path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/scrabble/doc/Scrabble-doc-en.tex
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+% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode}
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} if found('log', '(undefined references|Please rerun|Rerun to get)')
+\lfoot{\sffamily\small [Scrabble]}
+\cfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}
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+ #2
+\newcommand\Cle[1]{{\bfseries\sffamily\textlangle #1\textrangle}}
+ \begin{minipage}{0.75\linewidth}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{Scrabble [en]}}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE A bord of Scrabble,} \\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE with words or not.} \\
+ \\
+ {Scrabble\texttrademark{}, from Hasbro\texttrademark{} and Mattel\texttrademark{}.}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Some commands to display a Scrabble board, with or without words.}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~English, French, German or Spanish version for points and labels.}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Idas from \url{}}
+ \ScrabbleBoard[Scale=0.5]
+ ~~~~
+ \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.5]
+ \ScrabblePutWord{T,I,K,Z}{1,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,S,T,R,I,C,K,S}{1,15}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{K,A,T,E,X}{3,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{C,L,E,V,E,R,E,F}{1,10}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{M,E,T,A,P,O,S,T}{7,11}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{L,U,A,L,A,T,E,X}{5,8}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,R,O,F,L,Y,*,E,E}{11,15}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{P,R,O,F,C,O,L,L,E,*,E}{1,1}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{S,Y,N,T,A,X,E}{7,5}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{S,T,R,I,N,*}{10,6}
+ \end{EnvScrabble}
+\hfill{}\textit{Thanks to french members of group \faFacebook{} " Coin \LaTeX{} " for help an aideas !}
+{\huge \LaTeX} & & & & &\\
+& {\huge \pdfLaTeX} & & & & \\
+& & {\huge \LuaLaTeX} & & & \\
+& & & {\huge \TikZ} & & \\
+& & & & {\huge \TeXLive} & \\
+& & & & & {\huge \MiKTeX} \\
+\verb|v0.1.1|~:~~~~Option \textsf{[fr]} pour french commands
+\verb|v0.1 |~:~~~~Initial version
+\section{The Scrabble package}
+Some ideas are from \url{}, with propostion from Mark Wibrow.
+This package is \textit{build} within styles and ideas from Mark Wibrow.
+\subsection{Loading of the package, used packages}
+The package \textsf{Scrabble} loads within the preamble :
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+It's mostly compatible with \textsf{latex}, \textsf{pdflatex}, \textsf{lualatex} or \textsf{xelatex} compilation !
+It loads the following packages and libraries :
+ \item \texttt{tikz} with \Cle{calc} with the tikzlibraries \Cle{calc} and \Cle{shapes.geometric} ;
+ \item \texttt{pgf} and \texttt{pgffor} ;
+ \item \texttt{xstring} ;
+ \item \texttt{xparse} ;
+ \item \texttt{simplekv}.
+\subsection{The package itself}
+The idea is to, thanks to \TikZ, propose commands or environments to display a Scrabble\texttrademark{} board :
+ \item \textit{independant} ;
+ \item in an \textit{environement} with words.
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+%independant command for the empty board
+%environmentt with word(s)
+ \ScrabblePutWord[orientation]{l,e,t,t,e,r,s}{coordinates of the beginning cell}
+The \textsf{commands}, \textsf{environments} et \textsf{keys} are in english, but cells can be displayed in :
+ \item english ;
+ \item french ;
+ \item german ;
+ \item spanish.
+\section{Commands, keys and options}
+\subsection{The board, standalone}
+The first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{<...>} is the \Cle{langage} of the display, form the list :
+\hfill\Cle{EN} (english, default), \Cle{FR} (french), \Cle{GE} (german) et \Cle{SP} (spanish).\hfill~
+The second argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} give the \Cle{keys} :
+ \item \Cle{Scale} for the display (the initial unit is 1~cm) ; \hfill~default : \Cle{1}
+ \item the boolean \Cle{Border} pour print a border outside the board ; \hfill~default : \Cle{true}
+ \item the boolean \Cle{Labels} to print \textit{names} of the special cells ;\hfill~defalut : \Cle{true}
+ \item the boolean \Cle{Help} pour print numbers to reperate th cells ;\hfill~default : \Cle{false}
+%board without cell's names
+%board in spanisch
+\subsection{The board with words}
+Here we can use the \textsf{environement} with the specific \textsf{command} in order to print words on the board.
+For the \textit{environment}, the options are the same as for the independant \textsf{command} !
+For putting word on the board :
+ \item the first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} is the orientation of the word, \Cle{H} (by default) or \Cle{V} ;
+ \item the second argument, \textit{mandatory}, between \texttt{\{...\}}, is the list of the letters, separate by " \texttt{,} " ;
+ \item the last argument, \textit{mandatory}, between \texttt{\{...\}}, is the coordinates of the first cell for fisrt lettre (the cell (1;\,1) is south-west corner).
+\textbf{Observation 1 :} the chosen language will display the right points in the til !
+\textbf{Observation 2 :} the \textit{white} (or \textit{joker}) is coded by the character \texttt{*}.
+ \ScrabblePutWord{T,I,K,Z}{1,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,S,T,R,I,C,K,S}{1,15}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{K,A,T,E,X}{3,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{C,L,E,V,E,R,E,F}{1,10}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{M,E,T,A,P,O,S,T}{7,11}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{L,U,A,L,A,T,E,X}{5,8}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,R,O,F,L,Y,*,E,E}{11,15}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{P,R,O,F,C,O,L,L,E,*,E}{1,1}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{S,Y,N,T,A,X,E}{7,5}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{S,T,R,I,N,*}{10,6}
+ \ScrabblePutWord{T,I,K,Z}{1,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,S,T,R,I,C,K,S}{1,15}
+ \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {English version} ;
+ \ScrabblePutWord{T,I,K,Z}{1,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,S,T,R,I,C,K,S}{1,15}
+ \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {French version} ;
+ \ScrabblePutWord{T,I,K,Z}{1,13}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{P,S,T,R,I,C,K,S}{1,15}
+ \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {German version} ;
+ \ScrabblePutWord{L,A,T,E,X}{1,14}
+ \ScrabblePutWord[V]{M,A,D,R,I,D}{2,15}
+ \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {Spanish vesion} ;
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file