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diff --git a/graphics/minim-hatching/EUPL-1.2-EN.txt b/graphics/minim-hatching/EUPL-1.2-EN.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4153cd3775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/minim-hatching/EUPL-1.2-EN.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ EUPL © the European Union 2007, 2016
+This European Union Public Licence (the ‘EUPL’) applies to the Work (as defined
+below) which is provided under the terms of this Licence. Any use of the Work,
+other than as authorised under this Licence is prohibited (to the extent such
+use is covered by a right of the copyright holder of the Work).
+The Work is provided under the terms of this Licence when the Licensor (as
+defined below) has placed the following notice immediately following the
+copyright notice for the Work:
+ Licensed under the EUPL
+or has expressed by any other means his willingness to license under the EUPL.
+1. Definitions
+In this Licence, the following terms have the following meaning:
+- ‘The Licence’: this Licence.
+- ‘The Original Work’: the work or software distributed or communicated by the
+ Licensor under this Licence, available as Source Code and also as Executable
+ Code as the case may be.
+- ‘Derivative Works’: the works or software that could be created by the
+ Licensee, based upon the Original Work or modifications thereof. This Licence
+ does not define the extent of modification or dependence on the Original Work
+ required in order to classify a work as a Derivative Work; this extent is
+ determined by copyright law applicable in the country mentioned in Article 15.
+- ‘The Work’: the Original Work or its Derivative Works.
+- ‘The Source Code’: the human-readable form of the Work which is the most
+ convenient for people to study and modify.
+- ‘The Executable Code’: any code which has generally been compiled and which is
+ meant to be interpreted by a computer as a program.
+- ‘The Licensor’: the natural or legal person that distributes or communicates
+ the Work under the Licence.
+- ‘Contributor(s)’: any natural or legal person who modifies the Work under the
+ Licence, or otherwise contributes to the creation of a Derivative Work.
+- ‘The Licensee’ or ‘You’: any natural or legal person who makes any usage of
+ the Work under the terms of the Licence.
+- ‘Distribution’ or ‘Communication’: any act of selling, giving, lending,
+ renting, distributing, communicating, transmitting, or otherwise making
+ available, online or offline, copies of the Work or providing access to its
+ essential functionalities at the disposal of any other natural or legal
+ person.
+2. Scope of the rights granted by the Licence
+The Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
+sublicensable licence to do the following, for the duration of copyright vested
+in the Original Work:
+- use the Work in any circumstance and for all usage,
+- reproduce the Work,
+- modify the Work, and make Derivative Works based upon the Work,
+- communicate to the public, including the right to make available or display
+ the Work or copies thereof to the public and perform publicly, as the case may
+ be, the Work,
+- distribute the Work or copies thereof,
+- lend and rent the Work or copies thereof,
+- sublicense rights in the Work or copies thereof.
+Those rights can be exercised on any media, supports and formats, whether now
+known or later invented, as far as the applicable law permits so.
+In the countries where moral rights apply, the Licensor waives his right to
+exercise his moral right to the extent allowed by law in order to make effective
+the licence of the economic rights here above listed.
+The Licensor grants to the Licensee royalty-free, non-exclusive usage rights to
+any patents held by the Licensor, to the extent necessary to make use of the
+rights granted on the Work under this Licence.
+3. Communication of the Source Code
+The Licensor may provide the Work either in its Source Code form, or as
+Executable Code. If the Work is provided as Executable Code, the Licensor
+provides in addition a machine-readable copy of the Source Code of the Work
+along with each copy of the Work that the Licensor distributes or indicates, in
+a notice following the copyright notice attached to the Work, a repository where
+the Source Code is easily and freely accessible for as long as the Licensor
+continues to distribute or communicate the Work.
+4. Limitations on copyright
+Nothing in this Licence is intended to deprive the Licensee of the benefits from
+any exception or limitation to the exclusive rights of the rights owners in the
+Work, of the exhaustion of those rights or of other applicable limitations
+5. Obligations of the Licensee
+The grant of the rights mentioned above is subject to some restrictions and
+obligations imposed on the Licensee. Those obligations are the following:
+Attribution right: The Licensee shall keep intact all copyright, patent or
+trademarks notices and all notices that refer to the Licence and to the
+disclaimer of warranties. The Licensee must include a copy of such notices and a
+copy of the Licence with every copy of the Work he/she distributes or
+communicates. The Licensee must cause any Derivative Work to carry prominent
+notices stating that the Work has been modified and the date of modification.
+Copyleft clause: If the Licensee distributes or communicates copies of the
+Original Works or Derivative Works, this Distribution or Communication will be
+done under the terms of this Licence or of a later version of this Licence
+unless the Original Work is expressly distributed only under this version of the
+Licence — for example by communicating ‘EUPL v. 1.2 only’. The Licensee
+(becoming Licensor) cannot offer or impose any additional terms or conditions on
+the Work or Derivative Work that alter or restrict the terms of the Licence.
+Compatibility clause: If the Licensee Distributes or Communicates Derivative
+Works or copies thereof based upon both the Work and another work licensed under
+a Compatible Licence, this Distribution or Communication can be done under the
+terms of this Compatible Licence. For the sake of this clause, ‘Compatible
+Licence’ refers to the licences listed in the appendix attached to this Licence.
+Should the Licensee's obligations under the Compatible Licence conflict with
+his/her obligations under this Licence, the obligations of the Compatible
+Licence shall prevail.
+Provision of Source Code: When distributing or communicating copies of the Work,
+the Licensee will provide a machine-readable copy of the Source Code or indicate
+a repository where this Source will be easily and freely available for as long
+as the Licensee continues to distribute or communicate the Work.
+Legal Protection: This Licence does not grant permission to use the trade names,
+trademarks, service marks, or names of the Licensor, except as required for
+reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
+reproducing the content of the copyright notice.
+6. Chain of Authorship
+The original Licensor warrants that the copyright in the Original Work granted
+hereunder is owned by him/her or licensed to him/her and that he/she has the
+power and authority to grant the Licence.
+Each Contributor warrants that the copyright in the modifications he/she brings
+to the Work are owned by him/her or licensed to him/her and that he/she has the
+power and authority to grant the Licence.
+Each time You accept the Licence, the original Licensor and subsequent
+Contributors grant You a licence to their contributions to the Work, under the
+terms of this Licence.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty
+The Work is a work in progress, which is continuously improved by numerous
+Contributors. It is not a finished work and may therefore contain defects or
+‘bugs’ inherent to this type of development.
+For the above reason, the Work is provided under the Licence on an ‘as is’ basis
+and without warranties of any kind concerning the Work, including without
+limitation merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, absence of defects
+or errors, accuracy, non-infringement of intellectual property rights other than
+copyright as stated in Article 6 of this Licence.
+This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part of the Licence and a condition
+for the grant of any rights to the Work.
+8. Disclaimer of Liability
+Except in the cases of wilful misconduct or damages directly caused to natural
+persons, the Licensor will in no event be liable for any direct or indirect,
+material or moral, damages of any kind, arising out of the Licence or of the use
+of the Work, including without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work
+stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, loss of data or any commercial
+damage, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
+However, the Licensor will be liable under statutory product liability laws as
+far such laws apply to the Work.
+9. Additional agreements
+While distributing the Work, You may choose to conclude an additional agreement,
+defining obligations or services consistent with this Licence. However, if
+accepting obligations, You may act only on your own behalf and on your sole
+responsibility, not on behalf of the original Licensor or any other Contributor,
+and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless
+for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against such Contributor by
+the fact You have accepted any warranty or additional liability.
+10. Acceptance of the Licence
+The provisions of this Licence can be accepted by clicking on an icon ‘I agree’
+placed under the bottom of a window displaying the text of this Licence or by
+affirming consent in any other similar way, in accordance with the rules of
+applicable law. Clicking on that icon indicates your clear and irrevocable
+acceptance of this Licence and all of its terms and conditions.
+Similarly, you irrevocably accept this Licence and all of its terms and
+conditions by exercising any rights granted to You by Article 2 of this Licence,
+such as the use of the Work, the creation by You of a Derivative Work or the
+Distribution or Communication by You of the Work or copies thereof.
+11. Information to the public
+In case of any Distribution or Communication of the Work by means of electronic
+communication by You (for example, by offering to download the Work from a
+remote location) the distribution channel or media (for example, a website) must
+at least provide to the public the information requested by the applicable law
+regarding the Licensor, the Licence and the way it may be accessible, concluded,
+stored and reproduced by the Licensee.
+12. Termination of the Licence
+The Licence and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon
+any breach by the Licensee of the terms of the Licence.
+Such a termination will not terminate the licences of any person who has
+received the Work from the Licensee under the Licence, provided such persons
+remain in full compliance with the Licence.
+13. Miscellaneous
+Without prejudice of Article 9 above, the Licence represents the complete
+agreement between the Parties as to the Work.
+If any provision of the Licence is invalid or unenforceable under applicable
+law, this will not affect the validity or enforceability of the Licence as a
+whole. Such provision will be construed or reformed so as necessary to make it
+valid and enforceable.
+The European Commission may publish other linguistic versions or new versions of
+this Licence or updated versions of the Appendix, so far this is required and
+reasonable, without reducing the scope of the rights granted by the Licence. New
+versions of the Licence will be published with a unique version number.
+All linguistic versions of this Licence, approved by the European Commission,
+have identical value. Parties can take advantage of the linguistic version of
+their choice.
+14. Jurisdiction
+Without prejudice to specific agreement between parties,
+- any litigation resulting from the interpretation of this License, arising
+ between the European Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, as a
+ Licensor, and any Licensee, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court
+ of Justice of the European Union, as laid down in article 272 of the Treaty on
+ the Functioning of the European Union,
+- any litigation arising between other parties and resulting from the
+ interpretation of this License, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
+ of the competent court where the Licensor resides or conducts its primary
+ business.
+15. Applicable Law
+Without prejudice to specific agreement between parties,
+- this Licence shall be governed by the law of the European Union Member State
+ where the Licensor has his seat, resides or has his registered office,
+- this licence shall be governed by Belgian law if the Licensor has no seat,
+ residence or registered office inside a European Union Member State.
+‘Compatible Licences’ according to Article 5 EUPL are:
+- GNU General Public License (GPL) v. 2, v. 3
+- GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v. 3
+- Open Software License (OSL) v. 2.1, v. 3.0
+- Eclipse Public License (EPL) v. 1.0
+- CeCILL v. 2.0, v. 2.1
+- Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v. 2
+- GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v. 2.1, v. 3
+- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike v. 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) for
+ works other than software
+- European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v. 1.1, v. 1.2
+- Québec Free and Open-Source Licence — Reciprocity (LiLiQ-R) or Strong
+ Reciprocity (LiLiQ-R+).
+The European Commission may update this Appendix to later versions of the above
+licences without producing a new version of the EUPL, as long as they provide
+the rights granted in Article 2 of this Licence and protect the covered Source
+Code from exclusive appropriation.
+All other changes or additions to this Appendix require the production of a new
+EUPL version.
diff --git a/graphics/minim-hatching/README b/graphics/minim-hatching/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8765322681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/minim-hatching/README
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Version: 2021/1.0
+This is a small proof-of-concept library of tiling patterns for use with the
+minim-mp MetaPost processor.
+In order to obtain the typeset manual of this package, simply say:
+ luatex -fmt minim-mp
+(c) 2021 Esger Renkema
+These files may be distributed under the terms of the European Union Public
+Licence (EUPL) version 1.2 or later. A copy can be obtained at:
diff --git a/graphics/minim-hatching/ b/graphics/minim-hatching/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dcee18e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/minim-hatching/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+%% This is the documentation of the minim-hatching pattern library. To typeset
+%% this file, say:
+%% luatex --fmt=minim-mp
+input minim-hatching
+% work around a bug: pdf.setnames will do nothing if this is not called at least once.
+\pdfextension names{} % (TODO: remove after bug is fixed).
+\font \titlf = {Latin Modern Roman Dunhill} at 12pt
+\font \mainf = {Latin Modern Roman Unslanted} at 10pt \mainf
+\parindent 0em \parskip 1em
+\rightskip 0em plus 2em
+ author {Esger Renkema}
+ title {minim-hatching}
+ date {2021-06-01}
+ version {2021/1.0}
+ keywords {MetaPost; tiling patterns}
+def makepage = path page; page = unitsquare xscaled 210mm yscaled 297mm;
+ setbounds currentpicture to page shifted (-7.1cm, 4cm-297mm); enddef;
+def xyscaled expr p = xscaled xpart p yscaled ypart p enddef;
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; save p; picture p;
+save w, h, o; (w, h, o) = (2cm, 1cm, 3mm);
+def table(expr n)(text i)(text t) =
+ for d = t : x := 0;
+ for s = i :
+ if d = "=" : draw label(s) shifted (x+o, y+o);
+ else: filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (x,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(s&" "&d&n)); fi
+ x := x + w;
+ endfor
+ patname(d, n)
+ y := y - h;
+ endfor enddef;
+def double(expr l, r) = y:=y-h;
+ filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (0,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(l));
+ filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (w,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(r));
+ draw label(l) shifted(2w+o, y+o);
+ draw label(r) shifted(3w+o, y+o); enddef;
+vardef label(expr t)=
+ save p; picture p; p := scantokens ("btex "&t&"\strut etex;");
+ setbounds p to unitsquare xyscaled urcorner p; p enddef;
+def patname(expr n, s) =
+ if n <> "=" : draw label(n&s) shifted(x+o, y+o); fi enddef;
+def titl(expr t) =
+ p := label("\titlf "&t);
+ draw p shifted ((-2o, y+o) - lrcorner p); enddef;
+beginfig(1) y := 0;
+ titl("Introduction");
+ p := btex \vtop{\hsize=9cm\noindent
+ This is a small library of monochrome patterns for the minim-mp metapost processor.
+ Load the patterns by saying \par
+ \strut \qquad input minim-hatching;\par
+ at the top of your metapost file or instance.\par
+ I recommend printing this file, as patterns do not always display well on a computer screen.
+ } etex shifted (0,o);
+ draw p; y := y - ypart (urcorner p - lrcorner p) - h;
+ titl("Line patterns");
+ table(" lines")("", "dense")
+ ("=", "horizontal", "vertical", "upward", "downward", "broken");
+ titl("Zigzag patterns");
+ table("zigzag")("horizontal", "vertical")
+ ("=", "" );
+ titl("Grid patterns");
+ table(" grid")("", "dense")
+ ("=", "", "upward", "downward", "diagonal", "horizontal", "vertical");
+makepage endfig;
+verbatimtex \embedfile
+ global file {EUPL-1.2-EN.txt}
+ desc {Licence for this package (EUPL).}
+ name LICENCE mimetype text/plain
+ relation Unspecified uncompressed etex;
+beginfig(1) y := 0;
+ titl("Dot patterns");
+ table(" dots")("sparse", "", "dense")
+ ("=", "", "square", "diamond", "heavy", "square heavy", "diamond heavy");
+ titl("Cloth patterns");
+ double("knit", "purl")
+ double("weave", "dense weave")
+ double("stitches", "crosses")
+ double("chords", "tea cloth")
+ y:=y-h; titl("Circle patterns");
+ table("")("", "small")
+ ("=", "circles", "square circles", "hexagons", "scales");
+ titl("Stone patterns");
+ double("bricks", "tiles");
+ y:=y-2h; titl("Licence");
+ p := btex
+ \vtop{\hsize=9cm\noindent
+ This package may be distributed under the terms of the European Union Public
+ Licence (EUPL) version 1.2 or later. An english version of this licence has
+ been included as an attachment to this file; copies in other languages can be
+ obtained at
+ $$\hbox to \hsize{\hss\hyperlink
+ url {}\relax
+ } etex shifted (0,y+o);
+ draw p;
+makepage endfig;
diff --git a/graphics/minim-hatching/minim-hatching-doc.pdf b/graphics/minim-hatching/minim-hatching-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..333a6b074f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/minim-hatching/minim-hatching-doc.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,1402 @@
+1 0 obj
+<< /Type/EmbeddedFile /Subtype/text#2Fplain /Length 13827 >>
+ EUPL © the European Union 2007, 2016
+This European Union Public Licence (the ‘EUPL’) applies to the Work (as defined
+below) which is provided under the terms of this Licence. Any use of the Work,
+other than as authorised under this Licence is prohibited (to the extent such
+use is covered by a right of the copyright holder of the Work).
+The Work is provided under the terms of this Licence when the Licensor (as
+defined below) has placed the following notice immediately following the
+copyright notice for the Work:
+ Licensed under the EUPL
+or has expressed by any other means his willingness to license under the EUPL.
+1. Definitions
+In this Licence, the following terms have the following meaning:
+- ‘The Licence’: this Licence.
+- ‘The Original Work’: the work or software distributed or communicated by the
+ Licensor under this Licence, available as Source Code and also as Executable
+ Code as the case may be.
+- ‘Derivative Works’: the works or software that could be created by the
+ Licensee, based upon the Original Work or modifications thereof. This Licence
+ does not define the extent of modification or dependence on the Original Work
+ required in order to classify a work as a Derivative Work; this extent is
+ determined by copyright law applicable in the country mentioned in Article 15.
+- ‘The Work’: the Original Work or its Derivative Works.
+- ‘The Source Code’: the human-readable form of the Work which is the most
+ convenient for people to study and modify.
+- ‘The Executable Code’: any code which has generally been compiled and which is
+ meant to be interpreted by a computer as a program.
+- ‘The Licensor’: the natural or legal person that distributes or communicates
+ the Work under the Licence.
+- ‘Contributor(s)’: any natural or legal person who modifies the Work under the
+ Licence, or otherwise contributes to the creation of a Derivative Work.
+- ‘The Licensee’ or ‘You’: any natural or legal person who makes any usage of
+ the Work under the terms of the Licence.
+- ‘Distribution’ or ‘Communication’: any act of selling, giving, lending,
+ renting, distributing, communicating, transmitting, or otherwise making
+ available, online or offline, copies of the Work or providing access to its
+ essential functionalities at the disposal of any other natural or legal
+ person.
+2. Scope of the rights granted by the Licence
+The Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
+sublicensable licence to do the following, for the duration of copyright vested
+in the Original Work:
+- use the Work in any circumstance and for all usage,
+- reproduce the Work,
+- modify the Work, and make Derivative Works based upon the Work,
+- communicate to the public, including the right to make available or display
+ the Work or copies thereof to the public and perform publicly, as the case may
+ be, the Work,
+- distribute the Work or copies thereof,
+- lend and rent the Work or copies thereof,
+- sublicense rights in the Work or copies thereof.
+Those rights can be exercised on any media, supports and formats, whether now
+known or later invented, as far as the applicable law permits so.
+In the countries where moral rights apply, the Licensor waives his right to
+exercise his moral right to the extent allowed by law in order to make effective
+the licence of the economic rights here above listed.
+The Licensor grants to the Licensee royalty-free, non-exclusive usage rights to
+any patents held by the Licensor, to the extent necessary to make use of the
+rights granted on the Work under this Licence.
+3. Communication of the Source Code
+The Licensor may provide the Work either in its Source Code form, or as
+Executable Code. If the Work is provided as Executable Code, the Licensor
+provides in addition a machine-readable copy of the Source Code of the Work
+along with each copy of the Work that the Licensor distributes or indicates, in
+a notice following the copyright notice attached to the Work, a repository where
+the Source Code is easily and freely accessible for as long as the Licensor
+continues to distribute or communicate the Work.
+4. Limitations on copyright
+Nothing in this Licence is intended to deprive the Licensee of the benefits from
+any exception or limitation to the exclusive rights of the rights owners in the
+Work, of the exhaustion of those rights or of other applicable limitations
+5. Obligations of the Licensee
+The grant of the rights mentioned above is subject to some restrictions and
+obligations imposed on the Licensee. Those obligations are the following:
+Attribution right: The Licensee shall keep intact all copyright, patent or
+trademarks notices and all notices that refer to the Licence and to the
+disclaimer of warranties. The Licensee must include a copy of such notices and a
+copy of the Licence with every copy of the Work he/she distributes or
+communicates. The Licensee must cause any Derivative Work to carry prominent
+notices stating that the Work has been modified and the date of modification.
+Copyleft clause: If the Licensee distributes or communicates copies of the
+Original Works or Derivative Works, this Distribution or Communication will be
+done under the terms of this Licence or of a later version of this Licence
+unless the Original Work is expressly distributed only under this version of the
+Licence — for example by communicating ‘EUPL v. 1.2 only’. The Licensee
+(becoming Licensor) cannot offer or impose any additional terms or conditions on
+the Work or Derivative Work that alter or restrict the terms of the Licence.
+Compatibility clause: If the Licensee Distributes or Communicates Derivative
+Works or copies thereof based upon both the Work and another work licensed under
+a Compatible Licence, this Distribution or Communication can be done under the
+terms of this Compatible Licence. For the sake of this clause, ‘Compatible
+Licence’ refers to the licences listed in the appendix attached to this Licence.
+Should the Licensee's obligations under the Compatible Licence conflict with
+his/her obligations under this Licence, the obligations of the Compatible
+Licence shall prevail.
+Provision of Source Code: When distributing or communicating copies of the Work,
+the Licensee will provide a machine-readable copy of the Source Code or indicate
+a repository where this Source will be easily and freely available for as long
+as the Licensee continues to distribute or communicate the Work.
+Legal Protection: This Licence does not grant permission to use the trade names,
+trademarks, service marks, or names of the Licensor, except as required for
+reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
+reproducing the content of the copyright notice.
+6. Chain of Authorship
+The original Licensor warrants that the copyright in the Original Work granted
+hereunder is owned by him/her or licensed to him/her and that he/she has the
+power and authority to grant the Licence.
+Each Contributor warrants that the copyright in the modifications he/she brings
+to the Work are owned by him/her or licensed to him/her and that he/she has the
+power and authority to grant the Licence.
+Each time You accept the Licence, the original Licensor and subsequent
+Contributors grant You a licence to their contributions to the Work, under the
+terms of this Licence.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty
+The Work is a work in progress, which is continuously improved by numerous
+Contributors. It is not a finished work and may therefore contain defects or
+‘bugs’ inherent to this type of development.
+For the above reason, the Work is provided under the Licence on an ‘as is’ basis
+and without warranties of any kind concerning the Work, including without
+limitation merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, absence of defects
+or errors, accuracy, non-infringement of intellectual property rights other than
+copyright as stated in Article 6 of this Licence.
+This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part of the Licence and a condition
+for the grant of any rights to the Work.
+8. Disclaimer of Liability
+Except in the cases of wilful misconduct or damages directly caused to natural
+persons, the Licensor will in no event be liable for any direct or indirect,
+material or moral, damages of any kind, arising out of the Licence or of the use
+of the Work, including without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work
+stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, loss of data or any commercial
+damage, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
+However, the Licensor will be liable under statutory product liability laws as
+far such laws apply to the Work.
+9. Additional agreements
+While distributing the Work, You may choose to conclude an additional agreement,
+defining obligations or services consistent with this Licence. However, if
+accepting obligations, You may act only on your own behalf and on your sole
+responsibility, not on behalf of the original Licensor or any other Contributor,
+and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless
+for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against such Contributor by
+the fact You have accepted any warranty or additional liability.
+10. Acceptance of the Licence
+The provisions of this Licence can be accepted by clicking on an icon ‘I agree’
+placed under the bottom of a window displaying the text of this Licence or by
+affirming consent in any other similar way, in accordance with the rules of
+applicable law. Clicking on that icon indicates your clear and irrevocable
+acceptance of this Licence and all of its terms and conditions.
+Similarly, you irrevocably accept this Licence and all of its terms and
+conditions by exercising any rights granted to You by Article 2 of this Licence,
+such as the use of the Work, the creation by You of a Derivative Work or the
+Distribution or Communication by You of the Work or copies thereof.
+11. Information to the public
+In case of any Distribution or Communication of the Work by means of electronic
+communication by You (for example, by offering to download the Work from a
+remote location) the distribution channel or media (for example, a website) must
+at least provide to the public the information requested by the applicable law
+regarding the Licensor, the Licence and the way it may be accessible, concluded,
+stored and reproduced by the Licensee.
+12. Termination of the Licence
+The Licence and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon
+any breach by the Licensee of the terms of the Licence.
+Such a termination will not terminate the licences of any person who has
+received the Work from the Licensee under the Licence, provided such persons
+remain in full compliance with the Licence.
+13. Miscellaneous
+Without prejudice of Article 9 above, the Licence represents the complete
+agreement between the Parties as to the Work.
+If any provision of the Licence is invalid or unenforceable under applicable
+law, this will not affect the validity or enforceability of the Licence as a
+whole. Such provision will be construed or reformed so as necessary to make it
+valid and enforceable.
+The European Commission may publish other linguistic versions or new versions of
+this Licence or updated versions of the Appendix, so far this is required and
+reasonable, without reducing the scope of the rights granted by the Licence. New
+versions of the Licence will be published with a unique version number.
+All linguistic versions of this Licence, approved by the European Commission,
+have identical value. Parties can take advantage of the linguistic version of
+their choice.
+14. Jurisdiction
+Without prejudice to specific agreement between parties,
+- any litigation resulting from the interpretation of this License, arising
+ between the European Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, as a
+ Licensor, and any Licensee, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court
+ of Justice of the European Union, as laid down in article 272 of the Treaty on
+ the Functioning of the European Union,
+- any litigation arising between other parties and resulting from the
+ interpretation of this License, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
+ of the competent court where the Licensor resides or conducts its primary
+ business.
+15. Applicable Law
+Without prejudice to specific agreement between parties,
+- this Licence shall be governed by the law of the European Union Member State
+ where the Licensor has his seat, resides or has his registered office,
+- this licence shall be governed by Belgian law if the Licensor has no seat,
+ residence or registered office inside a European Union Member State.
+‘Compatible Licences’ according to Article 5 EUPL are:
+- GNU General Public License (GPL) v. 2, v. 3
+- GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v. 3
+- Open Software License (OSL) v. 2.1, v. 3.0
+- Eclipse Public License (EPL) v. 1.0
+- CeCILL v. 2.0, v. 2.1
+- Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v. 2
+- GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v. 2.1, v. 3
+- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike v. 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) for
+ works other than software
+- European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v. 1.1, v. 1.2
+- Québec Free and Open-Source Licence — Reciprocity (LiLiQ-R) or Strong
+ Reciprocity (LiLiQ-R+).
+The European Commission may update this Appendix to later versions of the above
+licences without producing a new version of the EUPL, as long as they provide
+the rights granted in Article 2 of this Licence and protect the covered Source
+Code from exclusive appropriation.
+All other changes or additions to this Appendix require the production of a new
+EUPL version.
+5 0 obj
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+29 0 obj
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+33 0 obj
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+37 0 obj
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+39 0 obj
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+41 0 obj
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+43 0 obj
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+47 0 obj
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+49 0 obj
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+57 0 obj
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+67 0 obj
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+95 0 obj
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+109 0 obj
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+113 0 obj
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+137 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 100.000000 /YStep 5.250000
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+/Matrix [ 0.86603 -0.5 0.5 0.86603 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 17 0 R >> >>
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+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+162 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 10.500000 /YStep 10.500000
+/BBox [ -0.199 -0.199 15.551 10.301 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 61 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+163 0 obj
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+/BBox [ -2.598 -2.598 2.598 2.598 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 103 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+164 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 100.000000 /YStep 5.250000
+/BBox [ 0 -1 100 1 ]
+/Matrix [ 0.86603 0.5 -0.5 0.86603 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 13 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+165 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 25 0 R >> >>
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+166 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 7 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+167 0 obj
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+/BBox [ -2.598 -2.598 2.598 2.598 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 95 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+168 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 10.500000 /YStep 10.500000
+/BBox [ -0.199 -0.199 10.301 10.301 ]
+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 63 0 R >> >>
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+169 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 73 0 R >> >>
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+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 59 0 R >> >>
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+171 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 53 0 R >> >>
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+/Matrix [ 0 -1 1 0 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 9 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+173 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 87 0 R >> >>
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 75 0 R >> >>
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+177 0 obj
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+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 5.250000 /YStep 5.250000
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 71 0 R >> >>
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 69 0 R >> >>
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+184 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 65 0 R >> >>
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+186 0 obj
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+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 93 0 R >> >>
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+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 51 0 R >> >>
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+188 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 3.500000 /YStep 3.500000
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+/Matrix [ 0.7071 -1.06067 0.7071 1.06067 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 47 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+189 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 10.500000 /YStep 6.062160
+/BBox [ -2.598 -2.598 7.848 5.629 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 89 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+190 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 3.500000 /YStep 3.500000
+/BBox [ -2.598 -2.598 2.598 2.598 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 99 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+191 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 7.875000 /YStep 7.875000
+/BBox [ -0.492 -0.492 6.398 6.398 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 67 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+192 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 5.250000 /YStep 10.500000
+/BBox [ -0.875 0 4.375 10.5 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 57 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+193 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 5.250000 /YStep 5.250000
+/BBox [ 0 0 5.25 5.25 ]
+/Matrix [ 0.86603 -0.5 0.5 0.86603 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 33 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+194 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 10.500000 /YStep 5.250000
+/BBox [ 0 -0.875 10.5 4.375 ]
+/Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 55 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+195 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 3.500000 /YStep 3.500000
+/BBox [ 0 0 3.5 3.5 ]
+/Matrix [ 1.06067 -0.7071 1.06067 0.7071 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 45 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+196 0 obj
+<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1 /XStep 100.000000 /YStep 3.500000
+/BBox [ 0 -1 100 1 ]
+/Matrix [ 0.86603 0.5 -0.5 0.86603 0 0 ] /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl 15 0 R >> >>
+ /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18 >>
+199 0 obj
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+208 0 obj
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+209 0 obj
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+215 0 obj
+<< /Type /XRef /Index [ 0 216 ] /Size 216 /W [ 1 2 1 ] /Root 213 0 R /Info 214 0 R /ID [ <43A5AF486BCB81A60EC998573D907A2D> <43A5AF486BCB81A60EC998573D907A2D> ] /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 585 >>
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diff --git a/graphics/minim-hatching/ b/graphics/minim-hatching/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..559b812469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/minim-hatching/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+%% To be used with the minim-mp metapost processor. See
+%% for an overview of the patterns defined below.
+% 1 definition macros
+def new_linepattern(suffix name)(expr sep, rot) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw origin -- (100,0);
+ matrix = identity rotated rot;
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled 100 yscaled 2 shifted (0, -1);
+ endpattern(100, sep);
+def new_dotpattern(suffix name)(expr r, sep, rot) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ drawdot origin withpen pencircle scaled r;
+ matrix = identity rotated rot;
+ setbounds currentpicture to bbox currentpicture;
+ endpattern(sep,sep);
+def new_hexdotpattern(suffix name)(expr r, sep) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ pickup pencircle scaled r;
+ drawdot origin; drawdot (sep, sep/sqrt(3));
+ setbounds currentpicture to bbox currentpicture;
+ endpattern(2sep,2sep/sqrt(3));
+def new_brokenlinepattern(suffix name)(expr sep, on, off) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw (0,0) -- (on,0);
+ draw (on/2+off/2,sep) -- (3on/2+off/2,sep);
+ setbounds currentpicture to bbox currentpicture;
+ endpattern(on+off,2sep);
+def new_distortedgridpattern(suffix name)(expr sep, rot, x, y) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw (0, sep/2) -- (sep, sep/2);
+ draw (sep/2, 0) -- (sep/2, sep);
+ matrix = identity xscaled x yscaled y rotated rot;
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare scaled sep;
+ endpattern(sep,sep);
+def new_gridpattern(suffix name)(expr sep, rot) =
+ new_distortedgridpattern(name)(sep, rot, 1, 1) enddef;
+def new_weavepattern(suffix name)(expr sep, width) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ matrix = identity rotated 45;
+ draw (0,-width)--(0,width);
+ draw (-width,sep)--(width,sep);
+ draw (sep-width,0)--(sep+width,0);
+ draw (sep,sep-width)--(sep,sep+width);
+ endpattern(2sep,2sep); enddef;
+def new_hexpattern(suffix name)(expr d) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ save v,w; w:=d/2; v := w/sqrt(3); draw (w,4v) -- (w,6v);
+ draw (0,v) -- (w,0) -- (2w,v) -- (2w,3v) -- (w,4v) -- (0,3v);
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled 3w yscaled 6v shifted linecorr;
+ endpattern(2w,6v); enddef;
+def new_circlepattern(suffix name)(expr d) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw fullcircle scaled d;
+ draw fullcircle scaled d shifted (sqrt(3)/2*d,d/2);
+ endpattern(sqrt(3)*d,d); enddef;
+def new_scalepattern(suffix name)(expr d) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw halfcircle scaled d rotated 180;
+ draw halfcircle scaled d rotated 180 shifted (d/2,d/2);
+ endpattern(d,d); enddef;
+def new_squarecirclepattern(suffix name)(expr d) =
+ beginpattern(name)
+ draw fullcircle scaled d;
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare shifted -(1/2,1/2) scaled 2d;
+ endpattern(d,d); enddef;
+% 1 predefined patterns
+if known skip_predefined_patterns : expandafter endinput fi;
+begingroup save xl, l, s;
+2l = 3s; 2xl = 3l; s = 3.5;
+show s, l, xl;
+save linecorr; pair linecorr; linecorr = -(.2pt, .2pt);
+ save horizontal, vertical, upward, downward, diagonal;
+ horizontal = 0; vertical = 90; diagonal = 45;
+ downward = 30; downward = -upward;
+ forsuffixes d = horizontal, vertical, upward, downward :
+ new_linepattern(d lines)(l, d);
+ new_linepattern(dense d lines)(s, d);
+ endfor
+ new_brokenlinepattern(broken lines)(l, 2l, l)
+ new_brokenlinepattern(dense broken lines)(s, 3s, s)
+ forsuffixes d = diagonal, upward, downward :
+ new_gridpattern(d grid)(l, d);
+ new_gridpattern(dense d grid)(s, d);
+ endfor
+new_gridpattern(grid)(l, 0)
+new_gridpattern(dense grid)(s, 0)
+new_distortedgridpattern(horizontal grid)(l, 45, 3/2, 1);
+new_distortedgridpattern(vertical grid)(l, 45, 1, 3/2);
+new_distortedgridpattern(dense horizontal grid)(s, 45, 3/2, 1);
+new_distortedgridpattern(dense vertical grid)(s, 45, 1, 3/2);
+new_weavepattern(stitches)(l, 3/2)
+new_weavepattern(weave)(l, 3)
+new_weavepattern(dense weave)(s, 3/2)
+beginpattern(horizontal zigzag)
+ draw (0,0)--(l,2/3l)--(2l,0);
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled 2l yscaled l shifted -(0,l/6);
+beginpattern(vertical zigzag)
+ draw (0,0)--(2/3l,l)--(0,2l);
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled l yscaled 2l shifted -(l/6,0);
+ matrix = identity rotated 45;
+ save c,o,w; pair c,o; c=(l/2,l/2); w=4/5;
+ o:=(w, w); draw (c+o)--(c-o);
+ o:=(w,-w); draw (c+o)--(c-o);
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare scaled l;
+ draw (0,l)--(0,0)--(2l,0);
+ draw (l,2l)--(l,l)--(3l,l);
+ clip currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled 3l yscaled 2l shifted linecorr;
+ save s; s:=l/4;
+ draw (0,l+s) -- (l+s,l+s);
+ draw (l-s,0) -- (l-s,l+s);
+ draw currentpicture rotatedaround((l,l), 180);
+ draw (0,2l) -- (0,0) -- (2l,0);
+ clip currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled 2l yscaled 2l shifted linecorr;
+ matrix := identity rotated 45;
+ save c,d; c:=2.1; d:=1.4;
+ draw (c-d,c-d){dir 225}..{dir -30}(2c-d/2,d/2-2c);
+ draw (2c+d,-d-2c){dir -45}..{dir 210}(c+d/2,d/2-5c);
+ setbounds currentpicture to bbox currentpicture;
+endpattern(7c, 2c);
+beginpattern(tea cloth)
+ save r; r:=xl/8; pickup pencircle scaled r;
+ drawdot (xl/2,xl/2); drawdot (0,0);
+ for i = 1 upto 3 : drawdot (0,i*xl/4); drawdot (i*xl/4,0); endfor
+ save v; v:=2/3xl;
+ draw (0,0) -- (0,v);
+ draw (-xl/2,3/2v) -- (-xl/2,v/2) {dir -60}..{dir -60} (0,0) {dir 60}..{dir 60} (xl/2,v/2);
+ save v; v := 2/3xl;
+ interim linecap:=butt;
+ draw (0,0) -- (0,v) {dir 30}..{dir 30} (xl/2,3/2v) {dir -30}..{dir -30} (xl,v);
+ draw (xl/2,v/2) {dir -30}..{dir -30} (xl,0) {dir 30}..{dir 30} (3/2xl,v/2) -- (3/2xl,-v/2);
+new_hexpattern(small hexagons)(l);
+new_squarecirclepattern(square circles)(xl);
+new_squarecirclepattern(small square circles)(l);
+new_circlepattern(small circles)(l);
+new_scalepattern(small scales)(l);
+save dot;
+dot := 1.2pt;
+new_hexdotpattern(dots)(dot, l);
+new_hexdotpattern(dense dots)(dot, s);
+new_hexdotpattern(sparse dots)(dot, xl);
+new_dotpattern(square dots)(dot, l, 0);
+new_dotpattern(diamond dots)(dot, l, 45);
+new_dotpattern(dense square dots)(dot, s, 0);
+new_dotpattern(dense diamond dots)(dot, s, 45);
+new_dotpattern(sparse square dots)(dot, xl, 0);
+new_dotpattern(sparse diamond dots)(dot, xl, 45);
+dot := 1.8pt;
+new_hexdotpattern(heavy dots)(dot, l);
+new_hexdotpattern(dense heavy dots)(dot, s);
+new_hexdotpattern(sparse heavy dots)(dot, xl);
+new_dotpattern(square heavy dots)(dot, l, 0);
+new_dotpattern(diamond heavy dots)(dot, l, 45);
+new_dotpattern(dense square heavy dots)(dot, s, 0);
+new_dotpattern(dense diamond heavy dots)(dot, s, 45);
+new_dotpattern(sparse square heavy dots)(dot, xl, 0);
+new_dotpattern(sparse diamond heavy dots)(dot, xl, 45);
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/PiCTeX_manual.pdf b/graphics/pictex/PiCTeX_manual.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6211ecaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pictex/PiCTeX_manual.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/README b/graphics/pictex/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ba8eaa02..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pictex/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-The PiCTeX macro package is released under the LaTeX Project Public
-License, version 1 or (at your option) any later version.
-NOTE. There is a detailed manual for PiCTeX available from
- Michael Wichura
- Department of Statistics
- University of Chicago.
- (312) 702-8329
- Wichura@Galton.Uchicago.EDU
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/README.txt b/graphics/pictex/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64d3c6f34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pictex/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+The PiCTeX macro package is released under the LaTeX Project Public
+License, version 1 or (at your option) any later version.
+Version 1.1 1987-10-09
+Version 1.1b 2021-06-08 (updated LaTeX support)
+NOTE. There is a detailed manual for PiCTeX available from CTAN;
+ see PiCTeX_manual.pdf
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/00index b/graphics/pictex/addon/00index
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b80d1a41..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/00index
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- Style zum Einladen von PiCTeX als LaTeX-option oder LaTeX-Package.
- Incl. Einladen von PICCORR.STY und PICMORE.STY, falls vorhanden.
- Korrektur zu PiCTeXs \betweenarrows-Befehl
- Erweiterung zu PiCTeX f"ur Impulsdiagramme
- Gepatchtes PICTEX.TEX, das weniger Dimensionsregister benutzt.
- Fehlermeldungen an
- Wie PICTEX.STY, aber es wird PICTEXWD.TEX eingeladen.
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README b/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README
index d48b930fc0..5ab324fe2f 120000..100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README
+++ b/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README
@@ -1 +1,14 @@
-README.aa \ No newline at end of file
+ File README.aa for
+ [tex-archive]/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/
+ makes PiCTeX's bounding boxes account for lines and arcs.
+ License is LPPL. Read the file for additional informations.
+ this subdirectory demonstrates the effect of autoarea.sty .
+This file version 2008/04/25 Uwe Lueck,
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README.aa b/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README.aa
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab324fe2f..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/README.aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- File README.aa for
- [tex-archive]/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/
- makes PiCTeX's bounding boxes account for lines and arcs.
- License is LPPL. Read the file for additional informations.
- this subdirectory demonstrates the effect of autoarea.sty .
-This file version 2008/04/25 Uwe Lueck,
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/autodemo/autodemo+.log b/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/autodemo/autodemo+.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 4943212fba..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/autoarea/autodemo/autodemo+.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.4 (MiKTeX 2.7) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2008.2.19) 7 MAY 2008 22:29
-entering extended mode
-LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
-Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
-rman, ngerman, french, loaded.
-File: autodemo+.tex 2008/04/19 autoarea.sty's effect
-File: autodemo.tex 2008/04/19 common sample for autoarea.sty
- ("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\base\article.cls"
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-Package: lipsum 2005/01/26 v1.0 150 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum dummy text
-File: lipsum.dtx 2005/01/26 v1.0 150 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum dummy text
-) (autoarea.sty
-Package: autoarea 2008/05/07 automatic accounting for PiCTeX lines and arcs
-No auxiliary output files.
-No file autodemo+.aux.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
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-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
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-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
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-{C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/akuehne/Lokale Einstellungen/Anwendungsdaten/Mi
-KTeX/2.7/pdftex/config/}] ) )
-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
- 1061 strings out of 95340
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-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.4 (MiKTeX 2.7) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2008.2.19) 7 MAY 2008 22:28
-entering extended mode
-LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
-Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
-rman, ngerman, french, loaded.
-File: autodemo-.tex 2008/04/19 what's missing without autoarea.sty
-File: autodemo.tex 2008/04/19 common sample for autoarea.sty
- ("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\base\article.cls"
-Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\base\size12.clo"
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-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\generic\pictex\pictex.sty"
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\generic\pictex\prepictex.tex")
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\generic\pictex\pictex.tex")
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\generic\pictex\postpictex.tex")
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\generic\pictex\picmore.tex"))
-("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\lipsum\lipsum.sty"
-Package: lipsum 2005/01/26 v1.0 150 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum dummy text
-File: lipsum.dtx 2005/01/26 v1.0 150 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum dummy text
-No auxiliary output files.
-No file autodemo-.aux.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 8.
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
-(Font) <12> on input line 10.
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
-(Font) <8> on input line 10.
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
-(Font) <6> on input line 10.
-{C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/akuehne/Lokale Einstellungen/Anwendungsdaten/Mi
-KTeX/2.7/pdftex/config/}] ) )
-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
- 1046 strings out of 95340
- 10812 string characters out of 1184281
- 171053 words of memory out of 1500000
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- 7336 words of font info for 26 fonts, out of 1200000 for 2000
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-esky/cm/cmbxti10.pfb><C:/Programme/MiKTeX 2.7/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmr12.pfb>
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-PDF statistics:
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- 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 131072)
- 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/picmore.tex b/graphics/pictex/addon/picmore.tex
index b6cec46a3a..1bda81e6ae 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/picmore.tex
+++ b/graphics/pictex/addon/picmore.tex
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-% PiCTeX Erweiterungen von Andreas Schrell %
-% Windhoevel 2 %
-% 5600 Wuppertal 2 %
-% Version 1.0 29.10.1989 %
-% Befehle fr die Benutzer:
-% \setsignal zur Benutzung wie \setlinear %
-% \plot erzeugt danach Signalverlaeufe%
-% fuer Impulsdiagramme. Es werden TeX-%
-% Linien benutzt, daher schneller als %
-% \plot mit \setlinear %
-% Bsp: %
-% \setsignal \plot 0 1 1 0 2 1 4 0 7 1 8 0 / %
-% erzeugt %
-% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %
-% __ ___ _ %
-% ! ! ! ! ! %
-% !_! !_____! ! %
-% \setmsignal zur Benutzung wie \setlinear %
-% \plot erzeugt danach Signalverlaeufe%
-% fuer Impulsdiagramme. Es werden TeX-%
-% Linien benutzt, daher schneller als %
-% \plot mit \setlinear %
-% Bsp: %
-% \setmsignal \plot 0 1 1 2 2 4 3 6 0 7 1 1 %
-% erzeugt %
-% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %
-% --- %
-% ! ! %
-% - ! %
-% --! ! - %
-% !___! %
- \let\!drawcurve=\!scurve}
-\def\!scurve #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!hxS{#1}%
- \edef\!hyS{#2}%
- \!sjoin}
-\def\!sjoin#1 #2 {%
- \putrule from {\!hxS} {\!hyS} to {#1} {\!hyS}
- \putrule from {#1} {\!hyS} to {#1} {#2}
- \edef\!hxS{#1}%
- \edef\!hyS{#2}%
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!sjoin}}
- \let\!drawcurve=\!smcurve}
-\def\!smcurve #1 #2 #3 {%
- \edef\!hxS{#2}%
- \edef\!hyS{#3}%
- \putrule from {#1} {\!hyS} to {\!hxS} {\!hyS}
- \!smjoin}
-\def\!smjoin#1 #2 {%
- \putrule from {\!hxS} {\!hyS} to {\!hxS} {#2}
- \putrule from {\!hxS} {#2} to {#1} {#2}
- \edef\!hxS{#1}%
- \edef\!hyS{#2}%
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!smjoin}}
+% PiCTeX Erweiterungen von Andreas Schrell %
+% Windhoevel 2 %
+% 5600 Wuppertal 2 %
+% Version 1.0 29.10.1989 %
+% Befehle fr die Benutzer:
+% \setsignal zur Benutzung wie \setlinear %
+% \plot erzeugt danach Signalverlaeufe%
+% fuer Impulsdiagramme. Es werden TeX-%
+% Linien benutzt, daher schneller als %
+% \plot mit \setlinear %
+% Bsp: %
+% \setsignal \plot 0 1 1 0 2 1 4 0 7 1 8 0 / %
+% erzeugt %
+% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %
+% __ ___ _ %
+% ! ! ! ! ! %
+% !_! !_____! ! %
+% \setmsignal zur Benutzung wie \setlinear %
+% \plot erzeugt danach Signalverlaeufe%
+% fuer Impulsdiagramme. Es werden TeX-%
+% Linien benutzt, daher schneller als %
+% \plot mit \setlinear %
+% Bsp: %
+% \setmsignal \plot 0 1 1 2 2 4 3 6 0 7 1 1 %
+% erzeugt %
+% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %
+% --- %
+% ! ! %
+% - ! %
+% --! ! - %
+% !___! %
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!scurve}
+\def\!scurve #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#2}%
+ \!sjoin}
+\def\!sjoin#1 #2 {%
+ \putrule from {\!hxS} {\!hyS} to {#1} {\!hyS}
+ \putrule from {#1} {\!hyS} to {#1} {#2}
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#2}%
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!sjoin}}
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!smcurve}
+\def\!smcurve #1 #2 #3 {%
+ \edef\!hxS{#2}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#3}%
+ \putrule from {#1} {\!hyS} to {\!hxS} {\!hyS}
+ \!smjoin}
+\def\!smjoin#1 #2 {%
+ \putrule from {\!hxS} {\!hyS} to {\!hxS} {#2}
+ \putrule from {\!hxS} {#2} to {#1} {#2}
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#2}%
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!smjoin}}
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictex.sty b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictex.sty
index d64c99790a..5e2f257c41 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictex.sty
+++ b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictex.sty
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-% PiCTeX als LaTeX-Style oder LaTeX2e-Package einladen.
-% von Andreas Schrell
- \newfont\fiverm{cmr5}
-\input prepictex
-\input pictex
-\input postpictex
+% PiCTeX als LaTeX-Style oder LaTeX2e-Package einladen.
+% von Andreas Schrell
+ \newfont\fiverm{cmr5}
+\input prepictex
+\input pictex
+\input postpictex
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.sty b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.sty
index 42edb401e0..76466de2b8 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.sty
+++ b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.sty
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-% PiCTeX als LaTeX-Style oder LaTeX2e-Package einladen. Allerdings
-% wird eine Datei pictexwd.tex geladen, die weniger Dimensionsregister
-% benutzt.
-% Style von Andreas Schrell
- \newfont\fiverm{cmr5}
-\input prepictex
-\input pictexwd
-\input postpictex
+% PiCTeX als LaTeX-Style oder LaTeX2e-Package einladen. Allerdings
+% wird eine Datei pictexwd.tex geladen, die weniger Dimensionsregister
+% benutzt.
+% Style von Andreas Schrell
+ \newfont\fiverm{cmr5}
+\input prepictex
+\input pictexwd
+\input postpictex
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.tex b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.tex
index 43141efe6b..f2caff17cb 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.tex
+++ b/graphics/pictex/addon/pictexwd.tex
@@ -1,3677 +1,3677 @@
-% G"andertes PiCTeX.TEX mit weniger Dimensionsregistern %
-% von Andreas Schrell, ohne Gew"ahr!!!!!!!
-% Version 0.0 vom 31.03.1994
-% This is PiCTeXWD, Version 1.1 9/21/87
-% CAVEAT: The PiCTeX manual often has a more lucid explanation
-% of any given topic than you will find in the internal documentation
-% of the macros.
-% PiCTeX's commands can be classified into two groups: (1) public (or
-% external), and (2) private (or internal). The public macros are
-% discussed at length in the manual. The only discussion of the private
-% macros is the internal documentation. The private macros all have
-% names beginning with an exclamation point (!) of category code 11.
-% Since in normal usage "!" has category code 12, these macros can't
-% be accessed or modified by the general user.
-% The macros are organized into thematically related groups. For example,
-% the macros dealing with dots & dashes are all in the DASHPATTERN group.
-% The table below shows which macros are in which groups. The table
-% covers all public macros, and many (but not all) of PiCTeX's upper level
-% private macros. Following the table, the various groups are listed
-% in the order in which they appear in the table.
-% *********************** TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS **********************
-% HACKS: Utility macros
-% \PiC
-% \PiCTeX
-% \placevalueinpts
-% \!!loop
-% \!cfor
-% \!copylist
-% \!ecfor
-% \!etfor
-% \!getnext
-% \!getnextvalueof
-% \!ifempty
-% \!ifnextchar
-% \!leftappend
-% \!listaddon
-% \!loop
-% \!lop
-% \!mlap
-% \!not
-% \!removept
-% \!rightappend
-% \!tfor
-% \!vmlap
-% \!wlet
-% ALLOCATION: Allocates registers
-% AREAS: Deals with plot areas
-% \axis
-% \grid
-% \invisibleaxes
-% \normalgraphs
-% \plotheading
-% \setplotarea
-% \visibleaxes
-% ARROWS: Draws arrows
-% \arrow
-% \betweenarrows
-% BARS: Draws bars
-% \putbar
-% \setbars
-% BOXES: Draws rectangles
-% \frame
-% \putrectangle
-% \rectangle
-% \shaderectangleson
-% \shaderectanglesoff
-% CURVES: Upper level plot commands
-% \hshade
-% \plot
-% \sethistograms
-% \setlinear
-% \setquadratic
-% \vshade
-% DASHPATTERNS: Sets up dash patterns
-% \findlength
-% \setdashes
-% \setdashesnear
-% \setdashpattern
-% \setdots
-% \setdotsnear
-% \setsolid
-% \!dashingoff
-% \!dashingon
-% DIVISION: Does long division of dimension registers
-% \Divide
-% \!divide
-% ELLIPSES: Draws ellipses and circles
-% \circulararc
-% \ellipticalarc
-% RULES: Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines
-% \putrule
-% \!putdashedhline
-% \!putdashedvline
-% \!puthline
-% \!putsolidhline
-% \!putsolidvline
-% \!putvline
-% LINEAR ARC: Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed
-% \inboundscheckoff
-% \inboundscheckon
-% \!advancedashing
-% \!drawlinearsegment
-% \!initinboundscheck
-% \!linearsolid
-% \!lineardashed
-% \!ljoin
-% \!plotifinbounds
-% \!start
-% LOGTEN: Log_10 function
-% \!logten
-% PICTURES: Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands
-% \accountingoff
-% \accountingon
-% \beginpicture
-% \endpicture
-% \endpicturesave
-% \lines
-% \multiput
-% \put
-% \setcoordinatemode
-% \setcoordinatesystem
-% \setdimensionmode
-% \stack
-% \Lines
-% \Xdistance
-% \Ydistance
-% \!dimenput
-% \!ifcoordmode
-% \!ifdimenmode
-% \!setcoordmode
-% \!setdimenmode
-% \!setputobject
-% PLOTTING: Things to do with plotting
-% \dontsavelinesandcurves
-% \replot
-% \savelinesandcurves
-% \setplotsymbol
-% \writesavefile
-% \!plot
-% PYTHAGORAS: Euclidean distance function
-% \placehypotenuse
-% \!Pythag
-% QUADRATIC ARC: Draws a quadratic arc
-% \!qjoin
-% ROTATIONS: Handles rotations
-% \startrotation
-% \stoprotation
-% \!rotateaboutpivot
-% \!rotateonly
-% SHADING: Handles shading
-% \setshadegrid
-% \setshadesymbol
-% \!lshade
-% \!qshade
-% \!starthshade
-% \!startvshade
-% TICKS: Draws ticks on graphs
-% \gridlines
-% \loggedticks
-% \nogridlines
-% \ticksin
-% \ticksout
-% \unloggesticks
-% ***************** END OF TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS ********************
-\catcode`!=11 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
-% *******************************
-% *** HACKS (Utility macros) ***
-% *******************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC}
-% ** \PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX}
-% ** \placevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
-% ** Internal commands
-% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
-% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
-% ** \!copylist\LISTMACRO_A\to\LISTMACRO_B
-% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
-% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
-% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
-% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
-% ** \!loop ... repeat
-% ** \!!loop ... repeat
-% ** \!mlap{...}
-% ** \!vmlap{...}
-% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
-% ** First, here are the the PiCTeX logo, and the syllable PiC:
-% ** The following macro expands to parameter #2 or parameter #3 according to
-% ** whether the next non-blank character following the macro is or is not #1.
-% ** Blanks following the macro are gobbled.
- \let\!testchar=#1%
- \def\!first{#2}%
- \def\!second{#3}%
- \futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
- \ifx \!nextchar \!spacetoken
- \let\!next=\!skipspacetestagain
- \else
- \ifx \!nextchar \!testchar
- \let\!next=\!first
- \else
- \let\!next=\!second
- \fi
- \fi
- \!next}
- \expandafter\def\\ {\futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
-\def\\{\let\!spacetoken= } \\ % ** set \spacetoken to a space token
-% ** Borrow the "tfor" macro from Latex:
-% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** if, before expansion, LIST = T1 ... Tn, where each Ti is a token
-% ** or {...}, then executes BODY n times, with NAME = Ti on the
-% ** i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
- \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
- \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
- \else
- \!tforloop#2\!nil\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
- \fi}
- \def#3{#1}%
- \ifx #3\!nnil
- \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
- \else
- #4\relax
- \let\!nextwhile=\!tforloop
- \fi
- \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
-% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
-% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
-% ** expansion has the form T1 ... Tn
- \def\!!tfor{\!tfor#1:=}%
- \edef\!!!tfor{#2}%
- \expandafter\!!tfor\!!!tfor\do{#3}}
-% ** modify the Latex \tfor (token-for) loop to a \cfor (comma-for) loop.
-% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
-% ** if, before expansion, LIST = a1,a2,, then executes BODY n times,
-% ** with NAME = ai on the i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
- \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
- \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
- \else
- \!cforloop#2,\!nil,\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
- \fi}
- \def#3{#1}%
- \ifx #3\!nnil
- \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
- \else
- #4\relax
- \let\!nextwhile=\!cforloop
- \fi
- \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
-% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
-% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
-% ** expansion has the form a1,a2,...,an.
- \def\!!cfor{\!cfor#1:=}%
- \edef\!!!cfor{#2}%
- \expandafter\!!cfor\!!!cfor\do{#3}}
- \edef\!emptyarg{#1}%
- \ifx\!emptyarg\!empty
- #2%
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
-% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
-% ** \LIST has the form \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}
-% ** This routine sets \ITEM to item1, and cycles \LIST to
-% ** \\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}\\{item1}
- \expandafter\!gnext#2\!#1#2}%
- \def#3{#1}%
- \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
-% ** Similar to !getnext.
-% ** \LIST has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}\\{dimen3} ...
-% ** \DIMEN is a dimension register
-% ** Works also for counts
- \expandafter\!gnextv#2\!#1#2}%
- #3=#1%
- \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!copylist\LISTMACROA\to\LISTMACROB
-% ** makes the replacement text of LISTMACRO B identical to that of
-% ** list macro A.
- \expandafter\!!copylist#1\!#2}
- \def#2{#1}\ignorespaces}
-% ** \!wlet\CSA=\CSB
-% ** lets control sequence \CSB = control sequence \CSA, and writes a
-% ** message to that effect in the log file using plain TEK's \wlog
- \let#1=#2
- \wlog{\string#1=\string#2}}
-% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
-% ** LIST <-- LIST \\ ITEM
- \expandafter\!!listaddon#2\!{#1}#2}
- \def#3{#1\\#2}}
-% ** \!rightappendITEM\to\LISTMACRO
-% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
-% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
-% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
-% ** \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3} ... --> \\{item2}\\{item3} ...
-% ** item1 --> \ITEM
-% ** \!placeNUMBER\of\LISTMACRO\in\ITEM
-% ** the NUMBERth item of \LISTMACRO --> replacement text of \ITEM
-%{\count0=#1\def\\##1{\advance\count0-1 \ifnum\count0=0 \gdef#3{##1}\fi}#2}}
-% ** Following code converts a commalist to a list macro, with all items
-% ** fully expanded.
-% ** \!loop ... repeat
-% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
-% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
-% ** \!!loop ... repeat
-% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
-% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
-% (\multiput uses \!!loop)
-% ** \!removept{DIMENREG}{\CS}
-% ** Defines the control sequence CS to be the value (in points) in the
-% ** dimension register DIMENREG (but without the "pt" TEK usually adds)
-% ** E.g., after \dimen0=12.3pt \!removept\dimen0\A, \A expands to 12.3
-{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\!!removePT#1pt{#1}}
-% ** \pladevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
-\def\placevalueinpts of <#1> in #2 {%
- \!removept{#1}{#2}}
-% ** \!mlap{...} \!vmlap{...}
-% ** Center ... in a box of width 0.
-\def\!mlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
-\def\!vmlap#1{\vbox to 0pt{\vss#1\vss}}
-% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
-% ** By a TEK if-CONDITION is meant something like
-% ** \ifnum\N<0, or \ifdim\A>\B
-% ** \!not produces an if-condition which is false if the original condition
-% ** is true, and true if the original condition is false.
- #1\relax
- \!switchfalse
- \else
- \!switchtrue
- \fi
- \if!switch
- \ignorespaces}
-% *******************
-% *** ALLOCATIONS ***
-% *******************
-% This section allocates all the registers PiCTeX uses. Following
-% each allocation is a string of the form ....N.D...L......... ;
-% the various letters show which sections of PiCTeX make explicit
-% reference to that register, according to the following code:
-% H Hacks
-% A Areas
-% W arroWs
-% B Bars
-% X boXes
-% C Curves
-% D Dashpattterns
-% V diVision
-% E Ellipses
-% U rUles
-% L Linear arc
-% G loGten
-% P Pictures
-% O plOtting
-% Y pYthagoras
-% Q Quadratic arc
-% R Rotations
-% S Shading
-% T Ticks
-% Turn off messages from TeX's allocation macros
-\let\!!!wlog=\wlog % "\wlog" is defined in plain TeX
-\newskip\headingtoplotskip %.A................. %-as-%
-\newskip\linethickness %.A..X....U........T
-\newskip\longticklength %.A................T %-as-%
-\newskip\plotsymbolspacing %......D...L....Q...
-\newskip\shortticklength %.A................T %-as-%
-\newskip\stackleading %.A..........P...... %-as-%
-\newskip\tickstovaluesleading %.A................T %-as-%
-\newskip\totalarclength %......D...L....Q...
-\newskip\valuestolabelleading %.A................. %-as-%
-\newbox\!boxA %.AW...............T
-\newbox\!boxB %..W................
-\newbox\!picbox %............P......
-\newbox\!plotsymbol %..........L..O.....
-\newbox\!putobject %............PO...S.
-\newbox\!shadesymbol %.................S.
-\newcount\!countA %.A....D..UL....Q.ST
-\newcount\!countB %......D..U.....Q.ST
-\newcount\!countC %...............Q..T
-\newcount\!countD %...................
-\newcount\!countE %.............O....T
-\newcount\!countF %.............O....T
-\newcount\!countG %..................T
-\newcount\!fiftypt %.........U.........
-\newcount\!intervalno %..........L....Q...
-\newcount\!npoints %..........L........
-\newcount\!nsegments %.........U.........
-\newcount\!ntemp %............P......
-\newcount\!parity %.................S.
-\newcount\!scalefactor %..................T
-\newcount\!tickcase %..................T
-\newskip\!Xleft %............P......
-\newskip\!Xright %............P......
-\newskip\!Xsave %.A................T
-\newskip\!Ybot %............P......
-\newskip\!Ysave %.A................T
-\newskip\!Ytop %............P......
-\newskip\!angle %........E..........
-\newskip\!arclength %..W......UL....Q...
-\newskip\!areabloc %.A........L........
-\newskip\!arealloc %.A........L........
-\newskip\!arearloc %.A........L........
-\newskip\!areatloc %.A........L........
-\newskip\!bshrinkage %.................S.
-\newskip\!checkbot %..........L........
-\newskip\!checkleft %..........L........
-\newskip\!checkright %..........L........
-\newskip\!checktop %..........L........
-\newdimen\!dimenA %.AW.X.DVEUL..OYQRST
-\newdimen\!dimenB %....X.DVEU...O.QRS.
-\newdimen\!dimenC %..W.X.DVEU......RS.
-\newdimen\!dimenD %..W.X.DVEU....Y.RS.
-\newdimen\!dimenE %..W........G..YQ.S.
-\newdimen\!dimenF %...........G..YQ.S.
-\newdimen\!dimenG %...........G..YQ.S.
-\newdimen\!dimenH %...........G..Y..S.
-\newdimen\!dimenI %...BX.........Y....
-\newdimen\!distacross %..........L....Q...
-\newdimen\!downlength %..........L........
-\newdimen\!dp %.A..X.......P....S.
-\newdimen\!dshade %.................S.
-\newdimen\!dxpos %..W......U..P....S.
-\newdimen\!dxprime %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!dypos %..WB.....U..P......
-\newdimen\!dyprime %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!ht %.A..X.......P....S.
-\newdimen\!leaderlength %......D..U.........
-\newdimen\!lshrinkage %.................S.
-\newdimen\!midarclength %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!offset %.A................T
-\newdimen\!plotheadingoffset %.A.................
-\newdimen\!plotsymbolxshift %..........L..O.....
-\newdimen\!plotsymbolyshift %..........L..O.....
-\newdimen\!plotxorigin %..........L..O.....
-\newdimen\!plotyorigin %..........L..O.....
-\newdimen\!rshrinkage %.................S.
-\newdimen\!shadesymbolxshift %.................S.
-\newdimen\!shadesymbolyshift %.................S.
-\newdimen\!tshrinkage %.................S.
-\newdimen\!uplength %..........L........
-\newdimen\!wd %....X.......P....S.
-\newdimen\!xB %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!xC %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!xE %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
-\newdimen\!xM %..W.....E......Q.S.
-\newdimen\!xS %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
-\newdimen\!xaxislength %.A................T
-\newdimen\!xdiff %..........L........
-\newdimen\!xleft %............P......
-\newdimen\!xloc %..WB.....U.......S.
-\newdimen\!xorigin %.A........L.P....S.
-\newdimen\!xpivot %................R..
-\newdimen\!xpos %..........L.P..Q.ST
-\newdimen\!xprime %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!xright %............P......
-\newdimen\!xshade %.................S.
-\newdimen\!xshift %..W.........PO...S.
-\newdimen\!xtemp %............P......
-\newdimen\!xunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
-\newdimen\!xxE %........E..........
-\newdimen\!xxM %........E..........
-\newdimen\!xxS %........E..........
-\newdimen\!xxloc %..WB....EU.........
-\newdimen\!yB %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!yC %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!yE %..W.....E.L....Q...
-\newdimen\!yM %..W.....E......Q...
-\newdimen\!yS %..W.....E.L....Q...
-\newdimen\!yaxislength %.A................T
-\newdimen\!ybot %............P......
-\newdimen\!ydiff %..........L........
-\newdimen\!yloc %..WB.....U.......S.
-\newdimen\!yorigin %.A........L.P....S.
-\newdimen\!ypivot %................R..
-\newdimen\!ypos %..........L.P..Q.ST
-\newdimen\!yprime %...............Q...
-\newdimen\!yshade %.................S.
-\newdimen\!yshift %..W.........PO...S.
-\newdimen\!ytemp %............P......
-\newdimen\!ytop %............P......
-\newdimen\!yunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
-\newdimen\!yyE %........E..........
-\newdimen\!yyM %........E..........
-\newdimen\!yyS %........E..........
-\newdimen\!yyloc %..WB....EU.........
-\newif\if!axisvisible %.A.................
-\newif\if!gridlinestoo %..................T
-\newif\if!keepPO %...................
-\newif\if!placeaxislabel %.A.................
-\newif\if!switch %H..................
-\newif\if!xswitch %.A................T
-\newtoks\!axisLaBeL %.A.................
-\newtoks\!keywordtoks %.A.................
-\newwrite\!replotfile %.............O.....
-\newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
-Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
-should have been specified.} %.A.................
-% The following commands assign alternate names to some of the
-% above registers. "\!wlet" is defined in Hacks.
-\!wlet\!!origin=\!xM %.A................T
-\!wlet\!!unit=\!uplength %.A................T
-\!wlet\!Lresiduallength=\!dimenG %.........U.........
-\!wlet\!Rresiduallength=\!dimenF %.........U.........
-\!wlet\!axisLength=\!distacross %.A................T
-\!wlet\!axisend=\!ydiff %.A................T
-\!wlet\!axisstart=\!xdiff %.A................T
-\!wlet\!axisxlevel=\!arclength %.A................T
-\!wlet\!axisylevel=\!downlength %.A................T
-\!wlet\!beta=\!dimenE %...............Q...
-\!wlet\!gamma=\!dimenF %...............Q...
-\!wlet\!shadexorigin=\!plotxorigin %.................S.
-\!wlet\!shadeyorigin=\!plotyorigin %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ticklength=\!xS %..................T
-\!wlet\!ticklocation=\!xE %..................T
-\!wlet\!ticklocationincr=\!yE %..................T
-\!wlet\!tickwidth=\!yS %..................T
-\!wlet\!totalleaderlength=\!dimenE %.........U.........
-\!wlet\!xone=\!xprime %....X..............
-\!wlet\!xtwo=\!dxprime %....X..............
-\!wlet\!ySsave=\!yM %...................
-\!wlet\!ybB=\!yB %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ybC=\!yC %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ybE=\!yE %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ybM=\!yM %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ybS=\!yS %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ybpos=\!yyloc %.................S.
-\!wlet\!yone=\!yprime %....X..............
-\!wlet\!ytB=\!xB %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytC=\!xC %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytE=\!downlength %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytM=\!arclength %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytS=\!distacross %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytpos=\!xxloc %.................S.
-\!wlet\!ytwo=\!dyprime %....X..............
-% Initial values for registers
-\def\!zpt{0pt} % static
-\def\!tfs{256} % static
-\def\!wmax{5.3pt} % static
-\def\!wmin{2.7pt} % static
- \!dimenA=50pt \def\!fiftypt{\the\!dimenA} % static
-\def\!rootten{3.162278pt} % static
-\def\!tenAa{8.690286pt} % static (A5)
-\def\!tenAc{2.773839pt} % static (A3)
-\def\!tenAe{2.543275pt} % static (A1)
-% Initial values for control sequences
-\def\!cosrotationangle{1} %................R..
-\def\!sinrotationangle{0} %................R..
-\def\!xpivotcoord{0} %................R..
-\def\!xref{0} %............P......
-\def\!xshadesave{0} %.................S.
-\def\!ypivotcoord{0} %................R..
-\def\!yref{0} %............P......
-\def\!yshadesave{0} %.................S.
-\def\!zero{0} %..................T
-% Reset TeX to report allocations
-% *************************************
-% *** AREAS: Deals with plot areas ***
-% *************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
-% ** to TOP YCOORD
-% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
-% ** \visibleaxes
-% ** \invisibleaxes
-% ** \plotheading {HEADING}
-% ** \grid {# of columns} {# of rows}
-% ** \normalgraphs
-% ** \normalgraphs
-% ** Sets defaults for graph setup. See Subsection 3.4 of manual.
- \longticklength=.4\baselineskip
- \shortticklength=.25\baselineskip
- \tickstovaluesleading=.25\baselineskip
- \valuestolabelleading=.8\baselineskip
- \linethickness=.4pt
- \stackleading=.17\baselineskip
- \headingtoplotskip=1.5\baselineskip
- \visibleaxes
- \ticksout
- \nogridlines
- \unloggedticks}
-% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
-% ** to TOP YCOORD
-% ** Reserves space in PICBOX for a rectangular box with the indicated
-% ** coordinates. Must be specified before calls to \axis,
-% ** \grid, \plotheading.
-% ** See Subsection 3.1 of the manual.
-\def\setplotarea x from #1 to #2, y from #3 to #4 {%
- \!arealloc=\!M{#1}\!xunit \advance \!arealloc -\!xorigin
- \!areabloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \advance \!areabloc -\!yorigin
- \!arearloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \advance \!arearloc -\!xorigin
- \!areatloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \advance \!areatloc -\!yorigin
- \!initinboundscheck
- \!xaxislength=\!arearloc \advance\!xaxislength -\!arealloc
- \!yaxislength=\!areatloc \advance\!yaxislength -\!areabloc
- \!plotheadingoffset=\!zpt
- \!dimenput {{\setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=\!xaxislength\ht0=\!yaxislength\box0}}
- [bl] (\!arealloc,\!areabloc)}
-% ** \visibleaxes, \invisibleaxes
-% ** Switches for setting visibility of subsequent axes.
-% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
- \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisibletrue}}
- \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisiblefalse}}
-% ** The next few macros enable the user to fix up an erroneous keyword
-% ** in the \axis command.
-% \newhelp is in ALLOCATIONS
-% \newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
-% Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
-% should have been specified.}
- \errhelp=\!keywordhelp
- \errmessage{Unrecognized keyword `#1': \the\!keywordtoks{NEW KEYWORD}'}}
-% \newtoks\!keywordtoks In ALLOCATIONS.
-\!keywordtoks={enter `i\fixkeyword}
- \!nextkeyword#1 }
-% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
-% ** Exactly one of the keywords BOTTOM, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT must be
-% ** specified. Axis is drawn along the indicated edge of the current
-% ** plot area, shifted if the SHIFTEDTO option is used, visible or
-% ** invisible according the selected option, with an optional LABEL,
-% ** and optional TICKS (see ticks.tex for the options avialabel with
-% ** TICKS). The TICKS option must be the last one specified. The \axis
-% ** MUST be terminated with a / followed by a space.
-% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for more information.
-% ** The various options of the \axis command are processed by the
-% ** \!nextkeyword macro defined below. For example,
-% ** `\!nextkeyword shiftedto ' expands to `\!axisshiftedto'.
-\def\axis {%
- \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname !axis##1\endcsname \relax
- \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
- \else
- \def\!next{\csname !axis##1\endcsname}%
- \fi
- \!next}%
- \!offset=\!zpt
- \!axisvisibility
- \!placeaxislabelfalse
- \!nextkeyword}
-% ** This and the various macros that follow handle the keyword
-% ** specifications on the \axis command
-% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
- \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
- \def\!tickxsign{0}%
- \def\!tickysign{-}%
- \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
- \def\!axislabeltbrl{t}%
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!axisylevel=\!areatloc
- \def\!tickxsign{0}%
- \def\!tickysign{+}%
- \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
- \def\!axislabeltbrl{b}%
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
- \def\!tickxsign{-}%
- \def\!tickysign{0}%
- \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
- \def\!axislabeltbrl{r}%
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!axisxlevel=\!arearloc
- \def\!tickxsign{+}%
- \def\!tickysign{0}%
- \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
- \def\!axislabeltbrl{l}%
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!axisshiftedto#1=#2 {%
- \if 0\!tickxsign
- \!axisylevel=\!M{#2}\!yunit
- \advance\!axisylevel -\!yorigin
- \else
- \!axisxlevel=\!M{#2}\!xunit
- \advance\!axisxlevel -\!xorigin
- \fi
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!axisvisibletrue
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!axisvisiblefalse
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!axislabel#1 {%
- \!axisLaBeL={#1}%
- \!placeaxislabeltrue
- \!nextkeyword}
-\expandafter\def\csname !axis/\endcsname{%
- \!axissetup % This could done already by "ticks"; if so, now \relax
- \if!placeaxislabel
- \!placeaxislabel
- \fi
- \if +\!tickysign % ** (A "top" axis)
- \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
- \advance\!dimenA \!offset % ** dimA = top of the axis structure
- \advance\!dimenA -\!areatloc % ** dimA = excess over the plot area
- \ifdim \!dimenA>\!plotheadingoffset
- \!plotheadingoffset=\!dimenA % ** Greatest excess over the plot area
- \fi
- \fi}
-% ** \grid {c} {r}
-% ** Partitions the plot area into c columns and r rows; see Subsection 3.3
-% ** of the manual.
-% ** (Other grid patterns can be drawn with the TICKS option of the \axis
-% ** command.
-\def\grid #1 #2 {%
- \!countA=#1\advance\!countA 1
- \axis bottom invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} /
- \!countA=#2\advance\!countA 1
- \axis left invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} / }
-% ** \plotheading{HEADING}
-% ** Places HEADING centered above the top of the plotarea (and above
-% ** any top axis ticks marks, tick labels, and axis label); see
-% ** Subsection 3.3 of the manual.
-\def\plotheading#1 {%
- \advance\!plotheadingoffset \headingtoplotskip
- \!dimenput {#1} [B] <.5\!xaxislength,\!plotheadingoffset>
- (\!arealloc,\!areatloc)}
-% ** From here on, the routines are internal.
- \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
- \!axisstart=\!arealloc
- \!axisend=\!arearloc
- \!axisLength=\!xaxislength
- \!!origin=\!xorigin
- \!!unit=\!xunit
- \!xswitchtrue
- \if!axisvisible
- \!makeaxis
- \fi}
- \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
- \!axisstart=\!areabloc
- \!axisend=\!areatloc
- \!axisLength=\!yaxislength
- \!!origin=\!yorigin
- \!!unit=\!yunit
- \!xswitchfalse
- \if!axisvisible
- \!makeaxis
- \fi}
- \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{% (Make a pseudo-y[x] tick for an x[y]-axis)
- \beginpicture
- \!setdimenmode
- \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
- \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
- {\!tickysign\!tickysign\!axisLength}
- {\!tickxsign\!tickxsign\!axisLength}
- \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
- \wd\!boxA=\!zpt
- \!placetick\!axisstart}
- \advance\!offset \valuestolabelleading
- \if!xswitch
- \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
- <.5\!axisLength,\!tickysign\!offset> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
- \advance\!offset \!dp % ** advance offset by the "tallness"
- \advance\!offset \!ht % ** of the label
- \else
- \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
- <\!tickxsign\!offset,.5\!axisLength> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
- \fi
- \!axisLaBeL={}}
-% *******************************
-% *** ARROWS (Draws arrows) ***
-% *******************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
-% ** Draws an arrow from (XFROM,YFROM) to (XTO,YTO). The arrow head
-% ** is constructed two quadratic arcs, which extend back a distance
-% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH (a dimension) on both sides of the arrow shaft.
-% ** All the way back the arcs are a distance BASE FRACTION*ARROW HEAD
-% ** LENGTH apart, while half-way back they are a distance MID FRACTION*
-% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH apart. <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> is optional, and has
-% ** its usual interpreation. See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
-\def\arrow <#1> [#2,#3]{%
- \!ifnextchar<{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
-\def\!arrow#1#2#3<#4,#5> from #6 #7 to #8 #9 {%
-% ** convert to dimensions
- \!xloc=\!M{#8}\!xunit
- \!yloc=\!M{#9}\!yunit
- \!dxpos=\!xloc \!dimenA=\!M{#6}\!xunit \advance \!dxpos -\!dimenA
- \!dypos=\!yloc \!dimenA=\!M{#7}\!yunit \advance \!dypos -\!dimenA
- \let\!MAH=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
- \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
- \!xshift=#4\relax \!yshift=#5\relax% ** pick up shift
- \!reverserotateonly\!xshift\!yshift% ** back rotate shift
- \advance\!xshift\!xloc \advance\!yshift\!yloc
-% ** draw shaft of arrow
- \!xS=-\!dxpos \advance\!xS\!xshift
- \!yS=-\!dypos \advance\!yS\!yshift
- \!start (\!xS,\!yS)
- \!ljoin (\!xshift,\!yshift)
-% ** find 32*cosine and 32*sine of angle of rotation
- \!Pythag\!dxpos\!dypos\!arclength
- \!divide\!dxpos\!arclength\!dxpos
- \!dxpos=32\!dxpos \!removept\!dxpos\!!cos
- \!divide\!dypos\!arclength\!dypos
- \!dypos=32\!dypos \!removept\!dypos\!!sin
-% ** construct arrowhead
- \!halfhead{#1}{#2}{#3}% ** draw half of arrow head
- \!halfhead{#1}{-#2}{-#3}% ** draw other half
- \let\!M=\!MAH% ** restore old c/d mode
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** draw half of arrow head
- \def\!halfhead#1#2#3{%
- \!dimenC=-#1%
- \divide \!dimenC 2 % ** half way back
- \!dimenD=#2\!dimenC% ** half the mid width
- \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xM,\!yM)
- \!dimenC=-#1% ** all the way back
- \!dimenD=#3\!dimenC
- \!dimenD=.5\!dimenD% ** half the full width
- \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xE,\!yE)
- \!start (\!xshift,\!yshift)
- \advance\!xM\!xshift \advance\!yM\!yshift
- \advance\!xE\!xshift \advance\!yE\!yshift
- \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
-% ** Makes things like <--- text --->, using arrow heads from TeX's fonts.
-% ** See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
-\def\betweenarrows #1#2 from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
- \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
- \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
- \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
- \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
- \advance\!xloc .5\!dxpos
- \advance\!yloc .5\!dypos
- \let\!MBA=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
- \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
- \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
- \ifdim\!dxpos<\!zpt \!dxpos=-\!dxpos \fi
- \put {\!lrarrows{\!dxpos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \else
- \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
- \ifdim\!dypos<\!zpt \!dypos=-\!zpt \fi
- \put {\!udarrows{\!dypos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \fi
- \fi
- \let\!M=\!MBA% ** restore previous c/d mode
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Subroutine for left-right between arrows
-\def\!lrarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
- {\setbox\!boxA=\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}%
- \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{$\leftarrow$}\!dimenE=\ht\!boxB
- \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{}\ht\!boxB=2\!dimenE
- \hbox to #1{$\mathord\leftarrow\mkern-6mu
- \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
- \mkern-6mu\mathord-$%
- \kern.4em $\vcenter{\box\!boxB}$$\vcenter{\hbox{#2}}$\kern.4em
- $\mathord-\mkern-6mu
- \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
- \mkern-6mu\mathord\rightarrow$}}}
-% ** Subroutine for up-down between arrows
-\def\!udarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
- {\setbox\!boxB=\hbox{#2}%
- \setbox\!boxA=\hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\vert$\hss}%
- \!dimenE=\ht\!boxA \advance\!dimenE \dp\!boxA \divide\!dimenE 2
- \vbox to #1{\offinterlineskip
- \vskip .05556\!dimenE
- \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\uparrow$\hss}\vskip-\!dimenE
- \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
- \vskip-\!dimenE\copy\!boxA
- \vskip\!dimenE\copy\!boxB\vskip.4em
- \copy\!boxA\vskip-\!dimenE
- \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
- \vskip-\!dimenE \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\downarrow$\hss}
- \vskip .05556\!dimenE}}}
-% ***************************
-% *** BARS (Draws bars) ***
-% ***************************
-% ** User commands:
-% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
-% ** to XEND YEND
-% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
-% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
-% ** to XEND YEND
-% ** Either XSTART=XEND or YSTART=YEND. Draws a rectangle between
-% ** (XSTART,YSTART) & (XEND,YEND). The "depth" of the rectangle
-% ** is determined by those two plot positions; its other
-% ** dimension "breadth" is specified by the dimension BREADTH.
-% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
-\def\putbar#1breadth <#2> from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
- \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
- \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
- \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
- \!dimenI=#2
- \ifdim \!dimenI=\!zpt % ** If 0 breadth
- \putrule#1from {#3} {#4} to {#5} {#6} % ** Then draw line
- \else % ** Else, put in a rectangle
- \let\!MBar=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
- \!setdimenmode % ** go into dimension mode
- \divide\!dimenI 2
- \ifdim \!dypos=\!zpt
- \advance \!yloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal y coordinates
- \advance \!yyloc \!dimenI
- \else
- \advance \!xloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal x coordinates
- \advance \!xxloc \!dimenI
- \fi
- \putrectangle#1corners at {\!xloc} {\!yloc} and {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
- \let\!M=\!MBar % ** restore c/d mode
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
-% ** This command puts PiCTeX into the bar graph drawing mode described
-% ** in Subsection 4.4 of the manual.
-\def\setbars#1breadth <#2> baseline at #3 = #4 {%
- \edef\!barshift{#1}%
- \edef\!barbreadth{#2}%
- \edef\!barorientation{#3}%
- \edef\!barbaseline{#4}%
- \def\!bardobaselabel{\!bardoendlabel}%
- \def\!bardoendlabel{\!barfinish}%
- \let\!drawcurve=\!barcurve
- \!setbars}
- \futurelet\!nextchar\!!setbars}
- \if b\!nextchar
- \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarsbget}%
- \else
- \if e\!nextchar
- \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarseget}%
- \else
- \def\!!!setbars{\relax}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \!!!setbars}
-\def\!setbarsbget baselabels (#1) {%
- \def\!barbaselabelorientation{#1}%
- \def\!bardobaselabel{\!!bardobaselabel}%
- \!setbars}
-\def\!setbarseget endlabels (#1) {%
- \edef\!barendlabelorientation{#1}%
- \def\!bardoendlabel{\!!bardoendlabel}%
- \!setbars}
-% ** \!barcurve
-% ** Draws a bargraph with preset values of barshift, barbreadth,
-% ** barorientation (x or y) and barbaseline (coordinate)
-\def\!barcurve #1 #2 {%
- \if y\!barorientation
- \def\!basexarg{#1}%
- \def\!baseyarg{\!barbaseline}%
- \else
- \def\!basexarg{\!barbaseline}%
- \def\!baseyarg{#2}%
- \fi
- \expandafter\putbar\!barshift breadth <\!barbreadth> from {\!basexarg}
- {\!baseyarg} to {#1} {#2}
- \def\!endxarg{#1}%
- \def\!endyarg{#2}%
- \!bardobaselabel}
-\def\!!bardobaselabel "#1" {%
- \put {#1}\!barbaselabelorientation{} at {\!basexarg} {\!baseyarg}
- \!bardoendlabel}
-\def\!!bardoendlabel "#1" {%
- \put {#1}\!barendlabelorientation{} at {\!endxarg} {\!endyarg}
- \!barfinish}
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!barcurve}}
-% ********************************
-% *** BOXES (Draws rectangles) ***
-% ********************************
-% ** User commands:
-% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
-% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
-% ** \shaderectangleson
-% ** \shaderectanglesoff
-% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
-% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
-% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
-% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
-% ** Draws a rectangle with corners at (X1,Y1), (X2,Y1), (X1,Y2), (X2,Y2)
-% ** Lines have thickness \linethickness, and overlap at the corners.
-% ** The optional field <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> functions as with a \put command.
-% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar<{\!putrectangle}{\!putrectangle<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
-\def\!putrectangle<#1,#2> corners at #3 #4 and #5 #6 {%
-% ** get locations
- \!xone=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xtwo=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
- \!yone=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!ytwo=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
- \ifdim \!xtwo<\!xone
- \!dimenI=\!xone \!xone=\!xtwo \!xtwo=\!dimenI
- \fi
- \ifdim \!ytwo<\!yone
- \!dimenI=\!yone \!yone=\!ytwo \!ytwo=\!dimenI
- \fi
- \!dimenI=#1\relax \advance\!xone\!dimenI \advance\!xtwo\!dimenI
- \!dimenI=#2\relax \advance\!yone\!dimenI \advance\!ytwo\!dimenI
- \let\!MRect=\!M% ** save current coord/dimen mode
- \!setdimenmode
-% ** shade rectangle if appropriate
- \!shaderectangle
-% ** draw horizontal edges
- \!dimenI=.5\linethickness
- \advance \!xone -\!dimenI% ** adjust x-location to overlap corners
- \advance \!xtwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
- \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!yone}
- \putrule from {\!xone} {\!ytwo} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
-% ** draw vertical edges
- \advance \!xone \!dimenI% ** restore original x-values
- \advance \!xtwo -\!dimenI%
- \advance \!yone -\!dimenI% ** adjust y-location to overlap corners
- \advance \!ytwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
- \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xone} {\!ytwo}
- \putrule from {\!xtwo} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
- \let\!M=\!MRect% ** restore coord/dimen mode
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \shaderectangleson
-% ** Subsequent rectangles will be shaded according to
-% ** the current shading pattern. Affects \putrectangle, \putbar,
-% ** \frame, \sethistograms, and \setbars. See Subsection 7.5 of the manual.
- \def\!shaderectangle{\!!shaderectangle}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \shaderectanglesoff
-% ** Suppresses \shaderectangleson. The default.
- \def\!shaderectangle{}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** The following internal routine shades the current rectangle, when
-% ** \!shaderectangle = \!!shaderectangle .
- \!dimenA=\!xtwo \advance \!dimenA -\!xone
- \!dimenB=\!ytwo \advance \!dimenB -\!yone
- \ifdim \!dimenA<\!dimenB
- \!startvshade (\!xone,\!yone,\!ytwo)
- \!lshade (\!xtwo,\!yone,\!ytwo)
- \else
- \!starthshade (\!yone,\!xone,\!xtwo)
- \!lshade (\!ytwo,\!xone,\!xtwo)
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
-% ** Draws a frame of thickness linethickness about the box enclosing
-% ** TEXT; the frame is separated from the box by a distance of
-% ** SEPARATION. The result is an hbox with the same baseline as TEXT.
-% ** If <SEPARATION> is omitted, you get the effect of <0pt>.
-% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar<{\!frame}{\!frame<\!zpt> }}
-\long\def\!frame<#1> #2{%
- \beginpicture
- \setcoordinatesystem units <1pt,1pt> point at 0 0
- \put {#2} [Bl] at 0 0
- \!dimenA=#1\relax
- \!dimenB=\!wd \advance \!dimenB \!dimenA
- \!dimenC=\!ht \advance \!dimenC \!dimenA
- \!dimenD=\!dp \advance \!dimenD \!dimenA
- \let\!MFr=\!M
- \!setdimenmode
- \putrectangle corners at {-\!dimenA} {-\!dimenD} and {\!dimenB} {\!dimenC}
- \!setcoordmode
- \let\!M=\!MFr
- \endpicture
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
-% ** Constructs a rectangle of width WIDTH and heigth HEIGHT.
-% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
-\def\rectangle <#1> <#2> {%
- \setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=#1\ht0=#2\frame {\box0}}
-% *********************************************
-% *** CURVES (Upper level \plot commands) ***
-% *********************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \plot DATA /
-% ** \plot "FILE NAME"
-% ** \setquadratic
-% ** \setlinear
-% ** \sethistograms
-% ** \vshade ...
-% ** \hshade ...
-% \plot: multi-purpose command. Draws histograms, bar graphs, piecewise-linear
-% or piecewise quadratic curves, depending on the setting of \!drawcurve.
-% See Subsections 4.3-4.5, 5.1, 5.2 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar"{\!plotfromfile}{\!drawcurve}}
- \expandafter\!drawcurve \input #1 /}
-% Command to set piecewise quadratic mode
-% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
- \let\!drawcurve=\!qcurve
- \let\!!Shade=\!!qShade
- \let\!!!Shade=\!!!qShade}
-% Command to set piecewise linear mode
-% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
- \let\!drawcurve=\!lcurve
- \let\!!Shade=\!!lShade
- \let\!!!Shade=\!!!lShade}
-% Command to set histogram mode
-% See Subsection 4.3 of the manual.
- \let\!drawcurve=\!hcurve}
-% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise quadratic
-% interpolation mode
-\def\!qcurve #1 #2 {%
- \!start (#1,#2)
- \!Qjoin}
-\def\!Qjoin#1 #2 #3 #4 {%
- \!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4) % \!qjoin is defined in QUADRATIC
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Qjoin}}
-% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise linear
-% interpolation mode
-\def\!lcurve #1 #2 {%
- \!start (#1,#2)
- \!Ljoin}
-\def\!Ljoin#1 #2 {%
- \!ljoin (#1,#2) % \!ljoin is defined in LINEAR
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Ljoin}}
-% Command to cycle through list of coordinates in histogram mode
-\def\!hcurve #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!hxS{#1}%
- \edef\!hyS{#2}%
- \!hjoin}
-\def\!hjoin#1 #2 {%
- \putrectangle corners at {\!hxS} {\!hyS} and {#1} {#2}
- \edef\!hxS{#1}%
- \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!hjoin}}
-% \vshade: See Subsection 7.3 of the manual.
-\def\vshade #1 #2 #3 {%
- \!startvshade (#1,#2,#3)
- \!Shadewhat}
-% \hshade: See Subsection 7.4 of the manual.
-\def\hshade #1 #2 #3 {%
- \!starthshade (#1,#2,#3)
- \!Shadewhat}
-% Commands to cycle through coordinates and optional "edge effect"
-% fields while shading.
- \futurelet\!nextchar\!Shade}
- \if <\!nextchar
- \def\!nextShade{\!!Shade}%
- \else
- \if /\!nextchar
- \def\!nextShade{\!finish}%
- \else
- \def\!nextShade{\!!!Shade}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \!nextShade}
-\def\!!lShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 {%
- \!lshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) % \!lshade is defined in SHADING
- \!Shadewhat}
-\def\!!!lShade#1 #2 #3 {%
- \!lshade (#1,#2,#3)
- \!Shadewhat}
-\def\!!qShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 {%
- \!qshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) (#5,#6,#7) % \!qshade is defined in SHADING
- \!Shadewhat}
-\def\!!!qShade#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 {%
- \!qshade (#1,#2,#3) (#4,#5,#6)
- \!Shadewhat}
-% ** Set default interpolation mode
-% ********************************************
-% *** DASHPATTERNS (Sets up dash patterns) ***
-% ********************************************
-% ** User commands:
-% ** \setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
-% ** \setdots <INTRADOT_DISTANCE>
-% ** \setdotsnear <INTRADOT_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
-% ** \setdashes <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE>
-% ** \setdashesnear <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
-% ** \setsolid
-% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
-% ** Internal commands:
-% ** \!dashingon
-% ** \!dashingoff
-% ** Dash patterns are specified by a balanced token list whose complete
-% ** expansion has the form: DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,DIMEN4,... ; this produces
-% ** an arc of length DIMEN1, a skip of length DIMEN2, an arc of length
-% ** DIMEN3, a skip of length DIMEN4, ... . Any number of DIMEN values may
-% ** be given. The pattern is repeated as many times (perhaps fractional)
-% ** as necessary to draw the curve.
-% ** A dash pattern remains in effect until it is overridden by a call to
-% ** \setdashpattern, or to \setdots, \setdotsnear ... , \setdashes,
-% ** \setdashesnear ... , or \setsolid.
-% ** Solid lines are the default.
-% ** \def\setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
-% ** The following routine converts a balanced list of tokens whose
-% ** complete expansion has the form DIMEN1,DIMEN2, ... , DIMENk into
-% ** three list macros that are used in drawing dashed rules and curves:
-% ** !Flist: \!Rule{DIMEN1}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN4} ...
-% ** !Blist: ...\!Skip{DIMEN4}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN1}
-% ** !UDlist: \\{DIMEN1}\\{DIMEN2}\\{DIMEN3}\\{DIMEN4} ...;
-% ** calculates \!leaderlength := DIMEN1 + ... + DIMENk; and
-% ** sets the curve drawing routines to dash mode.
-% ** Those lists are used by the curve drawing routines.
-% ** Dimenj ... may be given as an explicit dimension (e.g., 5pt), or
-% ** as an expression involving a dimension register (e.g., -2.5\dimen0).
-% ** See Subsection 6.2 of the manual
-\def\setdashpattern <#1>{%
- \def\!Flist{}\def\!Blist{}\def\!UDlist{}%
- \!countA=0
- \!ecfor\!item:=#1\do{%
- \!dimenA=\!item\relax
- \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\\}\to\!UDlist%
- \advance\!countA 1
- \ifodd\!countA
- \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Flist%
- \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Blist%
- \else
- \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Flist%
- \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Blist%
- \fi}%
- \!leaderlength=\!zpt
- \def\!Rule##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
- \def\!Skip##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
- \!Flist%
- \ifdim\!leaderlength>\!zpt
- \else
- \def\!Flist{\!Skip{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Skip{24in}}\ignorespaces
- \def\!UDlist{\\{\!zpt}\\{24in}}\ignorespaces
- \!leaderlength=24in
- \fi
- \!dashingon}
-% ** \!dashingon -- puts the curve drawing routines into dash mode
-% ** \!dashingoff -- puts the curve drawing routines into solid mode
-% ** These are internal commands, invoked by \setdashpattern and \setsolid
- \def\!advancedashing{\!!advancedashing}%
- \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!lineardashed}%
- \def\!puthline{\!putdashedhline}%
- \def\!putvline{\!putdashedvline}%
-% \def\!putsline{\!putdashedsline}%
- \ignorespaces}%
- \def\!advancedashing{\relax}%
- \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!linearsolid}%
- \def\!puthline{\!putsolidhline}%
- \def\!putvline{\!putsolidvline}%
-% \def\!putsline{\!putsolidsline}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \setdots <LENGTH> -- sets up a dot/skip pattern where dot (actually
-% ** the current plotsymbol) is plunked down once for every LENGTH
-% ** traveled along the curve. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
-% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar<{\!setdots}{\!setdots<5pt>}}
- \!dimenB=#1\advance\!dimenB -\plotsymbolspacing
- \ifdim\!dimenB<\!zpt
- \!dimenB=\!zpt
- \fi
-\setdashpattern <\plotsymbolspacing,\!dimenB>}
-% ** \setdotsnear <LENGTH> for <ARC LENGTH>
-% ** sets up a dot pattern where the dots are approximately LENGTH apart,
-% ** the total length of the pattern is ARC LENGTH, and the pattern
-% ** begins and ends with a dot. See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
-\def\setdotsnear <#1> for <#2>{%
- \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -.05pt
- \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
- \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
- \divide \!countB \!countA
- \ifnum 1>\!countB
- \!countB=1
- \fi
- \divide\!dimenB \!countB
- \setdots <\!dimenB>}
-% ** \setdashes <LENGTH> -- sets up a dash/skip pattern where the dash
-% ** and the skip are each of length LENGTH (the dash is formed by
-% ** plunking down the current plotsymbol over an arc of length LENGTH
-% ** and so may actually be longer than LENGTH. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
-% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar<{\!setdashes}{\!setdashes<5pt>}}
-\def\!setdashes<#1>{\setdashpattern <#1,#1>}
-% ** \setdashesnear ...
-% ** Like \setdotsnear; the pattern begins and ends with a dash.
-% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
-\def\setdashesnear <#1> for <#2>{%
- \!dimenB=#2\relax
- \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
- \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
- \divide \!countB \!countA
- \ifodd \!countB
- \else
- \advance \!countB 1
- \fi
- \divide\!dimenB \!countB
- \setdashes <\!dimenB>}
-% ** \setsolid -- puts the curve drawing routines in "solid line" mode,
-% ** the default mode. See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
- \def\!Flist{\!Rule{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Rule{24in}}%
- \def\!UDlist{\\{24in}\\{\!zpt}}%
- \!dashingoff}
-% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
-% ** PiCTeX executes the \start, \ljoin, and \qjoin cmds comprising
-% ** CURVE CMDS without plotting anything, but stashes the length
-% ** of the phantom curve away in \totalarclength.
-% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
- \begingroup
- \setdashpattern <0pt, \maxdimen>
- \setplotsymbol ({})
- \dontsavelinesandcurves
- #1%
- \endgroup
- \ignorespaces}
-% *************************************************************
-% *** DIVISION (Does long division of dimension registers) ***
-% *************************************************************
-% ** User command:
-% ** \Divide {DIVIDEND} by {DIVISOR} forming {RESULT}
-% ** Internal command
-% ** \!divide DIVIDEND [by] DIVISOR [to get] ANSWER
-% ** Divides the dimension DIVIDEND by the dimension DIVISOR, placing the
-% ** quotient in the dimension register ANSWER. Values are understood to
-% ** be in points. E.g. 12.5pt/1.4pt=8.92857pt.
-% ** Quotient is accurate to 1/65536pt=2**[-16]pt
-% ** |DIVISOR| should be < 2048pt (about 28 inches).
- \!dimenB=#1% ** dimB holds current remainder (r)
- \!dimenC=#2% ** dimC holds divisor (d)
- \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
- \divide \!dimenD \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
- \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA eventually holds answer (a)
- \multiply\!dimenD \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
- \advance\!dimenB -\!dimenD% ** First step complete. Have integer part
-% ** of a, and corresponding remainder.
- \!dimenD=\!dimenC% ** Temporarily use dimD to hold |d|
- \ifdim\!dimenD<\!zpt \!dimenD=-\!dimenD
- \fi
- \ifdim\!dimenD<64pt% ** Branch on the magnitude of |d|
- \!divstep[\!tfs]\!divstep[\!tfs]%
- \else
- \!!divide
- \fi
- #3=\!dimenA\ignorespaces}
-% ** The following code handles divisors d with
-% ** (1) .88in = 64pt <= d < 256pt = 3.54in
-% ** (2) 3.54in = 256pt <= d < 2048pt = 28.34in
-% ** Anything bigger than that may result in an overflow condition.
-% ** For our purposes, we should never even see case (2).
- \ifdim\!dimenD<256pt
- \!divstep[64]\!divstep[32]\!divstep[32]%
- \else
- \!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]%
- \!dimenA=2\!dimenA
- \fi}
-% ** The following macro does the real long division work.
-\def\!divstep[#1]{% ** #1 = "B"
- \!dimenB=#1\!dimenB% ** r <-- B*r
- \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
- \divide \!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
- \!dimenA=#1\!dimenA% ** a <-- B*a + q
- \advance\!dimenA by \!dimenD%
- \multiply\!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
- \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenD}
-% ** \Divide: See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
-\def\Divide <#1> by <#2> forming <#3> {%
- \!divide{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-% *********************************************
-% *** ELLIPSES (Draws ellipses and circles) ***
-% *********************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
-% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
-% ** \circulararc DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
-% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
-% ** Internal command
-% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{32*SIN}{32*COS}
-% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
-% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
-% ** Draws a elliptical arc starting at the coordinate point (XSTART,YSTART).
-% ** The center of the ellipse of which the arc is a segment is at
-% ** The arc extends through an angle of DEGREES degrees (may be + or -).
-% ** A:B is the ratio of the length of the xaxis to the length of
-% ** the yaxis of the ellipse
-% ** Sqrt{[(XSTART-XCENTER)/A]**2 + [(YSTART-YCENTER)/B]**2}
-% ** must be < 512pt (about 7in).
-% ** Doesn't modify the dimensions (ht, dp, wd) of the PiCture under
-% ** construction.
-% ** \circulararc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
- \ellipticalarc axes ratio 1:1 }
-% ** \ellipticalarc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
-\def\ellipticalarc axes ratio #1:#2 #3 degrees from #4 #5 center at #6 #7 {%
- \!angle=#3pt\relax% ** get angle
- \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt
- \def\!sign{}% ** counterclockwise
- \else
- \def\!sign{-}\!angle=-\!angle% ** clockwise
- \fi
- \!xxloc=\!M{#6}\!xunit% ** convert CENTER to dimension
- \!yyloc=\!M{#7}\!yunit
- \!xxS=\!M{#4}\!xunit% ** get STARTing point on rim of ellipse
- \!yyS=\!M{#5}\!yunit
- \advance\!xxS -\!xxloc% ** make center of ellipse (0,0)
- \advance\!yyS -\!yyloc
- \!divide\!xxS{#1pt}\!xxS % ** scale point on ellipse to point on
- \!divide\!yyS{#2pt}\!yyS % corresponding circle
- \let\!MC=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
- \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
- \!xS=#1\!xxS \advance\!xS\!xxloc
- \!yS=#2\!yyS \advance\!yS\!yyloc
- \!start (\!xS,\!yS)%
- \!loop\ifdim\!angle>14.9999pt% ** draw in major portion of ellipse
- \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
- \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
- \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
- \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
- \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
- \!xxS=\!xxE \!yyS=\!yyE
- \advance \!angle -15pt
- \repeat
- \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt% ** complete remaining arc, if any
- \!angle=100.53096\!angle% ** convert angle to radians, divide
- \divide \!angle 360 % ** by 2, and multiply by 32
- \!sinandcos\!angle\!!sin\!!cos% ** get 32*sin & 32*cos
- \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
- \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
- \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
- \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
- \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
- \fi
- \let\!M=\!MC% ** restore c/d mode
- \ignorespaces}% ** if appropriate
-% ** \!rotate(XREG,YREG)by(32cos,32sin)to(XXREG,YYREG)
-% ** rotates (XREG,YREG) by angle with specfied scaled cos & sin to
-% ** (XXREG,YYREG). Uses \!dimenA & \!dimenB as scratch registers.
- \!dimenA=#3#1\advance \!dimenA -#4#2% ** Rcos(x+t)=Rcosx*cost - Rsinx*sint
- \!dimenB=#3#2\advance \!dimenB #4#1% ** Rsin(x+t)=Rsinx*cost + Rcosx*sint
- \divide \!dimenA 32 \divide \!dimenB 32
- #5=\!dimenA #6=\!dimenB
- \ignorespaces}
-\def\!sin{4.17684}% ** 32*sin(pi/24) (pi/24=7.5deg)
-\def\!cos{31.72624}% ** 32*cos(pi/24)
-% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{\SINCS}{\COSCS}
-% ** Computes the 32*sine and 32*cosine of a small ANGLE expressed in
-% ** radians/32 and puts these values in the replacement texts of
-% ** \SINCS and \COSCS
- \!dimenD=#1% ** angle is expressed in radians/32: 1pt = 1/32rad
- \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA will eventually contain 32sin(angle)in pts
- \!dimenB=32pt% ** dimB will eventually contain 32cos(angle)in pts
- \!removept\!dimenD\!value% ** get value of 32*angle, without "pt"
- \!dimenC=\!dimenD% ** holds 32*angle**i/i! in pts
- \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 64 % ** now 32*angle**2/2
- \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenC% ** 32-32*angle**2/2
- \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 96 % ** now 32*angle**3/3!
- \advance\!dimenA by -\!dimenC% ** now 32*(angle-angle**3/6)
- \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 128 % ** now 32*angle**4/4!
- \advance\!dimenB by \!dimenC%
- \!removept\!dimenA#2% ** set 32*sin(angle)
- \!removept\!dimenB#3% ** set 32*cos(angle)
- \ignorespaces}
-% *****************************************************************
-% *** RULES (Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines) ***
-% *****************************************************************
-% ** User command:
-% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
-% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
-% ** Internal commands:
-% ** \!puthline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (h = horizontal)
-% ** Set by dashpat to either: \!putsolidhline or \!putdashedhline
-% ** \!putvline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (v = vertical)
-% ** Either: \!putsolidvline or \!putdashedvline
-% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
-% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
-% ** Draws a rule -- dashed or solid depending on the current dash pattern --
-% ** from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). Uses TEK's \hrule & \vrule & \leaders
-% ** constructions to handle horizontal & vertical lines efficiently both
-% ** in terms of execution time and space in the DVI file.
-% ** See Subsection 4.1 of the manual.
-\def\putrule#1from #2 #3 to #4 #5 {%
- \!xloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#4}\!xunit%
- \!yloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#5}\!yunit%
- \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
- \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
- \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
- \def\!!Line{\!puthline{#1}}\ignorespaces
- \else
- \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
- \def\!!Line{\!putvline{#1}}\ignorespaces
- \else
- \def\!!Line{}
- \fi
- \fi
- \let\!ML=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
- \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
- \!!Line%
- \let\!M=\!ML% ** restore previous c/d mode
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!putsolidhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
-% ** Place horizontal solid line
- \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
- \put{\!hline\!dxpos}#1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \else
- \put{\!hline{-\!dxpos}}#1[l] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!putsolidvline [shifted <XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
-% ** Place vertical solid line
- \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
- \put{\!vline\!dypos}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \else
- \put{\!vline{-\!dypos}}#1[b] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-\def\!hline#1{\hbox to #1{\leaders \hrule height\linethickness\hfill}}
-\def\!vline#1{\vbox to #1{\leaders \vrule width\linethickness\vfill}}
-% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
-% ** Place dashed horizontal line
- \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
- \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dxpos
- \put{\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}\!hpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}
- #1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \else
- \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dxpos}
- \put{\!hpartialpattern\!Ltrunc\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}}
- #1[r] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
-% ** Place dashed vertical line
- \!dypos=-\!dypos% ** vertical leaders go from top to bottom
- \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
- \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dypos
- \put{\vbox{\vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}
- \!vpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}}#1[t] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \else
- \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dypos}
- \put{\vbox{\!vpartialpattern\!Ltrunc
- \vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}}}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** The rest of the macros in this section are subroutines used by
-% ** \!putdashedhline and \!putdashedvline.
-\def\!DLsetup#1#2{% ** Dashed-Line set up
- \let\!RSlist=#1% ** set !Rule-Skip list
- \!countB=#2% ** convert rule length to integer (number of sps)
- \!countA=\!leaderlength% ** ditto, leaderlength
- \divide\!countB by \!countA% ** number of complete leader units
- \!totalleaderlength=\!countB\!leaderlength
- \!Rresiduallength=#2%
- \advance \!Rresiduallength by -\!totalleaderlength% \** excess length
- \!Lresiduallength=\!leaderlength
- \advance \!Lresiduallength by -\!Rresiduallength
- \ignorespaces}
- \def\!Rule##1{\vrule height\linethickness width##1}%
- \def\!Skip##1{\hskip##1}%
- \leaders\hbox{\!RSlist}\hfill}
- \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
- \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\vrule height\linethickness width\!dimenD}%
- \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\hskip\!dimenD}%
- \!RSlist}
- \def\!Rule##1{\hrule width\linethickness height##1}%
- \def\!Skip##1{\vskip##1}%
- \leaders\vbox{\!RSlist}\vfill}
- \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
- \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\hrule width\linethickness height\!dimenD}%
- \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\vskip\!dimenD}%
- \!RSlist}
- \!dimenA=\!dimenB
- \advance\!dimenB by #1%
- \!dimenD=\!dimenB \ifdim\!dimenD#2#3\!dimenD=#3\fi
- \!dimenC=\!dimenA \ifdim\!dimenC#2#3\!dimenC=#3\fi
- \advance \!dimenD by -\!dimenC}
-% ****************************************************************
-% *** LINEAR ARC (Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed) ***
-% ****************************************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \inboundscheckoff
-% ** \inboundscheckon
-% ** Internal commands
-% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
-% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
-% ** \!drawlinearsegment -- set by \dashpat to either
-% ** \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
-% ** \!advancedashing -- set by \dashpat to either
-% ** \relax or \!!advancedashing
-% ** \!plotifinbounds -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
-% ** \!plot or \!!plotifinbounds
-% ** \!initinboundscheck -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
-% ** \relax or \!!initinboundscheck
-% \plotsymbolspacing ** distance between consecutive plot positions
-% \!xS ** starting x
-% \!yS ** starting y
-% \!xE ** ending x
-% \!yE ** ending y
-% \!xdiff ** x_end - x_start
-% \!ydiff ** y_end - y_start
-% \!distacross ** how far along curve next point to be plotted is
-% \!arclength ** approximate length of arc for current interval
-% \!downlength ** remaining length for "pen" to be down
-% \!uplength ** length for "pen" to be down
-% \!intervalno ** counts segments to curve
-% \totalarclength ** cumulative distance along curve
-% \!npoints ** approximately (arc length / plotsymbolspacing)
-% ** Calls -- \!Pythag, \!divide, \!plot
-% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
-% ** Sets initial point for linearly (or quadratically) interpolated curve
-\def\!start (#1,#2){%
- \!plotxorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!plotxorigin by \!plotsymbolxshift
- \!plotyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!plotyorigin by \!plotsymbolyshift
- \!xS=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yS=\!M{#2}\!yunit
- \!rotateaboutpivot\!xS\!yS
- \!copylist\!UDlist\to\!!UDlist% **\!UDlist has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}..
-% ** Routine will draw dashed line with pen
-% ** down for dimen1, up for dimen2, ...
- \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
- \!distacross=\!zpt% ** 1st point goes at start of curve
- \!intervalno=0 % ** initialize interval counter
- \global\totalarclength=\!zpt% ** initialize distance traveled along curve
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
-% ** Draws a straight line starting at the last point specified
-% ** by the most recent \!start, \!ljoin, or \!qjoin, and
-% ** ending at (XCOORD,YCOORD).
-\def\!ljoin (#1,#2){%
- \advance\!intervalno by 1
- \!xE=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#2}\!yunit
- \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
- \!xdiff=\!xE \advance \!xdiff by -\!xS%** xdiff = xE - xS
- \!ydiff=\!yE \advance \!ydiff by -\!yS%** ydiff = yE - yS
- \!Pythag\!xdiff\!ydiff\!arclength% ** arclength = sqrt(xdiff**2+ydiff**2)
- \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength%
- \!drawlinearsegment% ** set by dashpat to \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
- \!xS=\!xE \!yS=\!yE% ** shift ending points to starting points
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** The following routine is used to draw a "solid" line between (xS,yS)
-% ** and (xE,yE). Points are spaced nearly every \plotsymbolspacing length
-% ** along the line.
- \!npoints=\!arclength
- \!countA=\plotsymbolspacing
- \divide\!npoints by \!countA% ** now #pts =. arclength/plotsymbolspacing
- \ifnum \!npoints<1
- \!npoints=1
- \fi
- \divide\!xdiff by \!npoints
- \divide\!ydiff by \!npoints
- \!xpos=\!xS \!ypos=\!yS
- \loop\ifnum\!npoints>-1
- \!plotifinbounds
- \advance \!xpos by \!xdiff
- \advance \!ypos by \!ydiff
- \advance \!npoints by -1
- \repeat
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** The following routine is used to draw a dashed line between (xS,yS)
-% ** and (xE,yE). The dash pattern continues from the previous segment.
-% **
- \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
- \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength %nothing to plot in this interval
- \else
- \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength
-% ** plot point, interpolating linearly in x and y
- \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenA% ** dimA = across/arclength
- \!removept\!dimenA\!t% ** \!t holds value in dimA, without the "pt"
- \!xpos=\!t\!xdiff \advance \!xpos by \!xS
- \!ypos=\!t\!ydiff \advance \!ypos by \!yS
- \!plotifinbounds
- \advance\!distacross by \plotsymbolspacing
- \!advancedashing
- \repeat
- \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
- \advance\!downlength by -\plotsymbolspacing
- \ifdim \!downlength>\!zpt
- \else
- \advance\!distacross by \!downlength
- \!getnextvalueof\!uplength\from\!!UDlist
- \advance\!distacross by \!uplength
- \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
- \fi}
-% ** \inboundscheckoff & \inboundscheckon: See Subsection 5.5 of the manual.
- \def\!plotifinbounds{\!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)}%
- \def\!initinboundscheck{\relax}\ignorespaces}
- \def\!plotifinbounds{\!!plotifinbounds}%
- \def\!initinboundscheck{\!!initinboundscheck}%
- \!initinboundscheck\ignorespaces}
-% ** The following code plots the current point only if it falls in the
-% ** current plotarea. It doesn't matter if the coordinate system has
-% ** changed since the plotarea was set up. However, shifts of the plot
-% ** are ignored (how the plotsymbol stands relative to its plot position is
-% ** unknown anyway).
- \ifdim \!xpos<\!checkleft
- \else
- \ifdim \!xpos>\!checkright
- \else
- \ifdim \!ypos<\!checkbot
- \else
- \ifdim \!ypos>\!checktop
- \else
- \!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi}
- \!checkleft=\!arealloc \advance\!checkleft by \!xorigin
- \!checkright=\!arearloc \advance\!checkright by \!xorigin
- \!checkbot=\!areabloc \advance\!checkbot by \!yorigin
- \!checktop=\!areatloc \advance\!checktop by \!yorigin}
-% *********************************
-% *** LOGTEN (Log_10 function) ***
-% *********************************
-% ** \!logten{X}
-% ** Calculates log_10 of X. X and LOG10(X) are in fixed point notation.
-% ** X must be positive; it may have an optional `+' sign; any number
-% ** of digits may be specified for X. The absolute error in LOG10(X) is
-% ** less than .0001 (probably < .00006). That's about as good as you
-% ** hope for, since TEX only operates to 5 figures after the decimal
-% ** point anyway.
-% \!rootten=3.162278pt **** These are values are set in ALLOCATIONS
-% \!tenAe=2.543275pt (=A5)
-% \!tenAc=2.773839pt (=A3)
-% \!tenAa=8.690286pt (=A1)
- \expandafter\!!logten#1\!nil
- \!removept\!dimenF#2%
- \ignorespaces}
- \if -#1%
- \!dimenF=\!zpt
- \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
- \else
- \if +#1%
- \def\!next{\!!logten#2\!nil}%
- \else
- \if .#1%
- \def\!next{\!!logten0.#2\!nil}%
- \else
- \def\!next{\!!!logten#1#2..\!nil}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \!next}
- \!dimenF=1pt % ** DimF holds log10 original argument
- \if 0#1%
- \!!logshift#3pt % ** Argument < 1
- \else % ** Argument >= 1
- \!logshift#2/% ** Shift decimal pt as many places
- \!dimenE=#1.#2#3pt % ** as there are figures in #2
- \fi % ** Now dimE holds revised X want log10 of
- \ifdim \!dimenE<\!rootten% ** Transform X to XX between sqrt(10)
- \multiply \!dimenE 10 % ** and 10*sqrt(10)
- \advance \!dimenF -1pt
- \fi
- \!dimenG=\!dimenE% ** dimG <- (XX + 10)
- \advance\!dimenG 10pt
- \advance\!dimenE -10pt % ** dimE <- (XX - 10)
- \multiply\!dimenE 10 % ** dimE = 10*(XX-10)
- \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenG\!dimenE% ** Now dimE=10t==10*(XX-10)/(XX+10)
- \!removept\!dimenE\!t% ** !t=10t, with "pt" removed
- \!dimenG=\!t\!dimenE% ** dimG=100t**2
- \!removept\!dimenG\!tt% ** !tt=100t**2, with "pt" removed
- \!dimenH=\!tt\!tenAe% ** dimH=10*a5*(10t)**2 /100
- \divide\!dimenH 100
- \advance\!dimenH \!tenAc% ** ditto + 10*a3
- \!dimenH=\!tt\!dimenH% ** ditto * (10t)**2 /100
- \divide\!dimenH 100
- \advance\!dimenH \!tenAa% ** ditto + 10*a1
- \!dimenH=\!t\!dimenH% ** ditto * 10t / 100
- \divide\!dimenH 100 % ** Now dimH = log10(XX) - 1
- \advance\!dimenF \!dimenH}% ** dimF = log10(X)
- \if #1/%
- \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
- \else
- \advance\!dimenF 1pt
- \def\!next{\!logshift}%
- \fi
- \!next}
- \def\!!logshift#1{%
- \advance\!dimenF -1pt
- \if 0#1%
- \def\!next{\!!logshift}%
- \else
- \if p#1%
- \!dimenF=1pt
- \def\!next{\!dimenE=1p}%
- \else
- \def\!next{\!dimenE=#1.}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \!next}
-% ***********************************************************
-% *** PICTURES (Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands) ***
-% ***********************************************************
-% ** User Commands:
-% ** \beginpicture
-% ** \endpicture
-% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
-% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT> point at XREF YREF
-% ** \multiput {OJBECT} [ORIENTATION] <XSHIFT,YSHIFT>) at
-% ** \accountingon
-% ** \accountingoff
-% ** \lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
-% ** \Lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
-% ** \setdimensionmode
-% ** \setcoordinatemode
-% ** \Xdistance
-% ** \Ydistance
-% ** Internal commands:
-% ** \!setputobject{OBJECT}{[ORIENTATION]<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>}
-% ** \!setdimenmode
-% ** \!setcoordmode
-% ** \!ifdimenmode
-% ** \!ifcoordmode
-% ** \beginpicture
-% ** \endpicture
-% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
-% ** \beginpicture ... \endpicture creates an hbox. Objects are
-% ** placed in this box using the \put command and the like (see below).
-% ** The location of an object is specified in terms of coordinate system(s)
-% ** established by \setcoordinatesystem. Each coordinate system (there
-% ** might be just one) specifies the length of 1 horizontal unit, the length
-% ** of 1 vertical unit, and the coordinates of a "reference point". The
-% ** reference points of various coordinate systems will be in the same
-% ** physical location. The macros keep track of the size of the objects
-% ** and their locations. The resulting hbox is the smallest hbox which
-% ** encloses all the objects, and whose TEK reference point is the point
-% ** on the left edge of the box closest vertically to the PICTEX reference
-% ** point. Using \endpicturesave, you can (globally) save the distance TEK's
-% ** reference point is to the right (respectively, up from) PICTEX's
-% ** reference point in the dimension register \XREG (respectively \YREG).
-% ** You can then \put the picture OBJECT into a larger picture so that its
-% ** reference point is at (XCOORD,YCOORD) with the command
-% ** \put {picture OBJECT} [Bl] <\XREG, \YREG> at XCOORD YCOORD
-% ** \beginpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
- \setbox\!picbox=\hbox\bgroup%
- \!xleft=\maxdimen
- \!xright=-\maxdimen
- \!ybot=\maxdimen
- \!ytop=-\maxdimen}
-% ** \endpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
- \ifdim\!xleft=\maxdimen% ** check if nothing was put in picbox
- \!xleft=\!zpt \!xright=\!zpt \!ybot=\!zpt \!ytop=\!zpt
- \fi
- \global\!Xleft=\!xleft \global\!Xright=\!xright
- \global\!Ybot=\!ybot \global\!Ytop=\!ytop
- \egroup%
- \ht\!picbox=\!Ytop \dp\!picbox=-\!Ybot
- \ifdim\!Ybot>\!zpt
- \else
- \ifdim\!Ytop<\!zpt
- \!Ybot=\!Ytop
- \else
- \!Ybot=\!zpt
- \fi
- \fi
- \hbox{\kern-\!Xleft\lower\!Ybot\box\!picbox\kern\!Xright}}
-% ** \endpicturesave : See Subsection 8.4 of the manual.
-\def\endpicturesave <#1,#2>{%
- \endpicture \global #1=\!Xleft \global #2=\!Ybot \ignorespaces}
-% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT>
-% ** point at XREF YREF
-% ** Each of `units <XUNIT,YUNIT>' and `point at XREF YREF'
-% ** are optional.
-% ** Unit lengths must be given in dimensions (e.g., <10pt,1in>).
-% ** Default unit lengths are 1pt, 1pt, or previous unit lengths.
-% ** Reference point is specified in current units (e.g., 3 5 ).
-% ** Default reference point is 0 0 , or previous reference point.
-% ** Unit lengths and reference points obey TEX's scoping rules.
-% ** See Subsection 1.2 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar{u}{\!getlengths }
- {\!getlengths units <\!xunit,\!yunit>}}
-\def\!getlengths units <#1,#2>{%
- \!xunit=#1\relax
- \!yunit=#2\relax
- \!ifcoordmode
- \let\!SCnext=\!SCccheckforRP
- \else
- \let\!SCnext=\!SCdcheckforRP
- \fi
- \!SCnext}
- \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetreference }
- {\!cgetreference point at {\!xref} {\!yref} }}
-\def\!cgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!xref{#1}\edef\!yref{#2}%
- \!xorigin=\!xref\!xunit \!yorigin=\!yref\!yunit
- \!initinboundscheck % ** See linear.tex
- \ignorespaces}
- \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetreference}%
- {\ignorespaces}}
-\def\!dgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
- \!xorigin=#1\relax \!yorigin=#2\relax
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** `[XY]' and `<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>' are optional.
-% ** First OBJECT is placed in an hbox (the "objectbox") and then a
-% ** "reference point" is assigned to the objectbox as follows:
-% ** [1] first, the reference point is taken to be the center of the box;
-% ** [2] next, centering is overridden by the specifications
-% ** X=l -- reference point along the left edge of the objectbox
-% ** X=r -- reference point along the right edge of the objectbox
-% ** Y=b -- reference point along the bottom edge of the objectbox
-% ** Y=B -- reference point along the Baseline of the objectbox
-% ** Y=t -- reference point along the top edge of the objectbox;
-% ** [3] finally the reference point is shifted left by XDIMEN, down
-% ** by YDIMEN (both default to 0pt).
-% ** The objectbox is placed within PICBOX with its reference point at
-% ** If OBJECT is a saved box, say box0, you have to write
-% ** \put{\box0}... or \put{\copy0}...
-% ** The objectbox is void after the put.
-% ** See Subsection 2.1 of the manual.
-\long\def\put#1#2 at #3 #4 {%
- \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
- \!xpos=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#4}\!yunit
- \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
- \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
- \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
- \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
- \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
-% ** \multiput etc. Like \put. The objectbox is not voided until the
-% ** termininating /, and is placed repeatedly with:
-% ** XCOORD YCOORD -- the objectbox is put down with its reference point
-% ** at (XCOORD,YCOORD);
-% ** *N DXCOORD DYCOORD -- each of N times the current
-% ** (xcoord,ycoord) is incremented by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD), and the
-% ** objectbox is put down with its reference point at (xcoord,ycoord)
-% ** (This specification has to follow an XCOORD YCOORD pair)
-% ** See Subsection 2.2 of the manual.
-\long\def\multiput #1#2 at {%
- \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
- \!ifnextchar"{\!putfromfile}{\!multiput}}
- \expandafter\!multiput \input #1 /}
- \futurelet\!nextchar\!!multiput}
- \if *\!nextchar
- \def\!nextput{\!alsoby}%
- \else
- \if /\!nextchar
- \def\!nextput{\!finishmultiput}%
- \else
- \def\!nextput{\!alsoat}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \!nextput}
- \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!alsoat XCOORD YCOORD
-% ** The objectbox is put down with reference point at XCOORD,YCOORD
-\def\!alsoat#1 #2 {%
- \!xpos=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#2}\!yunit
- \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
- \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
- \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
- \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
- \!doaccounting
- \!multiput}
-% ** \!alsoby*N DXCOORD DYCOORD
-% ** N times, the current (XCOORD,YCOORD) is advanced by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD),
-% ** and the current (shifted, oriented) OBJECT is put down.
-\def\!alsoby*#1 #2 #3 {%
- \!dxpos=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!dypos=\!M{#3}\!yunit
- \!rotateonly\!dxpos\!dypos
- \!ntemp=#1%
- \!!loop\ifnum\!ntemp>0
- \advance\!xpos by \!dxpos \advance\!ypos by \!dypos
- \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
- \advance\!ntemp by -1
- \repeat
- \!doaccounting
- \!multiput}
-% ** \accountingoff : Suspends PiCTeX's accounting of the aggregate
-% ** size of the picture box.
-% ** \accounting on : Reinstates accounting.
-% ** See Subsection 8.2 of the manual.
- \!xtemp=\!xpos
- \!ytemp=\!ypos
- \ifdim\!xtemp<\!xleft
- \!xleft=\!xtemp
- \fi
- \advance\!xtemp by \!wd
- \ifdim\!xright<\!xtemp
- \!xright=\!xtemp
- \fi
- \advance\!ytemp by -\!dp
- \ifdim\!ytemp<\!ybot
- \!ybot=\!ytemp
- \fi
- \advance\!ytemp by \!dp
- \advance\!ytemp by \!ht
- \ifdim\!ytemp>\!ytop
- \!ytop=\!ytemp
- \fi}
- \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{#1}%
- \!ht=\ht\!putobject \!dp=\dp\!putobject \!wd=\wd\!putobject
- \wd\!putobject=\!zpt
- \!xshift=.5\!wd \!yshift=.5\!ht \advance\!yshift by -.5\!dp
- \edef\!putorientation{#2}%
- \expandafter\!SPOreadA\!putorientation[]\!nil%
- \expandafter\!SPOreadB\!putorientation<\!zpt,\!zpt>\!nil\ignorespaces}
-\def\!SPOreadB#1<#2,#3>#4\!nil{\advance\!xshift by -#2\advance\!yshift by -#3}
- \if l\!orientation
- \!xshift=\!zpt
- \else
- \if r\!orientation
- \!xshift=\!wd
- \else
- \if b\!orientation
- \!yshift=-\!dp
- \else
- \if B\!orientation
- \!yshift=\!zpt
- \else
- \if t\!orientation
- \!yshift=\!ht
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi}
-% ** \!dimenput{OBJECT} <XDIMEN,YDIMEN> [XY] (XLOC,YLOC)
-% ** This is an internal put routine, similar to \put, except that
-% ** XLOC=distance right from reference point, YLOC=distance up from
-% ** reference point. XLOC and YLOC are dimensions, so this routine
-% ** is completely independent of the current coordinate system.
-% ** This routine does NOT do ROTATIONS.
- \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
- \!xpos=#3\advance\!xpos by -\!xshift
- \!ypos=#4\advance\!ypos by -\!yshift
- \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
- \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
-% ** The following macros permit the picture drawing routines to be used
-% ** either in the default "coordinate mode", or in "dimension mode".
-% ** In coordinate mode \!M(1.5,\!xunit) expands to 1.5\!xunit
-% ** In dimension mode \!M(1.5pt,\!xunit) expands to 1.5pt
-% ** Dimension mode is useful in coding macros.
-% ** Any special purpose picture macro that sets dimension mode should
-% ** reset coordinate mode before completion.
-% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
- \let\!M=\!M!!\ignorespaces}
- \let\!M=\!M!\ignorespaces}
- \ifx \!M \!M!}
- \ifx \!M \!M!!}
-% ** \Xdistance{XCOORD}, \Ydistance{YCOORD} are the horizontal and
-% ** vertical distances from the origin (0,0) to the point
-% ** (XCOORD,YCOORD) in the current coordinate system.
-% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
- \!M{#1}\!xunit
- \ignorespaces}
- \!M{#1}\!yunit
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** The following macros -- \stack, \line, and \Lines -- are useful for
-% ** annotating PiCtures. They can be used outside the \beginpicture ...
-% ** \endpicture environment.
-% ** Builds a vertical stack of the values in VALUESLIST. Values in
-% ** VALUESLIST are separated by commas. In the resulting stack, values are
-% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
-% ** POSITIONING = l (r). Values are separated vertically by LEADING,
-% ** which defaults to \stackleading.
-% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar[{\!stack}{\!stack[c]}}
- \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
- \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
- \!ifnextchar<{\!!stack}{\!!stack<\stackleading>}}
- \vbox{\def\!valueslist{}\!ecfor\!value:=#2\do{%
- \expandafter\!rightappend\!value\withCS{\\}\to\!valueslist}%
- \!lop\!valueslist\to\!value
- \let\\=\cr\lineskiplimit=\maxdimen\lineskip=#1%
- \baselineskip=-1000pt\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr \!value\!valueslist\cr}}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
-% ** Builds a vertical array of the lines in LINES. Each line in LINES
-% ** is terminated by a \cr. In the resulting array, lines are
-% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
-% ** POSITIONING = l (r). The lines in the array are subject to TeX's
-% ** usual spacing rules: in particular the baselines are ordinarily an equal
-% ** distance apart. The baseline of the array is the baseline of the
-% ** the bottom line.
-% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar[{\!lines}{\!lines[c]}}
- \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
- \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
- \vbox{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \Lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
-% ** Like \lines, but the baseline of the array is the baseline of the
-% ** top line. See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar[{\!Lines}{\!Lines[c]}}
- \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
- \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
- \vtop{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% *********************************************
-% *** PLOTTING (Things to do with plotting) ***
-% *********************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
-% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
-% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
-% ** \replot {FILE_NAME}
-% ** Internal command
-% ** \!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
-% ** \setplotsymbol ({PLOTSYMBOL} [ ] < , >)
-% ** Save PLOTSYMBOL away in an hbox for use with curve plotting routines
-% ** See Subsection 5.2 of the manual.
- \!setputobject{#1}{#2}
- \setbox\!plotsymbol=\box\!putobject%
- \!plotsymbolxshift=\!xshift
- \!plotsymbolyshift=\!yshift
- \ignorespaces}
-\setplotsymbol({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
-% ** \!plot is either \!!plot (when no lines and curves are being saved) or
-% ** \!!!plot (when lines and curves are being saved)
-% ** \!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
-% ** Places the current plotsymbol a horizontal distance=XDIMEN-xorigin
-% ** and a vertical distance=YDIMEN-yorigin from the current
-% ** reference point.
- \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
- \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
- \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
-% ** Like \!!plot, but also saves the plot location in units of
-% ** scaled point, on file `replotfile'
- \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
- \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
- \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
- \!countE=\!dimenA
- \!countF=\!dimenB
- \immediate\write\!replotfile{\the\!countE,\the\!countF.}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
-% ** Switch to save locations used for plotting lines and curves
-% ** (No advantage in saving locations for solid lines; however
-% ** replotting curve locations speeds things up by a factor of about 4.
-% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
-% ** Terminates \savelinesandcurves. The default.
-% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
-\def\savelinesandcurves on "#1" {%
- \immediate\closeout\!replotfile
- \immediate\openout\!replotfile=#1%
- \let\!plot=\!!!plot}
-\def\dontsavelinesandcurves {%
- \let\!plot=\!!plot}
-% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
-% ** The message is preceded by a "%", so that it won't interfere
-% ** with replotting.
-% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
-\def\writesavefile#1 {%
- \immediate\write\!replotfile{\!Commentsignal #1}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \replot "FILE_NAME"
-% ** Replots the locations saved earlier under \savelinesandcurves
-% ** on "FILE_NAME"
-% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
-\def\replot"#1" {%
- \expandafter\!replot\input #1 /}
-\def\!replot#1,#2. {%
- \!dimenA=#1sp
- \kern\!dimenA\raise#2sp\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA
- \futurelet\!nextchar\!!replot}
- \if /\!nextchar
- \def\!next{\!finish}%
- \else
- \def\!next{\!replot}%
- \fi
- \!next}
-% **************************************************
-% *** PYTHAGORAS (Euclidean distance function) ***
-% **************************************************
-% ** User command:
-% ** \placehypotenuse for <dimension1> and <dimension2> in <register>
-% ** Internal command:
-% ** \!Pythag{X}{Y}{Z}
-% ** Input X,Y are dimensions, or dimension registers.
-% ** Output Z == sqrt(X**2+Y**2) must be a dimension register.
-% ** Assumes that |X|+|Y| < 2048pt (about 28in).
-% ** Without loss of generality, suppose x>0, y>0. Put s = x+y,
-% ** z = sqrt(x**2+y**2). Then z = s*f, where f = sqrt(t**2 + (1-t)**2)
-% ** = sqrt((1+tau**2)/2), where t = x/s and tau = 2(t-1/2) .
-% ** Uses the \!divide macro (which uses registers \!dimenA--\!dimenD.
-% ** Uses the \!removept macro (e.g., 123.45pt --> 123.45)
-% ** Uses registers \!dimenE--\!dimenI.
- \!dimenE=#1\relax
- \ifdim\!dimenE<\!zpt
- \!dimenE=-\!dimenE
- \fi% ** dimE = |x|
- \!dimenF=#2\relax
- \ifdim\!dimenF<\!zpt
- \!dimenF=-\!dimenF
- \fi% ** dimF = |y|
- \advance \!dimenF by \!dimenE% ** dimF = s = |x|+|y|
- \ifdim\!dimenF=\!zpt
- \!dimenG=\!zpt% ** dimG = z = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
- \else
- \!divide{8\!dimenE}\!dimenF\!dimenE% ** now dimE = 8t = (8|x|)/s
- \advance\!dimenE by -4pt% ** 8tau = (8t-4)*2
- \!dimenE=2\!dimenE% ** (tau = 2*t - 1)
- \!removept\!dimenE\!!t% ** 8tau, without "pt"
- \!dimenE=\!!t\!dimenE% ** (8tau)**2, in pts
- \advance\!dimenE by 64pt% ** u = [64 + (8tau)**2]/2
- \divide \!dimenE by 2% ** [u = (8f)**2]
- \!dimenH=7pt% ** initial guess g at sqrt(u)
- \!!Pythag\!!Pythag\!!Pythag% ** 3 iterations give sqrt(u)
- \!removept\!dimenH\!!t% ** 8f=sqrt(u), without "pt"
- \!dimenG=\!!t\!dimenF% ** z = (8f)*s/8
- \divide\!dimenG by 8
- \fi
- #3=\!dimenG
- \ignorespaces}
-\def\!!Pythag{% ** Newton-Raphson for sqrt
- \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenH\!dimenI% ** v = u/g
- \advance\!dimenH by \!dimenI% ** g <-- (g + u/g)/2
- \divide\!dimenH by 2}
-% ** \placehypotenuse for <XI> and <ETA> in <ZETA>
-% ** See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
-\def\placehypotenuse for <#1> and <#2> in <#3> {%
- \!Pythag{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-% **********************************************
-% *** QUADRATIC ARC (Draws a quadratic arc) ***
-% **********************************************
-% ** Internal command
-% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
-% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
-% ** Draws an arc starting at the (last) point specified by the most recent
-% ** \!qjoin, or \!ljoin, or \!start and passing through (X_1,Y_1), (X_2,Y_2).
-% ** Uses quadratic interpolation in both x and y:
-% ** x(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates x_0, x_1, x_2 at t=0, .5, 1
-% ** y(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates y_0, y_1, y_2 at t=0, .5, 1
-\def\!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4){%
- \advance\!intervalno by 1
- \!ifcoordmode
- \edef\!xmidpt{#1}\edef\!ymidpt{#2}%
- \else
- \!dimenA=#1\relax \edef\!xmidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
- \!dimenA=#2\relax \edef\!ymidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
- \fi
- \!xM=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yM=\!M{#2}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xM\!yM
- \!xE=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
-% ** Find coefficients for x(t)=a_x + b_x*t + c_x*t**2
- \!dimenA=\!xM \advance \!dimenA by -\!xS% ** dimA = I = xM - xS
- \!dimenB=\!xE \advance \!dimenB by -\!xM% ** dimB = II = xE-xM
- \!xB=3\!dimenA \advance \!xB by -\!dimenB% ** b=3I-II
- \!xC=2\!dimenB \advance \!xC by -2\!dimenA% ** c=2(II-I)
-% ** Find coefficients for y(t)=y_x + b_y*t + c_y*t**2
- \!dimenA=\!yM \advance \!dimenA by -\!yS%
- \!dimenB=\!yE \advance \!dimenB by -\!yM%
- \!yB=3\!dimenA \advance \!yB by -\!dimenB%
- \!yC=2\!dimenB \advance \!yC by -2\!dimenA%
-% ** Use Simpson's rule to calculate arc length over [0,1/2]:
-% ** arc length = 1/2[1/6 f(0) + 4/6 f(1/4) + 1/6 f(1/2)]
-% ** with f(t) = sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2).
- \!xprime=\!xB \!yprime=\!yB% ** x'(t) = b + 2ct
- \!dxprime=.5\!xC \!dyprime=.5\!yC% ** dt=1/4 ==> dx'(t) = c/2
- \!getf \!midarclength=\!dimenA
- \!getf \advance \!midarclength by 4\!dimenA
- \!getf \advance \!midarclength by \!dimenA
- \divide \!midarclength by 12
-% ** Get arc length over [0,1].
- \!arclength=\!dimenA
- \!getf \advance \!arclength by 4\!dimenA
- \!getf \advance \!arclength by \!dimenA
- \divide \!arclength by 12% ** Now have arc length over [1/2,1]
- \advance \!arclength by \!midarclength
- \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength
-% ** Check to see if there's anything to plot in this interval
- \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
- \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** nothing
- \else
- \!initinverseinterp% ** initialize for inverse interpolation on arc length
- \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength% ** loop over points on arc
- \!inverseinterp% ** find t such that arc length[0,t] = distacross,
-% ** using inverse quadratic interpolation
-% ** now evaluate x(t)=(c*t + b)*t + a
- \!xpos=\!t\!xC \advance\!xpos by \!xB
- \!xpos=\!t\!xpos \advance \!xpos by \!xS
-% ** evaluate y(t)
- \!ypos=\!t\!yC \advance\!ypos by \!yB
- \!ypos=\!t\!ypos \advance \!ypos by \!yS
- \!plotifinbounds% ** plot point if in bounds
- \advance\!distacross \plotsymbolspacing%** advance arc length for next pt
- \!advancedashing% ** see "linear"
- \repeat
- \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
- \fi
- \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending points to starting points
- \!yS=\!yE
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!getf -- Calculates sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2) and advances
-% ** x'(t) and y'(t)
- \advance\!xprime by \!dxprime
- \advance\!yprime by \!dyprime}
-% ** \!initinverseinterp -- initializes for inverse quadratic interpolation
-% ** of arc length provided 1/3 < midarclength/arclength < 2/3; otherwise
-% ** initializes for inverse linear interpolation.
- \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
- \!divide{8\!midarclength}\!arclength\!dimenE% ** dimE=8w=8r/s, where r
-% ** = midarclength, s=arclength
-% ** Test for w out of range: w<1/3 or w>2/3
- \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin \!setinverselinear
- \else
- \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax \!setinverselinear
- \else% ** w in range: initialize
- \def\!inverseinterp{\!inversequad}\ignorespaces
-% ** Calculate the coefficients \!beta and \!gamma of the quadratic
-% ** t = \!beta*v + \!gamma*v**2
-% ** taking the values t=0, 1/2, 1 at v=0, w==r/s, 1 respectively:
-% ** \!beta = (1/2 - w**2)/[w(1-w)]
-% ** \!gamma = 1 - beta.
- \!removept\!dimenE\!Ew% ** 8w, without "pt"
- \!dimenF=-\!Ew\!dimenE% ** -(8w)**2
- \advance\!dimenF by 32pt% ** 32 - (8w)**2
- \!dimenG=8pt
- \advance\!dimenG by -\!dimenE% ** 8 - 8w
- \!dimenG=\!Ew\!dimenG% ** (8w)*(8-8w)
- \!divide\!dimenF\!dimenG\!beta% ** beta = (32-(8w)**2)/(8w(8-8w))
-% ** = (1/2 - w**2)/(w(1-w))
- \!gamma=1pt
- \advance \!gamma by -\!beta% ** gamma = 1-beta
- \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax
- \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin
- \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** For 0 <= t <= 1, let AL(t) = arclength[0,t]/arclength[0,1]; note
-% ** AL(0)=0, AL(1/2)=midarclength/arclength, AL(1)=1. This routine
-% ** calculates an approximation to AL^{-1}(distance across/arclength),
-% ** using the assumption that AL^{-1} is quadratic. Specifically,
-% ** it finds t such that
-% ** AL^{-1}(v) =. t = v*(\!beta + \!gamma*v)
-% ** where \!beta and \!gamma are set by \!initinv, and where
-% ** v=distance across/arclength
- \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG% ** dimG = v = distacross/arclength
- \!removept\!dimenG\!v% ** v, without "pt"
- \!dimenG=\!v\!gamma% ** gamma*v
- \advance\!dimenG by \!beta% ** beta + gamma*v
- \!dimenG=\!v\!dimenG% ** t = v*(beta + gamma*v)
- \!removept\!dimenG\!t}% ** t, without "pt"
-% ** When w <= 1/3 or w >= 2/3, the following routine writes (using
-% ** plain TEK's \wlog command) a warning message on the user's log file,
-% ** and initializes for inverse linear interpolation on arc length.
- \def\!inverseinterp{\!inverselinear}%
- \divide\!dimenE by 8 \!removept\!dimenE\!t
- \!countC=\!intervalno \multiply \!countC 2
- \!countB=\!countC \advance \!countB -1
- \!countA=\!countB \advance \!countA -1
- \wlog{\the\!countB th point (\!xmidpt,\!ymidpt) being plotted
- doesn't lie in the}%
- \wlog{ middle third of the arc between the \the\!countA th
- and \the\!countC th points:}%
- \wlog{ [arc length \the\!countA\space to \the\!countB]/[arc length
- \the \!countA\space to \the\!countC]=\!t.}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Inverse linear interpolation
- \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG
- \!removept\!dimenG\!t}
-% **************************************
-% ** ROTATIONS (Handles rotations) ***
-% **************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
-% ** \stoprotation
-% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
-% ** Future (XCOORD,YCOORD)'s will be rotated about (XPIVOT,YPIVOT)
-% ** by the angle with the give COS and SIN. Both fields are optional.
-% ** [COS,SIN] defaults to previous value, or (1,0).
-% ** (XPIVOT,YPIVOT) defaults to previous value, or (0,0)
-% ** You can't change the coordinate system in the scope of a rotation.
-% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
- \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!rotateaboutpivot
- \let\!rotateonly=\!!rotateonly
- \!ifnextchar{b}{\!getsincos }%
- {\!getsincos by {\!cosrotationangle} {\!sinrotationangle} }}
-\def\!getsincos by #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!cosrotationangle{#1}%
- \edef\!sinrotationangle{#2}%
- \!ifcoordmode
- \let\!ROnext=\!ccheckforpivot
- \else
- \let\!ROnext=\!dcheckforpivot
- \fi
- \!ROnext}
- \!ifnextchar{a}{\!cgetpivot}%
- {\!cgetpivot about {\!xpivotcoord} {\!ypivotcoord} }}
-\def\!cgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!xpivotcoord{#1}%
- \edef\!ypivotcoord{#2}%
- \!xpivot=#1\!xunit \!ypivot=#2\!yunit
- \ignorespaces}
- \!ifnextchar{a}{\!dgetpivot}{\ignorespaces}}
-\def\!dgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
- \!xpivot=#1\relax \!ypivot=#2\relax
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Following terminates rotation.
-% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
- \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!!rotateaboutpivot
- \let\!rotateonly=\!!!rotateonly
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** !!rotateaboutpivot{XREG}{YREG}
-% ** XREG <-- xpvt + cos(angle)*(XREG-xpvt) - sin(angle)*(YREG-ypvt)
-% ** YREG <-- ypvt + cos(angle)*(YREG-ypvt) + sin(angle)*(XREG-xpvt)
-% ** XREG,YREG are dimension registers. Can't be \!dimenA to \!dimenD
- \!dimenA=#1\relax \advance\!dimenA -\!xpivot
- \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -\!ypivot
- \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
- \advance \!dimenC -\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
- \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
- \advance \!dimenD \!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
- \advance\!dimenC \!xpivot \advance\!dimenD \!ypivot
- #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!!rotateonly{XREG}{YREG}
-% ** Like \!!rotateaboutpivot, but with a pivot of (0,0)
- \!dimenA=#1\relax \!dimenB=#2\relax
- \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
- \advance \!dimenC -\!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
- \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
- \advance \!dimenD \!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
- #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
- \ignorespaces}
- \def\!rotsign{-}%
- \!rotateonly{#1}{#2}%
- \def\!rotsign{}%
- \ignorespaces}
-% **********************************
-% *** SHADING (Handles shading) ***
-% **********************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
-% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
-% ** Internal commands:
-% ** \!startvshade (xS,ybS,ytS)
-% ** \!starthshade (yS,xlS,xrS)
-% ** \!lshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
-% ** ** when shading vertically:
-% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xE,ybE,ytE)
-% ** ** when shading horizontally:
-% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yE,xlE,xrE)
-% ** \!qshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
-% ** ** when shading vertically:
-% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) (xE,ybE,ytE)
-% ** ** when shading horizontally:
-% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) (yE,xlE,xrE)
-% ** The shading routine can operate either in a "vertical mode" or a
-% ** "horizontal mode". In vertical mode, the region to be shaded is specified
-% ** in the form
-% ** {(x,y): xl <= x <= xr & yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}
-% ** where yb and yt are functions of x. In horizontal mode, the region
-% ** is specified in the form
-% ** {(x,y): yb <= y <= yt & xl(y) <= x <= xr(y)}.
-% ** The functions yb and yt may be either both linear or both quadratic;
-% ** similarly for xl and xr. A region with say, piecewise quadratic bottom
-% ** and top boundaries, can be shaded by consecutive (vertical) \!qshades,
-% ** proceeding from left to right. Similarly, a region with piecewise
-% ** quadratic left and right boundaries can be shaded by consecutive
-% ** (horizontal) \!qshades, proceeding from bottom to top. More complex
-% ** regions can be shaded by partitioning them into appropriate subregions,
-% ** and shading those.
-% ** Shading is accomplished by placing a user-selected shading symbol at
-% ** those points of a regular grid which fall within the region to be
-% ** shaded. This region can be "shrunk" so that a largish shading symbol
-% ** will not extend outside it. Shrinking is accomplished by specifying
-% ** shrinkages for the left, right, bottom, and top boundaries, in a manner
-% ** discussed further below.
-% ** \shades and \!joins MUST NOT be intermingled. Finish drawing a curve
-% ** before starting to shade a region, and finish shading a region before
-% ** starting to draw a curve.
-% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
-% ** The shading symbol is placed down on the points of a grid centered
-% ** at the coordinate point (XSHADE,YSHADE). The grid points are of the
-% ** form (j*SPAN,k*SPAN), with j+k even. SPAN is specified
-% ** as a dimension.
-% ** (XSHADE,YSHADE) defaults to previous (XSHADE,YSHADE) (or (0,0) if none)
-% ** SPAN defaults to previous span (or 5pt if none)
-% ** See Subsection 7.2 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar{s}{\!getspan }
- {\!getspan span <\!dshade>}}
-\def\!getspan span <#1>{%
- \!dshade=#1\relax
- \!ifcoordmode
- \let\!GRnext=\!GRccheckforAP
- \else
- \let\!GRnext=\!GRdcheckforAP
- \fi
- \!GRnext}
- \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetanchor }
- {\!cgetanchor point at {\!xshadesave} {\!yshadesave} }}
-\def\!cgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
- \edef\!xshadesave{#1}\edef\!yshadesave{#2}%
- \!xshade=\!xshadesave\!xunit \!yshade=\!yshadesave\!yunit
- \ignorespaces}
- \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetanchor}%
- {\ignorespaces}}
-\def\!dgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
- \!xshade=#1\relax \!yshade=#2\relax
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
-% ** Saves SHADESYMBOL away in an hbox for use with shading routines.
-% ** A shade symbol will not be plotted if its plot position comes within
-% ** distance LS of the left boundary, RS of the right boundary, TS of the
-% ** top boundary, BS of the bottom boundary. These parameters have
-% ** default values that should work in most cases (see below).
-% ** To override a default value, specify the replacement value
-% ** in the appropriate subfield of the shrinkages field.
-% ** 0pt may be coded as "z" (without the quotes). To accept a
-% ** default value, leave the field empty. Thus
-% ** [,z,,5pt] sets LS=default, RS=0pt, BS=default, TS=5pt .
-% ** Skipping the shrinkages field accepts all the defaults.
-% ** See Subsection 7.1 of the manual.
- \!ifnextchar<{\!setshadesymbol}{\!setshadesymbol<,,,> }}
-\def\!setshadesymbol <#1,#2,#3,#4> (#5#6){%
-% ** set the shadesymbol
- \!setputobject{#5}{#6}%
- \setbox\!shadesymbol=\box\!putobject%
- \!shadesymbolxshift=\!xshift \!shadesymbolyshift=\!yshift
-% ** set the shrinkages
- \!dimenA=\!xshift \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% ** default LS = xshift - smidge
- \!override\!dimenA{#1}\!lshrinkage%
- \!dimenA=\!wd \advance \!dimenA -\!xshift% ** default RS = width - xshift
- \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
- \!override\!dimenA{#2}\!rshrinkage
- \!dimenA=\!dp \advance \!dimenA \!yshift% ** default BS = depth + yshift
- \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
- \!override\!dimenA{#3}\!bshrinkage
- \!dimenA=\!ht \advance \!dimenA -\!yshift% ** default TS = height - yshift
- \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
- \!override\!dimenA{#4}\!tshrinkage
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Overrides the NOMINAL DIMEN by the REPLACEMENT DIMEN to produce DIMEN,
-% ** according to the following rules:
-% ** otherwise: DIMEN <-- REPLACEMENT DIMEN
-% ** DIMEN must be a dimension register
- \edef\!!override{#2}%
- \ifx \!!override\empty
- #3=#1\relax
- \else
- \if z\!!override
- #3=\!zpt
- \else
- \ifx \!!override\!blankz
- #3=\!zpt
- \else
- #3=#2\relax
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \ignorespaces}
-\def\!blankz{ z}
-\setshadesymbol ({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
-% ** \fivesy ^^B is a small cross
-% ** \!startvshade [at] (xS,ybS,ytS)
-% ** Initiates vertical shading mode
- \let\!!xunit=\!xunit%
- \let\!!yunit=\!yunit%
- \let\!!xshade=\!xshade%
- \let\!!yshade=\!yshade%
- \def\!getshrinkages{\!vgetshrinkages}%
- \let\!setshadelocation=\!vsetshadelocation%
- \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
- \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
- \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
- \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
- \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!starthshade [at] (yS,xlS,xrS)
-% ** Initiates horizontal shading mode
- \let\!!xunit=\!yunit%
- \let\!!yunit=\!xunit%
- \let\!!xshade=\!yshade%
- \let\!!yshade=\!xshade%
- \def\!getshrinkages{\!hgetshrinkages}%
- \let\!setshadelocation=\!hsetshadelocation%
- \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
- \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
- \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
- \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
- \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Consider the lattice with points ANCHOR + j*SPAN. This routine determines
-% ** the index k of the smallest lattice point >= LOCATION, and sets
-% ** INDEX is assumed to be a count register, LATTICE LOCATION a dimen reg.
- \!dimenA=#1% ** dimA = ANCHOR
- \!dimenB=#2% ** dimB = SPAN (assumed > 0pt)
- \!countB=\!dimenB% ** ctB = SPAN, as a count
-% ** Determine index of smallest lattice point >= LOCATION
- \!dimenC=#3% ** dimC = LOCATION
- \advance\!dimenC -\!dimenA% ** now dimC = LOCATION-ANCHOR
- \!countA=\!dimenC% ** ctA = above, as a count
- \divide\!countA \!countB% ** now ctA = desired index, if dimC <= 0
- \ifdim\!dimenC>\!zpt
- \!dimenD=\!countA\!dimenB% ** (tentative k)*span
- \ifdim\!dimenD<\!dimenC% ** if this is false, ctA = desired index
- \advance\!countA 1 % ** if true, have to add 1
- \fi
- \fi
- \!dimenC=\!countA\!dimenB% ** lattice location = anchor + ctA*span
- \advance\!dimenC \!dimenA
- #4=\!countA% ** the desired index
- #5=\!dimenC% ** corresponding lattice location
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** \!qshade [with shrinkages] [[LS,RS,BS,TS]]
-% ***** during vertical shading:
-% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) [and] (xE,ybE,ytE)
-% ** Shades the region {(x,y): xS <= x <= xE, yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}, where
-% ** yb is the quadratic thru (xS,ybS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ybE)
-% ** yt is the quadratic thru (xS,ytS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ytE)
-% ** xS,ybS,ytS are either given by \!startvshade or carried over
-% ** as the ending values of the immediately preceding \!qshade.
-% ** For the interpretation of LS, RS, BS, & TS, see \setshadesymbol. The
-% ** values set there can be overridden, for the course of this \!qshade
-% ** only, in the same manner as overrides are specified for
-% ** \setshadesymbol.
-% ***** during horizontal shading:
-% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) [and] (yE,xlE,xrE)
- \!xM=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
- \!ybM=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
- \!ytM=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
- \!xE=\!M{#6}\!!xunit
- \!ybE=\!M{#7}\!!yunit
- \!ytE=\!M{#8}\!!yunit
- \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ybS\!xM\!ybM\!xE\!ybE\!ybB\!ybC%**Get coefficients B & C for
- \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ytS\!xM\!ytM\!xE\!ytE\!ytB\!ytC%**y=y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
- \def\!getylimits{\!qgetylimits}%
- \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
-% ** \!lshade ... (xE,ybE,ytE)
-% ** This is like \!qshade, but the top and bottom boundaries are linear,
-% ** rather than quadratic.
- \!xE=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
- \!ybE=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
- \!ytE=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
- \!dimenE=\!xE \advance \!dimenE -\!xS% ** xE-xS
- \!dimenC=\!ytE \advance \!dimenC -\!ytS% ** ytE-ytS
- \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ytB% ** ytB = (ytE-ytS)/(xE-xS)
- \!dimenC=\!ybE \advance \!dimenC -\!ybS% ** ybE-ybS
- \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ybB% ** ybB = (ybE-ybS)/(xE-xS)
- \def\!getylimits{\!lgetylimits}%
- \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
-% ** \!getcoeffs{X0}{Y0}{X1}{Y1}{X2}{Y2}{B}{C}
-% ** Finds B and C such that the quadratic y = Y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
-% ** passes through (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2): when X0=0=Y0, the formulas are:
-% ** B = S1 - X1*C, C = (S2-S1)/X2
-% ** with
-% ** S1 = Y1/X1, S2 = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1).
- \!dimenC=#4\advance \!dimenC -#2% ** dimC=Y1-Y0
- \!dimenE=#3\advance \!dimenE -#1% ** dimE=X1-X0
- \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!dimenF% ** dimF=S1
- \!dimenC=#6\advance \!dimenC -#4% ** dimC=Y2-Y1
- \!dimenH=#5\advance \!dimenH -#3% ** dimH=X2-X1
- \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenH\!dimenG% ** dimG=S2
- \advance\!dimenG -\!dimenF% ** dimG=S2-S1
- \advance \!dimenH \!dimenE% ** dimH=X2-X0
- \!divide\!dimenG\!dimenH#8% ** C=(S2-S1)/(X2-X0)
- \!removept#8\!t% ** C, without "pt"
- #7=-\!t\!dimenE% ** -C*(X1-X0)
- \advance #7\!dimenF% ** B=S1-C*(X1-X0)
- \ignorespaces}
-% ** Get LS,RS,BS,TS for this panel
- \!getshrinkages#1<,,,>\!nil% % ** now effective LS=dimE, RS=dimF,
-% ** BS=dimG, TS=dimH
- \advance \!dimenE \!xS% ** now dimE=xS+LS
- \!lattice\!!xshade\!dshade\!dimenE% ** set parity=index of left-mst x-lattice
- \!parity\!xpos% ** point >= xS+LS, xpos=its location
- \!dimenF=-\!dimenF% ** set dimF=xE-RS
- \advance\!dimenF \!xE
- \!loop\!not{\ifdim\!xpos>\!dimenF}% ** loop over x-lattice points <= xE-RS
- \!shadecolumn%
- \advance\!xpos \!dshade% ** move over to next column
- \advance\!parity 1% ** increase index of x-point
- \repeat
- \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending values to starting values
- \!ybS=\!ybE
- \!ytS=\!ytE
- \ignorespaces}
- \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenE
- \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenF
- \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenG
- \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenH
- \ignorespaces}
- \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenG
- \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenH
- \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenE
- \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenF
- \ignorespaces}
- \!dxpos=\!xpos
- \advance\!dxpos -\!xS% ** dx = x - xS
- \!removept\!dxpos\!dx% ** ditto, without "pt"
- \!getylimits% ** get top and bottom y-values
- \advance\!ytpos -\!dimenH% ** less TS
- \advance\!ybpos \!dimenG% ** plus BS
- \!yloc=\!!yshade% ** get anchor point for this column
- \ifodd\!parity
- \advance\!yloc \!dshade
- \fi
- \!lattice\!yloc{2\!dshade}\!ybpos%
- \!countA\!ypos% ** ypos=smallest y point for this column
- \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xpos% ** over
- \loop\!not{\ifdim\!ypos>\!ytpos}% ** loop over ypos <= yt(t)
- \!setshadelocation% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
-% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
- \!rotateaboutpivot\!xloc\!yloc%
- \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xloc% ** over
- \!dimenB=-\!shadeyorigin \advance \!dimenB \!yloc% ** up
- \kern\!dimenA \raise\!dimenB\copy\!shadesymbol \kern-\!dimenA
- \advance\!ypos 2\!dshade
- \repeat
- \ignorespaces}
- \!dimenA=\!dx\!ytC
- \advance\!dimenA \!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*(Bt + dx*Ct)
- \!ytpos=\!dx\!dimenA
- \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
- \!dimenA=\!dx\!ybC
- \advance\!dimenA \!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*(Bb + dx*Cb)
- \!ybpos=\!dx\!dimenA
- \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
- \!ytpos=\!dx\!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*Bt
- \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
- \!ybpos=\!dx\!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*Bb
- \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
-\def\!vsetshadelocation{% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
- \!xloc=\!xpos
- \!yloc=\!ypos}
-\def\!hsetshadelocation{% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
- \!xloc=\!ypos
- \!yloc=\!xpos}
-% **************************************
-% *** TICKS (Draws ticks on graphs) ***
-% **************************************
-% ** User commands
-% ** \ticksout
-% ** \ticksin
-% ** \gridlines
-% ** \nogridlines
-% ** \loggedticks
-% ** \unloggesticks
-% ** See Subsection 3.4 of the manual
-% ** The following is an option of the \axis command
-% ** ticks
-% ** [in] [out]
-% ** [long] [short] [length <LENGTH>]
-% ** [width <WIDTH>]
-% ** [andacross] [butnotacross]
-% ** [logged] [unlogged]
-% ** [unlabeled] [numbered] [withvalues VALUE1 VALUE2 ... VALUEk / ]
-% ** [quantity Q] [at LOC1 LOC2 ... LOCk / ] [from LOC1 to LOC2 by
-% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for the rules.
-% ** The various options of the tick field are processed by the
-% ** \!nextkeyword command defined below.
-% ** For example, `\!nextkeyword short ' expands to `\!ticksshort',
-% ** while `\!nextkeyword withvalues' expands to `\!tickswithvalues'.
-\def\!axisticks {%
- \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname !ticks##1\endcsname \relax
- \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
- \else
- \def\!next{\csname !ticks##1\endcsname}%
- \fi
- \!next}%
- \!axissetup
- \def\!axissetup{\relax}%
- \edef\!ticksinoutsign{\!ticksinoutSign}%
- \!ticklength=\longticklength
- \!tickwidth=\linethickness
- \!gridlinestatus
- \!setticktransform
- \!maketick
- \!tickcase=0
- \def\!LTlist{}%
- \!nextkeyword}
- \def\!ticksinoutSign{+}}
- \def\!ticksinoutSign{-}}
- \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestootrue}}
- \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestoofalse}}
- \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!logten}}
- \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!donothing}}
-% ** \!ticks/ : terminates read of tick options
-\expandafter\def\csname !ticks/\endcsname{%
- \!not {\ifx \!LTlist\empty}
- \!placetickvalues
- \fi
- \def\!tickvalueslist{}%
- \def\!LTlist{}%
- \expandafter\csname !axis/\endcsname}
- \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
- \beginpicture
- \!setdimenmode
- \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
- \linethickness=\!tickwidth
- \ifdim\!ticklength>\!zpt
- \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
- {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickxsign\!ticklength}
- {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickysign\!ticklength}
- \fi
- \if!gridlinestoo
- \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
- {-\!tickxsign\!xaxislength} {-\!tickysign\!yaxislength}
- \fi
- \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
- \wd\!boxA=\!zpt}
- \def\!ticksinoutsign{-}%
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
- \def\!ticksinoutsign{+}%
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!tickslength<#1> {%
- \!ticklength=#1\relax
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!tickslength<\longticklength> }
- \!tickslength<\shortticklength> }
-\def\!tickswidth<#1> {%
- \!tickwidth=#1\relax
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!gridlinestootrue
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!gridlinestoofalse
- \!maketick
- \!nextkeyword}
- \let\!ticktransform=\!logten
- \!nextkeyword}
- \let\!ticktransform=\!donothing
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!tickcase=0
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!tickcase=1
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!tickswithvalues#1/ {%
- \edef\!tickvalueslist{#1! /}%
- \!tickcase=2
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!ticksquantity#1 {%
- \ifnum #1>1
- \!updatetickoffset
- \!countA=#1\relax
- \advance \!countA -1
- \!ticklocationincr=\!axisLength
- \divide \!ticklocationincr \!countA
- \!ticklocation=\!axisstart
- \loop \!not{\ifdim \!ticklocation>\!axisend}
- \!placetick\!ticklocation
- \ifcase\!tickcase
- \relax % Case 0: no labels
- \or
- \relax % Case 1: numbered -- not available here
- \or
- \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
- \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
- \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
- \fi
- \advance \!ticklocation \!ticklocationincr
- \repeat
- \fi
- \!nextkeyword}
-\def\!ticksat#1 {%
- \!updatetickoffset
- \edef\!Loc{#1}%
- \if /\!Loc
- \def\next{\!nextkeyword}%
- \else
- \!ticksincommon
- \def\next{\!ticksat}%
- \fi
- \next}
-\def\!ticksfrom#1 to #2 by #3 {%
- \!updatetickoffset
- \edef\!arg{#3}%
- \expandafter\!separate\!arg\!nil
- \!scalefactor=1
- \expandafter\!countfigures\!arg/
- \edef\!arg{#1}%
- \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countE
- \edef\!arg{#2}%
- \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countF
- \edef\!arg{#3}%
- \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countG
- \loop \!not{\ifnum\!countE>\!countF}
- \ifnum\!scalefactor=1
- \edef\!Loc{\the\!countE}%
- \else
- \!scaledown\!countE by\!scalefactor to\!Loc
- \fi
- \!ticksincommon
- \advance \!countE \!countG
- \repeat
- \!nextkeyword}
- \!dimenA=\!ticksinoutsign\!ticklength
- \ifdim \!dimenA>\!offset
- \!offset=\!dimenA
- \fi}
- \if!xswitch
- \!xpos=#1\relax
- \!ypos=\!axisylevel
- \else
- \!xpos=\!axisxlevel
- \!ypos=#1\relax
- \fi
- \advance\!xpos \!Xsave
- \advance\!ypos \!Ysave
- \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!boxA\kern-\!xpos
- \ignorespaces}
-\def\!gettickvaluefrom#1 #2 /{%
- \edef\!value{#1}%
- \edef\!tickvalueslist{#2 /}%
- \ifx \!tickvalueslist\!endtickvaluelist
- \!tickcase=0
- \fi}
-\def\!endtickvaluelist{! /}
- \!ticktransform\!Loc\!t
- \!ticklocation=\!t\!!unit
- \advance\!ticklocation -\!!origin
- \!placetick\!ticklocation
- \ifcase\!tickcase
- \relax % Case 0: no labels
- \or % Case 1: numbered
- \ifdim\!ticklocation<-\!!origin
- \edef\!Loc{$\!Loc$}%
- \fi
- \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!Loc}}%
- \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
- \or % Case 2: labeled
- \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
- \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
- \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
- \fi}
- \!ifnextchar{-}{\!!separate}{\!!!separate}#1\!nil}
- \def\!sign{-}%
- \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
- \def\!sign{+}%
- \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
- \def\!arg{#1}%
- \ifx\!arg\!empty
- \!countA=0
- \else
- \!countA=\!arg
- \fi
- \def\!arg{#2}%
- \ifx\!arg\!empty
- \!countB=0
- \else
- \!countB=\!arg
- \fi}
- \if #1/%
- \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
- \else
- \multiply\!scalefactor 10
- \def\!next{\!countfigures}%
- \fi
- \!next}
- \expandafter\!separate#1\!nil
- \multiply\!countA #2\relax
- \advance\!countA \!countB
- \if -\!sign
- \!countA=-\!countA
- \fi
- #3=\!countA
- \ignorespaces}
- \!countA=#1\relax% ** get original #
- \ifnum \!countA<0 % ** take abs value,
- \def\!sign{-}% ** remember sign
- \!countA=-\!countA
- \else
- \def\!sign{}%
- \fi
- \!countB=\!countA% ** copy |#|
- \divide\!countB #2\relax% ** integer part (|#|/sf)
- \!countC=\!countB% ** get sf * (|#|/sf)
- \multiply\!countC #2\relax
- \advance \!countA -\!countC% ** ctA is now remainder
- \edef#3{\!sign\the\!countB.}% ** +- integerpart.
- \!countC=\!countA % ** Tack on proper number
- \ifnum\!countC=0 % ** of zeros after .
- \!countC=1
- \fi
- \multiply\!countC 10
- \!loop \ifnum #2>\!countC
- \edef#3{#3\!zero}%
- \multiply\!countC 10
- \repeat
- \edef#3{#3\the\!countA}% ** Add on rest of remainder
- \ignorespaces}
- \advance\!offset \tickstovaluesleading
- \if!xswitch
- \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
- \def\\##1##2{%
- \!dimenput {##2} [B] (##1,\!axisylevel)}%
- \beginpicture
- \!LTlist
- \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
- \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
- \advance\!dimenA -\!Ysave
- \advance\!dimenA \!tickysign\!offset
- \if -\!tickysign
- \advance\!dimenA -\ht\!boxA
- \else
- \advance\!dimenA \dp\!boxA
- \fi
- \advance\!offset \ht\!boxA
- \advance\!offset \dp\!boxA
- \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!zpt,\!dimenA)
- \else
- \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
- \def\\##1##2{%
- \!dimenput {##2} [r] (\!axisxlevel,##1)}%
- \beginpicture
- \!LTlist
- \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
- \!dimenA=\!axisxlevel
- \advance\!dimenA -\!Xsave
- \advance\!dimenA \!tickxsign\!offset
- \if -\!tickxsign
- \advance\!dimenA -\wd\!boxA
- \fi
- \advance\!offset \wd\!boxA
- \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!dimenA,\!zpt)
- \fi}
-\catcode`!=12 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
+% G"andertes PiCTeX.TEX mit weniger Dimensionsregistern %
+% von Andreas Schrell, ohne Gew"ahr!!!!!!!
+% Version 0.0 vom 31.03.1994
+% This is PiCTeXWD, Version 1.1 9/21/87
+% CAVEAT: The PiCTeX manual often has a more lucid explanation
+% of any given topic than you will find in the internal documentation
+% of the macros.
+% PiCTeX's commands can be classified into two groups: (1) public (or
+% external), and (2) private (or internal). The public macros are
+% discussed at length in the manual. The only discussion of the private
+% macros is the internal documentation. The private macros all have
+% names beginning with an exclamation point (!) of category code 11.
+% Since in normal usage "!" has category code 12, these macros can't
+% be accessed or modified by the general user.
+% The macros are organized into thematically related groups. For example,
+% the macros dealing with dots & dashes are all in the DASHPATTERN group.
+% The table below shows which macros are in which groups. The table
+% covers all public macros, and many (but not all) of PiCTeX's upper level
+% private macros. Following the table, the various groups are listed
+% in the order in which they appear in the table.
+% *********************** TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS **********************
+% HACKS: Utility macros
+% \PiC
+% \PiCTeX
+% \placevalueinpts
+% \!!loop
+% \!cfor
+% \!copylist
+% \!ecfor
+% \!etfor
+% \!getnext
+% \!getnextvalueof
+% \!ifempty
+% \!ifnextchar
+% \!leftappend
+% \!listaddon
+% \!loop
+% \!lop
+% \!mlap
+% \!not
+% \!removept
+% \!rightappend
+% \!tfor
+% \!vmlap
+% \!wlet
+% ALLOCATION: Allocates registers
+% AREAS: Deals with plot areas
+% \axis
+% \grid
+% \invisibleaxes
+% \normalgraphs
+% \plotheading
+% \setplotarea
+% \visibleaxes
+% ARROWS: Draws arrows
+% \arrow
+% \betweenarrows
+% BARS: Draws bars
+% \putbar
+% \setbars
+% BOXES: Draws rectangles
+% \frame
+% \putrectangle
+% \rectangle
+% \shaderectangleson
+% \shaderectanglesoff
+% CURVES: Upper level plot commands
+% \hshade
+% \plot
+% \sethistograms
+% \setlinear
+% \setquadratic
+% \vshade
+% DASHPATTERNS: Sets up dash patterns
+% \findlength
+% \setdashes
+% \setdashesnear
+% \setdashpattern
+% \setdots
+% \setdotsnear
+% \setsolid
+% \!dashingoff
+% \!dashingon
+% DIVISION: Does long division of dimension registers
+% \Divide
+% \!divide
+% ELLIPSES: Draws ellipses and circles
+% \circulararc
+% \ellipticalarc
+% RULES: Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines
+% \putrule
+% \!putdashedhline
+% \!putdashedvline
+% \!puthline
+% \!putsolidhline
+% \!putsolidvline
+% \!putvline
+% LINEAR ARC: Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed
+% \inboundscheckoff
+% \inboundscheckon
+% \!advancedashing
+% \!drawlinearsegment
+% \!initinboundscheck
+% \!linearsolid
+% \!lineardashed
+% \!ljoin
+% \!plotifinbounds
+% \!start
+% LOGTEN: Log_10 function
+% \!logten
+% PICTURES: Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands
+% \accountingoff
+% \accountingon
+% \beginpicture
+% \endpicture
+% \endpicturesave
+% \lines
+% \multiput
+% \put
+% \setcoordinatemode
+% \setcoordinatesystem
+% \setdimensionmode
+% \stack
+% \Lines
+% \Xdistance
+% \Ydistance
+% \!dimenput
+% \!ifcoordmode
+% \!ifdimenmode
+% \!setcoordmode
+% \!setdimenmode
+% \!setputobject
+% PLOTTING: Things to do with plotting
+% \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% \replot
+% \savelinesandcurves
+% \setplotsymbol
+% \writesavefile
+% \!plot
+% PYTHAGORAS: Euclidean distance function
+% \placehypotenuse
+% \!Pythag
+% QUADRATIC ARC: Draws a quadratic arc
+% \!qjoin
+% ROTATIONS: Handles rotations
+% \startrotation
+% \stoprotation
+% \!rotateaboutpivot
+% \!rotateonly
+% SHADING: Handles shading
+% \setshadegrid
+% \setshadesymbol
+% \!lshade
+% \!qshade
+% \!starthshade
+% \!startvshade
+% TICKS: Draws ticks on graphs
+% \gridlines
+% \loggedticks
+% \nogridlines
+% \ticksin
+% \ticksout
+% \unloggesticks
+% ***************** END OF TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS ********************
+\catcode`!=11 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
+% *******************************
+% *** HACKS (Utility macros) ***
+% *******************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC}
+% ** \PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX}
+% ** \placevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
+% ** Internal commands
+% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
+% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
+% ** \!copylist\LISTMACRO_A\to\LISTMACRO_B
+% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
+% ** \!loop ... repeat
+% ** \!!loop ... repeat
+% ** \!mlap{...}
+% ** \!vmlap{...}
+% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
+% ** First, here are the the PiCTeX logo, and the syllable PiC:
+% ** The following macro expands to parameter #2 or parameter #3 according to
+% ** whether the next non-blank character following the macro is or is not #1.
+% ** Blanks following the macro are gobbled.
+ \let\!testchar=#1%
+ \def\!first{#2}%
+ \def\!second{#3}%
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
+ \ifx \!nextchar \!spacetoken
+ \let\!next=\!skipspacetestagain
+ \else
+ \ifx \!nextchar \!testchar
+ \let\!next=\!first
+ \else
+ \let\!next=\!second
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \expandafter\def\\ {\futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
+\def\\{\let\!spacetoken= } \\ % ** set \spacetoken to a space token
+% ** Borrow the "tfor" macro from Latex:
+% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** if, before expansion, LIST = T1 ... Tn, where each Ti is a token
+% ** or {...}, then executes BODY n times, with NAME = Ti on the
+% ** i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
+ \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
+ \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
+ \else
+ \!tforloop#2\!nil\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \ifx #3\!nnil
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
+ \else
+ #4\relax
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!tforloop
+ \fi
+ \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
+% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
+% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form T1 ... Tn
+ \def\!!tfor{\!tfor#1:=}%
+ \edef\!!!tfor{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!!tfor\!!!tfor\do{#3}}
+% ** modify the Latex \tfor (token-for) loop to a \cfor (comma-for) loop.
+% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** if, before expansion, LIST = a1,a2,, then executes BODY n times,
+% ** with NAME = ai on the i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
+ \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
+ \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
+ \else
+ \!cforloop#2,\!nil,\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \ifx #3\!nnil
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
+ \else
+ #4\relax
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!cforloop
+ \fi
+ \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
+% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
+% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form a1,a2,...,an.
+ \def\!!cfor{\!cfor#1:=}%
+ \edef\!!!cfor{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!!cfor\!!!cfor\do{#3}}
+ \edef\!emptyarg{#1}%
+ \ifx\!emptyarg\!empty
+ #2%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
+% ** \LIST has the form \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}
+% ** This routine sets \ITEM to item1, and cycles \LIST to
+% ** \\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}\\{item1}
+ \expandafter\!gnext#2\!#1#2}%
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
+% ** Similar to !getnext.
+% ** \LIST has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}\\{dimen3} ...
+% ** \DIMEN is a dimension register
+% ** Works also for counts
+ \expandafter\!gnextv#2\!#1#2}%
+ #3=#1%
+ \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!copylist\LISTMACROA\to\LISTMACROB
+% ** makes the replacement text of LISTMACRO B identical to that of
+% ** list macro A.
+ \expandafter\!!copylist#1\!#2}
+ \def#2{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!wlet\CSA=\CSB
+% ** lets control sequence \CSB = control sequence \CSA, and writes a
+% ** message to that effect in the log file using plain TEK's \wlog
+ \let#1=#2
+ \wlog{\string#1=\string#2}}
+% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
+% ** LIST <-- LIST \\ ITEM
+ \expandafter\!!listaddon#2\!{#1}#2}
+ \def#3{#1\\#2}}
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
+% ** \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3} ... --> \\{item2}\\{item3} ...
+% ** item1 --> \ITEM
+% ** \!placeNUMBER\of\LISTMACRO\in\ITEM
+% ** the NUMBERth item of \LISTMACRO --> replacement text of \ITEM
+%{\count0=#1\def\\##1{\advance\count0-1 \ifnum\count0=0 \gdef#3{##1}\fi}#2}}
+% ** Following code converts a commalist to a list macro, with all items
+% ** fully expanded.
+% ** \!loop ... repeat
+% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
+% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
+% ** \!!loop ... repeat
+% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
+% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
+% (\multiput uses \!!loop)
+% ** \!removept{DIMENREG}{\CS}
+% ** Defines the control sequence CS to be the value (in points) in the
+% ** dimension register DIMENREG (but without the "pt" TEK usually adds)
+% ** E.g., after \dimen0=12.3pt \!removept\dimen0\A, \A expands to 12.3
+{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\!!removePT#1pt{#1}}
+% ** \pladevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
+\def\placevalueinpts of <#1> in #2 {%
+ \!removept{#1}{#2}}
+% ** \!mlap{...} \!vmlap{...}
+% ** Center ... in a box of width 0.
+\def\!mlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
+\def\!vmlap#1{\vbox to 0pt{\vss#1\vss}}
+% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
+% ** By a TEK if-CONDITION is meant something like
+% ** \ifnum\N<0, or \ifdim\A>\B
+% ** \!not produces an if-condition which is false if the original condition
+% ** is true, and true if the original condition is false.
+ #1\relax
+ \!switchfalse
+ \else
+ \!switchtrue
+ \fi
+ \if!switch
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *******************
+% *** ALLOCATIONS ***
+% *******************
+% This section allocates all the registers PiCTeX uses. Following
+% each allocation is a string of the form ....N.D...L......... ;
+% the various letters show which sections of PiCTeX make explicit
+% reference to that register, according to the following code:
+% H Hacks
+% A Areas
+% W arroWs
+% B Bars
+% X boXes
+% C Curves
+% D Dashpattterns
+% V diVision
+% E Ellipses
+% U rUles
+% L Linear arc
+% G loGten
+% P Pictures
+% O plOtting
+% Y pYthagoras
+% Q Quadratic arc
+% R Rotations
+% S Shading
+% T Ticks
+% Turn off messages from TeX's allocation macros
+\let\!!!wlog=\wlog % "\wlog" is defined in plain TeX
+\newskip\headingtoplotskip %.A................. %-as-%
+\newskip\linethickness %.A..X....U........T
+\newskip\longticklength %.A................T %-as-%
+\newskip\plotsymbolspacing %......D...L....Q...
+\newskip\shortticklength %.A................T %-as-%
+\newskip\stackleading %.A..........P...... %-as-%
+\newskip\tickstovaluesleading %.A................T %-as-%
+\newskip\totalarclength %......D...L....Q...
+\newskip\valuestolabelleading %.A................. %-as-%
+\newbox\!boxA %.AW...............T
+\newbox\!boxB %..W................
+\newbox\!picbox %............P......
+\newbox\!plotsymbol %..........L..O.....
+\newbox\!putobject %............PO...S.
+\newbox\!shadesymbol %.................S.
+\newcount\!countA %.A....D..UL....Q.ST
+\newcount\!countB %......D..U.....Q.ST
+\newcount\!countC %...............Q..T
+\newcount\!countD %...................
+\newcount\!countE %.............O....T
+\newcount\!countF %.............O....T
+\newcount\!countG %..................T
+\newcount\!fiftypt %.........U.........
+\newcount\!intervalno %..........L....Q...
+\newcount\!npoints %..........L........
+\newcount\!nsegments %.........U.........
+\newcount\!ntemp %............P......
+\newcount\!parity %.................S.
+\newcount\!scalefactor %..................T
+\newcount\!tickcase %..................T
+\newskip\!Xleft %............P......
+\newskip\!Xright %............P......
+\newskip\!Xsave %.A................T
+\newskip\!Ybot %............P......
+\newskip\!Ysave %.A................T
+\newskip\!Ytop %............P......
+\newskip\!angle %........E..........
+\newskip\!arclength %..W......UL....Q...
+\newskip\!areabloc %.A........L........
+\newskip\!arealloc %.A........L........
+\newskip\!arearloc %.A........L........
+\newskip\!areatloc %.A........L........
+\newskip\!bshrinkage %.................S.
+\newskip\!checkbot %..........L........
+\newskip\!checkleft %..........L........
+\newskip\!checkright %..........L........
+\newskip\!checktop %..........L........
+\newdimen\!dimenA %.AW.X.DVEUL..OYQRST
+\newdimen\!dimenB %....X.DVEU...O.QRS.
+\newdimen\!dimenC %..W.X.DVEU......RS.
+\newdimen\!dimenD %..W.X.DVEU....Y.RS.
+\newdimen\!dimenE %..W........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenF %...........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenG %...........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenH %...........G..Y..S.
+\newdimen\!dimenI %...BX.........Y....
+\newdimen\!distacross %..........L....Q...
+\newdimen\!downlength %..........L........
+\newdimen\!dp %.A..X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!dshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!dxpos %..W......U..P....S.
+\newdimen\!dxprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!dypos %..WB.....U..P......
+\newdimen\!dyprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!ht %.A..X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!leaderlength %......D..U.........
+\newdimen\!lshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!midarclength %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!offset %.A................T
+\newdimen\!plotheadingoffset %.A.................
+\newdimen\!plotsymbolxshift %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotsymbolyshift %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotxorigin %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotyorigin %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!rshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!shadesymbolxshift %.................S.
+\newdimen\!shadesymbolyshift %.................S.
+\newdimen\!tshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!uplength %..........L........
+\newdimen\!wd %....X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!xB %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xC %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xE %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xM %..W.....E......Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xS %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xaxislength %.A................T
+\newdimen\!xdiff %..........L........
+\newdimen\!xleft %............P......
+\newdimen\!xloc %..WB.....U.......S.
+\newdimen\!xorigin %.A........L.P....S.
+\newdimen\!xpivot %................R..
+\newdimen\!xpos %..........L.P..Q.ST
+\newdimen\!xprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xright %............P......
+\newdimen\!xshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!xshift %..W.........PO...S.
+\newdimen\!xtemp %............P......
+\newdimen\!xunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
+\newdimen\!xxE %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxM %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxS %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxloc %..WB....EU.........
+\newdimen\!yB %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yC %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yE %..W.....E.L....Q...
+\newdimen\!yM %..W.....E......Q...
+\newdimen\!yS %..W.....E.L....Q...
+\newdimen\!yaxislength %.A................T
+\newdimen\!ybot %............P......
+\newdimen\!ydiff %..........L........
+\newdimen\!yloc %..WB.....U.......S.
+\newdimen\!yorigin %.A........L.P....S.
+\newdimen\!ypivot %................R..
+\newdimen\!ypos %..........L.P..Q.ST
+\newdimen\!yprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!yshift %..W.........PO...S.
+\newdimen\!ytemp %............P......
+\newdimen\!ytop %............P......
+\newdimen\!yunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
+\newdimen\!yyE %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyM %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyS %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyloc %..WB....EU.........
+\newif\if!axisvisible %.A.................
+\newif\if!gridlinestoo %..................T
+\newif\if!keepPO %...................
+\newif\if!placeaxislabel %.A.................
+\newif\if!switch %H..................
+\newif\if!xswitch %.A................T
+\newtoks\!axisLaBeL %.A.................
+\newtoks\!keywordtoks %.A.................
+\newwrite\!replotfile %.............O.....
+\newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
+Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
+should have been specified.} %.A.................
+% The following commands assign alternate names to some of the
+% above registers. "\!wlet" is defined in Hacks.
+\!wlet\!!origin=\!xM %.A................T
+\!wlet\!!unit=\!uplength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!Lresiduallength=\!dimenG %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!Rresiduallength=\!dimenF %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!axisLength=\!distacross %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisend=\!ydiff %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisstart=\!xdiff %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisxlevel=\!arclength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisylevel=\!downlength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!beta=\!dimenE %...............Q...
+\!wlet\!gamma=\!dimenF %...............Q...
+\!wlet\!shadexorigin=\!plotxorigin %.................S.
+\!wlet\!shadeyorigin=\!plotyorigin %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ticklength=\!xS %..................T
+\!wlet\!ticklocation=\!xE %..................T
+\!wlet\!ticklocationincr=\!yE %..................T
+\!wlet\!tickwidth=\!yS %..................T
+\!wlet\!totalleaderlength=\!dimenE %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!xone=\!xprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!xtwo=\!dxprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!ySsave=\!yM %...................
+\!wlet\!ybB=\!yB %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybC=\!yC %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybE=\!yE %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybM=\!yM %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybS=\!yS %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybpos=\!yyloc %.................S.
+\!wlet\!yone=\!yprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!ytB=\!xB %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytC=\!xC %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytE=\!downlength %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytM=\!arclength %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytS=\!distacross %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytpos=\!xxloc %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytwo=\!dyprime %....X..............
+% Initial values for registers
+\def\!zpt{0pt} % static
+\def\!tfs{256} % static
+\def\!wmax{5.3pt} % static
+\def\!wmin{2.7pt} % static
+ \!dimenA=50pt \def\!fiftypt{\the\!dimenA} % static
+\def\!rootten{3.162278pt} % static
+\def\!tenAa{8.690286pt} % static (A5)
+\def\!tenAc{2.773839pt} % static (A3)
+\def\!tenAe{2.543275pt} % static (A1)
+% Initial values for control sequences
+\def\!cosrotationangle{1} %................R..
+\def\!sinrotationangle{0} %................R..
+\def\!xpivotcoord{0} %................R..
+\def\!xref{0} %............P......
+\def\!xshadesave{0} %.................S.
+\def\!ypivotcoord{0} %................R..
+\def\!yref{0} %............P......
+\def\!yshadesave{0} %.................S.
+\def\!zero{0} %..................T
+% Reset TeX to report allocations
+% *************************************
+% *** AREAS: Deals with plot areas ***
+% *************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
+% ** to TOP YCOORD
+% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
+% ** \visibleaxes
+% ** \invisibleaxes
+% ** \plotheading {HEADING}
+% ** \grid {# of columns} {# of rows}
+% ** \normalgraphs
+% ** \normalgraphs
+% ** Sets defaults for graph setup. See Subsection 3.4 of manual.
+ \longticklength=.4\baselineskip
+ \shortticklength=.25\baselineskip
+ \tickstovaluesleading=.25\baselineskip
+ \valuestolabelleading=.8\baselineskip
+ \linethickness=.4pt
+ \stackleading=.17\baselineskip
+ \headingtoplotskip=1.5\baselineskip
+ \visibleaxes
+ \ticksout
+ \nogridlines
+ \unloggedticks}
+% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
+% ** to TOP YCOORD
+% ** Reserves space in PICBOX for a rectangular box with the indicated
+% ** coordinates. Must be specified before calls to \axis,
+% ** \grid, \plotheading.
+% ** See Subsection 3.1 of the manual.
+\def\setplotarea x from #1 to #2, y from #3 to #4 {%
+ \!arealloc=\!M{#1}\!xunit \advance \!arealloc -\!xorigin
+ \!areabloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \advance \!areabloc -\!yorigin
+ \!arearloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \advance \!arearloc -\!xorigin
+ \!areatloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \advance \!areatloc -\!yorigin
+ \!initinboundscheck
+ \!xaxislength=\!arearloc \advance\!xaxislength -\!arealloc
+ \!yaxislength=\!areatloc \advance\!yaxislength -\!areabloc
+ \!plotheadingoffset=\!zpt
+ \!dimenput {{\setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=\!xaxislength\ht0=\!yaxislength\box0}}
+ [bl] (\!arealloc,\!areabloc)}
+% ** \visibleaxes, \invisibleaxes
+% ** Switches for setting visibility of subsequent axes.
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
+ \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisibletrue}}
+ \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisiblefalse}}
+% ** The next few macros enable the user to fix up an erroneous keyword
+% ** in the \axis command.
+% \newhelp is in ALLOCATIONS
+% \newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
+% Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
+% should have been specified.}
+ \errhelp=\!keywordhelp
+ \errmessage{Unrecognized keyword `#1': \the\!keywordtoks{NEW KEYWORD}'}}
+% \newtoks\!keywordtoks In ALLOCATIONS.
+\!keywordtoks={enter `i\fixkeyword}
+ \!nextkeyword#1 }
+% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
+% ** Exactly one of the keywords BOTTOM, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT must be
+% ** specified. Axis is drawn along the indicated edge of the current
+% ** plot area, shifted if the SHIFTEDTO option is used, visible or
+% ** invisible according the selected option, with an optional LABEL,
+% ** and optional TICKS (see ticks.tex for the options avialabel with
+% ** TICKS). The TICKS option must be the last one specified. The \axis
+% ** MUST be terminated with a / followed by a space.
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for more information.
+% ** The various options of the \axis command are processed by the
+% ** \!nextkeyword macro defined below. For example,
+% ** `\!nextkeyword shiftedto ' expands to `\!axisshiftedto'.
+\def\axis {%
+ \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname !axis##1\endcsname \relax
+ \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\csname !axis##1\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}%
+ \!offset=\!zpt
+ \!axisvisibility
+ \!placeaxislabelfalse
+ \!nextkeyword}
+% ** This and the various macros that follow handle the keyword
+% ** specifications on the \axis command
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
+ \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{0}%
+ \def\!tickysign{-}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{t}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisylevel=\!areatloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{0}%
+ \def\!tickysign{+}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{b}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{-}%
+ \def\!tickysign{0}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{r}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arearloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{+}%
+ \def\!tickysign{0}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{l}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!axisshiftedto#1=#2 {%
+ \if 0\!tickxsign
+ \!axisylevel=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \advance\!axisylevel -\!yorigin
+ \else
+ \!axisxlevel=\!M{#2}\!xunit
+ \advance\!axisxlevel -\!xorigin
+ \fi
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisvisibletrue
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisvisiblefalse
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!axislabel#1 {%
+ \!axisLaBeL={#1}%
+ \!placeaxislabeltrue
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\expandafter\def\csname !axis/\endcsname{%
+ \!axissetup % This could done already by "ticks"; if so, now \relax
+ \if!placeaxislabel
+ \!placeaxislabel
+ \fi
+ \if +\!tickysign % ** (A "top" axis)
+ \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
+ \advance\!dimenA \!offset % ** dimA = top of the axis structure
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!areatloc % ** dimA = excess over the plot area
+ \ifdim \!dimenA>\!plotheadingoffset
+ \!plotheadingoffset=\!dimenA % ** Greatest excess over the plot area
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% ** \grid {c} {r}
+% ** Partitions the plot area into c columns and r rows; see Subsection 3.3
+% ** of the manual.
+% ** (Other grid patterns can be drawn with the TICKS option of the \axis
+% ** command.
+\def\grid #1 #2 {%
+ \!countA=#1\advance\!countA 1
+ \axis bottom invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} /
+ \!countA=#2\advance\!countA 1
+ \axis left invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} / }
+% ** \plotheading{HEADING}
+% ** Places HEADING centered above the top of the plotarea (and above
+% ** any top axis ticks marks, tick labels, and axis label); see
+% ** Subsection 3.3 of the manual.
+\def\plotheading#1 {%
+ \advance\!plotheadingoffset \headingtoplotskip
+ \!dimenput {#1} [B] <.5\!xaxislength,\!plotheadingoffset>
+ (\!arealloc,\!areatloc)}
+% ** From here on, the routines are internal.
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
+ \!axisstart=\!arealloc
+ \!axisend=\!arearloc
+ \!axisLength=\!xaxislength
+ \!!origin=\!xorigin
+ \!!unit=\!xunit
+ \!xswitchtrue
+ \if!axisvisible
+ \!makeaxis
+ \fi}
+ \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
+ \!axisstart=\!areabloc
+ \!axisend=\!areatloc
+ \!axisLength=\!yaxislength
+ \!!origin=\!yorigin
+ \!!unit=\!yunit
+ \!xswitchfalse
+ \if!axisvisible
+ \!makeaxis
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{% (Make a pseudo-y[x] tick for an x[y]-axis)
+ \beginpicture
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {\!tickysign\!tickysign\!axisLength}
+ {\!tickxsign\!tickxsign\!axisLength}
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \wd\!boxA=\!zpt
+ \!placetick\!axisstart}
+ \advance\!offset \valuestolabelleading
+ \if!xswitch
+ \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
+ <.5\!axisLength,\!tickysign\!offset> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
+ \advance\!offset \!dp % ** advance offset by the "tallness"
+ \advance\!offset \!ht % ** of the label
+ \else
+ \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
+ <\!tickxsign\!offset,.5\!axisLength> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
+ \fi
+ \!axisLaBeL={}}
+% *******************************
+% *** ARROWS (Draws arrows) ***
+% *******************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
+% ** Draws an arrow from (XFROM,YFROM) to (XTO,YTO). The arrow head
+% ** is constructed two quadratic arcs, which extend back a distance
+% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH (a dimension) on both sides of the arrow shaft.
+% ** All the way back the arcs are a distance BASE FRACTION*ARROW HEAD
+% ** LENGTH apart, while half-way back they are a distance MID FRACTION*
+% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH apart. <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> is optional, and has
+% ** its usual interpreation. See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
+\def\arrow <#1> [#2,#3]{%
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
+\def\!arrow#1#2#3<#4,#5> from #6 #7 to #8 #9 {%
+% ** convert to dimensions
+ \!xloc=\!M{#8}\!xunit
+ \!yloc=\!M{#9}\!yunit
+ \!dxpos=\!xloc \!dimenA=\!M{#6}\!xunit \advance \!dxpos -\!dimenA
+ \!dypos=\!yloc \!dimenA=\!M{#7}\!yunit \advance \!dypos -\!dimenA
+ \let\!MAH=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
+ \!xshift=#4\relax \!yshift=#5\relax% ** pick up shift
+ \!reverserotateonly\!xshift\!yshift% ** back rotate shift
+ \advance\!xshift\!xloc \advance\!yshift\!yloc
+% ** draw shaft of arrow
+ \!xS=-\!dxpos \advance\!xS\!xshift
+ \!yS=-\!dypos \advance\!yS\!yshift
+ \!start (\!xS,\!yS)
+ \!ljoin (\!xshift,\!yshift)
+% ** find 32*cosine and 32*sine of angle of rotation
+ \!Pythag\!dxpos\!dypos\!arclength
+ \!divide\!dxpos\!arclength\!dxpos
+ \!dxpos=32\!dxpos \!removept\!dxpos\!!cos
+ \!divide\!dypos\!arclength\!dypos
+ \!dypos=32\!dypos \!removept\!dypos\!!sin
+% ** construct arrowhead
+ \!halfhead{#1}{#2}{#3}% ** draw half of arrow head
+ \!halfhead{#1}{-#2}{-#3}% ** draw other half
+ \let\!M=\!MAH% ** restore old c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** draw half of arrow head
+ \def\!halfhead#1#2#3{%
+ \!dimenC=-#1%
+ \divide \!dimenC 2 % ** half way back
+ \!dimenD=#2\!dimenC% ** half the mid width
+ \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xM,\!yM)
+ \!dimenC=-#1% ** all the way back
+ \!dimenD=#3\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=.5\!dimenD% ** half the full width
+ \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xE,\!yE)
+ \!start (\!xshift,\!yshift)
+ \advance\!xM\!xshift \advance\!yM\!yshift
+ \advance\!xE\!xshift \advance\!yE\!yshift
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
+% ** Makes things like <--- text --->, using arrow heads from TeX's fonts.
+% ** See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
+\def\betweenarrows #1#2 from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \advance\!xloc .5\!dxpos
+ \advance\!yloc .5\!dypos
+ \let\!MBA=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
+ \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
+ \ifdim\!dxpos<\!zpt \!dxpos=-\!dxpos \fi
+ \put {\!lrarrows{\!dxpos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
+ \ifdim\!dypos<\!zpt \!dypos=-\!zpt \fi
+ \put {\!udarrows{\!dypos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\!M=\!MBA% ** restore previous c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Subroutine for left-right between arrows
+\def\!lrarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ {\setbox\!boxA=\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}%
+ \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{$\leftarrow$}\!dimenE=\ht\!boxB
+ \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{}\ht\!boxB=2\!dimenE
+ \hbox to #1{$\mathord\leftarrow\mkern-6mu
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord-$%
+ \kern.4em $\vcenter{\box\!boxB}$$\vcenter{\hbox{#2}}$\kern.4em
+ $\mathord-\mkern-6mu
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord\rightarrow$}}}
+% ** Subroutine for up-down between arrows
+\def\!udarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ {\setbox\!boxB=\hbox{#2}%
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\vert$\hss}%
+ \!dimenE=\ht\!boxA \advance\!dimenE \dp\!boxA \divide\!dimenE 2
+ \vbox to #1{\offinterlineskip
+ \vskip .05556\!dimenE
+ \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\uparrow$\hss}\vskip-\!dimenE
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
+ \vskip-\!dimenE\copy\!boxA
+ \vskip\!dimenE\copy\!boxB\vskip.4em
+ \copy\!boxA\vskip-\!dimenE
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
+ \vskip-\!dimenE \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\downarrow$\hss}
+ \vskip .05556\!dimenE}}}
+% ***************************
+% *** BARS (Draws bars) ***
+% ***************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
+% ** to XEND YEND
+% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
+% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
+% ** to XEND YEND
+% ** Either XSTART=XEND or YSTART=YEND. Draws a rectangle between
+% ** (XSTART,YSTART) & (XEND,YEND). The "depth" of the rectangle
+% ** is determined by those two plot positions; its other
+% ** dimension "breadth" is specified by the dimension BREADTH.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+\def\putbar#1breadth <#2> from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \!dimenI=#2
+ \ifdim \!dimenI=\!zpt % ** If 0 breadth
+ \putrule#1from {#3} {#4} to {#5} {#6} % ** Then draw line
+ \else % ** Else, put in a rectangle
+ \let\!MBar=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode % ** go into dimension mode
+ \divide\!dimenI 2
+ \ifdim \!dypos=\!zpt
+ \advance \!yloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal y coordinates
+ \advance \!yyloc \!dimenI
+ \else
+ \advance \!xloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal x coordinates
+ \advance \!xxloc \!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \putrectangle#1corners at {\!xloc} {\!yloc} and {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \let\!M=\!MBar % ** restore c/d mode
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
+% ** This command puts PiCTeX into the bar graph drawing mode described
+% ** in Subsection 4.4 of the manual.
+\def\setbars#1breadth <#2> baseline at #3 = #4 {%
+ \edef\!barshift{#1}%
+ \edef\!barbreadth{#2}%
+ \edef\!barorientation{#3}%
+ \edef\!barbaseline{#4}%
+ \def\!bardobaselabel{\!bardoendlabel}%
+ \def\!bardoendlabel{\!barfinish}%
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!barcurve
+ \!setbars}
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!setbars}
+ \if b\!nextchar
+ \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarsbget}%
+ \else
+ \if e\!nextchar
+ \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarseget}%
+ \else
+ \def\!!!setbars{\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!!!setbars}
+\def\!setbarsbget baselabels (#1) {%
+ \def\!barbaselabelorientation{#1}%
+ \def\!bardobaselabel{\!!bardobaselabel}%
+ \!setbars}
+\def\!setbarseget endlabels (#1) {%
+ \edef\!barendlabelorientation{#1}%
+ \def\!bardoendlabel{\!!bardoendlabel}%
+ \!setbars}
+% ** \!barcurve
+% ** Draws a bargraph with preset values of barshift, barbreadth,
+% ** barorientation (x or y) and barbaseline (coordinate)
+\def\!barcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \if y\!barorientation
+ \def\!basexarg{#1}%
+ \def\!baseyarg{\!barbaseline}%
+ \else
+ \def\!basexarg{\!barbaseline}%
+ \def\!baseyarg{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\putbar\!barshift breadth <\!barbreadth> from {\!basexarg}
+ {\!baseyarg} to {#1} {#2}
+ \def\!endxarg{#1}%
+ \def\!endyarg{#2}%
+ \!bardobaselabel}
+\def\!!bardobaselabel "#1" {%
+ \put {#1}\!barbaselabelorientation{} at {\!basexarg} {\!baseyarg}
+ \!bardoendlabel}
+\def\!!bardoendlabel "#1" {%
+ \put {#1}\!barendlabelorientation{} at {\!endxarg} {\!endyarg}
+ \!barfinish}
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!barcurve}}
+% ********************************
+% *** BOXES (Draws rectangles) ***
+% ********************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** \shaderectangleson
+% ** \shaderectanglesoff
+% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
+% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
+% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Draws a rectangle with corners at (X1,Y1), (X2,Y1), (X1,Y2), (X2,Y2)
+% ** Lines have thickness \linethickness, and overlap at the corners.
+% ** The optional field <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> functions as with a \put command.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!putrectangle}{\!putrectangle<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
+\def\!putrectangle<#1,#2> corners at #3 #4 and #5 #6 {%
+% ** get locations
+ \!xone=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xtwo=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yone=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!ytwo=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \ifdim \!xtwo<\!xone
+ \!dimenI=\!xone \!xone=\!xtwo \!xtwo=\!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \ifdim \!ytwo<\!yone
+ \!dimenI=\!yone \!yone=\!ytwo \!ytwo=\!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \!dimenI=#1\relax \advance\!xone\!dimenI \advance\!xtwo\!dimenI
+ \!dimenI=#2\relax \advance\!yone\!dimenI \advance\!ytwo\!dimenI
+ \let\!MRect=\!M% ** save current coord/dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode
+% ** shade rectangle if appropriate
+ \!shaderectangle
+% ** draw horizontal edges
+ \!dimenI=.5\linethickness
+ \advance \!xone -\!dimenI% ** adjust x-location to overlap corners
+ \advance \!xtwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!yone}
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!ytwo} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
+% ** draw vertical edges
+ \advance \!xone \!dimenI% ** restore original x-values
+ \advance \!xtwo -\!dimenI%
+ \advance \!yone -\!dimenI% ** adjust y-location to overlap corners
+ \advance \!ytwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xone} {\!ytwo}
+ \putrule from {\!xtwo} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
+ \let\!M=\!MRect% ** restore coord/dimen mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \shaderectangleson
+% ** Subsequent rectangles will be shaded according to
+% ** the current shading pattern. Affects \putrectangle, \putbar,
+% ** \frame, \sethistograms, and \setbars. See Subsection 7.5 of the manual.
+ \def\!shaderectangle{\!!shaderectangle}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \shaderectanglesoff
+% ** Suppresses \shaderectangleson. The default.
+ \def\!shaderectangle{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following internal routine shades the current rectangle, when
+% ** \!shaderectangle = \!!shaderectangle .
+ \!dimenA=\!xtwo \advance \!dimenA -\!xone
+ \!dimenB=\!ytwo \advance \!dimenB -\!yone
+ \ifdim \!dimenA<\!dimenB
+ \!startvshade (\!xone,\!yone,\!ytwo)
+ \!lshade (\!xtwo,\!yone,\!ytwo)
+ \else
+ \!starthshade (\!yone,\!xone,\!xtwo)
+ \!lshade (\!ytwo,\!xone,\!xtwo)
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
+% ** Draws a frame of thickness linethickness about the box enclosing
+% ** TEXT; the frame is separated from the box by a distance of
+% ** SEPARATION. The result is an hbox with the same baseline as TEXT.
+% ** If <SEPARATION> is omitted, you get the effect of <0pt>.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!frame}{\!frame<\!zpt> }}
+\long\def\!frame<#1> #2{%
+ \beginpicture
+ \setcoordinatesystem units <1pt,1pt> point at 0 0
+ \put {#2} [Bl] at 0 0
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax
+ \!dimenB=\!wd \advance \!dimenB \!dimenA
+ \!dimenC=\!ht \advance \!dimenC \!dimenA
+ \!dimenD=\!dp \advance \!dimenD \!dimenA
+ \let\!MFr=\!M
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \putrectangle corners at {-\!dimenA} {-\!dimenD} and {\!dimenB} {\!dimenC}
+ \!setcoordmode
+ \let\!M=\!MFr
+ \endpicture
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
+% ** Constructs a rectangle of width WIDTH and heigth HEIGHT.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+\def\rectangle <#1> <#2> {%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=#1\ht0=#2\frame {\box0}}
+% *********************************************
+% *** CURVES (Upper level \plot commands) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \plot DATA /
+% ** \plot "FILE NAME"
+% ** \setquadratic
+% ** \setlinear
+% ** \sethistograms
+% ** \vshade ...
+% ** \hshade ...
+% \plot: multi-purpose command. Draws histograms, bar graphs, piecewise-linear
+% or piecewise quadratic curves, depending on the setting of \!drawcurve.
+% See Subsections 4.3-4.5, 5.1, 5.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar"{\!plotfromfile}{\!drawcurve}}
+ \expandafter\!drawcurve \input #1 /}
+% Command to set piecewise quadratic mode
+% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!qcurve
+ \let\!!Shade=\!!qShade
+ \let\!!!Shade=\!!!qShade}
+% Command to set piecewise linear mode
+% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!lcurve
+ \let\!!Shade=\!!lShade
+ \let\!!!Shade=\!!!lShade}
+% Command to set histogram mode
+% See Subsection 4.3 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!hcurve}
+% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise quadratic
+% interpolation mode
+\def\!qcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \!start (#1,#2)
+ \!Qjoin}
+\def\!Qjoin#1 #2 #3 #4 {%
+ \!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4) % \!qjoin is defined in QUADRATIC
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Qjoin}}
+% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise linear
+% interpolation mode
+\def\!lcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \!start (#1,#2)
+ \!Ljoin}
+\def\!Ljoin#1 #2 {%
+ \!ljoin (#1,#2) % \!ljoin is defined in LINEAR
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Ljoin}}
+% Command to cycle through list of coordinates in histogram mode
+\def\!hcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#2}%
+ \!hjoin}
+\def\!hjoin#1 #2 {%
+ \putrectangle corners at {\!hxS} {\!hyS} and {#1} {#2}
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!hjoin}}
+% \vshade: See Subsection 7.3 of the manual.
+\def\vshade #1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!startvshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% \hshade: See Subsection 7.4 of the manual.
+\def\hshade #1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!starthshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% Commands to cycle through coordinates and optional "edge effect"
+% fields while shading.
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!Shade}
+ \if <\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextShade{\!!Shade}%
+ \else
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextShade{\!finish}%
+ \else
+ \def\!nextShade{\!!!Shade}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!nextShade}
+\def\!!lShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 {%
+ \!lshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) % \!lshade is defined in SHADING
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!!lShade#1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!lshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!qShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 {%
+ \!qshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) (#5,#6,#7) % \!qshade is defined in SHADING
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!!qShade#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 {%
+ \!qshade (#1,#2,#3) (#4,#5,#6)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% ** Set default interpolation mode
+% ********************************************
+% *** DASHPATTERNS (Sets up dash patterns) ***
+% ********************************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
+% ** \setdots <INTRADOT_DISTANCE>
+% ** \setdotsnear <INTRADOT_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** \setdashes <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE>
+% ** \setdashesnear <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** \setsolid
+% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!dashingon
+% ** \!dashingoff
+% ** Dash patterns are specified by a balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form: DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,DIMEN4,... ; this produces
+% ** an arc of length DIMEN1, a skip of length DIMEN2, an arc of length
+% ** DIMEN3, a skip of length DIMEN4, ... . Any number of DIMEN values may
+% ** be given. The pattern is repeated as many times (perhaps fractional)
+% ** as necessary to draw the curve.
+% ** A dash pattern remains in effect until it is overridden by a call to
+% ** \setdashpattern, or to \setdots, \setdotsnear ... , \setdashes,
+% ** \setdashesnear ... , or \setsolid.
+% ** Solid lines are the default.
+% ** \def\setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
+% ** The following routine converts a balanced list of tokens whose
+% ** complete expansion has the form DIMEN1,DIMEN2, ... , DIMENk into
+% ** three list macros that are used in drawing dashed rules and curves:
+% ** !Flist: \!Rule{DIMEN1}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN4} ...
+% ** !Blist: ...\!Skip{DIMEN4}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN1}
+% ** !UDlist: \\{DIMEN1}\\{DIMEN2}\\{DIMEN3}\\{DIMEN4} ...;
+% ** calculates \!leaderlength := DIMEN1 + ... + DIMENk; and
+% ** sets the curve drawing routines to dash mode.
+% ** Those lists are used by the curve drawing routines.
+% ** Dimenj ... may be given as an explicit dimension (e.g., 5pt), or
+% ** as an expression involving a dimension register (e.g., -2.5\dimen0).
+% ** See Subsection 6.2 of the manual
+\def\setdashpattern <#1>{%
+ \def\!Flist{}\def\!Blist{}\def\!UDlist{}%
+ \!countA=0
+ \!ecfor\!item:=#1\do{%
+ \!dimenA=\!item\relax
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\\}\to\!UDlist%
+ \advance\!countA 1
+ \ifodd\!countA
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Flist%
+ \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Blist%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Flist%
+ \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Blist%
+ \fi}%
+ \!leaderlength=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
+ \!Flist%
+ \ifdim\!leaderlength>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \def\!Flist{\!Skip{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Skip{24in}}\ignorespaces
+ \def\!UDlist{\\{\!zpt}\\{24in}}\ignorespaces
+ \!leaderlength=24in
+ \fi
+ \!dashingon}
+% ** \!dashingon -- puts the curve drawing routines into dash mode
+% ** \!dashingoff -- puts the curve drawing routines into solid mode
+% ** These are internal commands, invoked by \setdashpattern and \setsolid
+ \def\!advancedashing{\!!advancedashing}%
+ \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!lineardashed}%
+ \def\!puthline{\!putdashedhline}%
+ \def\!putvline{\!putdashedvline}%
+% \def\!putsline{\!putdashedsline}%
+ \ignorespaces}%
+ \def\!advancedashing{\relax}%
+ \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!linearsolid}%
+ \def\!puthline{\!putsolidhline}%
+ \def\!putvline{\!putsolidvline}%
+% \def\!putsline{\!putsolidsline}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setdots <LENGTH> -- sets up a dot/skip pattern where dot (actually
+% ** the current plotsymbol) is plunked down once for every LENGTH
+% ** traveled along the curve. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
+% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setdots}{\!setdots<5pt>}}
+ \!dimenB=#1\advance\!dimenB -\plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifdim\!dimenB<\!zpt
+ \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \fi
+\setdashpattern <\plotsymbolspacing,\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setdotsnear <LENGTH> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** sets up a dot pattern where the dots are approximately LENGTH apart,
+% ** the total length of the pattern is ARC LENGTH, and the pattern
+% ** begins and ends with a dot. See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+\def\setdotsnear <#1> for <#2>{%
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -.05pt
+ \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
+ \divide \!countB \!countA
+ \ifnum 1>\!countB
+ \!countB=1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!dimenB \!countB
+ \setdots <\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setdashes <LENGTH> -- sets up a dash/skip pattern where the dash
+% ** and the skip are each of length LENGTH (the dash is formed by
+% ** plunking down the current plotsymbol over an arc of length LENGTH
+% ** and so may actually be longer than LENGTH. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
+% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setdashes}{\!setdashes<5pt>}}
+\def\!setdashes<#1>{\setdashpattern <#1,#1>}
+% ** \setdashesnear ...
+% ** Like \setdotsnear; the pattern begins and ends with a dash.
+% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+\def\setdashesnear <#1> for <#2>{%
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax
+ \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
+ \divide \!countB \!countA
+ \ifodd \!countB
+ \else
+ \advance \!countB 1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!dimenB \!countB
+ \setdashes <\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setsolid -- puts the curve drawing routines in "solid line" mode,
+% ** the default mode. See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \def\!Flist{\!Rule{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Rule{24in}}%
+ \def\!UDlist{\\{24in}\\{\!zpt}}%
+ \!dashingoff}
+% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
+% ** PiCTeX executes the \start, \ljoin, and \qjoin cmds comprising
+% ** CURVE CMDS without plotting anything, but stashes the length
+% ** of the phantom curve away in \totalarclength.
+% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+ \begingroup
+ \setdashpattern <0pt, \maxdimen>
+ \setplotsymbol ({})
+ \dontsavelinesandcurves
+ #1%
+ \endgroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *************************************************************
+% *** DIVISION (Does long division of dimension registers) ***
+% *************************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \Divide {DIVIDEND} by {DIVISOR} forming {RESULT}
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!divide DIVIDEND [by] DIVISOR [to get] ANSWER
+% ** Divides the dimension DIVIDEND by the dimension DIVISOR, placing the
+% ** quotient in the dimension register ANSWER. Values are understood to
+% ** be in points. E.g. 12.5pt/1.4pt=8.92857pt.
+% ** Quotient is accurate to 1/65536pt=2**[-16]pt
+% ** |DIVISOR| should be < 2048pt (about 28 inches).
+ \!dimenB=#1% ** dimB holds current remainder (r)
+ \!dimenC=#2% ** dimC holds divisor (d)
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
+ \divide \!dimenD \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA eventually holds answer (a)
+ \multiply\!dimenD \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
+ \advance\!dimenB -\!dimenD% ** First step complete. Have integer part
+% ** of a, and corresponding remainder.
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenC% ** Temporarily use dimD to hold |d|
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<\!zpt \!dimenD=-\!dimenD
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<64pt% ** Branch on the magnitude of |d|
+ \!divstep[\!tfs]\!divstep[\!tfs]%
+ \else
+ \!!divide
+ \fi
+ #3=\!dimenA\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following code handles divisors d with
+% ** (1) .88in = 64pt <= d < 256pt = 3.54in
+% ** (2) 3.54in = 256pt <= d < 2048pt = 28.34in
+% ** Anything bigger than that may result in an overflow condition.
+% ** For our purposes, we should never even see case (2).
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<256pt
+ \!divstep[64]\!divstep[32]\!divstep[32]%
+ \else
+ \!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]%
+ \!dimenA=2\!dimenA
+ \fi}
+% ** The following macro does the real long division work.
+\def\!divstep[#1]{% ** #1 = "B"
+ \!dimenB=#1\!dimenB% ** r <-- B*r
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
+ \divide \!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
+ \!dimenA=#1\!dimenA% ** a <-- B*a + q
+ \advance\!dimenA by \!dimenD%
+ \multiply\!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
+ \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenD}
+% ** \Divide: See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
+\def\Divide <#1> by <#2> forming <#3> {%
+ \!divide{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% *********************************************
+% *** ELLIPSES (Draws ellipses and circles) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** \circulararc DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{32*SIN}{32*COS}
+% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** Draws a elliptical arc starting at the coordinate point (XSTART,YSTART).
+% ** The center of the ellipse of which the arc is a segment is at
+% ** The arc extends through an angle of DEGREES degrees (may be + or -).
+% ** A:B is the ratio of the length of the xaxis to the length of
+% ** the yaxis of the ellipse
+% ** Sqrt{[(XSTART-XCENTER)/A]**2 + [(YSTART-YCENTER)/B]**2}
+% ** must be < 512pt (about 7in).
+% ** Doesn't modify the dimensions (ht, dp, wd) of the PiCture under
+% ** construction.
+% ** \circulararc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
+ \ellipticalarc axes ratio 1:1 }
+% ** \ellipticalarc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
+\def\ellipticalarc axes ratio #1:#2 #3 degrees from #4 #5 center at #6 #7 {%
+ \!angle=#3pt\relax% ** get angle
+ \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt
+ \def\!sign{}% ** counterclockwise
+ \else
+ \def\!sign{-}\!angle=-\!angle% ** clockwise
+ \fi
+ \!xxloc=\!M{#6}\!xunit% ** convert CENTER to dimension
+ \!yyloc=\!M{#7}\!yunit
+ \!xxS=\!M{#4}\!xunit% ** get STARTing point on rim of ellipse
+ \!yyS=\!M{#5}\!yunit
+ \advance\!xxS -\!xxloc% ** make center of ellipse (0,0)
+ \advance\!yyS -\!yyloc
+ \!divide\!xxS{#1pt}\!xxS % ** scale point on ellipse to point on
+ \!divide\!yyS{#2pt}\!yyS % corresponding circle
+ \let\!MC=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
+ \!xS=#1\!xxS \advance\!xS\!xxloc
+ \!yS=#2\!yyS \advance\!yS\!yyloc
+ \!start (\!xS,\!yS)%
+ \!loop\ifdim\!angle>14.9999pt% ** draw in major portion of ellipse
+ \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
+ \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
+ \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
+ \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \!xxS=\!xxE \!yyS=\!yyE
+ \advance \!angle -15pt
+ \repeat
+ \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt% ** complete remaining arc, if any
+ \!angle=100.53096\!angle% ** convert angle to radians, divide
+ \divide \!angle 360 % ** by 2, and multiply by 32
+ \!sinandcos\!angle\!!sin\!!cos% ** get 32*sin & 32*cos
+ \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
+ \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
+ \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
+ \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \fi
+ \let\!M=\!MC% ** restore c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}% ** if appropriate
+% ** \!rotate(XREG,YREG)by(32cos,32sin)to(XXREG,YYREG)
+% ** rotates (XREG,YREG) by angle with specfied scaled cos & sin to
+% ** (XXREG,YYREG). Uses \!dimenA & \!dimenB as scratch registers.
+ \!dimenA=#3#1\advance \!dimenA -#4#2% ** Rcos(x+t)=Rcosx*cost - Rsinx*sint
+ \!dimenB=#3#2\advance \!dimenB #4#1% ** Rsin(x+t)=Rsinx*cost + Rcosx*sint
+ \divide \!dimenA 32 \divide \!dimenB 32
+ #5=\!dimenA #6=\!dimenB
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!sin{4.17684}% ** 32*sin(pi/24) (pi/24=7.5deg)
+\def\!cos{31.72624}% ** 32*cos(pi/24)
+% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{\SINCS}{\COSCS}
+% ** Computes the 32*sine and 32*cosine of a small ANGLE expressed in
+% ** radians/32 and puts these values in the replacement texts of
+% ** \SINCS and \COSCS
+ \!dimenD=#1% ** angle is expressed in radians/32: 1pt = 1/32rad
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA will eventually contain 32sin(angle)in pts
+ \!dimenB=32pt% ** dimB will eventually contain 32cos(angle)in pts
+ \!removept\!dimenD\!value% ** get value of 32*angle, without "pt"
+ \!dimenC=\!dimenD% ** holds 32*angle**i/i! in pts
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 64 % ** now 32*angle**2/2
+ \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenC% ** 32-32*angle**2/2
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 96 % ** now 32*angle**3/3!
+ \advance\!dimenA by -\!dimenC% ** now 32*(angle-angle**3/6)
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 128 % ** now 32*angle**4/4!
+ \advance\!dimenB by \!dimenC%
+ \!removept\!dimenA#2% ** set 32*sin(angle)
+ \!removept\!dimenB#3% ** set 32*cos(angle)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *****************************************************************
+% *** RULES (Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines) ***
+% *****************************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!puthline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (h = horizontal)
+% ** Set by dashpat to either: \!putsolidhline or \!putdashedhline
+% ** \!putvline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (v = vertical)
+% ** Either: \!putsolidvline or \!putdashedvline
+% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Draws a rule -- dashed or solid depending on the current dash pattern --
+% ** from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). Uses TEK's \hrule & \vrule & \leaders
+% ** constructions to handle horizontal & vertical lines efficiently both
+% ** in terms of execution time and space in the DVI file.
+% ** See Subsection 4.1 of the manual.
+\def\putrule#1from #2 #3 to #4 #5 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#4}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#5}\!yunit%
+ \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
+ \def\!!Line{\!puthline{#1}}\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
+ \def\!!Line{\!putvline{#1}}\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \def\!!Line{}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\!ML=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
+ \!!Line%
+ \let\!M=\!ML% ** restore previous c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putsolidhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place horizontal solid line
+ \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
+ \put{\!hline\!dxpos}#1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \put{\!hline{-\!dxpos}}#1[l] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putsolidvline [shifted <XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place vertical solid line
+ \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
+ \put{\!vline\!dypos}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \put{\!vline{-\!dypos}}#1[b] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!hline#1{\hbox to #1{\leaders \hrule height\linethickness\hfill}}
+\def\!vline#1{\vbox to #1{\leaders \vrule width\linethickness\vfill}}
+% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place dashed horizontal line
+ \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
+ \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dxpos
+ \put{\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}\!hpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}
+ #1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dxpos}
+ \put{\!hpartialpattern\!Ltrunc\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}}
+ #1[r] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place dashed vertical line
+ \!dypos=-\!dypos% ** vertical leaders go from top to bottom
+ \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
+ \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dypos
+ \put{\vbox{\vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}
+ \!vpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}}#1[t] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dypos}
+ \put{\vbox{\!vpartialpattern\!Ltrunc
+ \vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}}}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The rest of the macros in this section are subroutines used by
+% ** \!putdashedhline and \!putdashedvline.
+\def\!DLsetup#1#2{% ** Dashed-Line set up
+ \let\!RSlist=#1% ** set !Rule-Skip list
+ \!countB=#2% ** convert rule length to integer (number of sps)
+ \!countA=\!leaderlength% ** ditto, leaderlength
+ \divide\!countB by \!countA% ** number of complete leader units
+ \!totalleaderlength=\!countB\!leaderlength
+ \!Rresiduallength=#2%
+ \advance \!Rresiduallength by -\!totalleaderlength% \** excess length
+ \!Lresiduallength=\!leaderlength
+ \advance \!Lresiduallength by -\!Rresiduallength
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\!Rule##1{\vrule height\linethickness width##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\hskip##1}%
+ \leaders\hbox{\!RSlist}\hfill}
+ \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\vrule height\linethickness width\!dimenD}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\hskip\!dimenD}%
+ \!RSlist}
+ \def\!Rule##1{\hrule width\linethickness height##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\vskip##1}%
+ \leaders\vbox{\!RSlist}\vfill}
+ \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\hrule width\linethickness height\!dimenD}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\vskip\!dimenD}%
+ \!RSlist}
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenB
+ \advance\!dimenB by #1%
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \ifdim\!dimenD#2#3\!dimenD=#3\fi
+ \!dimenC=\!dimenA \ifdim\!dimenC#2#3\!dimenC=#3\fi
+ \advance \!dimenD by -\!dimenC}
+% ****************************************************************
+% *** LINEAR ARC (Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed) ***
+% ****************************************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \inboundscheckoff
+% ** \inboundscheckon
+% ** Internal commands
+% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** \!drawlinearsegment -- set by \dashpat to either
+% ** \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
+% ** \!advancedashing -- set by \dashpat to either
+% ** \relax or \!!advancedashing
+% ** \!plotifinbounds -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
+% ** \!plot or \!!plotifinbounds
+% ** \!initinboundscheck -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
+% ** \relax or \!!initinboundscheck
+% \plotsymbolspacing ** distance between consecutive plot positions
+% \!xS ** starting x
+% \!yS ** starting y
+% \!xE ** ending x
+% \!yE ** ending y
+% \!xdiff ** x_end - x_start
+% \!ydiff ** y_end - y_start
+% \!distacross ** how far along curve next point to be plotted is
+% \!arclength ** approximate length of arc for current interval
+% \!downlength ** remaining length for "pen" to be down
+% \!uplength ** length for "pen" to be down
+% \!intervalno ** counts segments to curve
+% \totalarclength ** cumulative distance along curve
+% \!npoints ** approximately (arc length / plotsymbolspacing)
+% ** Calls -- \!Pythag, \!divide, \!plot
+% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** Sets initial point for linearly (or quadratically) interpolated curve
+\def\!start (#1,#2){%
+ \!plotxorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!plotxorigin by \!plotsymbolxshift
+ \!plotyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!plotyorigin by \!plotsymbolyshift
+ \!xS=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yS=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xS\!yS
+ \!copylist\!UDlist\to\!!UDlist% **\!UDlist has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}..
+% ** Routine will draw dashed line with pen
+% ** down for dimen1, up for dimen2, ...
+ \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
+ \!distacross=\!zpt% ** 1st point goes at start of curve
+ \!intervalno=0 % ** initialize interval counter
+ \global\totalarclength=\!zpt% ** initialize distance traveled along curve
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** Draws a straight line starting at the last point specified
+% ** by the most recent \!start, \!ljoin, or \!qjoin, and
+% ** ending at (XCOORD,YCOORD).
+\def\!ljoin (#1,#2){%
+ \advance\!intervalno by 1
+ \!xE=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
+ \!xdiff=\!xE \advance \!xdiff by -\!xS%** xdiff = xE - xS
+ \!ydiff=\!yE \advance \!ydiff by -\!yS%** ydiff = yE - yS
+ \!Pythag\!xdiff\!ydiff\!arclength% ** arclength = sqrt(xdiff**2+ydiff**2)
+ \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength%
+ \!drawlinearsegment% ** set by dashpat to \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
+ \!xS=\!xE \!yS=\!yE% ** shift ending points to starting points
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following routine is used to draw a "solid" line between (xS,yS)
+% ** and (xE,yE). Points are spaced nearly every \plotsymbolspacing length
+% ** along the line.
+ \!npoints=\!arclength
+ \!countA=\plotsymbolspacing
+ \divide\!npoints by \!countA% ** now #pts =. arclength/plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifnum \!npoints<1
+ \!npoints=1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!xdiff by \!npoints
+ \divide\!ydiff by \!npoints
+ \!xpos=\!xS \!ypos=\!yS
+ \loop\ifnum\!npoints>-1
+ \!plotifinbounds
+ \advance \!xpos by \!xdiff
+ \advance \!ypos by \!ydiff
+ \advance \!npoints by -1
+ \repeat
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following routine is used to draw a dashed line between (xS,yS)
+% ** and (xE,yE). The dash pattern continues from the previous segment.
+% **
+ \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength %nothing to plot in this interval
+ \else
+ \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength
+% ** plot point, interpolating linearly in x and y
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenA% ** dimA = across/arclength
+ \!removept\!dimenA\!t% ** \!t holds value in dimA, without the "pt"
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xdiff \advance \!xpos by \!xS
+ \!ypos=\!t\!ydiff \advance \!ypos by \!yS
+ \!plotifinbounds
+ \advance\!distacross by \plotsymbolspacing
+ \!advancedashing
+ \repeat
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \advance\!downlength by -\plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifdim \!downlength>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \advance\!distacross by \!downlength
+ \!getnextvalueof\!uplength\from\!!UDlist
+ \advance\!distacross by \!uplength
+ \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
+ \fi}
+% ** \inboundscheckoff & \inboundscheckon: See Subsection 5.5 of the manual.
+ \def\!plotifinbounds{\!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)}%
+ \def\!initinboundscheck{\relax}\ignorespaces}
+ \def\!plotifinbounds{\!!plotifinbounds}%
+ \def\!initinboundscheck{\!!initinboundscheck}%
+ \!initinboundscheck\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following code plots the current point only if it falls in the
+% ** current plotarea. It doesn't matter if the coordinate system has
+% ** changed since the plotarea was set up. However, shifts of the plot
+% ** are ignored (how the plotsymbol stands relative to its plot position is
+% ** unknown anyway).
+ \ifdim \!xpos<\!checkleft
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!xpos>\!checkright
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!ypos<\!checkbot
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!ypos>\!checktop
+ \else
+ \!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \!checkleft=\!arealloc \advance\!checkleft by \!xorigin
+ \!checkright=\!arearloc \advance\!checkright by \!xorigin
+ \!checkbot=\!areabloc \advance\!checkbot by \!yorigin
+ \!checktop=\!areatloc \advance\!checktop by \!yorigin}
+% *********************************
+% *** LOGTEN (Log_10 function) ***
+% *********************************
+% ** \!logten{X}
+% ** Calculates log_10 of X. X and LOG10(X) are in fixed point notation.
+% ** X must be positive; it may have an optional `+' sign; any number
+% ** of digits may be specified for X. The absolute error in LOG10(X) is
+% ** less than .0001 (probably < .00006). That's about as good as you
+% ** hope for, since TEX only operates to 5 figures after the decimal
+% ** point anyway.
+% \!rootten=3.162278pt **** These are values are set in ALLOCATIONS
+% \!tenAe=2.543275pt (=A5)
+% \!tenAc=2.773839pt (=A3)
+% \!tenAa=8.690286pt (=A1)
+ \expandafter\!!logten#1\!nil
+ \!removept\!dimenF#2%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \if -#1%
+ \!dimenF=\!zpt
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \if +#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logten#2\!nil}%
+ \else
+ \if .#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logten0.#2\!nil}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!!!logten#1#2..\!nil}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \!dimenF=1pt % ** DimF holds log10 original argument
+ \if 0#1%
+ \!!logshift#3pt % ** Argument < 1
+ \else % ** Argument >= 1
+ \!logshift#2/% ** Shift decimal pt as many places
+ \!dimenE=#1.#2#3pt % ** as there are figures in #2
+ \fi % ** Now dimE holds revised X want log10 of
+ \ifdim \!dimenE<\!rootten% ** Transform X to XX between sqrt(10)
+ \multiply \!dimenE 10 % ** and 10*sqrt(10)
+ \advance \!dimenF -1pt
+ \fi
+ \!dimenG=\!dimenE% ** dimG <- (XX + 10)
+ \advance\!dimenG 10pt
+ \advance\!dimenE -10pt % ** dimE <- (XX - 10)
+ \multiply\!dimenE 10 % ** dimE = 10*(XX-10)
+ \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenG\!dimenE% ** Now dimE=10t==10*(XX-10)/(XX+10)
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!t% ** !t=10t, with "pt" removed
+ \!dimenG=\!t\!dimenE% ** dimG=100t**2
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!tt% ** !tt=100t**2, with "pt" removed
+ \!dimenH=\!tt\!tenAe% ** dimH=10*a5*(10t)**2 /100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100
+ \advance\!dimenH \!tenAc% ** ditto + 10*a3
+ \!dimenH=\!tt\!dimenH% ** ditto * (10t)**2 /100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100
+ \advance\!dimenH \!tenAa% ** ditto + 10*a1
+ \!dimenH=\!t\!dimenH% ** ditto * 10t / 100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100 % ** Now dimH = log10(XX) - 1
+ \advance\!dimenF \!dimenH}% ** dimF = log10(X)
+ \if #1/%
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \advance\!dimenF 1pt
+ \def\!next{\!logshift}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \def\!!logshift#1{%
+ \advance\!dimenF -1pt
+ \if 0#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logshift}%
+ \else
+ \if p#1%
+ \!dimenF=1pt
+ \def\!next{\!dimenE=1p}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!dimenE=#1.}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+% ***********************************************************
+% *** PICTURES (Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands) ***
+% ***********************************************************
+% ** User Commands:
+% ** \beginpicture
+% ** \endpicture
+% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
+% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT> point at XREF YREF
+% ** \multiput {OJBECT} [ORIENTATION] <XSHIFT,YSHIFT>) at
+% ** \accountingon
+% ** \accountingoff
+% ** \lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
+% ** \Lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
+% ** \setdimensionmode
+% ** \setcoordinatemode
+% ** \Xdistance
+% ** \Ydistance
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!setputobject{OBJECT}{[ORIENTATION]<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>}
+% ** \!setdimenmode
+% ** \!setcoordmode
+% ** \!ifdimenmode
+% ** \!ifcoordmode
+% ** \beginpicture
+% ** \endpicture
+% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
+% ** \beginpicture ... \endpicture creates an hbox. Objects are
+% ** placed in this box using the \put command and the like (see below).
+% ** The location of an object is specified in terms of coordinate system(s)
+% ** established by \setcoordinatesystem. Each coordinate system (there
+% ** might be just one) specifies the length of 1 horizontal unit, the length
+% ** of 1 vertical unit, and the coordinates of a "reference point". The
+% ** reference points of various coordinate systems will be in the same
+% ** physical location. The macros keep track of the size of the objects
+% ** and their locations. The resulting hbox is the smallest hbox which
+% ** encloses all the objects, and whose TEK reference point is the point
+% ** on the left edge of the box closest vertically to the PICTEX reference
+% ** point. Using \endpicturesave, you can (globally) save the distance TEK's
+% ** reference point is to the right (respectively, up from) PICTEX's
+% ** reference point in the dimension register \XREG (respectively \YREG).
+% ** You can then \put the picture OBJECT into a larger picture so that its
+% ** reference point is at (XCOORD,YCOORD) with the command
+% ** \put {picture OBJECT} [Bl] <\XREG, \YREG> at XCOORD YCOORD
+% ** \beginpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
+ \setbox\!picbox=\hbox\bgroup%
+ \!xleft=\maxdimen
+ \!xright=-\maxdimen
+ \!ybot=\maxdimen
+ \!ytop=-\maxdimen}
+% ** \endpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
+ \ifdim\!xleft=\maxdimen% ** check if nothing was put in picbox
+ \!xleft=\!zpt \!xright=\!zpt \!ybot=\!zpt \!ytop=\!zpt
+ \fi
+ \global\!Xleft=\!xleft \global\!Xright=\!xright
+ \global\!Ybot=\!ybot \global\!Ytop=\!ytop
+ \egroup%
+ \ht\!picbox=\!Ytop \dp\!picbox=-\!Ybot
+ \ifdim\!Ybot>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!Ytop<\!zpt
+ \!Ybot=\!Ytop
+ \else
+ \!Ybot=\!zpt
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\kern-\!Xleft\lower\!Ybot\box\!picbox\kern\!Xright}}
+% ** \endpicturesave : See Subsection 8.4 of the manual.
+\def\endpicturesave <#1,#2>{%
+ \endpicture \global #1=\!Xleft \global #2=\!Ybot \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT>
+% ** point at XREF YREF
+% ** Each of `units <XUNIT,YUNIT>' and `point at XREF YREF'
+% ** are optional.
+% ** Unit lengths must be given in dimensions (e.g., <10pt,1in>).
+% ** Default unit lengths are 1pt, 1pt, or previous unit lengths.
+% ** Reference point is specified in current units (e.g., 3 5 ).
+% ** Default reference point is 0 0 , or previous reference point.
+% ** Unit lengths and reference points obey TEX's scoping rules.
+% ** See Subsection 1.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar{u}{\!getlengths }
+ {\!getlengths units <\!xunit,\!yunit>}}
+\def\!getlengths units <#1,#2>{%
+ \!xunit=#1\relax
+ \!yunit=#2\relax
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!SCnext=\!SCccheckforRP
+ \else
+ \let\!SCnext=\!SCdcheckforRP
+ \fi
+ \!SCnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetreference }
+ {\!cgetreference point at {\!xref} {\!yref} }}
+\def\!cgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xref{#1}\edef\!yref{#2}%
+ \!xorigin=\!xref\!xunit \!yorigin=\!yref\!yunit
+ \!initinboundscheck % ** See linear.tex
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetreference}%
+ {\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
+ \!xorigin=#1\relax \!yorigin=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** `[XY]' and `<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>' are optional.
+% ** First OBJECT is placed in an hbox (the "objectbox") and then a
+% ** "reference point" is assigned to the objectbox as follows:
+% ** [1] first, the reference point is taken to be the center of the box;
+% ** [2] next, centering is overridden by the specifications
+% ** X=l -- reference point along the left edge of the objectbox
+% ** X=r -- reference point along the right edge of the objectbox
+% ** Y=b -- reference point along the bottom edge of the objectbox
+% ** Y=B -- reference point along the Baseline of the objectbox
+% ** Y=t -- reference point along the top edge of the objectbox;
+% ** [3] finally the reference point is shifted left by XDIMEN, down
+% ** by YDIMEN (both default to 0pt).
+% ** The objectbox is placed within PICBOX with its reference point at
+% ** If OBJECT is a saved box, say box0, you have to write
+% ** \put{\box0}... or \put{\copy0}...
+% ** The objectbox is void after the put.
+% ** See Subsection 2.1 of the manual.
+\long\def\put#1#2 at #3 #4 {%
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!xpos=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#4}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
+ \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
+ \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
+% ** \multiput etc. Like \put. The objectbox is not voided until the
+% ** termininating /, and is placed repeatedly with:
+% ** XCOORD YCOORD -- the objectbox is put down with its reference point
+% ** at (XCOORD,YCOORD);
+% ** *N DXCOORD DYCOORD -- each of N times the current
+% ** (xcoord,ycoord) is incremented by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD), and the
+% ** objectbox is put down with its reference point at (xcoord,ycoord)
+% ** (This specification has to follow an XCOORD YCOORD pair)
+% ** See Subsection 2.2 of the manual.
+\long\def\multiput #1#2 at {%
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!ifnextchar"{\!putfromfile}{\!multiput}}
+ \expandafter\!multiput \input #1 /}
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!multiput}
+ \if *\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextput{\!alsoby}%
+ \else
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextput{\!finishmultiput}%
+ \else
+ \def\!nextput{\!alsoat}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!nextput}
+ \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!alsoat XCOORD YCOORD
+% ** The objectbox is put down with reference point at XCOORD,YCOORD
+\def\!alsoat#1 #2 {%
+ \!xpos=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
+ \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
+ \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting
+ \!multiput}
+% ** \!alsoby*N DXCOORD DYCOORD
+% ** N times, the current (XCOORD,YCOORD) is advanced by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD),
+% ** and the current (shifted, oriented) OBJECT is put down.
+\def\!alsoby*#1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!dxpos=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!dypos=\!M{#3}\!yunit
+ \!rotateonly\!dxpos\!dypos
+ \!ntemp=#1%
+ \!!loop\ifnum\!ntemp>0
+ \advance\!xpos by \!dxpos \advance\!ypos by \!dypos
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \advance\!ntemp by -1
+ \repeat
+ \!doaccounting
+ \!multiput}
+% ** \accountingoff : Suspends PiCTeX's accounting of the aggregate
+% ** size of the picture box.
+% ** \accounting on : Reinstates accounting.
+% ** See Subsection 8.2 of the manual.
+ \!xtemp=\!xpos
+ \!ytemp=\!ypos
+ \ifdim\!xtemp<\!xleft
+ \!xleft=\!xtemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!xtemp by \!wd
+ \ifdim\!xright<\!xtemp
+ \!xright=\!xtemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!ytemp by -\!dp
+ \ifdim\!ytemp<\!ybot
+ \!ybot=\!ytemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!ytemp by \!dp
+ \advance\!ytemp by \!ht
+ \ifdim\!ytemp>\!ytop
+ \!ytop=\!ytemp
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{#1}%
+ \!ht=\ht\!putobject \!dp=\dp\!putobject \!wd=\wd\!putobject
+ \wd\!putobject=\!zpt
+ \!xshift=.5\!wd \!yshift=.5\!ht \advance\!yshift by -.5\!dp
+ \edef\!putorientation{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!SPOreadA\!putorientation[]\!nil%
+ \expandafter\!SPOreadB\!putorientation<\!zpt,\!zpt>\!nil\ignorespaces}
+\def\!SPOreadB#1<#2,#3>#4\!nil{\advance\!xshift by -#2\advance\!yshift by -#3}
+ \if l\!orientation
+ \!xshift=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \if r\!orientation
+ \!xshift=\!wd
+ \else
+ \if b\!orientation
+ \!yshift=-\!dp
+ \else
+ \if B\!orientation
+ \!yshift=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \if t\!orientation
+ \!yshift=\!ht
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% ** \!dimenput{OBJECT} <XDIMEN,YDIMEN> [XY] (XLOC,YLOC)
+% ** This is an internal put routine, similar to \put, except that
+% ** XLOC=distance right from reference point, YLOC=distance up from
+% ** reference point. XLOC and YLOC are dimensions, so this routine
+% ** is completely independent of the current coordinate system.
+% ** This routine does NOT do ROTATIONS.
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!xpos=#3\advance\!xpos by -\!xshift
+ \!ypos=#4\advance\!ypos by -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following macros permit the picture drawing routines to be used
+% ** either in the default "coordinate mode", or in "dimension mode".
+% ** In coordinate mode \!M(1.5,\!xunit) expands to 1.5\!xunit
+% ** In dimension mode \!M(1.5pt,\!xunit) expands to 1.5pt
+% ** Dimension mode is useful in coding macros.
+% ** Any special purpose picture macro that sets dimension mode should
+% ** reset coordinate mode before completion.
+% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
+ \let\!M=\!M!!\ignorespaces}
+ \let\!M=\!M!\ignorespaces}
+ \ifx \!M \!M!}
+ \ifx \!M \!M!!}
+% ** \Xdistance{XCOORD}, \Ydistance{YCOORD} are the horizontal and
+% ** vertical distances from the origin (0,0) to the point
+% ** (XCOORD,YCOORD) in the current coordinate system.
+% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
+ \!M{#1}\!xunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!M{#1}\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following macros -- \stack, \line, and \Lines -- are useful for
+% ** annotating PiCtures. They can be used outside the \beginpicture ...
+% ** \endpicture environment.
+% ** Builds a vertical stack of the values in VALUESLIST. Values in
+% ** VALUESLIST are separated by commas. In the resulting stack, values are
+% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
+% ** POSITIONING = l (r). Values are separated vertically by LEADING,
+% ** which defaults to \stackleading.
+% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!stack}{\!stack[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!!stack}{\!!stack<\stackleading>}}
+ \vbox{\def\!valueslist{}\!ecfor\!value:=#2\do{%
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\!value\withCS{\\}\to\!valueslist}%
+ \!lop\!valueslist\to\!value
+ \let\\=\cr\lineskiplimit=\maxdimen\lineskip=#1%
+ \baselineskip=-1000pt\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr \!value\!valueslist\cr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
+% ** Builds a vertical array of the lines in LINES. Each line in LINES
+% ** is terminated by a \cr. In the resulting array, lines are
+% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
+% ** POSITIONING = l (r). The lines in the array are subject to TeX's
+% ** usual spacing rules: in particular the baselines are ordinarily an equal
+% ** distance apart. The baseline of the array is the baseline of the
+% ** the bottom line.
+% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!lines}{\!lines[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \vbox{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \Lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
+% ** Like \lines, but the baseline of the array is the baseline of the
+% ** top line. See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!Lines}{\!Lines[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \vtop{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *********************************************
+% *** PLOTTING (Things to do with plotting) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
+% ** \replot {FILE_NAME}
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** \setplotsymbol ({PLOTSYMBOL} [ ] < , >)
+% ** Save PLOTSYMBOL away in an hbox for use with curve plotting routines
+% ** See Subsection 5.2 of the manual.
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}
+ \setbox\!plotsymbol=\box\!putobject%
+ \!plotsymbolxshift=\!xshift
+ \!plotsymbolyshift=\!yshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+\setplotsymbol({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
+% ** \!plot is either \!!plot (when no lines and curves are being saved) or
+% ** \!!!plot (when lines and curves are being saved)
+% ** \!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** Places the current plotsymbol a horizontal distance=XDIMEN-xorigin
+% ** and a vertical distance=YDIMEN-yorigin from the current
+% ** reference point.
+ \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** Like \!!plot, but also saves the plot location in units of
+% ** scaled point, on file `replotfile'
+ \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
+ \!countE=\!dimenA
+ \!countF=\!dimenB
+ \immediate\write\!replotfile{\the\!countE,\the\!countF.}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** Switch to save locations used for plotting lines and curves
+% ** (No advantage in saving locations for solid lines; however
+% ** replotting curve locations speeds things up by a factor of about 4.
+% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% ** Terminates \savelinesandcurves. The default.
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\savelinesandcurves on "#1" {%
+ \immediate\closeout\!replotfile
+ \immediate\openout\!replotfile=#1%
+ \let\!plot=\!!!plot}
+\def\dontsavelinesandcurves {%
+ \let\!plot=\!!plot}
+% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
+% ** The message is preceded by a "%", so that it won't interfere
+% ** with replotting.
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\writesavefile#1 {%
+ \immediate\write\!replotfile{\!Commentsignal #1}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \replot "FILE_NAME"
+% ** Replots the locations saved earlier under \savelinesandcurves
+% ** on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\replot"#1" {%
+ \expandafter\!replot\input #1 /}
+\def\!replot#1,#2. {%
+ \!dimenA=#1sp
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise#2sp\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!replot}
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!next{\!finish}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!replot}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+% **************************************************
+% *** PYTHAGORAS (Euclidean distance function) ***
+% **************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \placehypotenuse for <dimension1> and <dimension2> in <register>
+% ** Internal command:
+% ** \!Pythag{X}{Y}{Z}
+% ** Input X,Y are dimensions, or dimension registers.
+% ** Output Z == sqrt(X**2+Y**2) must be a dimension register.
+% ** Assumes that |X|+|Y| < 2048pt (about 28in).
+% ** Without loss of generality, suppose x>0, y>0. Put s = x+y,
+% ** z = sqrt(x**2+y**2). Then z = s*f, where f = sqrt(t**2 + (1-t)**2)
+% ** = sqrt((1+tau**2)/2), where t = x/s and tau = 2(t-1/2) .
+% ** Uses the \!divide macro (which uses registers \!dimenA--\!dimenD.
+% ** Uses the \!removept macro (e.g., 123.45pt --> 123.45)
+% ** Uses registers \!dimenE--\!dimenI.
+ \!dimenE=#1\relax
+ \ifdim\!dimenE<\!zpt
+ \!dimenE=-\!dimenE
+ \fi% ** dimE = |x|
+ \!dimenF=#2\relax
+ \ifdim\!dimenF<\!zpt
+ \!dimenF=-\!dimenF
+ \fi% ** dimF = |y|
+ \advance \!dimenF by \!dimenE% ** dimF = s = |x|+|y|
+ \ifdim\!dimenF=\!zpt
+ \!dimenG=\!zpt% ** dimG = z = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ \else
+ \!divide{8\!dimenE}\!dimenF\!dimenE% ** now dimE = 8t = (8|x|)/s
+ \advance\!dimenE by -4pt% ** 8tau = (8t-4)*2
+ \!dimenE=2\!dimenE% ** (tau = 2*t - 1)
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!!t% ** 8tau, without "pt"
+ \!dimenE=\!!t\!dimenE% ** (8tau)**2, in pts
+ \advance\!dimenE by 64pt% ** u = [64 + (8tau)**2]/2
+ \divide \!dimenE by 2% ** [u = (8f)**2]
+ \!dimenH=7pt% ** initial guess g at sqrt(u)
+ \!!Pythag\!!Pythag\!!Pythag% ** 3 iterations give sqrt(u)
+ \!removept\!dimenH\!!t% ** 8f=sqrt(u), without "pt"
+ \!dimenG=\!!t\!dimenF% ** z = (8f)*s/8
+ \divide\!dimenG by 8
+ \fi
+ #3=\!dimenG
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!!Pythag{% ** Newton-Raphson for sqrt
+ \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenH\!dimenI% ** v = u/g
+ \advance\!dimenH by \!dimenI% ** g <-- (g + u/g)/2
+ \divide\!dimenH by 2}
+% ** \placehypotenuse for <XI> and <ETA> in <ZETA>
+% ** See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
+\def\placehypotenuse for <#1> and <#2> in <#3> {%
+ \!Pythag{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% **********************************************
+% *** QUADRATIC ARC (Draws a quadratic arc) ***
+% **********************************************
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
+% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
+% ** Draws an arc starting at the (last) point specified by the most recent
+% ** \!qjoin, or \!ljoin, or \!start and passing through (X_1,Y_1), (X_2,Y_2).
+% ** Uses quadratic interpolation in both x and y:
+% ** x(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates x_0, x_1, x_2 at t=0, .5, 1
+% ** y(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates y_0, y_1, y_2 at t=0, .5, 1
+\def\!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4){%
+ \advance\!intervalno by 1
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \edef\!xmidpt{#1}\edef\!ymidpt{#2}%
+ \else
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \edef\!xmidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
+ \!dimenA=#2\relax \edef\!ymidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
+ \fi
+ \!xM=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yM=\!M{#2}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xM\!yM
+ \!xE=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
+% ** Find coefficients for x(t)=a_x + b_x*t + c_x*t**2
+ \!dimenA=\!xM \advance \!dimenA by -\!xS% ** dimA = I = xM - xS
+ \!dimenB=\!xE \advance \!dimenB by -\!xM% ** dimB = II = xE-xM
+ \!xB=3\!dimenA \advance \!xB by -\!dimenB% ** b=3I-II
+ \!xC=2\!dimenB \advance \!xC by -2\!dimenA% ** c=2(II-I)
+% ** Find coefficients for y(t)=y_x + b_y*t + c_y*t**2
+ \!dimenA=\!yM \advance \!dimenA by -\!yS%
+ \!dimenB=\!yE \advance \!dimenB by -\!yM%
+ \!yB=3\!dimenA \advance \!yB by -\!dimenB%
+ \!yC=2\!dimenB \advance \!yC by -2\!dimenA%
+% ** Use Simpson's rule to calculate arc length over [0,1/2]:
+% ** arc length = 1/2[1/6 f(0) + 4/6 f(1/4) + 1/6 f(1/2)]
+% ** with f(t) = sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2).
+ \!xprime=\!xB \!yprime=\!yB% ** x'(t) = b + 2ct
+ \!dxprime=.5\!xC \!dyprime=.5\!yC% ** dt=1/4 ==> dx'(t) = c/2
+ \!getf \!midarclength=\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!midarclength by 4\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!midarclength by \!dimenA
+ \divide \!midarclength by 12
+% ** Get arc length over [0,1].
+ \!arclength=\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!arclength by 4\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!arclength by \!dimenA
+ \divide \!arclength by 12% ** Now have arc length over [1/2,1]
+ \advance \!arclength by \!midarclength
+ \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength
+% ** Check to see if there's anything to plot in this interval
+ \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** nothing
+ \else
+ \!initinverseinterp% ** initialize for inverse interpolation on arc length
+ \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength% ** loop over points on arc
+ \!inverseinterp% ** find t such that arc length[0,t] = distacross,
+% ** using inverse quadratic interpolation
+% ** now evaluate x(t)=(c*t + b)*t + a
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xC \advance\!xpos by \!xB
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xpos \advance \!xpos by \!xS
+% ** evaluate y(t)
+ \!ypos=\!t\!yC \advance\!ypos by \!yB
+ \!ypos=\!t\!ypos \advance \!ypos by \!yS
+ \!plotifinbounds% ** plot point if in bounds
+ \advance\!distacross \plotsymbolspacing%** advance arc length for next pt
+ \!advancedashing% ** see "linear"
+ \repeat
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
+ \fi
+ \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending points to starting points
+ \!yS=\!yE
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getf -- Calculates sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2) and advances
+% ** x'(t) and y'(t)
+ \advance\!xprime by \!dxprime
+ \advance\!yprime by \!dyprime}
+% ** \!initinverseinterp -- initializes for inverse quadratic interpolation
+% ** of arc length provided 1/3 < midarclength/arclength < 2/3; otherwise
+% ** initializes for inverse linear interpolation.
+ \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
+ \!divide{8\!midarclength}\!arclength\!dimenE% ** dimE=8w=8r/s, where r
+% ** = midarclength, s=arclength
+% ** Test for w out of range: w<1/3 or w>2/3
+ \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin \!setinverselinear
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax \!setinverselinear
+ \else% ** w in range: initialize
+ \def\!inverseinterp{\!inversequad}\ignorespaces
+% ** Calculate the coefficients \!beta and \!gamma of the quadratic
+% ** t = \!beta*v + \!gamma*v**2
+% ** taking the values t=0, 1/2, 1 at v=0, w==r/s, 1 respectively:
+% ** \!beta = (1/2 - w**2)/[w(1-w)]
+% ** \!gamma = 1 - beta.
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!Ew% ** 8w, without "pt"
+ \!dimenF=-\!Ew\!dimenE% ** -(8w)**2
+ \advance\!dimenF by 32pt% ** 32 - (8w)**2
+ \!dimenG=8pt
+ \advance\!dimenG by -\!dimenE% ** 8 - 8w
+ \!dimenG=\!Ew\!dimenG% ** (8w)*(8-8w)
+ \!divide\!dimenF\!dimenG\!beta% ** beta = (32-(8w)**2)/(8w(8-8w))
+% ** = (1/2 - w**2)/(w(1-w))
+ \!gamma=1pt
+ \advance \!gamma by -\!beta% ** gamma = 1-beta
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** For 0 <= t <= 1, let AL(t) = arclength[0,t]/arclength[0,1]; note
+% ** AL(0)=0, AL(1/2)=midarclength/arclength, AL(1)=1. This routine
+% ** calculates an approximation to AL^{-1}(distance across/arclength),
+% ** using the assumption that AL^{-1} is quadratic. Specifically,
+% ** it finds t such that
+% ** AL^{-1}(v) =. t = v*(\!beta + \!gamma*v)
+% ** where \!beta and \!gamma are set by \!initinv, and where
+% ** v=distance across/arclength
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG% ** dimG = v = distacross/arclength
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!v% ** v, without "pt"
+ \!dimenG=\!v\!gamma% ** gamma*v
+ \advance\!dimenG by \!beta% ** beta + gamma*v
+ \!dimenG=\!v\!dimenG% ** t = v*(beta + gamma*v)
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!t}% ** t, without "pt"
+% ** When w <= 1/3 or w >= 2/3, the following routine writes (using
+% ** plain TEK's \wlog command) a warning message on the user's log file,
+% ** and initializes for inverse linear interpolation on arc length.
+ \def\!inverseinterp{\!inverselinear}%
+ \divide\!dimenE by 8 \!removept\!dimenE\!t
+ \!countC=\!intervalno \multiply \!countC 2
+ \!countB=\!countC \advance \!countB -1
+ \!countA=\!countB \advance \!countA -1
+ \wlog{\the\!countB th point (\!xmidpt,\!ymidpt) being plotted
+ doesn't lie in the}%
+ \wlog{ middle third of the arc between the \the\!countA th
+ and \the\!countC th points:}%
+ \wlog{ [arc length \the\!countA\space to \the\!countB]/[arc length
+ \the \!countA\space to \the\!countC]=\!t.}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Inverse linear interpolation
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!t}
+% **************************************
+% ** ROTATIONS (Handles rotations) ***
+% **************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
+% ** \stoprotation
+% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
+% ** Future (XCOORD,YCOORD)'s will be rotated about (XPIVOT,YPIVOT)
+% ** by the angle with the give COS and SIN. Both fields are optional.
+% ** [COS,SIN] defaults to previous value, or (1,0).
+% ** (XPIVOT,YPIVOT) defaults to previous value, or (0,0)
+% ** You can't change the coordinate system in the scope of a rotation.
+% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
+ \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!rotateaboutpivot
+ \let\!rotateonly=\!!rotateonly
+ \!ifnextchar{b}{\!getsincos }%
+ {\!getsincos by {\!cosrotationangle} {\!sinrotationangle} }}
+\def\!getsincos by #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!cosrotationangle{#1}%
+ \edef\!sinrotationangle{#2}%
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!ROnext=\!ccheckforpivot
+ \else
+ \let\!ROnext=\!dcheckforpivot
+ \fi
+ \!ROnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{a}{\!cgetpivot}%
+ {\!cgetpivot about {\!xpivotcoord} {\!ypivotcoord} }}
+\def\!cgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xpivotcoord{#1}%
+ \edef\!ypivotcoord{#2}%
+ \!xpivot=#1\!xunit \!ypivot=#2\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{a}{\!dgetpivot}{\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
+ \!xpivot=#1\relax \!ypivot=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Following terminates rotation.
+% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
+ \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!!rotateaboutpivot
+ \let\!rotateonly=\!!!rotateonly
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** !!rotateaboutpivot{XREG}{YREG}
+% ** XREG <-- xpvt + cos(angle)*(XREG-xpvt) - sin(angle)*(YREG-ypvt)
+% ** YREG <-- ypvt + cos(angle)*(YREG-ypvt) + sin(angle)*(XREG-xpvt)
+% ** XREG,YREG are dimension registers. Can't be \!dimenA to \!dimenD
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \advance\!dimenA -\!xpivot
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -\!ypivot
+ \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance \!dimenC -\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \advance \!dimenD \!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance\!dimenC \!xpivot \advance\!dimenD \!ypivot
+ #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!!rotateonly{XREG}{YREG}
+% ** Like \!!rotateaboutpivot, but with a pivot of (0,0)
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \!dimenB=#2\relax
+ \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance \!dimenC -\!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \advance \!dimenD \!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
+ #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\!rotsign{-}%
+ \!rotateonly{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\!rotsign{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% **********************************
+% *** SHADING (Handles shading) ***
+% **********************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
+% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!startvshade (xS,ybS,ytS)
+% ** \!starthshade (yS,xlS,xrS)
+% ** \!lshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
+% ** ** when shading vertically:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** ** when shading horizontally:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yE,xlE,xrE)
+% ** \!qshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
+% ** ** when shading vertically:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** ** when shading horizontally:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) (yE,xlE,xrE)
+% ** The shading routine can operate either in a "vertical mode" or a
+% ** "horizontal mode". In vertical mode, the region to be shaded is specified
+% ** in the form
+% ** {(x,y): xl <= x <= xr & yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}
+% ** where yb and yt are functions of x. In horizontal mode, the region
+% ** is specified in the form
+% ** {(x,y): yb <= y <= yt & xl(y) <= x <= xr(y)}.
+% ** The functions yb and yt may be either both linear or both quadratic;
+% ** similarly for xl and xr. A region with say, piecewise quadratic bottom
+% ** and top boundaries, can be shaded by consecutive (vertical) \!qshades,
+% ** proceeding from left to right. Similarly, a region with piecewise
+% ** quadratic left and right boundaries can be shaded by consecutive
+% ** (horizontal) \!qshades, proceeding from bottom to top. More complex
+% ** regions can be shaded by partitioning them into appropriate subregions,
+% ** and shading those.
+% ** Shading is accomplished by placing a user-selected shading symbol at
+% ** those points of a regular grid which fall within the region to be
+% ** shaded. This region can be "shrunk" so that a largish shading symbol
+% ** will not extend outside it. Shrinking is accomplished by specifying
+% ** shrinkages for the left, right, bottom, and top boundaries, in a manner
+% ** discussed further below.
+% ** \shades and \!joins MUST NOT be intermingled. Finish drawing a curve
+% ** before starting to shade a region, and finish shading a region before
+% ** starting to draw a curve.
+% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
+% ** The shading symbol is placed down on the points of a grid centered
+% ** at the coordinate point (XSHADE,YSHADE). The grid points are of the
+% ** form (j*SPAN,k*SPAN), with j+k even. SPAN is specified
+% ** as a dimension.
+% ** (XSHADE,YSHADE) defaults to previous (XSHADE,YSHADE) (or (0,0) if none)
+% ** SPAN defaults to previous span (or 5pt if none)
+% ** See Subsection 7.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar{s}{\!getspan }
+ {\!getspan span <\!dshade>}}
+\def\!getspan span <#1>{%
+ \!dshade=#1\relax
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!GRnext=\!GRccheckforAP
+ \else
+ \let\!GRnext=\!GRdcheckforAP
+ \fi
+ \!GRnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetanchor }
+ {\!cgetanchor point at {\!xshadesave} {\!yshadesave} }}
+\def\!cgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xshadesave{#1}\edef\!yshadesave{#2}%
+ \!xshade=\!xshadesave\!xunit \!yshade=\!yshadesave\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetanchor}%
+ {\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
+ \!xshade=#1\relax \!yshade=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
+% ** Saves SHADESYMBOL away in an hbox for use with shading routines.
+% ** A shade symbol will not be plotted if its plot position comes within
+% ** distance LS of the left boundary, RS of the right boundary, TS of the
+% ** top boundary, BS of the bottom boundary. These parameters have
+% ** default values that should work in most cases (see below).
+% ** To override a default value, specify the replacement value
+% ** in the appropriate subfield of the shrinkages field.
+% ** 0pt may be coded as "z" (without the quotes). To accept a
+% ** default value, leave the field empty. Thus
+% ** [,z,,5pt] sets LS=default, RS=0pt, BS=default, TS=5pt .
+% ** Skipping the shrinkages field accepts all the defaults.
+% ** See Subsection 7.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setshadesymbol}{\!setshadesymbol<,,,> }}
+\def\!setshadesymbol <#1,#2,#3,#4> (#5#6){%
+% ** set the shadesymbol
+ \!setputobject{#5}{#6}%
+ \setbox\!shadesymbol=\box\!putobject%
+ \!shadesymbolxshift=\!xshift \!shadesymbolyshift=\!yshift
+% ** set the shrinkages
+ \!dimenA=\!xshift \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% ** default LS = xshift - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#1}\!lshrinkage%
+ \!dimenA=\!wd \advance \!dimenA -\!xshift% ** default RS = width - xshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#2}\!rshrinkage
+ \!dimenA=\!dp \advance \!dimenA \!yshift% ** default BS = depth + yshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#3}\!bshrinkage
+ \!dimenA=\!ht \advance \!dimenA -\!yshift% ** default TS = height - yshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#4}\!tshrinkage
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Overrides the NOMINAL DIMEN by the REPLACEMENT DIMEN to produce DIMEN,
+% ** according to the following rules:
+% ** otherwise: DIMEN <-- REPLACEMENT DIMEN
+% ** DIMEN must be a dimension register
+ \edef\!!override{#2}%
+ \ifx \!!override\empty
+ #3=#1\relax
+ \else
+ \if z\!!override
+ #3=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \ifx \!!override\!blankz
+ #3=\!zpt
+ \else
+ #3=#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!blankz{ z}
+\setshadesymbol ({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
+% ** \fivesy ^^B is a small cross
+% ** \!startvshade [at] (xS,ybS,ytS)
+% ** Initiates vertical shading mode
+ \let\!!xunit=\!xunit%
+ \let\!!yunit=\!yunit%
+ \let\!!xshade=\!xshade%
+ \let\!!yshade=\!yshade%
+ \def\!getshrinkages{\!vgetshrinkages}%
+ \let\!setshadelocation=\!vsetshadelocation%
+ \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
+ \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!starthshade [at] (yS,xlS,xrS)
+% ** Initiates horizontal shading mode
+ \let\!!xunit=\!yunit%
+ \let\!!yunit=\!xunit%
+ \let\!!xshade=\!yshade%
+ \let\!!yshade=\!xshade%
+ \def\!getshrinkages{\!hgetshrinkages}%
+ \let\!setshadelocation=\!hsetshadelocation%
+ \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
+ \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Consider the lattice with points ANCHOR + j*SPAN. This routine determines
+% ** the index k of the smallest lattice point >= LOCATION, and sets
+% ** INDEX is assumed to be a count register, LATTICE LOCATION a dimen reg.
+ \!dimenA=#1% ** dimA = ANCHOR
+ \!dimenB=#2% ** dimB = SPAN (assumed > 0pt)
+ \!countB=\!dimenB% ** ctB = SPAN, as a count
+% ** Determine index of smallest lattice point >= LOCATION
+ \!dimenC=#3% ** dimC = LOCATION
+ \advance\!dimenC -\!dimenA% ** now dimC = LOCATION-ANCHOR
+ \!countA=\!dimenC% ** ctA = above, as a count
+ \divide\!countA \!countB% ** now ctA = desired index, if dimC <= 0
+ \ifdim\!dimenC>\!zpt
+ \!dimenD=\!countA\!dimenB% ** (tentative k)*span
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<\!dimenC% ** if this is false, ctA = desired index
+ \advance\!countA 1 % ** if true, have to add 1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!dimenC=\!countA\!dimenB% ** lattice location = anchor + ctA*span
+ \advance\!dimenC \!dimenA
+ #4=\!countA% ** the desired index
+ #5=\!dimenC% ** corresponding lattice location
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!qshade [with shrinkages] [[LS,RS,BS,TS]]
+% ***** during vertical shading:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) [and] (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** Shades the region {(x,y): xS <= x <= xE, yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}, where
+% ** yb is the quadratic thru (xS,ybS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ybE)
+% ** yt is the quadratic thru (xS,ytS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ytE)
+% ** xS,ybS,ytS are either given by \!startvshade or carried over
+% ** as the ending values of the immediately preceding \!qshade.
+% ** For the interpretation of LS, RS, BS, & TS, see \setshadesymbol. The
+% ** values set there can be overridden, for the course of this \!qshade
+% ** only, in the same manner as overrides are specified for
+% ** \setshadesymbol.
+% ***** during horizontal shading:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) [and] (yE,xlE,xrE)
+ \!xM=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybM=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytM=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!xE=\!M{#6}\!!xunit
+ \!ybE=\!M{#7}\!!yunit
+ \!ytE=\!M{#8}\!!yunit
+ \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ybS\!xM\!ybM\!xE\!ybE\!ybB\!ybC%**Get coefficients B & C for
+ \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ytS\!xM\!ytM\!xE\!ytE\!ytB\!ytC%**y=y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
+ \def\!getylimits{\!qgetylimits}%
+ \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!lshade ... (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** This is like \!qshade, but the top and bottom boundaries are linear,
+% ** rather than quadratic.
+ \!xE=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybE=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytE=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!dimenE=\!xE \advance \!dimenE -\!xS% ** xE-xS
+ \!dimenC=\!ytE \advance \!dimenC -\!ytS% ** ytE-ytS
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ytB% ** ytB = (ytE-ytS)/(xE-xS)
+ \!dimenC=\!ybE \advance \!dimenC -\!ybS% ** ybE-ybS
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ybB% ** ybB = (ybE-ybS)/(xE-xS)
+ \def\!getylimits{\!lgetylimits}%
+ \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getcoeffs{X0}{Y0}{X1}{Y1}{X2}{Y2}{B}{C}
+% ** Finds B and C such that the quadratic y = Y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
+% ** passes through (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2): when X0=0=Y0, the formulas are:
+% ** B = S1 - X1*C, C = (S2-S1)/X2
+% ** with
+% ** S1 = Y1/X1, S2 = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1).
+ \!dimenC=#4\advance \!dimenC -#2% ** dimC=Y1-Y0
+ \!dimenE=#3\advance \!dimenE -#1% ** dimE=X1-X0
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!dimenF% ** dimF=S1
+ \!dimenC=#6\advance \!dimenC -#4% ** dimC=Y2-Y1
+ \!dimenH=#5\advance \!dimenH -#3% ** dimH=X2-X1
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenH\!dimenG% ** dimG=S2
+ \advance\!dimenG -\!dimenF% ** dimG=S2-S1
+ \advance \!dimenH \!dimenE% ** dimH=X2-X0
+ \!divide\!dimenG\!dimenH#8% ** C=(S2-S1)/(X2-X0)
+ \!removept#8\!t% ** C, without "pt"
+ #7=-\!t\!dimenE% ** -C*(X1-X0)
+ \advance #7\!dimenF% ** B=S1-C*(X1-X0)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Get LS,RS,BS,TS for this panel
+ \!getshrinkages#1<,,,>\!nil% % ** now effective LS=dimE, RS=dimF,
+% ** BS=dimG, TS=dimH
+ \advance \!dimenE \!xS% ** now dimE=xS+LS
+ \!lattice\!!xshade\!dshade\!dimenE% ** set parity=index of left-mst x-lattice
+ \!parity\!xpos% ** point >= xS+LS, xpos=its location
+ \!dimenF=-\!dimenF% ** set dimF=xE-RS
+ \advance\!dimenF \!xE
+ \!loop\!not{\ifdim\!xpos>\!dimenF}% ** loop over x-lattice points <= xE-RS
+ \!shadecolumn%
+ \advance\!xpos \!dshade% ** move over to next column
+ \advance\!parity 1% ** increase index of x-point
+ \repeat
+ \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending values to starting values
+ \!ybS=\!ybE
+ \!ytS=\!ytE
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenE
+ \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenF
+ \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenG
+ \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenH
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenG
+ \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenH
+ \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenE
+ \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenF
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!dxpos=\!xpos
+ \advance\!dxpos -\!xS% ** dx = x - xS
+ \!removept\!dxpos\!dx% ** ditto, without "pt"
+ \!getylimits% ** get top and bottom y-values
+ \advance\!ytpos -\!dimenH% ** less TS
+ \advance\!ybpos \!dimenG% ** plus BS
+ \!yloc=\!!yshade% ** get anchor point for this column
+ \ifodd\!parity
+ \advance\!yloc \!dshade
+ \fi
+ \!lattice\!yloc{2\!dshade}\!ybpos%
+ \!countA\!ypos% ** ypos=smallest y point for this column
+ \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xpos% ** over
+ \loop\!not{\ifdim\!ypos>\!ytpos}% ** loop over ypos <= yt(t)
+ \!setshadelocation% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
+% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xloc\!yloc%
+ \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xloc% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!shadeyorigin \advance \!dimenB \!yloc% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA \raise\!dimenB\copy\!shadesymbol \kern-\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ypos 2\!dshade
+ \repeat
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!dimenA=\!dx\!ytC
+ \advance\!dimenA \!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*(Bt + dx*Ct)
+ \!ytpos=\!dx\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
+ \!dimenA=\!dx\!ybC
+ \advance\!dimenA \!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*(Bb + dx*Cb)
+ \!ybpos=\!dx\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
+ \!ytpos=\!dx\!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*Bt
+ \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
+ \!ybpos=\!dx\!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*Bb
+ \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
+\def\!vsetshadelocation{% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
+ \!xloc=\!xpos
+ \!yloc=\!ypos}
+\def\!hsetshadelocation{% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
+ \!xloc=\!ypos
+ \!yloc=\!xpos}
+% **************************************
+% *** TICKS (Draws ticks on graphs) ***
+% **************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \ticksout
+% ** \ticksin
+% ** \gridlines
+% ** \nogridlines
+% ** \loggedticks
+% ** \unloggesticks
+% ** See Subsection 3.4 of the manual
+% ** The following is an option of the \axis command
+% ** ticks
+% ** [in] [out]
+% ** [long] [short] [length <LENGTH>]
+% ** [width <WIDTH>]
+% ** [andacross] [butnotacross]
+% ** [logged] [unlogged]
+% ** [unlabeled] [numbered] [withvalues VALUE1 VALUE2 ... VALUEk / ]
+% ** [quantity Q] [at LOC1 LOC2 ... LOCk / ] [from LOC1 to LOC2 by
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for the rules.
+% ** The various options of the tick field are processed by the
+% ** \!nextkeyword command defined below.
+% ** For example, `\!nextkeyword short ' expands to `\!ticksshort',
+% ** while `\!nextkeyword withvalues' expands to `\!tickswithvalues'.
+\def\!axisticks {%
+ \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname !ticks##1\endcsname \relax
+ \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\csname !ticks##1\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}%
+ \!axissetup
+ \def\!axissetup{\relax}%
+ \edef\!ticksinoutsign{\!ticksinoutSign}%
+ \!ticklength=\longticklength
+ \!tickwidth=\linethickness
+ \!gridlinestatus
+ \!setticktransform
+ \!maketick
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \def\!LTlist{}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \def\!ticksinoutSign{+}}
+ \def\!ticksinoutSign{-}}
+ \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestootrue}}
+ \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestoofalse}}
+ \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!logten}}
+ \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!donothing}}
+% ** \!ticks/ : terminates read of tick options
+\expandafter\def\csname !ticks/\endcsname{%
+ \!not {\ifx \!LTlist\empty}
+ \!placetickvalues
+ \fi
+ \def\!tickvalueslist{}%
+ \def\!LTlist{}%
+ \expandafter\csname !axis/\endcsname}
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
+ \linethickness=\!tickwidth
+ \ifdim\!ticklength>\!zpt
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickxsign\!ticklength}
+ {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickysign\!ticklength}
+ \fi
+ \if!gridlinestoo
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {-\!tickxsign\!xaxislength} {-\!tickysign\!yaxislength}
+ \fi
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \wd\!boxA=\!zpt}
+ \def\!ticksinoutsign{-}%
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \def\!ticksinoutsign{+}%
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!tickslength<#1> {%
+ \!ticklength=#1\relax
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickslength<\longticklength> }
+ \!tickslength<\shortticklength> }
+\def\!tickswidth<#1> {%
+ \!tickwidth=#1\relax
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!gridlinestootrue
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!gridlinestoofalse
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \let\!ticktransform=\!logten
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \let\!ticktransform=\!donothing
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickcase=1
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!tickswithvalues#1/ {%
+ \edef\!tickvalueslist{#1! /}%
+ \!tickcase=2
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!ticksquantity#1 {%
+ \ifnum #1>1
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \!countA=#1\relax
+ \advance \!countA -1
+ \!ticklocationincr=\!axisLength
+ \divide \!ticklocationincr \!countA
+ \!ticklocation=\!axisstart
+ \loop \!not{\ifdim \!ticklocation>\!axisend}
+ \!placetick\!ticklocation
+ \ifcase\!tickcase
+ \relax % Case 0: no labels
+ \or
+ \relax % Case 1: numbered -- not available here
+ \or
+ \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \fi
+ \advance \!ticklocation \!ticklocationincr
+ \repeat
+ \fi
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!ticksat#1 {%
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \edef\!Loc{#1}%
+ \if /\!Loc
+ \def\next{\!nextkeyword}%
+ \else
+ \!ticksincommon
+ \def\next{\!ticksat}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+\def\!ticksfrom#1 to #2 by #3 {%
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \edef\!arg{#3}%
+ \expandafter\!separate\!arg\!nil
+ \!scalefactor=1
+ \expandafter\!countfigures\!arg/
+ \edef\!arg{#1}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countE
+ \edef\!arg{#2}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countF
+ \edef\!arg{#3}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countG
+ \loop \!not{\ifnum\!countE>\!countF}
+ \ifnum\!scalefactor=1
+ \edef\!Loc{\the\!countE}%
+ \else
+ \!scaledown\!countE by\!scalefactor to\!Loc
+ \fi
+ \!ticksincommon
+ \advance \!countE \!countG
+ \repeat
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!dimenA=\!ticksinoutsign\!ticklength
+ \ifdim \!dimenA>\!offset
+ \!offset=\!dimenA
+ \fi}
+ \if!xswitch
+ \!xpos=#1\relax
+ \!ypos=\!axisylevel
+ \else
+ \!xpos=\!axisxlevel
+ \!ypos=#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \advance\!xpos \!Xsave
+ \advance\!ypos \!Ysave
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!boxA\kern-\!xpos
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!gettickvaluefrom#1 #2 /{%
+ \edef\!value{#1}%
+ \edef\!tickvalueslist{#2 /}%
+ \ifx \!tickvalueslist\!endtickvaluelist
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \fi}
+\def\!endtickvaluelist{! /}
+ \!ticktransform\!Loc\!t
+ \!ticklocation=\!t\!!unit
+ \advance\!ticklocation -\!!origin
+ \!placetick\!ticklocation
+ \ifcase\!tickcase
+ \relax % Case 0: no labels
+ \or % Case 1: numbered
+ \ifdim\!ticklocation<-\!!origin
+ \edef\!Loc{$\!Loc$}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!Loc}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \or % Case 2: labeled
+ \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \fi}
+ \!ifnextchar{-}{\!!separate}{\!!!separate}#1\!nil}
+ \def\!sign{-}%
+ \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
+ \def\!sign{+}%
+ \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
+ \def\!arg{#1}%
+ \ifx\!arg\!empty
+ \!countA=0
+ \else
+ \!countA=\!arg
+ \fi
+ \def\!arg{#2}%
+ \ifx\!arg\!empty
+ \!countB=0
+ \else
+ \!countB=\!arg
+ \fi}
+ \if #1/%
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \multiply\!scalefactor 10
+ \def\!next{\!countfigures}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \expandafter\!separate#1\!nil
+ \multiply\!countA #2\relax
+ \advance\!countA \!countB
+ \if -\!sign
+ \!countA=-\!countA
+ \fi
+ #3=\!countA
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!countA=#1\relax% ** get original #
+ \ifnum \!countA<0 % ** take abs value,
+ \def\!sign{-}% ** remember sign
+ \!countA=-\!countA
+ \else
+ \def\!sign{}%
+ \fi
+ \!countB=\!countA% ** copy |#|
+ \divide\!countB #2\relax% ** integer part (|#|/sf)
+ \!countC=\!countB% ** get sf * (|#|/sf)
+ \multiply\!countC #2\relax
+ \advance \!countA -\!countC% ** ctA is now remainder
+ \edef#3{\!sign\the\!countB.}% ** +- integerpart.
+ \!countC=\!countA % ** Tack on proper number
+ \ifnum\!countC=0 % ** of zeros after .
+ \!countC=1
+ \fi
+ \multiply\!countC 10
+ \!loop \ifnum #2>\!countC
+ \edef#3{#3\!zero}%
+ \multiply\!countC 10
+ \repeat
+ \edef#3{#3\the\!countA}% ** Add on rest of remainder
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \advance\!offset \tickstovaluesleading
+ \if!xswitch
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \def\\##1##2{%
+ \!dimenput {##2} [B] (##1,\!axisylevel)}%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!LTlist
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!Ysave
+ \advance\!dimenA \!tickysign\!offset
+ \if -\!tickysign
+ \advance\!dimenA -\ht\!boxA
+ \else
+ \advance\!dimenA \dp\!boxA
+ \fi
+ \advance\!offset \ht\!boxA
+ \advance\!offset \dp\!boxA
+ \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!zpt,\!dimenA)
+ \else
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \def\\##1##2{%
+ \!dimenput {##2} [r] (\!axisxlevel,##1)}%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!LTlist
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \!dimenA=\!axisxlevel
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!Xsave
+ \advance\!dimenA \!tickxsign\!offset
+ \if -\!tickxsign
+ \advance\!dimenA -\wd\!boxA
+ \fi
+ \advance\!offset \wd\!boxA
+ \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!dimenA,\!zpt)
+ \fi}
+\catcode`!=12 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/postpictex.tex b/graphics/pictex/postpictex.tex
index d46612a862..b70bc1cdaf 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/postpictex.tex
+++ b/graphics/pictex/postpictex.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-% This is postpictex.tex Version 1.1 9/10/87
+% This is postpictex.tex
+% Version 1.1 9/10/87.
+% See section 10 of the PiCTeX manual.
+% Version 1.1b 2021-06-08 extended LaTeX support for picture environment
+% LaTeX Project (with Michael Wichura's permission for the update)
+% add \put and \multiput to the list of commands restored for LaTeX.
% To use the PiCTeX macros under LaTeX, you first need to \input the
% file prepictex.tex, then the main corpus of PiCTeX macros (pictex.tex),
@@ -39,6 +44,13 @@
+% 2021-06-08 and same for \put and \multiput
% Reset LaTeX's default meaning of \\
\catcode`@=12 \catcode`!=12
diff --git a/graphics/pictex/prepictex.tex b/graphics/pictex/prepictex.tex
index cd7f92e2fe..a0e825066f 100644
--- a/graphics/pictex/prepictex.tex
+++ b/graphics/pictex/prepictex.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-% This is prepictex.tex Version 1.1 9/10/87
+% This is prepictex.tex
+% Version 1.1 9/10/87. See section 10 of the PiCTeX manual.
+% Version 1.1b 2021-06-08 extended LaTeX support for picture environment
+% LaTeX Project (with Michael Wichura's permission for the update)
+% Support lengths in LaTeX picture mode coordinates in recent LaTeX.
% To use the PiCTeX macros under LaTeX, you first need to \input this
% file, then the main corpus of PiCTeX macros (pictex.tex), and then
@@ -20,14 +24,16 @@
% Redefine the LaTeX \@picture macro
+% 2021-06-08 Adjust so working for old and new LaTeX releases
- \@picht #2\unitlength
- \setbox\@picbox\hbox to #1\unitlength\bgroup
+ \!latex@picture(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
- \hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup}
+ \ignorespaces}
\catcode`@=12 \catcode`!=12