path: root/graphics/pinoutikz/pinoutikz.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pinoutikz/pinoutikz.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pinoutikz/pinoutikz.sty b/graphics/pinoutikz/pinoutikz.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 807a317f71..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pinoutikz/pinoutikz.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{pinoutikz}[1.0.1 Pinout diagram definitions]
-%% 'sans serif' option
- \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
-%% 'roman' option
- \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}
-%% Global indentation option
- \@neverindenttrue
-\def\pinoutikzname {pinouTikz}
-\def\pinoutikzversion {1.0.1}
-\def\pinoutikzdate {2019/11/23}
-%% Formatt a pin name
- \pgfmathparse{0}\let\negstate\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{0}\let\index\pgfmathresult
- \ForEach{~}%
- {%
- \StrLen{\thislevelitem}[\itemlen]%
- \ifthenelse{\itemlen>0}{%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\negstate}{1}}{$\overline{\thislevelitem}$}{\thislevelitem}%
- \pgfmathparse{\index+1}\let\index\pgfmathresult
- }{}%
- \pgfmathparse{!\negstate}\let\negstate\pgfmathresult%
- }%
- {#1}
-%% PIN diagram with label decoding
-%% @param#1: options
-%% @param#2: offset
-%% @param#3: pin name
-%% @param#4: pin number
- % decode label
- \begin{scope}[shift={(#2)}]
- \def\pinlabel{#3}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{right}}{%
- \draw (0.12,0) node[label=right:{\footnotesize \pinlabel},label=left:{\small \pgfmathprintnumber{#4}} ]{};
- \draw (0,-.15) rectangle(0.12,0.15);
- }%
- {%
- \draw (0,0) node[label=left:{\footnotesize \pinlabel},label=right:{\small \pgfmathprintnumber{#4}} ]{};
- \draw (0,-.15) rectangle(0.12,0.15);
- }%
- \end{scope}
-%% PDIP package diagram
-%% @param#1: offset
-%% @param#2: number of pins (divisible by 2)
-%% @param#3: comma separated definitions list for every pin - every pin definition must be enclosed in quotation marks ("")
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \begin{scope}[shift={(0,0)}]
- \sffamily
- \textsf{%
- \def\pins{{#2}}
- \pgfmathparse{#1/2-1}\let\cntpinsl\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{#1/2}\let\cntstr\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{#1-1}\let\cntpinsr\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{\cntstr*.5}\let\height\pgfmathresult
- \draw[line width=1.5pt] (0.12,-0.5) rectangle (1.88,\height);
- \draw (0.80,\height) arc (180:360:2mm);
- %iterate through pin definitions
- \foreach \pinnum/\i in {#2}%
- {%
- \pgfmathparse{\pinnum-1}\let\pinidx\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{(\pinnum>0 && \pinnum<(\cntstr+1)) ? 0 : 1}\let\pinrange\pgfmathresult
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pinrange}{0} }
- {%
- \pgfmathparse{(\cntpinsl-\pinidx)*0.5}\let\ypin\pgfmathresult
- \PIN[left](0,\ypin){\i}{\pinnum}
- }%else
- {%
- \pgfmathparse{(\pinidx-\cntstr)*0.5}\let\ypin\pgfmathresult
- \PIN[right](1.88,\ypin){\i}{\pinnum}
- }
-% \fi
- }
- }
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
-\newcommand{\neverindent}{ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} }
-\newcommand{\autoindent}{ \setlength{\parindent}{\pardefault} }
-% ...
-\endinput \ No newline at end of file