path: root/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpkiviat/doc/mpkiviat-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpkiviat/doc/mpkiviat-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpkiviat/doc/mpkiviat-doc.tex b/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpkiviat/doc/mpkiviat-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpkiviat/doc/mpkiviat-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+% LTeX: language=en
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+ morekeywords=[7]{draw_axis,
+ draw_grad,
+ draw_legends,
+ draw_line,
+ set_axis_color,
+ set_axis_legends,
+ set_kiviat_unit,
+ set_lattice_color,
+ set_lattice_grid, set_line_mark,
+ set_line_mark_scale,
+ set_line_mark_type,
+ filldraw_line,
+ set_axis,},
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+%% === Page de garde ===================================================
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \node[below right, shift={(-4pt,4pt)}] at (current page.north west) {%
+ \includegraphics{fond.pdf}%
+ };
+{\Huge \bfseries \mpkiviat}\\
+{\large Package \MP{} to draw Kiviat diagrams}\\[1cm]
+ \textbf{Contributors}\\
+ Maxime \textsc{Chupin}\\
+ \url{}
+Version 0.1, 22th of may 2024\\
+%% == Page de garde ====================================================
+ This \hologo{METAPOST} package allows to draw Kiviat diagram (or radar chart,
+ web chart, spider chart, etc.).
+\mpkiviat is a package to draw Kiviat diagram (web chart, spider chart, spider
+graph, spider web chart, star chart, star plot, cobweb chart, irregular polygon,or
+polar chart) with \MP~\cite{ctan-metapost}.
+\mpkiviat is on \ctan{} and can also be installed via the package manager of
+your distribution.
+ \url{}
+\subsection{With \TeX live under Linux or macOS}
+To install \mpkiviat with \TeX Live, you will have to create the directory
+\lstinline+texmf+ in your \lstinline+home+.
+mkdir ~/texmf
+Then, you will have to place the \ file in
+ \lstinline+~/texmf/metapost/mpkiviat/+
+Once this is done, \mpkiviat will be loaded with the classic \MP{}
+input code
+input mpkiviat
+\subsection{With Mik\TeX{} and Windows}
+These two systems are unknown to the author of \mpkiviat, so we
+refer you to the Mik\TeX documentation concerning the addition of local packages:
+ \url{}
+\mpkiviat depends, of course on \MP~\cite{ctan-metapost}, as well as the
+packages and---if \mpkiviat is not used with
+\hologo{LuaLaTeX}~\cite{ctan-lualatex-doc,ctan-luatex} and the
+\package{luamplib} or \package{minim-mp}~\cite{ctan-luamplib,ctan-minim-mp}
+packages---the \package{latexmp}~\cite{ctan-latexmp} package.
+\section{Axis and lattice}
+ \macro|set_axis(«list of axis names»)|
+ The \meta{list of axis names} is a list delimited by commas with the names of
+ the different axis as \typeMP{string} (e.g.
+ \lstinline+"Légumes","Fruits","Produits laitiers"+).
+ \index{set_axis@\lstinline+set_axis+}
+The command to draw the Kiviat background is the following:
+ \macro|draw_axis|
+ \index{draw_axis@\lstinline+draw_axis+}
+The combinaison of these two commands produces, for example:
+input mpkiviat;
+By default, legend of each axis are written, but you can avoid that using the
+following command:
+ \macro|set_axis_legends(«boolean»)|
+ \medskip
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{boolean}:] \typeMP{true} or \typeMP{false}
+ \end{description}
+ \index{set_axis_legends@\lstinline+set_axis_legends+}
+Default value for each axis is 10, and there is 10 steps for the lattice. You
+can redefine that with the following command that \emph{should be set before the
+drawing command} :
+ \macro|set_lattice_grid(«unit»,«max»)|
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{unit}:] (\typeMP{numeric}) is the interval between two lines of the lattice;
+ \item[\meta{max}:] (\typeMP{numeric}) is the maximum value for each axis.
+ \end{description}
+ \index{set_lattice_grid@\lstinline+set_lattice_grid+}
+You can print the graduations for the lattice with the following command:
+ \macro|draw_grad(«prefix»,«suffix»,«axis number»)|
+ \item[\meta{prefix}:] (\typeMP{string}) is a string to add before each graduation;
+ \item[\meta{suffix}:] (\typeMP{suffix}) is a string to add after each graduation;
+ \item[\meta{axis number}:] (\typeMP{numeric}) is an integer to choose the axis
+ used for printing the graduations.
+\mpkiviat defines a unit that can be modified to scale the entire graph with the
+following command (that must be used before the command \lstinline+set_axis+).
+ \macro|set_kiviat_unit(«unit»)|
+ \item[\meta{unit}:] (\typeMP{string}, default \SI{0.3}{cm}) is the unit to
+ draw the graph.
+One can set colors for the axis and the lattice with the two following commands.
+ \macro|set_axis_color(«color»)|
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{color}:] (\typeMP{color}) is the color for drawing the axis arrows.
+ \end{description}
+ \index{set_axis_color@\lstinline+set_axis_color+}
+ \macro|set_lattice_color(«color»)|
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{color}:] (\typeMP{color}) is the color for drawing the lattice.
+ \end{description}
+ \index{set_lattice_color@\lstinline+set_lattice_color+}
+The following example illustrates some of the previous commands.
+input mpkiviat;
+\section{Add lines}
+Once you have drawn the background, you can add lines for your Kiviat diagram.
+The basic command to do that is the following:
+ \macro|draw_line(«list of values»)(«color»)|
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{list of value}:] (list of \typeMP{string}) values for the
+ different axis of the Kiviat diagram (e.g. \lstinline+"9","2","3"+). The
+ values must match the settings of the lattice.
+ \item[\meta{color}:] (\typeMP{color}) is the color for drawing the line.
+ \end{description}
+ \index{draw_line@\lstinline+draw_line+}
+You can also draw and fill a Kiviat line with the following command:
+ \macro|filldraw_line(«list of values»)(«color»)|
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\meta{list of value}:] (list of \typeMP{string}) values for the
+ different axis of the Kiviat diagram (e.g. \lstinline+"9","2","3"+). The
+ values must match the settings of the lattice.
+ \item[\meta{color}:] (\typeMP{color}) is the color for drawing the line. The
+ filling color is transparent\footnote{Thanks to Anthony Phan \MP{} code : \url{}.}
+ \end{description}
+ \index{filldraw_line@\lstinline+filldraw_line+}
+By default, there is mark on a Kiviat line. You can remove marks with the
+following command, setting the booelan argument to \lstinline+false+.
+ \macro|set_line_mark(«boolean»)|
+ \item[\meta{boolean}:] \typeMP{true} or \typeMP{false}
+ \index{set_line_mark@\lstinline+set_line_mark+}
+You can also choose the type of mark. \mpkiviat provides three types :
+\lstinline+"square"+, by default, \lstinline+"circle"+ and \lstinline+"custom"+.
+To choose one of them, you have to use the following command:
+ \macro|set_line_mark_type(«type»)|
+ \item[\meta{type}:] (\typeMP{string}) \lstinline+"square"+, by default,
+ \lstinline+"circle"+ and \lstinline+"custom"+.
+ \index{set_line_mark_type@\lstinline+set_line_mark_type+}
+If you choose \lstinline+custom+, you will have to define a macro
+\lstinline+line_mark_custom+ that take a \typeMP{pair} as argument and that
+define a cycled path shifted around the \typeMP{pair}. For instance, the
+\lstinline+line_mark_square+ command is defined as:
+def line_mark_square(expr p)=
+ (((-1,-1)--(1,-1)--(1,1)--(-1,1)--cycle scaled _line_mark_scale) shifted p)
+You can adjust the size of the marks using the following scaling macro:
+ \macro|set_line_mark_scale(«scaling factor»)|
+ \item[\meta{scaling factor}:] is a \typeMP{numeric} that is, by default, 1.
+ \index{set_line_mark_scale@\lstinline+set_line_mark_scale+}
+Here is an example that illustrates some of the previous commands.
+input mpkiviat;
+set_axis("McCabe","LOC","Live Variables","Halstead N","Variablenspanne");
+\mpkiviat provides the following command to add legends to a Kiviat diagram:
+ \macro|draw_legends.«place»(«list of names»)|
+ \item[\meta{place}:] is one of the standard \MP{} suffixes :
+ empty, \lstinline+lft+, \lstinline+rt+, \lstinline+top+,
+ \lstinline+bot+, \lstinline+ulft+, \lstinline+urt+, \lstinline+llft+ and
+ \lstinline+lrt+. The legend is placed at the given place of the bounding box
+ of the complete Kiviat diagram (without the legend). If it is empty, the
+ default place is \lstinline+rt+.
+ \item[\meta{list of names}:] is the list of \typeMP{string} of names for the
+ different lines in the order of the construction.
+ \index{draw_legends@\lstinline+draw_legends+}
+input mpkiviat;
+set_axis("McCabe","LOC","Live Variables","Halstead N","Variablenspanne");
+draw_legends.lrt("Première", "Deuxième", "Troisième");