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+% Copyright 2010-2018 by Renée Ahrens
+% Copyright 2010-2018 by Olof Frahm
+% Copyright 2010-2018 by Jens Kluttig
+% Copyright 2010-2018 by Matthias Schulz
+% Copyright 2010-2018 by Stephan Schuster
+% Copyright 2018 by Jannis Pohlmann
+% Copyright 2018 by Till Tantau
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License.
+% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+\section{The Display Layer}
+{\noindent {\itshape{by Till Tantau}}}
+ This section of the manual can only be typeset using Lua\TeX.
+ \expandafter\endinput
+ \itshape You do not need to read this section in order to write new graph
+ drawing algorithms. It is of interest only to those wishing to write
+ programs that wish to ``use'' the graph drawing system in a similar way
+ that \tikzname\ does for laying out graphs that are generated and then
+ passed down from the program to the graph drawing system.
+\subsection{Introduction: The Interplay of the Different Layers}
+The job of the graph drawing system is to run graph drawing algorithms on
+graphs. Since graph drawing is useful in many different contexts, not only in
+the context of \tikzname\ for which the present system was originally
+developed, the graph drawing system was designed in such a way that it can be
+used independently of \tikzname. To achieve this, the \emph{display layer}
+provides an interface via which an arbitrary program (\tikzname, a graph
+editor, a command line interface, etc.) ``talk'' to the graph drawing system.
+To better understand how this works, let us consider the following setup:
+ \item A program would like to communicate with the graph drawing system. It
+ is written in Java and its job is to analyse social networks. This
+ software would like to use graph drawing to produce drawings of some
+ ``social graphs'' arising from its analyses. This software will be
+ called ``the display system'' in the following.
+ \item There are two algorithms that the display system would like to apply
+ to the graphs its produces. Let us call these algorithms ``A'' and
+ ``B''. However, the display system would also, ideally, wish to make it
+ possible that its user chooses other algorithms ``C'' that are not
+ necessarily part of its binary.
+ \item The display system has internally generated a ``social graph'' that
+ it would now like to draw.
+For this setup, the communication between the different layers of the graph
+drawing system is as follows:
+ \item The display system, being written in Java, must embed Lua to use the
+ graph drawing system.
+ \item The display system must initialize the graph drawing system. For
+ this, it must use |require| on the file |InterfaceToDisplay|, which, as
+ the name suggests, contains the interface between the display system
+ and the graph drawing system.
+ It must also create a so-called ``binding'' between the graph drawing
+ system and the display layer. See
+ Section~\ref{section-gd-binding-layer} for more information on
+ bindings.
+ \item The display system now needs to load the declarations of the
+ algorithms A and B. For this, it just needs to apply |require| to the
+ files in which the algorithms reside. This will cause the |declare|
+ function to be called. This function is declared by
+ |InterfaceToAlgorithms| and allows files to declare that certain
+ algorithms and options are now available.
+ Once this is done, the graph drawing system is fully initialized and
+ can be used.
+ \item Later on, the display system wishes to lay out a social graph. Note
+ that this is known as ``drawing the graph'' in the graph drawing
+ community, even though this only means the coordinates are computed for
+ the nodes of the graph. The actual ``rendering'' of the graph on the
+ display is the job of the display system (hence the name ``display
+ layer'').
+ \item To start the layout process, the display system calls the function
+ |beginGraphDrawingScope| of the class |InterfaceToDisplay|.
+ \item Next, for each vertex the function |createVertex| of the interface
+ class must be called and similarly for each edge. These calls will
+ cause an internal model of the graph to be created on the algorithm
+ layer. Options that are attached to nodes and edges are also
+ communicated to the graph drawing system through function calls like
+ |pushOption|.
+ \item When the graph is fully specified, the method
+ |runGraphDrawingAlgorithm| must be called, which is once more a method
+ of the interface class. This function will internally discern which
+ algorithms have been chosen (via options) and invoke the code of the
+ appropriate algorithms.
+ \item Next, the function |renderGraph| must be called. Its job is to
+ ``communicate back'' which coordinates have been computed. It will use
+ the binding for this communication, see
+ Section~\ref{section-gd-binding-layer}.
+ \item Finally, by calling |endGraphDrawingScope|, the resources needed for
+ the layout process for the social graph are freed once more.
+A few points may be noteworthy:
+ \item The whole communication between the display system and the graph
+ drawing system goes through the interface class via function calls.
+ This makes it easy to communicate with display system whose internal
+ model of graphs is quite different from the one used in Lua (as is
+ certainly the case for \TeX, but also the ``social graph'' mentioned
+ above need not even exist as a separate entity inside the display
+ system).
+ \emph{The display system should only rely on the interface class. All
+ communication has to go through this class, the display system may not
+ access the internals of the internally constructed graphs directly.}
+ \item New algorithms can be loaded at runtime, as long as the |require|
+ method is supported.
+ \item The display system can also use the interface class to query which
+ algorithms and which options are available in principle (and display
+ this information to the user). The display system can even get access
+ the documentation of the options at runtime since the documentation is
+ stored in fields of the declared options.
+In the following, we first present a simple display system other than
+\tikzname. The remainder of the section then encompasses a documentation of the
+different functions of the class |InterfaceToDisplay|.
+\subsection{An Example Display System}
+In the following, we present the code of a very simple display system written
+in Lua (another such display system is \tikzname\ itself, but the minimal
+system will allow us to focus on what is really needed). You will also find it
+in ||.
+The job of this display system is to parse a string that encodes a graph and to
+call the appropriate functions of |InterfaceToDisplay| to lay out the graph.
+The actual calls for rendering the graph are part of the binding, which is
+documented in Section~\ref{section-gd-binding-layer-example}.
+The syntax of the to-be-laid-out graph is a reduced version of \tikzname's
+|graph| syntax: The string must start with |graph[|\meta{algorithm's name}|]{|
+and end with |}|. Between the braces, all lines must either be of the form
+\meta{node name}|;| or \meta{name 1}|->|\meta{name 2}|;| with optional spaces
+around the node names.
+Let us now have a look at what we must do to use the graph drawing system.
+First, we load some libraries and initialize the binding (see
+Section~\ref{section-gd-binding-layer-example} for details on the binding; we
+can ignore it for now).
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+local InterfaceToDisplay = require ""
+InterfaceToDisplay.bind(require "")
+-- Load two libraries that define graph drawing algorithms. We can do this only *after* the binding
+-- has been created since they call the declare function internally.
+require ""
+require ""
+Now comes some preparation code that starts a graph drawing scope and sets up
+the algorithm to the string provided between the square \todosp{should
+\texttt{.pushPhase} be \texttt{.pushOption}? (bug \#396)} brackets:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+local algorithm ="%s*graph%s*%[(.-)%]")
+InterfaceToDisplay.pushPhase(algorithm, "main", 1)
+InterfaceToDisplay.pushOption("level distance", 6, 2)
+InterfaceToDisplay.pushOption("sibling distance", 8, 3)
+The numbers |1| to |4| are the positions on the options stack at which the
+options should be placed. See the description of |pushOption| for more details.
+We are now ready to create the vertices and edges via a very simple parser:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+for line in io.lines() do
+ if line:match("}") then
+ break
+ elseif line:find("-") then
+ local n1, dir, n2 = string.match(line, "^%s*(.-)%s*(-.)%s*(.-)%s*;")
+ InterfaceToDisplay.createEdge(n1, n2, dir, 4)
+ else
+ local n1 = string.match(line, "^%s*(.-)%s*;")
+ InterfaceToDisplay.createVertex(n1, "rectangle", nil, 4)
+ end
+The graph is now completely constructed inside the graph drawing system. We can
+now invoke the algorithms:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+We can now run the resulting file using the Lua interpreter. If we provide the
+input shown on the left, we get the output shown on the right:
+\emph{Input given to ASCIIDisplayer:}
+graph [layered layout] {
+ Alice;
+ Bob;
+ Charly;
+ Dave;
+ Eve;
+ Fritz;
+ George;
+ Alice -> Bob;
+ Alice -> Charly;
+ Charly -> Dave;
+ Bob -> Dave;
+ Dave -> Eve;
+ Eve -> Fritz;
+ Fritz -> Alice;
+ George -> Eve;
+ George -> Fritz;
+ Alice -> George;
+\emph{Output produced by ASCIIDisplayer:}
+ Alice
+ .......
+ .. . . .
+ ... . . .
+ ... .. . ..
+ .. . . .
+ Charly Bob . .
+ .. . . .
+ . . . .
+ . . . .
+ .. . . .
+ .. . .
+ Dave George .
+ .. . ... .
+ . . .. .
+ . . ...
+ .. . . ...
+ .. . ..
+ Eve . ..
+ .. . ..
+ . . .
+ . . .
+ .. . ..
+ ...
+ Fritz
+\subsection{The Interface to Display Systems}