path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4
index 375881b471..afc633403f 100644
--- a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/svg/cscSVG.m4
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-.PS 3.5
+#.PS 3.5
# csc.m4
+skale = 3.5/3.97*0.9955
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ define(`lwid',1)
# Circle and spokes
-# [
+CSC: [
{circle with .c at Here
@@ -74,6 +76,167 @@ resetrgb
-# ] with .sw at 1,1
+ ]
+Clock: [
+# AntiqueClockSVG.m4
+svg_font(font-family="sans-serif" font-stretch="condensed")
+# `hms2deg(hr,min,sec) hr:min:sec to degrees
+# blank arg1: degrees for minute hand
+# blank arg1 and arg2: degrees for second hand'
+ `ifelse(`$2',,
+ `(90-pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60*360)',
+ `(90-(pmod(`$2',60)/60 + pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60/60)*360)')',
+ `(90-(pmod(`$1',12) + pmod(ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2'),60)/60 + dnl
+ pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/3600)/12*360)')')
+# `SecondHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`SecondHand',`[ shsf = (`$1')/3.2
+ C: Here
+ { L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,,`$4')))) }
+ line thick 8*shsf to rvec_(`$1',0)
+ ]')
+# `AntiqueMinuteHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`AntiqueMinuteHand',`[ mhsf = (`$1')/2.84
+ L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,`$3',`$4'))))
+ C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.47*mhsf at L.start
+ move to C
+ spline from rvec_(0,0.047*mhsf) \
+ to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,0.11*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(`$1',0.018*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(`$1',-0.018*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,-0.11*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(0,-0.047*mhsf) \
+ shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)
+ ]')
+# `AntiqueHourHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`AntiqueHourHand',`[ hhsf = (`$1')/2.2
+ L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(`$2',`$3',`$4'))))
+ C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.6*hhsf at L.start
+ move to C
+ v = 0.25*hhsf
+ { line to rvec_(1.1*hhsf,0) thick 0.15/(1bp__)*hhsf }
+ C1: rvec_(1.25*hhsf,0)
+ d = `$1'-1.25*hhsf
+ q = 1bp__*hhsf
+ r1 = (d^2 + q^2 - v^2)/(v-q)/2
+ tang = atan2((r1+q),d)
+ for i=0 to 3 do {
+ X[i]: C1+vec_(rect_(v, pi_+i/3*( tang-pi_)))
+ Y[i]: C1+vec_(rect_(v,-pi_+i/3*(-tang+pi_)))
+ }
+ n = 3
+ for i=1 to 4 do { aa = -pi_+tang + i/4*(pi_/2-tang)
+ XX: (d,r1+q)+(rect_(r1,aa))
+ n+=1;
+ X[n]: C1+vec_(XX.x, XX.y)
+ Y[n]: C1+vec_(XX.x,-XX.y)
+ }
+ m = n
+ for i= 0 to m do { n+=1; X[n]: Y[m-i] }
+ fitcurve(X,n,shaded rgbstring(0,0,0))
+ ]')
+define(`AntiqueClock',`[ # h,m,s,diam
+# Clock size parameters:
+ hour = ifelse(`$1',,3,`$1')
+ minute = ifelse(`$2',,41,`$2')
+ second = ifelse(`$3',,51,`$3')
+ # outer radius
+ ifelse(`$4',,`skale=0.5; r1=2',`r1=(`$4')/2; skale=r1/4')
+ r2 = r1 - 0.5*skale
+ r3 = r2 - 0.14*skale
+ r4 = r3 - 0.35*skale
+ r5 = r4 - 0.17*skale
+ r6 = r5 - 0.63*skale
+ r7 = r6 - 0.17*skale
+ shadelinethick = 1.0
+C: circle thick 0.2 rad r1
+define shadeline {
+ s = 1-($`'1)*2
+ v = r*s
+ h = sqrt(r^2-v^2)
+ t = 1-abs(s)
+ line from (vrot_(-h,v,cost,sint)) to (vrot_(h,v,cost,sint)) \
+ thick shadelinethick outlined rgbstring(t,t,t)
+ }
+ r = r1 # Bezel outer
+ nlines = int(2*r/(shadelinethick pt__)*1.1)
+ cost = cosd(10); sint = sind(10);
+ ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0, 0.5, 1,1,1, 1, 0,0,0 ) at C
+ r = r2 # Bezel inner
+ nlines = int(2*r/(shadelinethick pt__)*1.1)
+ cost = cosd(-10); sint = sind(-10);
+ ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0, 0.25, 0.8,0.8,0.8, 0.5, 1,1,1,
+ 0.75, 0.8,0.8,0.8, 1, 0,0,0 ) at C
+# Clock face
+Face: circle thick 0 fill_(1) rad r3 at C
+ circle rad r4 at C
+ circle rad r5 at C
+ circle rad r6 at C
+ circle rad r7 at C
+# Ad hoc shift of rotated SVG text
+ define adj { (-cosd($`'1)*textht*0.5*sign(180-($`'1)),\
+ (0.25+0.25*cosd(2*($`'1)))*textht) }
+# Outer numbers
+ textht = (r3-r4)*0.6
+ for mn = -15 to 15 by 5 do { t = 90-mn/60*360
+ R:(Rect_((r3+r4)/2,t))
+ svg_rot(-mn/60*360,sprintf("%g",pmod(mn,60)) at C+R+adj(t))
+ }
+ for mn = 20 to 40 by 5 do { t = 450-mn/60*360
+ R: (Rect_((r3+r4)/2,t))
+ svg_rot(180-mn/60*360, sprintf("%g",pmod(mn,60)) at C+R+adj(t))
+ }
+# Outer tics
+ for mn = 1 to 60 do { t = 90-mn/60*360
+ line from C+(Rect_(r5,t)) to C+(Rect_(r4,t)) }
+# Inner numbers
+ textht = (r5-r6)*0.6
+ Loopover_(`mx',`tt = 90-(m4Lx-4)/12*360
+ R: (Rect_((r5+r6)/2,tt))
+ svg_rot(tt-90, "mx" at C+R+adj(tt)) ',
+ Loopover_(`mx',`tt = 360-m4Lx*30
+ R: (Rect_((r5+r6)/2,tt))
+ svg_rot(tt-270, "mx" at C+R+adj(tt)) ',
+# Inner tics
+ for mn = 5 to 60 by 5 do { t = 90-mn/60*360
+ line from C+(Rect_(r7,t)) to C+(Rect_(r6,t)) }
+# Hands
+ AntiqueHourHand(r6,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+ AntiqueMinuteHand(r5,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+ SecondHand((r3+r4)/2,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+# Center
+ dot(at C,0.1/4*r1,1)
+ ]')
+ Clock1: AntiqueClock(,,,3.5)
+# Clock2: AntiqueClock(4,48,07,2) at Clock1.e+(1.5,0)
+ command "</g>" # end font
+ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.25,0)