path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/dpv/icsDPV.m4
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1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/dpv/icsDPV.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/dpv/icsDPV.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0acaa8661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/dpv/icsDPV.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ Macros defining some integrated circuits and connectors for svg
+ `A sequence of pins along the east or west side of a chip:
+ lg_pinseq(initial pin no, final pin no,
+ e|w, initial offset, pinnum_root, Labelroot, [N])'
+ `e.g., lg_pinseq(1,8,w)'
+ `lg_pin( Chip.s`$3'+(0,eval($4+m4x)*lg_pinsep),
+ $6`'m4x,Pin`'eval($5`'m4x),`$3'`$7',eval($5`'m4x))') ')
+define(`ic_tiny',`iflatex(`\hbox{\tiny `$1'}',ifsvg(`svg_small(`$1')',`$1'))')
+define(`ic6116',`[ Chip: box wid_ lg_chipwd ht_ 15*lg_pinsep
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,lg_pinsep),GND,Pin12,w,12)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,2*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(CS),Pin18,wN,18)
+ lg_pinseq(0,2,w,4,9+,D)
+ lg_pinseq(3,7,w,4,10+,D)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,13*lg_pinsep),R/lg_bartxt(W),Pin21,w,21)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,14*lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(CC),Pin24,w,24)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(OE),Pin20,eN,20)
+ lg_pinseq(0,7,e,3,8-,A)
+ lg_pinseq(8,9,e,3,31-,A)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,13*lg_pinsep),A10,Pin19,e,19)
+ `$1']')
+define(`ic6502',`[ Chip: box wid_ lg_chipwd ht_ 24*lg_pinsep
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(SS),Pin21,w,21)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,2*lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(SS),Pin1,w,1)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,4*lg_pinsep),R/lg_bartxt(W),Pin34,w,34)
+ lg_pinseq(0,7,w,6,33-,D)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,15*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(RESET),Pin40,wN,40)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,17*lg_pinsep),SYNC,Pin7,w,7)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,19*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(NMI),Pin6,wN,6)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,21*lg_pinsep),RDY,Pin2,w,2)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,22*lg_pinsep),SO,Pin38,w,38)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,23*lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(CC),Pin8,w,8)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,lg_pinsep),CK`'ic_tiny(1)(in),Pin39,e,39)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,4*lg_pinsep), CK`'ic_tiny(2)(out),Pin37,e,37)
+ lg_pinseq(0,11,e,6,9+,A)
+ lg_pinseq(12,15,e,6,10+,A)
+ lg_pin(,23*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(IRQ),Pin4,eN,4)
+ `$1']')
+define(`ic6522',`[ Chip: box wid_ lg_chipwd ht_ 24*lg_pinsep
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(SS),Pin1,w,1)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,3*lg_pinsep),CS1,Pin24,w,24)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,4*lg_pinsep),CK,Pin25,w,25)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,5*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(CS2),Pin23,wN,23)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,7*lg_pinsep),RS0(A0),Pin38,w,38)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,8*lg_pinsep),RS1(A1),Pin37,w,37)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,9*lg_pinsep),RS2(A2),Pin36,w,36)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,10*lg_pinsep),RS3(A3),Pin35,w,35)
+ lg_pinseq(0,7,w,12,33-,D)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,21*lg_pinsep),R/lg_bartxt(W),Pin22,w,22)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,22*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(IRQ),Pin21,wN,21)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,23*lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(CC),Pin20,w,20)
+ lg_pinseq(0,7,e,1,10+,PB)
+ lg_pinseq(1,2,e,8,17+,CB)
+ lg_pinseq(0,7,e,12,2+,PA)
+ lg_pinseq(1,2,e,19,41-,CA)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,23*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(RESET),Pin34,eN,34)
+ `$1']')
+define(`ic74LS138',`[ Chip: box wid_ lg_chipwd ht_ 11*lg_pinsep
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,lg_pinsep),GND,Pin8,w,8)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,2*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(G2a),Pin4,wN,4)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,3*lg_pinsep),lg_bartxt(G2b),Pin5,wN,5)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,5*lg_pinsep),A,Pin1,w,1)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,6*lg_pinsep),B,Pin2,w,2)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,7*lg_pinsep),C,Pin3,w,3)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,9*lg_pinsep),G1,Pin6,w,6)
+ lg_pin(Chip.sw_+(0,10*lg_pinsep),V`'ic_tiny(CC),Pin16,w,16)
+ lg_pinseq(0,6,e,2,15-,Y,n)
+ lg_pin(Chip.se_+(0,9*lg_pinsep),Y7,Pin7,eN,7)
+ `$1']')
+define(`ic4017',`[ Chip: DIP_chip_outline(16)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(Chip.nw-(0,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'m4Lx,w,m4Lx)',
+ PL, Q3, I3, I0, CLE, Q0, TC, GND)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'eval(m4Lx+8),e,eval(m4Lx+8))',
+ MR, U/D, Q1, I1, I2, Q2, CLK, Vcc)
+ `$1']')
+define(`ic4510',`[ Chip: DIP_chip_outline(16)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(Chip.nw-(0,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'m4Lx,w,m4Lx)',
+ PL, Q3, I3, I0, CLE, Q0, TC, GND)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'eval(m4Lx+8),e,eval(m4Lx+8))',
+ MR, U/D, Q1, I1, I2, Q2, CLK, Vcc)
+ `$1']')
+define(`icVS1053',`[ Chip: DIP_chip_outline(32)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(Chip.nw-(0,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'m4Lx,w,m4Lx)',
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `lg_pin(,lg_pinsep*m4Lx),x,Pin`'eval(m4Lx+16),e,eval(m4Lx+16))',
+ SDCD,RX,TX,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,GND,3V3,AGND,MIC`'svg_it(-),MIC`'svg_it(+))
+ `$1']')
+ `ArduinoUno( wid,ht,pinlen )'
+ define(`m4bwid',`ifelse(`$1',,`24*L_unit',`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4bht',`ifelse(`$2',,`20*lg_pinsep',`$2')')dnl
+ Connector: box wid m4bwid ht m4bht
+ plen = ifelse(`$4',,`2*L_unit',`$4')
+ `Pin`'eval(5+m4Lx): line left_ plen from Connector.nw-(0,(5+m4Lx)*lg_pinsep)
+ { "x" ljust at last line.start }')',
+ IOREF, RESET,svg_it(+)3V3,svg_it(+)5V, GND, GND, VIN,
+ nul, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
+ `Pin`'eval(22-m4Lx): line right_ plen from,m4Lx*lg_pinsep)
+ { "x" rjust at last line.start }')',
+ SCL, SDA, AREF, GND, D13, D12, ~D11, ~D10, ~D9, D8,
+ nul, D7, ~D6, ~D5, D4, ~D3, D2, TX D1, RX D0)
+ `$4'] ')
+ `ArduinoLeonardo( wid,ht,pinlen )'
+ define(`m4bwid',`ifelse(`$1',,`24*L_unit',`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4bht',`ifelse(`$2',,`20*lg_pinsep',`$2')')dnl
+ Connector: box wid m4bwid ht m4bht
+ plen = ifelse(`$4',,`2*L_unit',`$4')
+ `Pin`'eval(5+m4Lx): line left_ plen from Connector.nw-(0,(5+m4Lx)*lg_pinsep)
+ { "x" ljust at last line.start }')',
+ IOREF, RESET,svg_it(+)3V3,svg_it(+)5V, GND, GND, VIN,
+ nul, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
+ `Pin`'eval(22-m4Lx): line right_ plen from,m4Lx*lg_pinsep)
+ { "x" rjust at last line.start }')',
+ ~D13, D12, ~D11, ~D10, ~D9, D8,
+ nul, D7, ~D6, ~D5, D4, ~D3, D2, TX D1, RX D0)
+ `$4'] ')
+ `RPi( wid,ht,pinlen )'
+ define(`m4bwid',`ifelse(`$1',,`34*L_unit',`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4bht',`ifelse(`$2',,`21*lg_pinsep',`$2')')dnl
+ GPIO: box wid m4bwid ht m4bht
+ plen = ifelse(`$4',,`6*L_unit',`$4')
+define A_LeftGPIO {
+ exec sprintf("Pin%g: line left_ plen from GPIO.nw-(0,%g)",\
+ 2*(`$'1)-1,(`$'1)*lg_pinsep)
+ { "`$'3" ljust at last line.start }
+ "`$'2" at last line.c above }
+ ;3V3,
+ 2;SDA1, 3;SCL1, 4;GPIO_GCLK,
+ ;GND,
+ 17;GPIO_GEN0, 27;GPIO_GEN2,
+ 22;GPIO_GEN3,
+ ;3V3,
+ 11;SPI_SCLK,
+ ;GND,
+ ;ID_SD,
+ 5;, 6;, 13;, 19;, 26;,
+ ;GND )
+define A_RightGPIO {
+ exec sprintf("Pin%g: line right_ plen from,%g)",\
+ 2*(`$'1),(`$'1)*lg_pinsep)
+ { "`$'3" rjust at last line.start }
+ "`$'2" at last line.c above }
+ ;5V,
+ ;5V,
+ ;GND,
+ 14;TXD0, 15;RXD0, 18;GPIO_GEN1,
+ ;GND,
+ 23;GPIO_GEN4, 24;GPIO_GEN5,
+ ;GND,
+ 25;GPIO_GEN6, 8;SPI_CEO_N,
+ 7;SPI_CE1_N,
+ ;ID_SC,
+ ;GND,
+ 12;,
+ ;GND,
+ 16;, 20;, 21; )
+ `$4'] ')
+ `USB_C_Socket( wid, ht, pinlen )'
+ define(`m4bwid',`ifelse(`$1',,`18*L_unit',`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4bht',`ifelse(`$2',,`14*lg_pinsep',`$2')')dnl
+ Base: box wid m4bwid ht m4bht rad 5/3*lg_pinsep
+ plen = ifelse(`$4',,`6*L_unit',`$4')
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `B`'eval(13-m4Lx): dnl
+ line left_ plen from Base.n-(m4bwid/2,(m4Lx+0.5)*lg_pinsep)
+ {"x" ljust at last line.start}',
+ GND, RX1`'svg_it(+), RX1`'svg_it(-), VBUS, SBU2, D`'svg_it(-),
+ D`'svg_it(+), CC2, VBUS, TX2`'svg_it(-), TX2`'svg_it(+), GND)
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `A`'m4Lx: line right_ plen from Base.n+(m4bwid/2,-(m4Lx+0.5)*lg_pinsep)
+ {"x" rjust at last line.start}',
+ GND, TX1`'svg_it(+), TX1`'svg_it(-), VBUS, CC1, D`'svg_it(+),
+ D`'svg_it(-), SBU1, VBUS, RX2`'svg_it(-), RX2`'svg_it(+), GND)
+ `$4']')
+ `HDMI_micro( wid, ht, pinlen )'
+ define(`m4bwid',`ifelse(`$1',,`16*L_unit',`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4bht',`ifelse(`$2',,`19*lg_pinsep+m4bwid*2/3',`$2')')dnl
+ Base:[line up m4bht/2 then right m4bwid*2/3 \
+ then right m4bwid/3 down m4bwid/3 \
+ then down m4bht-2*m4bwid/3 then down m4bwid/3 left m4bwid/3 \
+ then left m4bwid*2/3 then to Here]
+ plen = ifelse(`$4',,`6*L_unit',`$4')
+ Loopover_(`x',
+ `Pin`'m4Lx: line left_ plen from Base.nw-(0,m4bwid/3+(m4Lx-1/2)*lg_pinsep)
+ {"x" ljust at last line.start}
+ "m4Lx" at last line.c above',
+ HPD, UTILITY, D2`'svg_it(+), D2_SH, D2`'svg_it(-),
+ D1`'svg_it(+), D1_SH, D1`'svg_it(-),D0`'svg_it(+), D0_SH,
+ D0`'svg_it(-), CLK`'svg_it(+), CLK_SH, CLK`'svg_it(-),
+ CEC, GND, SCL, SDA,svg_it(+)5V)
+L1: line from Base.nw+(m4bwid*2/3-lg_pinsep,0) up plen
+ svg_rot(90,"21",at last line.c +(-4bp__,0))
+ svg_rot(90,"SH2",at last line.start + (4bp__,-8bp__))
+ line from Base.nw+(m4bwid*2/3-2*lg_pinsep,0) up plen
+ svg_rot(90,"20",at last line.c+(-4bp__,0))
+ svg_rot(90,"SH1",at last line.start + (4bp__,-8bp__))
+ line from Base.sw+(m4bwid*2/3-lg_pinsep,0) down plen
+ svg_rot(90,"23",at last line.c+(-4bp__,0))
+ svg_rot(90,"SH4",at last line.start + (4bp__,14bp__))
+ line from Base.sw+(m4bwid*2/3-2*lg_pinsep,0) down plen
+ svg_rot(90,"22",at last line.c+(-4bp__,0))
+ svg_rot(90,"SH3",at last line.start + (4bp__,14bp__))
+ `$4']')
+ `DIP_chip_outline( pin count, wid )'
+ `[ define(`m4pinct',`ifelse(`$1',,16,`$1')')dnl
+ define(`m4chgw',`ifelse(`$2',,(18*L_unit),`$2')')dnl
+ Chip: box invis wid m4chgw ht lg_pinsep*eval((m4pinct)/2+1)
+ arcd(last box.n, lg_pinsep/2, 180, 360)
+ { line to last chop -linewid bp__/2 }
+ { line from last arc.start to last box.nw chop -linewid bp__/2 }
+ line from last box.nw to last box.sw then to last then to last
+ `$3']')
+ `DIP( pin count, attributes)
+ Dual in-line package
+ attributes=semicolon-separated list of optional terms:
+ bodywid=expr; (default 0.25 = 5*L_unit )
+ bodylen=expr; (default pin count/2 x pinpitch)
+ pinpitch=expr; (default 0.1)
+ pinwid=expr; (default 0.06)
+ pinlen=expr; (default 0.05)
+ direct=U|D|L|R;(default U for up)
+ type=I|Q; (default I for uniform-length pins;
+ Q: staggered) '
+define(`DIP',`[ pinct= ifelse(`$1',,8,`$1')
+ Loopover_(`Z',`pushkey_(`$2',patsubst(Z,:.*),patsubst(Z,.*:))',
+ bodywid: 5*L_unit,
+ bodylen: m4pinpitch*int(pinct/2+0.5),
+ pinpitch:2*L_unit,
+ pinwid: 1.2*L_unit,
+ pinlen: L_unit)
+ Loopover_(`Z',`pushkey_(`$2',patsubst(Z,:.*),patsubst(Z,.*:),N)',
+ direct:U,
+ type:I)
+ setdir_(m4direct,U)
+ Body: box ht_ m4bodywid wid_ m4bodylen
+ arcs = ifelse(m4_dir_,right,90,m4_dir_,up,180,m4_dir_,left,270,0)
+ arcd(Body.e_, 0.1/2, arcs,arcs+180)
+ np2 = int(pinct/2+0.5)
+ define(`m4bxht',`m4pinlen ifelse(m4type,Q,`*(1+(i%%2))')')dnl
+ for i=0 to np2-1 do {
+ exec sprintf("Pin%g: box ht_ m4bxht wid_ m4pinwid \
+ with .s_ at (i+0.5)/np2 between Body.ne_ and Body.nw_",i+1) }
+ for i=np2+1 to pinct do {
+ exec sprintf("Pin%g: box ht_ m4bxht wid_ m4pinwid \
+ with .n_ at (i-np2-0.5)/(pinct-np2) between Body.sw_ and Body.se_",i) }
+ `$3'; resetdir_
+ popdef(`m4bodywid',`m4bodylen',`m4pinpitch',`m4pinwid',`m4pinlen',`m4direct',
+ `m4type') ]'))