path: root/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/jedi/base/CoarseGraphFW.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/jedi/base/CoarseGraphFW.lua')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/jedi/base/CoarseGraphFW.lua b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/jedi/base/CoarseGraphFW.lua
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index 0000000000..0487214654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/jedi/base/CoarseGraphFW.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+-- Copyright 2014 by Ida Bruhns
+-- This file may be distributed and/or modified
+-- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+-- 2. under the GNU Public License
+-- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information
+--- A class for creating and handling "coarse" versions of a graph. Such versions contain
+-- less nodes and edges than the original graph while retaining the overall
+-- structure. This class offers functions to create coarse graphs and to expand them
+-- to regain their original size.
+-- Imports
+local Digraph = require ""
+local Vertex = require ""
+local Arc = require ""
+local lib = require ""
+local CoarseGraph =
+CoarseGraph.__index = CoarseGraph
+--- Creates a new coarse graph derived from an existing graph.
+-- Generates a coarse graph for the input |Digraph|.
+-- Coarsening describes the process of reducing the amount of vertices in a graph
+-- by merging vertices into pseudo-vertices. There are different strategies,
+-- to decide which vertices should be merged, like merging vertices that belong to edges in a
+-- maximal independent edge set or by creating pseudo-vertices based on a maximal
+-- independent node set. Those strategies are called
+-- schemes.
+-- Coarsening is not performed automatically. The function |CoarseGraph:coarsen|
+-- can be used to further coarsen the graph, or the function |CoarseGraph:uncoarsen|
+-- can be used to restore the previous state.
+-- Note, however, that the input \meta{graph} is always modified in-place, so
+-- if the original version of \meta{graph} is needed in parallel to its
+-- coarse representations, a deep copy of \meta{graph} needs to be passed over
+-- to ||.
+-- @param graph An existing graph that needs to be coarsened.
+-- @param fw_attributes The user defined attributes, possibly attached to vertices.
+function, fw_attributes)
+ local coarse_graph = {
+ ugraph = ugraph,
+ level = 0,
+ scheme = CoarseGraph.coarsen_independent_edges,
+ ratio = 0,
+ fw_attributes = fw_attributes,
+ collapsed_vertices = {}
+ }
+ setmetatable(coarse_graph, CoarseGraph)
+ return coarse_graph
+-- locals for performance
+local find_maximal_matching, arc_function
+-- This function performs one coarsening step: It finds all independent vertex
+-- set according to |scheme|, coarsens them and adds the newly created
+-- vertices to the collapsed_vertices table, associating them with the current
+-- level.
+function CoarseGraph:coarsen()
+ -- update the level
+ self.level = self.level + 1
+ local vertices = self.ugraph.vertices
+ local old_graph_size = #vertices
+ local c = {}
+ local fw_attributes = self.fw_attributes
+ local ugraph = self.ugraph
+ if self.scheme == CoarseGraph.coarsen_independent_edges then
+ local matching = find_matching(ugraph)
+ local collapse_vertex
+ for _,arc in ipairs(matching) do
+ -- get the two nodes of the edge that we are about to collapse
+ local a_h = arc.head
+ local a_t = arc.tail
+ local collapse_vertices = {a_h, a_t}
+ collapse_vertex = {weight = 0, mass = 0}
+ ugraph:collapse(collapse_vertices,
+ collapse_vertex,
+ function (a,b)
+ a.weight = a.weight + b.weight
+ a.mass = a.mass + b.mass
+ if fw_attributes then
+ for key,value in pairs(fw_attributes[b]) do
+ if fw_attributes.functions[key] then
+ fw_attributes.functions[key](a,b)
+ elseif type(value) == "number" then
+ local tmp = fw_attributes[a]
+ if not tmp[key] then
+ tmp[key] = 0
+ end
+ tmp[key] = tmp[key] + value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ function (a,b)
+ if a.weight == nil then
+ a.weight = b.weight
+ else
+ a.weight = a.weight + b.weight
+ end
+ end)
+ local c_v_p = collapse_vertex.pos
+ local a_h_p = a_h.pos
+ local a_t_p = a_t.pos
+ c_v_p.x = (a_h_p.x + a_t_p.x)/2
+ c_v_p.y = (a_h_p.y + a_t_p.y)/2
+ c[#c+1] = collapse_vertex
+ ugraph:remove{a_h, a_t}
+ end
+ -- Enter all collapsed vertices into a table to uncoarsen one level at a time
+ self.collapsed_vertices[self.level] = c
+ else
+ assert(false, 'schemes other than CoarseGraph.coarsen_independent_edges are not implemented yet')
+ end
+ -- calculate the number of nodes ratio compared to the previous graph
+ self.ratio = #vertices / old_graph_size
+-- This function expands all vertices associated with the current level, then
+-- updates the level.
+function CoarseGraph:uncoarsen()
+ local a = self.collapsed_vertices[self.level]
+ local ugraph = self.ugraph
+ local random = lib.random
+ local randomseed = lib.randomseed
+ for j=#a,1,-1 do
+ randomseed(42)
+ local to_expand = a[j]
+ ugraph:expand(to_expand, function(a,b)
+ b.pos.x = a.pos.x + random()*10
+ b.pos.y = a.pos.y + random()*10
+ end)
+ ugraph:remove{to_expand}
+ ugraph:sync()
+ end
+ self.level = self.level - 1
+-- Getters
+function CoarseGraph:getSize()
+ return #self.ugraph.vertices
+function CoarseGraph:getRatio()
+ return self.ratio
+function CoarseGraph:getLevel()
+ return self.level
+function CoarseGraph:getGraph()
+ return self.ugraph
+-- Private helper function to determine whether the second vertex in the
+-- current arc has been matched already
+-- @param arc The arc in question
+-- @param vertex One of the arc's endpoints, either head or tail
+-- @param matched_vertices The table holding all matched vertices
+-- @return The arc if the other endpoint has not been matched yet
+function arc_function (arc, vertex, matched_vertices)
+ local x
+ if arc.head ~= vertex then
+ x = arc.head
+ else
+ x = arc.tail
+ end
+ if not matched_vertices[x] then
+ return arc
+ end
+-- The function finding a maximum matching of independent arcs.
+-- @param ugraph The current graph
+-- @return A table of arcs which are in the matching
+function find_matching(ugraph)
+ local matching = {}
+ local matched_vertices = {}
+ local unmatched_vertices = {}
+ local vertices = ugraph.vertices
+ -- iterate over nodes in random order
+ for _,j in ipairs(lib.random_permutation(#vertices)) do
+ local vertex = vertices[j]
+ -- ignore nodes that have already been matched
+ if not matched_vertices[vertex] then
+ local arcs = {}
+ local all_arcs = {}
+ for _,v in pairs(ugraph:incoming(vertex)) do all_arcs[#all_arcs+1] = v end
+ for _,v in pairs(ugraph:outgoing(vertex)) do all_arcs[#all_arcs+1] = v end
+ -- mark the node as matched
+ matched_vertices[vertex] = true
+ for _, a in ipairs(all_arcs) do
+ arcs[#arcs +1] = arc_function(a, vertex, matched_vertices)
+ end
+ if #arcs > 0 then
+ -- sort edges by the weights of the adjacent vertices
+ table.sort(arcs, function (a, b)
+ local x, y
+ if a.head == vertex then
+ x = a.tail
+ else
+ x = a.head
+ end
+ if b.head == vertex then
+ y = b.tail
+ else
+ y = b.head
+ end
+ return x.weight < y.weight
+ end)
+ -- match the node against the neighbor with minimum weight
+ matched_vertices[arcs[1].head] = true
+ matched_vertices[arcs[1].tail] = true
+ table.insert(matching, arcs[1])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- generate a list of nodes that were not matched at all
+ for _,j in ipairs(lib.random_permutation(#vertices)) do
+ local vertex = vertices[j]
+ if not matched_vertices[vertex] then
+ table.insert(unmatched_vertices, vertex)
+ end
+ end
+ return matching
+-- done
+return CoarseGraph