path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/shapesSVG.m4
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/shapesSVG.m4')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/shapesSVG.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/shapesSVG.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08962e9f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/shapesSVG.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# shapes.m4
+# shapes.m4
+# 3D structures with complex surfaces and hidden lines are the domain of more
+# sophisticated software packages, but basic shapes can be drawn with pic.
+ `cylinder3D(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl,diameter,
+ [colored "color"])'
+define(`cylinder3D',`[ Start: (0,0)
+ xdispl = `$1'; ydispl = `$2'; zdispl = `$3'
+ diamc = ifelse(`$4',,(lenc/2),`$4') ; radc = diamc/2
+ define(`M4CL',`xdispl,ydispl,zdispl')dnl
+ lenc = length3D(M4CL)
+ cs = dot3D(View3D,M4CL)/lenc
+ End: (project(M4CL))
+ az = atan2(ydispl,xdispl)
+ ae = atan2(zdispl,sqrt(xdispl^2+ydispl^2))
+ CL: line invis from Start to End; C: CL.c
+ nls = int(twopi_*radc/lthick)
+ define(`M4PP',`rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(-i/nls*twopi_,0,0,radc)))')dnl
+ for i=0 to nls-1 do { if dot3D(View3D,M4PP) > 0 then {
+ P: (project(M4PP))
+ ql = sqrta(dot3D(Light3D,M4PP)/radc)
+ line from P to End+P outlined rgbstring(ql,ql,ql) `$5' } }
+ Perp: (vperp(CL,radc))
+ if cs > 0 then { T: End; B: Start } else { T: Start; B: End }
+ rpoint_(from Start to Perp)
+ css = sqrta(cs)
+ Top: rotellipse(diamc,diamc*cs,
+ thick linethick/3 shaded rgbstring(css,css,css)) with .c at T
+ W: line thick linethick/3 from T+Perp to B+Perp
+ Bot: ellipsearc(diamc,diamc*cs,pi_,twopi_,rp_ang,cw,
+ thick linethick/3) with .C at B
+ E: line thick linethick/3 from B-Perp to T-Perp
+ rpoint_(from Start to End)
+ `cone3D(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl,diameter,
+ [colored "color"])'
+define(`cone3D',`[ Start: (0,0)
+ xdispl = `$1'; ydispl = `$2'; zdispl = `$3'
+ define(`M4CL',`xdispl,ydispl,zdispl')dnl
+ lenc = length3D(M4CL)
+ diamc = ifelse(`$4',,(lenc/2),`$4') ; radc = diamc/2
+ End: (project(M4CL))
+ cs = dot3D(View3D,M4CL)/lenc
+ az = atan2(ydispl,xdispl)
+ ae = atan2(zdispl,sqrt(xdispl^2+ydispl^2))
+ CL: line invis from Start to End; C: CL.c
+ nls = int(twopi_*radc/lthick)
+ lt = sqrt(radc^2+lenc^2)
+ b = 0
+ for i=0 to nls-1 do { if dot3D(View3D,
+ rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(-i/nls*twopi_,radc,0,lenc)))) > 0 then {
+ ql = sqrta(dot3D(Light3D,
+ rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(-i/nls*twopi_,radc,0,lenc))))/lt)
+ P: (project(rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(-i/nls*twopi_,0,0,radc)))))
+ line from P to End outlined rgbstring(ql,ql,ql) `$5'
+ if !b then { WB: P; b = 1 }
+ } else { if b then { BW: P; b = 0 } } }
+ if vlength(CL.x,CL.y) != 0 then { Perp: (vperp(CL,radc,R)) } else { Perp: (radc,0) }
+ if cs >= 0 then { T: End; B: Start } else {T: Start; B: End }
+ rpoint_(from Start to Perp)
+ pout = (vlength(End.x,End.y) > abs(radc*cs))
+ if cs < 0 then { css = sqrta(cs)
+ if pout then { line thick linethick/3 from BW to End then to WB }
+ Bot: rotellipse(diamc,diamc*cs,thick linethick/3 \
+ ifelse(`$5',,`shaded rgbstring(css,css,css)',`$5')) with .c at T } \
+ else { if pout then {
+ line thick linethick/3 from BW to End then to WB
+ a = acos((WB.x*Perp.x+WB.y*Perp.y)/radc^2)
+ Bot: ellipsearc(diamc,diamc*cs,a,pi_-a,rp_ang,cw, thick linethick/3) \
+ with .C at B } \
+ else {
+ Bot: rotellipse(diamc,diamc*cs,thick linethick/3) with .c at B } }
+ rpoint_(from Start to End)
+ `Arrow3D(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl,
+ diam,arrowwid,arrowht)'
+define(`Arrow3D',`[ diam_Ar = ifelse(`$4',,linewid/10,`$4')
+ wid_Ar = ifelse(`$5',,diam_Ar*2,`$5')
+ ht_Ar = ifelse(`$6',,wid_Ar*2,`$6')
+ x_Ar = ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')
+ y_Ar = ifelse(`$2',,1,`$2')
+ z_Ar = ifelse(`$3',,1,`$3')
+ define(`M4Arrow3D',`x_Ar,y_Ar,z_Ar')dnl
+ len_Ar = length3D(M4Arrow3D)
+ len_Shaft = len_Ar - ht_Ar
+ cs_Ar = dot3D(View3D,M4Arrow3D)
+ if cs_Ar >= 0 then {
+ Shaft: cylinder3D(sprod3D(len_Shaft/len_Ar,M4Arrow3D),diam_Ar)
+ Head: cone3D(sprod3D(ht_Ar/len_Ar,M4Arrow3D),wid_Ar) \
+ with .Start at Shaft.End } \
+ else {
+ Head: cone3D(sprod3D(ht_Ar/len_Ar,M4Arrow3D),wid_Ar)
+ Shaft: cylinder3D(sprod3D(len_Shaft/len_Ar,M4Arrow3D),diam_Ar) \
+ with .End at Head.Start }
+ Start: Shaft.Start; End: Head.End
+ `$7']')
+define(`f2xyz3D',``$1'x = `$2'
+`$1'y = `$3'
+`$1'z = `$4' ')
+ `prism3D(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl,wid,ht,rotation (rad))'
+define(`prism3D',`[ Start: (0,0)
+ xdispl = ifelse(`$1',,linewid,`$1')
+ ydispl = ifelse(`$2',,linewid,`$2')
+ zdispl = ifelse(`$3',,linewid,`$3')
+ widp = ifelse(`$4',,(linewid/5),`$4')
+ htp = ifelse(`$5',,(linewid/10),`$5')
+ rotp = ifelse(`$6',,0,`$6')
+ End: (project(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl)); C: 0.5 between Start and End
+ lenp = length3D(xdispl,ydispl,zdispl)
+ az = atan2(ydispl,xdispl); ae = atan2(zdispl,sqrt(xdispl^2+ydispl^2))
+ wp2 = widp/2; hp2 = htp/2
+# corners
+ f2xyz3D(nwB,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp, 0,-wp2, hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(swB,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp, 0,-wp2,-hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(seB,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp, 0, wp2,-hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(neB,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp, 0, wp2, hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(nwF,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp,lenp,-wp2, hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(swF,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp,lenp,-wp2,-hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(seF,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp,lenp, wp2,-hp2))))
+ f2xyz3D(neF,rot3Dz(az,rot3Dy(-ae,rot3Dx(rotp,lenp, wp2, hp2))))
+# facets
+ M4Facet3D(neF,nwF,swF,seF)
+ M4Facet3D(neB,seB,swB,nwB)
+ M4Facet3D(neF,seF,seB,neB)
+ M4Facet3D(neF,neB,nwB,nwF)
+ M4Facet3D(seF,swF,swB,seB)
+ M4Facet3D(nwF,nwB,swB,swF)
+ diff3D(`$3'x,`$3'y,`$3'z,`$2'x,`$2'y,`$2'z))')
+ if dot3D(View3D,PFacet) > 0 then {
+ fFacet = sqrta(dot3D(Light3D,PFacet)/length3D(PFacet))
+ P1: (project(`$1'x,`$1'y,`$1'z))
+ P2: (project(`$2'x,`$2'y,`$2'z))
+ P3: (project(`$3'x,`$3'y,`$3'z))
+ P4: (project(`$4'x,`$4'y,`$4'z))
+ line fill_(fFacet) invis from P1 to P2 then to P3 then to P4 then to P1
+ line from P1 to P2; round
+ line to P3; round
+ line to P4; round
+ line to P1; round } ')
+azimuth = 60
+elev = 10
+[ Orig: (0,0)
+ setlight
+ Arrow3D(1,0,0) with .Start at Orig; move left 12bp__ from last [].End "x"
+ Arrow3D(0,1,0) with .Start at Orig; "y" ljust at last [].End
+ Arrow3D(0,0,1.2) with .Start at Orig; "z" above at last [].End
+ setlight(0,0,0)
+ cylinder3D(1,1,1,0.6) with .Start at (project(0.5,0.5,0.5))
+ Ball: shadedball(0.5) with .nw at last [].ne+(-0.25,0)
+ setview(45,10)
+ setlight(40,70)
+ n = 9; len = 1.5; thmin = m4azim+pi_/2*0.8; thmax = thmin+twopi_
+ for i=0 to n do {
+ r = i/n*(thmax-thmin)+thmin
+ prism3D(rot3Dz(r,rot3Dy(pi_/4,len,0,0)),0.2,0.1) \
+ with .Start at (project(rot3Dz(r,rot3Dy(pi_/4,len*0.5,0,0)))) }
+] with .nw at last [].ne
+ setlight(0,0)
+ movewid = 0.1
+ len = 1.5; ni = 5; nj = 5
+ for i=1 to ni-1 do {
+ {for j = 0 to nj by 2 do {
+ setview(0,i/ni*180-90,j/nj*90)
+ cylinder3D(0,0,len*(j+1)/(nj+1),0.4)
+ if j < nj then {move right} } }
+ if i < ni then {move down 0.85; right_} } #else { move down movewid } }
+] with .nw at 1st [].sw+(0,-0.1)
+ setlight(0,0)
+ len = 1.5; ni = 4; nj = 6
+ for i=1 to ni do {
+ {for j = 0 to nj by 2 do {
+ setview(0,i/ni*180-90,j/nj*90)
+ cone3D(0,0,len*(j+1)/(nj+1),0.4)
+ if i==2 && j==(nj-2) then { move up_ 0.2 right_ -0.4 } \
+ else { if j < nj then {move right_ 0.1}} } }
+ if i < ni then {move down_ 0.75; right_} }
+] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.2,0)