path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/generic/tikz-ext/tikz-ext-manual-en-main-body.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/generic/tikz-ext/tikz-ext-manual-en-main-body.tex')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/generic/tikz-ext/tikz-ext-manual-en-main-body.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/generic/tikz-ext/tikz-ext-manual-en-main-body.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd071e009e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/generic/tikz-ext/tikz-ext-manual-en-main-body.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
+% !TeX root = tikz-ext-manual.tex
+% Copyright 2022 by Qrrbrbirlbel
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License.
+\newcommand*\tikzextname{Ti\textit kZ-Extensions}
+{\colorlet{blue}{black}% links shall be black
+\title{\bfseries The \tikzextname\space Package\\
+ \large Manual for version \tikzextversion\\[1mm]
+ {\texttt{}}
+\part{\tikzname\space Libraries}
+These libraries only work with \tikzname.
+ very thick,
+ scale=2.7,
+ grow cyclic,
+ level distance=1cm,
+ level/.style={
+ level distance/.expanded=\ifnum#1>1 \tikzleveldistance/1.5\else\tikzleveldistance\fi,
+ nodes/.expanded={\ifodd#1 fill\else fill=none\fi}
+ },
+ level 1/.style={sibling angle=120},
+ level 2/.style={sibling angle=90},
+ level 3/.style={sibling angle=90},
+ level 4/.style={sibling angle=45},
+ nodes={circle,draw,inner sep=+0pt, minimum size=+5pt},
+ ]
+ node {}
+ child foreach \cntI in {1,...,3} {
+ node {}
+ child foreach \cntII in {1,...,2} {
+ node {}
+ child foreach \cntIII in {1,...,2} {
+ node {}
+ child foreach \cntIV in {1,...,2} {
+ node {}
+ child foreach \cntV in {1,...,2} {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+\tikzsetfigurename{calendar-plus} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-calendar-plus}
+\tikzsetfigurename{node-families} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-node-families}
+\tikzsetfigurename{paths.arcto} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.arcto}
+\tikzsetfigurename{paths.ortho} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.ortho}
+\tikzsetfigurename{paths.timer} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer}
+\tikzsetfigurename{patterns.images} \include{tikz-ext-manual-en-library-patterns.images}
+\part{\pgfname\space Libraries}
+These libraries (should) work with both \pgfname\space and \tikzname.
+ \usetikzlibrary{graphs,graphdrawing,ext.misc} \usegdlibrary{force}]
+ mynode/.style={
+ circle, minimum size=10mm, draw, densely dashdotted, thick,
+ decide color/.expand once=#1},
+ decide color/.style 2 args={
+ /utils/TeX/if=c#1
+ {/utils/TeX/ifnum={#2<5}{bluelight}{bluedark}}
+ {/utils/TeX/ifnum={#2<8}{light}{dark}}},
+ light/.style={fill=gray!20}, bluelight/.style={fill=blue!10},
+ dark/.style ={fill=gray!60}, bluedark/.style ={fill=blue!30}}
+ spring electrical layout, vertical=c2 to p13,
+ node distance=1.5cm, typeset=$n_{\tikzgraphnodetext}$,
+ nodes={mynode=\tikzgraphnodetext}] {
+ % outer ring
+ c2 -- {p1, p11, p6};
+ p1 -- {p8, c6, p11};
+ p8 -- {p3, p10, c6};
+ p3 -- {p13, p15, p10};
+ p13 -- {p15, c7};
+ c7 -- {c3, c4, p15};
+ c3 -- {p14, c4};
+ p14 -- {p7, c4};
+ p7 -- {p9, p2, c4};
+ p9 -- {c5, p12, p2};
+ c5 -- {c1, p4, p12};
+ c1 -- {p6, p4};
+ p6 -- {p11, p4};
+ % inner ring
+ p11 -- {c6, p12, p4};
+ p5 -- {c6 -- {p10, p12}, p10 -- p15, p15 -- c4, c4 -- p2, p2 -- p12, p12 -- p4};
+\begin{codeexample}[width=6cm, preamble=\usetikzlibrary{ext.misc}]
+ declare function={bigR(\n)=smallR+.05*\n;},
+ declare constant={smallR=1; segments=20;},
+ full arc=segments]
+\foreach \iN[evaluate={\endRadius=bigR(\iN+1);}, use int=0 to segments-1]
+ \filldraw[fill=gray!50] (\iN R:\endRadius)
+ arc [radius=\endRadius, start angle=\iN R, delta angle=+1R] -- (\iN R+1R:smallR)
+ arc [radius=smallR, end angle=\iN R, delta angle=-1R] -- cycle;
+\node {$\phi^2$};
+\node at (north west:{sqrt 2 * bigR(segments/2)}) {$\{\Omega\}_{i=1}^n$};
+\node[rotate=-.5R, right] at (-.5R: bigR segments) {$\partial \varphi$};
+\tikzset{yshift=-5cm, declare constant={segments=25;}, full arc=segments}
+\filldraw[fill=gray!50] (right:smallR)
+ \foreach \iN[evaluate={\endRadius=bigR(\iN+1);}, use int=0 to segments-1] {
+ -- (\iN R:\endRadius) arc[radius=\endRadius, start angle=\iN R, delta angle=1R]}
+ -- (right:smallR) arc[radius=smallR, start angle=0, delta angle=-360];
+\node {$\phi^2$};
+\node at (north west:{sqrt 2 * bigR(segments/2)}) {$\{\Omega\}_{i=1}^n$};
+\node[rotate=-.5R, right] at (-.5R: bigR segments) {$\partial \varphi$};
+%%% END
+\newcommand*{\addTikz}[1]{Added \tikzname\space library \texttt{ext.#1}.}
+\newcommand*{\addPGF}[1]{Added \pgfname\space library \texttt{ext.#1}.}
+\newcommand*{\addShape}[2][]{Added shape \texttt{\ifx\\#1\\#2\else#1\fi}\\(\pgfname\space library \texttt{ext.shapes.#2}).}
+\part{Changelog, Index \& References}
+Version 0.4
+\item CTAN version of 0.3.1
+Version 0.3.1
+\item Fixed |ext.paths.ortho| keys |only vertical first| and |only horizontal first|.
+\item Moved all (except the |to path|s) to namespace |/tikz/ortho|.
+ |/tikz/hvvh| and |/tikz/udlr| are considered deprecated.
+\item Fixed |\pgfcalendarjulianyeartoweek|.
+\item Added more calendar tests.
+\item Added directory structure.
+Version 0.3
+\item \addShape[circle arrow]{circlearrow}
+\item \addShape[circle cross split]{circlecrosssplit}
+\item \addShape{heatmark}
+\item \addShape[rectangle with rounded corners]{rectangleroundedcorners}
+\item \addShape{superellipse}
+\item \addTikz{node-families.shapes.geometric}
+\item Fixed |ext.node-families|' key |size|.
+\item Renamed internal macros to use custom namespace starting with |\tikzext@|.
+\item Added some references.
+Version 0.2
+\item \addTikz{positioning-plus}
+\item \addTikz{node-families}
+Version 0.1
+\item \addTikz{calendar-plus}
+\item \addTikz{misc}
+\item \addTikz{paths.arcto}
+\item \addTikz{paths.ortho}
+\item \addTikz{paths.timer}
+\item \addTikz{patterns.images}
+\item \addTikz{topaths.arcthrough}
+\item \addTikz{transformations.mirror}
+\item \addPGF{transformations.mirror}
+ \in@{/16595}{#1}%
+ \ifin@
+ \hyper@linkurl{\expandafter\Hurl\expandafter{\strip@url#1\relax}}{#1}%
+ \else
+ \hyper@linkurl{\Hurl{#1}}{#1}%
+ \fi
+%\typeout{Examples: \the\codeexamplecount}%
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file