path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus/tikzpingus-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus/tikzpingus-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 4879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus/tikzpingus-doc.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus/tikzpingus-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0eede4d9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus/tikzpingus-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4879 @@
+% Florian Sihler, 2022
+% Licensed under GNU General Public License version 3
+% \definecolor{doc-main}{RGB}{204,0,25}
+\makeindex[title={Key Overview},columns=2,columnsep=.75cm,noautomatic=true,options=-s]
+ \refstepcounter{BackrefHyperFootnoteCounter}%
+ \xdef\BackrefFootnoteTag{bhfn:\theBackrefHyperFootnoteCounter}%
+ \label{\BackrefFootnoteTag}%
+ \BHFN@Old@footnotemark
+\setlist[inlist]{itemjoin={{, }},itemjoin*={{, and }},label=$\roman*$),mode=boxed}
+\def\MapDTLList#1{\ifcsname ListnameOf#1\endcsname\csname ListnameOf#1\endcsname\else#1\fi}
+\def\ListnameOfbodytype{body type}
+% TODO: do guard against same keys for different selectors
+\long\def\ParseDTLListElement#1"#2"\@nil{\textsuperscript{\smash{\raisebox{2pt}{\ifcsname pingu@@lib@#2@\CurrentList @\endcsname\index{Libraries!\textit{\csname pingu@@lib@#2@\CurrentList @\endcsname}!#2?\hyperref[expl-list:\CurrentList]{\protect\lpingu{#2} {\tiny\sffamily(\MapDTLList{\CurrentList})}}}~$\underset{\text{\tiny\smash{\raisebox{3pt}{\textsf{\hyperref[Libraries]{\color{gray}Library}}}}}}{\text{\textit{\tiny\strut\csname pingu@@lib@#2@\CurrentList @\endcsname}}}$\fi}}}}
+\def\DTLlistformatitem#1{\textit{#1\expandafter\ParseDTLListElement :#1\@nil}}
+\def\dotypesetselection#1{\label{expl-list:#1}\def\CurrentList{#1}\expandafter\DTLformatlist\expandafter{\csname @pingu@#1@\endcsname}\endgroup}
+ tabsize=2, breaklines,
+ basicstyle=\relsize{\lstfnsize}\ttfamily,
+ commentstyle={\@declaredcolor{gray}\slshape},
+ columns=fullflexible,
+ emphstyle=\slshape,
+ emphstyle=[2]\optstyle,
+ emphstyle=[3]\@declaredcolor{@softgray@b},
+ emphstyle=[4]\@declaredcolor{@darkerblue},
+ texcsstyle=*\@declaredcolor{gray}\bfseries,
+ texcsstyle=*[2]\@declaredcolor{doc-main}\bfseries,
+ texcsstyle=*[3]\@declaredcolor{@softgray},
+ lineskip=2.5pt,
+ keepspaces=true,
+ moredelim=[s][\itshape]{<}{>},
+ language={[LaTeX]TeX},
+ moreemph={tikzpicture},
+ alsoletter={@},
+ moretexcs=[2]{pingu@block,pingu@draw},
+ moretexcs={pingu@eye@shift,pingu@color@eye@left,pingu@color@eye@right,pingu@name,@pingu@eyes@s,@pingu@none}
+\lst@Key{add to literate}{}{\t@lst@addToLiterate{#1}}
+\let\lst@ifxliterate\iftrue % make literate a star literate
+ language={[LaTeX]TeX},
+ moreemph={tikzpicture},
+ alsoletter={.-!:0123456789},%disable number
+ deletetexcs={begin,end}, % -> lift 3
+ moretexcs=[2]{pingu,duck,node,pingudefaults,pingudefaultsappend,pinguloadlibrary,pinguloadlibraries},
+ moretexcs=[3]{begin,end,pgfmathsetseed},
+ moreemph=[3]{!hide,.style},
+ add to literate={/pingu/}{{\@declaredcolor{gray}/pingu/}}7
+ {\{tikzpicture\}}{{\@declaredcolor{@softgray}\{tikzpicture\}}}{13}
+ {\{\\number\\pdfrandomseed\}}{{\@declaredcolor{@softgray}\{\textbackslash number\textbackslash pdfrandomseed\}}}{23}
+ % otherwise these would interfere with random
+ {!random}{{\@declaredcolor{darkgray}\itshape!random}}7
+\def\@CreateCodeHyperLink#1#2#3{\lstset{add to literate={#2}{{\hyperref[#3]{\optstyle#2}}}{#1}}}
+% #1 Keys | #2 length (optimized)
+\def\CreateCodeHyperLink#1#2{% \StrLen{\@elem}[\@cclen]
+ \@for\@elem:=#1\do{\ifx\@elem\@empty\else
+ % space to space cmd % TODO: do this on store and just keep store?
+ \StrSubstitute{\@elem}{ }{\noexpand\ }[\@sub]\relax
+ \edef\@tmp{\noexpand\@CreateCodeHyperLink{#2}{\@sub}{pk:/pingu/\@elem}}\@tmp\fi}%
+% store all. we use their precalculated length to ensure prefixes we go from small to large on set
+\def\allcmdsmin{3}% think
+ \pgfkeys{/pingu/.cd,defaults}% this way we have active defaults
+ \foreach \i in {\allcmdsmin,...,\allcmdsmax} {%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\cmdsstore{\i}{\csuse{allcmds@\i}}}%
+ }%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{%
+ \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\allcmdsmin{\allcmdsmin}%
+ \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\allcmdsmax{\allcmdsmax}%
+ \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\pengu@all@showcases{\pengu@all@showcases}%
+ }%
+\pingu[body=pingu@main!30!white,bill color=pingu@yellow!30!white,feet color=pingu@yellow!30!white,eyes color=pingu@black!30!white,name=pingu,#1#2]
+\node[below=3mm] at(pingu-bottom-center) {\strut}; % buffer
+\node[below=3mm,fill=white,fill opacity=.52,text opacity=1,rounded corners=1pt] at(pingu-bottom-center) {\textsf{\strut\smash{#1}}};
+ \parbox[b][\pingu@showcase@height]{.14\linewidth}{\centering\ifx!#2!\def\Arg{}\else\def\Arg{=#2}\fi\edef\MakeShowcase{\noexpand\RawShowcase{#1}{\Arg}}~\clap{\MakeShowcase}~}%
+% we mix them somewhat funny
+\def\@toggle@showcase{\ifx\@showcase@cur\@showcase@pre\global\let\@showcase@cur\@empty\else \global\let\@showcase@cur\@showcase@pre\fi}
+\newcommand\ShowcaseThis[2][]{\ifx\@showcase@cur\@showcase@pre \global\let\@showcase@cur\@empty\expandafter\gpreto\else \global\let\@showcase@cur\@showcase@pre\expandafter\gappto\fi\pengu@all@showcases{{#2=#1},}}
+ colframe=gray,enhanced,breakable, arc=2mm,
+ fonttitle=\bfseries, sidebyside,
+ boxrule=.35mm,listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang},
+ center lower,segmentation at break=false,
+ righthand width=4.75cm, bottom=0pt, top=0pt,boxsep=2.25pt,
+ before lower app={}, colback=white
+% allow the oxes to have minor overlaps
+ \parskip\smallskipamount
+ \StrSubstitute{#2}{ }{-}[\keyexternalname]%
+ \tcbset{@/.style={externalize listing=key-\keyexternalname}}% set for externalize
+ \phantomsection\label{pk:#1#2}\index{\cursub#2?\hyperref[pk:#1#2]{\protect\lpingu{#2}}}%
+ % get its length:
+ \StrLen{#2}[\@cclen]%
+ \csgappto{allcmds@\@cclen}{#2,}%
+ % update the range
+ \ifnum\@cclen>\allcmdsmax\relax \xdef\allcmdsmax{\@cclen}\fi
+ \ifnum\@cclen<\allcmdsmin\relax \xdef\allcmdsmin{\@cclen}\fi
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname pinguopt#2\endcsname{#3}%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname pingudefa#2\endcsname{#4}%
+ \begingroup\pgfkeys{/pingu/.cd,defaults}\protected@edef\@tmp{#4}%
+ \protected@edef\@tmpb{#3}%
+ \hspace*{-\keyexplainindent}\tcbox[left=3pt,right=3pt,top=3pt,bottom=3pt,colframe=white,colback=\explaincolor,on line]{%
+ \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep+\keyexplainindent}{\small
+ \ifx\@tmpb\@empty\lpingu{#1#2}\else\lpingu{#1#2 =\ }\texttt{<\textit{\@tmpb}>}\fi\hfill
+ \ifx\@tmp\@empty\else{\@declaredcolor{gray}(}#4{\@declaredcolor{gray})}\fi
+ }
+ }\ifcsname pingu@@lib@#2@\endcsname\index{Libraries!\textit{\csname pingu@@lib@#2@\endcsname}!#2?\hyperref[pk:#1#2]{\protect\lpingu{#2}}}\rlap{~\quad\raisebox{2.75pt}{$\underset{\text{\tiny\smash{\raisebox{3pt}{\textsf{\hyperref[Libraries]{\color{gray}Library}}}}}}{\text{\textit{\footnotesize\strut\csname pingu@@lib@#2@\endcsname}}}$}}\fi\par\endgroup
+\def\singleshortcut#1#2"#3"#4{\def\cursub{#2?\hyperref[pk:#1#2]{\protect\lpingu{#2}}!}\keyexplain[#1]{#2 #3}{\csname pinguopt#4\endcsname}{\csname pingudefa#4\endcsname}%
+ \textcolor{gray}{\footnotesize This is a shortcut for: \texttt{\keyref[#1]{#2}\relsize{-1}{\ =\ {\optstyle#3}}}. The \enquote{\texttt{\textit{\csname pinguopt#4\endcsname}}} argument is passed to \keyref[#1]{#4}.}
+\foreach \type in \@tmp {%
+ {\@declaredcolor{gray}\footnotesize This command is only in effect if \keyref[#1]{#2} is active.}\par
+\keyexplain[#1]{#2}{\csname pinguopt#3\endcsname}{\csname pingudefa#3\endcsname}%
+ {\@declaredcolor{gray}\footnotesize This is an alias for \keyref[#1]{#3}.}%
+\keyexplain[#1]{#2}{\csname pinguopt#3\endcsname}{\csname pingudefa#3\endcsname}%
+ {\@declaredcolor{gray}\footnotesize This is an alias for \keyref[#1]{#3}.}%
+\def\lib#1{\tikz[baseline=-.6ex]\node[draw=teal,fill=teal!3!white,very thick,rounded corners=2pt,inner ysep=0pt]{\sffamily\strut#1};}
+\def\tikzpingus{\TikZ pingus}
+\tcbEXTERNALIZE % we do not need the other configurations in the externalized images :D
+% this should not happen in the external images
+% we do not use foreach to avoid groups
+ \edef\i{\number\count@}\relax
+ \ifcsname allcmds@\i\endcsname
+ \edef\allcmds{\csname allcmds@\i\endcsname}% if undefined => empty
+ \expandafter\CreateCodeHyperLink\expandafter{\allcmds}{\i}%
+ \csxdef{allcmds@\i}{}%
+ \fi% csx kill to stop infinite
+ \global\advance\count@\@ne
+\begingroup\parskip\z@ \parindent\z@
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>5 \global\@tempcnta\@ne\par\fi
+ \ifx\@elem\@empty\else
+ % space to space cmd
+ \edef\@tmp{\noexpand\ShowcasePengu\@elem;}\hfill\@tmp\hfill
+\setbox0=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[body type=tilt-right,eyes wink,conical hat,cane right,bow tie=pingu@purple,left wing grab,cup=doc-main]}}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
+ \node[below left=1.5cm,rotate=-10] at (current page.north east) {\box0};
+\title{The \texorpdfstring{\tikzpingus}{tikzpingus} package}
+% \subtitle{Penguins with \TikZ}
+ \texorpdfstring{Florian Sihler\\*
+ \url{}
+ }{Florian Sihler}}
+\date{Version v1.0 \textendash\ 2022/08/24}
+\savebox\pinguboxA{\tikz{\pingu[wings raise,santa hat,eyes wink,bow tie=pingu@yellow]}}
+\savebox\pinguboxB{\tikz{\pingu[wings raise,head band,eyes angry,sunglasses,bow tie=doc-main,body type=chubby]}}
+ \node[text width=.95\linewidth, inner sep=11pt] (m) {%
+ For my slides at university, I started to use the famous \LaTeX-package \textsl{\href{}{tikzducks}} a few years ago.
+ Yet, it seemed somewhat of a necessity to extend the range of available \say{cute} animals in \LaTeX.
+ Therefore I started writing this package: \textsl{tikzpingus}.\footnotemark\medskip\\
+ \textit{Please note:} While tikzpingus is certainly inspired by tikzducks, it does offer a different set of features (e.g., multiple wing positions,~\ldots).\medskip\\
+ I would be happy for any feedback or issues on the \href{}{tikzpingus}-GitHub.
+ };
+ \node[below,xshift=1.1cm,yshift=19.5pt,scale=.4] at(m.south west) {\usebox\pinguboxA};
+ \node[below,xshift=-1cm,yshift=13.5pt,scale=.4] at(m.south east) {\usebox\pinguboxB};
+ \draw[rounded corners,gray,fill=white] (m.north west) -- (m.north east) -- (m.south east) -- ++(-.45cm,0) to[bend right=40] ++(-1.2cm,0) -- ([xshift=1.65cm]m.south west) to[bend right=40] ++(-1.2cm,0) -- ++(-.45cm,0) -- cycle;
+ \endpgfonlayer
+ \node[above=3mm,font=\bfseries\sffamily\Large] at(current bounding box.north) {Motivation};
+\footnotetext{Why \say{pingu} and not \say{pengu}? Well, this is the third try on achieving cute penguins without using any templates or vector formats as a basis. As a german, the short form \say{pingu} was merely a typo that originated from the german word \say{pinguin} for \say{penguin}. It somewhat sticked\ldots}
+ \newsavebox\pinguA \newsavebox\pinguB \newsavebox\pinguC \newsavebox\pinguD \newsavebox\pinguE \newsavebox\pinguF \newsavebox\pinguG
+ \def\Table#1(#2)#3{\scope[shift={(#2)},xshift=1.75cm,yshift=1.75cm]\pingu[#1]\endscope\pgfonlayer{foreground}\draw[lightgray,line width=6pt,rounded corners=2pt,line cap=round](#2) |- ++(4.5,1.35) -- ++(0,-1.35);\fill[draw=lightgray,fill=white,line width=3pt,rounded corners=2pt] (#2)++(3pt-1.5pt,-3pt+1.5pt+2mm) rectangle ++(1.15,1.15) node[midway,centered]{\Large$\mathsf{#3}$};\endpgfonlayer}%
+ \setbox\pinguA=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[santa hat,santa beard,eyes vertical,blush]}}%
+ \setbox\pinguB=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[:back,right wing wave,rook=pingu@silver!80!white,rook hatch=false]}}%
+\Table{right wing wave,horse right,crown, eyes wink, crown position={1:(-.1cm,-.255cm){1.33}}}(2.5,3.5){\text{\sffamily f}(x)}
+\Table{right wing wave,eyes wink,shirt=gray,tie,blush}(0,0)+
+\Table{right wing wave,eyes vertical,cloak=gray,body type=legacy,cup,left wing grab,blush}(5,0)*
+\Table{right wing wave,left wing shock,eyes shock,halo,heart=gray!40!pingu@white}(-2.5,-4)\div
+\Table{right wing wave,cake-hat,eyes wink,flag right}(2.5,-4)\ln
+\node[scale=.125,circle,fill=white] at (a) {\rotatebox{13}{\copy\pinguA}}; % a sets flag core
+\Table{right wing wave,vr-headset,vr-headset hair}(7.5,-4)\bmod
+ \node[scale=2] at([yshift=-3.45cm]current bounding box.south) {\copy\pinguB};
+% todo: regroup that
+ \pingu[wings wave,name=pingu,eyes wink,body type=legacy,eye patch right]
+ \draw[line cap=round,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] (pingu-wing-right-tip) circle[radius=2mm];
+ \draw[line cap=round,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] (pingu-head-back-con-left) circle[radius=3mm];
+ \draw[line cap=round,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] (pingu-waist-right) circle[radius=4mm];
+ \draw[line cap=round,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] (pingu-foot-left) circle[radius=3.5mm];
+ \draw[line cap=round,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] (pingu-head) circle[radius=2.5mm];
+ \draw[line cap=round,-Kite,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] ([xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm]pingu-wing-left-tip) to[bend left] ++(3mm,-1cm);
+ \draw[line cap=round,Kite-Kite,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] ([xshift=4mm]pingu-foot-left) -- ++(1cm,0);
+ \draw[line cap=round,Kite-Kite,lightgray,line width=1.5pt] ([yshift=-1.75cm]pingu-head-top)++(60:1.75cm and 2cm) arc(60:120:1.75cm and 2cm);
+\setbox\whitepingu=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[@block/.style={fill=pingu@white,draw=pingu@white},wings wave]}}
+ \pingu[wings wave,:line,name=pingu]
+ \path[line width=1.5pt] (pingu-wing-right-tip) circle[radius=2mm];
+\setbox\pinguC=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[eyes shiny,hat, hat position={1:(0cm,-.09cm){1.33}}]}}%
+\setbox\pinguD=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[eyes shiny,lightsaber right=pingu@purple,hat, hat position={1:(0cm,-.09cm){1.33}},right item angle=-13,medal]}}%
+\setbox\pinguE=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[eyes shiny,hat,cane left, hat position={1:(0cm,-.09cm){1.33}},left item angle=-13,tie,tie dots]}}%
+\setbox\pinguF=\hbox{\tikz{\pingu[eyes shiny,hat,cane left, hat position={1:(0cm,-.09cm){1.33}},left item angle=-13,shirt=gray,second shirt,bill=flat,tie,tie dots]}}%
+ \node[scale=2] (a) at(0,0) {\copy\pinguA};
+ \node[above=1.5cm,scale=2] at(a.north) {\small\copy\pinguB};
+ \node[right] (x) at(7.5,8) {\copy\pinguC};
+ \node[below right=1cm](e) at(x.south) {\copy\pinguE};
+ \node[below left=1cm] (d) at(x.south) {\copy\pinguD};
+ \node[below=1cm] (f) at(e.south) {\copy\pinguF};
+ \node[above left=1cm] (g) at(x.north) {\copy\pinguG};
+ \draw[lightgray,line width=3pt,{Triangle[round,open,fill=white,scale=1.42]}-] (g) -- (x);
+ \draw[lightgray,line width=3pt,{Triangle[round,open,fill=white,scale=1.42]}-] (x) -- (e);
+ \draw[lightgray,line width=3pt,{Triangle[round,open,fill=white,scale=1.42]}-] (x) -- (d);
+ \draw[lightgray,line width=3pt,{Triangle[round,open,fill=white,scale=1.42]}-] (e) -- (f);
+As this package is constantly work in progress, the concrete dependencies may change any time.
+At the moment, it loads \href{}{\TikZ}, which loads a lot of other packages (e.g. \href{}{xcolor}), and \href{}{etoolbox}.
+Furthermore, the following \TikZ-Libraries are in use:\footnote{A lot of the libraries loaded are important only for specific extras. I plan on cleaning them up.} \textit{intersections}, \textit{shadings}, \textit{patterns.meta}, \textit{decorations.pathmorphing}, and \textit{shapes.symbols}.
+Copyright \textcopyright\ \textit{Florian Sihler}. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and\slash or modify this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version~3.0 (to be found online at: \url{}).
+The shown example penguins are purely fictional characters, any resemblance to real penguins or real persons is purely coincidental and no copyright infringement is intended.
+If you just want a penguin, import the package and start with the following:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={One small penguin},externalize listing=small-pengu}
+ \pingu
+There are \textit{a lot} of configuration-options which can be passed as an optional argument via the known |<key>=<value>|-style. See \autoref{Gadget-Overview} for a complete gadget overview.
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Happy penguin with cup!},externalize listing=happy-cup}
+ \pingu[left wing wave, right wing grab,
+ eyes shiny, cup]
+Please note, that \say{left} and \say{right} have been chosen from the penguin-perspective.
+\clearpage Besides the keys defined by this package, you can use the keys of \TikZ\ and |pgf| as well (the duck was generated by the lovely \href{}{tikzducks} package):
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={The Reunion},externalize listing=pengu-duck}
+ \duck
+ \pingu[xshift=2.8cm, yshift=14mm,
+ eyes wink]
+\subsection{Using the Coordinates}
+\label{mrk:coordinates}While there are a lot of gadgets available already,
+every penguin is accompanied by \textit{several} adaptive coordinates
+to place custom items, texts,~\ldots\ % TODO: links
+They can be visualized by the \keyref{meta-dots} option.
+Furthermore, some extras create further coordinates themselves!
+All coordinates are available with |<pingu-name>-<coordinate>|.
+While the default name of a penguin is \say{pingu}, it can be
+changed with the name option:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Lotta dots},externalize listing=dotted-pengu}
+ \pingu[meta dots,left wing wave,
+ right wing grab, name=paula]
+ \node at (paula-belly-center) {X};
+ \node at (paula-foot-left) {Foot};
+Lets look at those coordinates in more detail (all labels are to be prefixed by |<pingu-name>-|):
+ \scope
+ \path[clip] (.25,-1.25) rectangle (-1.1,.7);
+ \pgfonlayer{foreground}\path[clip] (.25,-1.25) rectangle (-1.1,.7);\endpgfonlayer
+ \pingu[@block/.append style={fill=#1!35!white},wings hug,eyes shiny,heart=gray!30!white,feet=none]
+ \path[draw,pink,thick] (pingu-wing-right-start) -- (pingu-wing-right);
+ \endscope
+ \foreach \c/\a/\n in {wing-right/left/.75mm,wing-right-low/left/.75mm,wing-right-up/above/.75mm,wing-right-start-low/below left/1.75mm,wing-right-start-up/above left/.75mm} {
+ \path[fill=teal] (pingu-\c) circle [radius=1.125pt];
+ \node[\a=\n,font=\ttfamily,scale=.35,inner sep=2.5pt] (expl-\c) at (pingu-\c) {\c};
+ \draw[teal,thin] (expl-\c) -- (pingu-\c);
+ }
+ \scope
+ \path[clip] (\pingu@w@half*2-.25cm,-1.25) rectangle ++(1.25,1.95);
+ \pgfonlayer{foreground}\path[clip] (\pingu@w@half*2-.25cm,-1.25) rectangle ++(1.25,1.95);\endpgfonlayer
+ \pingu[@block/.append style={fill=#1!35!white}, wings wave,eyes shiny,heart=gray!30!white,feet=none]
+ \path[draw,pink,thick] (pingu-wing-left-start) -- (pingu-wing-left);
+ \endscope
+ \foreach \c/\a/\n in {wing-left/right/.75mm,wing-left-low/below right/.75mm,wing-left-up/above/.75mm,wing-left-start-low/below right/1.25mm,wing-left-start-up/below right/1.5mm} {
+ \path[fill=teal] (pingu-\c) circle [radius=1.125pt];
+ \node[\a=\n,font=\ttfamily,scale=.35,inner sep=1.5pt] (expl-\c) at (pingu-\c) {\c};
+ \draw[teal,thin] (expl-\c) -- (pingu-\c);
+ }
+ \pingu[@block/.append style={fill=##1!35!white}, wings wave,eyes shiny,heart=gray!30!white,#1]
+ \pgfonlayer{foreground}
+ \foreach \c/\a in {belly-center/above,head/below,head-top/above,foot-left/right,foot-right/left,eye-right/above left,eye-left/above right,bill/right,bill-bottom/below,wings-side-left/right,wings-side-right/left,wing-left-start/below right,wing-left-tip/right,wing-right-start/below left,wing-right-tip/left,head-right/left,head-left/right,head-center/below,head-back-con-left/above right,head-back-con-right/above left,bottom-center/above,waist-left/right,waist-right/left} {
+ \path[fill=green] (pingu-\c) circle [radius=1.125pt];
+ \node[\a=.5mm,font=\ttfamily,scale=.35,inner sep=1.5pt] (expl-\c) at (pingu-\c) {\c};
+ \draw[green,thin] (expl-\c) -- (pingu-\c);
+ }
+ \endpgfonlayer
+ \edef\measurepage{\the\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal-2\baselineskip\relax}%
+ \ifdim\measurepage<4\baselineskip\clearpage\edef\measurepage{\the\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal-2\baselineskip\relax}\fi
+ \resizebox*!{\measurepage}{%
+ \PinguCoords{}%
+ }
+\paragraph{The Wings}
+This view excluded a lot of special data collected on the wings!
+While there is more information stored for each wing, the following five coordinates are the most important to place items into penguins hand:\vspace*{-1.5em}
+ \null\hfill\parbox[c]{2.5\wd\pinguwingright}{\scalebox{2.5}{\usebox\pinguwingright}}\hfill\parbox[c]{4cm}{\centering\small\@declaredcolor{gray}\sffamily And yes, the wings are deliberately placed asymmetrical.\endgraf}\hfill
+ \parbox[c]{2.5\wd\pinguwingleft}{\scalebox{2.5}{\usebox\pinguwingleft}}\hfill\null
+\paragraph{The Body} Similarly to the wing position, different
+body types can change the coordinates (left the \keyref{body type} \textit{chubby} and right the \keyref{body type} \textit{legacy}):
+ \resizebox\linewidth!{%
+ \PinguCoords{body type=chubby,wings hug}\quad\PinguCoords{body type=legacy,wings hug}
+ }
+A lot of options allow for a color to be passed. In general, you can provide any color that \TikZ\ is happy with! Yet, there are some predefined pingu-colors shipped with this package:
+\def\parseRGB#1,#2,#3;{r:~\getCol{#1}, g:~\getCol{#2}, b:~\getCol{#3}}
+ \foreach \col in {main,black,silver,bronze,white,yellow,lightblue,blue,green,red,purple} {
+ \item[{\tikz[baseline=-.6ex]{\fill[pingu@\col,semithick,draw=black] circle (4pt);}}] \footnotesize\strut
+ % somehow outputs, therefore box
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\colorInfoRGB{pingu@\col}\xdef\colorValue{\colorValue}}\rlap{\smash{\raisebox{-2.9mm}{\sffamily\color{gray}\tiny\expandafter\parseRGB\colorValue;}}}%
+ \texttt{pingu@\col}%
+ }
+ \item[] \footnotesize\strut% buffer
+Furthermore, there is the special color {\makeatletter\say{\expandafter\ipingu\expandafter{\@pingu@none}}} which is available for most\footnote{Why just \say{most}? Well, this package is work in progress and I have added the option late, so I may have forgotten to patch some keys.} extras and wing-items. This color prohibits the compartments from being drawn. To be more precise, the package defines the macro \ltex{\\@pingu@none}, which is matched against the selected color.
+As an example, lets take a look at the \keyref{cup}-extra, which provides an additional key \keyref{cup straw} to color the straw:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Cup without a straw},externalize listing=extra-options}
+ \pingu[wings grab, cup=pingu@purple,
+ cup straw=pingu@blue]
+ \pingu[wings grab, cup, xshift=2.8cm,
+ cup straw=!hide]
+As you can see, using \lpingu{!hide}, the straw will not be drawn.
+\subsection{Setting the defaults}
+You do not have to re-state every key.
+With \lstinline[language=pingulang]'\pingudefaults' and \lstinline[language=pingulang]'\pingudefaultsappend' (similar, but extends the current options) you can set default-options for all penguins to come:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Change the mainstream},externalize listing=update-defaults}
+ \pingudefaults{wings grab, eyes shiny}
+ \pingu
+ \pingu[left wing shock, xshift=2.8cm]
+\label{Libraries}\index{Libraries}I've split the penguin features into a set of libraries. While all of them are loaded by default, the |bare| package-option disables the automatic loading of all libraries. They can be loaded (locally to the current group) using |\pinguloadlibrary| and |\pinguloadlibraries| passing on a comma separated list of desired libraries.
+See the full reference or the index to learn which key comes from which library.
+Please note that~--- at the moment~--- not all components of a library are labeled correctly.
+% TODO: already count that? % global let?
+\foreach[count=\i] \l/\xs in \pingu@defaultlibs{\xdef\pingu@defaultlibs@count{\i}}%
+Currently there are the following libraries:
+\foreach[count=\i] \l/\xs in \pingu@defaultlibs{%
+ \ifx\l\empty\else
+ \index{Libraries!\textit{\l}}\textit{\l}\ifnum\numexpr\pingu@defaultlibs@count-1>\i,\space\else
+ \ifnum\pingu@defaultlibs@count=\i\else,~and\space\fi\fi
+ \fi
+\subsection{Changing the wings}
+\label{subsec:wings}As already demonstrated, it is possible to change the wing positions!
+All selected wing-items will adapt to the wing-position (although not all wing-items will make sense with every wing-position).
+Currently, there are the following wing-positions:
+\typesetselection{leftwing}. \say{none} is a special wing-position: it omits the drawing of wings (teaser: every selection has a none-option, which prohibits the part from being drawn)!
+For each valid wing-position you can use |wings <position>| to change both wings or |left wing <position>| and |right wing <position>| to change only one wing respectively. The default wing-position is \say{normal}. If you supply multiple options for a wing, only the last one survives.\footnote{For the sake of completeness: \ipingu{wings <position>}, \ipingu{left wing <position>}, and \ipingu{right wing <position>} are just alternatives i prefer: \ipingu{wings=<position>}, \ipingu{left wing=<position>} and \ipingu{right wing=<position>}.}
+This is shown in Box~\say{\nameref{wing-showcase}}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside=false, title=Wing-Showcase,nameref=Wing-Showcase,externalize listing=wings-showcase,float,phantomlabel=wing-showcase}
+ \pingu[left wing none, heart=green]
+ \pingu[wings wave, heart=teal, xshift=3.5cm]
+ \pingu[wings hug, heart=orange, xshift=7cm]
+ \pingu[left wing grab, right wing shock, heart=purple, xshift=10.5cm]
+\subsection{Changing the eyes}
+\label{mrk:pengu-eye}Just like the wings, there are a couple of different eye-styles to choose from: \typesetselection{lefteye}.
+Similar to the wings, there is a \say{none} and a \say{normal}-option (which is the default).
+Furthermore, the convenient selectors |eyes <style>|, |left eye <style>|, and |right eye <style>| exist as well. All of this is showcased in~Box~\say{\nameref{eye-showcase}}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside=false,title=Eye-Showcase,nameref=Eye-Showcase,externalize listing=eyes-showcase,float,phantomlabel=eye-showcase}
+ \pingu[left eye none, heart=green]
+ \pingu[eyes wink, heart=teal, xshift=3.5cm]
+ \pingu[eyes shock, heart=orange, xshift=7cm]
+ \pingu[left eye devil, right eye angry, heart=purple, xshift=10.5cm]
+\subsection{Changing other components}
+\label{mrk:pengu-change-comps}Just like for the wings and the eyes, you can change the following body parts:
+ \itemsep0pt\relax
+ \item The \textit{body type} itself\\*
+ Select from: \typesetselection{bodytype}.
+ \item The \textit{feet} (again with separate left and right)\\*
+ Select from: \typesetselection{leftfoot}.
+ \item The \textit{bill} (does not have left and right, as there is just one)\\*
+ Select from: \typesetselection{bill}.
+ \item The \textit{hairstyle} (does not have left and right)\\*
+ Select from: \typesetselection{hairstyle}.
+For each selection, \say{none} will prohibit the drawing, and \say{normal} is the default chosen. See Box~\say{\nameref{bodyparts-showcase}} for a example.
+\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside=false,title=Bodyparts-Showcase,nameref=Bodyparts-Showcase,externalize listing=bodyparts-showcase,float,phantomlabel=bodyparts-showcase}
+ \pingu[bill angry, heart=green]
+ \pingu[feet back, hairstyle none, heart=teal, xshift=3.5cm]
+ \pingu[bill flat, feet simple, heart=orange, xshift=7cm]
+ \pingu[feet none, bill none, heart=purple, xshift=10.5cm]
+\subsection{Predefined Styles}
+While the penguin options offer the modification of basically every drawing routine (through other styles like |@block|), it is tedious to change them every time.
+So I have started to create some predefined styles, that do change some of the penguins appearance (and are completely new, so beware of bugs):
+ \itemsep0pt
+ \foreach \tx/\s in {{draw everything with a line}/{:line}, {fill main penguin}/{:fill}, {draw components with transparency}/{:ghost parts}, {draw all layers with transparency}/{:ghost}, {set main \say{devil}-components}/{:devil},{flip the penguin (swaps left \& right)}/{:back},{do not draw main pingu}/{:hide}} {
+ \item \parbox[t]{.8\linewidth}{\raggedright\texttt{\s}, \tx.} \hfill
+ \parbox[t]{.175\linewidth}{\scalebox{.4}{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=.35\baselineskip]%
+ \pingu[\s]
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ }}
+ }
+ \item[] \parbox[t][2.25\baselineskip]{0pt}{}% buffer
+Currently, only some of the styles do affect other items. As an example, consider |:line|, that changes the draw-style of wing-items and extras:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Line Penguin},externalize listing=line-pengu}
+ \pingu[:line, princess crown, silver medal]
+Each selection (like the wings or the eyes) can receive a special command \lpingu{!random}. If given, the penguin will receive a randomly picked component.
+Please note, that \textit{none} (the component removing it) will never be picked.
+The first line in the example in Box~\say{\nameref{random-penguin}} sets the seed. % we do not externalize this one
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Random Penguin},nameref={Random Penguin},label=random-penguin,float}
+ \pingu[wings=!random,eyes=!random,
+ body type=!random,
+ left foot=!random,
+ bill=!random,
+ hairstyle=!random]
+In a more general fashion, there is a \keyref{random from} key for completely random penguins.
+\keyexplain{random from}{list}{}
+ You can pass any list of penguin keys and exactly one of them will be selected. You can nest \keyref{random from}-calls. Please note, that the items are not separated by comma but in braces. The first line in the example sets the seed:% do not externalize
+ \pingu[random from={{eye patch left}{eye patch right}{halo,halo raise=4mm}},random from={{right eye color=pingu@blue}{random from={{bow tie}{gold medal}}}},random from={{eyes=!random}{wings=!random}},body type=legacy]
+An extra is considered everything, that is attached to the main penguin and not to the wings (as those items may be placed separately for both wings).
+Most extras are activated with the format |<extra>=<color>| (the |<color>| option is not mandatory)
+and try to adapt with other extras that have been placed (yet you can place multiple hats if you really like to). A lot of the extras do offer more keys to customize their appearance.
+They are explained in the full reference (\autoref{sec:full-ref}).
+Consider the somewhat overkill-example of \say{\nameref{lord-gadget}}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Lord-Gadget, the penguin},externalize listing=lord-gadget,nameref={Lord-Gadget, the penguin},label=lord-gadget,float}
+ \pingu[crown 2d=pingu@bronze,
+ medal=pingu@purple, tie,
+ eye patch left=teal,
+ eye patch right=orange,
+ right wing wave, sunglasses,
+ glow thick=yellow]
+Wing items are basically just like extras, but they can be selected separately for the left and right wing. Furthermore, they adapt their \textit{default} appearance to the active wing positions (\autoref{subsec:wings}).
+Currently there are the following wing items:
+% add a extra guard not present with the wing items
+\typesetselection[\textit{#1\expandafter\ParseDTLListElement :"#1"\@nil}]{wingitems}.
+They are selected using |<wing item> <left/right>|.
+Additionally, they can be customized by \keyref{left item angle} and \keyref{right item angle}, as well as \keyref{left item flip} and \keyref{right item flip}.
+Lets consider an example\ldots
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Penguin with full wings!}}
+ \pingu[lightsaber right=orange,
+ lollipop left,
+ right item angle=70,
+ right wing raise, left wing grab]
+ \pingu[cane left, right item flip,
+ sign post right={Hi!}, xshift=35mm]
+Clothing is the newest extension to the collection, at and the moment there is not one \say{real} clothing, that really adapts to the penguins-position.
+I am working on the \textit{cloak}-Clothing at the moment:
+\begin{tcblisting}{title={Pengu-Clothes},externalize listing=clothes}
+ \pingu[cloak]
+% \section{Examples}
+\section{Gadget Overview}\label{Gadget-Overview}
+\section{Full Reference}\label{sec:full-ref}
+ before lower={\begin{adjustbox}{scale=.\percenttargetreductionpengus}},
+ after lower={\end{adjustbox}},%
+ boxsep=1pt%
+ \textit{Please note, that all preview-penguins have been reduced in scale to \percenttargetreductionpengus\,\% to save space and make the documentation more concise.}
+Aliases may set custom defaults. Those defaults are not listed as they may change.
+\subsection{Penguin Keys}
+ Sets the name of the penguin. This name is used for all the automatically generated coordinates (see~\autoref{mrk:coordinates}).
+\keyexplain{scale}{floating point}{active scale}
+ Changes the scale for the penguin. This is not supported by all items by default (as some scales have to be re-calculated according to their rotation).
+ Yet, it should work with most.
+ Furthermore, this value can be used to make the penguin independent of the outer scaling.
+\keyexplain{meta-dots}{true/false}{\if@pingu@draw@metadots true\else false\fi}
+ Can be used to enable and disable the meta dots (\autoref{mrk:coordinates}).
+ Passed true by default.
+\keyalias{meta dots}{meta-dots}
+\subsubsection{The Feet}
+\keyexplain{left foot}{foot-selector}{\@pingu@select@leftfoot@}
+ Change the style of the left foot. All valid values are listed in \autoref{mrk:pengu-change-comps}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{simple}}}}
+ \pingu[left foot=simple]
+\keyexplain{left foot color}{color}{\pingu@color@foot@left}
+ \pingu[left foot color=green]
+\shortcuts{left foot}{\@pingu@leftfoot@}{left foot color}
+\keyexplain{right foot}{foot-selector}{\@pingu@select@rightfoot@}
+ Change the style of the right foot. All valid values are listed in \autoref{mrk:pengu-change-comps}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{simple}}}}
+ \pingu[right foot=simple]
+\keyexplain{right foot color}{color}{\pingu@color@foot@right}
+ \pingu[right foot color=green]
+\shortcuts{right foot}{\@pingu@rightfoot@}{right foot color}
+ Change the style of both feet by calling \keyref{left foot} and \keyref{right foot} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{simple}}}}
+ \pingu[feet=simple]
+\keyexplain{feet color}{color}{}
+ Sets the color of both feet (using \keyref{left foot color} and \keyref{right foot color}).
+ \pingu[feet color=green]
+\shortcuts{feet}{\@pingu@leftfoot@}{feet color}
+\subsubsection{The Body}
+\keyexplain{body main}{color}{\pingu@color@body@main}
+ Set the main color of the penguin. This will affect \keyref{hair} as well, as this chooses its default value from the main color.%
+ \pingu[body main=green]
+\keyexplain{body head}{color}{\pingu@color@body@head}
+ Set the color of the penguin head.%
+ \pingu[body head=green]
+ Sets the color of the main penguin and the head, by calling \keyref{body main} and \keyref{body head} with the same value.
+ \pingu[body=green]
+\keyexplain{body front}{color}{\pingu@color@body@front}
+ Sets the frontal color of the penguin.
+ \pingu[body front=green]
+\keyexplain{body type}{body type}{normal}
+ Change the active body type. All valid values are listed in \autoref{mrk:pengu-change-comps}:
+ \pingu[body type=legacy]
+\subsubsection{The Size}
+ Change the height of the penguin manually. You probably should not use this key directly and refer to \keyref{small size}, \keyref{normal size}, and \keyref{large size}:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang}}
+ \pingu[height=17mm]
+\keyexplain{small size}{}{}
+ Will use \keyref{height} to create a small pingu:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang}}
+ \pingu[small size]
+\keyalias{small}{small size}
+\keyalias{small height}{small size}
+\keyexplain{normal size}{}{}
+ Will use \keyref{height} to create a normal pingu:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang}}
+ \pingu[normal size]
+\keyalias{normal}{normal size}
+\keyalias{normal height}{normal size}
+\keyexplain{large size}{}{}
+ Will use \keyref{height} to create a large pingu:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang}}
+ \pingu[large size]
+\keyalias{large}{large size}
+\keyalias{large height}{large size}
+\subsubsection{The Eyes}
+\keyexplain{left eye}{eye-selector}{\@pingu@select@lefteye@}
+ Change the style of the left eye. All valid values are listed in \autoref{mrk:pengu-eye}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wink}}}}
+ \pingu[left eye=wink]
+\keyexplain{left eye color}{color}{\pingu@color@eye@left}
+ \pingu[left eye color=green]
+\keyexplain{left eye second color}{color}{\pingu@color@eye@second@left}
+ Change the secondary color of the left eye. It will be used in some styles selected by \keyref{left eye} (e.g. \textit{shiny}):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{shiny}}}}
+ \pingu[left eye=shiny,
+ left eye second color=green]
+\shortcuts{left eye}{\@pingu@lefteye@}{left eye color}
+\keyexplain{right eye}{eye-selector}{\@pingu@select@righteye@}
+ Change the style of the right eye. All valid values are listed in \autoref{mrk:pengu-eye}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wink}}}}
+ \pingu[right eye=wink]
+\keyexplain{right eye color}{color}{\pingu@color@eye@right}
+ \pingu[right eye color=green]
+\keyexplain{right eye second color}{color}{\pingu@color@eye@second@right}
+ Change the secondary color of the right eye. It will be used in some styles selected by \keyref{right eye} (e.g. \textit{shiny}):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{shock}}}}
+ \pingu[right eye=shock,
+ right eye second color=green]
+\shortcuts{right eye}{\@pingu@righteye@}{right eye color}
+ Change the style of both eyes by calling \keyref{left eye} and \keyref{right eye} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wink}}}}
+ \pingu[eyes=wink]
+\keyexplain{eyes color}{color}{}
+ Change the main color of both eyes by calling \keyref{left eye color} and \keyref{right eye color} with the same value.
+ \pingu[eyes color=green]
+\keyexplain{eyes second color}{color}{}
+ Change the secondary color of both eyes by calling \keyref{left eye second color} and \keyref{right eye second color} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{shock,shiny}}}}
+ \pingu[left eye=shock, right eye=shiny,
+ eyes second color=green]
+\shortcuts{eyes}{\@pingu@lefteye@}{eyes color}
+\subsubsection{The Wings}
+\keyexplain{left wing}{wing-selector}{\@pingu@select@leftwing@}
+ Change the style of the left wing. All valid values are listed in \autoref{subsec:wings}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wave}}}}
+ \pingu[left wing=wave]
+\keyexplain{left wing color}{color}{\pingu@color@left@wing}
+ \pingu[left wing color=green]
+\shortcuts{left wing}{\@pingu@leftwing@}{left wing color}
+\keyexplain{right wing}{wing-selector}{\@pingu@select@rightwing@}
+ Change the style of the right wing. All valid values are listed in \autoref{subsec:wings}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wave}}}}
+ \pingu[right wing=hug]
+\keyexplain{right wing color}{color}{\pingu@color@right@wing}
+ \pingu[right wing color=green]
+\shortcuts{right wing}{\@pingu@rightwing@}{right wing color}
+ Change the style of both wings by calling \keyref{left wing} and \keyref{right wing} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{wink}}}}
+ \pingu[wings=grab]
+\keyexplain{wings color}{color}{}
+ Change the main color of both wings by calling \keyref{left wing color} and \keyref{right wing color} with the same value.
+ \pingu[wings color=green]
+\shortcuts{wings}{\@pingu@leftwing@}{wings color}
+\subsubsection{The Hair}
+\keyexplain{hair 1 color}{color}{\pingu@color@hair@a}
+ Set the color of the first hair (this may be used differently by other hairstyles):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,moreemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[hair 1 color=green]
+\keyexplain{hair 2 color}{color}{\pingu@color@hair@b}
+ Set the color of the second hair (this may be used differently by other hairstyles):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,moreemph={[2]{2}}}}
+ \pingu[hair 2 color=green]
+\keyexplain{hair 3 color}{color}{\pingu@color@hair@c}
+ Set the color of the third hair (this may be used differently by other hairstyles):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,moreemph={[2]{3}}}}
+ \pingu[hair 3 color=green]
+\keyexplain{hair 4 color}{color}{\pingu@color@hair@d}
+ Set the color of the fourth hair (this may be used differently by other hairstyles):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,moreemph={[2]{4}}}}
+ \pingu[hair 4 color=green]
+\keyexplain{hair 5 color}{color}{\pingu@color@hair@e}
+ Set the color of the fifth hair (this may be used differently by other hairstyles):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,moreemph={[2]{5}}}}
+ \pingu[hair 5 color=green]
+\keyexplain{hairs color}{color}{}
+ Set the color of all hairs by calling \keyref{hair 1 color}, \keyref{hair 2 color}, \keyref{hair 3 color}, \keyref{hair 4 color}, and \keyref{hair 5 color} with the same argument:
+ \pingu[hairs color=green]
+\keyalias{hairs}{hairs color}
+\keyalias{hair}{hairs color}
+ Change the hairstyle (\autoref{mrk:pengu-change-comps}):
+ \pingu[hairstyle=none]
+\keyalias{hair style}{hairstyle}
+\shortcuts{hairstyle}{\@pingu@hairstyle@}{hairs color}
+\subsubsection{The Bill}
+ Change the style of the bill (\autoref{mrk:pengu-change-comps}):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{flat}}}}
+ \pingu[bill=flat]
+\keyexplain{bill color}{color}{\pingu@color@bill}
+ \pingu[bill color=green]
+\shortcuts{bill}{\@pingu@bill@}{bill color}
+\subsection{Drawing Styles}
+ Disable glows, shades and fills and enforce a line. This line will be darker
+ than the original fill color:
+ \pingu[:line]
+ Makes the whole penguin in one solid color (basically a shortcut for setting all main penguin colors to the same):
+ \pingu[:fill]
+\keyexplain{:ghost parts}{opacity}{.5}
+ Set the opacity of each penguin component individually. At the moment, this
+ excludes some glow calculations.
+ \pingu[:ghost parts]
+ Set the opacity of the complete penguin. At the moment, this
+ excludes some glow calculations.
+ \pingu[:ghost]
+ Enable all devil components (not the wing items) and set their main color:
+ \pingu[:devil=green]
+ Do not draw the main pingu:
+ \pingu[santa hat,:hide]
+ Mirror the penguin, this swaps left and right, the rotation and more.
+ Yet, at least at the time of writing, this does not swap the drawing order in each layer, but just the layers:
+ \pingu[:back, left wing wave,
+ cane left, left item angle=70]
+\subsubsection{The heart}
+ \pingu[heart=green]
+\subsubsection{The tie}
+ \pingu[tie]
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie knot}{color}{\pingu@color@tie@knot}
+ \pingu[tie, tie knot=orange]
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie length}{length}{\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\pingu@x@tie@length}}
+ \pingu[tie, tie length=1.25cm]
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie offset}{length}{\pingu@x@tie@offset}
+ Change the upper vertical offset of the tie:
+ \pingu[tie, tie offset=.75cm]
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie width}{length}{\pingu@x@tie@width}
+ \pingu[tie, tie width=.5cm]
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie pattern}{tex-code}{}
+ Change the tie pattern.
+\subkeyexplain{tie}{tie dots}{color}{pingu@white}
+ Change the \keyref{tie pattern} to dots:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pingu[tie, tie dots]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{tcblisting}
+\subsubsection{The bowtie}
+\showkeyexplain{bow tie}{color}{pingu@blue}
+ \pingu[bow tie]
+\keyalias{bowtie}{bow tie}
+\keyalias{bow-tie}{bow tie}
+\subkeyexplain{bow tie}{bow tie b}{color}{<bowtie-color>}
+ \pingu[bow tie, bow tie b=green]
+\subkeyalias{bowtie b}{bow tie b}{bow tie}
+\subkeyalias{bow-tie b}{bow tie b}{bow tie}
+\subkeyexplain{bow tie}{bow tie knot}{color}{\pingu@color@bowtie@knot}
+ \pingu[bow tie, bow tie knot=green]
+\subkeyalias{bowtie knot}{bow tie knot}{bow tie}
+\subkeyalias{bow-tie knot}{bow tie knot}{bow tie}
+\subkeyexplain{bow tie}{bow tie offset}{length}{\pingu@x@bowtie@offset}
+ \pingu[bow tie, bow tie offset=8mm]
+\subkeyalias{bowtie offset}{bow tie offset}{bow tie}
+\subkeyalias{bow-tie offset}{bow tie offset}{bow tie}
+\subsubsection{The cup}
+ \pingu[cup]
+\subkeyexplain{cup}{cup straw}{color}{\pingu@color@cup@straw}
+ \pingu[cup, cup straw=!hide]
+\subsubsection{The medal}
+ \pingu[medal]
+\subkeyexplain{medal}{medal band}{color}{\pingu@color@medal@band}
+ \pingu[medal, medal band=green]
+\subkeyexplain{medal}{medal shade}{color}{\pingu@color@medal@shade}
+Change the color of the outer medal ring:
+ \pingu[medal, medal shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{medal}{medal shade width}{length}{.75pt}
+Change the width of the outer medal ring:
+ \pingu[medal, medal shade=green,
+ medal shade width=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{medal}{medal text}{text}{\pingu@x@medal@text}
+Set the text displayed in the medal. The style can be changed by
+updating the substyle \texttt{medal text style}.
+ \pingu[medal, medal text=XY,
+ medal text style/.style={black}]
+\keyexplain{gold medal}{text}{1}
+Basically the same as the normal medal. This will activate \keyref{medal}:
+ \pingu[gold medal]
+\keyexplain{silver medal}{text}{2}
+Basically the same as the normal medal, but with a silver color. This will activate \keyref{medal}:
+ \pingu[silver medal]
+\keyexplain{bronze medal}{text}{3}
+Basically the same as the normal medal, but with a bronze color. This will activate \keyref{medal}:
+ \pingu[bronze medal]
+\subsubsection{The eye patches}
+\showkeyexplain{eye patch left}{color}{<pingu-main-color>}(pingu@main)
+ \pingu[eye patch left]
+\keyalias{eyepatch left}{eye patch left}
+\keyalias{eye-patch left}{eye patch left}
+\showkeyexplain{eye patch right}{color}{<pingu-main-color>}(pingu@main)
+ \pingu[eye patch right]
+\keyalias{eyepatch right}{eye patch right}
+\keyalias{eye-patch right}{eye patch right}
+\subsubsection{The monocle}
+\showkeyexplain{monocle left}{color}{pingu@black}(pingu@black)
+ \pingu[monocle left]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle left}{monocle left glass}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleleft@glass}
+Set the color of the glass of the left monocle. The opacity of this color is set by \keyref{monocle left opacity}.
+ \pingu[monocle left,
+ monocle left glass=green]
+\subkeyalias{monocle left fill}{monocle left glass}{monocle left}
+\subkeyexplain{monocle left}{monocle left opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@monocleleft@opacity}
+Set the opacity of the glass color of the left monocle (set by \keyref{monocle left glass}):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[monocle left,
+ monocle left opacity=1]
+\subkeyalias{monocle left fill opacity}{monocle left opacity}{monocle left}
+\subkeyexplain{monocle left}{monocle left string}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleleft@string}
+Set the color of the string of the left monocle:
+ \pingu[monocle left,
+ monocle left string=green]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle left}{monocle left string length}{length}{\pingu@x@monocleleft@string@l}
+ \pingu[monocle left,
+ monocle left string length=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle left}{monocle left blob}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleleft@blob}
+Set the color of the blob at the end of the string of the left monocle:
+ \pingu[monocle left,
+ monocle left blob=green]
+\showkeyexplain{monocle right}{color}{pingu@black}(pingu@black)
+ \pingu[monocle right]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle right}{monocle right glass}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleright@glass}
+Set the color of the glass of the right monocle. The opacity of this color is set by \keyref{monocle right opacity}.
+ \pingu[monocle right,
+ monocle right glass=green]
+\subkeyalias{monocle right fill}{monocle right glass}{monocle right}
+\subkeyexplain{monocle right}{monocle right opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@monocleright@opacity}
+Set the opacity of the glass color of the right monocle (set by \keyref{monocle right glass}):
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[monocle right,
+ monocle right opacity=1]
+\subkeyalias{monocle right fill opacity}{monocle right opacity}{monocle right}
+\subkeyexplain{monocle right}{monocle right string}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleright@string}
+ \pingu[monocle right,
+ monocle right string=green]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle right}{monocle right string length}{length}{\pingu@x@monocleright@string@r}
+Set the length of the right monocle string:
+ \pingu[monocle right,
+ monocle right string length=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{monocle right}{monocle right blob}{color}{\pingu@color@monocleright@blob}
+Set the color of the blob at the end of the string of the right monocle:
+ \pingu[monocle right,
+ monocle right blob=green]
+\subsubsection{The pants}
+Sets the color of the pants:
+ \pingu[pants=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants bands}{true/false}{false}
+Switch the bands of the pants on and of:
+ \pingu[pants, pants bands]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants button left}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@left}
+Set the color of the left pant button:
+ \pingu[pants, pants button left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants button right}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@right}
+Set the color of the right pant button:
+ \pingu[pants, pants button right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants buttons}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@left}
+Sets \keyref{pants button left} and \keyref{pants button right} with the same color.
+ \pingu[pants, pants buttons=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants button left shade}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@left@shade}
+Set the color of the left pant button shade:
+ \pingu[pants,
+ pants button left shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants button right shade}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@right@shade}
+Set the color of the right pant button shade:
+ \pingu[pants,
+ pants button right shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants buttons shade}{color}{\pingu@color@pants@button@left@shade}
+Sets \keyref{pants button left shade} and \keyref{pants button right shade} with the same color.
+ \pingu[pants, pants buttons shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants no buttons}{}{}
+Remove the buttons from the pants:
+ \pingu[pants, pants no buttons]
+\subkeyexplain{pants}{pants extra height}{length}{\pingu@x@pants@extra@height}
+Raise the pants:
+ \pingu[pants, pants extra height=6mm]
+\subkeyalias{pants without buttons}{pants no buttons}{pants}
+\subsubsection{The glow}
+\showkeyexplain{glow}{color}{pingu@white}(orange,glow solid=orange)
+ Active a glow around the penguin:
+ \pingu[glow=green]
+\keyexplain{glow thick}{color}{}
+Will pass on the color to \keyref{glow} and use a \keyref{glow width function} width a thicker line width:
+ \pingu[glow thick=green]
+\keyexplain{glow solid}{color}{}
+Will pass on the color to \keyref{glow} and use a \keyref{glow width function} combined with \keyref{glow function} to create a solid glow:
+ \pingu[glow solid=green, wings wave]
+\subkeyexplain{glow}{glow steps}{list}{\pingu@x@extra@glow@steps}
+ Comma separated list of discrete intervals for the glow calculation:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glow=green, glow steps={.3,.5,1}]
+{\def\i{\textbackslash i~}%
+\subkeyexplain{glow}{glow function}{function}{\pingu@x@extra@glow@func}
+ Function using the token \lpingu{\i} to refer to the current \keyref{glow steps}. Its evaluation will be used to determine the opacity of the current step:
+ \pingu[glow=green,
+ glow function={.5/\i}]
+{\def\i{\textbackslash i~}%
+\subkeyexplain{glow}{glow width function}{function}{\pingu@x@extra@glow@width@func}
+ Function using the token \lpingu{\i} to refer to the current \keyref{glow steps}. Its evaluation will be used to determine the width of the current step:
+ \pingu[glow=green,
+ glow width function={5mm-\i mm}]
+\subsubsection{The eye frame}
+\keyexplain{eye frame}{color}{pingu@black}
+This is more of a test extra that adds a frame around both eyes:
+ \pingu[eye frame=green]
+\keyalias{eyeframe}{eye frame}
+\keyalias{eye-frame}{eye frame}
+\subsubsection{The glasses}
+Display glasses for the penguin:
+ \pingu[glasses=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses left fill}{color}{\pingu@color@glasses@fill@l}
+ Sets the fill color of the left glass. The opacity is determined by \keyref{glasses left opacity}.
+ \pingu[glasses,
+ glasses left fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses right fill}{color}{\pingu@color@glasses@fill@r}
+ Sets the fill color of the right glass. The opacity is determined by \keyref{glasses right opacity}.
+ \pingu[glasses,
+ glasses right fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses fill}{color}{}
+ Change the color of both glasses by calling \keyref{glasses left fill} and \keyref{glasses right fill} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{simple}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses, glasses fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses left opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@glasses@op@l}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses,
+ glasses left fill=green,
+ glasses left opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses right opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@glasses@op@r}
+ Sets the fill opacity of the right glass:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses,
+ glasses right fill=green,
+ glasses right opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses opacity}{factor}{}
+ Change the opacity of both glasses by calling \keyref{glasses left opacity} and \keyref{glasses right opacity} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses,
+ glasses fill=teal,
+ glasses opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses}{glasses line width}{length}{1.125pt}
+ \pingu[glasses, glasses line width=1mm]
+\showkeyexplain{sun glasses}{color}{pingu@black}
+Configure the \keyref{glasses} to display sunglasses. The color is passed on to \keyref{glasses fill}
+ \pingu[sun glasses=orange]
+\keyalias{sunglasses}{sun glasses}
+\subsubsection{The rounded glasses}
+\showkeyexplain{glasses round}{color}{pingu@black}
+Behaves equivalent to \keyref{glasses} but produces a round counterpart:
+ \pingu[glasses round=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round left fill}{color}{\pingu@color@glassesround@fill@l}
+ Sets the fill color of the left glass. The opacity is determined by \keyref{glasses round left opacity}.
+ \pingu[glasses round,
+ glasses round left fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round right fill}{color}{\pingu@color@glassesround@fill@r}
+ Sets the fill color of the right glass. The opacity is determined by \keyref{glasses round right opacity}.
+ \pingu[glasses round,
+ glasses round right fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round fill}{color}{}
+ Change the color of both glasses by calling \keyref{glasses round left fill} and \keyref{glasses round right fill} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{simple}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses round, glasses round fill=green]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round left opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@glassesround@op@l}
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses round,
+ glasses round left fill=green,
+ glasses round left opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round right opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@glassesround@op@r}
+ Sets the fill opacity of the right glass:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses round,
+ glasses round right fill=green,
+ glasses round right opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round opacity}{factor}{}
+ Change the opacity of both glasses round by calling \keyref{glasses round left opacity} and \keyref{glasses round right opacity} with the same value.
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing options={style=lstpingu,language=pingulang,deleteemph={[2]{1}}}}
+ \pingu[glasses round,
+ glasses round fill=teal,
+ glasses round opacity=1]
+\subkeyexplain{glasses round}{glasses round line width}{length}{1.125pt}
+ \pingu[glasses round, glasses round line width=1mm]
+\showkeyexplain{sun glasses round}{color}{pingu@black}
+Configure the \keyref{glasses round} to display sunglasses round. The color is passed on to \keyref{glasses round fill}
+ \pingu[sun glasses round=orange]
+\keyalias{sunglasses round}{sun glasses round}
+\subsubsection{The devil horns}
+\showkeyexplain{devil horns}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[devil horns=green]
+\keyalias{devilhorns}{devil horns}
+\keyalias{devil-horns}{devil horns}
+\subsubsection{The devil wings}
+\showkeyexplain{devil wings}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[devil wings=green]
+\keyalias{devilwings}{devil wings}
+\keyalias{devil-wings}{devil wings}
+\subkeyexplain{devil wings}{devil wings b}{color}{<devil--color>}
+ \pingu[devil wings, devil wings b=green]
+\subkeyalias{devilwings b}{devil wings b}{devil wings}
+\subkeyalias{devil-wings b}{devil wings b}{devil wings}
+\subsubsection{The head band}
+\showkeyexplain{head band}{color}{pingu@red}
+ \pingu[head band=green]
+\keyalias{headband}{head band}
+\keyalias{head-band}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band bend}{angle}{\pingu@x@headband@bend}
+ \pingu[head band, head band bend=25]
+\subkeyalias{headband bend}{head band bend}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band bend}{head band bend}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band angle}{angle}{\pingu@x@headband@angle}
+ \pingu[head band, head band angle=25]
+\subkeyalias{headband angle}{head band angle}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band angle}{head band angle}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band upper angle}{angle}{\pingu@x@headband@angle}
+ \pingu[head band, head band upper angle=25]
+\subkeyalias{headband upper angle}{head band upper angle}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band upper angle}{head band upper angle}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band knot}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@headband@knot@ true\else false\fi}
+ \pingu[head band, head band knot]
+\subkeyalias{headband knot}{head band knot}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band knot}{head band knot}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band knot color}{color}{\pingu@color@headband@knot}
+If \keyref{head band knot} is enabled, this setting changes the color of the knot:
+ \pingu[head band, head band knot,
+ head band knot color=green]
+\subkeyalias{headband knot color}{head band knot color}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band knot color}{head band knot color}{head band}}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band knot a color}{color}{\pingu@color@headband@knot@a}
+If \keyref{head band knot} is enabled, this setting changes the color of the left headband wing (this will, by default, affect the right wing was well):
+ \pingu[head band, head band knot,
+ head band knot a color=green]
+\subkeyalias{headband knot a color}{head band knot a color}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band knot a color}{head band knot a color}{head band}}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band knot b color}{color}{\pingu@color@headband@knot@b}
+If \keyref{head band knot} is enabled, this setting changes the color of the left headband wing (this will, by default, affect the right wing was well):
+ \pingu[head band, head band knot,
+ head band knot a color=blue,
+ head band knot b color=green]
+\subkeyalias{headband knot b color}{head band knot b color}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band knot b color}{head band knot b color}{head band}}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band bands}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@headband@bands@ true\else false\fi}
+ \pingu[head band, head band bands=false]
+\subkeyalias{headband bands}{head band bands}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band bands}{head band bands}{head band}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band bands a color}{color}{\pingu@color@headband@bands@a}
+If \keyref{head band bands} is enabled, this setting changes the color of the large one of the both bands:
+ \pingu[head band, head band bands,
+ head band bands a color=green]
+\subkeyalias{headband bands a color}{head band bands a color}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band bands a color}{head band bands a color}{head band}}
+\subkeyexplain{head band}{head band bands b color}{color}{\pingu@color@headband@bands@b}
+If \keyref{head band bands} is enabled, this setting changes the color of the left headband wing (this will, by default, affect the right wing was well):
+ \pingu[head band, head band bands,
+ head band bands a color=blue,
+ head band bands b color=green]
+\subkeyalias{headband bands b color}{head band bands b color}{head band}
+\subkeyalias{head-band bands b color}{head band bands b color}{head band}}
+\subsubsection{The rook}
+ \pingu[rook=green]
+\subkeyexplain{rook}{rook back}{color}{\pingu@color@rook@back}
+Change the color of the rook-costume background:
+ \pingu[rook, rook back=green]
+\subkeyexplain{rook}{rook hatch}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@rook@draw@hatch@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggles the opening in the rook costume:
+ \pingu[rook, rook hatch=false]
+\subkeyexplain{rook}{rook shade}{color}{\pingu@color@rook@shade}
+ \pingu[rook, rook shade=green]
+\subsubsection{The halo}
+ \pingu[halo=green]
+\subkeyexplain{halo}{halo raise}{length}{\pingu@x@halo@raise}
+Define the vertical raise of the halo above the penguins head:
+ \pingu[halo, halo raise=4mm]
+\subkeyexplain{halo}{halo glow}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@halo@glow true\else false\fi}
+Disable or enable the glow of the halo. The default is controlled by the \texttt{glows}-package option.
+ \pingu[halo, halo glow=false]
+\subkeyexplain{halo}{halo above}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@halo@above true\else false\fi}
+Draws the halo above, which is useful in case of other gadgets:
+ \pingu[halo, halo above=true]
+\subsubsection{The strawhat}
+ \pingu[strawhat=green]
+\keyalias{straw hat}{strawhat}
+\subkeyexplain{strawhat}{strawhat ribbon}{color}{\pingu@color@strawhat@ribbon}
+ \pingu[strawhat, strawhat ribbon=green]
+\subkeyalias{straw hat ribbon}{strawhat ribbon}{strawhat}
+\subkeyexplain{strawhat}{strawhat position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@strawhat@angle:(\pingu@x@strawhat@xshift,\pingu@x@strawhat@yshift)\{\pingu@x@strawhat@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various strawhat parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[strawhat,
+ strawhat position={33:(-.8cm,.14cm){1.4}}]
+\subkeyalias{straw hat position}{strawhat position}{strawhat}
+\subsubsection{The hat}
+ \pingu[hat=green]
+\subkeyexplain{hat}{hat ribbon}{color}{\pingu@color@hat@ribbon}
+ \pingu[hat, hat ribbon=green]
+\subkeyexplain{hat}{hat base}{color}{\pingu@color@hat@base}
+ \pingu[hat, hat base=green]
+\subkeyexplain{hat}{hat coronal}{color}{\pingu@color@hat@coronal}
+ \pingu[hat, hat coronal=green]
+\subkeyexplain{hat}{hat position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@hat@angle:(\pingu@x@hat@xshift,\pingu@x@hat@yshift)\{\pingu@x@hat@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various hat parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[hat, hat position={1:(0cm,-.09cm){1.33}}]
+\subsubsection{The conical hat}
+\showkeyexplain{conical hat}{color}{pingu@yellow}
+ \pingu[conical hat=green]
+\subkeyexplain{conical hat}{conical hat rounding}{length}{\pingu@x@conicalhat@rounding}
+ \pingu[conical hat,
+ conical hat rounding=.25pt]
+\subkeyexplain{conical hat}{conical hat shade}{length}{\pingu@x@conicalhat@shade}
+ \pingu[conical hat, conical hat shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{conical hat height}{conical hat height}{length}{\pingu@x@conicalhat@height}
+ \pingu[conical hat, conical hat height=10mm]
+\subkeyexplain{conical hat width}{conical hat width}{length}{\pingu@x@conicalhat@width}
+ \pingu[conical hat, conical hat width=3cm]
+\subkeyexplain{conical hat}{conical hat position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@conicalhat@angle:(\pingu@x@conicalhat@xshift,\pingu@x@conicalhat@yshift)\{\pingu@x@conicalhat@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various conical hat parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[conical hat,
+ conical hat position={1:(-.1cm,-.275cm){1.33}}]
+\subsubsection{The cap}
+ \pingu[cap=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cap padding}{cap padding}{length}{\pingu@x@cap@padding}
+ \pingu[cap, cap padding=4mm]
+\subkeyexplain{cap extra height}{cap extra height}{length}{\pingu@x@cap@height}
+ \pingu[cap, cap extra height=2mm]
+\subsubsection{The construction helmet}
+\showkeyexplain{construction helmet}{color}{pingu@yellow}
+ \pingu[construction helmet=green]
+\subkeyexplain{construction helmet}{construction helmet padding}{length}{\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@padding}
+ \pingu[construction helmet,
+ construction helmet padding=4mm]
+\subkeyexplain{construction helmet extra height}{construction helmet extra height}{length}{\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@height}
+ \pingu[construction helmet,
+ construction helmet extra height=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{construction helmet}{construction helmet position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@angle:(\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@xshift,\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@yshift)\{\pingu@x@constructionhelmet@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various construction helmet parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[construction helmet,
+ construction helmet position={1:(-.1cm,-.275cm){1.33}}]
+\subsubsection{The crown}
+ \pingu[crown=green]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown 3d}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@crown@ddd@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the 3d-Design of the crown.
+ \pingu[crown, crown 3d=false]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown back}{color}{\pingu@color@crown@back}
+Change the back color of the crown:
+ \pingu[crown, crown back=green]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown front bend}{angle}{\pingu@x@crown@f@bend}
+Change the front lower bend of the crown:
+ \pingu[crown, crown front bend=52]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown back bend}{angle}{\pingu@x@crown@b@bend}
+Change the back lower bend of the crown:
+ \pingu[crown, crown back bend=46]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown gem shade}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@crown@shade@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the gem shading of the crown.
+ \pingu[crown, crown gem shade=false]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown gem colors}{a><b><c><d><e><f}{\{\pingu@color@crown@gem@a\}\{\pingu@color@crown@gem@b\}\ldots}
+Change the color of all the seven gems of the crown:
+ \pingu[crown, crown gem colors={green}{green}
+ {green}{white}{green}{green}{green}]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown gem ring}{color}{\pingu@color@crown@gem@ring}
+Change the color of the rings around the crown:
+ \pingu[crown, crown gem ring=green]
+\subkeyexplain{crown}{crown position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@crown@angle:(\pingu@x@crown@xshift,\pingu@x@crown@yshift)\{\pingu@x@crown@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various crown parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[crown, eyes wink,
+ crown position={1:(-.1cm,-.275cm){1.33}}]
+\keyexplain{crown 2d}{color}{pingu@yellow}
+Enables the \keyref{crown} with the given color and disables \keyref{crown 3d}:
+ \pingu[crown 2d=green]
+\subsubsection{The princess crown}
+Similar to \keyref{crown} but smaller.
+\showkeyexplain{princess crown}{color}{pingu@yellow}
+Enable the smaller crown with a specific color:
+ \pingu[princess crown=green]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown 3d}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@princesscrown@ddd@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the 3d-Design of the smaller crown.
+ \pingu[princess crown, princess crown 3d=false]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown back}{color}{\pingu@color@princesscrown@back}
+Change the back color of the smaller crown:
+ \pingu[princess crown, princess crown back=green]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown front bend}{angle}{\pingu@x@princesscrown@f@bend}
+Change the front lower bend of the smaller crown:
+ \pingu[princess crown, princess crown front bend=52]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown back bend}{angle}{\pingu@x@princesscrown@b@bend}
+Change the back lower bend of the smaller crown:
+ \pingu[princess crown, princess crown back bend=46]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown gem shade}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@princesscrown@shade@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the gem shading of the smaller crown.
+ \pingu[princess crown,
+ princess crown gem shade=false]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown bobbles}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@princesscrown@bobbles@ true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the bobbles of the smaller crown.
+ \pingu[princess crown, princess crown bobbles=false]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown gem colors}{a><b><c><d}{\{\pingu@color@princesscrown@gem@a\}\{\pingu@color@princesscrown@gem@b\}\ldots}
+Change the color of all the seven gems of the smaller crown:
+ \pingu[princess crown,
+ princess crown gem colors={green}{green}{white}
+ {green}{green}]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown gem ring}{color}{\pingu@color@princesscrown@gem@ring}
+Change the color of the rings around the small crown:
+ \pingu[princess crown,
+ princess crown gem ring=green]
+\subkeyexplain{princess crown}{princess crown position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@princesscrown@angle:(\pingu@x@princesscrown@xshift,\pingu@x@princesscrown@yshift)\{\pingu@x@princesscrown@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various princess crown parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[princess crown, eyes wink,
+ princess crown position={1:(-.19cm,-.2cm){2.2}}]
+\keyexplain{princess crown 2d}{color}{pingu@yellow}
+Enables the \keyref{princess crown} with the given color and disables \keyref{princess crown 3d}:
+ \pingu[princess crown 2d=green]
+\subsubsection{The cake hat}
+Enable a cake hat with a specific color:
+ \pingu[cake-hat=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat top}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@top}
+Change the color of the cake hat top:
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat top=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat shade}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@shade}
+Change the color of the heavily transparent cake hat shading:
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle}
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle fire}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@fire}
+Change the color of the cake hats' candle most outer fire:
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle fire=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle fire 2}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@fire@b}
+Change the color of the cake hats' candle middle fire:
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle fire 2=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle fire 3}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@fire@b}
+Change the color of the cake hats' candle inner fire:
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle fire 3=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle wick}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@wick}
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle wick=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle shade}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@shade}
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat candle back}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@candle@back}
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat candle back=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat outline}{color}{\pingu@color@cakehat@outline}
+Change the color of the cake hats' outline (width by \keyref{cake-hat outline width}):
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat outline=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat outline width}{color}{\pingu@x@cakehat@outline@w}
+Change the width of the cake hats' outline (color by \keyref{cake-hat outline}):
+ \pingu[cake-hat, cake-hat outline width=1mm]
+\subkeyexplain{cake-hat}{cake-hat position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@cakehat@angle:(\pingu@x@cakehat@xshift,\pingu@x@cakehat@yshift)\{\pingu@x@cakehat@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various cake hat parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[cake-hat,
+ cake-hat position={1:(-.085cm,-.2cm){1.275}}]
+\subsubsection{The pumpkin hat}
+Enable a pumpkin hat with a specific color:
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat stalk}{color}{\pingu@color@pumpkinhat@stalk}
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat stalk=teal]
+{\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat stalk top}{color}{<pumpkinhat-stalk-color>!95!pingu@black}
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat stalk top=teal]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat stripe a}{color}{\pingu@color@pumpkinhat@stripe@a}
+Change the color of the first stripe. By default the other stripes share this ones color:
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat stripe a=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat stripe b}{color}{\pingu@color@pumpkinhat@stripe@b}
+Change the color of the second stripe. By default the third stripe share this ones color:
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat stripe b=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat stripe c}{color}{\pingu@color@pumpkinhat@stripe@c}
+Change the color of the third stripe:
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat stripe c=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat outline}{color}{\pingu@color@pumpkinhat@outline}
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat outline=green]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat outline width}{color}{\pingu@x@pumpkinhat@outline@w}
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,pumpkin-hat outline width=3pt]
+\subkeyexplain{pumpkin-hat}{pumpkin-hat position}{angle>:(<x>,<y>)<scale}{\pingu@x@pumpkinhat@angle:(\pingu@x@pumpkinhat@xshift,\pingu@x@pumpkinhat@yshift)\{\pingu@x@pumpkinhat@scale\}}
+Currently, this is a very cumbersome command to change various pumpkin hat parameters at the same time:
+ \pingu[pumpkin-hat,
+ pumpkin-hat position={1:(-.085cm,-.15cm){1.275}}]
+\subsubsection{The VR-Headset}
+ \pingu[vr-headset=green]
+\subkeyexplain{vr-headset}{vr-headset band}{color}{\pingu@color@vrheadset@band}
+ \pingu[vr-headset, vr-headset band=purple]
+\subkeyexplain{vr-headset}{vr-headset band top}{color}{\pingu@color@vrheadset@band@top}
+ \pingu[vr-headset, vr-headset band top=purple]
+\subkeyexplain{vr-headset}{vr-headset hair}{}{}
+Change the hair to support the headset:
+ \pingu[vr-headset, vr-headset hair]
+\subkeyexplain{vr-headset}{vr-headset text}{text}{omitted}
+ \pingu[vr-headset, vr-headset text={ABCD}]
+\subkeyexplain{vr-headset}{vr-headset text color}{color}{\pingu@color@vrheadset@text@color}
+ \pingu[vr-headset, vr-headset text color=green]
+\subsubsection{The headphones}
+ \pingu[headphone=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone left}{color}{\pingu@color@headphone@left}
+Change the color of the left headphone (automatically sets the color of \keyref{headphone right}):
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone right}{color}{\pingu@color@headphone@right}
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone left outer}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone left outer=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone right outer}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone right outer=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone outer}{color}{pingu@black}
+Set \keyref{headphone left outer} and \keyref{headphone right outer} with the same value:
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone outer=green]
+\subkeyalias{headphones outer}{headphone outer}{headphone}
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone left inner}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone left inner=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone right inner}{color}{pingu@black}
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone right inner=green]
+\subkeyexplain{headphone}{headphone inner}{color}{pingu@black}
+Set \keyref{headphone left inner} and \keyref{headphone right inner} with the same value:
+ \pingu[headphone, headphone inner=green]
+\subkeyalias{headphones inner}{headphone inner}{headphone}
+\subsubsection{The santa hat}
+\showkeyexplain{santa hat}{color}{pingu@red!87!pingu@black}
+Show the merry christmas:
+ \pingu[santa hat=pingu@red]
+{\def\pingu@color@santahat{<santa hat>}
+\subkeyexplain{santa hat}{santa hat second}{color}{\pingu@color@santahat@second}
+Change the wool color:
+ \pingu[santa hat,santa hat second=green]
+\subkeyexplain{santa hat}{santa hat bobble}{color}{<santa hat second>}
+ \pingu[santa hat,santa hat bobble=green]
+\subsubsection{The santa beard}
+\showkeyexplain{santa beard}{color}{pingu@white!96!pingu@red!98!pingu@black!92!gray}(pingu@white!96!pingu@red!98!pingu@black!92!gray,santa beard string=pingu@main)
+ \pingu[santa beard=brown!20!white]
+{\def\pingu@color@body@main{<body main>}
+\subkeyexplain{santa beard}{santa beard string}{color}{\pingu@color@santabeard@string}
+ \pingu[santa beard,santa beard string=green]
+\subsubsection{The mask}
+\showkeyexplain{mask}{color}{pingu@white!61!gray}(pingu@white!61!gray,mask band=pingu@main)
+Keep the penguin safe:
+ \pingu[mask=green]
+\subkeyexplain{mask}{mask band}{color}{\pingu@color@mask@band}
+ \pingu[mask,mask band=green]
+\subkeyexplain{mask}{mask line width}{length}{\pingu@x@mask@line@width}
+ \pingu[mask,mask line width=1.5pt]
+\subkeyexplain{mask}{mask band inner}{color}{\pingu@color@mask@band@inner}
+ \pingu[mask,mask band inner=green]
+\subkeyexplain{mask}{mask band outer}{color}{\pingu@color@mask@band@outer}
+ \pingu[mask,mask band outer=green]
+\subsubsection{The blush}
+\showkeyexplain{blush}{color}{pingu@red}(pingu@red,blush opacity=.4)
+Make it cute:
+ \pingu[eyes wink, blush=pingu@purple]
+\subkeyexplain{blush}{blush second}{color}{<blush>}
+ \pingu[blush, blush second=green]
+\subkeyexplain{blush}{blush opacity}{factor}{\pingu@x@blush@opacity}
+ \pingu[blush, blush opacity=.86]
+\subsubsection{The banner}
+Give the penguin a banner to hold (it adapts to the wing positions):
+ \pingu[left wing wave, banner=Hello]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner band}{color}{\pingu@color@banner@band}
+ \pingu[banner, banner band=green]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner text color}{color}{\pingu@color@banner@text@color}
+ \pingu[wings wave, banner, banner text color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner stick left color}{color}{\pingu@color@banner@stick@left}
+ \pingu[banner, banner stick left color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner stick right color}{color}{\pingu@color@banner@stick@right}
+ \pingu[banner, banner stick right color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner sticks color}{color}{\pingu@color@banner@stick@left}
+Calls \keyref{banner stick left color} and \keyref{banner stick right color} with the same color:
+ \pingu[banner, banner sticks color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner stick left length}{length}{\pingu@banner@stick@left@l}
+Changes the banners left stick length:
+ \pingu[banner, banner stick left length=5mm]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner stick right length}{length}{\pingu@banner@stick@right@l}
+Changes the banners right stick length:
+ \pingu[banner, banner stick right length=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner sticks length}{color}{\pingu@banner@stick@left@l}
+Calls \keyref{banner stick left length} and \keyref{banner stick right length} with the same length:
+ \pingu[banner, banner sticks length=9mm]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner raise}{length}{\pingu@banner@raise}
+Change the raise of the banner text:
+ \pingu[banner, banner raise=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner height}{length}{\pingu@banner@height}
+Change the height of the banner (this modifies the half):
+ \pingu[banner, banner height=6mm]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner font}{font}{<fat font>}
+Change the height of the banner:
+ \pingu[banner, banner font=\itshape]
+\subkeyexplain{banner}{banner bent}{angle}{\pingu@banner@bent}
+Change the bending of the banner:
+ \pingu[banner, banner bent=0]
+\subsection{Wing Items}
+\label{sub:wing-items}Most wing items created have a two variants: one for the left and one for the right wing. For consistency, both of them are represented in the documentation~--- many times, they are not just mirrored but two different shapes that appear to be mirrored with special care.
+\keyexplain{left wing item angle}{angle}{\pingu@wing@left@item@angle@user}
+ Relative rotation of the \hyperref[sub:wing-items]{wing items} placed in the left wing:
+ \pingu[cane left, cane right,
+ left wing item angle=70]
+\keyalias{left item angle}{left wing item angle}
+\keyexplain{left wing item flip}{true/false}{\if@pingu@wi@flip@left true\else false\fi}
+ Some \hyperref[sub:wing-items]{wing items} do have a different style, depending on the wing they are in (e.g. they are mirrored). This option toggles the stile for the left wing.
+ \pingu[flag left, flag right,
+ left wing item flip]
+\keyalias{left item flip}{left wing item flip}
+\keyexplain{right wing item angle}{angle}{\pingu@wing@right@item@angle@user}
+ Relative rotation of the \hyperref[sub:wing-items]{wing items} placed in the right wing:
+ \pingu[cane left, cane right,
+ right wing item angle=70]
+\keyalias{right item angle}{right wing item angle}
+\keyexplain{right wing item flip}{true/false}{\if@pingu@wi@flip@right true\else false\fi}
+ Some \hyperref[sub:wing-items]{wing items} do have a different style, depending on the wing they are in (e.g. they are mirrored). This option toggles the stile for the right wing.
+ \pingu[flag left, flag right,
+ right wing item flip]
+\keyalias{right item flip}{right wing item flip}
+\subsubsection{The lollipop}
+\showkeyexplain{lollipop left}{color}{pingu@green}
+ Enable the left lollipop for the penguin:
+ \pingu[lollipop left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lollipop left}{lollipop left handle}{color}{\pingu@color@lollipopleft@handle}
+ Change the handle color of the left lollipop:
+ \pingu[lollipop left, lollipop left handle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lollipop left}{lollipop left second}{color}{\pingu@color@lollipopleft@second}
+ Change the second color of the left lollipop, used for the ring:
+ \pingu[lollipop left, lollipop left second=blue]
+\showkeyexplain{lollipop right}{color}{pingu@green}
+ Enable the right lollipop for the penguin:
+ \pingu[lollipop right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lollipop right}{lollipop right handle}{color}{\pingu@color@lollipopright@handle}
+ Change the handle color of the right lollipop:
+ \pingu[lollipop right, lollipop right handle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lollipop right}{lollipop right second}{color}{\pingu@color@lollipopright@second}
+ Change the second color of the right lollipop, used for the ring:
+ \pingu[lollipop right, lollipop right second=blue]
+\subsubsection{The cane}
+\showkeyexplain{cane left}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Enable the left cane for the penguin:
+ \pingu[cane left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cane left}{cane left raise}{length}{\pinug@x@cane@raise@left}
+ Raise the cane of the pingu:
+ \pingu[cane left,cane left raise=5mm]
+\showkeyexplain{cane right}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Enable the right cane for the penguin:
+ \pingu[cane right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cane right}{cane right raise}{length}{\pinug@x@cane@raise@right}
+ Raise the cane of the pingu:
+ \pingu[cane right,cane right raise=5mm]
+\subsubsection{The hand cast}
+\keyexplain{hand cast left}{text}{X}
+ Show a symbol above the left wing of the penguin:
+ \pingu[hand cast left=ABCDEFG]
+\keyalias{handcast left}{hand cast left}
+\subkeyexplain{hand cast left}{hand cast left color}{color}{\pingu@color@handcast@left@color}
+ Change the color of the left hand cast:
+ \pingu[hand cast left,
+ hand cast left color=green]
+\keyalias{handcast left color}{hand cast left color}
+\keyexplain{hand cast right}{text}{X}
+ Show a symbol above the right wing of the penguin:
+ \pingu[hand cast right=ABCDEFG]
+\keyalias{handcast right}{hand cast right}
+\subkeyexplain{hand cast right}{hand cast right color}{color}{\pingu@color@handcast@right@color}
+ Change the color of the right hand cast:
+ \pingu[hand cast right,
+ hand cast right color=green]
+\keyalias{handcast right color}{hand cast right color}
+\subsubsection{The sign post}
+\showkeyexplain{sign post left}{text}{}(Example)
+ \pingu[sign post left=ABC]
+\keyalias{signpost left}{sign post left}
+\subkeyexplain{sign post left}{sign post left color}{color}{\pingu@color@signpostleft}
+ Change the color of the sign post:
+ \pingu[sign post left, sign post left color=green]
+\subkeyalias{signpost left color}{sign post left color}{sign post left}
+\subkeyexplain{sign post left}{sign post left font color}{color}{\pingu@color@signpostleft@font}
+ Change the font color of the sign post:
+ \pingu[sign post left=ABCD,
+ sign post left font color=green]
+\subkeyalias{signpost left fontcolor}{sign post left font color}{sign post left}
+\showkeyexplain{sign post right}{text}{}(Example)
+ \pingu[sign post right=ABC]
+\keyalias{signpost right}{sign post right}
+\subkeyexplain{sign post right}{sign post right color}{color}{\pingu@color@signpostright}
+ Change the color of the sign post:
+ \pingu[sign post right, sign post right color=green]
+\subkeyalias{signpost right color}{sign post right color}{sign post right}
+\subkeyexplain{sign post right}{sign post right font color}{color}{\pingu@color@signpostright@font}
+ Change the font color of the sign post:
+ \pingu[sign post right=ABCD,
+ sign post right font color=green]
+\subkeyalias{signpost right fontcolor}{sign post right font color}{sign post right}
+\subsubsection{The lightsaber}
+\showkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{color}{pingu@blue}(pingu@blue)
+ \pingu[lightsaber left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left handle}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@handle}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' handle:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left handle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left deco}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@deco}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' decoration elements:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left deco=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left ribbs}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@ribbs}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' ribbs:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left ribbs=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left button}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@button}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' first button:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left button=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left button b}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@button@b}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' second button:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left button b=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left double}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@lightsaber@double@left true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the visibility of the second lightsaber:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left double,
+ left wing item angle=90]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left color b}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@color@b}
+ Change the color of the penguins second lightsaber, which is only shown if \keyref{lightsaber left double} is enabled:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left double,
+ lightsaber left color b=green,
+ left wing item angle=90]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left length}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@length@left}
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left length=6mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left length b}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@length@b@left}
+ Change the length of the penguins second lightsaber (active with \keyref{lightsaber left double}):
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left double,
+ lightsaber left length b=6mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left yshift}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@yshift@left}
+ Shift the penguins lightsaber in the y direction:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left yshift=12mm,
+ lightsaber left length=5mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left glow}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@lightsaber@glow@left true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the glow of the lightsaber. The default is controlled by the \texttt{glows}-package option.
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left glow=false]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left solid}{}{}
+Disables the \keyref{lightsaber left glow}:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left solid]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left glow core}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberleft@glow@core}
+Change the color of the lightsabers glow core:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left glow=true,
+ lightsaber left glow core=cyan]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left outer glow factor}{factor}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@ogf@left}
+Modify the glow factor of the left lightsaber:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left,
+ lightsaber left outer glow factor=.3]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber left}{lightsaber left disabled}{}{}
+Disables the lightsaber so only the handle is visible:
+ \pingu[lightsaber left, lightsaber left disabled]
+\showkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{color}{pingu@blue}(pingu@blue)
+ \pingu[lightsaber right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right handle}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@handle}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' handle:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right handle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right deco}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@deco}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' decoration elements:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right deco=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right ribbs}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@ribbs}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' ribbs:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right ribbs=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right button}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@button}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' first button:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right button=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right button b}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@button@b}
+ Change the color of the penguins lightsabers' second button:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right button b=green]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right double}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@lightsaber@double@right true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the visibility of the second lightsaber:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right double,
+ right wing item angle=90]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right color b}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@color@b}
+ Change the color of the penguins second lightsaber, which is only shown if \keyref{lightsaber right double} is enabled:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right double,
+ lightsaber right color b=green,
+ right wing item angle=90]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right length}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@length@right}
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right length=6mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right length b}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@length@b@right}
+ Change the length of the penguins second lightsaber (active with \keyref{lightsaber right double}):
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right double,
+ lightsaber right length b=6mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right yshift}{length}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@yshift@right}
+ Shift the penguins lightsaber in the y direction:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right yshift=12mm,
+ lightsaber right length=5mm]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right glow}{true/false}{\if@pingu@x@lightsaber@glow@right true\else false\fi}
+Toggle the glow of the lightsaber. The default is controlled by the \texttt{glows}-package option.
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right glow=false]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right solid}{}{}
+Disables the \keyref{lightsaber right glow}:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right solid]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right glow core}{color}{\pingu@color@lightsaberright@glow@core}
+Change the color of the lightsabers glow core:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right glow=true,
+ lightsaber right glow core=cyan]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right outer glow factor}{factor}{\pingu@x@lightsaber@ogf@right}
+Modify the glow factor of the right lightsaber:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right,
+ lightsaber right outer glow factor=.3]
+\subkeyexplain{lightsaber right}{lightsaber right disabled}{}{}
+Disables the lightsaber so only the handle is visible:
+ \pingu[lightsaber right, lightsaber right disabled]
+\subsubsection{The lightstaff}
+\showkeyexplain{light-staff left}{color}{pingu@green}
+Color similar to \keyref{light-staff left head}:
+ \pingu[light-staff left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left length}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@left@length}
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left length=18mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left glow length}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@left@glow@length}
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left glow length=16mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left head}{color}{pingu@green}
+Same as assigning the color to \keyref{light-staff left}:
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left head=pingu@purple]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left staff}{color}{\pingu@color@lightstaff@left@staff}
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left staff=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left core}{color}{\pingu@color@lightstaff@left@head@core}
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left core=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left core width}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@left@core@width}
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left core width=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff left}{light-staff left outer glow factor}{factor}{\pingu@x@lightstaff@ogf@left}
+Similar to \keyref{lightsaber left outer glow factor}:
+ \pingu[light-staff left,
+ light-staff left outer glow factor=.5]
+\showkeyexplain{light-staff right}{color}{pingu@green}
+Color similar to \keyref{light-staff right head}:
+ \pingu[light-staff right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right length}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@right@length}
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right length=18mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right glow length}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@right@glow@length}
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right glow length=16mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right head}{color}{pingu@green}
+Same as assigning the color to \keyref{light-staff right}:
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right head=pingu@purple]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right staff}{color}{\pingu@color@lightstaff@right@staff}
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right staff=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right core}{color}{\pingu@color@lightstaff@right@head@core}
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right core=green]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right core width}{length}{\pingu@lightstaff@right@core@width}
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right core width=2mm]
+\subkeyexplain{light-staff right}{light-staff right outer glow factor}{factor}{\pingu@x@lightstaff@ogf@right}
+Similar to \keyref{lightsaber right outer glow factor}:
+ \pingu[light-staff right,
+ light-staff right outer glow factor=.5]
+\subsubsection{The flag}
+The flag is special in that it is meant to be customized by commands so that the visible insignia is to the users liking.
+\showkeyexplain{flag left}{color}{pingu@purple}
+ \pingu[flag left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag left}{flag left pole}{color}{\pingu@color@flagleft@pole}
+Change the color of the flag pole:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag left, flag left pole=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag left}{flag left bobble}{color}{\pingu@color@flagleft@bobble}
+Change the color of the flag poles top bobble:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag left, flag left bobble=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag left}{flag left code}{\LaTeX-code}{omitted}
+Set the flag code which is effectively the drawing code of the flag.
+You can use the styles \lpingu{/pingu/@flag@first} and \lpingu{/pingu/@flag} to inherit the default flag styles and to stay compliant with the modifications of the other macros:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag left, flag left code={
+ \node[/pingu/@flag@first,
+ /pingu/@flag={blue}{5mm}]
+ (upper) at (0,0) {};
+ \node[below,/pingu/@flag={black}{4mm}]
+ (lower) at (upper.south) {};
+ }]
+Note that \lpingu{/pingu/@flag} expects two arguments: the color of the flag segment and its thickness.
+\@toggle@showcase % just so that they are aligned on the same side
+\showkeyexplain{pride flag left}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Uses \keyref{flag left}, \keyref{flag left code}, and \keyref{flag left pole} to set a pride flag. The color argument is passed to \keyref{flag left pole}.
+ \pingu[pride flag left=green]
+\@toggle@showcase % and back
+\showkeyexplain{german flag left}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Uses \keyref{flag left}, \keyref{flag left code}, and \keyref{flag left pole} to set a german flag. The color argument is passed to \keyref{flag left pole}.
+ \pingu[german flag left=green]
+\showkeyexplain{flag right}{color}{pingu@purple}
+ \pingu[flag right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag right}{flag right pole}{color}{\pingu@color@flagright@pole}
+Change the color of the flag pole:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag right, flag right pole=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag right}{flag right bobble}{color}{\pingu@color@flagright@bobble}
+Change the color of the flag poles top bobble:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag right, flag right bobble=green]
+\subkeyexplain{flag right}{flag right code}{\LaTeX-code}{omitted}
+Set the flag code which is effectively the drawing code of the flag.
+You can use the styles \lpingu{/pingu/@flag@first} and \lpingu{/pingu/@flag} to inherit the default flag styles and to stay compliant with the modifications of the other macros:
+ \begin{tcblisting}{@}
+ \pingu[flag right, flag right code={
+ \node[/pingu/@flag@first,
+ /pingu/@flag={blue}{5mm}]
+ (upper) at (0,0) {};
+ \node[below,/pingu/@flag={black}{4mm}]
+ (lower) at (upper.south) {};
+ }]
+Note that \lpingu{/pingu/@flag} expects two arguments: the color of the flag segment and its thickness.
+\@toggle@showcase % just so that they are aligned on the same side
+\showkeyexplain{pride flag right}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Uses \keyref{flag right}, \keyref{flag right code}, and \keyref{flag right pole} to set a pride flag. The color argument is passed to \keyref{flag right pole}.
+ \pingu[pride flag right=green]
+\showkeyexplain{german flag right}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ Uses \keyref{flag right}, \keyref{flag right code}, and \keyref{flag right pole} to set a german flag. The color argument is passed to \keyref{flag right pole}.
+ \pingu[german flag right=green]
+\subsubsection{The staff}
+\showkeyexplain{staff left}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ \pingu[staff left=green, left item angle=70]
+\subkeyexplain{staff left}{staff left length}{length}{\pingu@staff@left@length}
+Change the staff length:
+ \pingu[staff left, staff left length=20mm]
+\showkeyexplain{staff right}{color}{pingu@bronze}
+ \pingu[staff right=green, right item angle=70]
+\subkeyexplain{staff right}{staff right length}{length}{\pingu@staff@right@length}
+Change the staff length:
+ \pingu[staff right, staff right length=20mm]
+\subsubsection{The laptop}
+\showkeyexplain{laptop left}{color}{gray!80!pingu@white}
+ \pingu[laptop left]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left bracket}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopleft@bracket}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left bracket=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left lower}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopleft@lower}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left lower=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left key}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopleft@key}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left key=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left display}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopleft@display}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left display=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left content}{tikz-code}{\pingu@x@laptopleft@content}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left content={\draw circle[radius=2mm];}]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop left}{laptop left mid}{code}{\pingu@x@laptopleft@mid}
+ \pingu[laptop left, laptop left mid={Hey}]
+\showkeyexplain{laptop right}{color}{gray!80!pingu@white}
+ \pingu[laptop right]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right bracket}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopright@bracket}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right bracket=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right lower}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopright@lower}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right lower=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right key}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopright@key}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right key=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right display}{color}{\pingu@color@laptopright@display}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right display=green]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right content}{tikz-code}{\pingu@x@laptopright@content}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right content={\draw circle[radius=2mm];}]
+\subkeyexplain{laptop right}{laptop right mid}{code}{\pingu@x@laptopright@mid}
+ \pingu[laptop right, laptop right mid={Hey}]
+\subsubsection{The devil fork}
+\showkeyexplain{devil fork left}{color}{pingu@red}
+ \pingu[devil fork left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{devil fork left}{devil fork left second}{color}{\pingu@color@devilforkleft@second}
+Staff color of the \keyref{devil fork left}:
+ \pingu[devil fork left,
+ devil fork left second=green]
+\subkeyexplain{devil fork left}{devil fork left length}{color}{\pingu@devilfork@left@length}
+ \pingu[devil fork left, devil fork left length=7mm]
+\showkeyexplain{devil fork right}{color}{pingu@red}
+ \pingu[devil fork right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{devil fork right}{devil fork right second}{color}{\pingu@color@devilforkright@second}
+Staff color of the \keyref{devil fork right}:
+ \pingu[devil fork right,
+ devil fork right second=green]
+\subkeyexplain{devil fork right}{devil fork right length}{color}{\pingu@devilfork@right@length}
+ \pingu[devil fork right,
+ devil fork right length=7mm]
+\subsubsection{The Horse}
+\showkeyexplain{horse left}{color}{pingu@bronze!80!pingu@black}
+ Give it a horse:
+ \pingu[horse left=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left flip}{true/false}{false}
+By default, the left horse will be flipped. The right horse won't.
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left flip=false]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left has base}{true/false}{false}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left mane}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@mane}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left mane=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left mane draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@mane@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left mane draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left thatch}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@thatch}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left thatch=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left thatch draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@thatch@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left thatch draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left tail}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@tail}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left tail=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left tail draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@tail@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left tail draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left eyes}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@eyes}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left eyes=green]
+\subkeyalias{horse left eye}{horse left eyes}{horse left}
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left mouth}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@mouth}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left mouth=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left nose}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@nose}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left nose=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left ears}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@ears}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left ears=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left base}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@base}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base,
+ horse left base=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left base draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@base@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base,
+ horse left base draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left base shade}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@base@shade}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base,
+ horse left base shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left base shade draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseleft@base@shade@draw}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base,
+ horse left base shade draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left xshift}{color}{\pingu@x@horseleft@xshift}
+This key reacts with the \keyref{horse left flip} option!
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left xshift=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left yshift}{color}{\pingu@x@horseleft@yshift}
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left yshift=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{horse left}{horse left on base}{}{}
+Uses \keyref{horse left xshift} and \keyref{horse left yshift} to align a horse on a base to be set on the penguin-wing:
+ \pingu[horse left,horse left has base,
+ horse left on base]
+\showkeyexplain{horse right}{color}{pingu@bronze!80!pingu@black}
+ Give it a horse:
+ \pingu[horse right=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right flip}{true/false}{false}
+By default, the right horse will be flipped. The right horse won't.
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right flip=false]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right has base}{true/false}{false}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right mane}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@mane}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right mane=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right mane draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@mane@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right mane draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right thatch}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@thatch}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right thatch=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right thatch draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@thatch@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right thatch draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right tail}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@tail}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right tail=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right tail draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@tail@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right tail draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right eyes}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@eyes}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right eyes=green]
+\subkeyalias{horse right eye}{horse right eyes}{horse right}
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right mouth}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@mouth}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right mouth=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right nose}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@nose}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right nose=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right ears}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@ears}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right ears=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right base}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@base}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base,
+ horse right base=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right base draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@base@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base,
+ horse right base draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right base shade}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@base@shade}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base,
+ horse right base shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right base shade draw}{color}{\pingu@color@horseright@base@shade@draw}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base,
+ horse right base shade draw=green]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right xshift}{color}{\pingu@x@horseright@xshift}
+This key reacts with the \keyref{horse right flip} option!
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right xshift=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right yshift}{color}{\pingu@x@horseright@yshift}
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right yshift=1cm]
+\subkeyexplain{horse right}{horse right on base}{}{}
+Uses \keyref{horse right xshift} and \keyref{horse right yshift} to align a horse on a base to be set on the penguin-wing:
+ \pingu[horse right,horse right has base,
+ horse right on base]
+Clothes are currently completely work in progress as the goal is to create an elegant way to offer clothes that adapt to the wing positions of the penguin.
+Currently there is only one cloth type that may be heavily edited in the course of development\ldots
+\subsubsection{The cloak}
+Originally developed just as a cape, the cloak is no a whole extension.
+ \pingu[cloak=green]
+\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside=false, title=Cloak-Showcase}
+ \pingu[wings wave, cloak]
+ \pingu[wings shock, cloak, xshift=3.5cm]
+ \pingu[right wing wave, left wing hug, cloak, xshift=7cm]
+ \pingu[right wing grab, left wing raise, cloak, xshift=10.5cm]
+\subkeyexplain{cloak}{cloak cap}{color}{\pingu@color@cloak@cap}
+ \pingu[cloak, cloak cap=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cloak}{cloak wings color}{color}{\pingu@color@cloak@wings}
+ \pingu[cloak, cloak wings color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cloak}{cloak bottom color}{color}{\pingu@color@cloak@bottom}
+ Should change the cloaks bottom color (currently ineffective):
+ \pingu[cloak, cloak bottom color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cloak}{cloak front color}{color}{\pingu@color@cloak@front}
+ Should change the cloaks front color (currently ineffective):
+ \pingu[cloak, cloak front color=green]
+\subkeyexplain{cloak}{cloak padding}{length}{\pingu@x@cloak@padding}
+ \pingu[cloak, cloak padding=13mm]
+ Uses \keyref{cloak} but disables all parts that are not part of a cape:
+ \pingu[cape=green]
+\subsubsection{The shirt}
+ \pingu[shirt=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt raise}{length}{\pingu@shirt@raise}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt raise=5mm]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt padding}{length}{\pingu@shirt@padding}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt padding=4mm]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button top}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@top}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button top=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button middle}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@middle}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button middle=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button bottom}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@bottom}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button bottom=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt buttons}{color}{}
+Set \keyref{shirt button top}, \keyref{shirt button middle} and \keyref{shirt button bottom}, that is all the buttons, with the same color:
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt buttons=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button top shade}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@top@shade}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button top shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button middle shade}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@middle@shade}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button middle shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt button bottom shade}{color}{\pingu@color@shirt@button@bottom@shade}
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt button bottom shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt buttons shade}{color}{}
+Set all shadings of the buttons: \keyref{shirt button top shade}, \keyref{shirt button middle shade} and \keyref{shirt button bottom shade} with the same color:
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt buttons shade=green]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt no buttons}{}{}
+Disable all buttons (by setting their colors to \lpingu{!hide}):
+ \pingu[shirt, shirt no buttons]
+\subkeyexplain{shirt}{shirt above}{}{}
+This is interesting in combination with other extras as it allows the \keyref{shirt} to be drawn above them.
+ \pingu[shirt, tie, shirt above]
+ \pingu[shirt, tie, xshift=3cm]
+\subsubsection{The second shirt}
+\showkeyexplain{second shirt}{color}{pingu@red}
+ Display a shirt below the \keyref{shirt}:
+ \pingu[second shirt=green, shirt]
+\subkeyexplain{second shirt}{second shirt raise}{length}{\pingu@secondshirt@raise}
+ \pingu[second shirt, second shirt raise=5mm]
+\subkeyexplain{second shirt}{second shirt neck}{color}{\pingu@color@secondshirt@neck}
+ \pingu[second shirt, second shirt neck=green]
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file