path: root/graphics/sam2p/ps_tiny.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/sam2p/ps_tiny.c')
1 files changed, 874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/sam2p/ps_tiny.c b/graphics/sam2p/ps_tiny.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..615eb287d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/sam2p/ps_tiny.c
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+#define DUMMY \
+set -ex; \
+gcc -O3 -s -DNDEBUG=1 -DNO_CONFIG=1 -ansi -pedantic -Wunused \
+ -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wtraditional -Wnested-externs -Winline \
+ -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-qual -Wmissing-prototypes \
+ -Wmissing-declarations ps_tiny.c -o ps_tiny; \
+/* ps_tiny.c -- read .pin files, write short PostScript code
+ * by at Sat Aug 24 12:46:14 CEST 2002
+ * -- Sat Aug 24 18:23:08 CEST 2002
+ * -- Sat Aug 24 23:47:02 CEST 2002
+ * -- Mon Sep 2 11:28:19 CEST 2002
+ * %<B added -- Thu Sep 19 09:23:00 CEST 2002
+ * v0.02 WORKS for flatedecode.psm -- Sun Sep 22 00:39:54 CEST 2002
+ */
+ * Imp: extensive documentation
+ * Imp: verify acount + xcount
+ * Imp: uncompressed méretellenőrzés
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #if SIZEOF_INT>=4
+ typedef unsigned slen_t;
+ typedef int slendiff_t;
+ # define SLEN_P ""
+ #else
+ typedef unsigned long slen_t;
+ typedef long slendiff_t;
+ # define SLEN_P "l"
+ #endif
+ typedef char sbool;
+ #if ';'!=59 || 'a'!=97
+ # error ASCII system is required to compile this program.
+ #endif
+ #include "config2.h" /* by sam2p... */
+ typedef bool sbool;
+# warning PROVIDES: ps_tiny_main
+#define ULE(a,b) (((a)+0U)<=((b)+0U))
+#define ISWSPACEE(i) ((i)==32 || ULE(i-9,13-9) || i==0)
+#define ISWSPACE(i,j) ((i j)==32 || ULE(i-9,13-9) || i==0)
+#define PROGNAME "ps_tiny"
+#define VERSION "0.02"
+/* --- Data */
+#define SBUFSIZE 4096
+/** Data area holding strings; */
+char sbuf[SBUFSIZE], *sbufb;
+#define WORDSSIZE 127
+/** Pointers inside sbuf, indexed by chars, [0..31] are special */
+char const* words[WORDSSIZE];
+static void sbuff(void) {
+ unsigned i;
+ sbuf[0]='\0';
+ sbufb=sbuf+1;
+ for (i=0;i<WORDSSIZE;i++) words[i]=sbuf;
+/** @return -1 or the word found */
+static int findword(char const*word) {
+ unsigned i=32;
+ while (i<WORDSSIZE && 0!=strcmp(word,words[i])) i++;
+ return i==WORDSSIZE ? -1 : (int)i;
+/** @return -1 or the word found */
+static int findword_stripslash(char const*word) {
+ unsigned i=32;
+ assert(word[0]!='/');
+ while (i<WORDSSIZE && 0!=strcmp(word,words[i]+(words[i][0]=='/'))) i++;
+ return i==WORDSSIZE ? -1 : (int)i;
+/* --- Reading */
+/** Current byte offset in input. (from 0) */
+slen_t curofs;
+/** Current line in input. (from 1) */
+slen_t curline;
+/** Offset of the leftmost char of current line in input. (from 0) */
+slen_t leftofs;
+/** Current position in input override format string */
+char const* ifmt;
+/** Input override string list */
+char const* const* ilist;
+/** Current position in current item of ilist */
+char const* iitem;
+/** Char unget */
+int ilast;
+static void rewindd(void) { ifmt=0; curofs=leftofs=0; curline=1; }
+static void setifmt(char const *ifmt_, char const* const* ilist_) {
+ ifmt=ifmt_;
+ ilist=ilist_;
+ iitem="";
+ ilast=-1;
+static void noifmt(void) { ifmt=0; }
+static int getcc(void) {
+ int c;
+ if (ifmt!=0) {
+ nextitem:
+ if (ilast>=0) { c=ilast; ilast=-1; }
+ else if (iitem[0]!='\0') c=*iitem++;
+ else if (ifmt[0]=='$') { iitem=*ilist++; ifmt++; goto nextitem; }
+ else if (ifmt[0]=='\0') c=-1; /* EOF forever */
+ else c=*ifmt++;
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "igetcc()='%c'\n", c); */
+ } else {
+ if ((c=getchar())=='\n') { leftofs=curofs; curline++; }
+ curofs++;
+ }
+ return c;
+static void ungetcc(int c) {
+ if (ifmt!=0) {
+ assert(ilast<0);
+ ilast=c;
+ } else {
+ if (c=='\n') curline--;
+ if (c>=0) { curofs--; ungetc(c,stdin); }
+ }
+static void erri(char const*msg1, char const*msg2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error at %" SLEN_P "u.%" SLEN_P "u.%" SLEN_P "u: %s%s\n",
+ PROGNAME, curline, curofs-leftofs+1, curofs, msg1, msg2?msg2:"");
+ exit(3);
+static void setword(int c, char const*word, int slash) {
+ slen_t len;
+ assert(slash==0 || slash==1);
+ if (words[c][0]!='\0') erri("abbr letter already used",0);
+ if (sbuf+SBUFSIZE-sbufb+(slen_t)0<(len=strlen(word))+slash+1U) erri("words overflow",0);
+ /* fprintf(stderr,"setword(%d,\"%s\");\n", c, word); */
+ words[c]=sbufb;
+ if (slash) *sbufb++='/';
+ strcpy(sbufb, word);
+ sbufb+=len+1;
+ /* assert(c<3 || findword(word)==c); */
+/** So a long string from ps_tiny --copy <bts2.ttt will fit */
+/* #define IBUFSIZE 512 */
+#define IBUFSIZE 32000
+/** Input buffer for several operations. */
+char ibuf[IBUFSIZE];
+/** Position after last valid char in ibuf */
+char *ibufb;
+typedef slendiff_t psint_t;
+#if 0
+static psint_t getint(void) {
+ int c, sgn=1;
+ psint_t v, w;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c=='-') { c=getcc(); sgn=-1; }
+ if (!ULE(c-'0','9'-'0')) erri("integer expected",0); /* Dat: EOF err */
+ v=sgn*(c-'0');
+ while (ULE((c=getcc())-'0','9'-'0')) {
+ if ((w=10*v+sgn*(c-'0'))/10!=v) erri("integer overflow",0);
+ /* ^^^ Dat: overflow check is ok between -MAX-1 .. MAX */
+ v=w;
+ }
+ ungetcc(c);
+ return v;
+static psint_t getuint(void) {
+ psint_t v=getint();
+ if (v<0) erri("nonnegative integer expected",0);
+ return v;
+static /*inline*/ sbool is_ps_white(int/*char*/ c) {
+ return c=='\n' || c=='\r' || c=='\t' || c==' ' || c=='\f' || c=='\0';
+static /*inline*/ sbool is_ps_name(int/*char*/ c) {
+ /* Dat: we differ from PDF since we do not treat the hashmark (`#') special
+ * in names.
+ * Dat: we differ from PostScript since we accept names =~ /[!-~]/
+ */
+ return c>='!' && c<='~'
+ && c!='/' && c!='%' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!='<' && c!='>'
+ && c!='[' && c!=']' && c!='(' && c!=')';
+ /* Dat: PS avoids: /{}<>()[]% \n\r\t\000\f\040 */
+/** Definition chosen rather arbitrarily by pts */
+static sbool is_wordx(char const *s) {
+ if (!ULE(*s-'A','Z'-'A') && !ULE(*s-'a','z'-'a') && *s!='.') return 0;
+ /* && !ULE(*s-'0','9'-'0') && *s!='-') return 0; */
+ while (*++s!='\0') if (!is_ps_name(*s)) return 0;
+ return 1;
+/** @param b: assume null-terminated @return true on error */
+static /*inline*/ sbool toInteger(char *s, psint_t *ret) {
+ int n=0; /* BUGFIX?? found by __CHECKER__ */
+ return sscanf(s, "%" SLEN_P "i%n", ret, &n)<1 || s[n]!='\0';
+/** @param b: assume null-terminated @return true on error */
+static /*inline*/ sbool toReal(char *s, double *ret) {
+ int n;
+ char c;
+ /* Dat: glibc accepts "12e", "12E", "12e+" and "12E-" */
+ return sscanf(s, "%lf%n", ret, &n)<1
+ || (c=s[n-1])=='e' || c=='E' || c=='+' || c=='-' || s[n]!='\0';
+/** Returns a PostScript token ID, puts token into buf */
+static char gettok(void) {
+ /* Derived from MiniPS::Tokenizer::yylex() of sam2p-0.37 */
+ int c=0; /* dummy initialization */
+ sbool hi;
+ unsigned hv=0; /* =0: pacify G++ 2.91 */
+ slen_t nest;
+ char *ibufend=ibuf+IBUFSIZE;
+ ibufb=ibuf;
+#if 0
+ if (ungot==EOFF) return EOFF;
+ if (ungot!=NO_UNGOT) { c=ungot; ungot=NO_UNGOT; goto again; }
+ again_getcc:
+ c=getcc();
+ /* again: */
+ switch (c) {
+ case -1: eof:
+ return 0; /*ungot=EOFF */;
+ case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case ' ': case '\f': case '\0':
+ goto again_getcc;
+ case '%': /* one-line comment */
+ if ((c=getcc())=='<') { /* XMLish tag */
+ char ret='<';
+ if ((c=getcc())=='/') { ret='>'; c=getcc(); } /* close tag */
+ if (!ULE(c-'A','Z'-'A')) erri("invalid tag",0); /* catch EOF */
+ (ibufb=ibuf)[0]=c; ibufb++;
+ while (ULE((c=getcc())-'A','Z'-'A') || ULE(c-'a','z'-'a')) {
+ if (ibufb==ibufend-1) erri("tag too long",0);
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ }
+ if (c<0) erri("unfinished tag",0);
+ *ibufb='\0';
+ ungetcc(c);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ while (c!='\n' && c!='\r' && c!=-1) c=getcc();
+ if (c==-1) goto eof;
+ goto again_getcc;
+ case '{': case '[':
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ return '[';
+ case '}': case ']':
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ return ']';
+ case '>':
+ if (getcc()!='>') goto err;
+ *ibufb++='>'; *ibufb++='>';
+ return ']';
+ case '<':
+ if ((c=getcc())==-1) { uf_hex: erri("unfinished hexstr",0); }
+ if (c=='<') {
+ *ibufb++='<'; *ibufb++='<';
+ return '[';
+ }
+ if (c=='~') erri("a85str unsupported",0);
+ hi=1;
+ while (c!='>') {
+ if (ULE(c-'0','9'-'0')) hv=c-'0';
+ else if (ULE(c-'a','f'-'a')) hv=c-'a'+10;
+ else if (ULE(c-'A','F'-'A')) hv=c-'A'+10;
+ else if (is_ps_white(c)) hv=16;
+ else erri("syntax error in hexstr",0);
+ if (hv==16) ;
+ else if (!hi) { ibufb[-1]|=hv; hi=1; }
+ else if (ibufb==ibufend) erri("hexstr literal too long",0);
+ else { *ibufb++=(char)(hv<<4); hi=0; }
+ if ((c=getcc())==-1) goto uf_hex;
+ }
+ /* This is correct even if an odd number of hex digits have arrived */
+ return '(';
+ case '(':
+ nest=1;
+ while ((c=getcc())!=-1) {
+ if (c==')' && --nest==0) return '(';
+ if (c!='\\') { if (c=='(') nest++; }
+ else switch (c=getcc()) { /* read a backslash escape */
+ case -1: goto uf_str;
+ case 'n': c='\n'; break;
+ case 'r': c='\r'; break;
+ case 't': c='\t'; break;
+ case 'b': c='\010'; break; /* \b and \a conflict between -ansi and -traditional */
+ case 'f': c='\f'; break;
+ default:
+ if (!ULE(c-'0','7'-'0')) break;
+ hv=c-'0'; /* read at most 3 octal chars */
+ if ((c=getcc())==-1) goto uf_str;
+ if (c<'0' || c>'7') { ungetcc(c); c=hv; }
+ hv=8*hv+(c-'0');
+ if ((c=getcc())==-1) goto uf_str;
+ if (c<'0' || c>'7') { ungetcc(c); c=hv; }
+ c=(char)(8*hv+(c-'0'));
+ } /* SWITCH */
+ if (ibufb==ibufend) erri("str literal too long",0);
+ /* putchar(c); */
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ } /* WHILE */
+ /* if (c==')') return '('; */
+ uf_str: erri("unfinished str",0);
+ case ')': goto err;
+ case '/':
+ *ibufb++='/';
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ /* ^^^ `/ x' are two token in PostScript, but here we overcome the C
+ * preprocessor's feature of including whitespace.
+ */
+ /* fall-through, b will begin with '/' */
+ default: /* /nametype, /integertype or /realtype */
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ while ((c=getcc())!=-1 && is_ps_name(c)) {
+ if (ibufb==ibufend) erri("token too long",0);
+ *ibufb++=c;
+ }
+ ungetcc(c);
+ if (ibuf[0]=='/') return '/';
+ /* Imp: optimise numbers?? */
+ if (ibufb!=ibufend) {
+ psint_t l;
+ double d;
+ *ibufb='\0';
+ /* Dat: we don't support base-n number such as `16#100' == 256 in real PostScript */
+ if (!toInteger(ibufb, &l)) return '1'; /* throw away integer value */
+ /* Dat: call toInteger _before_ toReal */
+ if (!toReal(ibufb, &d)) return '.';
+ }
+ return 'E'; /* executable /nametype */
+ }
+ err:
+ erri("syntax error, token expected",0);
+ goto again_getcc; /* notreached */
+static void getotag(char const*tag) {
+#if 0 /* This code segment cannot ignore comments */
+ char const *p=tag;
+ int c;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c!='%' || (c=getcc())!='<') erri("tag expected: ", tag);
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ while (p[0]!='\0') {
+ if (c!=*p++) erri("this tag expected: ", tag);
+ c=getcc();
+ }
+ ungetcc(c);
+ if (gettok()!='<' || 0!=strcmp(ibuf,tag)) erri("tag expected: ", tag);
+static void gettagbeg(void) {
+ int c;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c!='>') erri("`>' expected",0);
+static void gettagend(void) {
+ int c;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c!='/') erri("`/>' expected",0);
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c!='>') erri("`/>' expected",0);
+static void getkey(char const *key) {
+ char const *p=key;
+ int c;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ while (p[0]!='\0') {
+ if (c!=*p++) erri("this key expected: ", key);
+ c=getcc();
+ }
+ while (ISWSPACEE(c)) c=getcc();
+ if (c!='=') erri("key `=' expected", 0);
+/** Loads a value into ibuf, '\0'-terminated. */
+static void getval(void) {
+ sbool g=1;
+ char *ibufend1=ibuf+IBUFSIZE-1, c;
+ ibufb=ibuf;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ while (1) {
+ if (c=='"') g=!g;
+ else if (g && (ISWSPACEE(c) || c=='/' || c=='>')) { ungetcc(c); break; }
+ else if (c<0) erri("unfinished tag val",0);
+ else if (c==0) erri("\\0 disallowed in tag val",0);
+ else if (ibufb==ibufend1) erri("tag val too long",0);
+ else *ibufb++=c;
+ c=getcc();
+ } /* WHILE */
+ *ibufb='\0';
+static psint_t getuintval(void) {
+ psint_t ret;
+ getval();
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "[%s]\n", ibuf); */
+ if (toInteger(ibuf, &ret) || ret<0) erri("tag val must be nonnegative integer",0);
+ return ret;
+/* --- Writing */
+/** Maximum number of characters in a line. */
+#define MAXLINE 78
+/** Number of characters already written into this line. (from 0) */
+slen_t wcolc;
+/** Last token was a self-closing one */
+sbool wlastclosed;
+static void prepare(void) { wcolc=0; wlastclosed=1; }
+static void newline(void) {
+ if (wcolc!=0) {
+ putchar('\n');
+ wcolc=0; wlastclosed=1;
+ } else assert(wlastclosed);
+/** 2: "\\n"; 1: "\n" */
+static int pstrq_litn_pp=2;
+/** @return the byte length of a string as a quoted PostScript ASCII string
+ * literal
+ */
+static slen_t pstrqlen(register char const* p, char const* pend) {
+ slen_t olen=2; /* '(' and ')' */
+ char c;
+ p=ibuf; pend=ibufb; while (p!=pend) {
+ if ((c=*(unsigned char const*)p++)=='\r' || c=='\t' || c=='\010' || c=='\f' || c=='(' || c==')') olen+=2;
+ else if (c=='\n') olen+=pstrq_litn_pp;
+ else if (c>=32 && c<=126) olen++;
+ else if (c>=64 || p==pend || ULE(*p-'0','7'-'0')) olen+=4;
+ else if (c>=8) olen+=3;
+ else olen+=2;
+ }
+ return olen;
+/** Prints the specified string as a quoted PostScript ASCII string literal.
+ * Does not modify wcolc etc.
+ */
+static void pstrqput(register char const* p, char const* pend) {
+ char c;
+ putchar('(');
+ p=ibuf; pend=ibufb; while (p!=pend) {
+ if ((ULE((c=*(unsigned char const*)p++)-32, 126-32) && c!='(' && c!=')')
+ || (c=='\n' && pstrq_litn_pp==1)
+ ) { putchar(c); continue; }
+ putchar('\\');
+ if (c=='\n') putchar('n');
+ else if (c=='\r') putchar('r');
+ else if (c=='\t') putchar('t');
+ else if (c=='\010') putchar('b');
+ else if (c=='\f') putchar('f');
+ else if (c=='(') putchar('('); /* BUGFIX at Tue Feb 22 00:22:19 CET 2005 */
+ else if (c==')') putchar(')');
+ else if (c>=64 || p==pend || ULE(*p-'0','7'-'0')) {
+ putchar((c>>6&7)+'0');
+ putchar((c>>3&7)+'0');
+ putchar(( c&7)+'0');
+ } else if (c>=8) {
+ putchar((c>>3) +'0');
+ putchar(( c&7)+'0');
+ } else putchar(c+'0');
+ }
+ putchar(')');
+static int copy_longstr_warn_p=1;
+/** Copies PostScript code from input to output. Strips comments, superfluous
+ * whitespace etc., substitutes words etc.
+ * @param tag may be NULL, this signals: copy till EOF, doesn't substitute
+ * words
+ */
+static void copy(char const*tag) {
+ int c;
+ slen_t len, olen;
+ while (1) switch (gettok()) {
+ case 0:
+ if (tag) erri("eof before close tag: ", tag);
+ return;
+ case '[': case ']':
+ if (wcolc+(len=ibufb-ibuf)>MAXLINE) newline();
+ wlastclosed=1;
+ write:
+ if (len>MAXLINE) fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: output line too long\n", PROGNAME);
+ fwrite(ibuf, 1, len, stdout); wcolc+=len;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if ((len=ibufb-ibuf)<IBUFSIZE && tag && !(*ibufb='\0') && (c=findword(ibuf))>=0) {
+ ibuf[0]='/';
+ ibuf[1]=c;
+ ibufb=ibuf+2;
+ len=2;
+ }
+ if (wcolc+len>MAXLINE) newline();
+ wlastclosed=0;
+ goto write;
+ case '<': erri("tag unexpected",0);
+ case '>':
+ if (!tag) erri("close tag unexpected",0);
+ if (strlen(tag)!=(len=ibufb-ibuf) || 0!=memcmp(ibuf,tag,len)) erri("this close tag expected: ", tag);
+ /* wlastclosed is left unmodified */
+ gettagbeg();
+ return;
+ case '(':
+ olen=pstrqlen(ibuf,ibufb);
+ if (wcolc+olen>MAXLINE) newline();
+ if (olen>MAXLINE && copy_longstr_warn_p) fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: output string too long\n", PROGNAME);
+ /* putchar(ibuf[1]); */
+ wcolc+=olen; pstrqput(ibuf,ibufb);
+ wlastclosed=1;
+ break;
+ default: /* case '1': case '.': case 'E': */
+ /* fprintf(stderr,"fw(%s) %c\n", ibuf, findword("32768")); */
+ if ((len=ibufb-ibuf)<IBUFSIZE && tag && !(*ibufb='\0') && (c=findword_stripslash(ibuf))>=0) {
+ ibuf[0]=c;
+ ibufb=ibuf+1;
+ len=1;
+ }
+ if (wcolc+len+!wlastclosed>MAXLINE) newline();
+ else if (!wlastclosed) { putchar(' '); wcolc++; }
+ wlastclosed=0;
+ goto write;
+ }
+/** Prefix chars: 32..41 ' '..')' */
+static void cprefix(slen_t olen) {
+ slen_t plen;
+ if (0==olen) erri("empty token","");
+ if (olen>11) erri("compressed token too long (>11)","");
+ plen=olen+(olen>1)+(olen==7);
+ if (wcolc+(wcolc==0)+plen>MAXLINE) newline();
+ if (wcolc==0) { putchar('%'); wcolc=1; }
+ if (plen>=MAXLINE) fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: output line too long\n", PROGNAME);
+ if (olen==7) { putchar(8+30); putchar(' '); wcolc+=2; } /* Dat: ASCII 37=='%' */
+ else if (olen>1) { putchar(olen+30); wcolc++; }
+/** Copies PostScript code from input to output. Strips comments, superfluous
+ * whitespace etc., substitutes words etc. Output is not valid PostScript code,
+ * but it needs decompression (i.e adding spaces to words). Ignores var
+ * `wlastclosed' (sets it to 1 by calling newline()).
+ */
+static void compress0(char const*tag) {
+ int c;
+ slen_t len, olen;
+ newline();
+ while (1) switch (gettok()) {
+ case 0: erri("eof before close tag: ", tag);
+ case '[': case ']':
+ len=ibufb-ibuf;
+ write:
+ cprefix(len);
+ fwrite(ibuf, 1, len, stdout); wcolc+=len;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if ((len=ibufb-ibuf)<IBUFSIZE && !(*ibufb='\0') && (c=findword(ibuf))>=0) {
+ /* erri("possibly stupid redef: ", ibuf); */
+ ibuf[0]='/';
+ ibuf[1]=c;
+ ibufb=ibuf+2;
+ len=2;
+ }
+ goto write;
+ case '<': erri("tag unexpected",0);
+ case '>':
+ if (strlen(tag)!=(len=ibufb-ibuf) || 0!=memcmp(ibuf,tag,len)) erri("this close tag expected: ", tag);
+ /* wlastclosed is left unmodified */
+ fputs((wcolc+2>MAXLINE) ? "\n% %%" : "%%", stdout);
+ newline();
+ gettagbeg();
+ return;
+ case '(':
+ cprefix(olen=pstrqlen(ibuf,ibufb));
+ wcolc+=olen; pstrqput(ibuf,ibufb);
+ break;
+ default: /* case '1': case '.': case 'E': */
+ if ((len=ibufb-ibuf)<IBUFSIZE && !(*ibufb='\0') && (c=findword_stripslash(ibuf))>=0) {
+ ibuf[0]=c;
+ ibufb=ibuf+1;
+ len=1;
+ }
+ goto write;
+ }
+/** by at Fri Sep 6 11:34:57 CEST 2002. Copies data from stdin
+ * to stdout till close tag %</tag>. (Note that it isn't safe to copy data of
+ * the ASCII85Encode filter this way
+ */
+static void copydata(char const*tag) {
+ int c;
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ /* ungetcc(c); */
+ while (1) {
+ if (c<0) erri("missing close tag: ", tag);
+ if (c!='%') { putchar(c); c=getcc(); continue; }
+ if ((c=getcc())=='<') {
+ if ((c=getcc())=='/') {
+ while (tag[0]!='\0') {
+ if ((c=getcc())!=*tag++) erri("this close tag expected: ", tag);
+ }
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c!='>') erri("`>' expected", 0);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ putchar('%');
+ putchar('<');
+ }
+ } else {
+ putchar('%');
+ }
+ }
+/* --- Main */
+int main(int argc, char**argv) {
+ slen_t acount, xcount, inlining;
+ char tmp[40];
+ (void)argc;
+ /* freopen("","rb",stdin); */
+ sbuff();
+ rewindd();
+ prepare();
+ if (argv[0] && argv[1] && 0==strcmp(argv[1],"--copy")) {
+ copy_longstr_warn_p=0;
+ pstrq_litn_pp=1;
+ copy((char const*)0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ { char tok=gettok();
+ slen_t len;
+ len=ibufb-ibuf;
+ if (tok=='<' && len==4 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "Head", 4)) {
+ gettagbeg();
+ copydata("Head");
+ getotag("Open");
+ } else if (tok=='<' && len==4 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "Open", 4)) {
+ } else erri("tag %<Head or %<Open expected",0);
+ }
+ gettagbeg();
+ copy("Open");
+ getotag("Abbr");
+ getkey("acount"); acount=getuintval();
+ getkey("xcount"); xcount=getuintval();
+ sprintf(tmp,"%" SLEN_P "u dict%%</I>", acount+xcount);
+ setifmt(tmp,0); copy("I"); noifmt();
+ gettagbeg();
+#define E_RANGE 3
+#define E_SYNTAX 4
+#define E_COMPRESS 5
+ copy("Abbr");
+ setword(E_RANGE, ")range", 0);
+ setword(E_SYNTAX, ")syntax", 0);
+ setword(E_COMPRESS, ")compress", 0);
+ { int c;
+ for (c=7;c<32;c++) words[c]=words[E_RANGE];
+ for (c=32;c<42;c++) words[c]=words[E_COMPRESS];
+ for (c=47;c<58;c++) words[c]=words[E_SYNTAX]; /* Name:'/', Number:'0'..'9' */
+ words[0U+'<']=words[0U+'>']= /* Hex */
+ words[0U+'[']=words[0U+']']= /* Bracket */
+ words[0U+'{']=words[0U+'}']= /* Brace */
+ words[E_SYNTAX];
+ for (c=127;c<WORDSSIZE;c++) words[c]=words[E_RANGE];
+ }
+ { char tok;
+ slen_t len;
+ int c;
+ char ct[2];
+ char const* ilist_[3];
+ psint_t i;
+ sbool g;
+ while (1) {
+ tok=gettok(); len=ibufb-ibuf;
+ if (tok=='<' && len==1 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "A", 1)) {
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c<32 || c>=WORDSSIZE) erri("invalid %<A letter",0);
+ ct[0]=c; ct[1]='\0'; ilist_[0]=ct;
+ getval();
+ if (is_wordx(ibuf)) {
+ setword(c, ibuf, 0);
+ ilist_[1]=words[c]; words[c]=sbuf; /* temp hide */
+ ilist_[2]=words[0][0]=='\0' ? "load def" : words[0];
+ setifmt("/$ /$ $%</I>", ilist_);
+ if (words[1][0]=='\0' && 0==strcmp(ibuf,"def")) setword(1, ct, 0);
+ } else {
+ g=toInteger(ibuf, &i); /* need braces? */
+ if (g) { words[2]=sbuf; c=2; }
+ setword(c, ibuf, 0); /* temp save */
+ ilist_[1]=words[c]; words[c]=sbuf; /* temp hide */
+ ilist_[2]=words[1][0]=='\0' ? "def" : words[1];
+ setifmt(g ? "/$ { $\n} $%</I>" : "/$ $\n $%</I>", ilist_);
+ if (words[0][0]=='\0' && 0==strcmp(ibuf,"load def")) setword(0, ct, 0);
+ }
+ copy("I");
+ noifmt();
+ words[c]=ilist_[1];
+ } else if (tok=='<' && len==1 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "D", 1)) {
+ /* define both /x and x */
+ while (ISWSPACE(c,=getcc())) ;
+ if (c<32 || c>=WORDSSIZE) erri("invalid %<D letter",0);
+ ct[0]=c; ct[1]='\0'; ilist_[0]=ct;
+ getval();
+ if (!is_wordx(ibuf)) erri("body for %<D must be a single word",0);
+ setword(c, ibuf, 1);
+ } else if (tok=='<' && len==7 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "TokSubs", 7)) {
+ break;
+ } else erri("tag %<TokSubs or %<A or %<D expected",0);
+ gettagend();
+ }
+ words[2]=sbuf; /* Imp: free chars */
+ }
+ getkey("name"); getval(); setword(2, ibuf, 0);
+ if (ibufb-ibuf==1 && words[(unsigned char)ibuf[0]]!=sbuf) erri("abbr used as %<TokSubs name= : ",ibuf);
+ getkey("inlining"); inlining=getuintval();
+ gettagend();
+ { char const* ilist_[2]; ilist_[0]=ilist_[1]=words[2];
+ setifmt(inlining!=0 ? "/${mark exch{dup xcheck{dup type/arraytype eq{$}{dup type/nametype eq{dup currentdict exch known{load dup dup type/arraytype eq exch xcheck and{$ aload pop}if}if}if}ifelse}if}forall counttomark array astore exch pop cvx}bind def%</I>"
+ :"/$ {\n"
+ "mark exch{\n"
+ "dup xcheck{\n"
+ "dup type/arraytype eq{$}{\n"
+ "dup type/nametype eq{\n"
+ "dup currentdict exch known {load}if\n"
+ "}if\n"
+ "}ifelse\n"
+ "}if\n"
+ "}forall\n"
+ "counttomark array astore exch pop cvx\n"
+ "} bind def%</I>", ilist_);
+ copy("I"); noifmt();
+ }
+ getotag("Test");
+ gettagbeg();
+ copy("Test");
+ getotag("S");
+ getkey("len"); (void)getuintval(); /* Imp: verify slen for overruns */
+ gettagbeg();
+ setifmt("{%</I>",0); copy("I"); noifmt(); /*}*/
+ copy("S");
+ { char const* ilist_[2]; ilist_[0]=ilist_[1]=words[2];
+ setifmt(
+ "0\n"
+ "{ % Stack: <dst-str> <i>\n"
+ " currentfile read pop\n"
+ " dup 37 eq{% '%'\n"
+ " pop currentfile read pop\n"
+ " dup 37 eq{pop pop exit}if % exit when '%%'\n"
+ " }if\n"
+ " % Stack: <dst-str> <i> <char-read>\n"
+ " dup 42 lt{\n"
+ " 30 sub\n"
+ " % Stack: <dst-str> <i> <repeat-count>\n"
+ " dup 0 gt{\n"
+ " 3 copy getinterval\n"
+ " % Stack: <dst-str> <i> <repeat-count> <sub-dst-str>\n"
+ " currentfile exch readstring pop pop\n"
+ " % Stack: <dst-str> <i> <repeat-count>\n"
+ " add 1 add\n"
+ " }{pop}ifelse % skip newlines, tabs etc.\n"
+ " }{\n"
+ " 3 copy put\n"
+ " pop 2 add % \\0 as space\n"
+ " }ifelse\n"
+ " % Stack: <dst-str> <new-i>\n"
+ "}$ bind loop\n"
+ "% Stack: <dst-str>\n"
+ "cvx exec $ bind exec\n" /* CONST, VAR és CODE futtatása */
+ "currentfile token pop pop\n" /* A %%BeginData utáni exec beolvasása */
+ "%</I>\n", ilist_);
+ copy("I"); noifmt();
+ }
+ getotag("True");
+ gettagbeg();
+ copy("True");
+ setifmt("}{currentfile token pop pop%</I>",0);
+ copy("I"); noifmt();
+ getotag("False");
+ gettagbeg();
+ copy("False");
+ setifmt("}ifelse%</I>",0);
+ copy("I"); noifmt();
+ getotag("Defs");
+ gettagbeg();
+ compress0("Defs");
+ { char tok=gettok();
+ slen_t len;
+ len=ibufb-ibuf;
+ if (tok=='<' && len==4 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "Data", 4)) {
+ gettagbeg();
+ copydata("Data");
+ } else if (tok=='<' && len==4 && 0==memcmp(ibuf, "Fini", 4)) {
+ fputs("%%BeginData:\nexec\n`S\n%%EndData\n",stdout);
+ getotag("Fini");
+ gettagbeg();
+ copy("Fini");
+ newline();
+ fputs("%%Trailer\n%%EOF\n", stdout);
+ } else erri("tag %<Data or %<Fini expected",0);
+ }
+ if (gettok()!=0) erri("premature EOF",0);
+ return 0;