path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tkz-grapheur/doc/tkz-grapheur-doc-en.tex
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+% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode}
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+\lfoot{\sffamily\small [tkz-grapheur]}
+\rfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}
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+\NewDocumentCommand\MontreCode{ m }{%
+ \hl{\vphantom{\texttt{pf}}\texttt{#1}}%
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+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{tkz-grapheur [en]}}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE A grapher, based}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE on \textsf{\TikZ} and \textsf{xint}.}\\
+ \\
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}} \\
+ %préparation de la fenêtre
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{0,1,...,10}{0,2,...,16}
+ %déf des fonctions avec nom courbe + nom fonction + expression
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf]<f>{3*x-6}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cg]<g>{-(x-6)^2+12}
+ %antécédents et intersection
+ \FindIntersections[Disp=false,Name=K]{cf}{cg}
+ \FindCounterimage[DispLine,Color=orange,Name=I]{cg}{8}
+ \FindCounterimage[Disp=false,Name=J]{cg}{0}
+ %intégrale sous une courbe, avec intersection
+ \DrawIntegral%
+ [Colors=blue/purple,Bounds=nodes,Style=hatch,Hatch=bricks]%
+ {g(x)}%
+ {(I-2)}{(J-2)}
+ %intégrale entre les deux courbes
+ \DrawIntegral[Bounds=nodes,Type=fct/fct]{f(x)}[g(x)]{(K-1)}{(K-2)}
+ %tracé des courbes et des points
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red]{f(x)}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=teal]{g(x)}
+ \MarkPts<\small>{(K-1)/below right/L,(K-2)/above left/M}%
+ \MarkPts[violet]<\small>{(I-1)/above left/D,(I-2)/above right/E}%
+ %essai de tangente
+ \DrawTangent[Colors=pink!75!black/yellow,OffsetL=2,OffsetR=2,DispPt]{g}{5}
+ %essai d'image
+ \DrawRanges[Colors=cyan]{g}{7,7.25,7.5}
+ %surimpression des axes
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grads=false,Grid=false,Enlarge=2.5mm]{0,1,...,10}{0,2,...,16}
+ [x=3.5cm,y=4cm,
+ Xmin=0,Xmax=3.5,Xgrid=pi/12,Xgrids=pi/24,
+ Ymin=-1.05,Ymax=1.05,Ygrid=0.2,Ygrids=0.05]
+ %préparation de la fenêtre
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grads=false,Enlarge=2.5mm,Format=ntrig/nsqrt]%
+ {pi/6,pi/4,pi/3,pi/2,2*pi/3,3*pi/4,5*pi/6,pi}
+ {0,sqrt(2)/2,1/2,sqrt(3)/2,1,-1,-sqrt(3)/2,-1/2,-sqrt(2)/2}
+ %rajouter des valeurs
+ \AddXvalues{0.25,1.4,3.3}{\num{0.25},\num{1.4},\num{3.3}}
+ %fonction trigo (déf + tracé)
+ \DefineCurve[Name=ccos,Start=0,End=pi]<fcos>{cos(x)}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=csin,Start=0,End=pi]<fsin>{sin(x)}
+ %intégrale
+ \FindIntersections[Disp=false,Name=JKL]{ccos}{csin}
+ %\DefinirPts{FIN/pi/0}
+ \DrawIntegral%
+ [Bounds=node/abs,Type=fct/fct,Colors=cyan/cyan!50]%
+ {fsin(x)}[fcos(x)]%
+ {(JKL-1)}{pi}
+ %tracé des courbes
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red,Start=0,End=pi]{fcos(x)}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=olive,Start=0,End=pi]{fsin(x)}
+ %antécédent(s)
+ \DrawCounterimage[Color=blue/teal!50!black,Lines]{ccos}{-0.25}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=red/magenta!50!black,Lines]{csin}{0.5}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=orange/orange!50!black,Lines]{csin}{sqrt(2)/2}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=green!50!black/green,Lines]{csin}{sqrt(3)/2}
+ %surimpression axes
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grid=false,Enlarge=2.5mm,Format=ntrig/nsqrt]%
+ {pi/6,pi/4,pi/3,pi/2,2*pi/3,3*pi/4,5*pi/6,pi}
+ {0,sqrt(2)/2,1/2,sqrt(3)/2,1,-1,-sqrt(3)/2,-1/2,-sqrt(2)/2}
+\hfill{\footnotesize\textit{\ttfamily To my Dad.}}
+\subsection{Description and general ideas}
+With this modest package, far from the capabilities offered by the excellent packages \MontreCode{tkz-*}\footnote{for example tkz-base \url{} and tkz- fct \url{}.} (by Alain Matthes) or \MontreCode{tzplot}\footnote{CTAN: \url{ tzplot}.} (by In-Sung Cho), it is possible to work on function graphs, in \TikZ\ language, in an \textit{intuitive} and \textit{explicit} way.
+Concerning the overall operation:
+ \item particular styles for the objects used have been defined, but they can be modified locally;
+ \item the name of the commands is in \textit{operational} form, so that the construction of the graphic elements has an almost \textit{algorithmic} form.
+\subsection{Overall operation}
+To schematize, it \textit{is enough}:
+ \item to declare the parameters of the graphics window (\textbf{units in cm !});
+ \item to display grid/axes/graduations;
+ \item to declare functions or interpolation curves;
+ \item to possibly declare particular points;
+ \item to place a point scatter.
+It will then be possible:
+ \item to draw curves;
+ \item to graphically determine images or backgrounds;
+ \item to add elements of derivation (tangents) or integration (domain);
+ \item to draw a linear fit line or the curve of another fit.
+\subsection{Packages used, and package options}
+The package uses:
+ \item \MontreCode{tikz}, with the libraries \MontreCode{calc,intersections,patterns,patterns.meta,bbox};
+ \item \MontreCode{simplekv}, \MontreCode{xintexpr}, \MontreCode{xstring}, \MontreCode{listofitems};
+ \item \MontreCode{xint-regression}\footnote{CTAN: \url{}.} (for regressions, switchable via \MontreCode{[noxintreg]}).
+The package also loads \MontreCode{siunitx} with the classic options, but it is possible not to load it using the \MontreCode{[nosiunitx]} option.
+The package also loads the \TikZ\ \MontreCode{babel} library, but it is possible not to load it using the \MontreCode{[notikzbabel]} option.
+The different options are obviously cumulative.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%loading by default, with french setup of siunitx
+%loading by default, with normal setup of siunitx
+%loading without sinuitx, to be loaded manually
+%loading without tikz.babel
+Also note that certain commands can use packages like \MontreCode{nicefrac}, which will therefore have to be loaded if necessary.
+Concerning the \textit{calculations} and \textit{plots} part, the \MontreCode{xint} package takes care of it.
+It is possible, due to the (multiple) calculations carried out internally, that the compilation time may be a little \textit{long}.
+The precision of the (determination) results seems to be around $10^{-4}$, which should normally guarantee \textit{satisfactory} plots and readings. It is still advisable to be cautious about the results obtained and those expected.
+\subsection{Introductory example}
+For example, we can start from the following example to \textit{illustrate} the flow of the commands for this package. The commands and syntax will be detailed in the following sections!
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+ [x=7.5cm,y=7.5cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=1.001,Xgrid=0.1,Xgrids=0.02,
+ Ymin=0,Ymax=1.001,Ygrid=0.1,Ygrids=0.02]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]%
+ {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1}
+ {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=0,End=1]<f>{x*exp(x-1)}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=delta,Start=0,End=1]<D>{x}
+ \DrawIntegral[Type=fct/fct]{f(x)}[D(x)]{0}{1}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red]{f(x)}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=teal]{D(x)}
+ \DrawRanges[Colors=blue/cyan,Lines]{f}{0.8,0.9}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=green!50!black/olive,Lines]{cf}{0.5}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,text only}
+ \begin{GraphTikz}%
+ [x=7.5cm,y=7.5cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=1.001,Xgrid=0.1,Xgrids=0.02,
+ Ymin=0,Ymax=1.001,Ygrid=0.1,Ygrids=0.02]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]%
+ {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1}
+ {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=0,End=1]<f>{x*exp(x-1)}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=delta,Start=0,End=1]<D>{x}
+ \DrawIntegral[Type=fct/fct]{f(x)}[D(x)]{0}{1}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red]{f(x)}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=teal]{D(x)}
+ \DrawRanges[Colors=blue/cyan,Lines]{f}{0.8,0.9}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=green!50!black/olive,Lines]{cf}{0.5}
+ \end{GraphTikz}
+\section{Basic Styles and Environment Creation}
+\subsection{Basic Styles}
+The styles used for plots are given below.
+For \textit{simplicity} purposes, only the color of the elements can be configured, but if the user wishes, he can redefine the proposed styles.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%parameters declared and stored (usable in the environment a posteriori)
+ Xmin/.store in=\pflxmin,Xmin/.default=-3,Xmin=-3,
+ Xmax/.store in=\pflxmax,Xmax/.default=3,Xmax=3,
+ Ymin/.store in=\pflymin,Ymin/.default=-3,Ymin=-3,
+ Ymax/.store in=\pflymax,Ymax/.default=3,Ymax=3,
+ Origx/.store in=\pflOx,Origx/.default=0,Origx=0,
+ Origy/.store in=\pflOy,Origy/.default=0,Origy=0,
+ Xgrid/.store in=\pflgrillex,Xgrid/.default=1,Xgrid=1,
+ Xgrids/.store in=\pflgrillexs,Xgrids/.default=0.5,Xgrids=0.5,
+ Ygrid/.store in=\pflgrilley,Ygrid/.default=1,Ygrid=1,
+ Ygrids/.store in=\pflgrilleys,Ygrids/.default=0.5,Ygrids=0.5
+We therefore find:
+ \item the origin of the mark (\MontreCode{Origx}/\MontreCode{Origy});
+ \item the extreme values of the axes (\MontreCode{Xmin}/\MontreCode{Xmax}/\MontreCode{Ymin}/\MontreCode{Ymax});
+ \item the parameters of the main and secondary grids (\MontreCode{Xgrid}/\MontreCode{Xgrids}/\MontreCode{Ygrid}/\MontreCode{Ygrids}).
+Concerning the styles of \textit{objects}, they are given below.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphpoint/.style={line width=0.95pt}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphframe/.style={line width=0.8pt,gray}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphcurve/.style={line width=1.05pt}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphline/.style={line width=0.8pt}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphcounterimage/.style={line width=0.9pt,densely dashed}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphrange/.style={line width=0.9pt,densely dashed,->,>=latex}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphgrids/.style={very thin,lightgray}}
+\tikzset{tkzgrphaxes/.style={line width=0.8pt,->,>=latex}}
+The idea is therefore to be able to redefine styles globally or locally, and possibly add elements, using \mintinline{latex}|mystyle/.append style={...}|.
+\subsection{Creating the environment}\label{creaenvt}
+The proposed environment is based on \TikZ, so that any \textit{classic} command linked to \TikZ\ can be used alongside the package commands!
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+\begin{GraphTikz}[tikz options]<keys>
+ %code(s)
+The \MontreCode{[tikz options]} are the \textit{classic} options that can be passed to a \TikZ\ environment, as well as the \textsf{axes/grids/window} keys presented previously.
+The specific (and optional) \MontreCode{<keys>} are:
+ \item \MontreCode{ThickGrad}: size of the axis graduations (\MontreCode{3pt} for 3pt \textit{above} and 3pt \textit{below});
+ \item \MontreCode{Frame}: boolean (\MontreCode{false} by default) to display a frame which delimits the graphic window (excluding possible graduations).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.075cm,y=0.03cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=160,Xgrid=20,Xgrids=10,
+ Origy=250,Ymin=250,Ymax=400,Ygrid=25,Ygrids=5]
+ <Frame>
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ <Frame>
+It will obviously be more meaningful with the added graphic elements!
+\subsection{Grids and axes}\label{creaaxesgr}
+The first command \textit{useful} will allow you to create the grids, axes and graduations.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Grid}: boolean (\MontreCode{true} by default) to display the grids (for a single grid, simply set the identical parameters for \MontreCode{Xgrid}/\MontreCode{Xgrids} or \MontreCode {Ygrid}/\MontreCode{Ygrids});
+ \item \MontreCode{Enlarge}: addition at the end of the axes (\MontreCode{0} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Grads}: boolean (\MontreCode{true} by default) for graduations;
+ \item \MontreCode{Font}: global font for graduations {\MontreCode{empty} by default};
+ \item \MontreCode{Format}: special formatting (see below) of the axis values.
+Concerning the \MontreCode{Format} key, it allows you to specify a specific setting for the axis values.
+It can be given in the form \MontreCode{fmt} for combined formatting, or in the form \MontreCode{fmtX/fmtY} to differentiate the formatting.
+The possible options are:
+ \item \MontreCode{num}: format with \textsf{siunitx};
+ \item \MontreCode{year}: format in year;
+ \item \MontreCode{frac}: format as fraction \textsf{frac};
+ \item \MontreCode{dfrac}: format as fraction \textsf{dfrac};
+ \item \MontreCode{nfrac}: format as fraction \textsf{nicefrac};\hfill (to load!)
+ \item \MontreCode{trig}: format in trig with \textsf{frac};
+ \item \MontreCode{dtrig}: format in trig with \textsf{dfrac};
+ \item \MontreCode{ntrig}: format in trig with \textsf{nfrac};
+ \item \MontreCode{sqrt}: format in root with \textsf{frac};
+ \item \MontreCode{dsqrt}: format in root with \textsf{dfrac};
+ \item \MontreCode{nsqrt}: format in root with \textsf{nicefrac}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.075cm,y=0.03cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=160,Xgrid=20,Xgrids=10,
+ Origy=250,Ymin=250,Ymax=400,Ygrid=25,Ygrids=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{0,10,...,160}{250,275,...,400}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+Note that there are the Boolean keys \MontreCode{[Behind]} (without the graduations) and \MontreCode{[Above]} (without the grid) to display the axes in \textit{under/over}-printing mode in the case of integrals for example.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=2.75cm,y=3cm,
+ Xmin=0,Xmax=3.5,Xgrid=pi/12,Xgrids=pi/24,
+ Ymin=-1.05,Ymax=1.05,Ygrid=0.2,Ygrids=0.05]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Format=dtrig/nsqrt,Font=\footnotesize]%
+ {pi/6,pi/4,pi/3,pi/2,2*pi/3,3*pi/4,5*pi/6,pi}
+ {0,sqrt(2)/2,1/2,sqrt(3)/2,1,-1,-sqrt(3)/2,-1/2,-sqrt(2)/2}
+In the case where the formatting does not give satisfactory result(s), it is possible to use a generic command for placing the graduations.
+\subsection{Adding values manually}\label{additionvals}
+It is also possible to use a specific command to place values on the axes, independently of an \textit{automated} formatting system.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+in the environment
+\AddXvalues[keys]{grads}{formatted values}
+\AddYvalues[keys]{grads}{formatted values}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Font}: global font for graduations {\MontreCode{empty} by default};
+ \item \MontreCode{Lines}: boolean to add the tick marks {\MontreCode{true} by default}.
+The mandatory arguments correspond to the x-coordinates (in \TikZ\ language) and to the labels (in \LaTeX\ language) of the graduations.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=2.75cm,y=3cm,
+ Xmin=0,Xmax=3.5,Xgrid=pi/12,Xgrids=pi/24,
+ Ymin=-1.05,Ymax=1.05,Ygrid=0.2,Ygrids=0.05]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grads=false,Enlarge=2.5mm]{}{}
+ \AddXvalues
+ {0.15,0.6,pi/2,2.8284}
+ {\num{0.15},$\frac35$,$\displaystyle\frac{\pi}{2}$,$\sqrt{8}$}
+ \AddYvalues
+ {-1,0.175,0.3,sqrt(3)/2}
+ {\num{-1},\num{0.175},$\nicefrac{3}{10}$,$\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$}
+\section{Specific definition commands}
+\subsection{Draw a line}\label{tracstraight}
+The idea is to propose a command to draw a line, from:
+ \item of two points (or nodes);
+ \item of a point (or node) and the slope.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DrawLine[keys]{point or node}{point or node or slope}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: possible name of the plot (for reuse);
+ \item \MontreCode{Slope}: boolean to specify that the slope is used (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Start}: start of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{End}: end of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the trace (\MontreCode{black} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.8cm,y=1cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \DefinePts[Mark,Color=gray]{A/-4/3,B/2/0,C/0/-1}
+ \DrawLine[Color=red]{(-2,-1)}{(2,4)}
+ \DrawLine[Color=blue,Start=-5,End=3]{(A)}{(B)}
+ \DrawLine[Color=olive,Slope]{(C)}{0.25}
+\subsection{Define a function, draw the curve of a function}\label{deftracfct}
+The idea is to define a function, for later reuse. This command \textit{creates} the function, without tracing it, because in certain cases elements will have to be traced beforehand.
+There is also a command to plot the curve of a previously defined function.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DefineCurve[keys]<fct name>{xint formula}
+\DrawCurve[keys]{xint formula}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} for definition or tracing are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Start}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{End}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the curve (important for the rest!);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the trace (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Step}: plot step (it is determined \textit{automatically} at the start but can be modified);
+ \item \MontreCode{Trace}: boolean to also trace the curve (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ %definition of the function + drawing of the curve
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red,Start=5,End=19]{f(x)}
+ %or in a single command if "sufficient"
+ %\DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+\subsection{Define/draw an interpolation curve (simple)}\label{deftracinterpo}
+It is also possible to define a curve via support points, therefore a simple interpolation curve.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DefineInterpoCurve[keys]{list of support points}
+\DrawInterpoCurve[keys]{list of support points}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} for definition or tracing are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the interpolation curve (important for the rest!);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the trace (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Tension}: setting the \textit{tension} of the interpolation plot (\MontreCode{0.5} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Trace}: boolean to also trace the curve (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The mandatory argument allows you to specify the list of support points in the form \MontreCode{(x1,y1)(x2,y2)...}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.8cm,y=1cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{-7,-6,...,4}{-3,-2,...,5}
+ %simple interpolation curves (with diff tension)
+ \DefineInterpoCurve[Name=interpotest,Color=blue,Trace]%
+ {(-6,4)(-2,-2)(3,3.5)}
+ \DefineInterpoCurve[Name=interpotest,Color=red,Trace,Tension=1]%
+ {(-6,4)(-2,-2)(3,3.5)}
+\subsection{Define/draw an interpolation curve (Hermite)}\label{deftracfctspline}
+It is also possible to define a curve via support points, therefore an interpolation curve with derivative control.
+Some operations require different techniques depending on the type of function used, a \textsf{Boolean} key \MontreCode{Spline} will allow the code to adapt its calculations depending on the object used.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DefineSplineCurve[keys]{list of support points}[\macronomspline]
+\DrawSplineCurve[keys]{list of support points}[\macronomspline]
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} for definition or tracing are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the interpolation curve (important for the rest!);
+ \item \MontreCode{Coeffs}: modify (see the \textsf{ProfLycee}\footnote{CTAN documentation: \url{}} the \textit{coefficients} of the spline;
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the trace (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Trace}: boolean to also trace the curve (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The mandatory argument allows you to specify the list of support points in the form \MontreCode{x1/y1/f'1§x2/y2/f'2§...} with:
+ \item \MontreCode{xi/yi} the coordinates of the point;
+ \item \MontreCode{f'i} the derivative at the support point.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.8cm,y=1cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{-7,-6,...,4}{-3,-2,...,5}
+ %definition of the list of spline support points
+ \def\LISTETEST{-6/4/-2§-5/2/-2§-4/0/-2§-2/-2/0§1/2/2§3/3.5/0.5}
+ %definition and plot of the cubic spline
+ \DefineSplineCurve[Name=splinetest,Trace,Color=olive]{\LISTETEST}
+\subsection{Define points as nodes}\label{defpts}
+The second idea is to work with \TikZ nodes, which could be useful for tangent plots, representations of integrals$\ldots$
+It is also possible to define nodes for \textit{image} points.
+Certain commands (explained later) allow you to determine particular points of curves in the form of nodes, so it seems interesting to be able to define them directly.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%by coordinates
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Mark}: boolean to mark points (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the points, if \MontreCode{Mark=true} (\MontreCode{black} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%as image
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: node name (\MontreCode{empty} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Spline}: boolean to specify that a spline is used (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The first mandatory argument is the \textit{object} considered (name of the curve for the spline, function otherwise); the second is the abscissa of the point considered.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ %definition of the function + drawing of the curve
+ \DefineFunction[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=red]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ %manual nodes
+ \DefinePts[Mark,Color=brown]{A/7/42,B/16/49}
+ %imagenode
+ \DefineRange[Name=IMGf]{f}{14}
+ \MarkPts*[Style=x,Color=blue]{(IMGf)} %see next section ;-)
+\subsection{Mark Points}\label{markpts}
+The idea is to offer something to score points with a particular style.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The \textit{starred} version scores the points without the \textit{names}, while the \textit{unstarred} version displays them:
+ \item in the case of the \textit{starred} version, the list should be given in the form \MontreCode{(ptA),(ptB),...};
+ \item otherwise, the list should be given in the form \MontreCode{(ptA)/poslabelA/labelA,...}.
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Style}: style of marks (\MontreCode{o} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \DefinePts{A/1.75,-1.25}\MarkPts[Color=pink]{(A)/below/A} %round (default)
+ \MarkPts[Color=teal]{(1,1)/below/M}
+ \MarkPts[Color=red,Style=x]{(1.25,1)/below/$A$} %cross
+ \MarkPts[Color=orange,Style=+]<\small\sffamily>{(1.5,1)/below/K} %plus
+ \MarkPts[Color=blue,Style=c]{(1.75,1)/below/P} %square
+ \MarkPts[Color=gray,Style=d]{(2,1)/below/P} %diamond
+ \MarkPts*[Color=orange/yellow]{(2,2),(2.5,2.25)} %two-tone round
+ \MarkPts*[Style=+,Color=red]{(1,2)}
+ \MarkPts*[Style=x,Color=blue]{(2.25,1)}
+ \MarkPts*[Style=c,Color=magenta]{(-2,-1)}
+ \MarkPts[Color=red,Style=x]{(-1,1)/below/$A$,(-2,2)/below left/$B$}
+Note that it is also possible to modify the size of the \MontreCode{o/x/+/c} marks via the \MontreCode{[keys]}:
+ \item \MontreCode{Sizex=...} (\MontreCode{2pt} by default) for points \textit{cross};
+ \item \MontreCode{Sizeo=...} (\MontreCode{1.75pt} by default) for the points \textit{circle};
+ \item \MontreCode{Sizec=...} (\MontreCode{2pt} by default) for the \textit{square} points.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \MarkPts[Color=red,Style=x,Size=3.5pt]{(1.25,1.25)/below/$A$}
+ \MarkPts[Color=teal,Size=2.5pt]{(2,2)/right/$A$}
+ \MarkPts*[Color=orange,Style=c,Size=4pt]{(0.5,2.5)}
+\subsection{Retrieve node coordinates}\label{recupcoordo}
+It is also possible, with a view to reusing coordinates, to recover the coordinates of a node (defined or determined).
+The calculations are carried out by floating according to the (re)calculated units, the values are therefore approximated !
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\subsection{Place text}\label{placetxt}
+Note that a text placement command is available.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DrawTxt[keys]{(node or coordinates)}{text}
+The available \MontreCode{[keys]} are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Font=...} (\MontreCode{\textbackslash normalsize\textbackslash normalfont} by default) for the font;
+ \item \MontreCode{Color=...} (\MontreCode{black} by default) for the color;
+ \item \MontreCode{Position=...} (\MontreCode{empty} by default) for the position of the text relative to the coordinates.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \DrawTxt[Color=red,Font=\LARGE,Position=right]{(1.5,0.5)}{curve $C_1$}
+\section{Specific commands for using curves}
+\subsection{Image placement}\label{images}
+It is possible to place points (images) on a curve, with possible construction lines.
+The function/curve used must have been declared previously for this command to work.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DrawRanges[keys]{function or curve}{list of abscissa}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Lines}: boolean to display construction traits (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Colors}: color of the points/lines, in the form \MontreCode{Couleurs} or \MontreCode{ColPoint/ColLines};
+ \item \MontreCode{Spline}: boolean to specify that the curve used is defined as a \textsf{spline} (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The first mandatory argument allows you to specify:
+ \item the name of the curve in the case \MontreCode{Spline=true};
+ \item the name of the function otherwise.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ %definition of the function + drawing of the curve
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=red]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ %images
+ \DrawRanges[Lines,Colors=teal/blue]{f}{6,7,8,9,10}
+\subsection{Antecedent determination}\label{defanteced}
+It is possible to graphically determine the antecedents of a given reality.
+The function/curve used must have been declared previously for this command to work.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: base of the name of the \textbf{nodes} intersection (\MontreCode{S} by default, which will give \textsf{S-1}, \textsf{S-2}, etc);
+ \item \MontreCode{Disp}: boolean to display the points (\MontreCode{true} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the points (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{DispLine}: boolean to display the horizontal line (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The first mandatory argument allows you to specify the \textbf{name} of the curve.
+The second mandatory argument allows you to specify the value to reach.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ %definition of the function + drawing of the curve
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=red]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ %history
+ \FindCounterimage[Color=teal,DispLine,Disp]{cf}{53}
+ %the two antecedents are at nodes (S-1) and (S-2)
+\subsection{Antecedent construction}\label{tracanteced}
+It is possible to graphically construct the antecedents.
+The function/curve used must have been declared previously for this command to work.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Colors}: color of the points/lines, in the form \MontreCode{Color} or \MontreCode{ColPoint/ColLines};
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name \textit{possible} for the intersection points linked to the antecedents (\MontreCode{empty} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Lines}: boolean to display construction traits (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The first mandatory argument allows you to specify the \textbf{name} of the curve.
+The second mandatory argument allows you to specify the value to reach.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ %definition of the function + drawing of the curve
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=red]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ %history
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=teal/cyan,Lines,Name=PO]{cf}{53}
+ \GetXcoord{(PO-1)}[\premsol]
+ \GetXcoord{(PO-2)}[\deuxsol]
+Graphically, the antecedents of 53 are (approximately):
+ \item \num{\premsol}
+ \item \num{\deuxsol}
+\subsection{Intersections of two curves}\label{intersect}
+It is also possible to determine (in the form of nodes) the possible points of intersection of two previously defined curves.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: base of the name of the \textbf{nodes} intersection (\MontreCode{S} by default, which will give \textsf{S-1}, \textsf{S-2}, etc);
+ \item \MontreCode{Disp}: boolean to display the points (\MontreCode{true} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the points (\MontreCode{black} by default).
+The first mandatory argument allows you to specify the \textbf{name} of the first curve.
+The first mandatory argument allows you to specify the \textbf{name} of the second curve.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=red]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cg,Start=5,End=19,Trace,Color=blue]<g>{0.25*(x-12)^2+46}
+ %intersections, named (TT-1) and (TT-2)
+ \FindIntersections[Name=TT,Color=darkgray,Display,Lines]{cf}{cg}
+ %recovery of intersection points
+ \GetXYcoord{(TT-1)}[\alphaA][\betaA]
+ \GetXYcoord{(TT-2)}[\alphaB][\betaB]
+The solutions of $f(x)=g(x)$ are $\alpha \approx \num{\alphaA}$ and
+$\beta \approx \num{\alphaB}$.\\
+The points of intersection of the curves of $f$ and $g$ are therefore
+$(\RoundNb[2]{\alphaA};\RoundNb[2]{\betaA})$ and
+The idea (still \textit{experimental}) is to offer commands to extract the extrema of a curve defined by the package.
+The command creates the corresponding node, and it is therefore possible to retrieve its coordinates for later use.
+It is possible, by specifying it, to work on the different curves managed by the package (function, interpolation, spline).
+For singular curves, it is possible that the results are not quite those expected\ldots
+{\small\faBomb} For the moment, the \textit{limitations} are:
+ \item no management of multiple extrema (only the first will be processed)\ldots
+ \item no management of extrema at the boundaries of the route\ldots
+ \item no automatic recovery of curve definition parameters\ldots
+ \item compilation time may be longer\ldots
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\FindMax[keys]{object}[node created]
+\FindMin[keys]{object}[node created]
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Method}: method, among \MontreCode{function/interpo/spline} for calculations (\MontreCode{function} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Start}: start of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{End}: end of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Step}: not in the plot if \MontreCode{function} (it is determined \textit{automatically} at the start but can be modified);
+ \item \MontreCode{Coeffs}: modify the \textit{coefficients} of the spline if \MontreCode{spline};
+ \item \MontreCode{Tension}: setting the \textit{tension} of the interpolation plot if \MontreCode{interpo}(\MontreCode{0.5} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=0.35,End=4.2,Trace]%
+ <f>{0.6*cos(4.5*(x-4)+2.1)-1.2*sin(x-4)+0.1*x+0.2}
+ \FindMax[Start=0.35,End=4.2]{f}[cf-max]
+ \FindMax[Start=3,End=4]{f}[cf-maxlocal]
+ \FindMin[Start=1,End=2]{f}[cf-minlocal]
+ \MarkPts*[Color=red,Lines]{(cf-max)}
+ \MarkPts*[Color=blue,Lines]{(cf-maxlocal)}
+ \MarkPts*[Color=olive,Lines]{(cf-minlocal)}
+ \GetXYcoord{(cf-max)}[\MyMaxX][\MyMaxY]
+The maximum is $M\approx\RoundNb{\MyMaxY}$, reached in $x\approx\RoundNb{\MyMaxX}$
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{-7,-6,...,4}{-3,-2,...,5}
+ \DefineInterpoCurve[Name=interpotest,Color=red,Trace,Tension=1]%
+ {(-6,4)(-2,-2)(3,3.5)}
+ \FindMin[Method=interpo,Tension=1]{(-6,4)(-2,-2)(3,3.5)}[interpo-min]
+ \MarkPts*[Color=blue]{(interpo-min)}
+ \GetXYcoord{(interpo-min)}[\MinInterpoX][\MinInterpoY]
+The minimum is $M\approx\RoundNb[3]{\MinInterpoY}$, reached at $x\approx\RoundNb[3]{\MinInterpoX}$
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=1.2cm,y=1.6cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=3,Ygrid=0.5,Ygrids=0.25]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \def\LISTETEST{-6/2/0§-1/-2/0§2/1/0§3.5/0/-1}
+ \DefineSplineCurve[Name=splinetest,Trace]{\LISTETEST}
+ \FindMin[Method=spline]{\LISTETEST}[spline-min]
+ \MarkPts*[Color=red]{(spline-min)}
+\subsection{Integrals (improved version)}\label{integr}
+We can also work with integrals.
+In this case it is preferable to highlight the domain \textbf{before} the plots, to avoid overprinting in relation to the curves/points.
+It is possible to :
+ \item represent an integral \textbf{under} a defined curve;
+ \item represent an integral \textbf{between} two curves;
+ \item the integration limits can be x-coordinates and/or nodes.
+{\small\faBomb} Given the differences in processing between formula curves, simple interpolation curves or cubic interpolation curves, the arguments and keys may differ depending on the configuration!
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DrawIntegral[keys]<specific options>{object1}[object2]{A}{B}
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} for definition or tracing are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Colors} =: colors of the filling, in the form \MontreCode{Col} or \MontreCode{ColBorder/ColBg} (\MontreCode{gray} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Style}: type of filling, among \MontreCode{fill}/\MontreCode{hatch} (\MontreCode{fill} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Opacity}: opacity (\MontreCode{0.5} by default) of the filling;
+ \item \MontreCode{Hatch}: style (\MontreCode{north west lines} by default) of the hatch filling;
+ \item \MontreCode{Type}: type of integral among
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \MontreCode{fct} (default) for an integral under a curve defined by a formula;
+ \item \MontreCode{spl} for an integral under a curve defined by a cubic spline;
+ \item \MontreCode{itp} for an integral under a curve defined by interpolation ;
+ \item \MontreCode{fct/fct} for an integral between two curves defined by a formula;
+ \item \MontreCode{fct/spl} for an integral between a curve (above) defined by a formula and a curve (below) defined by a spline cubic;
+ \item etc.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item \MontreCode{Step}: steps (calculated by default otherwise) for the plot;
+ \item \MontreCode{Junction}: junction of segments (\MontreCode{bevel} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Bounds}: type of terminals among:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \MontreCode{abs} for the limits given by the abscissa;
+ \item \MontreCode{nodes} for the limits given by the nodes;
+ \item \MontreCode{abs/node} for the limits given by abscissa and node;
+ \item \MontreCode{node/abs} for the limits given by node and abscissa;
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item \MontreCode{Border}: boolean (\MontreCode{true} by default) to display the side lines,%
+ \item \MontreCode{SplineName}: macro (important!) of the spline generated previously for a higher version spline;
+ \item \MontreCode{SplineNameB}: macro (important!) of the spline generated previously for a lower version spline;
+ \item \MontreCode{InterpoName}: name (important!) of the interpolation curve generated previously, in higher version;
+ \item \MontreCode{InterpoBName}: name (important!) of the interpolation curve generated previously, in lower version;
+ \item \MontreCode{Tension}: Tension for the interpolation curve generated previously, in higher version;
+ \item \MontreCode{TensionB}: Tension of the interpolation curve generated previously, in lower version.
+The first required argument is the spline function or curve or list of interpolation points.
+The next optional argument is the spline function or curve or list of interpolation points.
+The last two mandatory arguments are the limits of the integral, given in a form consistent with the key \MontreCode{Bounds}.
+In the case of curves defined by \textit{points}, it is necessary to work on intervals on which the first curve is \textbf{above} the second.
+It will undoubtedly be interesting to work with \textit{intersections} in this case.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.6cm,y=0.06cm,
+ Xmin=0,Xmax=21,Xgrid=1,Xgrids=0.5,
+ Ymin=0,Ymax=155,Ygrid=10,Ygrids=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grads=false,Enlarge=2.5mm]{}{}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=1,End=20,Color=red]<f>{80*x*exp(-0.2*x)}
+ \DrawIntegral
+ [Bounds=abs,Colors=blue/cyan!50]%
+ {f(x)}{3}{12}
+ \DrawCurve[Color=red,Start=1,End=20]{f(x)}
+ \DrawAxisGrids%
+ [Grid=false,Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{0,1,...,20}{0,10,...,150}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=1.2cm,y=1.6cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=3,Ygrid=0.5,Ygrids=0.25]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grads=false,Enlarge=2.5mm]{}{}
+ \def\LISTETEST{-6/2/0§-1/-2/0§2/1/0§3.5/0/-1}
+ \DefineSplineCurve[Name=splinetest]{\LISTETEST}
+ \DrawIntegral[Type=spl,Style=hatch,Colors=purple]{splinetest}{-5.75}{-4.75}
+ \DrawIntegral[Type=spl,Colors=blue]{splinetest}{-2}{-1}
+ \DrawIntegral[Type=spl,Colors=orange]{splinetest}{1}{3}
+ \DrawSplineCurve[Color=olive]{\LISTETEST}
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Grid=false,Enlarge=2.5mm]
+ {-7,-6,...,4}%
+ {-3,-2.5,...,3}
+The idea of this command is to draw the tangent to a previously defined curve, specifying:
+ \item the point (abscissa or node) at which we wish to work;
+ \item possibly the direction (in the case of a discontinuity or a terminal);
+ \item possibly the step ($h$) of the calculation;
+ \item the \textit{lateral spacings} to draw the tangent.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+\DrawTangent[keys]{function or curve}{point}<line options>
+The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} for definition or tracing are:
+ \item \MontreCode{Colors} =: colors of the plots, in the form \MontreCode{Col} or \MontreCode{ColLine/ColPoint} (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{OffsetL} =: left horizontal spacing to start the trace (\MontreCode{1} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{OffsetR} =: left horizontal spacing to start the trace (\MontreCode{1} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{DispPt}: boolean to display the support point (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Spline}: boolean to specify that a spline is used (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{h}: delta $h$ used for calculations (\MontreCode{0.01} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Direction}: allows you to specify the \textit{direction} of the tangent, among \MontreCode{lr}/\MontreCode{l}/\MontreCode{r} (\MontreCode{lr} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Node}: boolean to specify that a node is used (\MontreCode{false} by default).
+The first required argument is the spline function or curve (if applicable).
+The last mandatory argument is the work point (abscissa version or node following the key \MontreCode{Node}).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.9cm,y=0.425cm,Xmin=4,Xmax=20,Origx=4,
+ Ymin=40,Ymax=56,Ygrid=2,Ygrids=1,Origy=40]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{4,5,...,20}{40,42,...,56}
+ \DefineCurve[Name=cf,Start=5,End=19,Color=red,Trace]<f>{-2*x+3+24*log(2*x)}
+ \FindCounterimage[Color=teal,Name=JKL,Disp=false]{cf}{53}
+ %tangent
+ \DrawTangent%
+ [Colors=cyan/gray,OffsetL=2.5,OffsetR=2.5,Node,DispPt]{f}{(JKL-1)}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.8cm,y=1cm,Xmin=-7,Xmax=4,Ymin=-3,Ymax=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{-7,-6,...,4}{-3,-2,...,5}
+ \def\LISTETEST{-6/4/-0.5§-5/2/-2§-4/0/-2§-2/-2/0§1/2/2§3/3.5/0.5}
+ \DefineSplineCurve[Name=splinetest,Trace,Color=olive]{\LISTETEST}
+ \DrawTangent[Colors=red,Spline,DispPt]{splinetest}{1}
+ \DrawTangent%
+ [Colors=blue,Spline,OffsetL=1.5,OffsetR=1.5,DispPt]{splinetest}{-3}%
+ <tkzgrpharrowlr>
+ \DrawTangent[Direction=l,Colors=orange,Spline,OffsetL=1.5,DispPt]{splinetest}{3}
+ \DrawTangent[Direction=r,Colors=purple,Spline,OffsetR=1.5,DispPt]{splinetest}{-6}
+%\section{Specific commands for density functions}
+%\subsection{Normal distribution}\label{normal distribution}
+%The idea is to provide something to work with standard deviation.
+%\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+% %in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+% \DefineNormalDistribution[keys]<fct name>{mu}{sigma}
+% \TraceNormalDistribution[keys]{fct(x)}
+%The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+% \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the plot (\MontreCode{Gaussian} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Trace}: boolean to trace the curve (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Couleur}: color of the trace, if requested (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Debut}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{End}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Pas}: plot step (it is determined \textit{automatically} at the start but can be modified).
+%Note that the vertical axis must be adapted according to the parameters of the normal law.
+%\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+% \begin{GraphTikz}%
+% [x=1.25cm,y=15cm,Origx=5,Xmin=5,Xmax=15,Ymin=0,Ymax=0.3,
+% Ygrid=0.1,Ygrids=0.05]
+% \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+% \DefineNormalDistribution[Name=Gaussian]<phi>{10}{1.5}
+% \TracerIntegral
+% [Terminals=abs, Colors=blue/cyan!50]%
+% {phi(x)}{7}{13}
+% \TraceNormalLaw[Color=purple,Start=5,End=15]{phi(x)}
+% \end{GraphTikz}
+%\subsection{Chi-square law}\label{loikhideux}
+%The idea is to provide something to work with normal laws.
+%\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+% %in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[keys]<fct name>{k}
+% \TraceLawKhiTwo[keys]{fct(x)}
+%The optional \MontreCode{[keys]} available are:
+% \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the plot (\MontreCode{Gaussian} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Trace}: boolean to trace the curve (\MontreCode{false} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Couleur}: color of the trace, if requested (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Debut}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{End}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+% \item \MontreCode{Pas}: plot step (it is determined \textit{automatically} at the start but can be modified).
+%Note that the vertical axis must be adapted according to the parameter of the chi-square law.
+%\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+% \begin{GraphTikz}[
+% x=1.5cm,y=7.5cm,
+% Xmin=0,Xmax=8,Xgrid=1,Xgrids=0.5,
+% Ymin=0,Ymax=0.5,Ygrid=0.1,Ygrids=0.05
+% ]
+% \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[Color=red,Start=0.25,Trace]<phiA>{1}
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[Color=blue,Trace]<phiB>{2}
+% \DefineLawKhiDeux[Color=orange,Trace]<phiC>{3}
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[Color=purple,Trace]<phiD>{4}
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[Color=yellow,Trace]<phiE>{5}
+% \DefineKhiTwoLaw[Color=teal,Trace]<phiF>{6}
+% \end{GraphTikz}
+\section{Commands specific to two-variable statistics}
+\subsection{The point cloud}\label{scatter}
+In addition to commands linked to functions, it is also possible to represent double statistical series.
+The following paragraph shows that adding a key allows you to add the linear adjustment line.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+%in the GraphiqueTikz environment
+The optional \MontreCode{[key]} is:
+ \item \MontreCode{ColorScatter}: color of the cloud points (\MontreCode{black} by default).
+The mandatory arguments allow you to specify:
+ \item the list of x;
+ \item the list of y.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.075cm,y=0.03cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=160,Xgrid=20,Xgrids=10,
+ Origy=250,Ymin=250,Ymax=400,Ygrid=25,Ygrids=5]
+ %window preparation
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{0,10,...,160}{250,275,...,400}
+ %A cloud of dots
+ \DrawScatter[Style=x,ColorScatter=red]{0,50,100,140}{275,290,315,350}
+\subsection{The regression line}\label{reglin}
+The linear regression line (obtained by the least squares method) can easily be added, using the key \MontreCode{DrawLine}.
+In this case, new keys are available:
+ \item \MontreCode{ColorLine}: color of the line (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Rounds}: precision of coefficients (\MontreCode{empty} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Start}: initial abscissa of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{End}: terminal abscissa of the plot (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the line, for later use (\MontreCode{reglin} by default).
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ [x=0.075cm,y=0.03cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=160,Xgrid=20,Xgrids=10,
+ Origy=250,Ymin=250,Ymax=400,Ygrid=25,Ygrids=5]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\small]{0,10,...,160}{250,275,...,400}
+ %cloud and right
+ \DrawScatter%
+ [ColorScatter=red,ColorLine=brown,DrawLine]%
+ {0,50,100,140}{275,290,315,350}
+ %picture
+ \DrawRanges[Colors=cyan/magenta,Lines]{d}{120}
+ %history
+ \DrawCounterimage[Style=x,Colors=blue/green!50!black,Lines]{reglin}{300}
+\subsection{Other regressions}\label{regressions}
+In partnership with the \MontreCode{xint-regression} package, loaded by the package (but \textit{can be deactivated} via the \MontreCode{[noxintreg]} option), it is possible to work on other types of regression:
+ \item linear \fbox{$ax+b$};
+ \item quadratic \fbox{$ax^2+bx+c$};
+ \item cubic \fbox{$ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$};
+ \item power \fbox{$ax^b$};
+ \item exponential \fbox{$ab^x$} or \fbox{$e^{ax+b}$} or \fbox{$b e^{ax}$} or \fbox{$C + be^{ax} $};
+ \item logarithmic \fbox{$a+b\ln(x)$};
+ \item hyperbolic \fbox{$a+\displaystyle\frac{b}{x}$}.
+The command, similar to that of defining a curve, is:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+\DrawRegression[keys]<no fct>{type}<rounded>{listex}{listey}
+The \MontreCode{[keys]} available are, classically:
+ \item \MontreCode{Start}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmin} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{End}: lower bound of the definition set (\MontreCode{\textbackslash pflxmax} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Name}: name of the curve (important for the rest!);
+ \item \MontreCode{Color}: color of the trace (\MontreCode{black} by default);
+ \item \MontreCode{Step}: plot step (it is determined \textit{automatically} at the start but can be modified).
+The second argument, optional and between \MontreCode{<...>}, allows you to name the regression function.
+The third argument, mandatory and between \MontreCode{\{...\}} allows you to choose the type of regression, among:
+ \item \MontreCode{lin}: linear \fbox{$ax+b$};
+ \item \MontreCode{quad}: quadratic \fbox{$ax^2+bx+c$};
+ \item \MontreCode{cub}: cubic \fbox{$ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$};
+ \item \MontreCode{pow}: power \fbox{$ax^b$};
+ \item \MontreCode{expab}: exponential \fbox{$ab^x$}
+ \item \MontreCode{hyp}: hyperbolic \fbox{$a+\displaystyle\frac{b}{x}$};
+ \item \MontreCode{log}: logarithmic \fbox{$a+b\ln(x)$};
+ \item \MontreCode{exp}: exponential \fbox{$e^{ax+b}$};
+ \item \MontreCode{expalt}: exponential \fbox{$be^{ax}$};
+ \item \MontreCode{expoff=C}: exponential \fbox{$C + be^{ax}$}.
+The fourth argument, optional and between \MontreCode{<...>}, allows you to specify the rounding(s) for the coefficients of the regression function.
+The last two arguments are the lists of values of X and Y.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+ListX := \LISTEXX\\
+ListY := \LISTEYY
+ [x=0.05cm,y=0.04cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=160,Xgrid=20,Xgrids=10,
+ Origy=250,Ymin=250,Ymax=400,Ygrid=25,Ygrids=5]
+ %window preparation
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Enlarge=2.5mm,Font=\footnotesize]{auto}{auto}
+ %A cloud of dots
+ \DrawScatter[Style=o,ColorScatter=red]{\LISTEXX}{\LISTEYY}
+ %adjustment expoffset
+ \DrawRegression[Color=blue,Name=adjust]<adjust>{expoff=250}{\LISTEXX}{\LISTEYY}
+ %holdings
+ \DrawRanges[Colors=cyan/magenta,Lines]{adjust}{80}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Style=x,Colors=blue/green!50!black,Lines]{adjust}{325}
+We obtain $y=250+\num{\expregoffb}\text{e}^{\num{\expregoffa}x}$
+\section{Auxiliary commands}
+In addition to purely \textit{graphic} commands, some auxiliary commands are available:
+ \item a to format a number with a given precision;
+ \item one for working on random numbers, with constraints.
+\subsection{Formatted rounding}\label{round number}
+The \MontreCode{\textbackslash RoundNb} command allows you to format, using the \MontreCode{siunitx} package, a number (or a calculation), with a given precision. This can be \textit{useful} for formatting results obtained using coordinate retrieval commands, for example.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+\RoundNb[precision]{xint calculation}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+\subsection{Random number under constraints}\label{nbalea}
+The idea of this second command is to be able to determine a random number:
+ \item integer or decimal;
+ \item under constraints (between two fixed values).
+This can allow, for example, to work on curves with \textit{random} points, but respecting certain constraints.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
+\PickRandomNb(*)[precision (def 0)]{lower limit}{upper limit}[\macro]
+The star version takes the constraints in strict form ($\text{lower bound} < \text{macro} < \text{upper bound}$) while the normal version takes the constraints in broad form ($\text{lower bound) } \leq \text{macro} \leq \text{upper bound}$).
+Note that the \textit{terminals} can be existing \textit{macros}!
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+%a number (2 digits after the decimal point) between 0.75 and 0.95
+%a number (2 digits after the decimal point) between 0.05 and 0.25
+%a number (2 decimal places) between 0.55 and \YrandMax
+%a number (2 decimal places) between \YrandMin and 0.45
+\num{\YrandMax} \& \num{\YrandMin} \& \num{\YrandA} \& \num{\YrandB}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+%a number (2 digits after the decimal point) between 0.75 and 0.95
+%a number (2 digits after the decimal point) between 0.05 and 0.25
+%a number (2 decimal places) between 0.55 and \YrandMax
+%a number (2 decimal places) between \YrandMin and 0.45
+\num{\YrandMax} \& \num{\YrandMin} \& \num{\YrandA} \& \num{\YrandB}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted language=latex,colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5}
+%the curve is designed so that there are 3 antecedents
+ [x=0.075cm,y=7.5cm,Xmin=0,Xmax=150,Xgrid=10,Xgrids=5,
+ Ymin=0,Ymax=1,Ygrid=0.1,Ygrids=0.05]
+ \DrawAxisGrids[Last,Enlarge=2.5mm]{auto}{auto}
+ \DefineInterpoCurve[Color=red,Trace,Name=functiontest,Tension=0.75]
+ {(0,\YrandA)(40,\YrandMin)(90,\YrandMax)(140,\YrandB)}
+ \FindCounterimage[Disp=false,Name=ANTECED]{functiontest}{0.5}
+ \DrawCounterimage[Colors=blue/teal,Lines]{functiontest}{0.5}
+ \GetXcoord{(ANTECED-1)}[\Aalpha]
+ \GetXcoord{(ANTECED-2)}[\Bbeta]
+ \GetXcoord
+ {(ANTECED-3)}[\Cgamma]
+The solutions of $f(x)=\num{0.5}$ are, by graphic reading:
+ \alpha \approx \RoundNb[0]{\Aalpha} \\
+ \beta \approx \RoundNb[0]{\Bbeta} \\
+ \gamma \approx \RoundNb[0]{\Cgamma}
+%\section{Liste des commandes}
+%Les commandes disponibles sont :
+%\NewDocumentCommand\lstcmd{ m m m }{%
+% \item[\texttt{#1}] : \mintinline{latex}|#2|\hfill{}page \pageref{#3}
+% \lstcmd{environnement~~}{\begin{GraphiqueTikz}...\end{GraphiqueTikz}}{creaenvt}
+% \lstcmd{axes et grilles}{\TracerAxesGrille}{creaaxesgr}
+% \lstcmd{aj val axes X~~}{\RajouterValeursAxeX}{ajoutvals}
+% \lstcmd{aj val axes Y~~}{\RajouterValeursAxeY}{ajoutvals}
+% \lstcmd{def fonction~~~}{\DefineCurve}{deftracfct}
+% \lstcmd{tracé courbe~~~}{\DrawCurve}{deftracfct}
+% \lstcmd{def interpo~~~~}{\DefineCurveInterpo}{deftracinterpo}
+% \lstcmd{tracé interpo~~}{\DrawCurveInterpo}{deftracinterpo}
+% \lstcmd{def spline~~~~~}{\DefineSplineCurve}{deftracfctspline}
+% \lstcmd{tracé spline~~~}{\DrawSplineCurve}{deftracfctspline}
+% \lstcmd{tracé droite~~~}{\TracerDroite}{tracdroite}
+% \lstcmd{def points~~~~~}{\DefinirPts}{defpts}
+% \lstcmd{def image~~~~~~}{\DefinirImage}{defpts}
+% \lstcmd{marq pts~~~~~~~}{\MarquerPts}{markpts}
+% \lstcmd{placer txt~~~~~}{\PlacerTexte}{placetxt}
+% \lstcmd{récup absc~~~~~}{\RecupererAbscisse}{recupcoordo}
+% \lstcmd{récup ordo~~~~~}{\RecupererOrdonnee}{recupcoordo}
+% \lstcmd{récup coordos~~}{\RecupererCoordonnees}{recupcoordo}
+% \lstcmd{images~~~~~~~~~}{\PlacerImages}{images}
+% \lstcmd{antécédents~~~~}{\TrouverAntecedents}{defanteced}
+% \lstcmd{antécédents~~~~}{\PlacerAntecedents}{tracanteced}
+% \lstcmd{intersection~~~}{\TrouverIntersections}{intersect}
+% \lstcmd{maximum~~~~~~~~}{\TrouverMaximum}{maximum}
+% \lstcmd{minimum~~~~~~~~}{\TrouverMinimum}{minimum}
+% \lstcmd{intégrale~~~~~~}{\DrawIntegral}{integr}
+% \lstcmd{tangente~~~~~~~}{\DrawTangente}{tgte}
+% \lstcmd{loi normale~~~~}{\DefinirLoiNormale}{loinormale}
+% \lstcmd{loi normale~~~~}{\TracerLoiNormale}{loinormale}
+% \lstcmd{loi khideux~~~~}{\DefinirLoiKhiDeux}{loikhideux}
+% \lstcmd{loi khideux~~~~}{\TracerLoiKhiDeux}{loikhideux}
+% \lstcmd{stats 2 var~~~~}{\TracerNuage}{nuage}
+% \lstcmd{regressions~~~~}{\TracerAjustement}{regressions}
+% \lstcmd{arrondi~~~~~~~~}{\RoundNb}{numarrond}
+% \lstcmd{nb aléat~~~~~~~}{\ChoisirNbAlea}{nbalea}
+0.1.5 : Initial version [en]
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file