path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Brace.m4
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Brace.m4')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Brace.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Brace.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0089fe96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/extras/Brace.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# brace.m4
+ `bracket(linespec, end depth,
+ thickness, end thickness, attributes)
+ Square bracket along linespec
+ default depth is linewid/5
+ attributes = eg
+ thick 0.4 outlined "string" shaded "string"
+ (default black)'
+define(`bracket',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ M4brS: last line.start; M4brE: last line.end
+ [ brdepth = ifelse(`$2',,linewid/5,`($2)')
+ brthick = ifelse(`$3',,brdepth/6,`($3)')
+ endthick = ifelse(`$4',,brthick/3,`($4)')
+ define(`m4brackattribs',
+ `ifelse(`$5',,`thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)',`$5')')dnl
+ {line m4brackattribs \
+ from M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth) to M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth+brthick) \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(0,brdepth+brthick) \
+ then to M4brE \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(-endthick,0) \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(-endthick,brdepth) \
+ then to M4brS+vec_( endthick,brdepth) \
+ then to M4brS+vec_( endthick,0) \
+ then to M4brS \
+ then to M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth) }
+ S: M4brS
+ ] with .S at Here')
+ `brace(linespec,depth,arm thickness,attributes)
+ Curly brace along linespec
+ default depth is linewid/5
+ attributes = eg
+ thick 0.4 outlined "string" shaded "string"
+ (default black)'
+define(`brace',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ M4brS: last line.start; M4brE: last line.end
+ [ brdepth = ifelse(`$2',,linewid/5,`$2')
+ brthick = ifelse(`$3',,brdepth/6,`$3')
+ define(`m4braceattribs',
+ `ifelse(`$4',,`thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)',`$4')')dnl
+ tension = 0.55
+ halfwid = distance(M4brS,M4brE)
+ smallrad = brdepth-brthick
+ bigrad = brdepth+brthick
+ for sgn=1 to -1 by -2 do {
+ S: rvec_(sgn*halfwid/2,0)
+ A: S+vec_(0,smallrad/2)
+ B: vec_(0,smallrad/2)
+ T: vec_(0,brdepth)
+ C: vec_(0,bigrad/2)
+ D: vec_(sgn*halfwid/2,bigrad/2)
+ {spline tension m4braceattribs \
+ from S to tension between S and A \
+ then to tension between A-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and A \
+ then to A-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to B+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to tension between B+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and B \
+ then to tension between T and B \
+ then to T \
+ then to tension between T and C \
+ then to tension between C+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and C \
+ then to C+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to D-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to tension between D-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and D \
+ then to tension between S and D \
+ then to S }
+ }
+ E: (0,0)
+] with .E at 0.5 between M4brS and M4brE')
+ del = 0.2
+ maxht = 2
+ minht = 0.3
+ n = 16
+ hmax = 360
+R1: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ brace(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y,,,thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ brace(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y,,,thick 0.4 \
+ outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ]
+R2: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ brace(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y,5bp__+x*20bp__,2bp__+x*13bp__,thick 0.4 \
+ shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ brace(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y,5bp__+x*20bp__,2bp__+x*13bp__,thick 0.4 \
+ outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ] with .n at R1.s+(0,-0.2)
+R3: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ bracket(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y, 5bp__+x*20bp__, 2bp__+x*13bp__,,
+ thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ bracket(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y, 5bp__+x*20bp__, 2bp__+x*13bp__,,
+ thick 0.4 outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ] with .n at R2.s+(0,-0.2)