path: root/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am
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-rw-r--r--graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.pdfbin0 -> 883399 bytes
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diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/Changes b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/Changes
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index 0000000000..233521c700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+pst-am.sty --------
+v. 1.02 2010-08-04 use \par only whith option values
+v. 1.01 2009-12-08 initial CTAN version
+pst-am-doc.tex --------
+2009-12-08 first documentation
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/Makefile b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/Makefile
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+# `Makefile' for `pst-am.pdf', hv, 2009/12/08
+.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps
+PACKAGE = pst-am
+MAIN = $(PACKAGE)-doc
+LATEX = latex
+ARCHNAME = $(MAIN)-$(shell date +%y%m%d)
+ARCHFILES = $(PACKAGE).sty $(PACKAGE).tex $(PACKAGE).pro $(MAIN).tex README Changes Makefile
+TDS = ~/PSTricks/PSTricks-TDS
+all : doc clean
+doc: $(MAIN).pdf
+$(MAIN).pdf : $(MAIN).ps
+ GS_OPTIONS=-dAutoRotatePages=/None ps2pdf $<
+$(MAIN).ps : $(MAIN).dvi
+ dvips $<
+$(MAIN).dvi : $(MAIN).tex
+ $(LATEX) $<
+ $(LATEX) $<
+ if ! test -f $(basename $<).glo ; then touch $(basename $<).glo; fi
+ if ! test -f $(basename $<).idx ; then touch $(basename $<).idx; fi
+ makeindex -s -t $(basename $<).glg -o $(basename $<).gls \
+ $(basename $<).glo
+ makeindex -t $(basename $<).ilg -o $(basename $<).ind \
+ $(basename $<).idx
+ bibtex $(basename $<)
+ $(LATEX) $<
+ $(LATEX) $<
+clean :
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .log .aux .glg .glo .gls .ilg .idx .ind .tmp .toc .out .blg .bbl)
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .dvi .ps .eps)
+veryclean : clean
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .pdf .bbl .blg)
+arch :
+ zip $(ARCHNAME).zip $(ARCHFILES)
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/doc/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u README $(TDS)/doc/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).pdf $(TDS)/doc/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/tex/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(PACKAGE).sty $(TDS)/tex/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+# cp -u Changes $(TDS)/tex/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+# cp -u $(PACKAGE).tex $(TDS)/tex/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+# cp -u Changes $(TDS)/dvips/$(PACKAGE)/
+# cp -u $(PACKAGE).pro $(TDS)/dvips/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).tex $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).bib $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Makefile $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+# EOF
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/README b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bfea5b1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+pst-am: modulation and demodulation
+pst-am.sty - The LaTeX file
+pst-am-doc.pdf - The documentation
+pst-am-doc.tex - The documentation, source
+pst-am-doc.bib - The documentation, bibfile
+Herbert Voss 2012-12-08
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/index.phtml b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/index.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a83cfba381
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+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/index.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><html><head>
+ <title>my LaTeX pages</title>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#aa0000" alink="#ff3300" vlink="#330099">
+ <hr noshade="noshade">
+ <h1>pst-am by Manuel Luque and Herbert Vo&szlig;</h1>
+<h4> All the files have a <strong>Beta-Status</strong>! For a stable version look at <a href="ftp://ftp.dante">CTAN</a></h4>
+ <hr noshade="noshade">
+ <div class=text>
+$cdir = dir("./");
+while ($entry = $cdir->read())
+ $entries[] = $entry;
+echo "Files in this directory:";
+echo " <hr noshade=\"noshade\">";
+echo "<table>";
+//foreach($entries as $entry) {
+while (list(, $entry) = each($entries)) {
+// if (!is_dir($entry) && ($entry != "index.phtml") && ($entry != ".htaccess")) {
+ if (($entry != ".") && ($entry != "index.phtml") && ($entry != ".htaccess")) {
+ echo "<tr>";
+ echo "<td><a href=\"$entry\">$entry</a></td>";
+ if (is_dir($entry))
+ echo "<td>&lt;Dir&gt;</td>";
+ else
+ echo "<td></td>";
+ echo "<td align=\"right\">&nbsp;".filesize($entry)." Byte&nbsp;</td>";
+ echo "<td align=\"right\">&nbsp;".date("D, j F Y, H:i:s",filemtime($entry))."&nbsp;</td>";
+ echo "</tr>";
+ }
+echo "</table>";
+<hr noshade="noshade">
+Page last updated on <?php echo date("d.m.Y", getlastmod() ); ?>
+if (file_exists("README")) {
+ $fp = fopen("README","r");
+ echo "<pre>";
+ while ($line=fgets($fp,1000)) {
+ echo "$line";
+ }
+ echo "</pre>";
+ fclose($fp);
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.bib b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.bib
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index 0000000000..6f0b71c2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+%% -*-bibtex-*-
+@STRING{tugboat = {TUGboat} }
+@STRING{beiprogramm = {{\TeX}-Beiprogramm} }
+@STRING{bretter = {Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten} }
+@STRING{dtk = {{D}ie {\TeX}nische {K}om{\"o}die} }
+@STRING{editorial = {Editorial} }
+@STRING{fremdebuehne = {Von fremden B{\"u}hnen} }
+@STRING{fundus = {Aus dem Fundus} }
+@STRING{hinterbuehne = {Hinter der B{\"u}hne} }
+@STRING{leserbrief = {Leserbrief(e)} }
+@STRING{magazin = {Magazin} }
+@STRING{rezension = {Rezensionen} }
+@STRING{schonimmer = {Was Sie schon immer {\"u}ber {\TeX} wissen wollten \dots} }
+@STRING{theaterkasse = {Von der Theaterkasse} }
+@STRING{theatertage = {{\TeX}-Theatertage} }
+ author = {Herbert Vo\ss},
+ title = {{\PST} {G}rafik f\"ur \TeX{} und \LaTeX},
+ edition = {fifth},
+ publisher = {DANTE --},
+ year = {2008},
+ address = {Heidelberg/Hamburg}
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goosens et al},
+ title = {The {\LaTeX} {C}ompanion},
+ edition = {second},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company},
+ year = {2004},
+ address = {Boston}
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goosens et al},
+ title = {Der {\LaTeX} {B}egleiter},
+ edition = {zweite},
+ publisher = {Pearson Education},
+ year = {2005},
+ address = {M\"unchen}
+ author = {Alan Hoenig},
+ title = {\TeX{} {U}nbound: \LaTeX{} \& \TeX{} {S}trategies, {F}onts, {G}raphics, and {M}ore},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press},
+ year = {1998},
+ address = {London}
+@Article{ dtk02.2:jackson.voss:plot-funktionen,
+ author = {Laura E. Jackson and Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+ title = {Die Plot-Funktionen von {\texttt{pst-plot}}},
+ journal = dtk,
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = {2/02},
+ altvolume = 2,
+ altnumber = 14,
+ month = jun,
+ pages = {27--34},
+ annote = bretter,
+ keywords = {},
+ abstract = { Im letzten Heft wurden die mathematischen Funktionen von
+ \PS~im Zusammenhang mit dem {\LaTeX}-Paket
+ \texttt{pst-plot} zum Zeichnen von Funktionen beschrieben
+ und durch Beispiele erl{\"a}utert. In diesem Teil werden
+ die bislang nur erw{\"a}hnten Plot-Funktionen f{\"u}r
+ externe Daten behandelt. }
+@Article{ dtk02.1:voss:mathematischen,
+ author = {Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+ title = {Die mathematischen {F}unktionen von {P}ost{S}cript},
+ journal = dtk,
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = {1/02},
+ altvolume = 1,
+ altnumber = 14,
+ month = mar,
+ pages = {},
+ annote = bretter,
+ keywords = {},
+ abstract = { \PS, faktisch genauso alt wie {\TeX}, ist im
+ Verh{\"a}ltnis dazu allgemein noch weniger bekannt, wenn es
+ darum geht zu beurteilen, was es denn nun im eigentlichen
+ Sinne ist. Au{\ss}erdem wird h{\"a}ufig vergessen, dass
+ sich mit den \PS-Funktionen viele Dinge erledigen lassen,
+ bei denen sonst auf externe Programme zur{\"u}ckgegriffen
+ wird. Dies wird im Folgenden f{\"u}r die mathematischen
+ Funktionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Paket \texttt{pst-plot}
+ gezeigt. }
+ author = {Michel Goosens and Frank Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz and Denis Roegel and Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+ title = {The {\LaTeX} {G}raphics {C}ompanion},
+ publisher = {{Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}},
+ edition = second,
+ year = {2007},
+ address = {Reading, Mass.}
+ author = {Denis Girou},
+ title = {Pr\'esentation de {PST}ricks},
+ journal = {Cahier {GUT}enberg},
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = {16},
+ month = apr,
+ pages = {21-70}
+ author = {{Timothy Van} Zandt and Denis Girou},
+ title = {Inside {PST}ricks},
+ journal = TUGboat,
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = {15},
+ month = sep,
+ pages = {239-246}
+ Author = {Kollock, Nikolai G.},
+ Title = {PostScript richtig eingesetzt: vom {K}onzept zum
+ praktischen {E}insatz},
+ Publisher = {IWT},
+ Address = {Vaterstetten},
+ year = 1989,
+ Title = {PSTricks - {\PS} macros for generic {\TeX}},
+ Author = {{Timothy Van} Zandt},
+ Organization = {},
+ Address = {\url{}},
+ Note = {},
+ year = 1993
+ Title = {\texttt{pst-plot}: Plotting two dimensional functions and data},
+ Author = {{Timothy Van} Zandt},
+ Organization = {},
+ Address = {\url{CTAN:graphics/pstricks/generic/pst-plot.tex}},
+ Note = {},
+ year = 1999
+ Title = {\texttt{multido.tex} - a loop macro, that supports fixed-point addition},
+ Author = {{Timothy Van} Zandt},
+ Organization = {},
+ Address = {\url{CTAN:/graphics/pstricks/generic/multido.tex}},
+ Note = {},
+ year = 1997
+ author = {Hendri Adriaens},
+ title = {xkeyval package},
+ howpublished = {\url{CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/xkeyval}},
+ year = 2004
+ Title = {Mathematiksatz in \LaTeX{}},
+ Author = {Herbert Vo\ss},
+ Publisher = {Lehmanns Media/DANTE},
+ Edition= {first},
+ Address= {Berlin/Heidelberg},
+ Year= {2009},
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.pdf b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56af0ea72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.tex b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e512f7652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+%% $Id: pst-am-doc.tex 166 2009-12-08 14:48:53Z herbert $
+ headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc}
+%%BoundingBox: 18 532 572 668
+%%CreationDate: Mon Apr 30 09:25:21 2007
+% (c) P. Kleiweg 1997
+% adaptation plagiat de ManuelLuque 05/06/2006
+% avec le concours du groupe Syracuse
+%/Font /Utopia-Regular def
+/Font /Times-Roman def
+/warp { % x y 1 index => x y x
+1 index % position horizontale du point courant X
+periode N mul mul
+cos 2 add
+mul % hauteur finale Y
+} bind def
+2 index {
+} if
+warp moveto
+pop false
+} bind def
+/warpline {
+} bind def
+/warpcurve {
+6 2 roll warp
+6 2 roll warp
+6 2 roll warp
+} bind def
+/warpit {
+{ warpmove } { warpline } { warpcurve } { closepath } pathforall
+} bind def
+297 600 translate
+% taille de des caractères
+Font findfont 40 scalefont setfont
+/warptxt (MODULATION D'AMPLITUDE) def % texte à déformer
+/warpwidth warptxt stringwidth pop def % largeur horizontale du texte
+/warphalf warpwidth 2 div def % demi-largeur horizontale
+/periode {360 warpwidth div} bind def % une sinusoïde
+/N 3 def % ondulation sur 3 périodes
+%% modif 1
+%% sinusoïde du haut
+%% 2 sinusoïdes clippées
+warphalf neg 20 moveto
+warphalf neg 1 warphalf { 20 lineto } for % les 2 sinusoïdes
+warphalf -1 warphalf neg { 22 lineto } for
+%% modif 2
+%% sinusoïde du bas
+%% 2 sinusoïdes clippées
+warphalf neg -15 moveto
+warphalf neg 1 warphalf { -15 lineto } for % les 2 sinusoïdes
+warphalf -1 warphalf neg { -17 lineto } for
+%% modif 3
+warphalf neg -10 moveto
+warptxt true charpath
+%% c'est parti !
+0 0 1 setrgbcolor
+0 0 0.5 setrgbcolor
+ \psframe[fillstyle=vlines,linestyle=none,hatchwidth=0.5\pslinewidth](-0.5,-0.7)(0.5,-0.5)
+ \psline[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,-0.5)
+ \psline(0,0)(0,-0.5)}
+ \multido{\nS=-0.75+0.50}{4}{%
+ \psset{dimen=middle}
+ \rput(\nS,0){\pscurve[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](-0.25,0)(0,0.4)(0.25,0)}}}
+ \multido{\nS=-0.50+0.50}{3}{%
+ \psset{dimen=middle}
+ \rput(\nS,0){\pscurve[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](-0.25,0)(0,0.4)(0.25,0)}}}
+ \psframe[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid](-0.15,-0.5)(0.15,0.5)
+ \psline[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](-0.15,-0.5)(-0.15,0.5)
+ \psline[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](0.15,-0.5)(0.15,0.5)}
+ \psframe[fillstyle=vlines,linestyle=none,hatchwidth=0.5\pslinewidth](-0.5,-0.7)(0.5,-0.5)
+ \psline[linewidth=1.5\pslinewidth](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,-0.5)
+ \psline(0,0)(0,-0.5)}
+ \psline(0,0.25)(0.5,0)(0,-0.25)(0,0.25)
+ \psline(0.5,0.25)(0.5,-0.25)
+ \psline(-0.5,0)(1,0)}
+\subtitle{A PSTricks package for drawing Modulations and Demodulations; v.\pstAmFV}
+\author{Manuel Luque \\Herbert Vo\ss}
+%\docauthor{Herbert Vo\ss}
+\psset{title={Luc\'ee Auguste Fresnel}}
+\LPack{pst-am} allows the simulation of modulated and demodulated
+amplitude of the radio waves. You can choose several possible parameters
+and plot the following curves:
+\item modulated signals;
+\item wave carrier;
+\item signal modulation;
+\item signal recovering;
+\item signal demodulation.
+The main command is called \Lcs{psAM}\OptArgs\ and has different options, including allowing
+view table of the used values, are detailed thereafter.
+The macro was written directly in PostScript\footnote{Original idea by
+Peter Kleiweg and inspired by discussions on \url{}}.
+ voltDivY2=0.5,R=4700]
+\subsection{Example of a modulation}
+\rput(0,4.5){\Huge\sffamily X}
+\uput[270](0,5.5){\sffamily AD633}
+ voltDivY2=0.5,timeDiv=5e-4,linewidth=2\pslinewidth]}}
+ frequencePorteuse=1e4,linewidth=5\pslinewidth]}}
+ \item l'onde \textbf{porteuse}, onde sinusoïdale de haute fréquence(H.F.) et
+ d'amplitude constante.
+ Elle est produite par l'oscillateur de l'émetteur :
+ \[
+ u_p(t)=U_p\cos2\pi F_p t
+ \]
+ \item \textbf{le signal modulant}(signal B.F. à transmettre), considéré comme une onde sinusoïdale
+ de la forme :
+ \[
+ u_m(t)=U_m\cos2\pi F_m t + U_0
+ \]
+ \item Le premier terme $u_m(t)=U_m\cos2\pi F_m t$ représente le signal à
+ transmettre.
+ \item $U_0$ est la tension de décalage ou \textit{offset}.
+Un circuit électronique, appelé \textbf{multiplieur}, donne en sortie une
+tension :
+ u_s(t)=k\times u_p(t)\times u_m(t)
+La tension obtenue à la sortie est de la forme :
+u_s=k.U_p\cos2\pi F_p t.(U_m\cos2\pi F_m t+U_0)
+Cette expression est mise sous la forme :
+u_s(t)=A(1+m\cos2\pi F_m t)\cos2\pi F_p t
+avec :
+ \item $A=kU_0.U_p$ ;
+ \item $m=\displaystyle\frac{U_m}{U_0}$ : \textbf{taux de modulation}
+\subsection{Schéma de principe du montage de la démodulation}
+ SignalDemodule,timeDiv=2e-4,frequencePorteuse=2e4,voltDivY2=0.5,traceU]}}
+ voltDivY2=0.5,frequencePorteuse=4e4,R=4.7e3]}}
+\section{Optional arguments}
+\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} lc>{\ttfamily}c X@{}}\toprule
+ \emph{Name} & \emph{type} & \emph{default} & \emph{description}\\\toprule
+ \Lkeyword{Up} &number &3.5 & carrier amplitude in V \\
+ \Lkeyword{Um} &number &1 & smodulated ignal amplitude in V\\
+ \Lkeyword{Fp} &number &2e4 & frequency of carrier wave in Hz\\
+ \Lkeyword{Fm} &number &1e3 & frequency of modulated signal in Hz\\
+ \Lkeyword{U0} &number &2 & offset in V\\
+ \Lkeyword{R} &number &3.3e3 & resistor in $\Omega$\\
+ \Lkeyword{C} &number &3.9e-8 & capacitor in F\\
+ \Lkeyword{timeDiv} &number &2e-4 & time base in s/div\\
+ \Lkeyword{voltDivY1} &number &1 & coefficient for the amplification 1 in V/div\\
+ \Lkeyword{voltDivY2} &number &1 & coefficient for the amplification 2 en V/div\\\midrule
+ \Lkeyword{SignalModulant} &boolean &false & trace of signal modulant (curve 1)\\
+ \Lkeyword{SignalModule} &boolean &false & trace of signal module (curve 2)\\
+ \Lkeyword{SignalPorteuse} &boolean &false & trace of signal module (curve 2)\\
+ \Lkeyword{SignalRedresse} &boolean &false & trace of signal redressé (curve 2)\\
+ \Lkeyword{SignalDemodule} &boolean &false & trace of signal demodulte (curve 2)\\
+ \Lkeyword{XY} &boolean &false & positionne l'écran en mode XY\\
+ \Lkeyword{traceU} &boolean &false & trace la ligne de décalage $U_0$\\
+ \Lkeyword{UMandUm} &boolean &false & pour permettre le calcul de $m$\\\midrule
+ \Lkeyword{values} &boolean &false & values as a tabular under the image\\
+ \Lkeyword{BW} &boolean &false & output curves in black on white\\
+ \Lkeyword{Centering} &boolean &false & image and optional values are centered\\\bottomrule
+ \Lkeyword{title} &text &\{\} & a title for the lower line\\\bottomrule
+\section{Possibility of drawing the curves in black on white}
+Avec l'option \Lkeyword{BW}. Lorsqu'on souhaite afficher une courbe,
+il suffit de rajouter son nom dans la liste des options.
+\section{Le dessin de l'enveloppe}
+Avec l'option \Lkeyword{enveloppe}.
+L'option \Lkeyword{UMandUm} permettra de déterminer facilement le taux de modulation.
+\section{Le signal redressé}
+Avec l'option \Lkeyword{SignalRedresse}.
+\section{Le signal démodulé}
+Avec l'option \Lkeyword{SignalDemodule} et, en exemple, deux possibilités en fonction du choix de la base de temps.
+ frequencePorteuse=2e4,voltDivY2=0.5,values,traceU]
+\section{L'influence de R et C sur la qualité de la démodulation}
+Avec les paramètres \Lkeyword{R} et \Lkeyword{C}.
+ frequencePorteuse=2e4,voltDivY2=0.5,R=1e4,values]
+ frequencePorteuse=2e4,voltDivY2=0.5,R=470,values]
+\section{Suppression de la composante continue}
+Avec l'option \Lkeyword{SignalFinal}.
+\section{Le phénomène de surmodulation}
+ Up=4,Um=2,voltDivY2=0.5,values]
+ frequencePorteuse=4e4,voltDivY2=0.2,voltDivY1=0.5]
+\section{XY mode}
+\section{Deux autres exemples}
+ timeDiv=2e-4,U0=2,R=4700,frequencePorteuse=1e4,Up=2,Um=10,values,traceU,values]
+ frequencePorteuse=4e4,Up=3,voltDivY2=0.2,traceU,values]
+\section{Les styles}
+À chaque courbe est associée un style, ce qui permet de les différencier.
+Le style du tracé d'une courbe pourra donc être modifié, simplement, en redéfinissant
+le \Lcs{newpstyle} associé à la courbe avant son tracé.
+De même, il sera possible de modifier l'allure de l'écran en redéfinissant les styles associés :
+\section{List of all optional arguments for \texttt{pst-am}}
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am.sty b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..147f829547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am/pst-am.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+%% $Id: pst-am.sty 380 2010-09-04 08:09:34Z herbert $
+%% This is file `pst-am.sty',
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% Manuel Luque <Mluque5130 _at_> (France)
+%% Herbert Voss <hvoss _at_ (Germany)
+%% `pst-am' is a package intended for the representation
+%% of the amplitude modulation of the radio waves
+\ProvidesPackage{pst-am}[\filedate\ v\fileversion\ Modulation of radio waves (ml,hv)]
+\psset[pst-am]{title={},%{Luc\'e Auguste Fresnel},
+ frequencePorteuse=2e4,frequenceAudio=1e3} % les fréquences
+\psset[pst-am]{k=0.1} % coefficient multiplicateur
+\define@key[psset]{pst-am}{voltDivY1}[1]{\def\psk@voltDivA{#1}} % coeff d'amplitude vertical curve Y1
+\define@key[psset]{pst-am}{voltDivY2}[1]{\def\psk@voltDivB{#1}} % coeff d'amplitude vertical curve Y2
+ \pst@killglue
+ \use@par
+ \pnode(!%
+ 1 setlinejoin
+ /PI 3.14159 def
+ /Tp {1 \psk@frequencePorteuse\space div} bind def % période du signal modulés
+ /Ap \psk@Up\space def % amplitude porteuse
+ /Fm \psk@frequenceAudio\space def % frequence signa modulant
+ /Tm {1 Fm div} bind def % periode du signal modulant
+ /Am \psk@Um\space def % amplitude signal modulant
+ /U0 \psk@offset\space def % decalage
+ /k \psk@k\space def
+ /R \psk@resistor\space def
+ /C \psk@capacitor\space def
+ /m {Am U0 div} bind def
+ /Umin {k Ap mul U0 mul 1 m sub mul} bind def
+ /Umax {k Ap mul U0 mul 1 m add mul} bind def
+ /composanteContinue {Umax Umin add 2 div} bind def
+ /Tau {R C mul} bind def
+ /TimeDiv \psk@timeDiv\space def % base de temps
+ /VoltDivY1 \psk@voltDivA\space def % amplitude verticale curve Y1
+ /VoltDivY2 \psk@voltDivB\space def % amplitude verticale curve Y2
+ /DecalageTemps 0 def
+ 0 0){MEM}%
+ \newpsstyle{signalModulant}{plotpoints=1000,linewidth=2\pslinewidth}
+ \newpsstyle{signalPorteuse}{plotpoints=2000}
+ \newpsstyle{signalRedresse}{plotpoints=2000}
+ \newpsstyle{signalDemodule}{plotpoints=4000}
+ \newpsstyle{signalModule}{plotpoints=4000}
+ \newpsstyle{XY}{plotpoints=4000}
+\rput(5,4.25){\textsf{\large Modulation-Demodulation}}
+\rput*(2.5,-3.5){\textsf{\large timeDiv:\numprint{\psk@timeDiv} s/div}}
+\uput*[0](6,-3.7){\textsf{\large curve 2:\psk@voltDivB V/div}}
+\uput*[0](6,-3.3){\textsf{\large curve 1:\psk@voltDivA V/div}}
+\parametricplot[style=XY]{0}{10}{% duree
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ /SignalModule FonctionPorteuse SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ SignalModulant VoltDivY1 div 5 add SignalModule VoltDivY2 div}
+ \ifPst@SignalModule
+ \parametricplot[style=signalModule]{0}{10}{% duree
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ /SignalModule FonctionPorteuse SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ t SignalModule VoltDivY2 div }
+ \ifPst@enveloppe
+ \parametricplot[style=signalModulant]{0}{10}{%
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /enveloppeSup Ap SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ t enveloppeSup VoltDivY2 div }
+ \parametricplot[style=signalModulant]{0}{10}{%
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /enveloppeInf Ap SignalModulant mul k mul neg def
+ t enveloppeInf VoltDivY2 div }
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifPst@SignalRedresse
+ \parametricplot[style=signalRedresse]{0}{10}{% duree
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ /SignalModule FonctionPorteuse SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ SignalModule 0 le {/SignalRedresse 0 def} {/SignalRedresse SignalModule def} ifelse
+ t SignalRedresse VoltDivY2 div }
+ \fi
+ \ifPst@SignalDemodule
+ \parametricplot[style=signalDemodule]{0}{10}{%
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ /SignalModule FonctionPorteuse SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ SignalModule 0 le {/SignalRedresse 0 def} {/SignalRedresse SignalModule def} ifelse
+ /Uc U0 Ap mul
+ 1
+ m DecalageTemps 360 mul Tm div cos mul
+ add
+ mul 2.718 temps DecalageTemps sub Tau div neg exp mul k mul def
+ Uc SignalRedresse ge {/SignalDemodule Uc def} % si condition realisee
+ {/SignalDemodule SignalRedresse def
+ /DecalageTemps temps Tp div floor Tp mul def}
+ ifelse
+ t SignalDemodule VoltDivY2 div }
+ \fi
+ \ifPst@SignalModulant%
+ \parametricplot[style=signalModulant]{0}{10}{%
+ % 1 div=0.2 ms
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ t SignalModulant VoltDivY1 div }
+ \fi
+ \ifPst@SignalPorteuse
+ \parametricplot[style=signalPorteuse]{0}{10}{% durée
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ t FonctionPorteuse VoltDivY1 div }
+ \fi
+ \parametricplot[style=signalDemodule]{0}{10}{%
+ /temps t TimeDiv mul def % t est en s
+ /SignalModulant temps Fm mul 360 mul cos Am mul U0 add def
+ /FonctionPorteuse Ap 360 Tp div temps mul cos mul def
+ /SignalModule FonctionPorteuse SignalModulant mul k mul def
+ SignalModule 0 le {/SignalRedresse 0 def} {/SignalRedresse SignalModule def} ifelse
+ /Uc U0 Ap mul
+ 1
+ m DecalageTemps 360 mul Tm div cos mul
+ add
+ mul 2.718 temps DecalageTemps sub Tau div neg exp mul k mul def
+ Uc SignalRedresse ge {/SignalDemodule Uc def} % si condition réalisée
+ {/SignalDemodule SignalRedresse def
+ /DecalageTemps temps Tp div floor Tp mul def}
+ ifelse
+ t SignalDemodule composanteContinue sub VoltDivY2 div }
+\pnode(! 0 Umax VoltDivY2 div){UM1}
+\pnode(! 10 Umax VoltDivY2 div){UM2}
+\pnode(! 0 Umin VoltDivY2 div){Um1}
+\pnode(! 10 Umin VoltDivY2 div){Um2}
+\pnode(! 0 U0 VoltDivY1 div){U01}
+\pnode(! 10 U0 VoltDivY1 div){U02}
+% ajout 29 janvier 2003
+ \psline[linecolor=green,linestyle=dashed](U01)(U02)
+ \uput[l](U01){$U_0$}
+ \uput[l](Um1){$U_m$}
+ \uput[l](UM1){$U_M$}
+\tabular{@{} r l @{}}\hline
+ Amplitude porteuse & \numprint{\psk@Up}\ V \\
+ Amplitude audio & \numprint{\psk@Um}\ V \\
+ Frequence porteuse & \numprint{\psk@frequencePorteuse}\ Hz \\
+ Frequence audio & \numprint{\psk@frequenceAudio}\ Hz\\
+ Decalage($U_0$) & \numprint{\psk@offset}\ V\\ \hline
+ R & \numprint{\psk@resistor}\ $\Omega$ \\
+ C & \numprint{\psk@capacitor}\ F \\ \hline