path: root/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex
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+% LTeX: language=en
+% mpchess: draw chess boards and positions with MetaPost
+% Originally written by Maxime Chupin <>,
+% 2023.
+% Distributed under the terms of the GNU free documentation licence:
+% without any invariant section or cover text.
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+ language=MetaPost,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakindent=30pt,
+ defaultdialect=MetaPost,
+ classoffset=1,% frame=tb
+ morekeywords={init_backboard,set_backboard_width,set_backboard_size,set_color_theme,get_backboard_width,get_backboard_size,set_backboard_width,get_square_dim,set_white_color,set_black_color,set_coords_inside,set_coords_outside,set_coords_font,set_coords,
+ set_no_coords,set_white_view,set_black_view,
+ set_white_player,set_black_player,set_pieces_theme,set_players_side,init_chessboard,set_empty_chessboard,add_white_pieces,add_black_pieces,clear_areas,clear_files,clear_ranks,clear_squares,build_chessboard_from_fen,build_chessboards_from_pgn,clear_chessboard,
+ color_square,draw_arrows,draw_circles,draw_comment,draw_crosses,get_halfmove_number,get_totalmove_number,
+ reset_mpchess,set_black_to_move,set_last_move_color,set_comment_color,set_white_to_move,set_whos_to_move,show_last_move,unset_whos_to_move,set_arrow_width,clip_chessboard},
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+ options={breaklines,language={[LaTeX]TeX}}
+\makeindex[title=Command Index, columns=2]
+\title{{MPchess} : drawing chess boards and positions with \hologo{METAPOST}}
+\author{Maxime Chupin, \url{}}
+%% === Page de garde ===================================================
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \node[below right, shift={(-4pt,4pt)}] at (current page.north west) {%
+ \includegraphics{fond.pdf}%
+ };
+{\Huge \mpchess}\par\medskip
+{\Large drawing chess boards and positions with \hologo{METAPOST}}\\[1cm]
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ input mpchess
+ string pgnstr;
+ pgnstr:="1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 d6 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. Nc3 g6 5. Nxe5 Bxd1 ";
+ build_chessboards_from_pgn(pgnstr);
+ beginfig(0);
+ set_backboard_width(8cm);
+ init_backboard;
+ draw backboard;
+ show_last_move(10);
+ draw_comment("?","d1");
+ color_square(0.3[green,black])("c4","c3","e5");
+ color_square(0.3[red,black])("e8");
+ draw chessboard_step(10);
+ draw_arrows(0.3[green,black])("e5|-f7","c3-|d5");
+ draw_arrows(0.3[red,black])("c4--f7");
+ endfig;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \textbf{Contributor}\\
+ Maxime \textsc{Chupin}\\
+ \url{}
+ Version 0.1, 2023, March, 23th \\
+ \url{}
+%% == Page de garde ====================================================
+ This package allows you to draw chess boards and positions.
+ The appearance of the drawings is modern and largely inspired by what is offered by
+ the excellent web site \url{}.
+ Relying on \MP{} probably allows more graphic flexibility than the
+ excellent \LaTeX{} packages.
+ \url{}
+\begin{tcolorbox}[ arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,
+ colback=darkred!3,
+ colframe=darkred,
+ breakable,
+ boxsep=0pt,left=5pt,right=5pt,top=5pt,bottom=5pt, bottomtitle =
+ 3pt, toptitle=3pt,
+ boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=0.5pt,toprule=0.5pt, toprule at break =
+ 0pt, bottomrule at break = 0pt,]
+ \itshape
+ This package is in beta version, do not hesitate to report bugs, as well as requests for improvement.
+\mpchess is on the \ctan{} and can be installed via the package manager of your
+ \url{}
+\subsection{With \TeX live under Linux or MacOS}
+To install \mpchess with \TeX live, you will have to create the directory
+\lstinline+texmf+ directory in your \lstinline+home+.
+mkdir ~/texmf
+Then, you will have to place the \ files in the
+ \lstinline+~/texmf/tex/metapost/mpchess/+
+\mpchess consists of 7 files \hologo{METAPOST} :
+ \item \;
+ \item \;
+ \item \;
+ \item \;
+ \item \;
+ \item \;
+ \item \
+Once this is done, \mpchess will be loaded with the classic
+input mpchess
+\subsection{With Mik\TeX{} and Windows}
+These two systems are unknown to the author of \mpchess, so we refer to their documentation to add local packages:
+ \url{}
+\mpchess depends on the packages \MP: \package{hatching} and, if
+\mpchess is not used with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} and \package{luamplib},
+\subsection{Use with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} and \package{luamplib}}
+It is possible to use \mpchess directly in a \LaTeX{} file with
+\hologo{LuaLaTeX} and the package \package{luamplib}. This is what is done to
+write this documentation.
+For certain functionalities, \mpchess uses the \MP{} operator
+\lstinline+infont+. Thus, in order for the content of these features to be composed in the current font of the document, one must add the command :
+For more details on these mechanisms, we refer to the documentation of the
+package \package{luamplib}~\cite{ctan-luamplib}.
+\section{Why this package and general philosophy}
+There are already \LaTeX{} packages for drawing chess boards and positions,
+including the very good \package{xskak}~\cite{ctan-xskak}coupled with the
+package \package{chessboard}~\cite{ctan-chessboard}.
+Ulrike Fisher has done there improvement, maintenance work, and provided us with
+excellent tools to make chess diagrams and to handle the different formats of
+game descriptions\footnote{She even developed the
+package to handle various chess fonts.}. The
+documentations of these packages are very good.
+Several things motivated the creation of \mpchess. First of all, with
+\package{chessboard} the addition of a set of pieces is not very easy, because
+it relies on fonts. Moreover, I find that drawing chess game diagrams is
+something diagrams is a very graphical thing, and that using a dedicated drawing
+language offers more flexibility and what better than \MP~\cite{ctan-metapost}.
+With \mpchess, we build the final image of the chess board with the pieces
+by successive layers. Thus, we begin by producing and drawing the board
+(\lstinline+backboard+), which we can modify by coloring some squares for
+example, then we will add the pieces of the position (\lstinline+chessboard+),
+and finally, we can annotate the whole with marks, colors, arrows, etc.
+Moreover, \mpchess produces images that are graphically close to what can be
+provided by excellent \emph{open source} website \url{}. You
+will see that the colors, the pieces and the general aspect are largely inspired
+of what this website offers.
+The board is called with \mpchess{} \lstinline+backboard+.
+You have to initialize the board before drawing it. This is done with the
+following command:\par
+This command constructs a \MP{} \lstinline+picture+ named
+\mbox{\lstinline+backboard+.} It should then be drawn as illustrated in the following example.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+This initialization will make it possible to take into account the various options and features that we will describe in the following.
+\subsection{Setting the size}
+When creating the \lstinline+backboard+, you can decide on the width of it. This is done with the following command:\par\bigskip
+ \item[\meta{dim}:] is the width of the board (with units). By default, this dimension is \SI{5}{cm}.
+The use of this command is illustrated in the example~\ref{ex:widthcase}. This
+command should be used before \lstinline+init_backboard+ so that it is taken
+into account when creating the \lstinline+picture+.
+The size of the board can be retrieved with the following command:
+This command returns a \lstinline+numeric+.
+\subsection{Number of squares}
+By default, the game board contains 64 squares ($8\times 8$). You can change
+this with the following command:
+ \item[\meta{nbr}:] is the desired number of squares. The board will then be
+ square of size \meta{nbr}$\times$\meta{nbr}. By default this number is 8.
+Again, this command must be used before \lstinline+init_backboard+ for it to be
+taken into account as shown in the following example.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+To obtain the size of the game board, you can use the following command the
+following command
+This command returns a \lstinline+numeric+.
+\subsection{Dimension of a square}
+Depending on the number of squares on the board and the prescribed width of the board, \mpchess calculates the dimension (width or height) of a square. This
+serves as a general unit. To obtain it, use the following command.
+This command returns a \lstinline+numeric+.
+\subsection{Setting the color theme}
+\subsubsection{Predefined themes}
+Several color themes are available. To choose a color theme, use the following
+ \item[\meta{string}] can be:
+\item \lstinline+"BlueLichess"+ (thème par défaut);
+\item \lstinline+"BrownLichess"+ ;
+\item or \lstinline+"Classical"+.
+The following examples show the results obtained.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+The two color themes provided borrow the colors of the Lichess themes.
+\subsubsection{Configuration of a personal theme}
+A color theme is really just the definition of two colors.
+These can be defined with the following commands.
+\meta{color} is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+\subsection{Display coordinates}
+You may have noticed in the various examples that by default, the coordinates are, as on the Lichess site, written in small letters inside the boxes.
+\mpchess allows to position these coordinates outside the board with the
+following command.
+The result is as follows.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+There is also a command to position the coordinates inside the board.
+You can see in this documentation that with \package{luamplib} and
+\LaTeX, the font is the font of the current document. To draw these letters and
+these numbers, \mpchess uses the \MP{} operator \lstinline+infont+ and the font
+is set to \lstinline+defaultfont+ by default\footnote{With \package{luamplib}
+the \lstinline+infont+ operator is redefined and its argument is simply
+ignored}, so it is not possible to modify the composition font of the
+coordinates. This font can be changed with the following command.
+It will then be necessary to use the naming conventions specific to the \MP{}
+\lstinline+infont+ and we refer to the
+documentation~\cite{ctan-metapost} for more details.
+You can also delete the coordinates with the following command.
+And the reverse command also exists.
+\subsection{White or black side}
+To choose if you want to see the tray on the white or black side, \mpchess
+provides two commands.
+By default, we see the board on the white side.
+\subsection{Players' names}
+You can fill in the names of the players so that they are noted around the
+chessboard. This is done with the following commands.
+ \item[\meta{string} :] is the string interpreted by \LaTeX to display.
+input mpchess
+set_white_player("\textbf{GM} Kasparov");
+set_black_player("\textbf{GM} Kramnik");
+draw backboard;
+It is possible to place the names on the right side of the board without the
+black bands present by default.
+This happens either if the coordinates are printed outside the tray, or if the
+following command is used.
+\begin{ExempleMP}[righthand width=0.6\linewidth]
+input mpchess
+set_white_player("\textbf{GM} Kasparov");
+set_black_player("\textbf{GM} Kramnik");
+draw backboard;
+\section{Pieces et positions}
+\mpchess, as described above, builds the picture of a chess position
+layer by layer. This part is dedicated to the configuration of pieces and
+Internally, \mpchess builds a table on the board grid. Then, some
+macros allow to generate a \lstinline+picture+ to be drawn \emph{over} the board (\lstinline+backboard+).
+\subsection{Setting the theme of the pieces}
+\mpchess provides for the moment three themes of pieces, two borrowed from
+Lichess, and the other borrowed from the
+package~\package{skak}~cite{ctan-skak}\footnote{Which provides the \MF{} code
+for a chess font, which has been easily adapted to \MP{} for \mpchess.}.
+To choose the theme we will use the following command.
+ \item[\meta{string}:] can be:
+\item \lstinline+"cburnett"+ (default), to get the Lichess \emph{cburnett}
+pieces set;
+\item \lstinline+"staunty"+, to get the Lichess \emph{staunty}
+pieces set;
+\item \lstinline+"skak"+, to get the \package{skak}
+pieces set.
+The table~\ref{tab:pieces} shows the result of the three sets of pieces.
+ \centering
+\lstinline+cburnett+ theme&\lstinline+staunty+ theme\\
+ input mpchess
+ beginfig(0);
+ init_chessboard;
+ set_backboard_width(4cm);
+ set_pieces_theme("cburnett");
+ unset_whos_to_move;
+ init_backboard;
+ draw backboard;
+ draw chessboard_step(0);
+ endfig;
+ input mpchess
+ beginfig(0);
+ init_chessboard;
+ set_backboard_width(4cm);
+ set_pieces_theme("staunty");
+ unset_whos_to_move;
+ init_backboard;
+ draw backboard;
+ draw chessboard_step(0);
+ endfig;
+\lstinline+skak+ theme&\\
+ input mpchess
+ beginfig(0);
+ init_chessboard;
+ set_backboard_width(4cm);
+ set_pieces_theme("skak");
+ unset_whos_to_move;
+ init_backboard;
+ draw backboard;
+ draw chessboard_step(0);
+ endfig;
+\caption{The different themes of pieces provided by \mpchess.}\label{tab:pieces}
+\subsection{Who’s to move}
+\mpchess indicates who has the move between white and black. This is done by
+a small colored triangle (white or black) at the end of the board (which you can
+you can see in the following examples).
+To specify who has to move we use the following commands.
+By default, white has to move, and this information is displayed.
+To activate or deactivate this display, use one of the following two
+\subsection{Draw position}
+The commands described below allow you to build a position in several ways
+(adding pieces one by one, reading a \textsc{fen} file, etc.). Once a position
+has been constructed, it can be plotted
+using the following command which generates a \MP{} \lstinline+picture+.
+\commande|chessboard|\index{chessboard@\lstinline+chessboard+}\smallskip \label{com:chessboard}
+The use of this command will be widely illustrated in the following examples.
+\subsection{Build a position}
+To obtain the initial position of a game, simply use the following command.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+You can also initialize an empty \lstinline+chessboard+ with the following command.
+\subsubsection{Adding pieces}
+You can add pieces to build a position with the following two commands.
+These commands take lists of \textbf{\meta{piece}} which are strings
+that describe the piece and the position using the
+algebraic notation. There is no limitation on the number of pieces in the list.
+The following example illustrates the use of these commands.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+\subsubsection{Delete piece}
+\mpchess provides several commands to remove items from a position.
+The first command allows you to delete an item from a square. This command takes
+a list of squares, using algebraic notation.
+The \textbf{\meta{square1}}, \textbf{\meta{square2}}, etc., are strings, for example \lstinline+"a3"+.
+The following command allows to delete a set of squares in a region
+determined by two coordinates on the board. This command allows to take
+a list of regions.
+The \textbf{\meta{area1}}, \textbf{\meta{area2}}, etc., are strings consisting of two coordinates separated by a dash, for example \lstinline+"a3-g7"+.
+The following command deletes all the cells in a file (column) determined by a
+letter on the board. This command allows to take a list of files.
+The \textbf{\meta{file1}}, \textbf{\meta{file2}}, etc., are strings of characters consisting of a letter, for example \lstinline+"a"+.
+The following command deletes all the cells in a rank (line) determined by a
+number on the board. This command allows to take a list of ranks.
+The \textbf{\meta{rank1}}, \textbf{\meta{rank2}}, etc., are strings made up of a number, for example \lstinline+"4"+.
+The use of all these commands is illustrated in the following example.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+\subsection{Reading data in \textsc{fen} format}
+\mpchess allows you to read a position in the \textsc{fen} format thanks to the following command.
+\item[\meta{string}:] is a string describing a position in
+\textsc{fen} format. Note that all information after the
+\texttt{w} or \texttt{b} character is ignored.
+input mpchess;
+draw backboard;
+string fenstr;
+fenstr := "7r/2p1kp1p/p1B2p2/1pb5/8/2PP4/PP1N1PPP/R5K1 b - - 2 19";
+draw chessboard;
+\subsection{Reading data in \textsc{pgn} format}
+\mpchess also makes it possible to read a string in the \textsc{pgn}
+When such a functionality is used, \mpchess stores all the
+intermediate positions and thus allows to represent them.
+To construct the positions, we use the following command.
+The \textsc{pgn} format accepted is a simplified one which does not accept variants or comments.
+Once the positions are built, we can represent them with the following command.
+\item[\meta{int}:] is the number of the step. The initial configuration is numbered 0, and then each move, white or black, is numbered.
+This command, like \lstinline+chessboard+ (see page~\pageref{com:chessboard}),
+returns a \lstinline+picture+.
+The following example illustrates the use of these commands.
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+\subsubsection{Show last move}
+The last move can be displayed automatically with the following command.
+\item[\meta{int}:] is the number of the step. The initial setup is numbered 0, and then each move, white or black, is numbered.
+This command colors in transparency the two squares where the last move starts
+and ends. Thus, it must be used between the drawing of the board
+(\lstinline+draw backboard+) and the drawing of the pieces
+(\lstinline+draw chessboard_step(i)+).
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+You can configure the color used to color the squares of the last
+move with the following command.
+ \item[\meta{color}:] is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+\subsubsection{Get the number of moves}
+You can get the number of half moves with the following command.
+This command returns a \lstinline+numeric+.
+You can also get the total number of moves in the sense that they are numbered
+in the \textsc{pgn} format, with the following command:
+This command returns a \lstinline+numeric+.
+Numerous commands allow to annotate the chessboard (arrow, color, circle, cross,
+The command for drawing arrows on the chessboard is the following.
+\commande|draw_arrows(«color»)(«string1»,«string2», etc.)|\index{draw_arrows@\lstinline+draw_arrows+}\smallskip
+\item[\meta{color}:] is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+\item[\meta{string1}:] is a string (between double-quotes) consisting of two
+coordinates (letter and number) separated by two characters which can be
+\vitem+--+ to connect the two squares in a straight line;
+\vitem+-|+ to connect the two squares in a broken line, first horizontally then
+\vitem+|-+ to connect the two squares in a broken line, first vertically then
+The following example illustrates the use of this command.
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+The thickness of the arrows can be changed with the following command.
+ \item[\meta{coeff}:] is a coefficient (\lstinline+numeric+) which allows you
+ to adjust the width of the arrows in proportion to the width of a square on the chessboard. By default, this coefficient is \lstinline+0.08+.
+The following example illustrates the use of this command.
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+\subsection{Coloring squares}
+\mpchess also allows you to color squares with the following command.
+\commande|color_square(«color»)(«coord1»,«coord2», etc.)|\index{color_square@\lstinline+color_square+}\smallskip
+\item[\meta{color}:] is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+\item[\meta{coord1}:] is a string (between double quotes) consisting of two
+coordinates (letter and number).
+The following example illustrates the use of this command.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+This command colors the squares with a certain transparency to fit to the white
+and black squares.
+\mpchess allows you to surround squares with circles using the following command
+ below.
+\commande|draw_circles(«color»)(«coord1»,«coord2», etc.)|\index{draw_circles@\lstinline+draw_circles+}\smallskip
+\item[\meta{color}:] is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+\item[\meta{coord1}:] is a string (between double quotes) consisting of two
+coordinates (letter and number).
+The following example illustrates the use of this command.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+\mpchess allows you to draw crosses on squares with the following command.
+\commande|draw_crosses(«color»)(«coord1»,«coord2», etc.)|\index{draw_crosses@\lstinline+draw_crosses+}\smallskip
+\item[\meta{color}:] is a \MP{} \lstinline+color+.
+\item[\meta{coord1}:] is a string (between double quotes) consisting of two
+coordinates (letter and number).
+The following example illustrates the use of this command.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
+\subsection{Move comments}
+\mpchess allows you to display the classic move comments of the type
+``!?’’ with the following command.
+\item[\meta{str}:] is a string (between double-quotes) to display.
+\item[\meta{pos}:] is a string (between double-quotes) consisting of a coordinate (letter and number).
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+The color of the comment annotation can be changed with the following command
+following command.
+\subsection{Reset the \lstinline+chessboard+}
+To reset the internal structure storing the positions of the parts, you can use
+the following command.
+\subsection{Global reset}
+To reinitialize the values of the different parameters of \mpchess, you can use
+the following command.
+\subsection{Clip the board}
+We can clip the chessboard with the following command.
+\item[\meta{string}:] is a string (between double quotes)
+composed of two coordinates (letter and number) separated by a dash, for example \lstinline+"a1-c6"+.
+Here is an example of an illustration.
+input mpchess;
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr := "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Bb5 c6";
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(3); % Nf3
+\section{To do}
+Many things can be added to \mpchess. Among these, we can think of:
+\item display the captured pieces, or the differential of the captured pieces;
+\item afficher le temps restant pour chaque joueur ;
+\item show the accessible squares for a chosen piece (the
+Lichess points);
+\item display the $n$ arrows indicating the $n$ moves of the first lines of a
+position (with a decreasing thickness of the arrows);
+\item adding the coordinates outside the board when it is clipped;
+\item add piece themes.
+\section{Complete example}
+input mpchess
+string pgnstr;
+pgnstr:="1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 d6 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. Nc3 g6 5. Nxe5 Bxd1";
+set_white_player("Kermur de Legal");
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard_step(10);
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% flyspell-mode: 1
+%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "fr"
+%%% End: