path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex
index 4cd5ee3b45..83b3de699c 100644
--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/causets/causet_tikz_example2.tex
@@ -1,69 +1,101 @@
+% Set colours and style:
+\colorlet{future colour}{green!50!black}
+\colorlet{past colour}{yellow!50!orange!80!black}
+\colorlet{anywhere colour}{red!80!black}
+\tikzset{prob arrow/.style={line width=1.5pt}}
+% Define some helper functions:
+\newcommand*{\semiopaque}[1]{% Adds a transparency group.
+\begin{scope}[transparency group, opacity=0.5]
+ #1
+\newcommand*{\drawprobarrow}[4][]{% Draws a (probability) arrow.
+\draw[prob arrow] (#2) -- node[sloped, midway, below, #1] {$#3$} (#4);
+\newcommand{\drawlegendsymbol}{% Draws the symbol for a legend entry.
+\draw[prob arrow] (0,0) -- +(10pt, 6pt);
+\newcommand{\legendsymbol}[1]{% Creates the legend symbol.
+ \ifnum#1=0
+ \drawlegendsymbol
+ \else
+ \semiopaque{\drawlegendsymbol}
+ \fi
-\begin{tikzpicture}[-stealth, line width=2pt]
- \matrix[nodes={draw, fill=yellow!10, thin, circle, inner sep=0.6ex, minimum size=5ex}, row sep=1.5cm, column sep=0.1cm]
- {
- \node (C1234) {\pcauset{1,2,3,4}};
- & \node (C1243) {\pcauset{1,2,4,3}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!20] (C1423) {\pcauset{1,4,2,3}};
- & \node (C1324) {\pcauset{1,3,2,4}};
- & \node (C1432) {\pcauset{1,4,3,2}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!30] (C4123) {\pcauset{4,1,2,3}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!30] (C4132) {\pcauset{4,1,3,2}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!20] (C3124) {\pcauset{3,1,2,4}};
- & & \node[fill=yellow!20] (C3412) {\pcauset{3,4,1,2}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!30] (C3142) {\pcauset{3,1,4,2}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!30] (C4312) {\pcauset{4,3,1,2}};
- & \node (C2134) {\pcauset{2,1,3,4}};
- & \node (C2143) {\pcauset{2,1,4,3}};
- & \node[fill=yellow!20] (C4213) {\pcauset{4,2,1,3}};
- & \node (C3214) {\pcauset{3,2,1,4}};
- & \node (C4321) {\pcauset{4,3,2,1}};
- \\
- \\
- & & \node (C123) {\pcauset{1,2,3}};
- & & & \node (C132) {\pcauset{1,3,2}};
- & & & \node[fill=yellow!20] (C312) {\pcauset{3,1,2}};
- & & & \node (C213) {\pcauset{2,1,3}};
- & & & \node (C321) {\pcauset{3,2,1}};
- \\
- & & & & & \node (C12) {\pcauset{1,2}};
- & & & & & & \node (C21) {\pcauset{2,1}};
- \\
- & & & & & & & & \node (C1) {\pcauset{1}};
- \\
- };
- \draw (C1) -- node[below left] {$p_{12}$} (C12);
- \draw (C12) -- node[below left] {$p_{123}$} (C123);
- \draw (C123) -- node[sloped, midway, below] {$p_{1234}$} (C1234);
- \draw (C123) -- node[sloped, near end, below] {$p_{1243}$} (C1243);
- \draw (C123) -- node[sloped, midway, below] {$p_{1423}$} (C1423);
- \draw (C123) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{4123}$} (C4123);
- \draw (C12) -- node[left] {$p_{132}$} (C132);
- \draw (C132) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{1342}$} (C1423);
- \draw (C132) -- node[sloped, near end, below] {$p_{1324}$} (C1324);
- \draw (C132) -- node[sloped, midway, above] {$p_{1432}$} (C1432);
- \draw (C132) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{4132}$} (C4132);
- \draw (C12) -- node[below right] {$p_{312}$} (C312);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near end, above] {$p_{3124}$} (C3124);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near end, above] {$p_{3412}$} (C3412);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near end, above] {$p_{3142}$} (C3142);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{4312}$} (C4312);
- \draw (C1) -- node[below right] {$p_{21}$} (C21);
- \draw (C21) -- node[below left] {$p_{231}$} (C312);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{2341}$} (C4123);
- \draw (C312) -- node[sloped, near end, above] {$p_{2431}$} (C4132);
- \draw (C21) -- node[right] {$p_{213}$} (C213);
- \draw (C213) -- node[sloped, midway, above] {$p_{2134}$} (C2134);
- \draw (C213) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{2413}$} (C3142);
- \draw (C213) -- node[sloped, near end, below] {$p_{2143}$} (C2143);
- \draw (C213) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{4213}$} (C4213);
- \draw (C21) -- node[below right] {$p_{321}$} (C321);
- \draw (C321) -- node[sloped, near start, below] {$p_{3421}$} (C4312);
- \draw (C321) -- node[sloped, midway, above] {$p_{3241}$} (C4213);
- \draw (C321) -- node[sloped, near end, above] {$p_{3214}$} (C3214);
- \draw (C321) -- node[sloped, midway, below] {$p_{4321}$} (C4321);
+ \def\ystep{2.0cm}
+ \def\xstep{0.52cm}
+ % Create nodes of all causets with 1 to 4 events:
+ \begin{scope}[nodes={draw, thin, circle, minimum size=1.02cm}]
+ \node (C1) at ( 0, 0) {\pcauset{1}};
+ \node (C12) at (-4*\xstep, 1*\ystep) {\pcauset{1,2}};
+ \node (C21) at ( 4*\xstep, 1*\ystep) {\pcauset{2,1}};
+ \foreach \perm [count=\i from 0] in {123, 132, 312, 213, 321}{%
+ \expandafter\defCevents\perm
+ \node (C\perm) at (4*\i*\xstep-8*\xstep, 2*\ystep) {\pcauset{\Ea,\Eb,\Ec}};
+ }
+ \foreach \perm [count=\i from 0] in {1234, 1243, 1423, 1324, 1432, 4123, 4132, 3124, 3412, 3142, 4312, 2134, 2143, 4213, 3214, 4321}{%
+ \expandafter\defDevents\perm
+ \node (C\perm) at (2*\i*\xstep-15*\xstep, 3.75*\ystep) {\pcauset{\Ea,\Eb,\Ec,\Ed}};
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+ % Add graph edges for expandings ...
+ % ... to the past (additionally):
+ \begin{scope}[past colour]
+ \foreach \perma/\permb in {12/213, 123/3124, 123/2134, 132/1243, 132/3142, 132/2143, 312/1423, 312/4213, 213/1324, 213/3124, 213/3214, 321/1432, 321/4132, 21/132}
+ \semiopaque{\drawprobarrow{C\perma}{}{C\permb}};
+ \end{scope}
+ % ... to anywhere (additionally, further):
+ \begin{scope}[anywhere colour]
+ \semiopaque{\drawprobarrow{C123}{}{C1324}};
+ \end{scope}
+ % ... to the future:
+ \begin{scope}[prob arrow, future colour]
+ \drawprobarrow{C1}{p_{12}}{C12}
+ \drawprobarrow{C12}{p_{123}}{C123}
+ \drawprobarrow{C123}{p_{1234}}{C1234}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C123}{p_{1243}}{C1243}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C123}{p_{1423}}{C1423}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start, above]{C123}{p_{4123}}{C4123}
+ \drawprobarrow[above]{C12}{p_{132}}{C132}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C132}{p_{1342}}{C1423}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C132}{p_{1324}}{C1324}
+ \drawprobarrow[midway, above]{C132}{p_{1432}}{C1432}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start]{C132}{p_{4132}}{C4132}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start, above]{C12}{p_{312}}{C312}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C312}{p_{3124}}{C3124}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C312}{p_{3412}}{C3412}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C312}{p_{3142}}{C3142}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start]{C312}{p_{4312}}{C4312}
+ \drawprobarrow{C1}{p_{21}}{C21}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start, above]{C21}{p_{231}}{C312}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start]{C312}{p_{2341}}{C4123}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C312}{p_{2431}}{C4132}
+ \drawprobarrow{C21}{p_{213}}{C213}
+ \drawprobarrow[above]{C213}{p_{2134}}{C2134}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start]{C213}{p_{2413}}{C3142}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C213}{p_{2143}}{C2143}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C213}{p_{4213}}{C4213}
+ \drawprobarrow{C21}{p_{321}}{C321}
+ \drawprobarrow[near start, above]{C321}{p_{3421}}{C4312}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C321}{p_{3241}}{C4213}
+ \drawprobarrow[near end]{C321}{p_{3214}}{C3214}
+ \drawprobarrow{C321}{p_{4321}}{C4321}
+ \end{scope}
+ % Add legend:
+ \node[above left, align=left, draw, inner sep=3ex, fill=gray!05]
+ at (15*\xstep, 0)
+ {Expanding towards\\
+ \bfseries\color{future colour}\legendsymbol{0}\ the future\\
+ \bfseries\color{past colour}\legendsymbol{1}\ + the past\\
+ \bfseries\color{anywhere colour}\legendsymbol{1}\ + anywhere};