path: root/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-labo/doc/pst-labo8-tab1.tex
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diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-labo/doc/pst-labo8-tab1.tex b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-labo/doc/pst-labo8-tab1.tex
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+% $Id: pst-labo8-tab1.tex 720 2023-05-12 11:12:51Z herbert $
+\caption{Summary of all parameters available with \texttt{pst-labo}}\label{tab:pst-labo:Parameter} \\
+\emph{\textrm{Name}} & \emph{\textrm{values}} & \emph{\textrm{default}} & \emph{comments} \\\hline
+\emph{\textrm{Name}} & \emph{\textrm{values}} & \emph{\textrm{default}} & \emph{comments} \\\hline
+%\multicolumn{3}{c}{\CMD{TubeEssais}} \\\hline
+\Loption{glassType} & tube|ballon| & tube & defines type of glass \\
+ & becher|erlen|& & cylinder\\
+ & \rlap{flacon|fioleJauge} \\
+\Loption{bouchon} & \Larga{false|true} & false & Container is sealed with a plug.\\
+\Loption{pince} & \Larga{false|true} & false & wooden clamp\\
+%\Loption{fioleJaugee} & \Larga{false|true} & false&\\
+\Loption{tubeDroit} & \Larga{false|true} & false & glass tube\\
+\Loption{tubeCoude} & \Larga{false|true} & false & glass tube with 90 degree twist\\
+\Loption{tubeCoudeU} & \Larga{false|true} & false& U-shaped glass tube\\
+\Loption{tubeCoudeUB} & \Larga{false|true} & false & extended version, %
+only applies to glass containers of type \verb+ballon+ and \verb+erlen+\\
+\Loption{tubeRecourbe} & \Larga{false|true} & false & \\
+\Loption{tubeRecourbeCourt} & \Larga{false|true} & false & setup without Bunsen burner\\
+\Loption{tubePenche} & \Larga{$-65 \ldots 65$} & 0 & tilting angle\\
+\Loption{doubletube} & \Larga{false|true} & false & pour d'gagement gazeux sans chauffage\\%TODO
+\Loption{etiquette} & \Larga{false|true} & false & \\
+\Loption{Numero} & \Larga{Text} & \{\} & number for the option \verb+etiquette+\\
+\Loption{tubeSeul} & \Larga{false|true} & false & wide/narrow \verb+pspicture+ box\\
+\Loption{becBunsen} & \Larga{false|true} & true & with/without Bunsen burner\\
+%\Loption{tubedegagamentDroit} & \Larga{false|true} &false&\\% nicht vorhanden
+\Loption{barbotage} & \Larga{false|true} & false & attaches an additional glass tube to the original glass container\\
+\Loption{substance} & \Larga{Makro} & \CMD{relax} & \CMD{pstBullesChampagne}, \CMD{pstFilaments},
+ \CMD{pstBilles}, \CMD{pstBULLES}, \CMD{pstClous}, \CMD{pstCuivre}\\
+\Loption{solide} & \Larga{Makro} & \CMD{relax} & \CMD{pstTournureCuivre}, \CMD{pstClouFer},
+ \CMD{pstGrenailleZinc}\\
+\Loption{refrigerantBoulle} & \Larga{false|true} & false & pour chauffage à reflux\\%TODO
+\Loption{recuperationGaz} & \Larga{false|true} & false & setup for collecting gas\\
+%\Loption{reactifBecher} & \{\} & bécher ou ballon ou flacon\\\hline
+%\Loption{reactifBurette} & \{\} &Formule et/ou concentration du réactif\\
+ & \Larga{Farbe} & \rlap{OrangePale} & \\
+ & 20 & \Larga{$0\ldots 25$} & restriction of 25mL\\
+%\Loption{echelle} & \Larga{value} & 1 & echelle du schéma\\
+\Loption{AspectMelange} & \Larga{Stil} & \rlap{DiffusionBleue}\\
+\Loption{CouleurDistillat} & \Larga{Farbe} & yellow & \\
+\Loption{phmetre} & \Larga{false|true} & false & display pH-meter\\
+ & \Larga{false|true} & true & \\
+\Loption{aspectLiquide1} & \Larga{Stil} & cyan & defined as part of \CMD{newpsstyle}\ldots\\
+\Loption{aspectLiquide2} & \Larga{Stil} & yellow & dito\\
+\Loption{aspectLiquide3} & \Larga{Stil} & magenta & dito\\
+\Loption{niveauLiquide1} & \Larga{$0 \ldots 100$} & 50 &\\
+\Loption{niveauliquide2} & \Larga{$0 \ldots 100$} & 0 & < niveauLiquide1\\
+\Loption{niveauliquide3} & \Larga{$0 \ldots 100$} & 0 & < niveauLiquide2\\