path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzviolinplots/tikzviolinplots.tex
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzviolinplots/tikzviolinplots.tex
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+%% tikzviolinplots.tex
+%% Copyright 2023 Pedro Callil-Soares
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Pedro Callil-Soares.
+% This work consists of the files tikzviolinplots.sty and
+% tikzviolinplots.tex.
+A B C D
+0.876 0.574 2.175 1.684
+1.015 0.822 2.121 2.290
+0.995 1.266 1.916 2.184
+1.101 0.740 2.044 2.065
+1.222 0.636 2.004 2.248
+0.712 1.753 2.038 2.200
+1.063 0.873 1.974 1.865
+0.973 1.020 2.145 1.895
+1.174 0.763 2.052 2.240
+1.057 1.293 2.079 2.360
+1.004 0.853 2.064 1.695
+0.909 0.694 2.136 1.837
+1.108 0.849 2.000 1.744
+1.210 0.468 2.010 1.820
+0.958 0.767 1.824 2.158
+1.119 0.940 2.034 1.846
+1.000 0.962 1.967 2.545
+0.954 1.551 1.833 1.816
+0.918 0.755 1.914 2.369
+1.093 0.973 1.997 1.543
+A B C D E
+0.3 -2.1 3.50 2.89 1.00
+0.41 -1.9 3.55 2.88 1.06
+0.45 -1.5 3.55 3.13 1.00
+0.46 -1.3 3.60 2.69 1.20
+0.46 -1.3 3.60 2.78 1.00
+0.46 -1.27 3.60 2.83 1.35
+0.47 -1.26 3.65 3.08 1.00
+0.47 -1.26 3.65 3.08 1.53
+0.48 -1.24 3.65 2.73 1.00
+0.51 -1.2 3.65 3.08 1.73
+0.57 -1.13 3.65 3.24 1.00
+2.3 -1.02 3.70 3.10 1.95
+2.41 -0.9 3.70 2.98 1.00
+2.46 -0.2 3.70 2.98 2.21
+2.47 0.0 3.75 3.04 1.00
+2.48 0.1 3.80 3.24 2.49
+2.51 0.3 3.85 3.16 1.00
+2.57 0.5 3.85 3.30 3.04
+\title{The \texttt{tikzviolinplots} package}
+\author{Pedro Callil-Soares}
+ The package provides commands for violin plot creation and
+ the kernel density estimations required.
+This package, through the use of the package \texttt{pgfplots}, allows the
+creation of violin plots in \LaTeX. Violin plots are similar to boxplots,
+but instead of a box signalling the average and quartiles, a kernel density
+estimator is plotted, as in equation \ref{eq:kde}, in which the function $k$
+(the kernel) is a probability distribution, the positive number $h$ (the
+bandwidth) is a smoothing factor and $n$ is the sample size.
+ \label{eq:kde}
+ \textnormal{KDE}(x) = %
+ \cfrac{1}{nh}\sum_{i=1}^nk\left(\cfrac{x-x_i}{h}\right)
+A comparison between the two plots, showcasing its similarities, is
+shown in figures \ref{fig:example}. The violin plot in figure
+\ref{graph:violin_example} assumes normal data, and the bandwidth
+(smoothing factor $h$ in equation \ref{eq:kde}) is defined accordingly.
+ \centering
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}
+ [
+ boxplot/draw direction=y,
+ ymax=3, ymin=0,
+ xmin=0, xmax=5,
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ xtick={1,2,3,4},
+ xticklabels={$\alpha$,$\beta$,$\gamma$,$\delta$},
+ ylabel={Some property},
+ ]
+ \addplot+[boxplot,
+ blue!100!red,
+ fill=blue!100!red,
+ fill opacity=0.50,
+ no marks]
+ table [y=A] {violinandboxplotexample.dat};
+ \addplot+[boxplot,
+ blue!66!red,
+ fill=blue!66!red,
+ fill opacity=0.50,
+ no marks]
+ table [y=B] {violinandboxplotexample.dat};
+ \addplot+[boxplot,
+ blue!33!red,
+ fill=blue!33!red,
+ fill opacity=0.50,
+ no marks]
+ table [y=C] {violinandboxplotexample.dat};
+ \addplot+[boxplot,
+ blue!0!red,
+ fill=blue!0!red,
+ fill opacity=0.50,
+ no marks]
+ table [y=D] {violinandboxplotexample.dat};
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Box plot}
+ \label{graph:box_example}
+ \end{subfigure}%
+ \hfill%
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ averages,
+ data points,
+ scaled,
+ ]{
+ xmin=0,xmax=5,
+ ymin=0,ymax=3,
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-2*height("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ ylabel={Same property},
+ }
+ \violinplotwholefile[%
+ primary color=red,
+ secondary color=blue,
+ indexes={A,B,C,D},
+ spacing=1.0,
+ labels={%
+ $\alpha$,
+ $\beta$,
+ $\gamma$,
+ $\delta$,
+ },
+ col sep=tab,
+ dataset size=1pt,
+ dataset mark=*,
+ dataset fill=black!50!white,
+ dataset fill opacity=1.0,
+ average mark=x,
+ average size=5pt,
+ ]{violinandboxplotexample.dat}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Violin plot}
+ \label{graph:violin_example}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \caption{Box and violin plot examples}
+ \label{fig:example}
+To plot a violin plot with the commands provided, one must, inside
+a \texttt{tikzpicture} environment, set the general options to all
+plots and insert each individual dataset.
+To set the general options, the command \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinsetoptions}
+is provided, and must be invoked before plotting the datasets. This should
+be done with the commands \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplot} or
+\subsection{General options: \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinsetoptions}}
+The command \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinsetoptions} takes two arguments,
+an optional argument with package-specific options and a mandatory
+argument with options to be passed to \texttt{pgfplots}.
+ \violinsetoptions[|\textit{<package-specific options>}|]%
+ {|\textit{<pgfplots general options>}|}
+\subsubsection{Package-specific options}
+There are five options specific to the package: \texttt{scaled},
+\texttt{data points}, \texttt{averages}, \texttt{no mirror} and
+\texttt{reverse axis}, controlling how and which information
+in the datasets should be presented.
+The option \texttt{scaled} controls if all plots in the graph
+have the same area or same width. If passed, the kernel
+distribution estimations will be scaled to the same width, as
+shown in figure \ref{graph:violin_verti}; otherwise, the plots
+will present the same area, as in figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz}.
+The option \texttt{data points}, if passed, will show, along with
+the violin plots, the distribution of points in the data set, as shown in
+figure \ref{graph:violin_verti}.
+If the option \texttt{averages} is passed, the average of the data set
+elements is shown, as in figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz}.
+The plots are mirrored by default; however, passing the option \texttt{no mirror}
+will show only half the plot, as shown in figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz}.
+Finally, to ``transpose'' the plots (\textit{i.e.} show the distributions
+as functions of the abcissa, as in figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz},
+and not as functions of ordinate, as in figure \ref{graph:violin_verti}),
+one might use the option \texttt{reverse axis}.
+\subsubsection{Plot limits and other \texttt{pgfplots} options}
+The minima and maxima of the plot axes must be set in the second (and first
+mandatory) argument to the command, and should follow \texttt{pgfplots}
+syntax. For instance, to set the minimum and maximum of the $x$-axis
+to -3 and 6, and of the $y$-axis to 2.5 and 7, one might use:
+ \violinsetoptions[|\textit{<package-specific options>}|]%
+ {xmin=-3, xmax=6, ymin=2.5, xmin=7,%
+ |\textit{<pgfplots general options>}|}
+Other \texttt{pgfplots} expressions such as title or axes labels may be set
+in the same way in this argument.
+\subsection{Options for each data set: \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplot}}
+If the data sets are not very similar and/or advanced customizations
+are desired, \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplot} should be used to
+plot each data set individually.
+This command takes one mandatory argument, and a list of options:
+ \violinplot[%
+ |\textit{<option>}=\textit{<value>}|
+ ]{|\textit{filename}|}
+The filename (mandatory argument) must be a path to a file storing the data as
+space-separated columns. The optional argument is a list of options, including:
+ \item \texttt{col sep}: Column separation character in filename.
+ Defaults to \texttt{comma}, and can accept options
+ \texttt{space}, \texttt{tab}, \texttt{comma},
+ \texttt{colon}, \texttt{semicolon}, \texttt{braces},
+ \texttt{\&} and \texttt{ampersand}.
+ \item \texttt{index}: Necessary option, is the name of the column with
+ the data to be plotted.
+ \item \texttt{kernel}: The function to be used for the kernel density
+ estimation; available values are \texttt{gaussian} (default),
+ \texttt{logistic}, \texttt{parabolic}, \texttt{uniform}
+ and \texttt{triangular}.
+ \item \texttt{bandwidth}: Smoothing parameter for the kernel density
+ estimation; defaults to $h$ in equation \ref{eq:band},
+ which assumes gaussian distribution.
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eq:band}
+ h=\sqrt[5]{\frac{4\times\textnormal{stddev}%
+ \left(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\right)^5}{3n}}
+ \end{equation}
+ \item \texttt{samples}: Number of points in which the kernel density
+ estimation will be calculated and plotted. Defaults
+ to 50.
+ \item \texttt{relative position}: position of the plot in the axis
+ with the labels for each dataset. Defaults to 0.
+ \item \texttt{color}: Color of the plot, border and interior.
+ Defaults to black. The interior is colored with 0.5
+ opacity.
+ \item \texttt{label}: Label of the plot, positioned at the point
+ set by \texttt{relative position}.
+ \item \texttt{invert}: If \texttt{true}, plot will be drawn in opposite
+ side. Useful for comparing two parts of a data set, by plotting each
+ group side by side.
+ \item Options for average and data points:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{average mark}, \texttt{dataset mark}: Mark used
+ for averages and points of the data set (defaults
+ to ``\texttt{x}'' and ``\texttt{*}'', respectively).
+ \item \texttt{average size}, \texttt{dataset size}: Size
+ of each mark (defaults to 3pt for averages and 1pt
+ for other points).
+ \item \texttt{average color}, \texttt{dataset color}: Color
+ of each mark's border. Defaults to black in both
+ cases.
+ \item \texttt{average opacity}, \texttt{dataset opacity}:
+ Border opacity. Defaults to 1.0 in both cases.
+ \item \texttt{average fill}, \texttt{dataset fill}: Color
+ of each mark's interior. Defaults to black for the
+ points of the data set and white for the averages.
+ \item \texttt{average fill opacity}, \texttt{dataset fill opacity}:
+ Opacity of the marks. Defaults to 0.5 for averages and
+ 0.2 for the other points.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Simplified interface: \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplotwholefile}}
+If the data sets are similar and no customizations are required, one might
+use the command \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplotwholefile}.
+ \violinplotwholefile[%
+ |\textit{<option>}=\textit{<value>}|
+ ]{|\textit{filename}|}
+This command will calculate and plot all columns named. The available options
+ \item \texttt{primary color}: Primary color utilised. A gradient is built from
+ the secondary color to it. Defaults to black.
+ \item \texttt{secondary color}: Secondary color utilized. A
+ gradient is built from it to the primary color. Defaults
+ to white.
+ \item \texttt{indexes}: List of columns to be plotted.
+ \item \texttt{spacing}: Distance between plots. Defaults to 1.0.
+ \item \texttt{labels}: Labels of the data to be plotted.
+Besides, the options available to \texttt{{\textbackslash}violinplots} are also
+available for this command; for instance, one might set the kernel to
+be utilized as the \texttt{uniform} kernel through the option
+\texttt{kernel=uniform}. Of course, \texttt{relative position} is not an option
+To show the usage of the package, we plotted several data sets two times, in
+figures \ref{graph:violin_verti} and \ref{graph:violin_horiz}, using either the
+simplified or the complete interface.
+The data are in the file \texttt{example.dat}, shown below:
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbgcsv,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ bgcolor=mintedbgcsv,
+ obeytabs,
+ tabsize=12,
+\subsection{Simplified Interface}
+First we will plot this data using the simplified interface, resulting in
+figure \ref{graph:violin_verti}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ data points,
+ scaled,
+ ]{
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-4,ymax=6,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ xlabel={Groups},
+ ylabel={Some property},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-2*height("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplotwholefile[%
+ primary color=orange,
+ secondary color=black,
+ indexes={C,B,A,D,E},
+ spacing=1.0,
+ labels={%
+ $\alpha$,
+ $\beta$,
+ $\gamma$,
+ $\delta$,
+ $\epsilon$
+ },
+ col sep=tab,
+ dataset size=2pt,
+ dataset mark=diamond*,
+ dataset fill=blue!50!white,
+ dataset fill opacity=1.0,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Violin plot --- vertical example}
+ \label{graph:violin_verti}
+Code for figure \ref{graph:violin_verti}, using
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbgverti,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=mintedbgverti]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ data points,
+ scaled,
+ ]{
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-4,ymax=6,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ xlabel={Groups},
+ ylabel={Some property},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-2*height("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplotwholefile[%
+ primary color=orange,
+ secondary color=black,
+ batch indexes={C,B,A,D,E},
+ batch spacing=1.0,
+ batch labels={%
+ $\alpha$,
+ $\beta$,
+ $\gamma$,
+ $\delta$,
+ $\epsilon$
+ },
+ col sep=tab,
+ dataset size=2pt,
+ dataset mark=diamond*,
+ dataset fill=blue!50!white,
+ dataset fill opacity=1.0,
+ ]{example.dat}
+\subsection{Complete Interface}
+Then the data will be plotted using the complete interface, resulting
+in figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ averages,
+ reverse axis,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=-4,xmax=6,
+ ymin=0.7,ymax=7,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ ylabel={Groups},
+ xlabel={Some property},
+ ylabel style={
+ yshift = {2*width("a")}
+ },
+ xmajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=C,
+ relative position=1,
+ color=blue!0!black,
+ label={$\alpha$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=B,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=blue!25!black,
+ label={$\beta$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ relative position=3,
+ color=blue!50!black,
+ label={$\gamma$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ kernel=parabolic,
+ samples=100,
+ bandwidth=0.4,
+ average mark=otimes*,
+ average size=2pt,
+ average fill=blue!70!black,
+ average fill opacity=0.7,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=D,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=blue!75!black,
+ label={$\delta$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=E,
+ relative position=5,
+ color=blue!100!black,
+ label={$\epsilon$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Violin plot --- horizontal example}
+ \label{graph:violin_horiz}
+Code for figure \ref{graph:violin_horiz}, using
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbghoriz,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=mintedbghoriz]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ averages,
+ reverse axis,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=-4,xmax=6,
+ ymin=0.7,ymax=7,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ ylabel={Groups},
+ xlabel={Some property},
+ ylabel style={
+ yshift = {2*width("a")}
+ },
+ xmajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=C,
+ relative position=1,
+ color=blue!0!black,
+ label={$\alpha$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=B,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=blue!25!black,
+ label={$\beta$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ relative position=3,
+ color=blue!50!black,
+ label={$\gamma$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ kernel=parabolic,
+ samples=100,
+ bandwidth=0.4,
+ average mark=otimes*,
+ average size=2pt,
+ average fill=blue!70!black,
+ average fill opacity=0.7,
+ ]{example.dat};
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=D,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=blue!75!black,
+ label={$\delta$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=E,
+ relative position=5,
+ color=blue!100!black,
+ label={$\epsilon$},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+\subsection{Drawings and Annotations}
+As everything happens inside a \texttt{tikzpicture} environment, drawings
+and annotations are straightforward, as seen in figure \ref{graph:violin_annotations}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ averages,
+ data points,
+ ]{
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-2,ymax=5,
+ xlabel = {Bandwidth choice},
+ ylabel = {Some property},
+ title={Problems with Different Distributions},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-3*height("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ relative position=1,
+ color=green!33!black,
+ label={Estimated bandwidth},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ bandwidth=0.1,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=green!12!black,
+ label={Smaller bandwidth},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-2,ymax=5,
+ ]
+ \draw[-{Stealth}] (axis cs: 1.75,0.45) %
+ .. controls (axis cs:1.75,0.85) and %
+ (axis cs:3.9,0.5) .. (axis cs: 3.9,1.05);
+ \draw[decoration={raise=2pt,text along path, text=%
+ {|\tiny| Better bandwidth}, text align={center}}, %
+ decorate] %
+ (axis cs: 1.75,0.45) %
+ .. controls (axis cs:1.75,0.85) and %
+ (axis cs:3.9,0.5) .. (axis cs: 3.9,1.05);
+ \draw[-{Stealth}] %
+ (axis cs: 1.5,0.45) .. controls (axis cs:1.5,0.85) %
+ and (axis cs:1.25,1.1) .. (axis cs: 1.25,1.5) .. %
+ controls (axis cs:1.25,1.9) and (axis cs:1.35,1.9) %
+ .. (axis cs:1.35,2.6);
+ \draw[decoration={raise=2pt,text along path, text=%
+ {|\tiny|Very oversmoothed}, text align={center}}, %
+ decorate] %
+ (axis cs: 1.35,2.6) .. controls (axis cs:1.35,1.9) %
+ and (axis cs:1.25,1.9) .. (axis cs: 1.25,1.5) .. %
+ controls (axis cs:1.25,1.1) and (axis cs:1.5,0.85) %
+ .. (axis cs:1.5,0.45);
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Annotations in a plot}
+ \label{graph:violin_annotations}
+Figure \ref{graph:violin_annotations} is compiled from the code excerpt below.
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbgannot,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=mintedbgannot]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ averages,
+ data points,
+ ]{
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-2,ymax=5,
+ xlabel = {Bandwidth choice},
+ ylabel = {Some property},
+ title={Problems with Different %
+ Distributions},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-3*height("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ relative position=1,
+ color=green!33!black,
+ label={Estimated bandwidth},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=A,
+ bandwidth=0.1,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=green!12!black,
+ label={Smaller bandwidth},
+ col sep=tab,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=0,xmax=6,
+ ymin=-2,ymax=5,
+ ]
+ \draw[-{Stealth}] (axis cs: 1.75,0.45) %
+ .. controls (axis cs:1.75,0.85) and %
+ (axis cs:3.9,0.5) .. (axis cs: 3.9,1.05);
+ \draw[decoration={raise=2pt,text along path,%
+ text={|\tiny| Better bandwidth}, %
+ text align={center}}, decorate] %
+ (axis cs: 1.75,0.45) %
+ .. controls (axis cs:1.75,0.85) and %
+ (axis cs:3.9,0.5) .. (axis cs: 3.9,1.05);
+ \draw[-{Stealth}] %
+ (axis cs: 1.5,0.45) .. controls %
+ (axis cs:1.5,0.85) and (axis cs:1.25,1.1) %
+ .. (axis cs: 1.25,1.5) .. controls %
+ (axis cs:1.25,1.9) and (axis cs:1.35,1.9) %
+ .. (axis cs:1.35,2.6);
+ \draw[decoration={raise=2pt,text along path, %
+ text={|\tiny|Very oversmoothed}, %
+ text align={center}}, decorate] %
+ (axis cs: 1.35,2.6) .. controls %
+ (axis cs:1.35,1.9) and (axis cs:1.25,1.9) %
+ .. (axis cs: 1.25,1.5) .. %
+ controls (axis cs:1.25,1.1) and %
+ (axis cs:1.5,0.85) .. (axis cs:1.5,0.45);
+ \end{axis}
+\subsection{Standalone Kernel Density Estimation}
+Plotting only one dataset and choosing adequate plot limits, one
+may obtain a simple representation of a kernel density estimation.
+This can be seen in figure \ref{graph:kde_standalone}, obtained from the
+code excerpt below.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ reverse axis,
+ data points,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=3.3,xmax=4,
+ ymin=-1,ymax=12,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ ylabel={$p(x)$},
+ xlabel={$x$},
+ xmajorgrids=true,
+ ymajorticks=true,
+ ytick={0.0,2.5,5,7.5,10},
+ yticklabels={0.0,2.5,5,7.5,10},
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=C,
+ relative position=0,
+ color=red!30!black,
+ label={},
+ col sep=tab,
+ dataset size=5pt,
+ dataset color=red!10!black,
+ dataset mark=*,
+ dataset fill=red!90!black,
+ dataset fill opacity=0.2,
+ ]{example.dat}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Standalone kernel density estimation example}
+ \label{graph:kde_standalone}
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbgstand,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=mintedbgstand]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ reverse axis,
+ data points,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=3.3,xmax=4,
+ ymin=-1,ymax=12,
+ title={Plotting Some Data},
+ ylabel={$p(x)$},
+ xlabel={$x$},
+ xmajorgrids=true,
+ ymajorticks=true,
+ ytick={0.0,2.5,5,7.5,10},
+ yticklabels={0.0,2.5,5,7.5,10},
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=C,
+ relative position=0,
+ color=red!30!black,
+ label={},
+ col sep=tab,
+ dataset size=5pt,
+ dataset color=red!10!black,
+ dataset mark=*,
+ dataset fill=red!90!black,
+ dataset fill opacity=0.2,
+ ]{example.dat}
+\subsection{Asymmetrical Violin Plots --- Real World Data}
+Using the key \texttt{invert=true} in the options of
+\texttt{\textbackslash violinplot} one can plot two different sets of data side
+by side, in an asymmetrical violin plot. This can be seen in figure
+\ref{graph:asymmetrical}, that exhibits the male and female life expectancy at
+birth, in 2019, for several countries, segregated in the WHO regions.\footnote{
+ \url{}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ scaled,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=0.8,xmax=13.2,
+ ymin=30,ymax=100,
+ title={Life Expectancy Per WHO Region},
+ xlabel={WHO Region},
+ ylabel={Life Expectancy in Years},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-3*width("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={Africa},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{AFR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{AFR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={Middle-East},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{EMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{EMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=6,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={Pacific},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{WPR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=6,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{WPR.csv};
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=8,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={SE. Asia},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{SEAR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=8,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{SEAR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=10,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={Americas},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{AMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=10,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{AMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=12,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={Europe},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{EUR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=12,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{EUR.csv}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=0.8,xmax=13.2,
+ ymin=30,ymax=100,
+ ]
+ \draw(axis cs:2,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:2,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:4,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:4,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:6,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:6,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:8,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:8,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:10,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:10,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:12,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:12,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Example of asymmetrical plot}
+ \label{graph:asymmetrical}
+The code for figure \ref{graph:asymmetrical} is avaliable below:
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=cyan!10!white,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=cyan!10!white]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ no mirror,
+ scaled,
+ ]{%
+ xmin=0,xmax=14,
+ ymin=30,ymax=100,
+ title={Life Expectancy Per WHO Region},
+ xlabel={WHO Region},
+ ylabel={Life Expectancy in Years},
+ xlabel style={
+ yshift = {-3*width("a")}
+ },
+ ymajorgrids=true,
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={AFR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{AFR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=2,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{AFR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={EMR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{EMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=4,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{EMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=6,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={WPR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{WPR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=6,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{WPR.csv};
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=8,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={SEAR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{SEAR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=8,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{SEAR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=10,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={AMR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{AMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=10,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{AMR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthMale,
+ relative position=12,
+ color=malecolor,
+ label={EUR},
+ col sep=comma,
+ invert=true
+ ]{EUR.csv}
+ \violinplot[%
+ index=LifeExpectancyAtBirthFemale,
+ relative position=12,
+ color=femalecolor,
+ label={},
+ col sep=comma,
+ ]{EUR.csv}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=0,xmax=14,
+ ymin=30,ymax=100,
+ ]
+ \draw(axis cs:2,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:2,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:4,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:4,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:6,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:6,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:8,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:8,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:10,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:10,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \draw(axis cs:12,35) node[anchor=east] {\male};
+ \draw(axis cs:12,35) node[anchor=west] {\female};
+ \end{axis}
+As the math is handled through \TeX, generating the kernel distribution
+estimations is a slow process; therefore, if possible, the number of samples
+should not be very large. Also, each value should not, itself, be too large,
+to avoid ``dimension too large'' errors. In this case, the data should be scaled
+and the tick labels manually corrected.
+As each violin plot is rendered in a different \texttt{axis} environment,
+the positions of the axes' labels are not, usually, correct. One should
+set it manually. In the examples, this was accomplished setting the
+vertical/horizontal shift to twice the height of a letter, in the direction
+opposite to the appropriate axis. This approach also leads to another problem:
+using the keys ``height'' or ``width'' won't rescale the plot; one might use,
+before and after the code for the figure, \texttt{\textbackslash pgfplotsset},
+as shown below:
+ escapeinside=||,
+ frame=single,
+ rulecolor=mintedbgplotsset,
+ framesep=10pt,
+ tabsize=4,
+ bgcolor=mintedbgplotsset]{latex}
+ \violinsetoptions[
+ |\textit{options for \texttt{tikzviolinplots}}|
+ ]{
+ |\textit{\texttt{pgfplots} options}|
+ }
+ \violinplot[%
+ |\textit{options for data points}|
+ ]{|\textit{filename}|}
+ |...|
+For the same reason, the options \texttt{xmin}, \texttt{ymin}, \texttt{xmax}
+and \texttt{ymax} are required; no automatic placement is performed.