path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Person.m4
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Person.m4')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Person.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Person.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fdf09d387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Person.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# person.m4
+ `person(
+ hght=expr;wdth=expr;fill="colorname")
+ e.g. person(hght=1;fill="gray")'
+ `[ pushkeys_(`$1',hght:linewid;wdth:m4hght*2/5;fill:"black":N)dnl
+ bodywid = m4wdth/2
+ bodyrad = bodywid/8
+ bodyht = (m4hght - bodywid - bodywid/16 + bodyrad*2)/2
+ tmplth = linethick; linethick = 0
+ Head: circle diam bodywid colored m4fill
+ Body: box rad bodyrad ht bodyht wid bodywid colored m4fill \
+ with .n at Head.s+(0,-Head.diam/16)
+ armwid = bodywid/3
+ Armleft: box wid armwid rad armwid/2 ht colored m4fill \
+ with .w at Body.e + (armwid/2,0)
+ Armright: box same with .e at Body.w + (-armwid/2,0)
+ Legleft: box wid bodywid/2.5 rad armwid/2 ht colored m4fill \
+ with .n at (Body.w,Body.s)+(bodywid/5,bodyrad*2)
+ Legright: box same with .n at (Body.e,Body.s)+(-bodywid/5,bodyrad*2)
+ linethick_(tmplth) popdef(`m4hght',`m4wdth',`m4fill') ]')
+ linewid = 3*linewid
+ movewid = 0.2
+ setrgb(0.54,0.81,0.94,babyblue)
+ person(fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person(wdth=linewid*3/4;fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person(wdth=linewid;fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person
+ move
+ resetrgb
+ person(hght=1;fill="gray")
+ line up linewid with .c at last [].e+(linewid/10,0)