path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/pictochrono/doc/pictochrono-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/pictochrono/doc/pictochrono-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/pictochrono/doc/pictochrono-doc.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/pictochrono/doc/pictochrono-doc.tex
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+% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: no, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode}
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: no, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} if found('log', '(undefined references|Please rerun|Rerun to get)')
+\lfoot{\sffamily\small [pictochrono]}
+\cfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}
+\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}
+\NewDocumentCommand\MontreCode{ m }{%
+ \hl{\vphantom{\texttt{pf}}\texttt{#1}}%
+ \begin{minipage}{0.88\linewidth}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{pictochrono}}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE A chronometer, made with Ti\textit{k}Z,} \\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE for inline insertion.} \\
+ \\
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}}
+{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Exercise n°1 (\pictochrono[ColTime=red]{10})\dotfill(5 points)}\\
+{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Exercise n°2 (\pictochrono[ColTime=blue]{25})\dotfill(9 points)}\\
+{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Exercise n°3 (\pictochrono[Delta=15,ColTime=orange]{35})\dotfill(11 points)}
+\section{The package pictochrono}
+The idea is to display a pictogram like "chronometer" to present times for exercises, for example.
+The pictogram can be inserted inline with automatic height and vertical offset, or with a manual height and offset.
+The package loads within the preamble, with \MontreCode{\textbackslash usepackage\{pictochrono\}}.
+The only loaded packages are \MontreCode{simplekv}, \MontreCode{calc}, \MontreCode{simplekv}, \MontreCode{xstring}, \MontreCode{etoolbox} and \MontreCode{tikz} (with \MontreCode{calc} library).
+\section{The command}
+The command is \MontreCode{\textbackslash pictochrono}.
+The optional keys are :
+ \item the key \MontreCode{Height} :
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item can use an automatic height, with \MontreCode{auto} (by default, global height of current fonte + small vertical offset) ;
+ \item can specify a global height ;
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item the key \MontreCode{Color} for the main color (\MontreCode{black} by default) ;
+ \item the key \MontreCode{ColTime} for the color of duration, if specified (\MontreCode{lightgray} by default) ;
+ \item the key \MontreCode{Delta} for the graduations of minutes (within \texttt{0/5/10/15/20/30}) (\MontreCode{5} by default) ;
+ \item the key \MontreCode{Offset} for manual vertical offset (\MontreCode{auto} by default) ;
+The mandatory argument, between \MontreCode{\{...\}}, is the duration to be displayed.
+The optional argument, between \MontreCode{<...>}, can specify a vertical alignment of the pictogram (within \texttt{vcenter/vbottom/vtop}, or empty for default positioning).
+%automatic inline insertion
+This is a test, with a \pictochrono{25} minutes chronometer.
+%automatic inline insertion, with user colors.
+{\Huge This is an other test, with a
+\pictochrono[Delta=15,Color=blue,ColTime=red]{20} minutes chronometer.}
+%manual inline insertion, with manual offset.
+This a \pictochrono[Height=3em,Offset=-0.75em]{45} minutes chronometer.
+%manual insertion
+%wihtin a tblr
+ \pictochrono[Height=4cm,ColTime=purple]{20}
+ &
+ \lipsum[1][1-9] \\
+ %wihtin a tblr
+ \pictochrono[Height=4cm,ColTime=purple]{20}<vcenter>
+ &
+ \lipsum[1][1-9] \\
+\verb|v0.1.0|~:~~~~Initial version
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file