path: root/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/libraries/luamath/pgf/luamath/parser.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/libraries/luamath/pgf/luamath/parser.lua')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/libraries/luamath/pgf/luamath/parser.lua b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/libraries/luamath/pgf/luamath/parser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42b690e6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/libraries/luamath/pgf/luamath/parser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 by Christophe Jorssen and Mark Wibrow
+-- Copyright 2014 by Christian Feuersaenger
+-- This file may be distributed and/or modified
+-- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+-- 2. under the GNU Public License.
+-- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+-- $Id$
+-- usage:
+-- pgfluamathparser = require("pgf.luamath.parser")
+-- local result = pgfluamathparser.pgfmathparse("1+ 2*4^2")
+-- This LUA class has a direct backend in \pgfuselibrary{luamath}, see the documentation of that TeX package.
+local pgfluamathparser = pgfluamathparser or {}
+pgfluamathfunctions = require("pgf.luamath.functions")
+-- lpeg is always present in luatex
+local lpeg = require("lpeg")
+local S, P, R = lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.R
+local C, Cc, Ct = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct
+local Cf, Cg, Cs = lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cs
+local V = lpeg.V
+local match = lpeg.match
+local space_pattern = S(" \n\r\t")^0
+local tex_unit =
+ P('pt') + P('mm') + P('cm') + P('in') +
+ -- while valid units, the font-depending ones need special attention... move them to the TeX side. For now.
+ -- P('ex') + P('em') +
+ P('bp') + P('pc') +
+ P('dd') + P('cc') + P('sp');
+local one_digit_pattern = R("09")
+local positive_integer_pattern = one_digit_pattern^1
+-- FIXME : it might be a better idea to remove '-' from all number_patterns! Instead, rely on the prefix operator 'neg' to implement negative numbers.
+-- Is that wise? It is certainly less efficient...
+local integer_pattern = S("+-")^-1 * positive_integer_pattern
+-- Valid positive decimals are ||, |.xxx| and |xxx.|
+local positive_integer_or_decimal_pattern = positive_integer_pattern * ( P(".") * one_digit_pattern^0)^-1 +
+ (P(".") * one_digit_pattern^1)
+local integer_or_decimal_pattern = S("+-")^-1 * positive_integer_or_decimal_pattern
+local fpu_pattern = R"05" * P"Y" * positive_integer_or_decimal_pattern * P"e" * S("+-")^-1 * R("09")^1 * P"]"
+local unbounded_pattern = P"inf" + P"INF" + P"nan" + P"NaN" + P"Inf"
+local number_pattern = C(unbounded_pattern + fpu_pattern + integer_or_decimal_pattern * (S"eE" * integer_pattern + C(tex_unit))^-1)
+local underscore_pattern = P("_")
+local letter_pattern = R("az","AZ")
+local alphanum__pattern = letter_pattern + one_digit_pattern + underscore_pattern
+local identifier_pattern = letter_pattern^1 * alphanum__pattern^0
+local openparen_pattern = P("(") * space_pattern
+local closeparen_pattern = P(")")
+local opencurlybrace_pattern = P("{")
+local closecurlybrace_pattern = P("}")
+local openbrace_pattern = P("[")
+local closebrace_pattern = P("]")
+-- hm. what about '\\' or '\%' ?
+-- accept \pgf@x, \count0, \dimen42, \c@pgf@counta, \wd0, \ht0, \dp 0
+local controlsequence_pattern = P"\\" * C( (R("az","AZ") + P"@")^1) * space_pattern* C( R"09"^0 )
+-- local string = P('"') * C((1 - P('"'))^0) * P('"')
+local comma_pattern = P(",") * space_pattern
+local TermOp = C(S("+-")) * space_pattern
+local EqualityOp = C( P"==" + P"!=" ) * space_pattern
+local RelationalOp = C( P"<=" + P">=" + P"<" + P">" ) * space_pattern
+local FactorOp = C(S("*/")) * space_pattern
+-- Grammar
+local Exp, Term, Factor = V"Exp", V"Term", V"Factor"
+local Prefix = V"Prefix"
+local Postfix = V"Postfix"
+local function eval (v1, op, v2)
+ if (op == "+") then return v1 + v2
+ elseif (op == "-") then return v1 - v2
+ elseif (op == "*") then return v1 * v2
+ elseif (op == "/") then return v1 / v2
+ else
+ error("This function must not be invoked for operator "..op)
+ end
+local pgfStringToFunctionMap = pgfluamathfunctions.stringToFunctionMap
+local function function_eval(name, ... )
+ local f = pgfStringToFunctionMap[name]
+ if not f then
+ error("Function '" .. name .. "' is undefined (did not find pgfluamathfunctions." .." (looked into pgfluamathfunctions.stringToFunctionMap))")
+ end
+ -- FIXME: validate signature
+ return f(...)
+local func =
+ (C(identifier_pattern) * space_pattern * openparen_pattern * Exp * (comma_pattern * Exp)^0 * closeparen_pattern) / function_eval;
+local functionWithoutArg = identifier_pattern / function_eval
+-- this is what can occur as exponent after '^'.
+-- I have the impression that the priorities could be implemented in a better way than this... but it seems to work.
+local pow_exponent =
+ -- allows 2^-4, 2^1e4, 2^2
+ -- FIXME : why not 2^1e2 ?
+ Cg(C(integer_or_decimal_pattern)
+ -- 2^pi, 2^multiply(2,2)
+ + Cg(func+functionWithoutArg)
+ -- 2^(2+2)
+ + openparen_pattern * Exp * closeparen_pattern )
+local function prefix_eval(op, x)
+ if op == "-" then
+ return pgfluamathfunctions.neg(x)
+ elseif op == "!" then
+ return pgfluamathfunctions.notPGF(x)
+ else
+ error("This function must not be invoked for operator "..op)
+ end
+local prefix_operator = C( S"-!" )
+local prefix_operator_pattern = (prefix_operator * space_pattern * Cg(Prefix) ) / prefix_eval
+-- apparently, we need to distinguish between <expr> ! and <expr> != <expr2>:
+local postfix_operator = C( S"r!" - P"!=" ) + C(P"^") * space_pattern * pow_exponent
+pgfluamathfunctions.functionMustBeEvaluatedInTeX = function()
+ error("The function in this context cannot be evaluated by LUA because it depends on TeX macros.")
+local ternary_eval = pgfluamathfunctions.ifthenelse
+local factorial_eval = pgfluamathfunctions.factorial
+local deg = pgfluamathfunctions.deg
+local pow_eval = pgfluamathfunctions.pow
+-- @param prefix the argument before the postfix operator.
+-- @param op either nil or the postfix operator
+-- @param arg either nil or the (mandatory) argument for 'op'
+local function postfix_eval(prefix, op, arg)
+ local result
+ if op == nil then
+ result = prefix
+ elseif op == "r" then
+ if arg then error("parser setup error: expected nil argument") end
+ result = deg(prefix)
+ elseif op == "!" then
+ if arg then error("parser setup error: expected nil argument") end
+ result = factorial_eval(prefix)
+ elseif op == "^" then
+ if not arg then error("parser setup error: ^ with its argument") end
+ result = pow_eval(prefix, arg)
+ else
+ error("Parser setup error: " .. tostring(op) .. " unexpected in this context")
+ end
+ return result
+local function equality_eval(v1, op, v2)
+ local fct
+ if (op == "==") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.equal
+ elseif (op == "!=") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.notequal
+ else
+ error("This function must not be invoked for operator "..op)
+ end
+ return fct(v1,v2)
+local function relational_eval(v1, op, v2)
+ local fct
+ if (op == "<") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.less
+ elseif (op == ">") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.greater
+ elseif (op == ">=") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.notless
+ elseif (op == "<=") then fct = pgfluamathfunctions.notgreater
+ else
+ error("This function must not be invoked for operator "..op)
+ end
+ return fct(v1,v2)
+-- @return either the box property or nil
+-- @param cs "wd", "ht", or "dp"
+-- @param intSuffix some integer
+local function get_tex_box(cs, intSuffix)
+ -- assume get_tex_box is only called when a dimension is required.
+ local result
+ pgfluamathparser.units_declared = true
+ local box[tonumber(intSuffix)]
+ if not box then error("There is no box " .. intSuffix) end
+ if cs == "wd" then
+ result = box.width / 65536
+ elseif cs == "ht" then
+ result = box.height / 65536
+ elseif cs == "dp" then
+ result = box.depth / 65536
+ else
+ result = nil
+ end
+ return result
+local function controlsequence_eval(cs, intSuffix)
+ local result
+ if intSuffix and #intSuffix >0 then
+ if cs == "count" then
+ result= pgfluamathparser.get_tex_count(intSuffix)
+ elseif cs == "dimen" then
+ result= pgfluamathparser.get_tex_dimen(intSuffix)
+ else
+ result = get_tex_box(cs,intSuffix)
+ if not result then
+ -- this can happen - we cannot expand \chardef'ed boxes here.
+ -- this will be done by the TeX part
+ error('I do not know/support the TeX register "\\' .. cs .. '"')
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ result = pgfluamathparser.get_tex_register(cs)
+ end
+ return result
+pgfluamathparser.units_declared = false
+function pgfluamathparser.get_tex_register(register)
+ -- register is a string which could be a count or a dimen.
+ if pcall(tex.getcount, register) then
+ return tex.count[register]
+ elseif pcall(tex.getdimen, register) then
+ pgfluamathparser.units_declared = true
+ return tex.dimen[register] / 65536 -- return in points.
+ else
+ error('I do not know the TeX register "' .. register .. '"')
+ return nil
+ end
+function pgfluamathparser.get_tex_count(count)
+ -- count is expected to be a number
+ return tex.count[tonumber(count)]
+function pgfluamathparser.get_tex_dimen(dimen)
+ -- dimen is expected to be a number
+ pgfluamathparser.units_declared = true
+ return tex.dimen[tonumber(dimen)] / 65536
+function pgfluamathparser.get_tex_sp(dimension)
+ -- dimension should be a string
+ pgfluamathparser.units_declared = true
+ return tex.sp(dimension) / 65536
+local initialRule = V"initial"
+local Summand = V"Summand"
+local Relational = V"Relational"
+local Equality = V"Equality"
+local LogicalOr = V"LogicalOr"
+local LogicalAnd = V"LogicalAnd"
+local pgftonumber = pgfluamathfunctions.tonumber
+local tonumber_withunit = pgfluamathparser.get_tex_sp
+local function number_optional_units_eval(x, unit)
+ if not unit then
+ return pgftonumber(x)
+ else
+ return tonumber_withunit(x)
+ end
+-- @param scale the number.
+-- @param controlsequence either nil in which case just the number must be returned or a control sequence
+-- @see controlsequence_eval
+local function scaled_controlsequence_eval(scale, controlsequence, intSuffix)
+ if controlsequence==nil then
+ return scale
+ else
+ return scale * controlsequence_eval(controlsequence, intSuffix)
+ end
+-- Grammar
+-- for me:
+-- - use '/' to evaluate all expressions which contain a _constant_ number of captures.
+-- - use Cf to evaluate expressions which contain a _dynamic_ number of captures
+-- see unittest_luamathparser.tex for tons of examples
+local G = P{ "initialRule",
+ initialRule = space_pattern* Exp * -1;
+ -- ternary operator (or chained ternary operators):
+ -- FIXME : is this chaining a good idea!?
+ Exp = Cf( LogicalOr * Cg(P"?" * space_pattern * LogicalOr * P":" *space_pattern * LogicalOr )^0, ternary_eval) ;
+ LogicalOr = Cf(LogicalAnd * (P"||" * space_pattern * LogicalAnd)^0, pgfluamathfunctions.orPGF);
+ LogicalAnd = Cf(Equality * (P"&&" * space_pattern * Equality)^0, pgfluamathfunctions.andPGF);
+ Equality = Cf(Relational * Cg(EqualityOp * Relational)^0, equality_eval);
+ Relational = Cf(Summand * Cg(RelationalOp * Summand)^0, relational_eval);
+ Summand = Cf(Term * Cg(TermOp * Term)^0, eval) ;
+ Term = Cf(Prefix * Cg(FactorOp * Prefix)^0, eval);
+ Prefix = prefix_operator_pattern + Postfix;
+ -- this calls 'postfix_eval' with nil arguments if it is no postfix operation.. but that does not hurt (right?)
+ Postfix = Factor * (postfix_operator * space_pattern)^-1 / postfix_eval;
+ Factor =
+ (
+ number_pattern / number_optional_units_eval *
+ -- this construction will evaluate number_pattern with 'number_optional_units_eval' FIRST.
+ -- also accept '0.5 \pgf@x' here:
+ space_pattern *controlsequence_pattern^-1 / scaled_controlsequence_eval
+ + func
+ + functionWithoutArg
+ + openparen_pattern * Exp * closeparen_pattern
+ + controlsequence_pattern / controlsequence_eval
+ ) *space_pattern
+ ;
+-- does not reset units_declared.
+local function pgfmathparseinternal(str)
+ local result = match(G,str)
+ if result == nil then
+ error("The string '" .. str .. "' is no valid PGF math expression. Please check for syntax errors.")
+ end
+ return result
+-- This is the math parser function in this module.
+-- @param str a string like "1+1" which is accepted by the PGF math language
+-- @return the result of the expression.
+-- Throws an error if the string is no valid expression.
+function pgfluamathparser.pgfmathparse(str)
+ pgfluamathparser.units_declared = false
+ return pgfmathparseinternal(str)
+local pgfmathparse = pgfluamathparser.pgfmathparse
+local tostringfixed = pgfluamathfunctions.tostringfixed
+local tostringfpu = pgfluamathfunctions.toTeXstring
+local tmpFunctionArgumentPrefix = "tmpVar"
+local stackOfLocalFunctions = {}
+-- This is a backend for PGF's 'declare function'.
+-- \tikzset{declare function={mu(\x,\i)=\x^\i;}}
+-- will boil down to
+-- pgfluamathparser.declareExpressionFunction("mu", 2, "#1^#2")
+-- The local function will be pushed on a stack of known local functions and is
+-- available until popLocalExpressionFunction() is called. TeX will call this using
+-- \aftergroup.
+-- @param name the name of the new function
+-- @param numArgs the number of arguments
+-- @param expression an expression containing #1, ... #n where n is numArgs
+-- ATTENTION: local functions behave DIFFERENTLY in LUA!
+-- In LUA, local variables are not expanded whereas TeX expands them.
+-- The difference is
+-- declare function={mu1(\x,\i)=\x^\i;}
+-- \pgfmathparse{mu1(-5,2)} --> -25
+-- \pgfluamathparse{mu1(-5,2)} --> 25
+-- x = -5
+-- \pgfmathparse{mu1(x,2)} --> 25
+-- \pgfluamathparse{mu1(x,2)} --> 25
+-- In an early prototype, I simulated TeX's expansion to fix the first case (successfully).
+-- BUT: that "simulated expansion" broke the second case because LUA will evaluate "x" and hand -5 to the local function.
+-- I decided to keep it as is. Perhaps we should fix PGF's expansion approach in TeX (which is ugly anyway)
+function pgfluamathparser.pushLocalExpressionFunction(name, numArgs, expression)
+ -- now we have "tmpVar1^tmpVar2" instead of "#1^#2"
+ local normalizedExpr = expression:gsub("#", tmpFunctionArgumentPrefix)
+ local restores = {}
+ local tmpVars = {}
+ for i=1,numArgs do
+ local tmpVar = tmpFunctionArgumentPrefix .. tostring(i)
+ tmpVars[i] = tmpVar
+ end
+ local newFunction = function(...)
+ local args = table.pack(...)
+ -- define "tmpVar1" ... "tmpVarN" to return args[i].
+ -- Of course, we need to restore "tmpVar<i>" after we return!
+ for i=1,numArgs do
+ local tmpVar = tmpVars[i]
+ local value = args[i]
+ restores[i] = pgfStringToFunctionMap[tmpVar]
+ pgfStringToFunctionMap[tmpVar] = function () return value end
+ end
+ -- parse our expression.
+ -- FIXME : this here is an attempt to mess around with "units_declared".
+ -- It would be better to call pgfmathparse and introduce some
+ -- semaphore to check if pgfmathparse is a nested call-- in this case, it should
+ -- not reset units_declared. But there is no "finally" block and pcall is crap (looses stack trace).
+ local success,result = pcall(pgfmathparseinternal, normalizedExpr)
+ -- remove 'tmpVar1', ... from the function table:
+ for i=1,numArgs do
+ local tmpVar = tmpVars[i]
+ pgfStringToFunctionMap[tmpVar] = restores[i]
+ end
+ if success==false then error(result) end
+ return result
+ end
+ table.insert(stackOfLocalFunctions, name)
+ pgfStringToFunctionMap[name] = newFunction
+function pgfluamathparser.popLocalExpressionFunction()
+ local name = stackOfLocalFunctions[#stackOfLocalFunctions]
+ pgfStringToFunctionMap[name] = nil
+ -- this removes the last element:
+ table.remove(stackOfLocalFunctions)
+-- A Utility function which simplifies the interaction with the TeX code
+-- @param expression the input expression (string)
+-- @param outputFormatChoice 0 if the result should be a fixed point number, 1 if it should be in FPU format
+-- @param showErrorMessage (boolean) true if any error should be displayed, false if errors should simply result in an invocation of TeX's parser (the default)
+-- it defines \pgfmathresult and \ifpgfmathunitsdeclared
+function pgfluamathparser.texCallParser(expression, outputFormatChoice, showErrorMessage)
+ local success, result
+ if showErrorMessage then
+ result = pgfmathparse(expression)
+ success = true
+ else
+ success, result = pcall(pgfmathparse, expression)
+ end
+ if success and result then
+ local result_str
+ if outputFormatChoice == 0 then
+ -- luamath/output format=fixed
+ result_str = tostringfixed(result)
+ else
+ -- luamath/output format=fixed
+ result_str = tostringfpu(result)
+ end
+ tex.sprint("\\def\\pgfmathresult{" .. result_str .. "}")
+ if pgfluamathparser.units_declared then
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfmathunitsdeclaredtrue")
+ else
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfmathunitsdeclaredfalse")
+ end
+ else
+ tex.sprint("\\def\\pgfmathresult{}")
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfmathunitsdeclaredfalse")
+ end
+return pgfluamathparser