path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/libcct.m4
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1 files changed, 246 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/libcct.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/libcct.m4
index 463ff4515e..d46990f88a 100644
--- a/graphics/circuit_macros/libcct.m4
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/libcct.m4
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-* Circuit_macros Version 10.5, copyright (c) 2024 J. D. Aplevich under *
+* Circuit_macros Version 10.6, copyright (c) 2024 J. D. Aplevich under *
* the LaTeX Project Public Licence in file Licence.txt. The files of *
* this distribution may be redistributed or modified provided that this *
* copyright notice is included and provided that modifications are clearly *
@@ -206,132 +206,126 @@ define(`capacitor',
{[box invis ht_ m4cht wid_ m4cwd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')')
- `resistor( linespec, cycles, chars, cycle wid)
- cycles: default 3
- chars : AC: complex element
- E: ebox
- ES: ebox with slash
- Q: offset
- H: squared
- N: IEEE (default)
- B: not burnable
- V: varistor variant
- R: to right of drawing direction
- arg4: cycle width (default dimen_/6)'
+ `resistor( linespec, cycles, chars, cycle wid )
+ chars: AC: complex element
+ E: ebox
+ ES: ebox with slash
+ F: FDNR (freq-dependent neg resistor)
+ Q: offset
+ H: squared
+ N: IEEE (default)
+ B: not burnable
+ V: varistor variant
+ R: to right of drawing direction'
- ifinstr(
- `$2',E, # This is obsolete but kept for now
+`eleminit_(`$1'); M4S: last line.start; M4E: last line.end
+ define(`m4type',ifelse(`$3',,N,`$3',R,N,`$3')`')dnl
+ define(`m4neg',sc_draw(`m4type',R,-))dnl
+ define(`m4cycles',`ifelse(`$2',,3,(`$2'))')dnl
+ define(`m4cyclewid',`ifelse(`$4',,(dimen_/6),`($4)')')dnl
+ define(`m4lgth',`(m4cycles*m4cyclewid)')dnl
+ ifelse(
+ `$2',E, # This is obsolete but kept for now
- `$3',ES,
- `ebox(`$1')
- {line from last line.c+vec_( m4lgth*0.3, m4wdth/2) \
- to last line.c+vec_(-m4lgth*0.3,-m4wdth/2)}
- line invis from 2nd last line.start to 2nd last line.end',
- `$3',E,
- `ebox(`$1')',
- `$3',V,
- `M4_varistor($@)',
- `$3',AC,
- `ebox(`$1')
- { ACsymbol(at last [],m4h*3.5,m4h*2,R)
- [] wid 2nd last [].wid ht 2nd last [].ht at 2nd last [] }',
- `define(`dna_',ifelse(`$3',,N,`$3',R,N,`$3')`')dnl
- eleminit_(`$1')
- sc_draw(`dna_',N,
- `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,6,`eval(2*($2))')')dnl Default resistor:
- define(`m4v',2)dnl
- if m4h*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4h*m4n*2,0)) }
- tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4h, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl
- { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\
- for_(2,m4n,2,
- `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-3-m4n), m4v) \
- then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-1-m4n),-m4v) \')dnl
- then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \
- then to last line.end
- [box invis ht_ m4h*m4v*2 wid_ m4h*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c
- }')
- sc_draw(`dna_',Q,
- `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,6,`eval(2*($2))')')dnl
- define(`m4v',2)dnl
- if m4h*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4h*m4n*2,0)) }
- tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4h, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl
- { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\
- for_(2,m4n,2,
- `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-2-m4n), m4v*2) \
- then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-m4n),0) \')dnl
- then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \
- then to last line.end
- [box invis ht_ m4h*m4v*2 wid_ m4h*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c + ta_xy(0,m4v)
- }')
- sc_draw(`dna_',H,
- `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,5,`eval(2*($2)-1)')')dnl
- define(`m4hh',`m4h*6/5')dnl
- define(`m4v',7/3)dnl
- if m4hh*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4hh*m4n*2,0)) }
- tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4hh, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl
- { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\
- for_(-m4n,m4n,2,
- `ifelse(eval(((m4x+m4n)/2)%2),0,
- `then to tr_xy(m4x,m4v) \
- then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),m4v) \',
- `then to tr_xy(m4x,0) \
- ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),0)')\')')dnl
- then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \
- then to last line.end
- [box invis ht_ m4hh*m4v wid_ m4hh*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c+(0,m4hh*m4v/2)
- }')
- sc_draw(`dna_',B,
- `resistor(`$1',`$2',dna_,`$4'); M4LBC: last line.c
- m4lbwd = last [].wid_+lthick*2; m4lbht = last [].ht_+lthick*2
- [lbox(m4lbwd,m4lbht,thick 0.4)] with .c at M4LBC
- [lbox(m4lbwd+2bp__,m4lbht+2bp__,thick 0.4)] with .c at M4LBC ')
- line invis from 2nd last line.start to 2nd last line.end ')')
- define(`m4wd',`dimen_/2')dnl
- define(`m4ht',`dimen_/4')dnl
- {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)
- {m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,,-)m4ht/2) \
- then to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \
- then to Here)}
- move to rvec_(m4wd,0)
- m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,-)m4ht/2) \
- then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,0) \
- then to Here)
- line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) }
- {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
+ m4type,N,
+ `define(`m4nN',`eval(2*m4cycles)')dnl Default resistor:
+ define(`m4v',2)dnl
+ if m4lgth > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4lgth,0)) }
+ tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4cyclewid/4, m4neg)dnl
+ { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nN,0)\
+ for_(2,m4nN,2,
+ `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-3-m4nN), m4v) \
+ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-1-m4nN),-m4v) \')dnl
+ then to tr_xy(m4nN, 0) \
+ then to last line.end # This could be replaced for obtuse directions:
+ [box invis ht_ m4cyclewid*m4v/2 wid_ m4cyclewid*m4nN/2] at 2nd last line.c
+ }',
+ m4type,Q,
+ `define(`m4nQ',`eval(2*m4cycles)') define(`m4v',2)dnl
+ if m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2 > rp_len then {
+ eleminit_(to rvec_(m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2,0)) }
+ tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4cyclewid/4, m4neg)dnl
+ { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nQ,0)\
+ for_(2,m4nQ,2,
+ `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-2-m4nQ), m4v*2) \
+ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-m4nQ),0) \')dnl
+ then to tr_xy(m4nQ, 0) \
+ then to last line.end
+ [box invis ht_ m4cyclewid*m4v/2 wid_ m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2] \
+ at 2nd last line.c + ta_xy(0,m4v)
+ }',
+ m4type,ES,
+ `ebox(`$1',m4lgth,dimen_/5)
+ {line from last line.c+vec_( dimen_/2*0.3, dimen_/5/2) \
+ to last line.c+vec_(-dimen_/2*0.3,-dimen_/5/2)}',
+ m4type,F,
+ `define(`m4cht',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cwd',`m4cht*0.9')dnl
+ {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0)
+ {[for i=0 to m4cycles do {line from vec_(i*m4cwd/m4cycles,0) \
+ to vec_(i*m4cwd/m4cycles,m4cht)}] at rvec_(m4cwd/2,0)}
+ line from rvec_(m4cwd,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0)}',
+ m4type,H,
+ `define(`m4nH',`eval(2*m4cycles-1)')dnl
+ define(`m4hh',`m4cyclewid*6/5/4') define(`m4v',7/3)dnl
+ if m4hh*m4nH/2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4hh*m4nH/2,0)) }
+ tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4hh, m4neg)dnl
+ { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nH,0)\
+ for_(-m4nH,m4nH,2,
+ `ifelse(eval(((m4x+m4nH)/2)%2),0,
+ `then to tr_xy(m4x,m4v) \
+ then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),m4v) \',
+ `then to tr_xy(m4x,0) \
+ ifelse(m4x,m4nH,,`then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),0)')\')')dnl
+ then to last line.end
+ [move from tr_xy(-m4nH,0) to tr_xy(m4nH,0) \
+ then to tr_xy(m4nH,m4v) then to tr_xy(-m4nH,m4v)] \
+ at 2nd last line.c+vec_(0,m4neg`'m4hh*m4v/2) }',
+ m4type,V,
+ `define(`m4ht',`(m4lgth/2)')dnl
+ {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0)
+ {[m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,,-)m4ht/2) \
+ then to rvec_(m4lgth,ifinstr(`$3',R,-)m4ht/2) \
+ then to rvec_(m4lgth,0) then to Here)] at rvec_(m4lgth/2,0) }
+ line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2+m4lgth/2),0) } ',
+ m4type,B,
+ `resistor(`$1',`$2',sc_draw(`m4type',B),`$4'); M4LBC: last line.c
+ m4lbwd = last [].wid_+lthick*2; m4lbht = last [].ht_+lthick*2
+ [lbox(m4lbwd,m4lbht,thick 0.4)] with .c at M4LBC
+ [lbox(m4lbwd+lthick*4,m4lbht+lthick*4,thick linethick/2)] with .c at M4LBC',
+ m4type,AC,
+ `ebox(`$1')
+ { ACsymbol(at last [],m4cyclewid*3.5/4,m4cyclewid/2,R)
+ [] wid 2nd last [].wid ht 2nd last [].ht at 2nd last [] } ')
+ ifelse(m4type,E,`ebox(`$1')',
+ `line invis from M4S to M4E') ')
`potentiometer(linespec, cycles,
fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...)
Resistor in a block, tapped at fractional positions
with specified (possibly negative) arrow lengths.
- Taps are labelled T1, T2, ...
- Uses side effects of resistor macro'
+ Taps are labelled T1, T2, ...'
define(`potentiometer',`[R: resistor(`$1',`$2')
- Start: R.start; End: R.end; C: 0.5 between Start and End
+ define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,3,(`$2'))')dnl
+ Start: R.start; End: R.end; C: R.c
- shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))] ')
- x = (`$2')*2*m4n+1; x = (int(x)%4)+(x-int(x))
- M4_Tmp: `$2' between last [].c-vec_(prod_(m4n,m4h),0) \
- and last [].c+vec_(prod_(m4n,m4h),0)
- T`$1': M4_Tmp + vec_(0,ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*5/12',`$3'))
- { arrow from T`$1' to M4_Tmp+vec_(0,m4h*m4v*(1-(x-2)*sign(x-2))) }
+ shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))] ')
+define(`m4pot_arrows',`ifelse(`$2',,,`FrP: C+vec_((`$2'-0.5)*m4n*dimen_/6,0)
+ T`$1': FrP + vec_(0,ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*5/12',`$3'))
+ x = (`$2')*4*m4n+1; x = (int(x)%4)+(x-int(x))
+ {arrow from T`$1' to FrP+vec_(0,dimen_/12*(1-(x-2)*sign(x-2)))}
`KelvinR(cycles,[R],cycle wid)
IEEE resistor with kelvin taps added
- if arg1 is blank then a [] block is used'
+ if arg1 is blank then a [] block is used
+ Uses m4nN and tr_xy from resistor'
- M4R: resistor(,`$1',,`$3') define(`m4kRm',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-,+)')
- { dot(at tr_xy(-m4n,0),lthick)
- line to tr_xy(-m4n-1,m4kRm`'2) then to tr_xy(-m4n-1,m4kRm`'4)
+ M4R: resistor(,`$1',,`$3') define(`m4KRm',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-,+)')
+ { dot(at tr_xy(-m4nN,0),lthick)
+ line to tr_xy(-m4nN-1,m4KRm`'2) then to tr_xy(-m4nN-1,m4KRm`'4)
T1: Here
- dot(at tr_xy(m4n,0),lthick)
- line to tr_xy(m4n+1,m4kRm`'2) then to tr_xy(m4n+1,m4kRm`'4)
+ dot(at tr_xy(m4nN,0),lthick)
+ line to tr_xy(m4nN+1,m4KRm`'2) then to tr_xy(m4nN+1,m4KRm`'4)
T2: Here }
Start: M4R.start; End: M4R.end; C: M4R.c
`$4' ]') ')
@@ -375,20 +369,21 @@ define(`FTcap',`[ define(`FTctyp',`ifelse(`$1',,A,`$1')')dnl
`addtaps([ahead | type=ahead;name=Name],
fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...)
+ ahead = blank or one of . - <- -> <->
Tap names are Tap1, Tap2, ... or
- Name1, Name2, ... if specified
- ahead = blank or one of . - <- -> <-> '
+ Name1, Name2, ... if specified'
- `define(`m4tap_x',1) M4tap_w: last [].w_; M4tap_e: last [].e_
+ `define(`m4tap_x',1) dnl 1st time through
+ M4tap_w: last [].w_; M4tap_e: last [].e_
pushkeys_(`$1',type::N; name:Tap:N)dnl
- ifelse(m4type,,`ifinstr(`$1',=,,`define(`m4type',`$1')')')dnl
+ ifelse(m4type,,`ifinstr(`$1',=,,`poppushdef(`m4type',`$1')')')dnl
M4tap_xy: (last [].wid_,last [].ht_)')
move to (`$2' between M4tap_w and M4tap_e) + vec_(0,sign(m4tapl)*M4tap_xy.y/2)
- ifinstr(m4type,.,`{dot(,lthick)}define(`m4type')');dnl
- line ifelse(m4type,-,,m4type) to rvec_(0,m4tapl)
+ ifinstr(m4type,.,`{dot(,lthick)}');dnl
+ line ifelse(m4type,.,,m4type,-,,m4type) to rvec_(0,m4tapl)
m4name`'m4tap_x: Here }
@@ -565,20 +560,30 @@ define(`transformer', `[ P1: Here define(`m4drt',m4_dir_)
define(`m4trdot',`{`$6'dot(at (0.5 between `$1' and `$2') \
+vec_(`$3'(`$4'+m4hlw)/2,`$5'dimen_/16), dotrad_/2)}')
- `delay( linespec, width, attributes )'
+ `delay( linespec, width, attributes or keys )
+ keys:
+ wdth=expr;
+ lgth=expr;
+ type=A|S;
+ body=attributes; e.g. shaded '
- define(`m4ht',`ifelse(`$2',,`delay_rad_*2',`($2)')')dnl
- define(`m4wd',`m4ht*5/6')dnl
- { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0)
- { line from rvec_(m4ht/3,-m4ht/2) \
- to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2)\
- then to rvec_(0,m4ht/2) \
- then to rvec_(m4ht/3,m4ht/2) `$3'
- arc cw from Here to rvec_(0,-m4ht) with .c at rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) `$3' }
- move to rvec_(m4wd,0)
- line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) }
- { [box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
+ pushkeys_(`$3',`wdth:ifelse(`$2',,delay_rad_*2,`$2'); lgth:m4`'wdth*5/6;
+ type:A:N; body::N;') dnl
+ ifinstr(`$3',=,,`ifelse(m4body,,`poppushdef(`m4body',`$3')')')dnl
+ ifelse(m4type,S,`popdef(`m4lgth',`m4wdth')dnl
+ pushkeys_(`$3',`lgth:dimen_*6/5; wdth:m4`'lgth/4')')dnl
+ { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4lgth/2,0)
+ {ifelse(m4type,A,`[ W: Here
+ line from rvec_(m4wdth/3,-m4wdth/2) to rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) \
+ then to rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) then to rvec_(m4wdth/3,m4wdth/2) m4body
+ arc cw to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) with .c at rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) m4body ]',
+ m4type,S,
+ `rotbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4body,r=m4wdth/2,
+ {rotbox(m4wdth/4,m4wdth,) with .W at rvec_(-m4lgth+m4wdth/2,0)})')\
+ with .W at Here }
+ line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4lgth/2,0) }
+ line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis dnl
+ popdef(`m4wd',`m4wdth',`m4type',`m4body') ')
`xtal( linespec, keys ) (2-terminal crystal)
@@ -594,15 +599,15 @@ define(`delay',`eleminit_(`$1')
outer= outer circle attributes; (dotted ...)
inner= inner circle attributes; (shaded ...)'
define(`xtal',`eleminit_(`$1') pushkey_(`$2',type,N,N)
- ifelse(m4type,R,`pushkeys_(`$2',`outerdiam:dimen_/3; innerdiam:m4outerdiam*0.4;
- outer::N; inner::N') define(`m4wd',m4outerdiam) ',
+ ifelse(m4type,R,`pushkeys_(`$2',`outerdia:dimen_/3;innerdia:m4`'outerdia*0.4;
+ outer::N; inner::N;') define(`m4wd',m4outerdia) ',
`pushkeys_(`$2',`wdth:dimen_/4; lgth:m4wdth*2/3; bxwd:m4lgth/2; box::N;')dnl
define(`m4wd',m4lgth) ')
{ line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0)
{[ Orig: Here; ifelse(m4type,R,
- `{circle diam m4outerdiam at rvec_(m4outerdiam/2,0) m4outer}
- {circle diam m4innerdiam at rvec_(m4outerdiam/2,0) m4inner}
- popdef(`m4type',`m4outerdiam',`m4innerdiam',`m4outer',`m4inner') ',
+ `{circle diam m4outerdia at rvec_(m4outerdia/2,0) m4outer}
+ {circle diam m4innerdia at rvec_(m4outerdia/2,0) m4inner}
+ popdef(`m4type',`m4outerdia',`m4innerdia',`m4outer',`m4inner') ',
`{line from rvec_(0,-m4wdth/3) \
to rvec_(0,m4wdth/3)}
{ move to rvec_(m4lgth/2-m4bxwd/2,0)
@@ -631,7 +636,8 @@ define(`xtal',`eleminit_(`$1') pushkey_(`$2',type,N,N)
ii = double arrowhead current source;
AC = AC source; B = bulb; F = fluorescent; G =
generator; H = step function; L = lamp;
- N = neon; P = pulse; Q = charge; R = ramp; r = right
+ N = neon; NA = neon 2; NB = neon 3;
+ P = pulse; Q = charge; R = ramp; r = right
orientation; S = sinusoid; SC = quarter arc; SE =
arc; T = triangle; U = square-wave; X = interior X;
other = custom interior label or waveform;
@@ -691,14 +697,28 @@ define(`source',`ifelse(`$4',R,
then to rvec_(m4h/2,0)
line to rvec_(m4h*3/4,0)}',
+ `$2',NA,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \
+ to rvec_(-m4h/5,0)
+ { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } }
+ { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \
+ to rvec_(m4h/5,0)
+ { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } }
+ { dot(at rvec_(-m4h/2,-m4h/2)) } ',
+ `$2',NB,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \
+ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)
+ { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } }
+ { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \
+ to rvec_(m4h/2,0)
+ { dot(,,1) } }
+ { dot(at rvec_(0,-m4h/2)) } ',
`$2',N,`{ {line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \
to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)}
`{ line from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \
- to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x))
+ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x))
round }
{ arc cw from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x)) \
- to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \
+ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \
with .c at Here
round }')
{line from rvec_(m4h/2,0) \
@@ -834,6 +854,18 @@ define(`consource',`ifelse(`$3',R,
{[box invis ht_ 2*csdim_ wid_ 2*csdim_] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')')
+ `geiger( linespec, r, diameter, R, attributes, body name)
+ Arguments as for source except arg2 r = right orientation '
+ pushdef(`m4R',`ifelse(`$4',R,+180)')dnl
+ source(`$1',F,shift(shift($@)))
+ {dot(at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h*2/3,ifelse(`$2',r,,-)110 m4R)))}
+ {"iflatex($+$,+)" at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0) \
+ +vec_(Rect_(m4h*3/2,ifelse(`$2',r,,-)30 m4R))}
+ {em_arrows(ND,rp_ang*rtod_ ifelse(`$2',r,+,-)135 m4R,m4h) with .Head \
+ at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h*5/4,ifelse(`$2',r,-)45 m4R))} dnl
+ popdef(`m4h',`m4R') ')
`Proxim(size, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes)
Proximity symbol
Arg2 default: current direction'
@@ -888,7 +920,7 @@ define(`battery',`ifelse(`$3',R,
`ebox(linespec, length, ht, greyvalue,
box attributes)
- Length and ht (of the elemet) are relative to
+ Length and ht (of the element) are relative to
the direction of linespec'
`ebox(linespec, keys)
@@ -902,23 +934,23 @@ define(`ebox',`eleminit_(`$1')
line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0); M4ebC: rvec_(m4lgth/2,0)
ifelse(m4text,,,`{m4text at M4ebC};')',
- `define(`m4lgth',`ifelse(`$2',,dimen_/2,`$2')')dnl
- define(`m4wdth',`ifelse(`$3',,dimen_/5,`$3')')dnl
+ `pushdef(`m4lgth',`ifelse(`$2',,dimen_/2,`$2')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4wdth',`ifelse(`$3',,dimen_/5,`$3')')dnl
line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0)
line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0)}
{[ box invis ht_ m4wdth wid_ m4lgth ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- ifinstr(`$2',=,`popdef(`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4text',`m4box')')dnl
+ popdef(`m4wdth',`m4lgth')ifinstr(`$2',=,`popdef(`m4text',`m4box')')dnl
line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
`fuse( linespec, chars, wid, ht, attributes )
chars dA|B|C|D|S|SB|HB|HC or dA (=D)'
- define(`m4fusetype',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2',D,dA,`$2')')dnl
- define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5'ifinstr(`$2',H,*5/3),`($4)'))dnl
- define(`m4d',ifinstr(`$2',H,`m4ht/5',0))dnl
- define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$3',,`m4ht*2',`($3)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4fusetype',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2',D,dA,`$2')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5'ifinstr(`$2',H,*5/3),`($4)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4d',ifinstr(`$2',H,`m4ht/5',0))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$3',,`m4ht*2',`($3)'))dnl
{line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)
`{move to rvec_(m4d,0); lbox(m4wd-2*m4d,m4ht-2*m4d)}
@@ -959,6 +991,7 @@ define(`fuse',`eleminit_(`$1')
move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)')
{[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
+ popdef(`m4wd',`m4d',`m4ht',`m4fusetype')dnl
line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
`arrester( linespec, [G|E|S][D[L|R]],
@@ -1113,7 +1146,7 @@ define(`heater',`ifinstr(`$5',E,
-`pushkeys_(`$2',`lgth:dimen_/2; wdth:m4lgth*2/5; cycles:3; line::N;')dnl
+`pushkeys_(`$2',`lgth:dimen_/2; wdth:m4`'lgth*2/5; cycles:3; line::N;')dnl
`pushdef(`m4ng') pushdef(`m4cw',cw)pushdef(`m4ccw')')dnl
@@ -1738,16 +1771,16 @@ define(`amp',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl
`integrator( linespec,size,attributes )'
- {line from rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \
+ {[ In: Here
+ {line from rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \
to rvec_(0,m4wd/2) \
then to rvec_(0,-m4wd/2) \
then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) `$3' }
- {line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) \
- to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \
- then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) \
- then to rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) `$3' }
+ line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) \
+ to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \
+ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) \
+ then to rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) `$3' ; Out: Here ] with .In at Here}
{line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) }
- { [box invis ht_ m4wd wid_ m4wd*5/4] at rvec_(m4wd*5/8,0) }
line to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) invis ')
@@ -1765,7 +1798,7 @@ define(`integrator',`eleminit_(`$1')
T: truncated point '
`[ pushdef(`m4dlgth',`ifinstr(`$4',=,dimen_,ifelse(`$4',,dimen_,`($4)'))')dnl
- pushkeys_(`$4',body::N; lgth:m4dlgth; wdth:m4lgth;)dnl
+ pushkeys_(`$4',`body::N; lgth:m4dlgth; wdth:m4`'lgth;')dnl
W: Here
@@ -2224,23 +2257,23 @@ define(`sbs',`eleminit_(`$1'); M4_sbsS: last line.start; M4_sbsE: last line.end
`tgate( linespec, [B][R|L] ) Transmission gate
B= box form
L= left orientation'
-define(`tgate',`[ eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4tgm',ifinstr(`$2',L,-))
+define(`tgate',`[ eleminit_(`$1') pushdef(`m4tgm',ifinstr(`$2',L,-))
A: last line.start
B: last line.end
C: last
- `ebox(from A to B)
- Gb: C+vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4wdth/2)
+ `ebox(from A to B,,dimen_/5)
+ Gb: C+vec_(0,m4tgm`'dimen_/5/2)
L1: line from 2 between Gb and C to 4 between Gb and C',
- `m4gen_d(uLAQuR)
+ `m4gen_d(uLAQuR) pushdef(`m4dv',`dimen_/6')pushdef(`m4dh',sqrt(3)*m4dv/2)
Circle: circle thick max(4pt__,linethick/2) rad m4dh/4 \
at C+vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4dh/4*4/3)
L2: line from last circle+vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4dh/4) \
to C+vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4dh*3/2)
Gb: Here
- L3: line from C to C-vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4dh) ')
+ L3: line from C to C-vec_(0,m4tgm`'m4dh) popdef(`m4dv',`m4dh')')
G: Here
- `$3']')
+ `$3' popdef(`m4tgm')]')
`ptrans( linespec, [R|L] ) Pass transistor
L= left orientation'
define(`ptrans',`[ eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ptm',ifinstr(`$2',L,-))
@@ -2739,7 +2772,9 @@ define(`$1',substr($1,0,m4I_)`'substr($1,m4t))')')dnl
sc_draw(dna string, chars, iftrue, iffalse)'
- `Element labels at the start, centre, and end
+ `(r|l|c)label( label, label, label,
+ relative position, block name )
+ Element labels at the start, centre, and end
of the last [] block (or a named [] block)
in the current direction. Labels are
spaced and treated as math, but copied
@@ -2799,16 +2834,16 @@ define(`dlabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl
ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl
ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')')
- `eleminit_( linespec, default length )
- compute element direction and length.
- Eleminit_ defines the position, length,
- and angle of two-terminal elements. It calls
- rpoint_ with its linespec or circuit-element
- default. The rpoint_ macro draws the invisible
- line determined by its argument, calculates the
- length and angle, and gives the angle to the
- point_ macro to set the rotation parameters used
- by vec_ and rvec_.'
+ `eleminit_( linespec, default length )
+ compute element direction and length.
+ eleminit_ defines the position, length,
+ and angle of two-terminal elements. It calls
+ rpoint_ with its linespec or circuit-element
+ default. The rpoint_ macro draws the invisible
+ line determined by its argument, calculates the
+ length and angle, and gives the angle to the
+ point_ macro to set the rotation parameters used
+ by vec_ and rvec_.'
`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(ifelse(`$2',,`elen_',`$2'),0)',`$1'))')
@@ -2866,48 +2901,6 @@ define(`parallel_',
] with .Start at Here; move to last [].End
-ifelse(0,1,` dnl ignore the following two macro defs ##################
- `par_( element, element, separation )
- Parallel combination of two branches that have
- the same direction and length. The
- branch arguments must be quoted, e.g.
- par_(`resistor',`capacitor',dimen_)'
-` ***WARNING: this macro is considered obsolete'
-define(`par_',`[Start: Here; r = ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_',`$3')
- { move to Start + vec_(0,r/2); $1 }
- line from Start + vec_(0,r/2) \
- to Start + vec_(0,-r/2) ; $2
- line to rvec_(0,r)
- End: last line.c; `$4'] with .Start at Here
- move to last [].End')
- `gpar_( element, element, separation )
- Parallel combination of two branches that have
- the same direction, e.g.:
- down_; gpar_(
- resistor;llabel(,R_1);resistor;llabel(,R_2),
- capacitor;rlabel(,C))
- This macro trades simplicity for generality
- and robustness to gpic'
-` ***WARNING: this macro is considered obsolete'
- `[ M4_B1: Here; `$1'; M4_E1: Here
- M4_C: 0.5 between M4_B1 and M4_E1; eleminit_(from M4_B1 to M4_E1)
- E2:[ M4_B: Here; `$2'; M4_E: Here; `$4'] \
- with .c at M4_C + (rect_(ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_',`$3'),rp_ang-pi_/2))
- M4_B2: E2.M4_B; M4_E2: E2.M4_E
- s = distance(M4_B2,M4_E2)
- if rp_len*s == 0 then { r = 1 } else { r = (1+max(rp_len/s, s/rp_len))/2 }
- if rp_len < s then { Tmp:M4_B2; M4_B2:M4_B1; M4_B1:Tmp
- Tmp:M4_E2; M4_E2:M4_E1; M4_E1:Tmp }
- line from M4_B2 to r between M4_E2 and M4_B2
- Start: 0.5 between Here and M4_B1; line to M4_B1
- line from M4_E2 to r between M4_B2 and M4_E2
- End: 0.5 between Here and M4_E1
- C: 0.5 between Start and End; line to M4_E1 ] with .Start at Here
- move to last [].End ')
-') dnl end of ignore ########################
define(`m4sepdefault',`dimen_') `Default separation in the parallel_ macro'
define(`m4lendefault',`dimen_') `Default length in the series_ macro'
@@ -3180,6 +3173,7 @@ define(`contact',`[ dnl
SO slow operating
SOR slow operating and release
SR slow release
+ S diagonal slash
HS high speed
NAC unaffected by AC current
AC AC current
@@ -3230,6 +3224,8 @@ define(`relaycoil',`[ ifelse(`$4',,,`setdir_(`$4')')
`{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4) }
{ move to rvec_(m4wd/2,-(m4ht/2)); line to rvec_(0,-m4ht/4)} ')
+ sc_draw(`rcdna_',S,
+ `{ line from rvec_(0,m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/2)}')
`{ m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) }
{ move to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,0); m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) } ')
@@ -3549,8 +3545,8 @@ define(`nport',`[Box: box `$1'
move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_
# `North side'
- ifelse(`$3',,,`define(`m4n',`($3)')
- d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1)
+ define(`m4n',`($3)')
+ ifelse(`$3',,,`d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1)
move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_
# `East side'
@@ -3559,11 +3555,11 @@ define(`nport',`[Box: box `$1'
move to,-d); down_
# `South side'
- ifelse(`$5',,,`define(`m4n',`($5)')
- d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1)
+ define(`m4n',`($5)')
+ ifelse(`$5',,,`d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1)
move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_
- `$9']')
+ `$9' undefine(`m4n')]')
`{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') }
`$4'`'m4x`'a: ifelse(xtract(`$5',N),N,Here,`dot') }
@@ -3599,8 +3595,8 @@ define(`gyrator',
`nullator(linespec, wid, ht, attributes)'
- define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl
- define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl
{line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)
move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0)
{ spline ifdpic(0.58) from rvec_(ifdpic(0,-m4wd/20),m4ht/2) \
@@ -3617,11 +3613,11 @@ define(`nullator',`eleminit_(`$1')
line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \
to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)}
{[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
+ line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis popdef(`m4wd',`m4ht') ')
`norator(linespec, wid, ht, attributes)'
- define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl
- define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl
+ pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl
{line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)
move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0)
for i=-1 to 1 by 2 do { {
@@ -3633,7 +3629,7 @@ define(`norator',`eleminit_(`$1')
line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \
to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)}
{[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')
+ line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis popdef(`m4wd',`m4ht') ')
`ACsymbol(at position, len, ht, [n:][A]U|D|L|R|degrees,
@@ -3736,8 +3732,8 @@ define(`nterm',`[Box: box ifelse(`$1',,wid dimen_ ht dimen_*2/3,`$1')
move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_
# `North side'
- ifelse(`$3',,,`define(`m4n',`($3)')
- d = Box.wid/(m4n+1)
+ define(`m4n',`($3)') ifelse(`$3',,,
+ `d = Box.wid/(m4n+1)
move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_
# `East side'
@@ -3750,7 +3746,7 @@ define(`nterm',`[Box: box ifelse(`$1',,wid dimen_ ht dimen_*2/3,`$1')
d = Box.wid/(m4n+1)
move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_
- `$8']')
+ `$8' undefine(`m4n')]')
`{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') }
`$3'`'m4x: ifelse(xtract(`$4',N),N,Here,`dot') }
@@ -3759,8 +3755,8 @@ define(`m4termpins',`for_(1,m4n,1,
`speaker(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, type, attributes)
type=H horn'
- define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/3',`($2)/4')')dnl
- define(`m4h',`m4v*sqrt(2)')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/3',`($2)/4')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4h',`m4v*sqrt(2)')dnl
`{H1: line from rvec_(m4h,m4v/2) \
to rvec_(m4h*3/2,m4v*7/8) \
@@ -3779,24 +3775,24 @@ define(`speaker',`[setdir_($1,R)
In5: rvec_(m4h*3/4,m4v)
In6: rvec_(m4h/4,-m4v)
In7: rvec_(m4h*3/4,-m4v)
- `$5'; resetdir_ ]')
+ `$5'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4v',`m4h') ]')
`bell(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, attributes)'
- define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
{Box: box invis ht_ m4h wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)}
{Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h*3/2,0) `$3'}
In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4)
In2: Here
In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4)
- `$4'; resetdir_ ]')
+ `$4'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]')
`microphone(A|U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size,
Arg1= A, upright mic
Thanks to Arnold Knott'
- `[ define(`m4sfact',`(ifelse(`$2',,dimen_,(`$2'))*8/5)')
+ `[ pushdef(`m4sfact',`(ifelse(`$2',,dimen_,(`$2'))*8/5)')
circlerad = m4sfact/1000
cspace = m4sfact/100
bwd = m4sfact/10
@@ -3812,22 +3808,22 @@ define(`microphone',`ifinstr(`$1',A,
for j=-1 to 1 do {
{ circle at Here+(3*j*cspace,(abs(j)-3)*cspace) }
if j != 0 then {{ circle at Here+(j*3/2*cspace,0) }} }
- move up 5*cspace }; ]',
+ move up 5*cspace }; popdef(`m4sfact')]',
- define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
{L1: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h/2) \
to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)}
{Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0) `$3'}
In1: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,m4h/4)
In2: Here
In3: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,-m4h/4)
- `$4'; resetdir_ ]')')
+ `$4'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]')')
`buzzer(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size,[C],
- `define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
+ `pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl
{L1: line from rvec_(m4h,0) \
to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2) \
then to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \
@@ -3839,20 +3835,20 @@ define(`buzzer',`[setdir_($1,R)
to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)+vec_(Rect_(m4h,-75))}
In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4)
In2: Here
- In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4)',
- `$3',C,`define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`(dimen_/3)',`(($2)/2)')')dnl
+ In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4) popdef(`m4h')',
+ `$3',C,`pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`(dimen_/3)',`(($2)/2)')')dnl
{Face: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h) \
to rvec_(m4h,m4h)}
{arc ccw from Face.end to Face.start with .c at Face.c `$4'}
In1: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),m4h/3)
In2: Here
- In3: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),-m4h/3)')
+ In3: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),-m4h/3) popdef(`m4h') ')
`$5'; resetdir_ ]')
`earphone(U|D|L|R|degrees, size, [C][R],
earphone pair if arg3 contains C'
define(`earphone',`[ setdir_($1,R)
- define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl
`L: circle diam m4h*0.4 `$4'
R: circle diam m4h*0.4 at L+vec_(m4h,0) `$4'
@@ -3868,7 +3864,7 @@ define(`earphone',`[ setdir_($1,R)
In1: rvec_(0,m4h/8)
In2: Here
In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/8)')
- `$5'; resetdir_ ]')
+ `$5'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]')
`Signal-flow graph macros: labeled node,
directed labeled chopped straight line,
@@ -4023,9 +4019,7 @@ define(`winding',`[ define(`m4rt',`ifinstr(`$1',R,-)')
define(`tstrip',`[ setdir_(`$1')
- pushkeys_(`$3',ht:dimen_/2; wid:m4n*m4ht*0.6; box::N;)
-# pushkey_(`$3',ht,dimen_/2)dnl
-# pushkey_(`$3',wid,m4n*m4ht*0.6)dnl
+ pushkeys_(`$3',`ht:dimen_/2; wid:m4n*m4`'ht*0.6; box::N;')
{Box: [shade(1,lbox(m4wid,m4ht,m4box))] }
bw = m4wid/(m4n)
ifinstr(`$3',O,,`for i=1 to m4n-1 do {
@@ -4122,12 +4116,11 @@ define(`plug',`[ setdir_(`$1')
with respect to the current drawing direction. The
default diameter is dimen_'
-`[ define(`m4sqn',`ifelse(`$1',,2,`$1')')dnl
- define(`m4ssz',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2')')dnl
- define(`m4sof',`ifelse(`$3',,-90,`$3')')dnl
- define(`m4ssg',`ifelse(`$4',,+,`$4',ccw,+,-)(m4x-1)/(m4sqn)*360')dnl
- define(`m4sxlen',C.rad/4)dnl
+`[ pushdef(`m4sqn',`ifelse(`$1',,2,`$1')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4ssz',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4sof',`ifelse(`$3',,-90,`$3')')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4ssg',`ifelse(`$4',,+,`$4',ccw,+,-)(m4x-1)/(m4sqn)*360')dnl
+ pushdef(`m4sxlen',C.rad/4)dnl
C: circle diam m4ssz
`move to C+vec_(Rect_(C.rad,m4sof`'m4ssg))
@@ -4136,7 +4129,7 @@ define(`SQUID',
to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg+225)) }
{ line from rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-45)) \
to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-225)) }')
- `$5' ]')
+ `$5' popdef(`m4sqn',`m4ssz',`m4sof',`m4ssg',`m4sxlen') ]')