path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/tubedefs.m4
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1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/tubedefs.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/tubedefs.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af47e307b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/tubedefs.m4
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+# tubedefs.m4
+# macros for the Tubediags.m4 file
+# Size parameters
+define(`tubcathlen',`tubeplatelen-tubethick bp__')
+# Generic tubes
+ `triode(diam,R[N|S|E|W])
+ R=tubeplate at bottom
+ N,S,E,W=half circle'
+define(`triode',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ drawEnv(`$2')
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env)
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .s at G1+(0,tgap)
+ P1: tubeplate(at G1+(0,-tgap))',
+ `K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .n at G1+(0,-tgap)
+ P1: tubeplate(at G1+(0,tgap))')
+ `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')')] ')
+ `tetrode(diam,R[N|S|E|W])
+ R=tubeplate at bottom
+ N,S,E,W=half circle'
+define(`tetrode',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ drawEnv(`$2')
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env+(0,tgap/2))
+ G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G1-(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G2-(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .s at G1+(0,tgap)',
+ `G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env-(0,tgap/2))
+ G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G1+(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G2+(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .n at G1+(0,-tgap)')
+ `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')')] ')
+ `pentode(diam,R[N|S|E|W])
+ R=tubeplate at bottom
+ N,S,E,W=half circle'
+define(`pentode',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ drawEnv(`$2') pushdef(`tgap',`tubediam/8')
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env-(0,tgap/4))
+ G3: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2-(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G3-(0,tgap))
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2+(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .s at G1+(0,tgap)',
+ `G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env+(0,tgap/4))
+ G3: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2+(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G3+(0,tgap))
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2-(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .n at G1-(0,tgap)') popdef(`tgap')
+ `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')')] ')
+# utilities
+ `thktmp = linethick; linethick_(tubethick)
+ Env: circle invis diam tubediam
+ ifinstr(`$1',N,
+ `line from Env.w down tubediam*3/2/8
+ line from Env.e down tubediam*3/2/8
+ arc from Env.e to Env.w',
+ `$1',S,
+ `line from Env.w up tubediam*3/2/8
+ line from Env.e up tubediam*3/2/8
+ arc from Env.w to Env.e',
+ `$1',E,
+ `line from Env.n left tubediam*3/2/8
+ line from Env.s left tubediam*3/2/8
+ arc from Env.s to Env.n',
+ `$1',W,
+ `line from Env.n right tubediam*3/2/8
+ line from Env.s right tubediam*3/2/8
+ arc from Env.n to Env.s',
+ `circle diam tubediam') with .c at Env
+ linethick_(thktmp) ')
+define(`tubedot',`dot(ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1'),tubedotdiam/2,1,thick tubedotthick)')
+define(`pin',`circle diam tubepindiam `$1'')
+ define(`pinpattern',`ifelse(`$1',,8,`$1')')dnl
+ define(`pininit',`ifelse(`$3',,-90,`$3')')dnl
+ for_(1,pincount,1,
+ `pinang = pininit+360/(2*pinpattern)-m4x*360/pinpattern
+ Pin`'m4x: pin(at \
+ Base+(Rect_(Base.rad+tubepindiam/2+tubethick/2bp__,pinang)) \
+ ifsvg("svg_small(m4x)","\small m4x"))
+ {PinT`'m4x: Base+(Rect_(Base.rad+tubethick/2bp__,pinang))} ')
+ ')
+# structural elements
+ `tubeplate(attributes,length)'
+define(`tubeplate',`line thick tubethick right ifelse(`$2',,tubeplatelen,`$2') `$1'')
+define(`thinline',`line thick thinthick')dnl
+ ang = ifelse(`$1',,90,`$1')
+ ca = cosd(ang); sa = sind(ang)
+ tabht = tubepindiam/2
+ tabwd = tabht*5/6
+ T0: Here
+ T1: T0+(vrot_(0,tabwd/2,ca,sa))
+ T2: T0+(vrot_(tabht,tabwd/2,ca,sa))
+ T3: T0+(vrot_(tabht,-tabwd/2,ca,sa))
+ T4: T0+(vrot_(0,-tabwd/2,ca,sa))
+ line from T1 to T2 then to T3 then to T4 fill_(ifelse(`$2',,1,`$2'))
+ ] with .T0 at Base+(Rect_(tubediam*3/2/2+tubethick/2bp__,ifelse(`$1',,90,`$1')))
+ ')
+define(`tubegrid',`dashline(ifelse(`$1',,`right tubegridlen',`$1'),
+ thick tubethick,(tubegridlen*7/8/3),(tubegridlen/8/2))')
+ `tubecathode(length,R)'
+ box invis wid ifelse(`$1',,tubcathlen,`$1') ht tubeplatelen/6
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `line thick tubethick from last box.nw to last box.sw \
+ then to last then to last',
+ `line thick tubethick from last box.sw to last box.nw \
+ then to last then to last ')
+ `$3'] ')
+ `tubefilament(length,R)'
+define(`tubefilament',`[ define(`filalen',`ifelse(`$1',,`tubeplatelen/3',`$1')')dnl
+ round(,tubethick) define(`filn',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-)')
+ line thick tubethick up filn`'tubeplatelen/3 right tubeplatelen*2/9; round(,tubethick)
+ line thick tubethick down filn`'tubeplatelen/3 right tubeplatelen*2/9
+ round(,tubethick)
+ `$3'] ')
+# specific base examples, bottom view
+define(`B_2AG',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ Base: circle thick tubethick diam tubediam*3/2
+ Base_pins(8,7)
+ Dk1: tubedot(at Base+(0,-tubedotdiam*5/6))
+ P1: tubeplate(at Base+(0,tubedotdiam/3))
+ thinline from PinT1 to Dk1 chop 0 chop tubedotdiam/2
+ thinline from P1 to Base.n
+ tubeTab(90)
+ `$2' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')') ]')
+define(`B_2D',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ Base: circle thick tubethick diam tubediam*3/2
+ Base_pins(4,4)
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Base)
+ F1: tubefilament with .n at G1+(0,-tgap)
+ P1: tubeplate(at G1+(0,tgap))
+ thtmp = linethick; linethick = thinthick
+ T1: tubeTab(105)
+ T2: tubeTab(75)
+ line from PinT1 to F1.sw
+ line from PinT4 to
+ line from G1.start left tubediam*3/2/8 then to T1.T0
+ line from P1 up tubediam*3/2/8 then to T2.T0
+ linethick = thtmp
+ `$2' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')') ] ')
+define(`B_4BB',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ Base: circle thick tubethick diam tubediam*3/2
+ Base_pins(8,8)
+ K1: tubecathode with .n at Base-(0,tgap/2)
+ F1: tubefilament with .n at K1.s
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at K1.n+(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G1+(0,tgap))
+ pushdef(`hoprad_',`dimen_/16') thtmp = linethick; linethick_(thinthick)
+ T1: tubeTab(135)
+ T2: tubeTab(-45)
+ T3: tubeTab(-90,0)
+ line from PinT2 to F1.sw
+ L7: line from PinT7 to
+ line up tgap from P1 then to T1.T0
+ move to
+ crossover(to (Here,PinT8),,L7)
+ line right tgap from G1.end; corner
+ crossover(to (Here,T2.T1),,L7); line to T2.T0
+ popdef(`hoprad_') linethick_(thtmp)
+ `$2' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')') ] ')
+define(`B_9K',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ Base: circle thick tubethick diam tubediam*3/2
+ Base_pins(10,9,-90-360/20)
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Base-(0,tgap/2))
+ K1: tubecathode with .n at G1+(0,-tgap)
+ F1: tubefilament with .n at K1.s
+ G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G1+(0,tgap))
+ G3: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2+(0,tgap))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G3+(0,tgap))
+ pushdef(`hoprad_',`dimen_/16') thtmp = linethick; linethick_(thinthick)
+ L3: line from G3.start to PinT3
+ M6: move from G2.end to (PinT6,G2.end)
+ line from M6.start to M6.end then to PinT6
+ L7: line from right tubediam*3/2/5
+ L71: line to PinT7
+ line up tgap from P1 then left tubeplatelen/2
+ { M1: move left tgap down tgap
+ M21: move up tgap from PinT1 }
+ line to Intersect_(M1,M21)
+ crossover(to PinT1,R,L3)
+ L8: line right tgap from G1.e
+ crossover(to PinT8,,L71)
+ line from to (K1.e+(tgap*3/4,0),F1)
+ corner(thinthick)
+ crossover(to P1.e+(tgap*3/4,tgap/2),R,L7,L8)
+ line to PinT5
+ line up tgap*3/2 from PinT9 then to PinT8
+ line from F1.sw to (K1.w-(tgap*3/4,0),F1)
+ crossover(up P1.y-tgap/2-Here.y,,L3)
+ crossover(to PinT4,,M1)
+ popdef(`hoprad_') linethick_(thtmp)
+ `$2' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')') ] ')
+# specific tubes
+ `V_6L6G(diam,R[N|S|E|W],G1|G2)
+ R=plate at bottom
+ N,S,E,W=half circle'
+define(`V_6L6G',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ drawEnv(`$2') pushdef(`tgap',`tubediam/8')
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env-(0,tgap/4))
+ G3: dashline(right tubegridlen at G2-(0,tgap),thick tubethick,
+ (tubegridlen*3/10),(tubegridlen*4/10))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G3-(0,tgap))
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2+(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .s at G1+(0,tgap)
+ line from K1.nw down tgap/2 left tgap
+ crossover(to (Here,G3),R,ifelse(`$3',,G1,`$3')); corner; line to G3.w ',
+ `G2: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at Env+(0,tgap/4))
+ G3: dashline(right tubegridlen at G2+(0,tgap),thick tubethick,
+ (tubegridlen*3/10),(tubegridlen*4/10))
+ P1: tubeplate(at G3+(0,tgap))
+ G1: tubegrid(right tubegridlen at G2-(0,tgap))
+ K1: tubecathode(,`$2') with .n at G1-(0,tgap)
+ line from K1.sw up tgap/2 left tgap
+ crossover(to (Here,G3),,ifelse(`$3',,G1,`$3')); corner; line to G3.w ')
+ popdef(`tgap') `$4' ifelse(`$1',,,`popdef(`tubediam')')] ')
+ `5U4G rectifier(diam,R)'
+define(`V_5V4G',`[ ifelse(`$1',,,`pushdef(`tubediam',`$1')')
+ drawEnv(`$2')
+ P1: line thick tubethick up tubediam/3 with .c at Env-(tubediam/6,0)
+ P2: line thick tubethick up tubediam/3 with .c at Env+(tubediam/6,0)
+ ifinstr(`$2',R,
+ `F1: tubefilament(,R) with .n at Env.n-(0,tubediam/20) ',
+ `F1: tubefilament with .s at Env.s+(0,tubediam/20) ')
+ `$3'] ')