path: root/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-plot/doc/pst-plot-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-plot/doc/pst-plot-doc.tex')
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+% $Id: pst-plot-doc.tex 1056 2019-05-17 07:39:59Z herbert $
+ headexclude,footexclude,oneside,dvipsnames,svgnames]{pst-doc}
+ pst-node,
+ pst-calculate,
+ pst-plot
+ }
+ labelFontSize=\scriptstyle](3,360)
+ plotpoints=2000]{0}{TwoPi}{6*sin(x)*cos(x)}
+ escapechar=?}
+\title{\texttt{pst-plot}\\plotting data and functions \\\small v.\pstFV}
+\docauthor{Herbert Vo\ss}
+\author{Timothy Van Zandt\\Herbert Vo\ss}
+This version of \LPack{pst-plot} uses the extended keyval handling
+of \LPack{pst-xkey} and has a lot of the macros which were recently in
+the package \LPack{pstricks-add}. This documentation describes only the
+new and changed stuff. For the default behaviour look into the
+documentation part of the base \LPack{pstricks} package. You find the
+documentation here: \url{}.
+Thanks to:
+Guillaume van Baalen;
+Stefano Baroni;
+Martin Chicoine;
+Gerry Coombes;
+Ulrich Dirr;
+Christophe Fourey;
+Hubert Gäßlein;
+Jürgen Gilg;
+Denis Girou;
+Peter Hutnick;
+Christophe Jorssen;
+Uwe Kern;
+Alexander Kornrumpf;
+Manuel Luque;
+Patrice Mégret;
+Jens-Uwe Morawski;
+Tobias Nähring;
+Rolf Niepraschk;
+Martin Paech;
+Alan Ristow;
+Christine Römer;
+Arnaud Schmittbuhl;
+Uwe Siart;
+Thomas Söll;
+\part{Basic commands, connections and labels}
+The plotting commands described in this part are defined in the very first version
+of \LPack{pst-plot.tex} and available for all new and ancient versions.
+The \Lcs{psdots}, \Lcs{psline}, \Lcs{pspolygon}, \Lcs{pscurve}, \Lcs{psecurve} and
+\Lcs{psccurve} graphics objects let you plot data in a variety of ways. However,
+first you have to generate the data and enter it as coordinate pairs \CAny.
+The plotting macros in this section give you other ways to get and use the
+data. %(Section \ref{S-axes} tells you how to generate axes.)
+To parameter
+ \Lkeyset{plotstyle=style}
+determines what kind of plot you get. Valid styles are \Lkeyval{dots}, \Lkeyval{line},
+\Lkeyval{polygon}, \Lkeyval{curve}, \Lkeyval{ecurve}, \Lkeyval{ccurve}. E\,,g., if the \Lkeyword{plotstyle} is
+\Lkeyval{polygon}, then the macro becomes a variant of the \Lcs{pspolygon} object.
+You can use arrows with the plot styles that are open curves, but there is no
+optional argument for specifying the arrows. You have to use the \Lkeyword{arrows}
+parameter instead.
+No\XInfoDanger{~} PostScript error checking is provided for the data arguments. %Read Appendix
+%\ref{S-raw} before including PostScript code in the arguments.
+There are system-dependent limits on the amount of data \TeX{} and PostScript
+can handle. You are much less likely to exceed the PostScript limits when you
+use the \Lkeyval{line}, \Lkeyval{polygon} or \Lkeyval{dots} plot style, with \LKeyword{showpoints=false},
+\LKeyset{linearc=0pt}, and no arrows.
+Note that the lists of data generated or used by the plot commands cannot
+contain units. The values of \Lcs{psxunit} and \Lcs{psyunit} are used as the unit.
+\section{Plotting data records}
+ \Lcs{fileplot}\OptArgs\Largb{file}\\
+ \Lcs{psfileplot}\OptArgs\Largb{file}\\
+ \Lcs{dataplot}\OptArgs\Largb{\Lcs{\Larga{macro}}}\\
+ \Lcs{psdataplot}\OptArgs\Largb{\Lcs{\Larga{macro}}}\\
+ \Lcs{savedata}\Largb{\Lcs{\Larga{macro}}}\Largs{data}\\
+ \Lcs{readdata}\Largb{\Lcs{\Larga{macro}}}\Largb{file}\\
+ \Lcs{psreadDataColumn}\OptArgs\Largb{colNo}\Largb{delimiter}\Largb{\Lcs{\Larga{macro}}}\Largb{filename}\\
+ \Lcs{listplot}\Largb{data}\\
+ \Lcs{pslistplot}\Largb{data}
+The macros with a preceeding \verb|ps| are equivalent to those without.
+\Lcs{fileplot} is the simplest of the plotting functions to use. You just need a
+file that contains a list of coordinates (without units), such as generated by
+Mathematica or other mathematical packages. The data can be delimited by curly
+braces \verb|{ }|, parentheses \verb|( )|, commas, and/or white space. Bracketing
+all the data with square brackets \verb|[ ]| will significantly speed up the rate
+at which the data is read, but there are system-dependent limits on how much
+data \TeX{} can read like this in one chunk. (The \verb|[| \emph{must} go at the
+beginning of a line.) The file should not contain anything else (not even
+\Lcs{endinput}), except for comments marked with \verb|%|.
+\Lcs{fileplot} only recognizes the \Lkeyval{line}, \Lkeyval{polygon} and \Lkeyval{dots} plot styles, and
+it ignores the \Lkeyword{arrows}, \Lkeyword{linearc} and \Lkeyword{showpoints} parameters. The
+\Lcs{listplot} command, described below, can also plot data from file, without
+these restrictions and with faster \TeX{} processing. However, you are less
+likely to exceed PostScript's memory or operand stack limits with \Lcs{fileplot}.
+If you find that it takes \TeX{} a long time to process your \Lcs{fileplot}
+command, you may want to use the \Lcs{PSTtoEPS} command described on page
+\pageref{+PSTtoEPS}. This will also reduce \TeX's memory requirements.
+\Lcs{dataplot} is also for plotting lists of data generated by other programs,
+but you first have to retrieve the data with one of the following commands:
+\Larg{data} or the data in \Larg{file} should conform to the rules described above for
+the data in \Lcs{fileplot} (with \Lcs{savedata}, the data must be delimited by
+\verb|[ ]|, and with \Lcs{readdata}, bracketing the data with \verb|[ ]| speeds things
+up). You can concatenate and reuse lists, as in
+The \Lcs{readdata} and \Lcs{dataplot} combination is faster than \Lcs{fileplot}
+if you reuse the data. \Lcs{fileplot} uses less of \TeX's memory than
+\Lcs{readdata} and \Lcs{dataplot} if you are also use \Lcs{PSTtoEPS}.
+Here is a plot of $\int\sin(x)\mathrm{d}x$. The data was generated by Mathematica,
+ Table[{x,N[SinIntegral[x]]},{x,0,20}]
+and then copied to this document.
+\pspicture(4,3) \psset{xunit=.2cm,yunit=1.5cm}
+ \savedata{\mydata}[
+ {{0, 0}, {1., 0.946083}, {2., 1.60541}, {3., 1.84865}, {4., 1.7582},
+ {5., 1.54993}, {6., 1.42469}, {7., 1.4546}, {8., 1.57419},
+ {9., 1.66504}, {10., 1.65835}, {11., 1.57831}, {12., 1.50497},
+ {13., 1.49936}, {14., 1.55621}, {15., 1.61819}, {16., 1.6313},
+ {17., 1.59014}, {18., 1.53661}, {19., 1.51863}, {20., 1.54824}}]
+ \dataplot[plotstyle=curve,showpoints,dotstyle=triangle]{\mydata}
+ \psline{<->}(0,2)(0,0)(22,0)
+\Lcs{listplot} is yet another way of plotting lists of data. This time, <list>
+should be a list of data (coordinate pairs), delimited only by white space.
+\Larg{list} is first expanded by \TeX{} and then by PostScript. This means that
+\Larg{list} might be a PostScript program that leaves on the stack a list of data,
+but you can also include data that has been retrieved with \Lcs{readdata} and
+\Lcs{dataplot}. However, when using the \Lkeyval{line}, \Lkeyval{polygon} or \Lkeyval{dots} plotstyles
+with \LKeyset{showpoints=false}, \LKeyset{linearc=0pt} and no arrows, \Lcs{dataplot} is much
+less likely than \Lcs{listplot} to exceed PostScript's memory or stack limits.
+In the preceding example, these restrictions were not satisfied, and so the
+example is equivalent to when \Lcs{listplot} is used:
+ ...
+ ...
+\section{Plotting mathematical functions}
+\Lcs{parametricplot}\OptArgs\Largb{$t_!\min@$}\Largb{$t_!\max@$}\Largb{x(t) y(t)}\\
+\Lcs{parametricplot}\OptArg{algebraic,...}\Largb{$t_!\min@$}\Largb{$t_!\max@$}\Largb{x(t) | y(t)}
+ \Lcs{psplot} can be used to plot a function $f(x)$, if you know a little
+PostScript. \Larg{function} should be the PostScript or algebraic code for calculating $f(x)$.
+Note that you must use $x$ as the dependent variable.
+ \psplot[plotpoints=200]{0}{720}{x sin}
+plots $\sin(x)$ from 0 to 720 degrees, by calculating $\sin(x)$ roughly every
+3.6 degrees and then connecting the points with \Lcs{psline}. Here are plots of
+$\sin(x)\cos((x/2)^2)$ and $\sin^2(x)$:
+\psplot[linecolor=gray,linewidth=1.5pt,plotstyle=curve]{0}{90}{x sin dup mul}
+\psplot[plotpoints=100]{0}{90}{x sin x 2 div 2 exp cos mul}
+\psline{<->}(0,-1)(0,1) \psline{->}(100,0)
+\Lcs{parametricplot} is for a parametric plot of $(x(t),y(t))$. \Larg{function} is the PostScript
+code or algebraic expression for calculating the pair $x(t)$ $y(t)$. For an algebraic expression they must be
+devided by a vertical rule.
+For example,
+ {-6}{6}{1.2 t exp 1.2 t neg exp}
+plots 13 points from the hyperbola $xy=1$, starting with $(1.2^{-6},1.2^6)$
+and ending with $(1.2^6,1.2^{-6})$.
+Here is a parametric plot of $(\sin(t),\sin(2t))$:
+ \psset{xunit=1.7cm}
+ \parametricplot[linewidth=1.2pt,plotstyle=ccurve]%
+ {0}{360}{t sin t 2 mul sin}
+ \psline{<->}(0,-1.2)(0,1.2)
+ \psline{<->}(-1.2,0)(1.2,0)
+ \pscustom[fillstyle=hlines]{%
+ \psplot{-3}{3}{-x^2/3}
+ \psparametricplot{-3}{3}{t^2/3 | t}
+ \psplot{3}{-3}{x^2/3}
+ \psparametricplot{3}{-3}{-t^2/3 | t}
+The number of points that the \Lcs{psplot} and \Lcs{parametricplot} commands
+calculate is set by the
+ \LKeyset{plotpoints=<value>}
+parameter. Using "curve" or its variants instead of "line" and increasing the
+value of \Lkeyword{plotpoints} are two ways to get a smoother curve. Both ways
+increase the imaging time. Which is better depends on the complexity of the
+computation. (Note that all PostScript lines are ultimately rendered as a
+series (perhaps short) line segments.) Mathematica generally uses "lineto" to
+connect the points in its plots. The default minimum number of plot points for
+Mathematica is 25, but unlike \Lcs{psplot} and \Lcs{parametricplot}, Mathematica
+increases the sampling frequency on sections of the curve with greater
+\part{New commands}
+\section[Extended syntax]{Extended syntax for \nxLcs{psplot}, \nxLcs{psparametricplot}, and \nxLcs{psaxes}}
+There is now a new optional argument for \Lcs{psplot} and \Lcs{psparametricplot} to pass
+additional \PS commands into the code. This makes the use of \Lcs{pstVerb} in
+most cases superfluous.
+\Lcs{psplot}\OptArgs\Largb{x0}\Largb{x1}\OptArg{PS commands}\Largb{function}\\
+\Lcs{psparametricplot}\OptArgs\Largb{t0}\Largb{t1}\OptArg{PS commands}\Largb{x(t) y(t)}\\
+\Lcs{psparametricplot}\OptArg{algebraic,...}\Largb{t0}\Largb{t1}\OptArg{PS commands}\Largb{x(t) | y(t)}\\
+The macro \Lcs{psaxes} has now four optional arguments, one for the setting, one for
+the arrows, one for the x-label and one for the y-label. If you
+want only a y-label, then leave the x one empty. A missing y-label
+is possible. The following examples show how it can be used.
+ \psaxes[Dx=100,dx=1,Dy=0.00075,dy=1]{->}(0,0)(12,5)?\ON?[$x$,-90][$y$,180]?\OFF?
+ \psplot[linecolor=red, plotstyle=curve,linewidth=2pt,plotpoints=200]{0}{11}%
+ ?\ON?[ /const1 3.3 10 8 neg exp mul def ?\OFF?
+ ?\ON?/s 10 def ?\OFF?
+ ?\ON?/const2 6.04 10 6 neg exp mul def ] % optional PS commands?\OFF?
+ { const1 x 100 mul dup mul mul Euler const2 neg x 100 mul dup mul mul exp mul 2000 mul}
+ \psaxes[Dx=100,dx=1,Dy=0.00075,dy=1]{->}(0,0)(12,5)[$x$,-90][$y$,180]
+ \psplot[linecolor=red, plotstyle=curve,linewidth=2pt,plotpoints=200]{0}{11}%
+ [ /const1 3.3 10 8 neg exp mul def
+ /s 10 def
+ /const2 6.04 10 6 neg exp mul def ] % optional PS commands
+ { const1 x 100 mul dup mul mul Euler const2 neg x 100 mul dup mul mul exp mul 2000 mul}
+\section{New Macro \nxLcs{psBoxplot}}
+A \Index{box-and-whisker plot} (often called simply a \Index{box plot}) is a histogram-like method of
+displaying data, invented by John.\,Tukey. The box-and-whisker plot is a box with
+ends at the quartiles $Q_1$ and $Q_3$ and has a statistical median M as a horizontal line in
+the box. The "`whiskers"* are lines to the farthest points that are not outliers (i.e.,
+that are within 3/2 times the interquartile range of $Q_1$ and $Q_3$). Then, for every point
+more than 3/2 times the interquartile range from the end of a box, is a dot.
+The only special optional arguments, beside all other which are valid for drawing lines
+and filling areas, are \Lkeyword{IQLfactor}, \Lkeyword{barwidth}, and
+\Lkeyword{arrowlength}, where the latter is a factor
+which is multiplied with the barwidth for the line ends.
+The \Lkeyword{IQLfactor}, preset to 1.5, defines the area for the outliners.
+The outliners are plotted as a dot and take the settings for such a dot into account,
+eg. \Lkeyword{dotstyle}, \Lkeyword{dotsize}, \Lkeyword{dotscale}, and \Lkeyword{fillcolor}. The default
+is the black dot.
+\savedata{\data}[100 90 120 115 120 110 100 110 100 90 100 100 120 120 120]
+\savedata{\data}[90 120 115 116 115 110 90 130 120 120 120 85 100 130 130]
+\savedata{\data}[35 70 90 60 100 60 60 80 80 60 50 55 90 70 70]
+\savedata{\data}[60 65 60 75 75 60 50 90 95 60 65 45 45 60 90]
+\savedata{\data}[20 20 25 20 15 20 20 25 30 20 20 20 30 30 30]
+\savedata{\data}[20 30 20 35 35 20 20 60 50 20 35 15 30 20 40]
+\savedata{\data}[100 90 120 115 120 110 100 110 100 90 100 100 120 120 120]
+\savedata{\data}[90 120 115 116 115 110 90 130 120 120 120 85 100 130 130]
+\savedata{\data}[35 70 90 60 100 60 60 80 80 60 50 55 90 70 70]
+\savedata{\data}[60 65 60 75 75 60 50 90 95 60 65 45 45 60 90]
+\savedata{\data}[20 20 25 20 15 20 20 25 30 20 20 20 30 30 30]
+\savedata{\data}[20 30 20 35 35 20 20 60 50 20 35 15 30 20 40]
+The next example uses an external file for the data, which must first be read by the
+macro \Lcs{readdata}. The next one creates a horizontal boxplot by rotating
+the output with $-90$ degrees.
+\savedata{\data}[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32]
+\savedata{\data}[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32]
+\savedata{\data}[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32]
+\savedata{\data}[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32]
+It is also possible to read a data column from an external file:
+\psaxes[axesstyle=frame,dy=1cm,Dy=20,ticksize=4pt 0](0,0)(4,5)
+98, 32
+20, 11
+79, 26
+14, 9
+23, 22
+21, 10
+58, 25
+13, 8
+19, 5
+53, 29
+41, 37
+11, 2
+83, 25
+71, 51
+10, 7
+89, 17
+10, 6
+ , 41
+ , 75
+\psaxes[axesstyle=frame,dy=1cm,Dy=20,ticksize=4pt 0](0,0)(4,5)
+With the optional argument \Lkeyword{postAction} one can modify the $y$ value of the boxplot, e.g. for
+an output with a vertical axis in logarithm scaling:
+\psaxes[ylogBase=10,Oy=-2,logLines=y,ticksize=0 4pt, subticks=5](1,-2)(9,4)
+\rput(3,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=1 gt {Log} if]{
+ 0.09 0.44 0.12 0.06 0.32 0.23 0.44 0.02 0.15 0.18 0 0.29 0 0.11 0.26 0.11
+ 0 0.45 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.12 0.14 0.31 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13
+ 0.01 0.40 0.01 0.03 0.17 0 0.10 0.15 0.16 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.60 0.26 0.11
+ 0.15 0.22 0.14 0.01 }}
+ \rput(4,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=1 gt {Log} if]{
+0.07 0.49 0.34 0.20 0.02 1.08 6.83 0.31 0.54 0.02 0.29 0.18 0.60 0.09 0.61
+1.37 0.26 0.03 2.30 0.09 3.15 0.13 0.29 0.27 1.30 0.73 0.63 0.24 10.03 0
+0.26 0.18 3.29 2.43 1.94 0.22 0.23 0.60 1.69 0.35 3.96 0.56 9.90 0.10 0.43
+0.22 0.26 0.31 0.29 0.79 }}
+\psaxes[ylogBase=10,Oy=-2,Ox=1,logLines=y,ticksize=0 4pt, subticks=5](1,-2)(6,4)
+ \rput(2,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+12.70 1.34 0.68 0.51 1.77 0.04 3.79 287.05 1.35 5.41 15.56 3.13 0.91 7.48
+2.40 1.04 3.53 0.58 31.71 7.89 4.90 2.61 0.89 0.03 3.78 8.11 4.82 1.02 5.57
+8.85 0.15 17.59 0.21 8.10 2.15 3.43 6.44 1.65 6.83 23.54 0.52 1.47 0.75
+3.54 3.59 5.56 0.33 8.58 1.90 0.78 }}
+ \rput(3,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+55.72 14.91 14.95 6.01 6.53 88.30 281.50 40.15 13.41 0.91 1.65 44.32 13.41
+7.33 3.51 3.44 70.40 0.75 58.20 54.88 26.45 33.76 0.70 0.05 0.29 57.12
+14.30 31.11 18.56 0.48 21.33 1.15 2.22 3.88 1.78 151.25 7.77 137.92 0.50
+3.01 1.99 23.18 119.59 17.50 15.87 13.63 21.85 23.53 68.72 2.90 }}
+ \rput(4,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+1.19 1.94 13.40 7.40 267.30 5.94 11.05 6.51 2.94 5.45 5.24 231 4.48 0.68
+311.29 77.47 621.20 139.08 1933.59 2.52 100.96 11.02 153.43 26.67 83.84
+4.31 106.34 15.90 1118.59 9.49 131.48 48.92 5.85 3.74 1.05 32.03 5.69
+45.10 12.43 238.56 28.75 1.01 119.29 12.09 31.18 16.60 29.67 138.55
+17.42 0.83 }}
+ \rput(5,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+2077.45 762.10 469 143.60 685 3600 20.20 249.60 269 0.30 0.20 779.40 1.80
+146.80 1.30 32.50 137 2016.40 2.30 33.90 801.60 2.20 646.90 3600 1184 627
+500.50 238.30 477.40 3600 17.80 1726.80 2 316.70 174.50 2802.70 335.30
+201.20 1.10 247.10 2705.10 156.90 5.10 2342.50 3600 3600 72.70 47.40
+301.20 1.60 }}
+\psaxes[ylogBase=10,Oy=-2,Ox=1,logLines=y,ticksize=0 4pt, subticks=5](1,-2)(6,4)
+ \rput(2,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+12.70 1.34 0.68 0.51 1.77 0.04 3.79 287.05 1.35 5.41 15.56 3.13 0.91 7.48
+2.40 1.04 3.53 0.58 31.71 7.89 4.90 2.61 0.89 0.03 3.78 8.11 4.82 1.02 5.57
+8.85 0.15 17.59 0.21 8.10 2.15 3.43 6.44 1.65 6.83 23.54 0.52 1.47 0.75
+3.54 3.59 5.56 0.33 8.58 1.90 0.78 }}
+ \rput(3,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+55.72 14.91 14.95 6.01 6.53 88.30 281.50 40.15 13.41 0.91 1.65 44.32 13.41
+7.33 3.51 3.44 70.40 0.75 58.20 54.88 26.45 33.76 0.70 0.05 0.29 57.12
+14.30 31.11 18.56 0.48 21.33 1.15 2.22 3.88 1.78 151.25 7.77 137.92 0.50
+3.01 1.99 23.18 119.59 17.50 15.87 13.63 21.85 23.53 68.72 2.90 }}
+ \rput(4,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+1.19 1.94 13.40 7.40 267.30 5.94 11.05 6.51 2.94 5.45 5.24 231 4.48 0.68
+311.29 77.47 621.20 139.08 1933.59 2.52 100.96 11.02 153.43 26.67 83.84
+4.31 106.34 15.90 1118.59 9.49 131.48 48.92 5.85 3.74 1.05 32.03 5.69
+45.10 12.43 238.56 28.75 1.01 119.29 12.09 31.18 16.60 29.67 138.55
+17.42 0.83 }}
+ \rput(5,0){\psBoxplot[fillcolor=red!30,barwidth=0.9cm,postAction=Log]{
+2077.45 762.10 469 143.60 685 3600 20.20 249.60 269 0.30 0.20 779.40 1.80
+146.80 1.30 32.50 137 2016.40 2.30 33.90 801.60 2.20 646.90 3600 1184 627
+500.50 238.30 477.40 3600 17.80 1726.80 2 316.70 174.50 2802.70 335.30
+201.20 1.10 247.10 2705.10 156.90 5.10 2342.50 3600 3600 72.70 47.40
+301.20 1.60 }}
+It uses the PostScript function \Lps{Log} instead of \Lps{log}. The latter
+cannot handle zero values. The next examples shows how a very small intervall
+can be handled:
+\savedata{\data}[0.9936 0.9937 0.9934 0.9936 0.9937 0.9938 0.9934 0.9933 0.9930 0.9935]
+\rput(.5,0){\psBoxplot[barwidth=.5\psxunit,postAction=0.993 sub 1e4 mul]{\data}}
+\savedata{\data}[0.9936 0.9937 0.9934 0.9936 0.9937 0.9938 0.9934 0.9933 0.9930 0.9935]
+\rput(.5,0){\psBoxplot[barwidth=.5\psxunit,postAction=0.993 sub 1e4 mul]{\data}}
+\section{The \nxLenv{psgraph} environment}
+This new environment \Lenv{psgraph} does the scaling, it expects as parameter the values (without units!) for the
+coordinate system and the values of the physical width and height (with units!). The syntax is:
+where the options are valid \textbf{only} for the the \Lcs{psaxes} macro. The first
+two arguments have the usual \verb+PSTricks+ behaviour.
+ \item if \verb+(xOrig,yOrig)+ is missing, it is substituted to \verb+(xMin,xMax)+;
+ \item if \verb+(xOrig,yOrig)+ \textbf{and} \verb+(xMin,yMin)+ are missing, they are both
+ substituted to \verb+(0,0)+.
+The y-length maybe given as !; then the macro uses the same unit
+as for the x-axis.
+\pstScalePoints(1,1e-08){}{}% (x,y){additional x operator}{y op}
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 7.59,yticksize=0 25,%
+ subticks=0,ylabelFactor=\cdot 10^8,
+ Dx=5,dy=1\psyunit,Dy=1](0,0)(25,7.5){10cm}{6cm} % parameters
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt,showpoints=true]{\data}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1e-08){}{}% (x,y){additional x operator}{y op}
+?\ON?\begin{psgraph}?\OFF?[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 7.59,yticksize=0 25,%
+ subticks=0,ylabelFactor=\cdot 10^8,
+ Dx=5,dy=1\psyunit,Dy=1](0,0)(25,7.5){10cm}{6cm} % parameters
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt,showpoints=true]{\data}
+In the following example, the y unit gets the same value as the one for the x-axis.
+\begin{psgraph}(0,0)(5,3){6cm}{!} % x-y-axis with same unit
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt]{0}{5}{x dup mul 10 div}
+\begin{psgraph}(0,0)(5,3){6cm}?\ON?{!}?\OFF? % x-y-axis with same unit
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt]{0}{5}{x dup mul 10 div}
+ xAxisLabelPos={c,-1},yAxisLabelPos={-7,c}}
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 7.5,yticksize=0 25,subticksize=1,
+ ylabelFactor=\cdot 10^8,Dx=5,Dy=1,xsubticks=2](0,0)(25,7.5){5.5cm}{5cm}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red, linewidth=2pt, showpoints=true]{\data}
+ ?\ON?xAxisLabelPos?\OFF?={c,-1},?\ON?yAxisLabelPos?\OFF?={-7,c}}
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 7.5,yticksize=0 25,subticksize=1,
+ ?\ON?ylabelFactor?\OFF?=\cdot 10^8,Dx=5,Dy=1,xsubticks=2](0,0)(25,7.5){5.5cm}{5cm}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red, linewidth=2pt, showpoints=true]{\data}
+\psgraph[arrows=->,Dx=5,dy=200\psyunit,Dy=200,subticks=5,ticksize=-10pt 0,
+ tickwidth=0.5pt,subtickwidth=0.1pt](0,0)(25,750){5.5cm}{5cm}
+ plotstyle=LineToYAxis,dotstyle=o]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,showpoints,dotstyle=x,dotscale=2]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,showpoints,dotstyle=x,dotscale=2]{\data}
+ ysubticks=2](0,-3)(3,1){12cm}{4cm}
+ \psset{Oy=-2}% must be global
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,showpoints=true,
+ plotstyle=LineToXAxis]{\data}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=values,rot=90]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt,showpoints=true,plotstyle=LineToXAxis]{\data}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\psset{llx=-0.5cm,lly=-1cm, xAxisLabel=Year,yAxisLabel=Whatever,%
+ xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\psset{llx=-0.5cm,lly=-1cm, ?\ON?xAxisLabel?\OFF?=Year,?\ON?yAxisLabel?\OFF?=Whatever,%
+ ?\ON?xAxisLabelPos?\OFF?={c,-0.4in},?\ON?yAxisLabelPos?\OFF?={-0.4in,c}}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{2 sub}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=12pt]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=12pt]{\dataII}
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=12pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{2 sub}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=12pt]{\data}
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=12pt]{\dataII}
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=12pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}
+An example with ticks on every side of the frame and filled areas:
+\def\data{0 0 1 4 1.5 1.75 2.25 4 2.75 7 3 9}
+ \pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red!40,linestyle=none]{%
+ \listplot{\data}
+ \psline(3,9)(3,0)}
+ \pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!40,linestyle=none]{%
+ \listplot{\data}
+ \psline(3,9)(0,9)}
+ \listplot[linewidth=2pt]{\data}
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,ticksize=0 5pt,xsubticks=20,ysubticks=4,ticks=all,labels=all,
+ tickstyle=inner,dy=2,Dy=2,tickwidth=1.5pt,subtickcolor=black](0,0)(3,9)
+ \rput*(2.5,3){level 1}\rput*(1,7){level 2}
+\def\data{0 0 1 4 1.5 1.75 2.25 4 2.75 7 3 9}
+ \pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red!40,linestyle=none]{%
+ \listplot{\data}
+ \psline(3,9)(3,0)}
+ \pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!40,linestyle=none]{%
+ \listplot{\data}
+ \psline(3,9)(0,9)}
+ \listplot[linewidth=2pt]{\data}
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,ticksize=0 5pt,xsubticks=20,ysubticks=4,ticks=all,labels=all,
+ tickstyle=inner,dy=2,Dy=2,tickwidth=1.5pt,subtickcolor=black](0,0)(3,9)
+ \rput*(2.5,3){level 1}\rput*(1,7){level 2}
+\subsection{Coordinates of the \nxLenv{psgraph} area}
+The coordinates of the calculated area are saved in the four macros \Lcs{psgraphLLx}, \Lcs{psgraphLLy}, \Lcs{psgraphURx}, and \Lcs{psgraphURy},
+which is LowerLeft, UpperLeft, LowerRight, and UpperRight. The values have no dimension but are saved in the current unit.
+ \psdot[dotscale=2](\psgraphLLx,\psgraphLLy)
+ \psdot[dotscale=2](\psgraphLLx,\psgraphURy)
+ \psdot[dotscale=2](\psgraphURx,\psgraphLLy)
+ \psdot[dotscale=2](\psgraphURx,\psgraphURy)
+\subsection{The new options for \nxLenv{psgraph}}\label{psgraphoptions}
+\begin{tabular}{@{} l>{\ttfamily}ll @{}}
+\textrm{name} & \textrm{default} & meaning\\\hline
+\Lkeyword{xAxisLabel} & x & label for the x-axis\\
+\Lkeyword{yAxisLabel} & y & label for the y-axis\\
+\Lkeyword{xAxisLabelPos} & \{\} & where to put the x-label\\
+\Lkeyword{yAxisLabelPos} & \{\} & where to put the y-label\\
+\Lkeyword{xlabelsep} & 5pt & labelsep for the x-axis labels\\
+\Lkeyword{ylabelsep} & 5pt & labelsep for the x-axis labels\\
+\Lkeyword{llx} & 0pt & trim for the lower left x\\
+\Lkeyword{lly} & 0pt & trim for the lower left y\\
+\Lkeyword{urx} & 0pt & trim for the upper right x\\
+\Lkeyword{ury} & 0pt & trim for the upper right y\\
+\Lkeyword{axespos} & bottom & draw axes first (bottom or last (top)
+There is one restriction in using the trim parameters, they must
+been set \textbf{before} \Lcs{psgraph} is called. They are
+redundant when used as parameters of \Lcs{psgraph} itself. The
+\Lkeyword{xAxisLabelPos} and \Lkeyword{yAxisLabelPos} options can use the letter \Lnotation{c} for
+centering an $x$-axis or $y$-axis label. The \Lnotation{c} is a replacement for
+the $x$ or $y$ value. When using values with units, the position is
+always measured from the origin of the coordinate system, which
+can be outside of the visible \Lenv{pspicture} environment.
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+\subsection{The new macro \Lcs{pslegend} for \nxLenv{psgraph}}\label{pslegend}
+The reference can be one of the \Lkeyval{lb}, \Lkeyval{lt}, \Lkeyval{rb}, or \Lkeyval{rt}, where the
+latter is the default. The values for \texttt{xOffset} and \texttt{yOffset} must be multiples of the unit pt.
+Without an offset the value of \Lcs{pslabelsep} are used.
+The legend has to be defined \emph{before} the environment \Lenv{psgraph}.
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\pslegend[lt]{\red\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data I\\
+ \blue\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data II\\
+ \cyan\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data III}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\pslegend[lt]{\red\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data I\\
+ \blue\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data II\\
+ \cyan\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data III}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+\item \Lcs{pslegend} uses the commands \Lcs{tabular} and \Lcs{endtabular}, which are only available
+ when running \LaTeX. With \TeX\ you have to redefine the macro \Lcs{pslegend@ii}:
+ \footnotesize\tabcolsep=2pt%
+ \tabular[t]{@{}ll@{}}\pslegend@text\endtabular}}\gdef\pslegend@text{}}
+\item The fontsize can be changed locally for each cell or globally, when also redefining the
+ macro \Lcs{pslegend@ii}.
+\item If you want to use more than two columns for the table or a shadow box, then redefine \Lcs{pslegend@ii}.
+The macro \Lcs{psframebox} uses the style \Lkeyval{legendstyle} which is preset to \Lkeyset{fillstyle=solid},
+\Lkeyset{fillcolor=white}, and \nxLkeyword{linewidth=0.5pt} and can be redefined by
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\pslegend[lt](10,10){\red\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data I\\
+ \blue\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data II\\
+ \cyan\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data III}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+ yAxisLabel=Whatever,xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.4in},%
+ yAxisLabelPos={-0.4in,c}}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{}
+\pslegend[lt](10,10){\red\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data I\\
+ \blue\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data II\\
+ \cyan\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Data III}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{\data}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,linewidth=2pt]{\dataII}%
+ \listplot[linecolor=cyan,linewidth=2pt,yunit=0.5]{\dataII}%
+\section{\nxLcs{psxTick} and \nxLcs{psyTick}}
+Single ticks with labels on an axis can be set with the two
+macros \Lcs{psxTick} and \Lcs{psyTick}. The label is set with the macro \Lcs{pshlabel},
+the setting of \Lkeyword{mathLabel} is taken into account.
+\Lcs{psxTick}\OptArgs\OptArg*{\Largb{rotation}}\Largr{x value}\Largb{label}\\
+\Lcs{psyTick}\OptArgs\OptArg*{\Largb{rotation}}\Largr{y value}\Largb{label}
+ (0,0)(-4,-2.2)(4,2.2){.5\textwidth}{!}
+ \psxTick[linecolor=red,labelsep=-20pt]{45}(1.25){x_0}
+ \psyTick[linecolor=blue](1){y_0}
+The syntax is
+\verb+xScale,yScale+ are decimal values used as scaling factors,
+the \verb+xPS+ and \verb+yPS+ are additional PostScript code
+applied to the x- and y-values of the data records. This macro is
+only valid for the \Lcs{listplot} macro!
+ 0 0 1 3 2 4 3 1
+ 4 2 5 3 6 6 }
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(6,6)
+ \listplot[showpoints=true,%
+ linecolor=red]{\data}
+ \pstScalePoints(1,0.5){}{3 add}
+ \listplot[showpoints=true,%
+ linecolor=blue]{\data}
+\Lcs{pstScalePoints}\Largr{1,0.5}\Largb{}\Largb{3 add} means that \textbf{first} the value $3$ is added
+to the $y$ values and \textbf{second} this value is scaled with the factor $0.5$.
+As seen for the blue line for $x=0$ we get $y(0)=(0+3)\cdot 0.5=1.5$.
+Changes with \Lcs{pstScalePoints} are always global to all following \Lcs{listplot}
+macros. This is the reason why it is a good idea to reset the values at the end of the
+\Lenv{pspicture} environment.
+\section{New or extended options}
+The option \Lkeyset{tickstyle=full}|\Lkeyval{top}|\Lkeyval{bottom} no longer works in the
+usual way. Only the additional value \Lkeyval{inner} is valid for
+\LPack{pst-plot}, because everything can be set by the
+\Lkeyword{ticksize} option. When using the \Lkeyword{comma} or
+\Lkeyword{trigLabels} option, the macros \Lcs{pshlabel} and
+\Lcs{psvlabel} shouldn't be redefined, because the package does
+it itself internally in these cases. However, if you need a
+redefinition, then do it for \Lcs{pst@@@hlabel} and
+\Lcs{pst@@@vlabel} with
+\begin{longtable}{ llll }
+\caption{All new parameters for \texttt{pst-plot}}\\\toprule
+\rowcolor{white}\emph{name} & \emph{type} & \emph{default} & \emph{page}\\\midrule
+\multicolumn{4}{l}{\ldots\ continued}\\\midrule
+\rowcolor{white}\emph{name} & \emph{type} & \emph{default} & \emph{page}\\\midrule
+\multicolumn{4}{r}{continued \ldots}\\
+\Lkeyword{axesstyle} & \Lkeyval{none}|\Lkeyval{axes}|\Lkeyval{frame}|\Lkeyval{polar}|\Lkeyval{inner}
+ & \Lkeyval{axes} &\pageref{axesstyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{barwidth} & length & 0.25cm & \pageref{barwidth}\\ %ok
+\Lkeyword{ChangeOrder} & boolean & \false & \pageref{changeorder}\\
+\Lkeyword{comma} & boolean & \false & \pageref{comma}\\ %ok
+\Lkeyword{decimals} & integer & -1\footnote{A negative value plots all decimals}
+ & \pageref{values}\\
+\Lkeyword{decimalSeparator} & char & . & \pageref{comma}\\ %ok
+\Lkeyword{fontscale} & real & 10 & \pageref{values}\\
+\Lkeyword{fractionLabelBase} & integer & 0 & \pageref{fraclabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{fractionLabels} & boolean & \false & \pageref{fraclabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{ignoreLines} & integer & 0 & \pageref{ignorelines}\\
+\Lkeyword{labelFontSize} & macro & \{\} & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{labels} & \Lkeyval{all}|\Lkeyval{x}|\Lkeyval{y}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{all} & \pageref{labels}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{llx} & length & 0pt & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{lly} & length & 0pt & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{logLines} & \Lkeyval{none}|\Lkeyval{x}|\Lkeyval{y}|\Lkeyval{all}
+ & \Lkeyval{none} & \pageref{loglines}\\
+\Lkeyword{mathLabel} & boolean & \false & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{nEnd} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{nxend}\\
+\Lkeyword{nStart} & integer & 0 & \pageref{nxstart}\\
+\Lkeyword{nStep} & integer & 1 & \pageref{nxstep}\\
+\Lkeyword{plotNo} & integer & 1 & \pageref{plotno}\\
+\Lkeyword{plotNoMax} & integer & 1 & \pageref{plotno}\\
+\Lkeyword{plotstyle} & style & \Lkeyval{line} & \pageref{plotstyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{polarplot} & boolean & \false & \pageref{polarplots}\\
+\Lkeyword{PSfont} & PS font & \Lkeyval{Times-Romasn} & \pageref{values}\\
+\Lkeyword{psgrid} & boolean & \false & \pageref{psgrid}\\
+\Lkeyword{quadrant} & integer & 4 & \pageref{quadrant}\\
+\Lkeyword{subtickcolor} & color & \Lkeyval{darkgray} & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{subticklinestyle} & \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid}&\pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{subticks} & integer & 0 & \pageref{subticks}\\
+\Lkeyword{subticksize} & real & 0.75 & \pageref{subticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{subtickwidth} & length & 0.5\Lcs{pslinewidth} & \pageref{tickwidth}\\
+\Lkeyword{tickcolor} & color & black & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{ticklinestyle} & \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid}&\pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{ticks} & \Lkeyval{all}|\Lkeyval{x}|\Lkeyval{y}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{all} & \pageref{ticks}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{ticksize} & length \OptArg{length} & -4pt 4pt & \pageref{ticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{tickstyle} & \Lkeyval{full}|\Lkeyval{top}|\Lkeyval{bottom}|\Lkeyval{inner} & full & \pageref{tickstyle}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{tickwidth} & length & 0.5\Lcs{pslinewidth} & \pageref{tickwidth}\\
+\Lkeyword{trigLabelBase} & integer & 0 & \pageref{triglabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{trigLabels} & boolean & \false & \pageref{triglabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{urx} & length & 0pt & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{ury} & length & 0pt & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{valuewidth} & integer & 10 & \pageref{values}\\
+\Lkeyword{xAxis} & boolean & \true & \pageref{xyAxes}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{xAxisLabel} & literal & \{\Lcs{@empty}\} & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{xAxisLabelPos} & (x,y) or empty & \{\Lcs{@empty}\} & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{xDecimals} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{xydecimals}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{xEnd} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{nxend}\\
+\Lkeyword{xLabels} & list & \{\Lcs{empty}\} & \pageref{xLabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{xlabelFactor} & anything & \{\Lcs{@empty}\} & \pageref{labelfactor}\\
+\Lkeyword{xlabelFontSize} & macro & \{\} & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{xlabelOffset} & length & 0 & \pageref{labelOffset}\\
+\Lkeyword{xlabelPos} & \Lkeyval{bottom},\Lkeyval{axis},\Lkeyval{top}
+ & \Lkeyval{bottom} & \pageref{labelpos}\\
+\Lkeyword{xLabelsRot} & angle & 0 & \pageref{xLabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{xlogBase} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{xlogbase}\\
+\Lkeyword{xmathLabel} & boolean & \false & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{xticklinestyle} & \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid} & \pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{xStart} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{nxstart}\\
+\Lkeyword{xStep} & integer & 0 & \pageref{nxstep}\\
+\Lkeyword{xsubtickcolor} & color & \Lkeyval{darkgray} & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{xsubticklinestyle}& \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid} & \pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{xsubticks} & integer & 0 & \pageref{subticks}\\
+\Lkeyword{xsubticksize} & real & 0.75 & \pageref{subticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{xtickcolor} & color & \Lkeyval{black} & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{xticksize} & length \OptArg{length} & -4pt 4pt & \pageref{ticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{xtrigLabels} & boolean & \false & \pageref{xtriglabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{xtrigLabelBase} & integer & 0 & \pageref{triglabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{xyAxes} & boolean & \true & \pageref{xyAxes}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{xyDecimals} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{xydecimals}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{xylogBase} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{xylogbase}\\
+\Lkeyword{yAxis} & boolean & \true & \pageref{xyAxes}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{yAxisLabel} & literal & \{\Lcs{@empty}\} & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{yAxisLabelPos} & (x,y) or empty & \{\Lcs{@empty}\} & \pageref{psgraphoptions}\\
+\Lkeyword{yDecimals} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{xydecimals}\\%ok
+\Lkeyword{yEnd} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{ystartend}\\
+\Lkeyword{yLabels} & list & \{\Lcs{empty}\} & \pageref{xLabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{ylabelFactor} & literal & \{\Lcs{empty}\} & \pageref{labelfactor}\\
+\Lkeyword{ylabelFontSize} & macro & \{\} & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{ylabelOffset} & length & 0 & \pageref{labelOffset}\\
+\Lkeyword{ylabelPos} & \Lkeyval{left}|\Lkeyval{axis}|\Lkeyval{right}
+ & \Lkeyval{left} & \pageref{labelpos}\\
+\Lkeyword{xLabelsRot} & angle & 0 & \pageref{xLabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{ylogBase} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{ylogbase}\\
+\Lkeyword{ymathLabel} & boolean & \false & \pageref{labelfontsize}\\
+\Lkeyword{yMaxValue} & real & 1.e30 & \pageref{yMaxValue}\\
+\Lkeyword{yMinValue} & real & -1.e30 & \pageref{yMaxValue}\\
+\Lkeyword{yStart} & integer or empty & \{\} & \pageref{ystartend}\\
+\Lkeyword{yStep} & integer & 0 & \pageref{nxstep}\\
+\Lkeyword{ysubtickcolor} & <color> & darkgray & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{ysubticklinestyle}& \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid} &\pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{ysubticks} & integer & 0 & \pageref{subticks}\\
+\Lkeyword{ysubticksize} & real & 0.75 & \pageref{subticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{ytickcolor} & color> & \Lkeyval{black} & \pageref{tickcolor}\\
+\Lkeyword{yticklinestyle} & \Lkeyval{solid}|\Lkeyval{dashed}|\Lkeyval{dotted}|\Lkeyval{none}
+ & \Lkeyval{solid} &\pageref{ticklinestyle}\\
+\Lkeyword{yticksize} & length \OptArg{length} & -4pt 4pt & \pageref{ticksize}\\
+\Lkeyword{ytrigLabels} & boolean & \false & \pageref{ytriglabels}\\
+\Lkeyword{ytrigLabelBase} & integer & 0 & \pageref{triglabels}\\
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{plotstyle} (Christoph Bersch)}\label{plotstyle}
+There is a new value \Lkeyval{cspline} for the plotstyle to interpolate a curve with cubic splines.
+ Ox=250,Dx=10,Oy=-2,](250,-2)(310,0.2){0.8\linewidth}{0.3\linewidth}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{xLabels}, \nxLkeyword{yLabels},
+ \nxLkeyword{xLabelsrot}, and \nxLkeyword{yLabelsrot}}\label{xLabels}
+ Dublin,Limerick,Tipperary,Cork,Kilkenny},xLabelsRot=45,
+ yLabels={,low,medium,high},mathLabel=false](14,4)
+The values for \Lkeyword{xlabelsep} and \Lkeyword{ylabelsep} are taken into account.
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{xLabelOffset} and \nxLkeyword{ylabelOffset}}\label{labelOffset}
+ llx=-5mm,urx=1cm,lly=-5mm,
+ mathLabel=false,xlabelsep=-5pt,
+ xLabels={A,b,C,d,E,f}}
+ llx=-5mm,urx=1cm,lly=-5mm,
+ mathLabel=false,xlabelsep=-5pt,
+ xLabels={,A,b,C,d,E},
+ xlabelOffset=-0.5,
+ ylabelOffset=0.5}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{yMaxValue} and \nxLkeyword{yMinValue}}\label{yMaxValue}
+With the new optional arguments \Lkeyword{yMaxValue} and
+\Lkeyword{yMinValue} one can control the behaviour of
+discontinuous functions, like the tangent function. The
+code does not check that \Lkeyword{yMaxValue} is bigger than
+\Lkeyword{yMinValue} (if not, the function is {\em not} plotted at all).
+All four possibilities can be used, i.e. one, both or none of the
+two arguments \Lkeyword{yMaxValue} and \Lkeyword{yMinValue} can
+be set.
+ \psline[linecolor=black!20,linestyle=dashed](\rA,-5.5)(\rA,6.5)}
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.7,-5.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,-90]
+ \psplot[?\ON?yMaxValue=6,yMinValue=-5?\OFF?,linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red]{-4.55}{4.55}{(x)/(sin(2*x))}
+ \psline[linecolor=black!20,linestyle=dashed](\rA,-5.5)(\rA,6.5)}
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.7,-5.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,-90]
+ \psplot[yMaxValue=6,yMinValue=-5,linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red]{-4.55}{4.55}{(x)/(sin(2*x))}
+ xunit=\psPi,trigLabels]{->}(0,0)(-1.7,-3.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+ linecolor=red,algebraic]{-4.55}{4.55}{tan(x)}
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.7,-3.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+ linecolor=red,algebraic]{-4.55}{4.55}{tan(x)}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{axesstyle}}\label{axesstyle}\label{quadrant}
+There is a new axes style \Lkeyval{polar} which plots a \Index{polar coordinate} system.
+Important is the fact, that only one pair of coordinates is taken into account for
+the radius and the angle. It is \emph{always} the last pair in a sequence of allowed coordinates
+for the \Lcs{psaxes} macro. The other ones are ignored; they are not valid for the
+polar coordinate system. However, if the angle is set to 0 it is changed to 360 degrees for a
+full circle.
+ subticks=2](5,90)
+All valid optional arguments for the axes are also possible for the polar style, if they make sense \ldots\ :-)
+Important are the \Lkeyword{Dy} option, it defines the angle interval and \Lkeyword{subticks}, for
+the intermediate circles and lines. The number can be different for the circles (\Lkeyword{ysubticks}) and the
+lines (\Lkeyword{xsubticks}).
+ subticklinestyle=dashed,
+ subticks=2,Dy=20,Oy=20,
+ ylabelFactor=^\circ](4,140)
+ plotpoints=2000]{0}{TwoPi 4 mul}{2*(sin(x)-x)/(cos(x)+x)}
+ xlabelFontSize=\scriptstyle](3,360)
+ plotpoints=2000]{0}{TwoPi}{6*sin(x)*cos(x)}
+ plotpoints=2000]{0}{TwoPi 4 mul}{2*(sin(x)-x)/(cos(x)+x)}
+ ylabelFontSize=\scriptstyle](3,360)
+ plotpoints=2000]{0}{TwoPi}{6*sin(x)*cos(x)}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{xyAxes}, \nxLkeyword{xAxis} and \nxLkeyword{yAxis}}\label{xyAxes}
+Sometimes there is only a need for one axis with ticks. In this
+case you can set one of the preceding options to false. The
+\Lkeyword{xyAxes} only makes sense when you want to set both x and y
+to true with only one command, back to the default, because with
+\Lkeyword{xyAxes}=\false you get nothing with the \Lcs{psaxes} macro.
+ ylabelPos=right]{->}(0.5,0)(0.5,5)
+ xlabelPos=top]{->}(0,0.5)(5,0.5)
+As seen in the example, a single y axis gets the labels on the left side. This can be
+changed with the option \Lkeyword{ylabelPos} or with \Lkeyword{xlabelPos} for the
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{labels}}\label{labels}
+This option was already in the \LPack{pst-plot} package and
+only mentioned here for completeness.
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{xlabelPos} and \nxLkeyword{ylabelPos}}\label{labelpos}
+By default the \Index{label}s for ticks are placed at the bottom (x axis)
+and left (y-axis). If both axes are drawn in the negative
+direction the default is top (x axis) and right (y axis). It be
+changed with the two options \Lkeyword{xlabelPos} and
+\Lkeyword{ylabelPos}. With the value \Lkeyval{axis} the user can
+place the labels depending on the value of \Lkeyword{labelsep}, which is
+taken into account for \Lkeyval{axis}.
+ ylabelPos=axis,
+ xlabelPos=axis]{->}(3,3)
+ xticksize=0 20pt,
+ yticksize=-20pt 0]{->}(3,-3)
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{x|ylabelFontSize} and \nxLkeyword{x|ymathLabel}}\label{labelfontsize}
+This option sets the horizontal \textbf{and} vertical font size
+for the labels depending on the option \Lkeyword{mathLabel} (\Lkeyword{xmathLabel}/\Lkeyword{ymathLabel}) for the
+text or the math mode. It will be overwritten when another package
+or a user defines
+\def\pshlabel#1{\xlabelFontSize ...}
+\def\psvlabel#1{\ylabelFontSize ...}
+\def\pshlabel#1{$\xlabelFontSize ...$}% for mathLabel=true (default)
+\def\psvlabel#1{$\ylabelFontSize ...$}% for mathLabel=true (default)
+in another way. Note that for \Lkeyword{mathLabel}=\true the font size
+must be set by one of the mathematical styles \Lcs{textstyle},
+\Lcs{displaystyle}, \Lcs{scriptstyle}, or \Lcs{scriptscriptstyle}.
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{xlabelFactor} and \nxLkeyword{ylabelFactor}}\label{labelfactor}
+When having big numbers as data records then it makes sense to
+write the values as ${<number>\cdot 10^{<exp>}}$. These new
+options allow you to define the additional part of the value, but
+it must be set in math mode when using math operators or macros like \Lcs{cdot}!
+\pstScalePoints(1,0.000001){}{}% (x,y){additional x operator}{y op}
+\psgraph[ylabelFactor=\cdot 10^6,Dx=5,Dy=100](0,0)(25,750){8cm}{5cm}
+ \listplot[linecolor=red, linewidth=2pt, showpoints=true]{\data}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){}{}% reset
+\psset{xunit=0.05, yunit=2,labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,algebraic,plotpoints=500}
+ Dx=10,Dy=0.5,labels=none,subticks=5,tickwidth=0.4pt,subtickwidth=0.2pt,
+ tickcolor=Red!30,subtickcolor=ForestGreen!30,
+ xticksize=-1 1.5,yticksize=0 180,subticksize=1}
+ \psaxes[style=mygrid](0,0)(0,-1)(180,1.51)
+ \psplot[linecolor=NavyBlue]{0}{180}{sin(x*Pi/180)+1/2}
+ \psaxes[Dx=20,Dy=0.5,linecolor=gray,tickcolor=gray,linewidth=1pt,ticksize=-3pt 3pt,
+ xlabelFactor={}^\circ]{<->}(0,0)(-5,-1.2)(185,1.7)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{decimalSeparator} and \nxLkeyword{comma}}\label{comma}
+Setting the option \Lkeyword{comma} to true gives labels with a comma as a decimal separator instead
+of the default dot. \Lkeyword{comma} and \verb|comma=true| is the same. The optional argument
+\Lkeyword{decimalSeparator} allows an individual setting for languages with a different
+character than a dot or a comma. The character has to be set into braces, if it is an
+active one, e.\,g. \Lkeyword{decimalSeparator}=\Largb{,}.
+ {x RadtoDeg cos 2 mul 2.5 add}
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{xyDecimals}, \nxLkeyword{xDecimals} and \nxLkeyword{yDecimals}}\label{xydecimals}
+By default the labels of the axes get numbers with or without
+decimals, depending on the numbers itself. With these options
+it is possible to determine the decimals, where
+the option \Lkeyword{xyDecimals} sets this identical for both axes.
+\Lkeyword{xDecimals} only for the $x$ and \Lkeyword{yDecimals} only
+for the $y$ axis.
+The default setting \verb|{}| means, that you'll get the standard
+ \psaxes[xyDecimals=2]{->}(0,0)(4.5,3.5)
+ \psaxes[Dx=0.25,Dy=100,ticksize=-4pt 0,comma,xDecimals=3,yDecimals=1]{->}%
+ (0,0)(0,-100)(1.4,520)[\textbf{Amp\`ere},-90][\textbf{Voltage},0]
+\subsection[Option \nxLkeyword{fractionLabels}]{Options \nxLkeyword{fractionLabels},
+\nxLkeyword{xfractionLabels}, \nxLkeyword{yfractionLabels}, \nxLkeyword{fractionLabelBase}, \nxLkeyword{xfractionLabelBase},
+and \nxLkeyword{yfractionLabelBase}}\label{fraclabels}
+With the option \Lkeyword{fractionLabels}=\true\ the labels on the axes
+are set as fractions.
+The option \Lkeyword{fractionLabelBase} sets the
+denominator of fraction. The default value of 0 is the same as no
+ \psaxes[dx=0.333,dy=0.333](0,0)(-2,-1)(2,1)
+ \psplot[algebraic,plotpoints=100]{-2}{2}{0.4*x-1/3}
+\subsection[Option \nxLkeyword{triglabels}]{Options \nxLkeyword{trigLabels},
+\nxLkeyword{xtrigLabels}, \nxLkeyword{ytrigLabels}, \nxLkeyword{trigLabelBase}, \nxLkeyword{xtrigLabelBase},
+and \nxLkeyword{ytrigLabelBase}
+ for an axis with trigonmetrical units}\label{triglabels}
+With the option \Lkeyword{trigLabels}=\true\ \emph{only} the labels on the $x$ axis
+are trigonometrical ones. It is the same than setting \Lkeyword{xtrigLabels}=\true.
+The option \Lkeyword{trigLabelBase} sets the
+denominator of fraction. The default value of 0 is the same as no
+fraction. The following constants are defined in the package:
+?\ON?\pstRadUnit?\OFF?=1.047198cm % this is pi/3
+?\ON?\pstRadUnitInv?\OFF?=0.95493cm % this is 3/pi
+Because it is a bit complicated to set the right values, we show
+some more examples here.
+For \textbf{all} following examples in this section we did a
+\psset{trigLabels,labelFontSize=\scriptstyle} Translating the
+decimal ticks to trigonometrical ones makes no real sense, because
+every 1 xunit (1cm) is a tick and the last one is at 6cm.
+ \pnode(5,0){A}%
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)%
+ \pnode(5,0){A}%
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+ \psaxes[?\ON?trigLabelBase=3?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+Modifying the ticks to have the last one exactly at the end is
+possible with a different dx value ($\frac{\pi}{3}\approx 1.047$):
+ \psaxes[dx=\pstRadUnit]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+ \psaxes[?\ON?dx=\pstRadUnit?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+ \psaxes[dx=\pstRadUnit,trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+ \psaxes[dx=\pstRadUnit,?\ON?trigLabelBase=3?\OFF?] {->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(\psPiTwo,1.25)
+Set everything globally in radian units. Now 6 units on the
+$x$-axis are $6\pi$. Using \Lkeyword{trigLabelBase}=3 reduces this
+value to $2\pi$, a.s.o.
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)%
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)%
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psaxes[?\ON?trigLabelBase=3?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=4]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psaxes[?\ON?trigLabelBase=4?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=6]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psaxes[?\ON?trigLabelBase=6?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+The best way seems to be to set the $x$-unit to
+\Lcs{pstRadUnit}. Plotting a function doesn't consider the value
+for \Lkeyword{trigLabelBase}, it has to be done by the user. The first
+example sets the unit locally for the \Lcs{psplot} back to 1cm,
+which is needed, because we use this unit on the PostScript side.
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[xunit=1cm,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{\psPiTwo}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[?\ON?xunit=1cm?\OFF?,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{?\ON?\psPiTwo?\OFF?}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{6}{x Pi 3 div mul RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabelBase=3]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{6}{x ?\ON?Pi 3 div mul ?\OFF?RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[dx=1.5]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[xunit=.5cm,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{\psPiFour}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[?\ON?dx=1.5?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[?\ON?xunit=0.5cm?\OFF?,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{?\ON?\psPiFour?\OFF?}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[dx=0.75,trigLabelBase=2]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[xunit=.5cm,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{\psPiFour}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[?\ON?dx=0.75?\OFF?,?\ON?trigLabelBase=2?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.5,1.25)
+ \psplot[?\ON?xunit=0.5cm?\OFF?,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{\psPiFour}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+It is also possible to set the $x$ unit and $dx$ value to get the
+labels right. But this needs some more understanding as to how it
+really works. A \Lkeyword{xunit}=1.570796327 sets the unit to $\pi/2$
+and a \Lkeyword{dx}=0.666667 then puts at every $2/3$ of the unit a
+tick mark and a label. The length of the $x$-axis is 6.4 units
+which is $6.4\cdot 1.570796327cm\approx 10cm$. The function then
+is plotted from $0$ to $3\pi=9.424777961$.
+ \psaxes[xunit=\psPiH,showorigin=false,trigLabelBase=3,dx=0.666667]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.4,1.25)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{9.424777961}{%
+ x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psaxes[?\ON?xunit=\psPiH?\OFF?,?\ON?trigLabelBase=3?\OFF?,?\ON?dx=0.666667?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.5,-1.25)(6.4,1.25)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{?\ON?9.424777961?\OFF?}{%
+ x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psaxes[xunit=\psPi,dx=0.25]{->}(0,0)(-0.25,-1.25)(3.2,1.25)
+ \psplot[xunit=0.25,plotpoints=500,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{37.70}{%
+ x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psplot[?\ON?xunit=0.25?\OFF?,?\ON?plotpoints=500?\OFF?,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{0}{37.70}{%
+ x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psplot[xunit=0.0625,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt,plotpoints=5000]{0}{150.80}{%
+ x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psaxes[xunit=\psPi,dx=0.5,Dx=8,subticks=2]{->}(0,0)(-0.1,-2)(3.2,2)
+ \psplot[?\ON?xunit=0.0625?\OFF?,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt,%
+ ?\ON?plotpoints=5000?\OFF?]{0}{150.80}%
+ {x RadtoDeg dup sin exch 1.1 mul cos add}
+ \psaxes[?\ON?xunit=\psPi?\OFF?,?\ON?dx=0.5?\OFF?,?\ON?Dx=8?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-0.25,-1.25)(3.2,1.25)
+ \psaxes[trigLabels=true,xunit=\psPi]{->}(0,0)(-2.2,-1.5)(2.2,1.5)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{-7}{7}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabels=true,?\ON?xunit=\psPi?\OFF?]{->}(0,0)(-2.2,-1.5)(2.2,1.5)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{-7}{7}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabels=true,
+ trigLabelBase=2,dx=\psPiH,xunit=\psPi]{->}(0,0)(-2.2,-1.5)(2.2,1.5)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{-7}{7}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+ \psaxes[trigLabels=true,
+ trigLabelBase=2,dx=\psPiH,xunit=\psPi]{->}(0,0)(-2.2,-1.5)(2.2,1.5)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt]{-7}{7}{x RadtoDeg sin}
+The setting of trigonometrical labels with \Lkeyword{ytriglabels}=\true\
+for the $y$ axis is the same as for the $x$ axis.
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.7,-6.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.7,-6.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+Also setting labels for the $x$ axis is possible with \Lkeyword{trigLabels}=\true\
+or alternatively with \Lkeyword{ytrigLabels}=\true.
+ xunit=\psPi,Dy=2]{->}(0,0)(-1.7,-6.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+ xunit=\psPi,Dy=2]{->}(0,0)(-1.7,-6.5)(1.77,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
+\def\pi{\omega}% Hold it local
+\def\pi{\sqrt2}% Hold it local
+\def\pi{\omega}% Hold it local
+\def\pi{\sqrt2}% Hold it local
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{ticks}}\label{ticks}
+This option was already in the \LPack{pst-plot} package and
+only mentioned here for some completeness.
+% full= 0, top=1, bottom=-1, inner=2 => -1 0 1 2
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{tickstyle}}\label{tickstyle}
+The value \Lkeyval{inner} is only possible for the axes style \Lkeyval{frame}.
+\begin{pspicture}(-1,-1)(3,3) \psaxes[tickstyle=full]{->}(3,3) \end{pspicture}
+\begin{pspicture}(-1,-1)(3,3) \psaxes[tickstyle=top]{->}(3,3) \end{pspicture}
+\begin{pspicture}(-1,-1)(3,3) \psaxes[tickstyle=bottom]{->}(3,3)\end{pspicture}
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame, tickstyle=inner, ticksize=0 4pt]{->}(3,3)
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{ticksize}, \nxLkeyword{xticksize}, \nxLkeyword{yticksize}}\label{ticksize}
+With this new option the recent \Lkeyword{tickstyle} option of
+\LPack{pst-plot} is obsolete and no longer supported by \LPack{pstricks-add}.
+ticksize=value[unit] value[unit]
+xticksize=value[unit] value[unit]
+yticksize=value[unit] value[unit]
+\Lkeyword{ticksize} sets both values. The first one is left/below and the optional second
+one is right/above of the coordinate axis. The old setting \Lkeyset{tickstyle=bottom} is
+now easy to realize, e.\,g.: \Lkeyword{ticksize}=-6pt 0, or vice versa, if the coordinates
+are set from positive to negative values.
+ \psaxes[ticksize=0.5cm]{->}(0,0)(-1.5,-1.5)(4,3.5)
+ \psaxes[xticksize=-10pt 0,yticksize=0 10pt]%
+ {->}(0,0)(-1.5,-1.5)(4,3.5)
+A grid is also possible by setting the values to the max/min coordinates.
+ \psaxes[ticklinestyle=dashed,
+ ticksize=0 4cm]{->}(0,0)(-.5,-.5)(5,4.5)
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{subticks}, \nxLkeyword{xsubticks}, and \nxLkeyword{ysubticks}}\label{subticks}
+By default \Lkeyword{subticks} cannot have labels.
+ ysubticks=10]{->}(0,0)(-1,-1)(2,2)
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{subticksize}, \nxLkeyword{xsubticksize}, \nxLkeyword{ysubticksize}}\label{subticksize}
+\Lkeyword{subticksize} sets both values, \Lkeyword{xsubticksize} only for the $x$-axis and
+\Lkeyword{ysubticksize} only for the $y$-axis,
+which must be relative to the ticksize length and
+can have any number. 1 sets it to the same length as the main ticks.
+ \psaxes[xticksize=-4.5 0.5,ticklinestyle=dashed,subticks=5,xsubticksize=1,%
+ ysubticksize=0.75,xsubticklinestyle=dotted,xsubtickwidth=1pt,
+ subtickcolor=gray]{->}(0,0)(-1,-4)(3.25,0.5)
+\subsection[\nxLkeyword{tickcolor} and \nxLkeyword{subtickcolor}]%
+{Options \nxLkeyword{tickcolor}, \nxLkeyword{xtickcolor}, \nxLkeyword{ytickcolor},
+\nxLkeyword{subtickcolor}, \nxLkeyword{xsubtickcolor}, and \nxLkeyword{ysubtickcolor}}\label{tickcolor}
+\Lkeyword{tickcolor} and \Lkeyword{subtickcolor} set both for the $x$- and the $y$-Axis.
+\psaxes[yAxis=false,labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,ticksize=0 10mm,subticks=10,subticksize=0.75,
+ tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue,tickwidth=1pt,subtickwidth=0.5pt](10.01,0)
+\psaxes[yAxis=false,labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,ticksize=0 -10mm,subticks=10,subticksize=0.75,
+ tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue,tickwidth=1pt,subtickwidth=0.5pt,Ox=5](5,0)(5,0)(10.01,0)
+\subsection[\nxLkeyword{ticklinestyle} and \nxLkeyword{subticklinestyle}]%
+ {Options \nxLkeyword{ticklinestyle}, \nxLkeyword{xticklinestyle}, \nxLkeyword{yticklinestyle},
+\nxLkeyword{subticklinestyle}, \nxLkeyword{xsubticklinestyle}, and \nxLkeyword{ysubticklinestyle}}\label{ticklinestyle}
+\Lkeyword{ticklinestyle} and \Lkeyword{subticklinestyle} set both values
+for the x and y axis. The value \Lkeyval{none} doesn't really makes
+sense, because it is the same as \verb+[sub]ticklines=0+
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,logLines=y,xticksize=0 1,xsubticksize=1,ylogBase=10,
+ tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue,tickwidth=1pt,subticks=9,xsubticks=10,
+ xticklinestyle=dashed,xsubticklinestyle=dashed](2.5,1)
+By default the option \Lkeyword{logLines} sets the ticksize to the maximal length for x, y, or both.
+It can be changed, when \emph{after} the option \Lkeyword{logLines} the ticksize is set.
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,xylogBase=10,logLines=all](5,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=9,axesstyle=frame,xylogBase=10,logLines=all,
+ ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner](5,5)
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,logLines=y,xticksize=max,xsubticksize=1,ylogBase=10,
+ tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue,tickwidth=1pt,subticks=9,xsubticks=10](2.5,2)
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,tickstyle=inner,logLines=x,xlogBase=10,Dy=0.5,tickcolor=red,
+ subtickcolor=blue,tickwidth=1pt,ysubticks=5,xsubticks=9](3,1)
+\subsection{\nxLkeyword{xylogBase}, \nxLkeyword{xlogBase} and \nxLkeyword{ylogBase}}\label{xylogbase}
+There are additional options \Lkeyword{xylogBase}, \Lkeyword{xlogBase},
+\Lkeyword{ylogBase} to get one or both axes with \Index{logarithmic label}s. For an
+interval of [$10^{-3} ... 10^2$] choose a \PST interval
+of [-3,2]. \PST takes $0$ as the origin of this axes,
+which is wrong if we want to have a logarithmic axes. With the
+options \Lkeyword{Oy} and \Lkeyword{Ox} we can set the origin to $-3$, so
+that the first label gets $10^{-3}$. If this is not done by the
+user then \LPack{pst-plot} does it by default. An alternative
+is to set these parameters to empty values \verb|Ox={},Oy={}|, in
+this case the package does nothing.
+This mode in math is also called double logarithmic. It is a
+combination of the two foregoing modes and the function is now
+$y=\log x$ and is shown in the following example.
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red]{0.001}{3}{x log}
+ \psaxes[xylogBase=10,Oy=-3,Ox=-3]{->}(-3,-3)(3.5,3.5)
+ \uput[-90](3.5,-3){x}
+ \uput[180](-3,3.5){y}
+ \rput(2.5,1){$y=\log x$}
+The values for the \Lcs{psaxes} y-coordinate are now the
+exponents to the base $10$ and for the right function to the base
+$e$: $10^{-3} \ldots 10^1$ which corresponds to the given
+y-interval $-3\ldots 1.5$, where only integers as exponents are
+possible. These logarithmic labels have no effect on the
+internally used units. To draw the logarithm function we have to
+use the math function
+\[y=\log\{\log x\}\]
+\[y=\ln\{\ln x\}\]
+with an drawing interval of $1.001\ldots 6$.
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=10,Oy=-3]{->}(0,-3)(6.5,1.5)
+ \uput[-90](6.5,-3){x}
+ \uput[0](0,1.4){y}
+ \rput(5,1){$y=\log x$}
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,%
+ plotpoints=100,linecolor=red]{1.001}{6}{x log log} % log(log(x))
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,plotpoints=100,linecolor=red]%
+ {1.04}{6}[ /ln {log 0.4343 div} def ]{x ln ln} % log(x)
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=e,Oy=-3]{->}(0,-3)(6.5,1.5)
+ \uput[-90](6.5,-3){x}
+ \uput[0](0,1.5){y}
+ \rput(5,1){$y=\ln x$}
+ \begin{pspicture}(-0.5,1.75)(6.5,4.5)
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=10,Oy=2]{->}(0,2)(0,2)(6.5,4.5)
+ \end{pspicture}
+ \begin{pspicture}(-0.5,-0.25)(6.5,4.5)
+ \psplot{0}{6}{x x cos add log} % x + cox(x)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{0}{6}{x 3 exp x cos add log} % x^3 + cos(x)
+ \psplot[linecolor=cyan]{0}{6}{x 5 exp x cos add log} % x^5 + cos(x)
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=10]{->}(6.5,4.5)
+ \end{pspicture}
+ \psplot{0}{6}{x x cos add log} % x + cox(x)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{0}{6}{x 3 exp x cos add log} % x^3 + cos(x)
+ \psplot[linecolor=cyan]{0}{6}{x 5 exp x cos add log} % x^5 + cos(x)
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=10]{->}(0,-1)(0,-1)(6.5,4.5)
+ \psplot[linecolor=cyan]{3}{6}{x 5 exp x cos add log} % x^5 + cos(x)
+ \psaxes[ylogBase=10,Ox=3,Oy=2]{->}(3,2)(3,2)(6.5,4.5)
+Now we have to use the easy math function $y=x$ because the x axis is still $\log x$.
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red]{-3}{3}{x} % log(x)
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue]{-1.3}{1.5}{x 0.4343 div} % ln(x)
+ \psaxes[xlogBase=10,Oy=-3,Ox=-3]{->}(-3,-3)(3.5,3.5)
+ \uput[-90](3.5,-3){x}
+ \uput[180](-3,3.5){y}
+ \rput(2.5,1){$y=\log x$}
+ \rput[lb](0,-1){$y=\ln x$}
+ \uput[-90](4.25,-1){x}
+ \uput[0](-1,1.25){y}
+ \rput(0,1){$y=\sin x$}
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,plotpoints=5000,linecolor=red]{-1}{3.5}{10 x exp sin }
+ \psaxes[xlogBase=10,Oy=-1,Ox=-1]{->}(-1,-1)(4.25,1.25)
+ \psline[linestyle=dashed](!0 1)(!90 log 1)(!90 log 0)
+ \uput[-90](4.25,-1){x}
+ \uput[0](-1,1.25){y}
+ \rput(0,1){$y=\sin x$}
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,plotpoints=5000,linecolor=red]{-1}{3.5}{10 x exp sin }
+ \psaxes[xlogBase=10,Ox=-1,Oy=-1]{->}(-1,-1)(4.25,1.25)
+ \psline[linestyle=dashed](-1,0)(4,0)
+ \psline[linestyle=dashed](!-1 1)(!90 log 1)(!90 log -1)
+ \psline[linestyle=dashed](!90 log 1)(!180 log 1)(!180 log -1)
+ \psaxes[xlogBase=10]{->}(0,0)(-3.5,-2.5)(3.5,2.5)
+ \psplot{-2.5}{2.5}{10 x exp log}
+ \psaxes[xlogBase=10,Ox={},Oy={}]{->}(0,0)(-3.5,-2.5)(3.5,2.5)
+ \psplot{-2.5}{2.5}{10 x exp log}
+\subsection{No logstyle (\nxLkeyword{xylogBase=\{\}})}
+This is only a demonstration that the default option \xLkeyword{xylogBase}=\{\} still works ... :-)
+ \psplot[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red,xylogBase={}]{0.5}{3}{x log} % log(x)
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-3.5,0)(3.5,2.5)
+ \uput[-90](3.5,0){x}
+ \uput[180](0,2.5){y}
+ \rput(2.5,1){$y=\log x$}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{tickwidth} and \nxLkeyword{subtickwidth}}\label{tickwidth}
+ \psaxes[subticks=8](0,0)(-5,-1)(5,1)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,1)(-5,-1)\\
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-10pt 0](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=10,ticksize=0 -10pt](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 10pt,xlabelPos=bottom](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 -10pt,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\[0.25cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0,tickcolor=red,linecolor=blue,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,tickwidth=2pt,subtickwidth=1pt](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0,tickcolor=red,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)}
+ \psaxes[subticks=8](0,0)(-5,-1)(5,1)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,1)(-5,-1)\\
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-10pt 0](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=10,ticksize=0 -10pt](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 10pt,xlabelPos=bottom](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 -10pt,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\[0.25cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0,tickcolor=red,linecolor=blue,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\\
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,tickwidth=2pt,subtickwidth=1pt](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\\[1cm]
+ \psaxes[subticks=0,tickcolor=red,xlabelPos=top](0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 4pt]{->}(0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\hspace{3em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0]{->}(0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\hspace{1em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 4pt,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\hspace{3em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0,linecolor=red,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\hspace{5em}
+ ticksize=10pt,subtickcolor=blue,subticksize=0.75,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 4pt]{->}(0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\hspace{3em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0]{->}(0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)\hspace{1em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=0 4pt,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\hspace{3em}
+\psaxes[subticks=4,ticksize=-4pt 0,linecolor=red,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)\hspace{5em}
+ ticksize=10pt,subtickcolor=blue,subticksize=0.75,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0,0)(5,5)(-5,-5)
+ tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue]{->}(5.4,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,ticksize=0 6pt,subticksize=0.5]{->}(5.4,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,ticksize=-6pt 0,subticksize=0.5]{->}(5.4,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,ticksize=0 6pt,subticksize=0.5]{->}(0,0)(3,3)(-3,-3)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,ticksize=-6pt 0,subticksize=0.5,linecolor=red]{->}(-3,-3)
+ \psaxes[subticks=4,tickcolor=red,subtickcolor=blue](5,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,subticksize=1,subtickcolor=lightgray](5,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=2,subticksize=1,subtickcolor=lightgray](5,5)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5,ticksize=-7pt 0](3,4)
+ \psaxes[subticks=5](-3,-4)
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=axes,subticks=5](3,4)
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=axes,subticks=5,%
+ ticksize=0 10pt](-3,-4)
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{psgrid}, \nxLkeyword{gridcoor}, and \nxLkeyword{gridpara}}\label{psgrid}
+A simple grid can be set with the optional argument \Lkeyword{psgrid} which uses
+the setting of \Lkeyword{gridpara} and \Lkeyword{gridcoor}.
+\Lkeyword{gridpara} is preset to
+ subgridwidth=0.5\pslinewidth,subgriddiv=5},...
+ algebraic,plotpoints=200,psgrid,gridcoor={(0,0)(9,4)}}
+\psplot[linecolor=NavyBlue]{0}{9}{sqrt(x)}% needs dvipsnames
+\psdots(*2 {sqrt(2)})(4,2)(4,0)
+\uput[90](*2 {sqrt(2)}){$(x,y)$}\uput[90](4,2){$(4,2)$}\uput[90](4,0){$(4,0)$}
+\section{New options for \nxLcs{readdata}}\label{ignorelines}
+By default the macro \Lcs{readdata} reads every data record,
+which could be annoying when you have some text lines at top of
+your data files or when there are more than 10000 records to read.
+\LPack{pst-plot} defines two additional keys \Lkeyword{ignoreLines}
+and \Lkeyword{nStep}, which allows you to ignore preceeding lines, e.\,g.
+\Lkeyword{ignoreLines}=2, or to read only a selected part of the data
+records, e.\,g. \Lkeyword{nStep}=10, only every 10\textsuperscript{th}
+record is saved.
+The default value for \Lkeyword{ignoreLines} is $0$ and for \Lkeyword{nStep} is $1$.
+the following data file has two text lines which shall be ignored by the \Lcs{readdata} macro:
+some nonsense in this line ---time forcex forcey
+0 0.2
+1 1
+2 4
+ \listplot[showpoints]{\data}
+ \psaxes{->}(2,4)
+\section{New options for \nxLcs{listplot}}
+By default the plot macros \Lcs{dataplot}, \Lcs{fileplot} and \Lcs{listplot} plot every
+data record. There are noew additional keys
+\Lkeyword{nStep}, \Lkeyword{nStart}, \Lkeyword{nEnd}, and \Lkeyword{xStep}, \Lkeyword{xStart},
+\Lkeyword{xEnd}, which allows
+to plot only a selected part of the data records, e.\,g. \Lkeyword{nStep}=10. These "`n"'
+options mark the number of the record to be plotted ($0,1,2,...$) and the "`x"' ones the x-values of the data records.
+The new options are only available
+for the \Lcs{listplot} macro, which is not a real limitation, because all data records can be read
+from a file with the \Lcs{readdata} macro (see example files or~\cite{dtk02.2:jackson.voss:plot-funktionen}):
+The use \Lkeyword{nStep} and \Lkeyword{xStep} options only make real sense
+when also using the option \Lkeyset{plotstyle=dots}. Otherwise the
+coordinates are connected by a line as usual. Also the
+\Lkeyword{xStep} option needs increasing x values. Note that
+\Lkeyword{nStep} can be used for \Lcs{readdata} and for
+\Lcs{listplot}. If used in both macros then the effect is
+multiplied, e.g. \Lcs{readdata} with \Lkeyword{nStep}=5 and
+\Lcs{listplot} with \Lkeyword{nStep}=10 means, that only every
+50\textsuperscript{th} data record is read and plotted.
+When both, \verb|x/yStart/End| are defined then the values are also compared with
+both values.
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{nStep}, \nxLkeyword{xStep}, and \nxLkeyword{yStep}}\label{nxstep}
+The datafile \verb|| contains $1000$ data records. The thin blue line is the plot
+of all records with the plotstyle option \Lkeyval{curve}.\xLkeyword{nStep}\xLkeyword{xStep}\xLkeyword{yStep}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1000 div}{1000 div}
+\psaxes[Dx=200,dx=2.5cm,Dy=100,ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner,
+ subticks=10,ylabelFactor=\cdot10^3,dy=2cm](0,0)(1,250)
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1000 div}{1000 div}
+\psaxes[Dx=200,dx=2.5cm,Dy=100,ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner,
+ subticks=10,ylabelFactor=\cdot10^3,dy=2cm](0,0)(1,250)
+ \psline[linecolor=black!40,linestyle=dashed](\rA,0)(\rA,250)}
+ \psline[linecolor=black!40,linestyle=dashed](0,\nA)(1,\nA)}
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{nStart} and \nxLkeyword{xStart}}\label{nxstart}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1000 div}{1000 div}
+\psaxes[Dx=200,dx=2.5cm,Dy=100,ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner,
+ subticks=10,ylabelFactor=\cdot10^3,dy=2cm](0,0)(1,250)
+ linecolor=blue,plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{nEnd} and \nxLkeyword{xEnd}}\label{nxend}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1000 div}{1000 div}
+\psaxes[axesstyle=frame,Dx=200,dx=2.5cm,Dy=100,ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner,
+ subticks=10,ylabelFactor=\cdot10^3,dy=2cm](0,0)(1,250)
+ linecolor=blue]{\data}
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{yStart} and \nxLkeyword{yEnd}}\label{ystartend}
+\pstScalePoints(1,1){1000 div}{1000 div}
+\psaxes[axesstyle=frame,Dx=200,dx=2.5cm,Dy=100,ticksize=0 5pt,tickstyle=inner,
+ ylabelFactor=\cdot10^3,dy=2cm](0,0)(1,250)
+ \psset{linewidth=0.1pt, linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red}
+ \psline(0,40)(1,40)
+ \psline(0,175)(1,175)
+ \listplot[yStart=40000, yEnd=175000,linewidth=3pt,linecolor=blue,plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+\subsection{Options \nxLkeyword{plotNo}, \nxLkeyword{plotNoX}, and \nxLkeyword{plotNoMax}}\label{plotno}
+By default the plot macros expect \verb+x|y+ data records, but
+when having data files with multiple values for y, like:
+x y1 y2 y3 y4 ... yMax
+x y1 y2 y3 y4 ... yMax
+you can select the y value which should be plotted. The option \Lkeyword{plotNo} marks the plotted
+value (default $1$) and the option \Lkeyword{plotNoMax} tells \LPack{pst-plot} how many $y$ values are
+present. There are no real restrictions in the maximum number for \Lkeyword{plotNoMax}.
+We have the following data file:
+[% file
+0 0 3.375 0.0625
+10 5.375 7.1875 4.5
+20 7.1875 8.375 6.25
+30 5.75 7.75 6.6875
+40 2.1875 5.75 5.9375
+50 -1.9375 2.1875 4.3125
+60 -5.125 -1.8125 0.875
+70 -6.4375 -5.3125 -2.6875
+80 -4.875 -7.1875 -4.875
+90 0 -7.625 -5.625
+100 5.5 -6.3125 -5.8125
+110 6.8125 -2.75 -4.75
+120 5.25 2.875 -0.75
+\noindent which holds data records for multiple plots (\verb+x y1 y2 y3+). This can be plotted
+without any modification to the data file:
+\psset{xunit=0.1cm, yunit=0.5cm,lly=-0.5cm}
+It is also possible to select another column for the $x$-value. Suppose we have
+a data base with records like \verb+x y y x y+, then it is by default a record
+with one $x$ value and four possible $y$ values. We still have to define
+\Lkeyword{plotNoMax}=4. However, it is possible to select the forth value as
+new $x$ value by setting \Lkeyword{plotNoX=4} (it is preset to 1).
+Then the forth value is taken as $x$. The example uses the the following
+data set.
+% X1 X2 Y1 Y2
+ 2 55.1500 10.35 11.26
+ 31 59.7167 11.06 11.11
+ 34 65.7167 11.87 10.83
+ 40 62.1833 11.59 11.19
+ 45 56.0500 10.74 11.50
+ 47 68.2667 12.65 11.11
+ 52 69.7500 13.23 11.38
+ 55 76.3333 14.28 11.22
+ 59 75.4000 14.69 11.69
+ 62 78.6000 15.25 11.64
+ 66 69.3167 14.06 12.17
+ 69 77.5500 15.24 11.79
+ 73 70.8833 14.52 12.29
+ 75 60.6167 13.10 12.97
+ 79 68.3833 14.43 12.66
+ 82 56.6833 12.05 12.75
+ 87 95.1333 21.10 13.31
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,Dy=5,Dx=10,ticksize=5pt 0](0,0)(100,25){10cm}{8cm}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{changeOrder}}\label{changeorder}
+It is only possible to fill the region between two listplots with
+\Lcs{pscustom} if one of them has the values in reverse order.
+Otherwise we do not get a closed path. With the option
+\Lkeyword{ChangeOrder} the values are used in reverse order:
+ 0 3 8
+ 2 4 7
+ 5 5 5.5
+ 7 3.5 5
+ 10 2 9
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,ticklinestyle=dotted,ticksize=0 10](0,0)(10,10){4in}{2in}%
+ \listplot[plotNo=2,plotNoMax=2]{\data}%
+ \listplot[plotNo=1,plotNoMax=2,ChangeOrder]{\data}}
+\section{New plot styles}
+\subsection{Plot style \nxLkeyword{colordot} and option \nxLkeyword{Hue}}\label{colordot}
+The plotted dots can be colored with the \Index{HSB} color model, where \Index{Hue}
+is set by an angle (0\ldots360) and the values of \Index{Saturation} and \Index{Brightnes}
+are set by the relative $y$ value of the data records. The default value for
+\Lkeyword{Hue} is 180.
+ \psaxes[dy=1cm,Dy=50]{->}(0,0)(0,-50)(1.1,400)
+ \listplot[Hue=280,plotstyle=colordots]{\data}
+ \psaxes[dy=1cm,Dy=50]{->}(0,0)(0,-50)(1.1,400)
+ \listplot[?\ON?Hue=280?\OFF?,plotstyle=?\ON?colordots?\OFF?]{\data}
+\subsection{Plot style \nxLkeyword{bar} and option \nxLkeyword{barwidth}}\label{barwidth}
+This option allows you to draw bars for the data records. The
+width of the bars is controlled by the option \Lkeyword{barwidth},
+which is set by default to value of \verb+0.25cm+, which is the
+total width.
+0 0.03
+1 0.11
+2 0.28
+3 0.84
+4 6.70
+5 8.55
+6 8.77
+7 11.09
+8 7.18
+9 6.20
+10 5.78
+11 4.19
+12 2.37
+13 2.26
+14 1.68
+15 1.03
+16 1.37
+17 1.34
+18 0.92
+19 0.67
+20 0.87
+21 1.20
+22 1.98
+23 3.99
+24 5.08
+25 5.17
+26 5.78
+27 4.44
+28 0.11
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=axes,Ox=1466,Oy=0,Dx=4,Dy=2,xticksize=-6pt 0,
+ ylabelFactor={\,\%}]{-}(29,12)
+ \listplot[shadow=true,linecolor=blue,plotstyle=bar,barwidth=0.3cm,
+ fillcolor=red,fillstyle=solid]{\barData}
+ \rput{90}(-3,6.25){Amount}
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=axes,Ox=1466,Oy=0,Dx=4,Dy=2,ticksize=-4pt 0,
+ ylabelFactor={\,\%}]{-}(29,12)
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,plotstyle=bar,barwidth=0.3cm,
+ fillcolor=red,fillstyle=crosshatch]{\barData}
+ \rput{90}(-3,6.25){Amount}
+ \psaxes[axesstyle=axes,Ox=1466,Oy=0,Dx=4,Dy=2,ticksize=-4pt 0,
+ ylabelFactor={\,\%}]{-}(29,12)
+ \listplot[linecolor=blue,plotstyle=bar,barwidth=0.3cm,
+ fillcolor=red,fillstyle=vlines]{\barData}
+ \listplot[showpoints=true]{\barData}
+ \rput{90}(-3,6.25){Amount}
+\subsubsection{Interrupted bar plot}
+The new keywords \Lkeyword{interrupt} takes three comma separated values:
+the value, when the interrupted $y$ axis is interruptes, the separation for the
+drawn tilde and the value for the inrrupted section, e.g. \verb|interrupt={15,1,30}|.
+\psaxes[axesstyle=axes,ticksize=-4pt 0,Dy=2,Dx=2](29,15)
+\rput(0,16){\psaxes[xAxis=false,ticksize=-4pt 0,
+ Dy=2,Oy=46,Dx=2](29,15)}
+ fillcolor=red!30,fillstyle=solid]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 10 2
+11 1 12 50 13 55 14 14 15 7 16 9 17 7 18 4
+19 2 20 3 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 1 25 2 % 1st example
+ fillcolor=blue!30,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.5]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 3 10 10
+11 11 12 8 13 61 14 10 15 13 16 3 17 1 18 0
+19 0 20 2 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 % 2nd exa
+ fillcolor=green!30,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.5]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 1 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 3 10 4
+11 11 12 59 13 11 14 12 15 7 16 3 17 1 18 0
+19 0 20 2 21 0 22 1 23 0 24 0 25 0 % 3rd exa
+\psaxes[axesstyle=axes,ticksize=-4pt 0,Dy=2,Dx=2](29,15)
+\rput(0,16){\psaxes[xAxis=false,ticksize=-4pt 0,
+ Dy=2,Oy=46,Dx=2](29,15)}
+ fillcolor=red!30,fillstyle=solid]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 10 2
+11 1 12 50 13 55 14 14 15 7 16 9 17 7 18 4
+19 2 20 3 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 1 25 2 % 1st example
+ fillcolor=blue!30,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.5]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 3 10 10
+11 11 12 8 13 61 14 10 15 13 16 3 17 1 18 0
+19 0 20 2 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 % 2nd exa
+ fillcolor=green!30,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.5]{
+0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 1 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 3 10 4
+11 11 12 59 13 11 14 12 15 7 16 3 17 1 18 0
+19 0 20 2 21 0 22 1 23 0 24 0 25 0 % 3rd exa
+\subsection{Plot style \nxLkeyword{ybar}}\label{options:ybar}
+With the setting \Lkeyset{plotstyle=ybar} the graph is set with horizontal bars instead
+of vertical. For \Lkeyword{yLabels} see section~\ref{yLabels}.
+\savedata{\data}[1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 4 7 6 8 6 9 7 10 25 11 30 12 32 13]
+\psset{llx=-1.5cm,lly=-1.5cm,xAxisLabel=\textbf{Frequency of Winning the Final},
+ xAxisLabelPos={c,-1cm},yAxisLabel=,yLabels={,Kerry,Laois,London,Waterford,Clare,Offaly,
+ Galway,Wexford,Dublin,Limerick,Tipperary,Cork,Kilkenny}}
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,labels=x,ticksize=-4pt 0,Dx=5](0,0)(35,14){10cm}{7cm}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=ybar,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=blue,barwidth=4mm,fillstyle=solid]{\data}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=xvalues,labelsep=5pt]{\data}
+\savedata{\data}[1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 4 7 6 8 6 9 7 10 25 11 30 12 32 13]
+\psset{llx=-1.5cm,lly=-1.5cm,xAxisLabel=\textbf{Frequency of Winning the Final},
+ xAxisLabelPos={c,-1cm},yAxisLabel=,yLabels={,Kerry,Laois,London,Waterford,Clare,Offaly,
+ Galway,Wexford,Dublin,Limerick,Tipperary,Cork,Kilkenny}}
+\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,labels=x,ticksize=-4pt 0,Dx=5](0,0)(35,14){10cm}{7cm}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=ybar,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=blue,barwidth=4mm,fillstyle=solid]{\data}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=xvalues,labelsep=5pt]{\data}
+\subsection{Plotstyle \nxLkeyval{LSM}}\label{LSM}
+With the setting \Lkeyset{plotstyle=LSM} (\textbf{L}east \textbf{S}quare \textbf{Method})\index{Least square method}
+the data records are not printed in the usual way as dots or a line,
+the \Lcs{listplot} macro calculates the values for a line $y=v\cdot x+u$ which fits
+best all data records.
+ \listplot[plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=LSM,linecolor=red]{\data}
+0 1 1 3 2.8 4 3 2.9 2 5 4 4 5 5.5 6 8.2 8 7
+ \listplot[plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+ \listplot[?\ON?plotstyle?\OFF?=?\ON?LSM?\OFF?,linecolor=red]{\data}
+The macro looks for the lowest and biggest x-value and draws the
+line for this interval. It is possible to pass other values to the
+macro by setting the \Lkeyword{xStart} and/or \Lkeyword{xEnd} options.
+They are preset with an empty value \verb+{}+.
+ \listplot[plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+ \listplot[PstDebug=1,plotstyle=LSM,xStart=-0.5,xEnd=8.5,linecolor=red]{\data}
+ \listplot[plotstyle=dots]{\data}
+ \listplot[?\ON?PstDebug?\OFF?,plotstyle=?\ON?LSM?\OFF?,?\ON?xStart?\OFF?=-0.5,?\ON?xEnd?\OFF?=8.5,linecolor=red]{\data}
+With \Lkeyword{PstDebug} one gets the equation $y=v\cdot x+u$
+printed, beginning at the position (0|-50pt). This cannot be
+changed, because it is only for some kind of debugging. Pay
+attention for the correct \Lkeyword{xStart} and \Lkeyword{xEnd} values,
+when you use the \Lcs{pstScalePoints} Macro. In the following
+example we use an x-interval from 0 to 3 to plot the values; first
+we subtract 0.003 from all x-values and then scale them with
+10000. This is not taken into account for the \Lkeyword{xStart} and
+\Lkeyword{xEnd} values.
+\pstScalePoints(10000,1){ 0.003 sub }{}
+ \listplot[showpoints=true,linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]{\data}
+ \listplot[PstDebug=1,plotstyle=LSM,linewidth=0.1pt,linestyle=dashed,%
+ xStart=-0.25,xEnd=3.3]{\data}
+0.003298697 1.397785583
+0.003193358 1.615489564
+0.003094538 2.044019006
+0.003001651 2.259240127
+?\ON?\pstScalePoints?\OFF?(10000,1){ 0.003 sub }{}
+ \listplot[showpoints=true,linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]{\data}
+ \listplot[PstDebug=1,plotstyle=?\ON?LSM?\OFF?,linewidth=0.1pt,linestyle=dashed,%
+ xStart=-0.25,xEnd=3.3]{\data}
+\subsection{Plotstyles \nxLkeyval{values} and \nxLkeyval{values*}}\label{values}
+Instead of plotting the curve with the setting \Lkeyset{plotstyle=values}
+the $y$-values are printed at the current point.
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-3,0)(3,9)
+ \psplot{-3}{3}{x dup mul }
+ \psplot[plotstyle=values]{-3}{3}{x dup mul }
+The possible optional arguments are \Lkeyword{PSfont},\Lkeyword{valuewidth},
+\Lkeyword{fontscale}, and \Lkeyword{decimals}. The default setting is:
+The optional argument \Lkeyword{rot} from the base package \LPack{pstricks} is also taken into account.
+With the star version \Lkeyset{plotstyle=values*} the box of the printed value isn't transparent,
+everything behind this box is not seen.
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-3,0)(3,9)
+ \psplot{-3}{3}{x dup mul }
+ \psplot[plotstyle=values*]{-3}{3}{x dup mul }
+\subsection{Plotstyles \nxLkeyval{xvalues} and \nxLkeyval{xvalues*}}\label{xvalues}
+This is similiar to the options \Lkeyval{values}, except that it plots the $x$-values
+instead of the $y$-values. This maybe useful when also using the plotstyle \Lkeyval{ybar}
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-2,0)(2,5.5)
+ \psplot{-2}{2}{x dup mul }
+ \psplot[plotstyle=xvalues,
+ plotpoints=10]{-2}{2}{x dup mul }
+\section{Polar plots}\label{polarplots}
+With the option \Lkeyword{polarplot}=\false|\true\ it is possible to use any plot command %\Lcs{psplot}
+in polar mode:
+\Lcs{ps????plot}\OptArg{polarplot,...}\Largb{<start angle>}\Largb{<end angle>}\%\\
+ \OptArg{PS command}\Largb{<r(alpha)>}
+The equation in PostScript code is interpreted as a function $r=f(\alpha)$, e.g. for the
+circle with radius 1 as $r=\sqrt{\sin^2x+\cos^2x}$, or $r=a*\dfrac{sin(x)*cos(x)}{(sin(x)^3+cos(x)^3)}$
+for the following examples:
+x sin dup mul x cos dup mul add sqrt
+ \psaxes[arrowlength=1.75,ticksize=2pt,labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,
+ linewidth=0.2mm]{->}(0,0)(-4.99,-4.99)(5,5)[x,-90][y,180]
+ \rput[Br](-.15,-.35){$0$} \psset{linewidth=.35mm,polarplot}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{140}{310}{3 neg x sin mul x cos mul x sin 3 exp x cos 3 exp add div}
+ \psplot[linecolor=cyan]{140}{310}{6 x sin mul x cos mul x sin 3 exp x cos 3 exp add div}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue,algebraic]{2.44}{5.41}{-8*sin(x)*cos(x)/(sin(x)^3+cos(x)^3)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{140}{310}{3 neg x sin mul x cos mul x sin 3 exp x cos 3 exp add div}
+ \psplot[linecolor=cyan]{140}{310}{6 x sin mul x cos mul x sin 3 exp x cos 3 exp add div}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue,algebraic]{2.44}{5.41}{-8*sin(x)*cos(x)/(sin(x)^3+cos(x)^3)}
+\begin{pspicture}(-2.5,-2.5)(2.5,2.5)% Ulrich Dirr
+ \psaxes[arrowlength=1.75,%
+ ticksize=2pt,linewidth=0.17mm]{->}%
+ (0,0)(-2.5,-2.5)(2.5,2.5)[$x$,-90][$y$,180]
+ \rput[Br](-.15,-.35){$0$}
+ \psset{linewidth=.35mm,plotstyle=curve,polarplot}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{0}{360}{x cos 2 mul x sin mul}
+ \psplot[linecolor=green]{0}{360}{x cos 3 mul x sin mul}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue]{0}{360}{x cos 4 mul x sin mul}
+\begin{pspicture}(-8.5,-8.5)(9,9)% Ulrich Dirr
+ ticksize=2pt,linewidth=0.17mm]{->}(0,0)(-8.5,-8.5)(9,9)
+\psplot[linecolor=blue]{0}{720}{8 2.5 x mul sin mul}
+\section{New macros}
+ \Lcs{psCoordinates}\OptArgs\Largr{\CAny}
+A special optional argument is \Lkeyword{markPoint} which is preset to \texttt{true}. With
+\Lkeyword{showpoints} one can set all three points with the same symbol: start point, curve point, and end point.
+ \psaxes{->}(10,10)
+ \psplot[algebraic,linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{0}{10}{x^2/10}
+ \psCoordinates(*1.5 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[showpoints](*2.2 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[linecolor=blue,linestyle=dashed,
+ dotstyle=square,dotscale=2](*4 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[arrowscale=1.5,arrows=->,markPoint=false](*6 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[linecolor=blue,linewidth=0.3pt,
+ dotstyle=x,dotscale=2,showpoints](*7 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[arrows=->,linecolor=blue,linestyle=dotted,
+ dotstyle=triangle,dotscale=2,showpoints](*8 {x^2/10})
+ \psCoordinates[dotscale=2](*9 {x^2/10})
+ \Lcs{psFixpoint}\OptArgs\Largb{$x_0$}\Largb{$f(x)$}\Largb{$n$}
+$x_0$ is the start value of the iteration, $f(x)$ the function, which can either be in
+postfix or algebraic notation, for the latter it needs the optional argument \Lkeyword{algebraic}.
+The number of the iteration is given by $n$.
+ \psaxes{->}(10,10)
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{0}{10}{sqrt(5*x)}
+ \psline(10,10)
+ \psFixpoint[linecolor=blue]{9.5}{sqrt(5*x)}{20}
+ \psFixpoint[linestyle=dashed]{1}{sqrt(5*x)}{20}
+ \Lcs{psNewton}\OptArgs\Largb{$x_0$}\Largb{$f(x)$}\OptArg*{\Largs{f'(x)}}\Largb{$n$}
+If the optional derivation of the function $f(x)$ is missing, then the macro itself
+calculates the derivation with an interval of $\pm0.01$. It can be changed by setting
+the optional argument \Lkeyword{VarStepEpsilon} to another value. If the derivation
+is also given as a function, it is used without any check for the values.
+$x_0$ is the start value of the iteration, $f(x)$ the function, which can either be in
+postfix or algebraic notation, for the latter it needs the optional argument \Lkeyword{algebraic}.
+The number of the iteration is given by $n$. All defined plotstyles can be used, but there
+maybe PostScript errors for \Lkeyset{plotstyle=values} if the number of steps is too
+big. In such a case decrease the number of steps.
+%-15, -9.567466932, -4.903526029, 3.026073041, 6.688396612, 5.580230655 (Made by Maple)
+ \Lcs{psVectorfield}\OptArgs\Largr{$x_0,y_0$}\Largr{$x_1,y_1$}\Largb{$f'(x,y)$}
+$f'(x,y)$ can be in Postfix notation or with option \Lkeyword{algebraic} in
+Infix notation. The $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$ are given by \Lkeyword{Dx} and
+\Lkeyword{Dy} and preset to 0.1, the length of the arrow lines is relative
+and internally set by \texttt{1/}\Lkeyword{Ox} with a preset of \texttt{Ox=3}.
+ %\usepackage{pst-ode}
+%solve dy/dx=x^2 + y^2 - 1 numerically for different initial values of y in the
+%interval x=[-1.1,1.1]; store resulting data points as tables into Postscript
+\psaxes[ticksize=0 4pt,axesstyle=frame,tickstyle=inner,subticks=20,
+ Ox=-1,Oy=-1](-1,-1)(1,1)
+\psVectorfield[linecolor=black!60](-0.9,-0.9)(0.9,0.9){ x^2+y^2-1 }
+\pstODEsolve[algebraicOutputFormat]{y0_a}{t | x[0]}{-1}{1}{100}{-0.5}{t^2+x[0]^2-1}
+\pstODEsolve[algebraicOutputFormat]{y0_b}{t | x[0]}{-1}{1}{100}{0.0}{t^2+x[0]^2-1}
+\pstODEsolve[algebraicOutputFormat]{y0_c}{t | x[0]}{-1}{1}{100}{0.5}{t^2+x[0]^2-1}
+\listplot[linecolor=red, linewidth=1pt]{y0_a}
+\listplot[linecolor=blue, linewidth=1pt]{y0_c}
+The last pair of coordinates of \Lcs{psplot} and \Lcs{psparametricplot}
+is saved in a PostScript array and can be used as \verb|FinalState|
+inside PostScript code.
+ \pscustom[linejoin=1,arrows=->]{%
+ \psline(0,-1)(1,0)
+ \psplot[algebraic,plotpoints=100]{1}{2.25}{.25*sin(2*Pi*x/.25)}
+ \psline(3,0)
+ }
+ \pscustom[linejoin=1,arrows=->,linecolor=red]{%
+ \psline(0,-1)(1,0)
+ \psplot[algebraic,plotpoints=100]{1}{2.25}{.25*sin(2*Pi*x/.25)}
+ \psline(! FinalState aload pop )(3,0)
+ }
+\section{List of all optional arguments for \texttt{pst-plot}}