, with the title 'Title'. </dd>
- <dt>-a Author</dt>
- <dd>Generate a title page, with the author 'Author'. </dd>
-<p>An example of use is html2latex -n - &lt; file.html | less
-This converts <b>file.html</b> to LaTeX and pages through the output.
-The sections (corresponding to heading tags in the HTML source) will
-be numbered. </p>
-<p>Another example is html2latex -t 'Introduction to HTML' -a
-gnat -p -c html-intro This takes input from the file <b>html-intro</b>,
-writing to <b>html-intro.tex</b>, and adds a title page
-(with title <i>Introduction to HTML</i> and
-author <i>gnat</i>) and table of contents with page-breaks after
-both. The sections of the document are not numbered. </p>
-<p>Current the only HTML tags supported are: <b>TITLE, H1,
-H2, H3, H4, H5, H6,
-CITE, LISTING</b>. The only recognised SGML escapes are <b>&amp;amp,
-&amp;gt</b>. <b>ADDRESS</b> tags are handled
-badly. </p>
-<p>The <b>COMPACT</b> attribute to a <b>DL</b>
-tag is not recognised.
-<b>MENU</b> and <b>DIR</b> styles are not handled well.
-<b>TITLE</b> text are ignored. </p>
-<p>Currently <b>PRE</b> tags are not handled at all.
-<p>The entire file is read into memory. For long HTML documents
-on machines with little memory, this may cause problems. </p>
-<p>Nathan Torkington adapted the HTML parser from NCSA's Xmosaic
-(<b>file://</b>) and wrote the
-conversion code. The HTML parser code is subject to the NCSA
-restrictions. The conversion code is subject to the VUW restrictions.
-Enquiries should be sent via e-mail to
-<tt>Nathan.Torkington "at"</tt>. </p>
-<p>This HTML page is part of the texconv pages.<br>
-Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008 Wilfried Hennings<br>
-You may copy and redistribute it under the following conditions:</p>
- <li>it must remain intact and the contents unchanged; if you'd
-like to have something changed, contact me (texconvfaq "at"
-Reformatting (e.g. from HTML to some other presentation format)
-is granted as long as the contents are unchanged. </li>
- <li>you may NOT ask money for it except a reasonable cost for
-media and distribution</li>
-<p>Please also note the <a href="index.html#disclaimer">disclaimer</a>.</p>