path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-E-v2.1.tex
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+%!TEX root = tzplot-doc.tex
+%%%%%===== PART: NOT YET!!! ==============
+%%%%%\part{Miscellaneous Macros and Examples}
+\section{Middle arrows}
+Four styles for middle arrow tips are predefined: |-->--|, |--o--|, |--x--| and |--/--|.
+\subsection{Controllable middle arrow tips: \texttt{-->--} and \protect\cmd{\settzmidarrow}}
+The middle arrow tip style \ixxw{-->--} prints a middle arrow tip of |stealth| by default.
+It accepts one argument that changes the position (|0.5| by default) of a \iisw{middle arrow tip}, like |-->--=.75|.
+% middle arrow tip: -->--
+\paragraph{How to control middle arrow tips}
+The default options for middle arrow tips are |-|, |thin|, |solid|, and |shorten >=0|, and |bend right=0|. The defaults can be changed by |\settzmidarrow|.
+The macro \icmd{\settzmidarrow} controls the position, style, and other options of middle arrow tips. The effect is valid until the end of the |tikzpicture| environment, unless changed again.
+% syntax:
+\settzmidarrow<position>{<arrow tip style>}[<opt>]
+% all arguments are optional
+% defaults:
+ <0.5>{stealth}[-,thin,solid,shorten <=0,shorten >=0,bend right=0]
+% \settzmidarrow
+\settzmidarrow<.25>{Stealth[reversed]}[red,scale=2] %
+% various arrow tip styles: arrows.meta
+\tikzset{>=to} %%
+You can use various styles of arrow tips. (See \Tikz\ manual on |arrows.meta| library, for more details.)
+\subsection{Fixed middle arrow tip styles: \texttt{--o--}, \texttt{--x--}, \texttt{--/--}}
+Three styles for middle arrow tips are predefined: \xem{circle} |--o--| , \xem{cross} |--x--| , and \xem{diagonal} |--/--| middle arrow tips.
+These middle arrow tip styles are fixed and cannot be changed.
+|\settzmidarrow| can only be used with |[<opt>]| to control these middle arrow tips.
+The other options |<position>| and |{<arrow tip style>}| options are ignored for these styles.
+\paragraph{Circle middle arrow tips:}
+The circle middle arrow tip style \ixxw{--o--} takes one argument to change the position (|0.5| by default).
+The circle is drawn like this:
+ \draw [<opt>] (0,0) circle (1.2pt) ;
+|\settzmidarrow| controls the circle arrow tip with |<opt>|.
+% circle middle arrow tip: --o--
+% \settzmidarrow: difference
+\settzmidarrow<.25>{Circle[open,fill=green]}[scale=2] %
+\paragraph{Cross middle arrow tips:}
+The cross middle arrow tip style \ixxw{--x--} takes one argument to change the position (|0.5| by default).
+The cross mark is drawn like this:
+ \draw [<opt>] (2pt,2pt) to (-2pt,-2pt) ;
+ \draw [<opt>] (-2pt,2pt) to (2pt,-2pt) ;
+|\settzmidarrow| controls the cross arrow tip with |<opt>|.
+% cross middle arrow tip: --x--
+% \settzmidarrow: scale, tzextend
+\settzmidarrow<.25>{Rays[red]}[scale=2] %
+\paragraph{Diagonal middle arrow tips}
+The diagonal middle arrow tip style \ixxw{--/--} takes one argument to change the position (|0.5| by default).
+The diagonal line is drawn like this:
+ \draw [<opt>] (2pt,2pt) to (-2pt,-2pt) ;
+|\settzmidarrow| controls the diagonal arrow tip line with |[<opt>]|.
+% diagonal middle arrow tip: --/--
+% \settzmidarrow: rotate, tzextend
+% \settzmidarrow: bend left
+\settzmidarrow[scale=2,rotate=45,bend left=60]
+\icmd{\tzbrace} takes two coordinates as mandatory arguments to draw a \xem{calligraphic brace} connecting them.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzbrace(<coor>)(<coor>){<text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzbrace[<draw opt>]{<raise>}[<decoration opt>]<shift coor>
+ (<coor>)(<coor>){<text>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ []{5pt}[amplitude=5pt]<>(<m>)(<m>){}[]
+The |raise| value of a brace is |5pt| by default and the value can be changed by the first curly brace optional argument |{<raise>}|.
+The |amplitude| of a brace is |5pt| by default. You can control the amplitude by writing the option |amplitude=<dim>| in the second bracket option |[<decoration opt>]|.
+\tzbrace[thick](0,0)(3,1) % works like:
+ \draw [thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=5pt, raise=5pt}]
+ (0,0) to (3,1);
+The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzbrace'} swaps the coordinates.
+So it prints a mirror image of |\tzbrace|.
+For example, |\tzbrace'(0,0)(3,1)| is equivalent to |\tzbrace(3,1)(0,0)|.
+% \tzbrace(')
+You can change the style of the decorating brace by the second bracket optional argument |[<decoration opt>]|.
+The color of the calligraphic brace can be changed by the option |pen colour| in the list of |[<draw option>]|.
+% \tzbrace('): decoration options
+\tzbrace [very thick,pen colour=blue]
+ [amplitude=10pt]
+ (0,0)(3,1){AAA}[a=15pt]
+\tzbrace'[red,very thick]{10pt}
+ [brace,amplitude=10pt]
+ (0,0)(3,1){BBB}[b=20pt]
+You can also move a brace by specifying the option |<shift coor>| immediately before the the first mandatory coordinate.
+The empty shift option |<>| is not allowed.
+% \tzbrace('): shift
+\tzbrace [very thick,pen colour=blue][amplitude=10pt]
+ <.5,.5>(0,0)(3,1){AAA}[a=15pt]
+\tzbrace'[red,very thick]{10pt}[brace,amplitude=10pt]
+ (0,0)(3,1){BBB}[b=20pt]
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzsnake(+)}: Snake lines (Experimental)}
+\icmd{\tzsnake} connects two points with a snaked line, with many default values, using \Tikz's |to| operation.
+\tzsnake(0,1)(3,2) % works like
+ \draw [ decorate , decoration={ %% many defaults
+ snake,
+ segment length=5pt, % controlled by \tzsnake
+ amplitude=2.5pt,
+ pre length=5pt,
+ post length=5pt
+ }
+ ] (0,1) to (3,2) ;
+\tzsnake[->,blue,bend right](1,0)(4,3)
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: full
+\tzsnake[<opt>]{<segment length>}[<decoration opt>]<shift coor>
+ (<coor>){<text>}[<node opt>]
+ (<coor>){<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []{5pt}[many defaults above]<>(<m>){}[](<m>){}[]<>
+The key |segment length| is controlled by the first curly brace option and you should write down all the other keys in the second bracket option |[<decoration opt>]| to change the values. Not specifying the option |{<segment length>}|, when the first bracket option is empty, you need empty brackets |[]|, like |\tzsnake[][<decoration opt>]...|.
+% \tzsnake: {segment length} option
+\tzsnake[->,bend right]{3pt}
+ [coil,amplitude=5pt,post length=20pt]
+ (1,0){coil line}[b,sloped](4,3){Up!}[draw,r]
+The plus version \icmd{\tzsnake+} uses the second mandatory coordinate as a relative coordinate to the first. Everything else is the same as in |\tzsnake|.
+% \tzsnake(+): shift
+\tzsnake[->][post length=20pt](0,0)(3,0)
+\tzsnake[->,red][post length=20pt]<1,1>(0,0)(3,0) %%
+\tzsnake+[->,bend left,blue]{10pt}[post length=10pt]
+ (0,1){snake line}[a,sloped](4,2){what?}[r]
+%%%%%%%% (under construction)
+%%%%%\section{\protect\cmd{\tzspy} (Experimental)}
+%%%%%% syntax: minimum
+%%%%%% syntax: full
+%%%%% (<on-coor>)(<in-coor>)[<node opt>]<code.append>
+%%%%%% defaults
+%%%%% [circle]{2cm}{5}(<m>)(<m>)[]<>
+%%%%%To use |\tzspy| you need to tell \Tikz\ that a picture will be magnified, by specifying some special keys in the |tikzpicture| environment option, such as |spy using outlines|, |spy using overlays|, etc., as follows:
+%%%%% \begin{tikzpicture}[spy using outlines]
+%%%%% <tzplot code>
+%%%%% <tikz code>
+%%%%% \tzspy...
+%%%%% \end{tikzpicture}
+%%%%%\begin{tzcode}[text above listing]
+%%%%%\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.1,font=\scriptsize,spy using outlines]
+%%%%%\tzproj[densely dotted](eqm){\rlap{300}}{200}
+%%%%%\tzproj[densely dotted](eqma){\llap{290}}{\raisebox{1em}{210}}
+%%%%%\tzprojy[densely dotted](eqmb){\raisebox{-2em}{195}}
+%%%%%%\spy [blue,draw,circle,size=5cm, magnification = 5,connect spies]
+%%%%%%on ($(eqma)!.5!(eqmb)$) in node at (100,30);
+%%%%%\begin{tzcode}[text above listing]
+%%%%%\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.1,font=\scriptsize,spy using overlays]
+%%%%%\tzproj[densely dotted](eqm){\rlap{300}}{200}
+%%%%%\tzproj[densely dotted](eqma){\llap{290}}{\raisebox{1em}{210}}
+%%%%%\tzprojy[densely dotted](eqmb){\raisebox{-2em}{195}}
+%%%%%\tzspy[connect spies]{5cm}[6]($(eqma)!.5!(eqmb)$)(100,30)[draw,fill=red,thick]
+%%%%%%%% (under construction)
+%%%%%\section{\protect\cmd{\tzplotfile}: plotting data}
+%%%%%\icmd{\tzplotfile} plots data.
+%%%%%\begin{tcblisting}{listing only}
+%%%%%% syntax
+%%%%%\tzplotfile[<opt>]{<file name>}[<plot opt>]
+%%%%%\begin{tcblisting}{listing above text}
+%%%%%\begin{tcblisting}{listing above text}