path: root/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex
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1 files changed, 103 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex b/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex
index 5ad5abdb1a..e11a860be4 100644
--- a/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex
+++ b/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpchess/doc/mpchess-doc-en.tex
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
- Version 0.7, 2023, July, 20th \\
- \url{}
+ Version 0.9, 2024, Decembre, 16th \\
+ \url{}
%% == Page de garde ====================================================
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- \url{}
+ \url{}
@@ -297,7 +297,9 @@ command:
\item \lstinline+"GreenLichess"+;
\item \lstinline+"PinkPyramidalLichess"+;
\item \lstinline+"Wood"+;
-\item or \lstinline+"Classical"+.
+\item \lstinline+"Classical"+;
+\item \lstinline+"Dotted"+;
+\item or \lstinline+"User"+;
@@ -359,11 +361,41 @@ The table~\ref{tab:color} shows the different results of the different themes.
draw backboard;
+\lstinline+"Dotted"+ theme& \\
+ input mpchess
+ beginfig(0);
+ init_chessboard;
+ set_backboard_width(4cm);
+ set_color_theme("Dotted");
+ init_backboard;
+ draw backboard;
+ endfig;
\caption{The different color themes provided by \mpchess.}\label{tab:color}
+The use of \lstinline+"User"+ is a special case, as it allows you to
+define black and white squares. For this to work
+a another macro
+should be difined. It must build the
+images (\lstinline+picture+) \lstinline+_blackSquarePic+\index{_blackSquarePic@\lstinline+_blackSquarePic+} and
+Here is a prototype of such a command.
+ def buildUserSquare(expr _SquareUnit)=
+ _blackSquarePic:=image(
+ fill (unitsquare scaled _SquareUnit) withcolor red;
+ );
+ _whiteSquarePic:=image(
+ fill unitsquare scaled _SquareUnit withcolor green;
+ );
+ enddef;
+The macro takes a unit as argument, and must construct two squares with length
+equal to this unit.
\subsubsection{Configuring a Personal Color Theme}
@@ -654,6 +686,64 @@ in version 0.6, \lstinline+set_whos_to_move+ and
+It is now possible to change the appearance of the marker (since
+version 0.9\footnote{Thanks to Udi Fogiel for fixing a placement bug and
+for suggesting improvements.}. For this purpose, \mpchess provides three styles:
+\lstinline+"triangle"+ (default), \lstinline+"square"+ and \lstinline+"disk"+.
+To select the marker type, use the following command:
+ \item[\meta{string}] may be
+ \item \lstinline+"triangle"+ (default value);
+ \item \lstinline+"square"+;
+\item \lstinline+"disk"+;
+\item \lstinline+"custom"+.
+You can adjust the size (by a factor of the unit dimension) with the following
+ \item[\meta{numeric}:] is a unit dimension factor for enlarging or
+ shrink the mark (default value is \num{0.35}).
+The \lstinline+"custom"+ marker type value lets you define the marker's
+appearance. When this option is called, a
+macro \MP{} \lstinline+custom_maker(expr s,r)+ must be defined. The
+\lstinline+s+ parameter is the scale factor setting: the markers supplied by
+\mpchess are drawings contained in a square of side 1 (\MP{} unit) and scaled
+by \lstinline+s*_chessSquareU+. The \lstinline+r+ parameter is a boolean that
+handles the case where the marker is rotated 180 degrees
+when placed at the top of the chessboard.
+For example, a \lstinline+custom_marker+ macro reproducing the triangle symbol might be as follows:
+def custom_marker(expr s, r)=
+ ((0,0)--(1,0)--(0.5,0.5)--cycle) if r: rotatedaround((0.5, 0.5/3), 180) fi scaled (s*_chessSquareU)
+Only the outline is defined, which will be filled by either white or black.
+input mpchess
+draw backboard;
+draw chessboard;
\subsection{Draw a Position}
The commands described below allow you to build a position in several ways
@@ -1448,8 +1538,14 @@ endfig;
-\item[v0.7, juillet 2023:] Black knight adjustment, adding color board themes (\lstinline+GreenLichess+, \lstinline+PinkPyramidalLichess+,
-\lstinline+Wood+ with color type (\lstinline+set_board_type+).
+\item[v0.9, December 16, 2024:] Correction of a bug in the placement of the
+trait marker (by Udi Fogiel), added different marker features (\lstinline
++"triangle"+, \lstinline+"square"+,\lstinline+"disk"+ and \lstinline+"custom"+). Filling of the white marker.
+\item[v0.8, October 26, 2024:] Adding \lstinline+"Dotted"+ board theme, and
+\lstinline+"User"+ board theme that allows user to define black and white
+\item[v0.7, July, 2023:] Black knight adjustment, adding color board themes (\lstinline+GreenLichess+, \lstinline+PinkPyramidalLichess+,
+\lstinline+Wood+ with color type (\lstinline+set_board_type+)).
\item[v0.6, April 26, 2023:] Fixed bugs concerning castling management, and
moves ambiguities in \textsc{pgn} format.
Changed \lstinline+set_white_color+ to
@@ -1461,8 +1557,6 @@ Changed \lstinline+set_white_color+ to
\lstinline+hide_whos_to_move+. Change \lstinline+set_coords_inside+ and
\lstinline+set_coords_outside+ to \lstinline+set_coordinates_position+.
Change \lstinline+set_coords_font+ to \lstinline+set_coordinates_font+.
-Translated with (free version)
\item[v0.5, April 20, 2023:] Bug fixed, \textbf{changing the
default piece set} for the \lstinline+mpchess+ set (which has been added to Lichess), added TrueType font, and updated documentation.
\item[v0.4, April 6, 2023:] Corrections in the documentation, especially the