path: root/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/library.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/library.lua')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/library.lua b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/library.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acfda34ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/library.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+-- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau
+-- This file may be distributed an/or modified
+-- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+-- 2. under the GNU Public License
+-- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information
+-- @release $Header$
+-- Nature creates beautiful graph layouts all the time. Consider a
+-- spider's web: Nodes are connected by edges in a visually most pleasing
+-- manner (if you ignore the spider in the middle). The layout of a
+-- spider's web is created just by the physical forces exerted by the
+-- threads. The idea behind force-based graph drawing algorithms is to
+-- mimic nature: We treat edges as threads that exert forces and simulate
+-- into which configuration the whole graph is ``pulled'' by these
+-- forces.
+-- When you start thinking about for a moment, it turns out that there
+-- are endless variations of the force model. All of these models have
+-- the following in common, however:
+-- %
+-- \begin{itemize}
+-- \item ``Forces'' pull and push at the nodes in different directions.
+-- \item The effect of these forces is simulated by iteratively moving
+-- all the nodes simultaneously a little in the direction of the forces
+-- and by then recalculating the forces.
+-- \item The iteration is stopped either after a certain number of
+-- iterations or when a \emph{global energy minimum} is reached (a very
+-- scientific way of saying that nothing happens anymore).
+-- \end{itemize}
+-- The main difference between the different force-based approaches is
+-- how the forces are determined. Here are some ideas what could cause a
+-- force to be exerted between two nodes (and there are more):
+-- %
+-- \begin{itemize}
+-- \item If the nodes are connected by an edge, one can treat the edge as
+-- a ``spring'' that has a ``natural spring dimension''. If the nodes
+-- are nearer than the spring dimension, they are push apart; if they
+-- are farther aways than the spring dimension, they are pulled together.
+-- \item If two nodes are connected by a path of a certain length, the
+-- nodes may ``wish to be at a distance proportional to the path
+-- length''. If they are nearer, they are pushed apart; if they are
+-- farther, they are pulled together. (This is obviously a
+-- generalization of the previous idea.)
+-- \item There may be a general force field that pushes nodes apart (an
+-- electrical field), so that nodes do not tend to ``cluster''.
+-- \item There may be a general force field that pulls nodes together (a
+-- gravitational field), so that nodes are not too loosely scattered.
+-- \item There may be highly nonlinear forces depending on the distance of
+-- nodes, so that nodes very near to each get pushed apart strongly,
+-- but the effect wears of rapidly at a distance. (Such forces are
+-- known as strong nuclear forces.)
+-- \item There rotational forces caused by the angles between the edges
+-- leaving a node. Such forces try to create a \emph{perfect angular
+-- resolution} (a very scientific way of saying that all angles
+-- at a node are equal).
+-- \end{itemize}
+-- Force-based algorithms combine one or more of the above ideas into a
+-- single algorithm that uses ``good'' formulas for computing the
+-- forces.
+-- Currently, three algorithms are implemented in this library, two of
+-- which are from the first of the following paper, while the third is
+-- from the third paper:
+-- %
+-- \begin{itemize}
+-- \item
+-- Y. Hu.
+-- \newblock Efficient, high-quality force-directed graph drawing.
+-- \newblock \emph{The Mathematica Journal}, 2006.
+-- \item
+-- C. Walshaw.
+-- \newblock A multilevel algorithm for force-directed graph
+-- drawing.
+-- \newblock In J. Marks, editor, \emph{Graph Drawing}, Lecture Notes in
+-- Computer Science, 1984:31--55, 2001.
+-- \end{itemize}
+-- Our implementation is described in detail in the following
+-- diploma thesis:
+-- %
+-- \begin{itemize}
+-- \item
+-- Jannis Pohlmann,
+-- \newblock \emph{Configurable Graph Drawing Algorithms
+-- for the \tikzname\ Graphics Description Language,}
+-- \newblock Diploma Thesis,
+-- \newblock Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Universit\"at
+-- zu L\"ubeck, 2011.\\[.5em]
+-- \newblock Online at
+-- \url{}\\ \url{2011-configurable-graph-drawing-algorithms-jannis-pohlmann.pdf}
+-- \end{itemize}
+-- In the future, I hope that most, if not all, of the force-based
+-- algorithms become ``just configuration options'' of a general
+-- force-based algorithm similar to the way the modular Sugiyama method
+-- is implemented in the |layered| graph drawing library.
+-- @library
+local force -- Library name
+-- Load declarations from:
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""
+-- Load algorithms from:
+require ""
+require ""
+require ""