path: root/graphics/axodraw2/axodraw2.sty
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1 files changed, 4742 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/axodraw2/axodraw2.sty b/graphics/axodraw2/axodraw2.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9adc261bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/axodraw2/axodraw2.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,4742 @@
+% This is axodraw2.sty
+% (C) 1994-2018 by authors:
+% John Collins (jcc8 at psu dot edu)
+% Jos Vermaseren (t68 at nikhef dot nl)
+% Conditions of use:
+% axodraw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+% Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% axodraw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+% FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+% details.
+% For the GNU General Public License see <>.
+% Code necessities:
+% 1. \ignorespaces at end of commands that draw things. Often it won't
+% matter, but occasionally a command in a picture environment
+% will set material and a following uncommented end-of-line in
+% the user's code will shift the insertion point.
+% 2. Use end-of-line comments whereever TeX might use the end-of-line as
+% a space to be typeset.
+% Conventions
+% 1. Any font and color changes that are supposed to be local should
+% be made local, either by explicit TeX grouping or by being
+% inside commands (e.g., box-making commands) that enforce groups.
+% Braces work, but \begingroup and \endgroup are easier to see in
+% multiline groups.
+% 2. Scaling:
+% \unitlength is the unit for the canvas (as in picture environment).
+% \axoscale is for the unit for coordinates, widths, etc
+% \axotextscale is for all text objects, BUT only when
+% PSText is NOT set to scale as graphics objects
+% When PSText is set to scale as graphics objects, PSText
+% scales by \axoscale, but TeX-text has unit scaling.
+% Given a specification of a position (x,y) as in a call to \Line,
+% the position of the point relative to the origin is
+% x_act = (x + \axoxo ) \axoscale pt + \axoxoffset \unitlength
+% y_act = (y + \axoyo ) \axoscale pt + \axoyoffset \unitlength
+% Widths and the like for lines are in units of \axoscale pt
+% #[ About folds : (this line starts with one % and two tabs)
+% The internals of the file have been organized in folds.
+% These are defined as a range of lines if which the first and last
+% lines have a special format. Each starts with any three characters
+% (may include tabs), then #[ for the start line and #] for the closing
+% line, then both lines need identical name fields, closed by a colon.
+% After the colon can be anything. When a fold is closed one should see
+% only the first line but with the #[ replaced by ## as in
+% ## About folds : (this line starts with one % and two tabs)
+% Folds can be nested.
+% This fold concept comes originally from the occam compiler for the
+% transputer in the second half of the 1980's although there it was
+% implemented differently. It was taken over by the STedi editor in its
+% current form. The sources of this editor are available from the form
+% home site:
+% Some people have managed to emulate these folds in editors like emacs
+% and vim.
+% #] About folds :
+\ProvidesPackage{axodraw2}[2018/02/15 v2.1.1]
+% axodraw.sty file, both for .tex -> .dvi -> .ps and for .tex -> .pdf
+% #[ Common LaTeX code :
+% #[ Variables :
+ \def\B2Text{\BTwoText}
+ \def\G2Text{\GTwoText}
+ \def\C2Text{\CTwoText}
+% N.B. Option processing is deferred to end of this file, so that all
+% definitions and initializations have been done first.
+% Settings for pdf v. dvi/ps output:
+% We need to be able to run under latex, pdflatex, lualatex, and
+% xelatex, and use (if possible) \pdfoutput and \pdfliteral
+% latex: Initially \pdfoutput is 0, and \pdfliteral is defined but
+% not usable.
+% pdflatex: Initially \pdfoutput is 1, and \pdfliteral is defined and
+% usable.
+% lualatex: same as pdflatex in versions up to 0.80
+% But in versions from 0.85, pdfouput and pdfliteral aren't
+% defined; instead \outputmode, \pdfextension literal{...}
+% are available instead.
+% xelatex: Both \pdfoutput and \pdfliteral are undefined
+% but special{pdf:literal ...} gives same effect as
+% \pdfliteral would, and we can assume pdf mode always.
+% When \pdfoutput is defined, the user can change its value to change
+% the type of output. This must be done before the first page is
+% created. But various packages (including graphics and ifpdf, as
+% well as axodraw) take actions when the package is loaded that depend
+% on current state of \pdfoutput (or its equivalent). So it is
+% reasonable to require that \pdfoutput be set only before packages
+% are loaded and not set later.
+% We define \axo@pdfoutput and \axo@pdfliteral for our uses to have
+% function of \pdfoutput and \pdfliteral, but to be defined always.
+% We initialize them to a default suitable for dvi mode, and override
+% these definitions to cover the situations listed above. This needs
+% tests for whether \pdfoutput, \outputmode, etc are undefined of
+% defined. We put these inside a group, to evade the side effect that
+% \@ifundefined defines the object being tested.
+% Default values:
+ {\PackageWarning{axo}{Bug: pdfliteral accessed but not available}}
+ \@ifundefined{pdfoutput}%
+ {}%
+ {\global\axo@pdfoutput=\pdfoutput}%
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{pdfliteral}%
+ {}%
+ {% Define \axo@pdfliteral to call \pdfliteral, so that if the
+ % definition of \pdfliteral were to be overridden, we get to
+ % use the changed definition
+ \gdef\axo@pdfliteral#1{\pdfliteral{#1}}}%
+ \@ifundefined{outputmode}%
+ {}%
+ {\global\axo@pdfoutput=\outputmode}
+ \@ifundefined{pdfextension}%
+ {}%
+ {\gdef\axo@pdfliteral#1{\pdfextension literal{#1}}}
+ \axo@pdfoutput=1
+ \def\axo@pdfliteral#1{\special{pdf:literal #1}}
+% For communicating with axohelp with global file
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname axo@input@#1\endcsname{#2}
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname axo@output@#1\endcsname{#3}
+ \IfFileExists{\jobname.ax2}%
+ {{% For comparisons between current definition of object
+ % and previously processed definition, spaces must be preserved.
+ \obeyspaces
+ \openin\axo@axohelpFile=\jobname.ax2
+ }}%
+ {%
+ \PackageWarning{axo}{File `\jobname.ax2' not found.}
+ \axo@axohelpReruntrue
+ }
+ \AtBeginDocument{\immediate\openout\axo@spec\jobname.ax1}
+ \AtEndDocument{\immediate\closeout\axo@spec
+ \ifaxo@axohelpRerun
+ \PackageWarning{axodraw2}{Run `axohelp \jobname'
+ and then rerun pdflatex.}
+ \fi
+ }
+% Commands to set parameters
+% Arrow scale:
+ \renewcommand\AXO@DefaultArrowScale{#1}%
+% Alternative name
+% Arrow inset:
+%\renewcommand\AXO@ArrowInset{-1 }
+ \renewcommand\AXO@ArrowInset{#1}%
+% Arrow aspect:
+ \renewcommand\AXO@DefaultArrowAspect{#1}%
+% Arrow position (fractional position along line):
+ \renewcommand\AXO@ArrowPos{#1}%
+% Arrow stroke width
+\newcommand{\AXO@DefaultArrowStroke}{0 }
+ \renewcommand\AXO@DefaultArrowStroke{#1}%
+% The next two are scratch registers
+% Initializations
+\def\axocanvas{1} % How unitlength is set in axopicture environment
+ % 0 => 1 pt
+ % 1 => \axoscale pt
+ % 2 => Don't set it
+% Now the user callable routines, and their immediate helpers
+% Commands for setting parameters applicable to subsequent graphical objects:
+\def\SetCanvasScale#1{\unitlength = #1 pt\ignorespaces}
+\let\SetScale = \SetObjectScale
+% #] Variables :
+% #[ Defining commands with optional arguments :
+ \@namedef{#1}%
+ {%
+ \@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\@nameuse{#1@A}}%
+ {\@nameuse{#1@A}[]}%
+ }%
+ \@namedef{#1@A}[##1]#2%
+ {#3}%
+% #] Defining commands with optional arguments :
+% #[ axopicture :
+% Version of picture environment with unitlength set to 1pt
+% as assumed by axodraw. We also store some variables and reset them
+% afterwards. This makes the picture environment also local from the
+% axodraw viewpoint. To change the global settings one should issue
+% the corresponding command from outside the axopicture environment.
+% Use: \begin{axopicture}(width,height)(xshift,yshift)
+% \end{axopicture}
+% The old use with the regular picture environment will still work,
+% but it will have the old shortcomings connected to it.
+ \ifcase \axocanvas
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1 pt}%
+ \or
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{\axoscale\space pt}%
+ \else
+ % Leave \unitlength as whatever the user set
+ \fi
+ \begin{OLDpicture}%
+ \end{OLDpicture}%
+ \ignorespacesafterend
+% #] axopicture :
+% #[ AXO@keys :
+% Diagnostics for unimplemented features:
+ \global\AXONotImplementedtrue
+ \PackageWarning{axodraw2}{#1}%
+ \ifAXONotImplemented
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{axodraw2}{unimplemented features used
+ somewhere in document}%
+ \fi
+% The next is used temporarily, it gives the result of parsing an
+% arrow-using command to give the Postscript code for setting the
+% arrow.
+% Keys for optional arguments:
+% First the variables used, with some defaults.
+\newif\ifAXO@flip % Flip arrow orientation, as in JaxoDraw
+\newif\ifAXO@linecolor % Option sets color for current line
+\def\AXO@Sep{2} % Double line separation
+% Then the definitions of the keys
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowScale{#1}%
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowWidth{#1}%
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowLength{#1}%
+% Make arrowheight a synonym for arrowlength
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowPos{#1 }
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowAspect{#1 }
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowInset{#1 }
+% Make inset a synonym for arrowinset
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowStroke{#1 }
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{arrow}%
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{clock}%
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{clock}%
+ \def\AXO@CurrentColor{#1}%
+ \AXO@linecolortrue
+% Make colour a synonym for color
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{dash}%
+ \def\AXO@CurrentDashSize{#1 }
+ \def\AXO@CurrentDashSize{#1 }
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{double}%
+ \AXO@boolkey{#1}{flip}%
+ \def\AXO@CurrentSep{#1}
+ \def\AXO@CurrentSep{#1}
+ \def\AXO@CurrentWidth{#1}%
+% #] AXO@keys :
+% #[ AXO@Parse :
+% Parsing of optional arguments, etc
+ % Usage: \AXO@Parse#1#2 or \AXO@Parse#1#2[#3]
+ % #1 is a command for setting an object, that takes no optional argument
+ % #2 and the optional #3 are keyword settings.
+ % There then follow the compulsory arguments for the command in #1.
+ %
+ % E.g., \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Line}{double}(x1,y1)(x2,y2)
+ % \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Line}{double}[arrow](x1,y1)(x2,y2)
+ %
+ % I will
+ % (a) Set standard initial settings (arrows, etc)
+ % (b) Parse the keyword settings in #2 and #3, e.g., scale = 3,
+ % (c) Call #1 to make the object
+ \AXO@arrowfalse
+ \AXO@clockfalse
+ \AXO@dashfalse
+ \AXO@doublefalse
+ \AXO@flipfalse
+ \AXO@linecolorfalse
+ \let\AXO@CurrentWidth\axowidth
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowPos\AXO@ArrowPos
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowWidth\relax
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowLength\relax
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowInset\AXO@ArrowInset
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowScale\AXO@DefaultArrowScale
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowStroke\AXO@DefaultArrowStroke
+ \let\AXO@CurrentArrowAspect\AXO@DefaultArrowAspect
+ \let\AXO@CurrentDashSize\AXO@DashSize
+ \let\AXO@CurrentSep=\AXO@Sep
+ \@ifnextchar[{\AXO@Options{#1}{#2}}%
+ {\AXO@Options{#1}{#2}[]}%
+% #] AXO@Parse :
+% #[ AXO@Options :
+ % #1 is command to execute, #2 and #3 are options.
+ \setkeys{axo}{#2}%
+ \setkeys{axo}{#3}%
+ \ifx\AXO@CurrentArrowLength\relax
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowLength{0 }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\AXO@CurrentArrowWidth\relax
+ \def\AXO@CurrentArrowWidth{0 }%
+ \fi
+ \ifAXO@arrow
+ \def\AXO@ArrowArg{
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowStroke \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowWidth \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowLength \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowInset \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowScale \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowAspect \space %
+ \AXO@CurrentArrowPos \space %
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ true \space % Indicates that an arrow should be drawn.
+ \else
+ 1 \space % Indicates that an arrow should be drawn.
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \else
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \def\AXO@ArrowArg{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 false }%
+ \else
+ \def\AXO@ArrowArg{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ % Override global settings by those from options
+ % HACK: The \@killglue solves problem that setting color
+ % causes a shift in horizontal position.
+ % Motivation: From definition of \put.
+ \@killglue
+ \ifAXO@linecolor \SetColor{\AXO@CurrentColor}\fi
+% Now ensure there is a setting for the current arrow
+% #] AXO@Options :
+% #[ AXO@varia :
+% Now ensure there is a setting for the current arrow
+ % Run command #1, which has an optional argument, with #2 prepended
+ % to the command's optional arguments. If there are no optional
+ % arguments, just run the command with #2 as the optional arguments
+ \@ifnextchar[{\AXO@TwoOption{#1}{#2}}%
+ {#1[#2]}%
+ #1[#2,#3]%
+% Copied from graphicx.sty, for use with boolean keys
+% Modified to do lower casing here
+ \lowercase{\AXO@boolkeyA{#1}}{#2}%
+ \csname AXO@#2\ifx\relax#1\relax true\else#1\fi\endcsname
+% #] AXO@varia :
+% #[ Colors :
+% Here we make an interface, compatible with both: color.sty,
+% with the commands of axodraw v. 1, and with the commands of
+% colordvi.sty (used by axodraw v. 1).
+% 1. We make a set of named colors suitable for use with both
+% axodraw's commands that take color arguments and with
+% color.sty's \color command.
+% 2. We define a command \SetColor to set a named color as the
+% current color. It is now identical to \color.
+% 3. For each of the colors that we define here, we make
+% named color setting commands, e.g., \Red
+% \textRed. \Red sets its (one) argument in Red, \textRed
+% is a "declaration" that changes the current color.
+% All the commands for setting color apply to both regular LaTeX
+% material and to axodraw objects. Their setting of color
+% respects LaTeX environments and TeX groups.
+% We also define
+% a. Named-color commands like \textRed and \Red for named
+% colors to give the same interface as the colordvi
+% package (and hence axodraw v. 1).
+% b. \SetColor command to set a named color.
+% For v. 1 compatibility:
+ % Define a named color both in the color.sty style
+ % and in the colordvi.sty, with also a command giving the CMYK value.
+ % #1 is the color's name, #2 is its CMYK definition, space
+ % separated.
+ %
+ % Invoke color.sty's \definecolor after change of argument format:
+ \axo@new@color #1 #2\@%
+ % Define commands to use this color,
+ % E.g., if #1 is Red, then define \Red and \textRed:
+ \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1{{\SetColor{#1}##1}\ignorespaces}
+ \expandafter\def\csname text#1\endcsname{\SetColor{#1}\ignorespaces}
+ % The following to give the cmyk value of a color, e.g., \cmykRed,
+ % is no longer needed, since we no longer do color setting in
+ % postscript and pdf code:
+%% \expandafter\def\csname cmyk#1\endcsname{#2}
+% Command to invoke color.sty's \definecolor, which needs a translation
+% of our space-separated CMYK vector to a comma-separated vector:
+\def\axo@new@color #1 #2 #3 #4 #5\@{\definecolor{#1}{cmyk}{#2,#3,#4,#5}}
+% For consistency we define our named colors here, rather than
+% using color.sty's mechanisms. The
+% first 68 are standard colors, as defined by dvips, and
+% implemented in both, and in color.sty with its
+% usenames and dvipsnames options (in the file dvipsnam.def
+% provided by the LaTeX graphics package).
+% We define an extra 5 colors at the end
+% The 68 dvips-defined colors are:
+\newcolor{GreenYellow}{0.15 0 0.69 0}
+\newcolor{Yellow}{0 0 1 0}
+\newcolor{Goldenrod}{0 0.10 0.84 0}
+\newcolor{Dandelion}{0 0.29 0.84 0}
+\newcolor{Apricot}{0 0.32 0.52 0}
+\newcolor{Peach}{0 0.50 0.70 0}
+\newcolor{Melon}{0 0.46 0.50 0}
+\newcolor{YellowOrange}{0 0.42 1 0}
+\newcolor{Orange}{0 0.61 0.87 0}
+\newcolor{BurntOrange}{0 0.51 1 0}
+\newcolor{Bittersweet}{0 0.75 1 0.24}
+\newcolor{RedOrange}{0 0.77 0.87 0}
+\newcolor{Mahogany}{0 0.85 0.87 0.35}
+\newcolor{Maroon}{0 0.87 0.68 0.32}
+\newcolor{BrickRed}{0 0.89 0.94 0.28}
+\newcolor{Red}{0 1 1 0}
+\newcolor{OrangeRed}{0 1 0.50 0}
+\newcolor{RubineRed}{0 1 0.13 0}
+\newcolor{WildStrawberry}{0 0.96 0.39 0}
+\newcolor{Salmon}{0 0.53 0.38 0}
+\newcolor{CarnationPink}{0 0.63 0 0}
+\newcolor{Magenta}{0 1 0 0}
+\newcolor{VioletRed}{0 0.81 0 0}
+\newcolor{Rhodamine}{0 0.82 0 0}
+\newcolor{Mulberry}{0.34 0.90 0 0.02}
+\newcolor{RedViolet}{0.07 0.90 0 0.34}
+\newcolor{Fuchsia}{0.47 0.91 0 0.08}
+\newcolor{Lavender}{0 0.48 0 0}
+\newcolor{Thistle}{0.12 0.59 0 0}
+\newcolor{Orchid}{0.32 0.64 0 0}
+\newcolor{DarkOrchid}{0.40 0.80 0.20 0}
+\newcolor{Purple}{0.45 0.86 0 0}
+\newcolor{Plum}{0.50 1 0 0}
+\newcolor{Violet}{0.79 0.88 0 0}
+\newcolor{RoyalPurple}{0.75 0.90 0 0}
+\newcolor{BlueViolet}{0.86 0.91 0 0.04}
+\newcolor{Periwinkle}{0.57 0.55 0 0}
+\newcolor{CadetBlue}{0.62 0.57 0.23 0}
+\newcolor{CornflowerBlue}{0.65 0.13 0 0}
+\newcolor{MidnightBlue}{0.98 0.13 0 0.43}
+\newcolor{NavyBlue}{0.94 0.54 0 0}
+\newcolor{RoyalBlue}{1 0.50 0 0}
+\newcolor{Blue}{1 1 0 0}
+\newcolor{Cerulean}{0.94 0.11 0 0}
+\newcolor{Cyan}{1 0 0 0}
+\newcolor{ProcessBlue}{0.96 0 0 0}
+\newcolor{SkyBlue}{0.62 0 0.12 0}
+\newcolor{Turquoise}{0.85 0 0.20 0}
+\newcolor{TealBlue}{0.86 0 0.34 0.02}
+\newcolor{Aquamarine}{0.82 0 0.30 0}
+\newcolor{BlueGreen}{0.85 0 0.33 0}
+\newcolor{Emerald}{1 0 0.50 0}
+\newcolor{JungleGreen}{0.99 0 0.52 0}
+\newcolor{SeaGreen}{0.69 0 0.50 0}
+\newcolor{Green}{1 0 1 0}
+\newcolor{ForestGreen}{0.91 0 0.88 0.12}
+\newcolor{PineGreen}{0.92 0 0.59 0.25}
+\newcolor{LimeGreen}{0.50 0 1 0}
+\newcolor{YellowGreen}{0.44 0 0.74 0}
+\newcolor{SpringGreen}{0.26 0 0.76 0}
+\newcolor{OliveGreen}{0.64 0 0.95 0.40}
+\newcolor{RawSienna}{0 0.72 1 0.45}
+\newcolor{Sepia}{0 0.83 1 0.70}
+\newcolor{Brown}{0 0.81 1 0.60}
+\newcolor{Tan}{0.14 0.42 0.56 0}
+\newcolor{Gray}{0 0 0 0.50}
+\newcolor{Black}{0 0 0 1}
+\newcolor{White}{0 0 0 0}
+% Our extra colors
+\newcolor{LightYellow}{0 0 0.7 0}
+\newcolor{LightRed}{0 0.75 0.7 0}
+\newcolor{LightBlue}{0.7 0.5 0 0}
+\newcolor{LightGray}{0 0 0 0.1}
+\newcolor{VeryLightBlue}{0.15 0.07 0 0}
+% #] Colors :
+% #] Common LaTeX code :
+% #[ LaTeX primitives :
+% #[ Putting material
+% Some utilities that remove extra space that creeps in, particularly
+% when extra groups are inserted before the use of \put.
+% Use the definition of \@killglue used in latex.ltx for \put,
+% but copy it here, since \@killglue is internal and not documented.
+\gdef\AXO@killglue{\unskip\@whiledim \lastskip >\z@\do{\unskip}}
+% Special purpose versions of \put and \special
+ % Like LaTeX's \put, except that #1 and #2 are lengths instead of numbers
+ % giving lengths in units of \unitlength.
+ \AXO@killglue\raise#2\relax
+ \hbox to 0pt{\kern#1\relax #3\hss}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ % Like \put, but shifted by axodraw's offsets.
+ % This provides a way of coding the offsets in one place.
+ % But we are only using it in a limited set of cases so far.
+ \AXO@killglue
+ \bgroup
+ \axounitlength = \axoscale pt
+ \axo@x = \axoxoff \unitlength
+ \advance\axo@x by \axoxo \axounitlength
+ \advance\axo@x by #1 \axounitlength
+ \axo@y = \axoyoff \unitlength
+ \advance\axo@y by \axoyo \axounitlength
+ \advance\axo@y by #2 \axounitlength
+ \putLen(\axo@x,\axo@y){%
+ % If there are axodraw objects in #3, they should not also
+ % apply shifts, that would be double
+ % counting! Hence:
+ \SetOffset(0,0)%
+ \SetScaledOffset(0,0)%
+ #3%
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ % Insertion of postscript code:
+ % Replacement for \special{" ...}, with the color initialized
+ % to the color befor the \special. (Ordinary \special{"...}
+ % initializes color to black.)
+ % Definitions made by \special{!...} are in dictionary SDict
+ % (as stated in dvips documentation), and we save color there.
+ \special{ps:: SDict begin savecolor end }%
+ \special{" restorecolor #1 }%
+ % Insert postscript code after allowing for offsets.
+ \AxoPut(0,0){\AXOspecial{#1}}%
+ % Insert pdf code after allowing for offsets.
+ \AxoPut(0,0){\axo@pdfliteral{#1}}%
+% Now variables and routines for setting material in boxes (used by
+% the BText etc commands.
+\bpinsp = 65782
+\ptinsp = 65536
+ % Assign the variable of name #1 to the result of dividing integer
+ % #2 by integer #3, with result as a textual decimal. Absolute
+ % accuracy: 0.001.
+ % Typical use: conversion of lengths to points and big points.
+ % \AssignDecDiv{cachedscale}{\unitlength}{65536}
+ % \AssignDecDiv{cachedscale}{\unitlength}{\ptinsp}
+ % to get length in points.
+ % Notes on conversion
+ % 1 sp = 2^{-16} pt = (1/65536) pt
+ % 1 pt = (1/72.27) in
+ % 1 bp = (1/72) in
+ % 1 sp = (1/65781.76) bp
+ % Use \relax at end of lines setting count registers.
+ % This ensures that the code works both when the arguments are
+ % given as numbers, e.g., \AxoDecDiv{100}{3}, as well as when they are
+ % given as lengths, etc, e.g., \AxoDecDiv{\unitlength}{256}
+ %
+ \axo@tmp = #2\relax
+ \axo@tmpA = \axo@tmp
+ \divide \axo@tmpA by #3\relax
+ \axo@tmpB=\axo@tmpA
+ \multiply \axo@tmpA by #3\relax
+ \advance \axo@tmp by -\axo@tmpA
+ \multiply \axo@tmp by 1000
+ \divide \axo@tmp by #3\relax
+ \expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{\the\axo@tmpB.\the\axo@tmp}%
+ % Sets the box \tmpBox to the contents of #1 set with current PS
+ % font and size. Sets \tmpX and \tmpY to the dimensions of the box
+ % plus some space around it, suitable for drawing an enclosing box.
+ %
+ % The vertical box setting numbers agree with those in axodraw's
+ % postscript code, but not (28 July 2014) with the axohelp pdf code.
+ % The reverse is true for the horizontal box settings.
+ % We can tweak them further.
+ % This is a standardized routine for use in all versions of postscript
+ % textbox routines.
+ % N.B. Use LaTeX's \sbox at first step, not TeX primitives to set
+ % box contents; it works properly with color.
+ \sbox{\tmpBox}{\UseCurrentPSFont #1}%
+ \tmpX = \axofontsize pt
+ \advance \tmpX by \wd\tmpBox
+ \tmpY = \axofontsize pt
+ \tmpY = 0.33333 \tmpY
+ \advance \tmpY by \ht\tmpBox
+ \advance \tmpY by \dp\tmpBox
+ \AssignDecDiv{tmpXT}{\tmpX}{\ptinsp}%
+ \AssignDecDiv{tmpYT}{\tmpY}{\ptinsp}%
+ % Equivalent of \SetTmpBox for two line commands.
+ %
+ % N.B. Use LaTeX's \sbox at first step, not TeX primitives to set
+ % box contents; it works properly with color.
+ \sbox{\tmpBox}{\UseCurrentPSFont #1}%
+ \sbox{\tmpBoxA}{\UseCurrentPSFont #2}%
+ \ifdim \wd\tmpBox > \wd\tmpBoxA
+ \tmpX = \wd\tmpBox
+ \else
+ \tmpX = \wd\tmpBoxA
+ \fi
+ \advance \tmpX by \axofontsize pt
+ \tmpY = \axofontsize pt
+ \setbox\tmpBox=%
+ \vbox{%
+ \lineskip = 0.1 \tmpY
+ \baselineskip = 1.1 \tmpY
+ \vskip 0.3 \tmpY
+ \hbox{\makebox[0pt]{\box\tmpBox}}%
+ \hbox{\makebox[0pt]{\box\tmpBoxA}}%
+ \vskip 0.3 \tmpY
+ }%
+ \tmpY = \ht\tmpBox
+ \advance \tmpY by \dp\tmpBox
+ \AssignDecDiv{tmpXT}{\tmpX}{\ptinsp}%
+ \AssignDecDiv{tmpYT}{\tmpY}{\ptinsp}%
+% #] Putting
+% #[ Point setting and using :
+ % Define a named point in 2D
+ \@namedef{AXO@p.X@#1}{#2}%
+ \@namedef{AXO@p.Y@#1}{#3}%
+ % Use a named point
+ \@nameuse{AXO@p.X@#1}%
+ % Use a named point
+ \@nameuse{AXO@p.Y@#1}%
+% #] Point setting and using :
+% #[ Particle routines :
+% #[ Gluon :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Gluon}{}%
+% #] Gluon :
+% #[ DoubleGluon :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Gluon[double,sep=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DoubleGluon :
+% #[ DashGluon :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Gluon[dash,dashsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashGluon :
+% #[ DashDoubleGluon :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Gluon[double,sep=#8,dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashDoubleGluon :
+% #[ GluonCirc :
+% Draws a gluon on a circle. The center of the circle is at (#1,#2)
+% The radius and the phase angle are (#3,#4), #5 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and #6 is the number of windings.
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@GluonCirc}{}%
+% #] GluonCirc :
+% #[ DoubleGluonCirc :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \GluonCirc[double,sep=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DoubleGluonCirc :
+% #[ DashGluonCirc :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \GluonCirc[dash,dashsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashGluonCirc :
+% #[ DashDoubleGluonCirc :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \GluonCirc[double,sep=#8,dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashDoubleGluonCirc :
+% #[ GluonArc :
+% \GluonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@GluonArc}{}%
+\let\GlueArc=\GluonArc % For backward compatibility
+% #] GluonArc :
+% #[ DoubleGluonArc :
+% \DoubleGluonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \GluonArc[double,sep=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DoubleGlueArc=\DoubleGluonArc % For backward compatibility
+% #] DoubleGluonArc :
+% #[ DashGluonArc :
+% \DashGluonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \GluonArc[dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DashGlueArc=\DashGluonArc % For backward compatibility
+% #] DashGluonArc :
+% #[ DashDoubleGluonArc :
+% \DashGluonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \GluonArc[double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DashDoubleGlueArc=\DashDoubleGluonArc % For backward compatibility
+% #] DashDoubleGluonArc :
+% #[ GluonArcn :
+% \GluonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. The n stands for clockwise
+ \GluonArc[clockwise,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\GlueArcn=\GluonArcn % For backward compatibility
+% #] GluonArcn :
+% #[ DoubleGluonArcn :
+% \DoubleGluonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. Clockwise.
+ \GluonArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DoubleGlueArcn=\DoubleGluonArcn % For backward compatibility
+% #] DoubleGluonArcn :
+% #[ DashGluonArcn :
+% \DashGluonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. Clockwise.
+ \GluonArc[clockwise,dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DashGlueArcn=\DashGluonArcn % For backward compatibility
+% #] DashGluonArcn :
+% #[ DashDoubleGluonArcn :
+% \DashGluonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a gluon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. Clockwise.
+ \GluonArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+\let\DashDoubleGlueArcn=\DashDoubleGluonArcn % For backward compatibility
+% #] DashDoubleGluonArcn :
+% #[ Photon :
+% \Photon[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% Draws a photon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+% Supported options: double, sep, linesep
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Photon}{}%
+% #] Photon :
+% #[ DoublePhoton :
+% Draws a photon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Photon[double,sep=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DoublePhoton :
+% #[ DashPhoton :
+% Draws a photon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Photon[dash,dashsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashPhoton :
+% #[ DashDoublePhoton :
+% Draws a photon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \Photon[double,sep=#8,dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashDoublePhoton :
+% #[ PhotonArc :
+% \PhotonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@PhotonArc}{}%
+% #] PhotonArc :
+% #[ DoublePhotonArc :
+% \PhotonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \PhotonArc[double,sep=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6){#7}{#8}%
+% #] DoublePhotonArc :
+% #[ DashPhotonArc :
+% \DashPhotonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \PhotonArc[dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6){#7}{#8}%
+% #] DashPhotonArc :
+% #[ DashDoublePhotonArc :
+% Note that there are actually ten arguments with the optional #1,
+% which LaTeX/TeX can't handle. I consolidate the comma separated
+% arguments into one, and then pass them to \PhotonArc
+% \DashPhotonArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \PhotonArc[double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashDoublePhotonArc :
+% #[ PhotonArcn :
+% \PhotonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \PhotonArc[clockwise,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6){#7}{#8}%
+% #] PhotonArcn :
+% #[ DoublePhotonArcn :
+% I consolidate the comma separated arguments into one, and then pass
+% them to \PhotonArc
+% \PhotonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \PhotonArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DoublePhotonArcn :
+% #[ DashPhotonArcn :
+% I consolidate the comma separated arguments into one, and then pass
+% them to \PhotonArc
+% \DashPhotonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings.Clockwise.
+ \PhotonArc[clockwise,dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashPhotonArcn :
+% #[ DashDoublePhotonArcn :
+% I consolidate the comma separated arguments into one, and then pass
+% them to \PhotonArc
+% \DashPhotonArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a photon on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. Clockwise.
+ \PhotonArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashDoublePhotonArcn :
+% #[ ZigZag :
+% \ZigZag[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% Draws a zigzag from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+% Supported options: double, sep, linesep
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@ZigZag}{}%
+% #] ZigZag :
+% #[ DoubleZigZag :
+% Draws a zigzag from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \ZigZag[double,sep=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DoubleZigZag :
+% #[ DashZigZag :
+% Draws a zigzag from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \ZigZag[dash,dashsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashZigZag :
+% #[ DashDoubleZigZag :
+% Draws a zigzag from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude and number of windings
+ \ZigZag[double,sep=#8,dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5){#6}{#7}%
+% #] DashDoubleZigZag :
+% #[ ZigZagArc :
+% \ZigZagArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@ZigZagArc}{}%
+% #] ZigZagArc :
+% #[ DoubleZigZagArc :
+% \ZigZagArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \ZigZagArc[double,sep=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6){#7}{#8}%
+% #] DoubleZigZagArc :
+% #[ DashZigZagArc :
+% \DashZigZagArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \ZigZagArc[dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashZigZagArc :
+% #[ DashDoubleZigZagArc :
+% \DashZigZagArc(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \ZigZagArc[double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashDoubleZigZagArc :
+% #[ ZigZagArcn :
+% \ZigZagArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \ZigZagArc[clockwise,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] ZigZagArcn :
+% #[ DoubleZigZagArcn :
+% \ZigZagArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{sep}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings
+ \ZigZagArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DoubleZigZagArcn :
+% #[ DashZigZagArcn :
+% \DashZigZagArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings.Clockwise.
+ \ZigZagArc[clockwise,dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashZigZagArcn :
+% #[ DashDoubleZigZagArcn :
+% \DashZigZagArcn(x,y)(r,theta1,theta2){amplitude}{numwind}{dashsize}
+% draws a zigzag on an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting
+% at theta1, and ending at theta2, with given amplitude and
+% number of windings. Clockwise.
+ \ZigZagArc[clockwise,double,sep=#6,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2)(#3){#4}{#5}%
+% #] DashDoubleZigZagArcn :
+% #] Particle routines :
+% #[ Line routines :
+% #[ Line :
+% \Line[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2)
+% draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). NO arrow by default.
+% Supported options: all arrow settings, all double line settings,
+% all dash line settings.
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Line}{}%
+% #] Line :
+% #[ DoubleLine :
+% \DoubleLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}
+% Draws a double line, with NO arrow by default, from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2),
+% with separation sep
+ \Line[arrow=false,double,sep=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DoubleLine :
+% #[ DashLine :
+% \DashLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}
+% Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately sep points long
+ \Line[dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DashLine :
+% #[ DashDoubleLine :
+% \DashDoubleLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}{dashsize}
+% Draws a double line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with separation sep,
+% and with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately sep points long
+% Arrow off.
+ \Line[arrow=off,dash,dashsize=#7,double,sep=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DashDoubleLine :
+% #[ ArrowLine :
+% \ArrowLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2)
+% draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Arrow by default.
+ \Line[arrow,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] ArrowLine :
+% #[ ArrowDoubleLine :
+% \ArrowDoubleLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}
+% Draws a double line, with arrow by default, from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2),
+% with separation sep
+ \Line[arrow,double,sep=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] ArrowDoubleLine :
+% #[ DashArrowLine :
+% \DashArrowLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}
+% Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately sep points
+% long. Arrow by default.
+ \Line[arrow,dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DashArrowLine :
+% #[ DashArrowDoubleLine :
+% \DashArrowDoubleLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}{dashsize}
+% Draws a double line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with separation sep,
+% and with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately sep points long
+% Arrow on.
+ \Line[arrow,dash,dashsize=#7,double,sep=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DashArrowDoubleLine :
+% #[ LongArrow :
+ \Line[arrow,arrowpos=1,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] LongArrow :
+% #[ DashLongArrowLine :
+% \DashLongArrowLine[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2){sep}
+% Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately sep points
+% long. Arrow by default.
+ \Line[arrow,arrowpos=1,dash,dashsize=#6,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)%
+% #] DashLongArrowLine :
+% #] Line routines :
+% #[ Arc routines :
+% #[ Arc :
+% \Arc[opt](x,y)(r,theta1,theta2)
+% draws an arc centered at (x,y) of radius r, starting at theta1,
+% and ending at theta2. By default: no arrow, undashed, single,
+% anticlockwise.
+% Supported options: all arrow settings, all double line settings,
+% all dash line settings, clock
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Arc}{}%
+% #] Arc :
+% #[ CArc :
+% #] CArc :
+% #[ DoubleArc :
+% Draws a double lined arc segment. The center of the curve
+% is at (1,2).
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5).
+% The arc segment runs anticlockwise
+% #6 is the separation of the lines.
+ \Arc[double,sep=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] DoubleArc :
+% #[ DashArc :
+% Draws a dashed arc segment. The center of the curve
+% is at (1,2).
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5).
+% The arc segment runs anticlockwise
+% #6 is the dashsize. this is rounded to make things come
+% out right.
+ \Arc[dash,dsize=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] DashArc :
+% #[ DashDoubleArc :
+% Draws a dashed arc segment. The center of the curve
+% is at (1,2).
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5).
+% The arc segment runs anticlockwise
+% #6 is the line separation.
+% #7 is the dashsize. this is rounded to make things come
+% out right.
+ \Arc[double,sep=#7,dash,dsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] DashDoubleArc :
+% #[ ArrowArc :
+ \AXO@PrependOption{\Arc}{arrow}%
+% #] ArrowArc :
+% #[ ArrowDoubleArc :
+ \Arc[arrow,double,sep=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] ArrowDoubleArc :
+% #[ ArrowDashArc :
+ \Arc[arrow,dash,dsize=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] ArrowDashArc :
+% #[ ArrowDashDoubleArc :
+ \Arc[arrow,double,sep=#7,dash,dsize=#8,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] ArrowDashDoubleArc :
+% #[ LongArrowArc :
+ \AXO@PrependOption{\Arc}{arrow,arrowpos=1}%
+% #] LongArrowArc :
+% #[ LongDashArrowArc :
+ \Arc[arrow,arrowpos=1,dash,dsize=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] LongDashArrowArc :
+% #[ ArrowArcn :
+ \AXO@PrependOption{\Arc}{arrow,clock}%
+% #] ArrowArcn :
+% #[ LongArrowArcn :
+ % \ArrowArcn, but with arrow at end by default
+ \AXO@PrependOption{\Arc}{arrow, clock, arrowpos=1}%
+% #] LongArrowArcn :
+% #[ DashArrowArcn :
+% (x,y)(radius,start,end){dashsize}
+% Draws a dashed arc segment with an arrow in it. The center of the curve
+% is at (x,y), with given radius, start angle, and end angle
+% The arc segment runs anticlockwise
+ \Arc[clock,arrow,dash,dashsize=#7,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5,#6)%
+% #] DashArrowArcn :
+% #] Arc routines :
+% #[ Bezier :
+% \Bezier[opt](x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3)(x4,y4)
+% Draws a Bezier cubic with the control points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)
+% Supported options: dash, dashsize and dashsize
+ \AXO@Parse{\AXO@Bezier}{}%
+% Draws a Bezier cubic with control points (x1,y1), (x2,y2),
+% (x3,y3), (x4,y4) in a double line
+ \Bezier[double,sep=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7)(#8)%
+% Draws a Bezier cubic with control points (x1,y1), (x2,y2),
+% (x3,y3), (x4,y4) with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately #9 points long
+ \Bezier[dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7)(#8)%
+% Draws a Bezier cubic with control points (x1,y1), (x2,y2),
+% (x3,y3), (x4,y4) with a dash pattern of which the
+% alternating black and white pieces are approximately #9 points long
+% The line is a double line
+ \Bezier[double,sep=#8,dash,dashsize=#9,#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6)(#7)%
+% #] Bezier :
+% #] LaTeX primitives :
+% #[ Mixed routines :
+% Here we have routines that make different calls depending on the value
+% of the variable \axo@pdfoutput
+% #[ EBox :
+% Draws a transparent box with the left bottom at (x1,y1) andthe
+% right top at (x2,y2).
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add \axowidth\space \axoscale\space ebox }}
+ \getaxohelp{EBox}{#1 #2 #3 #4 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] EBox :
+% #[ FBox :
+% Draws a filled box with the left bottom at (x1,y1) and the right top
+% at (x2,y2).
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add \axowidth\space \axoscale\space fbox }}
+ \getaxohelp{FBox}{#1 #2 #3 #4 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] FBox :
+% #[ BBox :
+% Draws a box with the left bottom at (x1,y1) and the right top
+% at (x2,y2). The contents are blanked out.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \FBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ }%
+ \EBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+% #] BBox :
+% #[ GBox :
+% Draws a box with the left bottom at (x1,y1) and the right top
+% at (x2,y2). The contents are in Grayscale#5 (0=black,1=white).
+ {%
+ \color[gray]{#5}%
+ \FBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ \color[gray]{0}%
+ \EBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ }%
+% #] GBox :
+% #[ CBox :
+% Draws a box with the left bottom at (x1,y1) and the right top
+% at (x2,y2). The outside is color#5 and the inside color #6.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#6}%
+ \FBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ \SetColor{#5}%
+ \EBox(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ }%
+% #] CBox :
+% #[ EBoxc :
+% Draws a centered box with the center at (x1,y1).
+% The other parameters are the width and the height.
+% Uses current color
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #3 2 div sub #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #4 2 div sub #1 \axoxo\space add #3 2 div add #2
+ \axoyo\space add #4 2 div add \axowidth\space \axoscale\space ebox }}
+ \getaxohelp{Boxc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] EBoxc :
+% #[ FBoxc :
+% Draws a filled centered box with the center at (x1,y1).
+% The other parameters are the width and the height.
+% Current color
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #3 2 div sub #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #4 2 div sub #1 \axoxo\space add #3 2 div add #2 \axoyo\space add #4 2 div add
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space fbox }}
+ \getaxohelp{FBoxc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] FBoxc :
+% #[ BBoxc :
+% Draws a centered box with the center at (x1,y1).
+% The other parameters are the width and the height.
+% The contents are blanked out.
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \FBoxc(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+% #] BBoxc :
+% #[ GBoxc :
+% Draws a centered box with the center at (x1,y1).
+% The other parameters are the width and the height.
+% The contents are in Grayscale#5 (0=black,1=white).
+ {%
+ \color[gray]{#5}%
+ \FBoxc(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ \color[gray]{0}%
+ \EBoxc(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ }%
+% #] GBoxc :
+% #[ CBoxc :
+% Draws a centered box with the center at (x1,y1).
+% The other parameters are the width and the height.
+% The outside is color#5 and the inside color #6.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#6}%
+ \FBoxc(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ \SetColor{#5}%
+ \EBoxc(#1,#2)(#3,#4)%
+ }%
+% #] CBoxc :
+% #[ RotatedBox :
+% Draws a centered box with the center at (#1,#2)
+% with width #3, height #4, anticlockwise rotated by #5, and in
+% color #6.
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ {\SetColor{#6}%
+ \rotatebox{#5}{\EBoxc(0,0)(#3,#4)}%
+ }}%
+% #] RotatedBox :
+% #[ FilledRotatedBox :
+% Draws a filled centered box with the center at (#1,#2)
+% with width #3, height #4, anticlockwise rotated by #5, and in
+% color #6.
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ {\SetColor{#6}%
+ \rotatebox{#5}{\FBoxc(0,0)(#3,#4)}%
+ }}%
+% #] FilledRotatedBox :
+% #[ ETri :
+% Draws a triangle. No filling.
+% The corners are (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 \axoxo\space add #6 \axoyo\space add
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space triangle }}
+ \getaxohelp{ETri}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] ETri :
+% #[ FTri :
+% Draws a filled triangle.
+% The corners are (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 \axoxo\space add #6 \axoyo\space add
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space ftriangle }}
+ \getaxohelp{FTri}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] FTri :
+% #[ BTri :
+% Draws a triangle. The contents are blanked out.
+% The corners are (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
+ {%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \FTri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+ }%
+ \ETri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+% #] BTri :
+% #[ GTri :
+% Draws a triangle. The contents are given in Grayscale #7 (0=black,1=white)
+% The corners are (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
+ {%
+ \color[gray]{#7}%
+ \FTri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+ \color[gray]{0}%
+ \ETri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+ }%
+% #] GTri :
+% #[ CTri :
+% Draws a colored(#7) triangle. The contents are blanked out in color #8
+% The corners are (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#7}%
+ \FTri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+ \SetColor{#8}%
+ \ETri(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)%
+ }%
+% #] CTri :
+% #[ Vertex :
+% Draws a fat dot at (1,2). The radius of the dot is given by 3.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add #3
+ \axoscale\space vertex }}
+ \getaxohelp{Vertex}{#1 #2 #3 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] Vertex :
+% #[ ECirc :
+% Draws a circle at (1,2) and radius 3, with current color.
+% Nothing is written inside.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add #3
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space ecirc }}%
+ \getaxohelp{ECirc}{#1 #2 #3 \axowidth}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+% #] ECirc :
+% #[ FCirc :
+% #] FCirc :
+% #[ BCirc :
+% Draws a circle at (1,2) and radius 3 that is blanked out.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \FCirc(#1,#2){#3}
+ }%
+ \ECirc(#1,#2){#3}%
+% #] BCirc :
+% #[ GCirc :
+% Draws a circle at (1,2) and radius 3 that is blanked out.
+% Then it fills the circle with a gray scale 4 (0 = black, 1 is white)
+ {%
+ \color[gray]{#4}%
+ \FCirc(#1,#2){#3}%
+ \color[gray]{0}%
+ \ECirc(#1,#2){#3}%
+ }%
+% #] GCirc :
+% #[ CCirc :
+% Draws a circle at (1,2) and radius 3 that is blanked out.
+% #4 is the color of the circle, #5 the color of the contents
+% Draws a circle at (1,2) and radius 3 that is blanked out.
+% #4 is the color of the circle, #5 the color of the contents
+ \SetColor{#5}%
+ \FCirc(#1,#2){#3}%
+ \SetColor{#4}%
+ \ECirc(#1,#2){#3}%
+% #] CCirc :
+% #[ GOval :
+% Draws a gray oval that overwrites whatever was there.
+% \GOval(x_center,y_center)(height,width)(rotation)(grayscale)
+% The grayscale: (0 = black, 1 is white)
+ {%
+ \color[gray]{#6}%
+ \FOval(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5)%
+ \color[gray]{0}%
+ \Oval(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5)%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] GOval :
+% #[ COval :
+% Draws a colored oval that overwrites whatever was there.
+% \COval(x_center,y_center)(height,width)(rotation){color1}{color2}
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#7}%
+ \FOval(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5)%
+ \SetColor{#6}%
+ \Oval(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5)%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] COval :
+% #[ FOval :
+% Draws a colored oval that overwrites whatever was there.
+% \FOval(x_center,y_center)(height,width)(rotation)
+% Uses current color
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff)%
+ {\AXOspecial{#1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add #3 #4 #5
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space foval
+ }}%
+ \else
+ \getaxohelp{FOval}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 \axowidth}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+ \fi
+% #] FOval :
+% #[ Oval :
+% Draws an oval that does not overwrite whatever was there.
+% \Oval(x_center,y_center)(height,width)(rotation)
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff)%
+ {\AXOspecial{#1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add #3 #4 #5
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space oval
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{Oval}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 \axowidth}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+% #] Oval :
+% #[ Polygon :
+% Draws a curve through the points in argument 1.
+% The points are given as coordinates (x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3).....
+% The curve is continous and continuous in its first and second
+% derivatives. The method is linear interpolation of
+% quadratic curves.
+% Color name is argument 2.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#2}%
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ [ \axoparray#1] \axowidth\space \axoscale\space polygon }}%
+ \else
+ \getaxohelp{Polygon}{"#1" \axowidth}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] Polygon :
+% #[ FilledPolygon :
+% Draws a curve through the points in argument 1.
+% The points are given as coordinates (x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3).....
+% The curve is continous and continuous in its first and second
+% derivatives. The method is linear interpolation of
+% quadratic curves.
+% Color name is argument 2.
+ {%
+ \SetColor{#2}%
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ [ \axoparray#1] \axowidth\space \axoscale\space filledpolygon }}
+ \else
+ \getaxohelp{FilledPolygon}{"#1" \axowidth}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] FilledPolygon :
+% #[ Curve :
+% Draws a curve through the points in argument 1.
+% The points are given as coordinates (x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3).....
+% The curve is continous and continuous in its first and second
+% derivatives. The method is linear interpolation of quadratic curves.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{[ \axoparray#1]
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space makecurve }}
+ \getaxohelp{Curve}{"#1" \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] Curve :
+% #[ DashCurve :
+% Draws a curve through the points in argument 1.
+% The points are given as coordinates (x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3).....
+% The curve is continous and continuous in its first and second
+% derivatives. The method is linear interpolation of quadratic curves.
+% Argument 2 gives a dash size.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{[ \axoparray#1] #2
+ \axowidth\space \axoscale\space makedashcurve }}
+ \getaxohelp{DashCurve}{"#1" #2 \axowidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] DashCurve :
+% #[ LinAxis :
+% Draws a line with linear hash marks along it.
+% LinAxis(x1,y1)(x2,y2)(num_decs,per_dec,hashsize,offset,width)
+% The line is from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) and the marks are on the left side
+% when hashsize is positive, and right when it is negative.
+% num_decs is the number of accented marks, per_dec the number of
+% divisions between them and offset is the number
+% at which one starts at (x1,y1) (like if offset=2 we start at the second
+% small mark) Width is the linewidth.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 \axoscale\space linaxis }}
+ \getaxohelp{LinAxis}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] LinAxis :
+% #[ LogAxis :
+% Draws a line with logarithmic hash marks along it.
+% LogAxis(x1,y1)(x2,y2)(num_logs,hashsize,offset,width)
+% The line is from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) and the marks are on the left side
+% when hashsize is positive, and right when it is negative.
+% num_logs is the number of orders of magnitude and offset is the number
+% at which one starts at (x1,y1) (like if offset=2 we start at 2)
+% When offset is 0 we start at 1. Width is the linewidth.
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 #6 #7 #8 \axoscale\space logaxis }}
+ \getaxohelp{LogAxis}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] LogAxis :
+% #[ AxoGrid :
+% Makes a grid with the left bottom at #1,#2
+% The increments in x and y are #3,#4
+% The number of steps in each direction are #5,#6 (there are n+1 lines)
+% #7 is the color and #8 the linewidth
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){%
+ \AXOspecial{%
+ #3 #4 #5 #6
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #8 \axoscale\space axogrid
+ }}%
+ \else
+ \getaxohelp{Grid}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #8}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+ \fi
+% #] AxoGrid :
+% #[ AXO@Arc :
+% Generic Arc segment with many options.
+% Draws arc centered at (#1,#2), radius #3, starting and ending
+% angles #4, #5.
+% Double, dashing, arrow, clockwise according to current settings
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){%
+ \AXOspecial{%
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip true \else false \fi
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock true \else false \fi
+ #3 #4 #5
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space arc2
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoArc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@Arc :
+% #[ AXO@Bezier :
+% Draws a Bezier cubic with the control points (x1,y1), (x2,y2),
+% (x3,y3), (x4,y4)
+% Assumes options have been set
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 \axoxo\space add #6 \axoyo\space add
+ #7 \axoxo\space add #8 \axoyo\space add
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip true \else false \fi
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space dashdoublebezier
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoBezier}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@Bezier :
+% #[ AXO@GluonHelper :
+% Draws a single gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude #5 and number
+% of windings #6. Width #7 + #8
+% Assumes options have been set.
+% Used as helper from \AXO@Gluon
+ %
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){%
+ \AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #7 #8 add \axoscale \space dashgluon
+ }%
+ }%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoGluon}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ #7
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #8}%
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% IDEA: Showing cleaner code
+% Draws a single gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude #5 and number
+% of windings #6. Width #7 + #8
+% Assumes options have been set.
+% Used as helper from \AXO@Gluon
+ \ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon}\fi
+ \ifcase\axo@pdfoutput
+ \AXOputPS{%
+ #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #7 #8 add \axoscale \space dashgluon
+ }%
+ \else
+ \getaxohelp{AxoGluon}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ #7
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #8}%
+ \AXOputPDF{\contentspdfNoOffset}%
+ \fi
+% #] AXO@GluonHelper :
+% #[ AXO@Gluon :
+% Draws a gluon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude #5 and number
+% of windings #6.
+% Assumes options have been set
+ \ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon}\fi
+ \AXO@arrowfalse % To avoid repeated errors
+ \ifAXO@double
+ \AXO@GluonHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \AXO@dashfalse
+ \AXO@GluonHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{-\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \else
+ \AXO@GluonHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{0}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% #] AXO@Gluon :
+% #[ AXO@GluonArcHelper :
+% Draws a gluon on an arc segment. The center of the curve is at (1,2)
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5), #6 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and #7 is the number of windings.
+% Assumes options have been set
+% Width #8 + #9
+% Assumes options have been set.
+% Used as helper from \AXO@GluonArc
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon arc}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{#6 #7
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock true \else false \fi
+ #3 #4 #5
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #8 #9 add \axoscale\space dashgluearc
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoGluonArc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
+ #8
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock 1 \else 0 \fi
+ #9}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@GluonArcHelper :
+% #[ AXO@GluonArc :
+% Draws a gluon on an arc segment. The center of the curve is at (1,2)
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5), #6 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and #7 is the number of windings.
+% Assumes options have been set
+ {\AXO@useopts
+ \ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon}\fi
+ \AXO@arrowfalse % To avoid repeated errors
+ \ifAXO@double
+ \AXO@GluonArcHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4,#5){#6}{#7}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \AXO@dashfalse
+ \AXO@GluonArcHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4,#5){#6}{#7}{-\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \else
+ \AXO@GluonArcHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4,#5){#6}{#7}{0}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% #] AXO@GluonArc :
+% #[ AXO@GluonCircHelper :
+% Draws a gluon on a circle. The center of the circle is at (1,2)
+% The radius and the phase angle are (#3,#4), 5 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and 6 is the number of windings.
+% Width #7 + #8
+% Assumes options have been set.
+% Used as helper from \AXO@GluonCirc
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon arc}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #3 #4
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #7 #8 add \axoscale\space dashgluoncirc
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoGluonCirc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ #7
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #8}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@GluonCicHelper :
+% #[ AXO@GluonCirc :
+% Draws a gluon on a circle. The center of the circle is at (1,2)
+% The radius and the phase angle are (#3,#4), 5 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and 6 is the number of windings.
+ {\AXO@useopts
+ \ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for gluon}\fi
+ \AXO@arrowfalse % To avoid repeated errors
+ \ifAXO@double
+ \AXO@GluonCircHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \SetColor{White}%
+ \AXO@dashfalse
+ \AXO@GluonCircHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{-\AXO@CurrentWidth}{\AXO@CurrentSep}%
+ \else
+ \AXO@GluonCircHelper(#1,#2)(#3,#4){#5}{#6}{0}{\AXO@CurrentWidth}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% #] AXO@GluonCirc :
+% #[ AXO@Line :
+% Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
+% Double, dashing, arrow according to current settings
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){%
+ \AXOspecial{%
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip true \else false \fi
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth \space \axoscale \space
+ dasharrowdoubleline
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoLine}{#1 #2 #3 #4
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@ArrowArg \space
+ \ifAXO@flip 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+% #] AXO@Line :
+% #[ AXO@Photon :
+% Draws a photon from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude #5 and number
+% of windings #6.
+% Assumes options have been set
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for photon}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space dashdoublephoton }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoPhoton}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@Photon :
+% #[ AXO@PhotonArc :
+% Draws a photon on an arc segment. The center of the curve is at (1,2)
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5), #6 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and #7 is the number of wiggles.
+% Assumes options have been set
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for photon arc}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #6 #7
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock true \else false \fi
+ #3 #4 #5
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space dashdoublephotonarc
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoPhotonArc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@PhotonArc :
+% #[ AXO@ZigZag :
+% Draws a zigzag from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with amplitude #5 and number
+% of windings #6.
+% Assumes options have been set
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for zigzag}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ #3 \axoxo\space add #4 \axoyo\space add #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space dashdoublezigzag }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoZigZag}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}%
+% #] AXO@ZigZag :
+% #[ AXO@ZigZagArc :
+% Draws a zigzag on an arc segment. The center of the curve is at (1,2)
+% The radius, start angle and target angle are (#3,#4,#5), #6 is the
+% amplitude of the gluon, and #7 is the number of wiggles.
+% Assumes options have been set
+\ifAXO@arrow\AXO@NOTIMPLEMENTED{arrow not implemented for zigzag arc}\fi
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\AXOspecial{%
+ #6 #7
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock true \else false \fi
+ #3 #4 #5
+ #1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth\space \axoscale\space dashdoublezigzagarc
+ }}%
+ \getaxohelp{AxoZigZagArc}{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
+ \ifAXO@double \AXO@CurrentSep \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@dash \AXO@CurrentDashSize \space \else 0 \fi
+ \ifAXO@clock 1 \else 0 \fi
+ \AXO@CurrentWidth}
+ \put(\axoxoff,\axoyoff){\axo@pdfliteral{\contentspdf}}
+% #] AXO@ZigZagArc :
+% #[ Text and boxes :
+% #[ SetPFont :
+% To access fonts, from both latex and pdflatex, we need
+% to define a mapping from the human-readable name to
+% the name known to (pdf)latex. Then we can define a
+% user command for setting the font. The human-readable
+% name is the one used by postscript.
+% Variables used:
+% \pfontN = human name of current PS font (e.g., Helvetica).
+% \pfontC = TeX code for the font (e.g., phvr).
+% Both are \relax to use regular document font
+% \axofontsize = size of font (text command with unit)
+ % #1 is user visible name of font, #2 is LaTex name.
+ % Define a command of name #1 to return #2
+ \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{#2}
+ \ifthenelse{ \equal{#1}{} }%
+ {\let\pfontN=\relax \let\pfontC=\relax}%
+ {\@ifundefined{#1}%
+ {\PackageWarning{axodraw2}{trying to set undefined font `#1'}}%
+ {\def\pfontN{#1}% Human name (postscript)
+ \def\pfontC{\@nameuse{#1}}% Code name
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{ \equal{#2}{} }%
+ {% Use the value of LaTeX's fontsize when the font is used:
+ \def\axofontsize{\f@size}%
+ }%
+ {\def\axofontsize{#2}}%
+ % Set regular size of regular font, so math has rational size
+ \fontsize{\axofontsize}{\axofontsize}%
+ \selectfont
+ \ifx\pfontC\relax
+ \else
+ \font\axofont = \pfontC \space at \axofontsize pt
+ \axofont
+ \fi
+% Now we can set the default:
+% #] SetPFont :
+% #[ Text :
+% Aim: \Text(#1,#2)(#3)[#4]#5, to set text #5 at position (#1,#2)
+% with angle #3 and positioning #4.
+% But the presence of (#3) and [#3] is to be optional (with
+% defaults being equivalent to (0) and []
+ \@ifnextchar(% )
+ {\Text@A(#1,#2)}%
+ {\Text@A(#1,#2)(0)}%
+ \@ifnextchar[% ]
+ {\Text@Z(#1,#2)(#3)}%
+ {\Text@Z(#1,#2)(#3)[]}%
+\def\axoscaleTT{\ifPSTextScalesLikeGraphics 1\else \axotextscale \fi}
+\def\axoscalePT{\ifPSTextScalesLikeGraphics \axoscale\else \axotextscale \fi}
+ %
+ % Draws text at (#1,#2). Argument #3 is combination of l, r, t, b to
+ % indicate positioning instead of default (which is horizontally and
+ % vertically centered --- these are same as \makebox
+ % the text is left adjusted, right adjusted or centered. Or b or t.
+ % 4 is of course the text.
+ %
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \scalebox{\axoscaleTT}%
+ {\rotatebox{#3}{\makebox(0,0)[#4]{#5}}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] Text :
+% #[ PText : *+
+% Draws a postscript text in a postscript font.
+% Focal point is (1,2), rotation angle is 3, 4 is the mode (as in text)
+% and 5 is the text.
+ \begingroup
+ \UseCurrentPSFont
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \scalebox{\axoscalePT}%
+ {\rotatebox{#3}{\makebox(0,0)[#4]{#5}}}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] PText :
+% #[ RText :
+% Draws rotated text at (1,2). Argument 3 is l,r or c indicating whether
+% the text is left adjusted, right adjusted or centered.
+% 4 is the rotation angle and 5 is of course the text.
+ \Text(#1,#2)(#4)[#3]{#5}%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] RText :
+% #[ rText : *
+% Draws rotated text at (1,2). Argument 3 is l,r or c indicating whether
+% the text is left adjusted, right adjusted or centered.
+% 4 is the rotation angle (specified as l, r, u, or blank,
+% and 5 is of course the text.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\this@angle{0}%
+ \ifx#4l%
+ \def\this@angle{90}%
+ \else
+ \ifx#4r%
+ \def\this@angle{-90}%
+ \else
+ \ifx#4u%
+ \def\this@angle{180}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \Text(#1,#2)(\this@angle)[#3]{#5}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] rText :
+% #[ BText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and postscript text #3 in it.
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBox{#3}%
+ \BBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT)%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] BText :
+% #[ GText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and postscript(#4) text in it.
+% The grayness of the box is given by #3
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBox{#4}%
+ \GBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT){#3}%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] GText :
+% #[ CText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and postscript(#5) text in it.
+% The color of box and text is in #3
+% The color of the background is in #4
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBox{\SetColor{#3}{#5}}%
+ \CBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT){#3}{#4}%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+% #] CText :
+% #[ BTwoText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and two lines of postscript
+% text in it.
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBoxTwo{#3}{#4}%
+ \BBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT)%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] BTwoText :
+% #[ GTwoText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and two lines of postscript
+% text (#4 and #5) in it.
+% The grayness of the box is given by #3
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBoxTwo{#4}{#5}%
+ \GBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT){#3}%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] GTwoText :
+% #[ CTwoText :
+% Draws a box with the center at (x1,y1) and two lines of postscript
+% text (#5 and #6) in it.
+% The color of the box and the text is given by #3
+% The background color is given by #4
+ \AxoPut(#1,#2){%
+ \edef\axoscale{\axoscalePT}%
+ \SetTmpBoxTwo{\SetColor{#3}#5}{\SetColor{#3}#6}%
+ \CBoxc(0,0)(\tmpXT,\tmpYT){#3}{#4}%
+ \PText(0,0)(0)[]{\usebox{\tmpBox}}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces
+% #] CTwoText :
+% #] Text and boxes :
+% #] Mixed routines :
+% #[ Postscript specific :
+% The code here is used only when we need Postscript output. This concerns
+% mainly the Postscript library.
+% #[ PostScript preamble :
+% This forces the PostScript preamble commands to be put into the
+% dvi file. Without this, revtex4 can remove them by funny
+% stuff with manipulating the first page.
+% #[ inventory :
+% The variables in here are:
+% num,num1,ampi,ampi1,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,dx,dy,dr
+% width, arrowpos, arrowspec, arrowwidth, arrowlength, arrowinset
+% arcend, arcmid, arcstart, radius, linesep, angdsize, dsize,
+% clockwise, dotsize, inc, pi, sign
+% darc,const,amp1, amp2, amp3, amp4, amp5, amp6, amp7, amp8, amp1i
+% gcolor,xx2
+% NOTE: blank lines are not allowed inside the postscript code!!!!!
+% (LaTeX sneaks \par commands in and the postscript goes boink)
+\special{color} % Provoke dvips into including
+ % Revtex4 in 2-column mode fails to force that
+ /savecolor { %/cmyk [ currentcmykcolor ] def
+ /oldcolor [ [ currentcolor ] currentcolorspace ] def
+ } def
+ /restorecolor { oldcolor aload pop setcolorspace aload pop setcolor } def
+% /savecolor { [ currentcmykcolor ] /cmyk ed } def
+% /restorecolor { cmyk aload pop setcmykcolor } def
+% % Do a save color now, to ensure default variables are defined:
+ savecolor
+ /pi 3.141592 def
+ /ed{exch def}def
+% Implement conversion of length unit from pt to bp by scaling
+ /gs{gsave 1.00375 div dup scale}def
+ /gsw{ gs
+ /width ed
+ width setlinewidth
+ }def
+ /p1{/y1 ed /x1 ed}def
+ /p2{/y2 ed /x2 ed}def
+ /p3{/y3 ed /x3 ed}def
+ /p4{/y4 ed /x4 ed}def
+ /pp1{/yy1 ed /xx1 ed}def
+ /pp2{/yy2 ed /xx2 ed}def
+ /pp3{/yy3 ed /xx3 ed}def
+ /setabs{
+ % Usage /var setabs
+ % Sets variable to its absolute value
+ dup load abs def
+ }def
+ %
+ /normalizearc {
+ % Usage: clockwise r angle1 angle2 x y normalizearc
+ % Adjusts coordinate system for anticlockwize arc from angle
+ % zero, centered at origin.
+ % Left on stack: r d_angle, with 0<d_angle <=360.
+ % Zero angle arc converted to loop
+ translate
+ exch dup rotate % Origin of arc now at angle 0
+ sub % Change angle2 to dangle
+ 3 2 roll
+ { % Clockwise arc: obtain from anticlockwise arc
+ neg
+ 1 -1 scale
+ } if
+ dup abs 360 ge
+ { %Outside 360 degrees, make exactly a loop
+ pop 360
+ }
+ { % Convert to positive angle mod 360.
+ dup
+ dup 0 lt { 360 sub } if
+ 360 div truncate 360 mul sub
+ dup 0.1 lt { pop 360 } if
+ }ifelse
+ } def
+ %
+ /normalizeline {
+ % Usage: x1 y1 x2 y2 normalizeline
+ % Adjusts coordinate system for line from origin in x direction
+ % Left on stack: dr = length of line
+ 3 index 3 index translate
+ 2 index sub exch 3 index sub
+ 2 copy atan rotate
+ dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+ } def
+ %
+ /abox{
+ newpath
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ x1 y2 lineto
+ x2 y2 lineto
+ x2 y1 lineto
+ closepath
+ }def
+ /atriangle{
+ newpath
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ x2 y2 lineto
+ x3 y3 lineto
+ closepath
+ }def
+ /abezier{
+ newpath
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 curveto
+ }def
+ /distance{
+ % Usage: x1 y1 x2 y2 distance -> x1 y1 x2 y2 r
+ % Pure stack based: computes distance between points. Keeps points
+ dup
+ 3 index sub dup mul
+ 2 index 5 index sub dup mul add sqrt
+ } def
+ /setbackgroundcolor{
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ } def
+% #] inventory :
+% #[ Arrows :
+% Define better arrows
+% Arrow making routines
+ /getarrow {
+ /witharrow ed
+ /arrowpos ed
+ /arrowaspect ed
+ /arrowscale ed
+ /arrowinset ed
+ /arrowlength ed
+ /arrowwidth ed
+ /arrowstroke ed
+ } def
+ /drawarrow {
+ gsave
+ [] 0 setdash
+ rotate
+ arrowwidth 0 eq {
+ arrowlength 0 eq {
+ linewidth linesep 0.7 mul add 1 add 1.2 mul dup
+ 2.5 lt {
+ pop
+ 2.5
+ } if
+ arrowscale mul
+ /arrowwidth ed
+ /arrowlength arrowwidth 2 mul arrowaspect mul def
+ } {
+ /arrowlength arrowlength arrowscale mul def
+ /arrowwidth arrowlength 2 div arrowaspect div def
+ } ifelse
+ } {
+ arrowlength 0 eq {
+ /arrowwidth arrowwidth arrowscale mul def
+ /arrowlength arrowwidth 2 mul arrowaspect mul def
+ } {
+ /arrowwidth arrowwidth arrowscale mul def
+ /arrowlength arrowlength arrowscale mul def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ arrowstroke 0 ne {
+ arrowstroke setlinewidth
+ gsave
+ setbackgroundcolor
+ newpath
+ 0 arrowlength -0.5 mul moveto
+ arrowwidth arrowlength rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul -1 mul rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul rlineto
+ closepath fill
+ grestore
+ newpath
+ 0 arrowlength -0.5 mul moveto
+ arrowwidth arrowlength rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul -1 mul rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul rlineto
+ closepath stroke
+ } {
+ newpath
+ 0 arrowlength -0.5 mul moveto
+ arrowwidth arrowlength rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul -1 mul rlineto
+ arrowwidth -1 mul arrowlength arrowinset mul rlineto
+ closepath fill
+ } ifelse
+ grestore
+ } def
+% #] Arrows :
+% Basic line drawing
+% #[ fixdash :
+\special{! /fixdash{
+% Usage: r dashsize fixdash
+% Sets renormalized dashsize, doing
+% [rdsize rdsize] 0 setdash
+% so that n+1/2 patterns fit in length r
+% If dsize is too big or if dsize is zero, use continuous line
+% Uses stack, no named variables.
+ 2 copy gt
+ 1 index 0 ne
+ and
+ {
+ 2 copy
+ 2 mul div 0.5 sub round
+ dup 0 le { pop 0 } if
+ 2 mul 1 add exch pop div
+ dup 2 array astore 0 setdash
+ }
+ { pop pop [] 0 setdash }
+ ifelse
+} def }
+% #] fixdash :
+% #[ dashline :
+\special{! /dashline{
+% Draws a straight dashed line: x1,y1,x2,y2
+% Assumes dsize already set
+% The pattern is ideally [dsize dsize] 0 setdash
+% but we want to have (2*n+1)/2 patterns, so dsize must be rounded
+% If dsize is too large or zero, use a continuous line
+% Pure stack operation.
+ gsave
+ distance dsize fixdash % Function distance leaves points on stack
+ newpath
+ moveto
+ lineto
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashline :
+% #[ dasharc :
+\special{! /dasharc{
+% Draws an arc segment anticlockwise:
+% x_center, y_center, radius, start_angle, end_angle
+% Assumes angdsize (radians) set elsewhere
+ gsave
+ 3 copy sub abs
+ % Top of stack is copy of radius, start_angle, end_angle
+ pi mul 180 div mul
+ % Top of stack is arc length
+ 3 index angdsize mul fixdash
+ newpath arc stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dasharc :
+% #[ dashgluon :
+\special{! /dashgluon{
+% Draw gluon, possibly dashed
+% We have a 'head' and a 'tail' and in between the 'body'
+% The head + tail is 2 windings. The body is num-1 windings.
+ gsw
+ /dsize ed
+ /num ed /ampi ed
+ normalizeline /dr ed
+ /num num 0.5 sub round def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+ /amp8 ampi abs 0.9 mul def
+ /size amp8 neg 0 amp8 neg ampi 2 mul dup dr num 2 mul 2 add div exch
+ 1 lengthofbezier def
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ [ dsize dsize ] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse
+ /inc dr num 2 mul 2 add div def % increment per half winding
+ /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
+ amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if
+ /x1 inc 2 mul def
+ newpath
+ x1 ampi neg moveto
+ x1 amp8 add dup ampi neg exch ampi inc 1.4 mul ampi curveto
+ inc 0.5 mul ampi inc 0.1 mul ampi 0.5 mul 0 0 curveto
+ stroke
+ newpath
+ x1 ampi neg moveto
+ 2 1 num {
+ pop
+ x1 amp8 sub dup ampi neg exch ampi dup x1 inc add exch curveto
+ /x1 x1 inc dup add add def
+ x1 amp8 add dup ampi exch ampi neg dup x1 exch curveto
+ } for
+ x1 amp8 sub dup ampi neg exch ampi dup x1 inc 0.6 mul add exch curveto
+ x1 inc 1.5 mul add ampi dr inc 0.1 mul sub ampi 0.5 mul dr 0 curveto
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashgluon :
+% #[ dashdoublephoton :
+\special{! /dashdoublephoton{
+% Draws a photon from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with amplitude A and n wiggles
+% Possibly double
+ gsw
+ /dsize ed
+ /linesep ed
+ /num ed /ampi ed
+ normalizeline /dr ed
+ /num num 2 mul 0.5 sub round def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+% Compute the dash size
+ /xdd dr num div def
+ /size 4 3 div xdd mul pi div dup neg xdd add
+ 4 3 div ampi mul dup 3 1 roll xdd 0 1 lengthofbezier 2 div def
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ [ dsize dsize ] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse
+ linesep 0 eq
+ { 0 0 dr 0 ampi num photon1 }
+ {
+% 0 linesep 2 div dup dr exch ampi num photon1
+% 0 linesep -2 div dup dr exch ampi num photon1
+ linesep width add setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 ampi num photon1
+ [] 0 setdash
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ linesep width sub setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 ampi num photon1
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashdoublephoton :
+% #[ photon1 :
+\special{! /photon1{
+% Draws a single photon from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with amplitude A and n wiggles
+ gsave
+ /num1 ed /ampi1 ed
+ normalizeline /dr ed
+ /x2 dr num1 div def
+ /sign 1 def
+ 1 1 num1 {
+ pop
+ newpath
+ 0 0 moveto
+ 4 3 div x2 mul pi div dup neg x2 add
+ 4 3 div ampi1 sign mul mul dup 3 1 roll
+ x2 0 curveto
+ stroke
+ /sign sign neg def
+ x2 0 translate
+ } for
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] photon1 :
+% #[ dashdoublezigzag :
+\special{! /dashdoublezigzag{
+% Draws a zigzag from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with amplitude A and n wiggles
+% Possibly double
+ gsw
+ /dsize ed
+ /linesep ed
+ /num ed /ampi ed
+ normalizeline /dr ed
+ /num num 2 mul 0.5 sub round def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+% Compute the dash size
+ /size dr num 2 mul div dup mul ampi dup mul add sqrt def
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ [ dsize dsize ] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse
+ linesep 0 eq
+ { 0 0 dr 0 ampi num zigzag1 }
+ {
+% 0 linesep 2 div dup dr exch ampi num zigzag1
+% 0 linesep -2 div dup dr exch ampi num zigzag1
+ linesep width add setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 ampi num zigzag1
+ [] 0 setdash
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ linesep width sub setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 ampi num zigzag1
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashdoublezigzag :
+% #[ zigzag1 :
+\special{! /zigzag1{
+% Draws a single zigzag from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with amplitude A and n wiggles
+ gsave
+ /num1 ed /ampi1 ed
+ normalizeline /dr ed
+ /x2 dr num1 div def
+ /sign 1 def
+ 1 1 num1 {
+ pop
+ newpath
+ 0 0 moveto
+ x2 2 div ampi1 sign mul lineto
+ x2 0 lineto
+ stroke
+ /sign sign neg def
+ x2 0 translate
+ } for
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] zigzag1 :
+% #[ dashgluearc :
+\special{! /dashgluearc{
+% Draws a gluon on an arcsegment
+% gluon_radius, num, linesep (0 for no-double), dsize (0 for no dashes)
+% clock, radius, start_angle, end_angle, x_center, y_center
+% in which num is the number of windings of the gluon.
+% Method for the gluon arc itself:
+% 1: compute length of arc.
+% 2: generate gluon in x and y as if the arc is a straight line
+% 3: x' = (radius+y)*cos(x*const)
+% y' = (radius+y)*sin(x*const)
+ gsw
+ normalizearc
+ /darc ed /radius ed /dsize ed /num ed /ampi ed
+ /num num 0.5 sub round def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+ /dr radius darc mul pi mul 180 div def % length of segment.
+ /const darc dr div def % conversion constant
+ /inc dr num 2 mul 2 add div def % increment per half winding
+ /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
+ /amp1 radius ampi add def
+ /amp2 radius ampi sub def
+ /amp4 amp1 inc amp8 add const mul cos div def
+ /amp5 amp2 amp8 const mul cos div def
+ amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if
+ /x1 inc 2 mul def
+ /x0 x1 const mul cos amp2 mul def
+ /y0 x1 const mul sin amp2 mul def
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp5 mul x0 sub exch sin amp5 mul y0 sub
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp4 mul x0 sub exch sin amp4 mul y0 sub
+ x1 inc add const mul dup cos amp1 mul x0 sub exch sin amp1 mul y0 sub
+ 1 lengthofbezier
+ /size ed
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ [ dsize dsize ] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse
+ /dr radius darc mul pi mul 180 div def % length of segment.
+ /const darc dr div def % conversion constant
+ /inc dr num 2 mul 2 add div def % increment per half winding
+ /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
+ /amp1 radius ampi add def
+ /amp2 radius ampi sub def
+ /amp3 radius ampi 2 div add def
+ /amp4 amp1 inc amp8 add const mul cos div def
+ /amp5 amp2 amp8 const mul cos div def
+ /amp6 amp1 inc 0.6 mul amp8 add const mul cos div def
+ /amp7 amp1 inc 0.9 mul const mul cos div def
+ amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if
+ newpath
+ /x1 inc 2 mul def
+ x1 const mul dup cos amp2 mul exch sin amp2 mul
+ moveto
+ x1 amp8 add const mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul
+ x1 amp8 add const mul dup cos amp6 mul exch sin amp6 mul
+ inc 1.4 mul const mul dup cos amp1 mul exch sin amp1 mul
+ curveto
+ inc 0.5 mul const mul dup cos amp7 mul exch sin amp7 mul
+ inc 0.1 mul const mul dup cos amp3 mul exch sin amp3 mul
+ radius 0
+ curveto
+ stroke
+ newpath
+ x1 const mul dup cos amp2 mul exch sin amp2 mul moveto
+ 2 1 num { pop
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp4 mul exch sin amp4 mul
+ x1 inc add const mul dup cos amp1 mul exch sin amp1 mul
+ curveto
+ /x1 x1 inc dup add add def
+ x1 amp8 add const mul dup cos amp4 mul exch sin amp4 mul
+ x1 amp8 add const mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul
+ x1 const mul dup cos amp2 mul exch sin amp2 mul
+ curveto
+ } for
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul
+ x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp6 mul exch sin amp6 mul
+ x1 inc 0.6 mul add const mul dup cos amp1 mul exch sin amp1 mul
+ curveto
+ x1 inc 1.5 mul add const mul dup cos amp7 mul exch sin amp7 mul
+ dr inc 0.1 mul sub const mul dup cos amp3 mul exch sin amp3 mul
+ dr const mul dup cos radius mul exch sin radius mul
+ curveto
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def
+% #] dashgluearc :
+% #[ dashdoublephotonarc :
+\special{! /dashdoublephotonarc{
+% Draws a photon on an arcsegment
+% photon_radius, num, linesep (0 for no-double), dsize (0 for no dashes),
+% clock, radius, start_angle, end_angle, x_center, y_center
+% in which num is the number of wiggles of the photon.
+ gsw
+ normalizearc
+ /darc ed /radius ed /dsize ed /linesep ed /num ed /ampli ed
+ /num num 2 mul round def % number of half wiggles
+ /darc1 darc num div def
+ /cp darc1 cos def
+ /sp darc1 sin def
+ darc1 2 div dup
+ /cp2 exch cos def
+ /sp2 exch sin def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+% Compute the length of the outer curve and the inner curve.
+% There must be an integer number of patterns in half the sum.
+% The we use half of the first to determine where in the pattern
+% we should start.
+ /ampli1 ampli def
+ /beta radius darc1 mul 180 ampli1 mul div def
+ /tt sp cp beta mul sub cp sp beta mul add div def
+ /amp1 radius ampli1 add 8 mul beta cp2 mul sp2 sub mul beta 4 cp add mul
+ tt cp mul 3 mul sp 4 mul sub add radius mul sub
+ beta tt sub 3 mul div def % this is x2
+ radius ampli1 add 8 mul cp2 mul 1 cp add radius mul sub 3 div amp1 sub
+ dup radius sub exch radius sub beta mul % x1,y1
+ amp1 radius sub amp1 radius cp mul sub tt mul radius sp mul add % x2,y2
+ radius cp mul radius sub radius sp mul % x3 y3
+ 1 lengthofbezier
+ /len1 ed
+ /ampli1 ampli1 neg def
+ /beta radius darc1 mul 180 ampli1 mul div def
+ /tt sp cp beta mul sub cp sp beta mul add div def
+ /amp1 radius ampli1 add 8 mul beta cp2 mul sp2 sub mul beta 4 cp add mul
+ tt cp mul 3 mul sp 4 mul sub add radius mul sub
+ beta tt sub 3 mul div def % this is x2
+ radius ampli1 add 8 mul cp2 mul 1 cp add radius mul sub 3 div amp1 sub
+ dup radius sub exch radius sub beta mul % x1,y1
+ amp1 radius sub amp1 radius cp mul sub tt mul radius sp mul add % x2,y2
+ radius cp mul radius sub radius sp mul % x3 y3
+ 1 lengthofbezier
+ /len2 ed
+ /size len1 len2 add 2 div def
+ /size2 len1 2 div def
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ /numd size2 dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ /dstart dsize 2 div size2 sub 2 numd dsize mul mul add def
+ dstart 0 lt { /dstart dstart dsize 2 mul add def } if
+ [ dsize dsize ] dstart setdash
+ } ifelse
+ linesep 0 eq {
+ radius photonarc1
+ } {
+ linesep width add setlinewidth radius photonarc1
+ [] 0 setdash
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ linesep width sub setlinewidth radius photonarc1
+ } ifelse
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashdoublephotonarc :
+% #[ photonarc1 :
+\special{! /photonarc1{
+% Usage: radius photonarc1
+% Draws a single photon on an arcsegment.
+% Called from dashdoublephotonarc with coordinates centered on center,
+% start on x-axis.
+% Assume the following are set: num, ampli, arcend phi, arcstart phi/2, cp,
+% cp2, sp, sp2.
+% Draws a photonarc center at x1,y1, radius arcstart,arcend, amplitude
+% number of wiggles, width, scale
+ gsave
+ /radius1 ed
+ % Local copy of amplitude, since I change it
+ /ampli1 ampli def
+ newpath
+ radius1 0 moveto
+ 1 1 num { 1 sub /ii ed
+ /cpi darc1 ii mul cos def
+ /spi darc1 ii mul sin def
+ /beta radius1 darc1 mul 180 ampli1 mul div def
+ /tt sp cp beta mul sub cp sp beta mul add div def
+ /x2 radius1 ampli1 add 8 mul beta cp2 mul sp2 sub mul beta 4 cp add mul
+ tt cp mul 3 mul sp 4 mul sub add radius1 mul sub
+ beta tt sub 3 mul div def
+ /x1 radius1 ampli1 add 8 mul cp2 mul 1 cp add radius1 mul sub 3 div x2 sub def
+ /y1 x1 radius1 sub beta mul def
+ /y2 x2 radius1 cp mul sub tt mul radius1 sp mul add def
+ /x3 radius1 cp mul def
+ /y3 radius1 sp mul def
+ x1 cpi mul y1 spi mul sub y1 cpi mul x1 spi mul add
+ x2 cpi mul y2 spi mul sub y2 cpi mul x2 spi mul add
+ x3 cpi mul y3 spi mul sub y3 cpi mul x3 spi mul add
+ curveto
+ /ampli1 ampli1 neg def
+ } for
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] photonarc1 :
+% #[ dashdoublezigzagarc :
+\special{! /dashdoublezigzagarc{
+% Draws a zigzag on an arcsegment
+% zigzag_radius, num, linesep (0 for no-double), dsize (0 for no dashes),
+% clock, radius, start_angle, end_angle, x_center, y_center
+% in which num is the number of wiggles of the zigzag.
+ gsw
+ normalizearc
+ /darc ed /radius ed /dsize ed /linesep ed /num ed /ampli ed
+ /num num 2 mul round def % number of half wiggles
+ /darc1 darc num div def
+ /cp darc1 cos def
+ /sp darc1 sin def
+ darc1 2 div dup
+ /cp2 exch cos def
+ /sp2 exch sin def
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+ /size ampli dup mul radius dup mul add radius dup mul ampli dup mul sub
+ cp mul sub 2 div sqrt def
+ /size2 ampli dup mul ampli radius add radius mul 2 mul 1 cp2 sub mul
+ add sqrt def
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ /numd size2 dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ /dstart dsize 2 div size2 sub 2 numd dsize mul mul add def
+ dstart 0 lt { /dstart dstart dsize 2 mul add def } if
+ [ dsize dsize ] dstart setdash
+ } ifelse
+ linesep 0 eq {
+ radius zigzagarc1
+ } {
+ linesep width add setlinewidth radius zigzagarc1
+ [] 0 setdash
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ linesep width sub setlinewidth radius zigzagarc1
+ } ifelse
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashdoublezigzagarc :
+% #[ zigzagarc1 :
+\special{! /zigzagarc1{
+% Usage: radius zigzagarc1
+% Draws a single zigzag on an arcsegment.
+% Called from dashdoublezigzagarc with coordinates centered on center,
+% start on x-axis.
+% Assume the following are set: num, ampli, arcend phi, arcstart phi/2, cp,
+% cp2, sp, sp2.
+% Draws a zigzagarc center at x1,y1, radius arcstart,arcend, amplitude
+% number of wiggles, width, scale
+ gsave
+ /radius1 ed
+% Local copy of amplitude, since I change it
+ /ampli1 ampli def
+% Num is the number of half wiggles. We like to start and end with
+% quarter wiggles though.
+ /darc2 darc1 2 div def
+ newpath
+ radius1 0 moveto
+ darc2 dup sin exch cos
+ radius1 ampli1 add mul exch radius1 ampli1 add mul lineto
+ /ampli1 ampli1 neg def
+ /num1 num 1 sub def
+ 1 1 num1 {
+ darc1 mul darc2 add dup sin exch cos
+ radius1 ampli1 add mul exch radius1 ampli1 add mul lineto
+ /ampli1 ampli1 neg def
+ } for
+ num darc1 mul dup sin exch cos
+ radius1 mul exch radius1 mul lineto
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] zigzagarc1 :
+% #[ dashgluoncirc :
+\special{! /dashgluoncirc{
+% Draws a gluon on a complete circle
+% cmyk color setting
+% gluon_ampl, num, linesep (0 for no-double), dsize (0 for no dashes)
+% radius, phase_angle, x_center, y_center
+% in which num is the number of windings of the gluon.
+ gsw
+ translate
+ /phase ed /radius ed /dsize ed /num ed /ampi ed
+ /num num 0.5 sub round def
+ /darc 180 num div def
+% We rotate in such a way that 0 angle becomes more accessible.
+ darc phase add rotate
+ dsize 0 eq {
+ [] 0 setdash
+ } {
+ /dr radius 2 mul pi mul def % 2*pi*r
+ /inc dr 2 num mul div def % 2*pi*r/(2*num)
+ /const 360 dr div def % 360/(2*pi*r)
+ /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
+ /amp1 radius ampi add def
+ /amp2 radius ampi sub def
+ /amp4 amp1 inc amp8 add const mul cos div def
+ /amp5 amp2 amp8 const mul cos div def
+ amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if
+ /xx inc 2 mul def
+ /x0 amp1 inc const mul cos mul def
+ /y0 amp1 inc const mul sin mul def
+ amp4 xx amp8 add const mul cos mul x0 sub
+ amp4 xx amp8 add const mul sin mul y0 sub
+ amp5 xx amp8 add const mul cos mul x0 sub
+ amp5 xx amp8 add const mul sin mul y0 sub
+ amp2 xx const mul cos mul x0 sub
+ amp2 xx const mul sin mul y0 sub
+ 1 lengthofbezier
+ /size ed
+ /ndash size dsize 2 mul div truncate def
+ ndash 0 eq { /ndash 1 def } if
+ size 2 dsize ndash mul mul sub abs
+ size 2 dsize ndash 1 add mul mul sub abs gt { /ndash ndash 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size 2 ndash mul div def
+ [ dsize dsize ] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse
+ /dr radius 2 mul pi mul def % 2*pi*r
+ /inc dr 2 num mul div def % 2*pi*r/(2*num)
+ /const 360 dr div def % 360/(2*pi*r)
+ /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
+ /amp1 radius ampi add def
+ /amp2 radius ampi sub def
+ /amp4 amp1 inc amp8 add const mul cos div def
+ /amp5 amp2 amp8 const mul cos div def
+ amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if
+ newpath
+ /xx inc 2 mul def
+ amp1 inc const mul cos mul amp1 inc const mul sin mul moveto
+ 1 1 num { pop
+ amp4 xx amp8 add const mul cos mul
+ amp4 xx amp8 add const mul sin mul
+ amp5 xx amp8 add const mul cos mul
+ amp5 xx amp8 add const mul sin mul
+ amp2 xx const mul cos mul
+ amp2 xx const mul sin mul
+ curveto
+ amp5 xx amp8 sub const mul cos mul
+ amp5 xx amp8 sub const mul sin mul
+ amp4 xx amp8 sub const mul cos mul
+ amp4 xx amp8 sub const mul sin mul
+ amp1 xx inc add const mul cos mul
+ amp1 xx inc add const mul sin mul
+ curveto
+ /xx xx inc 2 mul add def
+ } for
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashgluoncirc :
+% #[ arc2 :
+\special{! /arc2{
+% Draws an arc segment:
+% arrowspec, arrowpos, flip, linesep, dsize,
+% clock, radius, start_angle, end_angle, x_center, y_center, width, scale
+% If linesep == 0, then single line, else double with separation linesep.
+ gsw
+ normalizearc
+ /darc ed /radius ed
+ /dsize ed /linesep ed
+ /angdsize dsize radius div def
+ /flip ed
+ getarrow
+ /arcmid darc arrowpos mul def
+ /linewidth width def
+ dsize 0 eq
+ { linesep 0 eq
+ { 0 0 radius 0 darc dasharc }
+ { gsave
+ linesep linewidth add setlinewidth
+ 0 0 radius 0 darc dasharc
+ setbackgroundcolor
+ [] 0 setdash
+ linesep linewidth sub setlinewidth
+ 0 0 radius 0 darc dasharc
+ grestore
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { linesep 0 eq
+ { 0 0 radius 0 arcmid dasharc
+ 0 0 radius arcmid darc dasharc
+ } {
+ gsave
+ linesep linewidth add setlinewidth
+ 0 0 radius 0 arcmid dasharc
+ 0 0 radius arcmid darc dasharc
+ setbackgroundcolor
+ [] 0 setdash
+ linesep linewidth sub setlinewidth
+ 0 0 radius 0 darc dasharc
+ grestore
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ arcmid rotate
+ radius 0 translate
+ flip { 0 } { 180 } ifelse
+ witharrow { drawarrow } if
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] arc2 :
+% #[ dasharrowdoubleline :
+\special{! /dasharrowdoubleline{
+% arrowspec, arrowpos, flip, linesep, dsize,
+% x1, y1, x2, y2, width, scale
+% If linesep == 0, then single line, else double with separation linesep.
+% Draws a dashed double straight line with arrow.
+% If dsize==0, then continuous line.
+% If linesep==0, then single line.
+ gsw
+ normalizeline
+ /dr ed
+ /dsize ed
+ /linesep ed
+ /flip ed
+ getarrow
+ % If linesep is negative, that means the arrow is flipped.
+ % But the lineend coordinates are already flipped, so there is
+ % no need to make any adjustment; i.e., replace linesep by
+ % absolute value.
+ /linesep setabs
+ /linewidth width def
+ linesep 0 eq {
+ 0 0 dr 0 dashline
+ } {
+ gsave
+ linesep linewidth add setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 dashline
+ setbackgroundcolor
+ [] 0 setdash
+ linesep linewidth sub setlinewidth 0 0 dr 0 newpath moveto lineto stroke
+ grestore
+ } ifelse
+ dr arrowpos mul 0 translate
+ flip { -90 }{ 90 } ifelse
+ witharrow { drawarrow } if
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dasharrowdoubleline :
+% #[ vertex :
+\special{! /vertex{
+% Puts a fat dot at x,y size is the radius of the dot
+ gs
+ /dotsize ed
+ translate
+ newpath
+ 0 0 dotsize 0 360 arc
+ fill stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] vertex :
+% #[ ecirc :
+\special{! /ecirc{
+% Draws an anti-clockwise circle :
+% x_center, y_center, radius
+% Transparent interior
+ gsw /radius ed
+ translate % x and y are still on stack
+ newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] ecirc :
+% #[ ebox :
+\special{! /ebox{
+% Draws a transparent box x1,y1,x2,y2
+ gsw p2 p1
+ abox stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] ebox :
+% #[ fbox :
+\special{! /fbox{
+% Draws a filled box x1,y1,x2,y2
+ gsw p2 p1
+ abox fill
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] fbox :
+% #[ triangle :
+\special{! /triangle{
+% Draws a triangle x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3
+ gsw p3 p2 p1
+ atriangle stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] triangle :
+% #[ ftriangle :
+\special{! /ftriangle{
+% Draws a triangle x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3
+ gsw p3 p2 p1
+ atriangle fill
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] ftriangle :
+% #[ ellipse:
+\special{! /ellipse {
+ % Draw an ellipse
+ % RedGrittyBrick 20/10/2003
+ % From 2011/03/22
+ % draw an ellipse using four bezier curves
+ %
+ /r2 exch def % 2nd parameter
+ /r1 exch def % 1st parameter
+ /kappa 0.5522847498 def
+ %
+ newpath
+ 0 r2 moveto % start point of curve
+ %
+ % top clockwise
+ kappa r1 mul r2 % 1st Bezier control point
+ r1 kappa r2 mul % 2nd Bezier control point
+ r1 0 curveto % end point of curve
+ %
+ % right clockwise
+ r1 kappa r2 mul neg
+ kappa r1 mul r2 neg
+ 0 r2 neg curveto
+ %
+ % bottom clockwise
+ kappa r1 mul neg r2 neg
+ r1 neg kappa r2 mul neg
+ r1 neg 0 curveto
+ %
+ % left clockwise
+ r1 neg kappa r2 mul
+ kappa r1 mul neg r2
+ 0 r2 curveto
+ %
+ } def % ellipse
+% #] ellipse:
+% #[ goval :
+\special{! /goval{
+% Draws a gray oval that overwrites whatever was there.
+% x_center y_center height width rotation color linewidth scale
+ gsw /gcolor ed /angle ed /width ed /height ed
+ translate % x and y are still on stack
+ angle rotate
+ 1 setgray width height ellipse fill
+ gcolor setgray width height ellipse fill
+ 0 setgray width height ellipse stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] goval :
+% #[ fcoval :
+\special{! /foval{
+% Draws an oval that overwrites whatever was there.
+% x_center y_center height width rotation linewidth scale
+ gsw /angle ed /width ed /height ed
+ translate % x and y are still on stack
+ angle rotate
+ width height ellipse fill
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] foval :
+% #[ oval :
+\special{! /oval{
+% Draws an oval that does not overwrite whatever was there.
+% x_center y_center height width rotation linewidth scale
+ gsw /angle ed /width ed /height ed
+ translate % x and y are still on stack
+ angle rotate
+ width height ellipse stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] oval :
+% #[ polygon :
+% Incoming stack:
+% [array of x,y pairs] width scale
+\special{! /polygon{
+ gsw /points ed
+ /ss points length 2 idiv 2 mul def
+ ss 4 gt {
+ newpath
+ points 0 get points 1 get moveto
+ 0 2 ss 4 sub { /ii ed
+ /x1 points ii 2 add get def
+ /y1 points ii 3 add get def
+ x1 y1 lineto
+ } for
+ closepath
+ stroke
+ } if
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] polygon :
+% #[ filledpolygon :
+% Incoming stack:
+% [array of x,y pairs] width scale
+\special{! /filledpolygon{
+ gsw /points ed
+ /ss points length 2 idiv 2 mul def
+ ss 4 gt {
+ newpath
+ points 0 get points 1 get moveto
+ 0 2 ss 4 sub { /ii ed
+ /x1 points ii 2 add get def
+ /y1 points ii 3 add get def
+ x1 y1 lineto
+ } for
+ closepath
+ fill
+ } if
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] filledpolygon :
+% #[ makecurve :
+\special{! /docurve{
+ x1 2 mul x2 add 3 div
+ y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div x2 x0 sub mul
+ y2 y0 sub x2 x0 sub div x1 x0 sub mul add
+ y1 add y0 2 mul add 3 div
+ x1 x2 2 mul add 3 div
+ y2 y3 sub x2 x3 sub div x1 x3 sub mul
+ y1 y3 sub x1 x3 sub div x2 x3 sub mul add
+ y2 add y3 2 mul add 3 div
+ x2 y2 curveto
+} def }
+\special{! /makecurve{
+% Incoming stack:
+% [array of x,y pairs] width scale
+ gsw /points ed
+ /ss points length 2 idiv 2 mul def
+ newpath
+ ss 4 gt {
+ /x1 points 0 get def
+ /y1 points 1 get def
+ /x2 points 2 get def
+ /y2 points 3 get def
+ /x3 points 4 get def
+ /y3 points 5 get def
+ /x0 x1 2 mul x2 sub def
+ /y0 y3 y2 sub x3 x2 sub div y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div sub 2 mul
+ x2 x1 sub dup mul x3 x1 sub div mul
+ y1 2 mul add y2 sub def
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ docurve
+ 0 2 ss 8 sub { /ii ed
+ /x0 points ii get def
+ /y0 points ii 1 add get def
+ /x1 points ii 2 add get def
+ /y1 points ii 3 add get def
+ /x2 points ii 4 add get def
+ /y2 points ii 5 add get def
+ /x3 points ii 6 add get def
+ /y3 points ii 7 add get def
+ docurve
+ } for
+ /x0 points ss 6 sub get def
+ /y0 points ss 5 sub get def
+ /x1 points ss 4 sub get def
+ /y1 points ss 3 sub get def
+ /x2 points ss 2 sub get def
+ /y2 points ss 1 sub get def
+ /x3 x2 2 mul x1 sub def
+ /y3 y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div sub 2 mul
+ x2 x1 sub dup mul x2 x0 sub div mul
+ y2 2 mul add y1 sub def
+ docurve
+ } {
+ ss 4 eq {
+ points 0 get points 1 get moveto
+ points 2 get points 3 get lineto
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] makecurve :
+% #[ makedashcurve :
+\special{! /makedashcurve{
+% Incoming stack:
+% [array of x,y pairs] dashsize width scale
+ gsw /dsize ed /points ed
+ /ss points length 2 idiv 2 mul def
+ newpath
+ ss 4 gt {
+ /x1 points 0 get def
+ /y1 points 1 get def
+ /x2 points 2 get def
+ /y2 points 3 get def
+ /x3 points 4 get def
+ /y3 points 5 get def
+ /x0 x1 2 mul x2 sub def
+ /y0 y3 y2 sub x3 x2 sub div y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div sub 2 mul
+ x2 x1 sub dup mul x3 x1 sub div mul
+ y1 2 mul add y2 sub def
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ docurve
+ 0 2 ss 8 sub { /ii ed
+ /x0 points ii get def
+ /y0 points ii 1 add get def
+ /x1 points ii 2 add get def
+ /y1 points ii 3 add get def
+ /x2 points ii 4 add get def
+ /y2 points ii 5 add get def
+ /x3 points ii 6 add get def
+ /y3 points ii 7 add get def
+ docurve
+ } for
+ /x0 points ss 6 sub get def
+ /y0 points ss 5 sub get def
+ /x1 points ss 4 sub get def
+ /y1 points ss 3 sub get def
+ /x2 points ss 2 sub get def
+ /y2 points ss 1 sub get def
+ /x3 x2 2 mul x1 sub def
+ /y3 y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div sub 2 mul
+ x2 x1 sub dup mul x2 x0 sub div mul
+ y2 2 mul add y1 sub def
+ docurve
+ } {
+ ss 4 eq {
+ points 0 get points 1 get moveto
+ points 2 get points 3 get lineto
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ centerdash
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+\special{! /pathlength{
+ flattenpath
+ /dist 0 def
+ { /yfirst ed /xfirst ed /ymoveto yfirst def /xmoveto xfirst def }
+ { /ynext ed /xnext ed /dist dist ynext yfirst sub dup mul
+ xnext xfirst sub dup mul add sqrt add def
+ /yfirst ynext def /xfirst xnext def }
+ {}
+ {/ynext ymoveto def /xnext xmoveto def
+ /dist ynext yfirst sub dup mul
+ xnext xfirst sub dup mul add sqrt add def
+ /yfirst ynext def /xfirst xnext def }
+ pathforall
+ dist
+} def }
+\special{! /centerdash{
+ /pathlen pathlength def
+ /jj pathlen dsize div 2.0 div cvi def
+ /ddsize pathlen jj 2.0 mul div def
+ [ddsize] ddsize 2 div setdash
+} def }
+% #] makedashcurve :
+% #[ logaxis :
+\special{! /logaxis{
+% Draws an axis from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with nl log divisions
+% size of the hashes hs, offset F
+% and width W. The stack looks like
+% x1,y1,x2,y2,nl,hs,F,W,scale
+% After the rotation the hash marks are on top if nl is positive and
+% on the bottom if nl is negative
+% Offset 0 or negative: replace by 1.
+% Adjust by factors of 10 to be in range 1 to 10.
+ gsw /offset ed /hashsize ed /nlogs ed
+ normalizeline /rr ed
+ offset 0 le { /offset 1 def } if
+ /offset
+ offset ln 10 ln div
+ dup cvi sub
+ dup 0 lt { 1 add } if
+ def
+ /lsize rr nlogs div def
+ newpath
+ 0 0 moveto
+ rr 0 lineto
+ 0 1 nlogs 1 add {
+ offset sub lsize mul
+ dup -0.001 gt {
+ dup rr 0.001 add le {
+ dup 0 moveto
+ hashsize 1.2 mul lineto
+ } if
+ } if
+ } for
+ stroke
+ width 0.6 mul setlinewidth
+ newpath
+ 0 1 nlogs { /x2 ed
+ 2 1 9 {
+ ln 10 ln div x2 add
+ offset sub lsize mul
+ dup -0.001 gt {
+ dup rr 0.001 add le {
+ dup 0 moveto
+ hashsize 0.8 mul lineto
+ } if
+ } if
+ } for
+ } for
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] logaxis :
+% #[ linaxis :
+\special{! /linaxis{
+% x1,y1,x2,y2,num_decs,per_dec,hashsize,offset,width,scale
+% Bad offset <= 0: change to 1.
+ gsw /offset ed /hashsize ed /perdec ed /numdec ed
+ normalizeline
+ /rr ed
+ /perdec
+ perdec round
+ dup 0 le { pop 1 } if
+ def
+ /offset offset
+ % Do real equivalent of offset perdec mod
+ dup cvi perdec idiv perdec mul
+ sub
+ dup 0 lt {perdec add} if
+ dup perdec ge {perdec sub} if
+ def
+ newpath
+ 0 0 moveto
+ rr 0 lineto
+ /x1 rr numdec perdec mul div def
+ /y1 rr numdec div def
+ 0 1 numdec 1 add
+ { y1 mul offset x1 mul sub
+ dup -0.001 gt {
+ dup rr 0.001 add lt {
+ dup 0 moveto
+ hashsize 1.2 mul lineto
+ } if
+ } if
+ } for
+ stroke
+ width 0.6 mul setlinewidth
+ newpath
+ /offset offset dup cvi sub def
+ 0 1 numdec perdec mul {
+ offset sub x1 mul
+ dup -0.001 ge {
+ dup rr 0.001 add le {
+ dup 0 moveto
+ hashsize 0.8 mul lineto
+ } if
+ } if
+ } for
+ stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] linaxis :
+% #[ dashbezier :
+\special{! /dashbezier{
+% Draws a dashed Bezier with control points x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4
+ gsw /dsize ed p4 p3 p2 p1
+ dsize 0 ne {
+ /size x2 x1 sub y2 y1 sub x3 x1 sub y3 y1 sub x4 x1 sub y4 y1 sub
+ 1 lengthofbezier def
+ /numdashes size dsize 2 mul div def
+ numdashes 0 eq { /numdashes 1 def } if
+ size dsize 2 mul numdashes mul sub abs
+ size dsize 2 mul numdashes 1 add mul sub abs
+ gt { /numdashes 1 add def } if
+ /dsize size numdashes 2 mul div def
+ [dsize dsize] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } if
+ abezier stroke
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashbezier :
+% #[ dashdoublebezier :
+\special{! /dashdoublebezier{
+% Draws a dashed Bezier with control points x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4
+ gsw /dsize ed /linesep ed
+ /flip ed
+ getarrow
+ p4 p3 p2 p1
+ /linewidth width def
+ /bsize x2 x1 sub y2 y1 sub x3 x1 sub y3 y1 sub x4 x1 sub y4 y1 sub
+ 1 lengthofbezier def
+ dsize 0 ne {
+ /numdashes bsize dsize 2 mul div def
+ numdashes 0 eq { /numdashes 1 def } if
+ bsize dsize 2 mul numdashes mul sub abs
+ bsize dsize 2 mul numdashes 1 add mul sub abs
+ gt { /numdashes 1 add def } if
+ /dsize bsize numdashes 2 mul div def
+ [dsize dsize] dsize 2 div setdash
+ } if
+ linesep 0 ne {
+ linesep linewidth add setlinewidth abezier stroke
+ gsave
+ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+ linesep linewidth sub setlinewidth abezier stroke
+ grestore
+ } {
+ abezier stroke
+ } ifelse
+ witharrow {
+ /tb arrowpos def
+ /tbmax 1 def /tbmin 0 def
+ {
+ /sizeb x2 x1 sub y2 y1 sub x3 x1 sub y3 y1 sub x4 x1 sub y4 y1 sub
+ tb lengthofbezier def
+ sizeb bsize div arrowpos sub abs 0.0001 le { exit } if
+ sizeb bsize div arrowpos gt
+ { /tbmax tb def /tb tb tbmin add 2 div def }
+ { /tbmin tb def /tb tb tbmax add 2 div def } ifelse
+ } loop
+ /ub 1 tb sub def
+ x1 ub ub ub mul mul mul tb x2 3 mul ub mul ub mul tb x3 3 mul ub mul
+ x4 tb mul add mul add mul add
+ y1 ub ub ub mul mul mul tb y2 3 mul ub mul ub mul tb y3 3 mul ub mul
+ y4 tb mul add mul add mul add translate
+ y4 tb dup mul mul y3 tb mul 2 3 tb mul sub mul add y2 ub mul 1 3 tb mul
+ sub mul add y1 ub dup mul mul sub 3 mul
+ x4 tb dup mul mul x3 tb mul 2 3 tb mul sub mul add x2 ub mul 1 3 tb mul
+ sub mul add x1 ub dup mul mul sub 3 mul
+ atan rotate
+ flip { -90 }{ 90 } ifelse
+ drawarrow
+ } if
+ grestore
+} def }
+% #] dashdoublebezier :
+% #[ lengthofbezier :
+% Calculates the length of a Bezier curve assuming that we start
+% in the point 0,0. We use a Gaussian quadrature with 16 points.
+% If, at any time, more precision is needed we have the 32 points
+% numbers in axohelp.c. (and there is more commentary in that file)
+ /g16x1 { 0.095012509837637440185 } def
+ /g16x2 { 0.281603550779258913230 } def
+ /g16x3 { 0.458016777657227386342 } def
+ /g16x4 { 0.617876244402643748447 } def
+ /g16x5 { 0.755404408355003033895 } def
+ /g16x6 { 0.865631202387831743880 } def
+ /g16x7 { 0.944575023073232576078 } def
+ /g16x8 { 0.989400934991649932596 } def
+ /g16w1 { 0.189450610455068496285 } def
+ /g16w2 { 0.182603415044923588867 } def
+ /g16w3 { 0.169156519395002538189 } def
+ /g16w4 { 0.149595988816576732081 } def
+ /g16w5 { 0.124628971255533872052 } def
+ /g16w6 { 0.095158511682492784810 } def
+ /g16w7 { 0.062253523938647892863 } def
+ /g16w8 { 0.027152459411754094852 } def
+ /onepoint {
+ /gpt ed
+ /tpt 1 gpt add 2 div tmax mul def
+ xc tpt mul xb add tpt mul xa add dup mul
+ yc tpt mul yb add tpt mul ya add dup mul
+ add sqrt
+ /tpt 1 gpt sub 2 div tmax mul def
+ xc tpt mul xb add tpt mul xa add dup mul
+ yc tpt mul yb add tpt mul ya add dup mul
+ add sqrt add 2 div
+ } def
+ /lengthofbezier {
+ /tmax ed
+ pp3 pp2 pp1
+ /xa xx1 3 mul def /xb xx2 xx1 2 mul sub 6 mul def
+ /xc xx3 xx2 xx1 sub 3 mul sub 3 mul def
+ /ya yy1 3 mul def /yb yy2 yy1 2 mul sub 6 mul def
+ /yc yy3 yy2 yy1 sub 3 mul sub 3 mul def
+ g16x1 onepoint g16w1 mul
+ g16x2 onepoint g16w2 mul add
+ g16x3 onepoint g16w3 mul add
+ g16x4 onepoint g16w4 mul add
+ g16x5 onepoint g16w5 mul add
+ g16x6 onepoint g16w6 mul add
+ g16x7 onepoint g16w7 mul add
+ g16x8 onepoint g16w8 mul add
+ tmax mul
+ } def
+% #] lengthofbezier :
+% #[ axogrid :
+\special{! /axogrid{
+ gsw translate
+ /ny ed /nx ed /dy ed /dx ed
+ /maxx nx dx mul def
+ /maxy ny dy mul def
+ 0 1 nx {
+ newpath dx mul dup 0 moveto maxy lineto stroke
+ } for
+ 0 1 ny {
+ newpath maxx exch dy mul dup 0 exch moveto lineto stroke
+ } for
+} def }
+% #] axogrid :
+% #] PostScript preamble :
+% #[ axoparray : Puts an array of 2-dim points
+% Puts a sequence of points in the notation (x1,y1)(x2,y2)....
+% on the Postscript stack. This is for Curve and DashCurve.
+\def\axoparray(#1,#2)#3{#1 \axoxo\space add #2 \axoyo\space add \ifx #3\eind\else
+% #] axoparray :
+% #] Postscript specific :
+% #[ PDF specific :
+% Here are the routines that are used purely for the PDF output.
+% The main concern here is the communication with the axohelp program.
+% #[ getaxohelp :
+% This is the command that makes the PDF work. Use as in
+% getaxohelp{NameOfFunction}{parameters to be passed}
+% The format is very precise. If axohelp is not happy there will
+% be no output. The most common error is that the parameters are
+% not separated by black spaces. Some \space might have to be inserted.
+% The reason we do not separate the parameters by comma's is that
+% both Postscript and PDF want their objects separated by blanks.
+% Also a separation by blanks makes the parameters into separate
+% arguments in the call to axohelp. Our colors need blanks....
+ % Set the command of name #1 to the next line of the file
+ % for which the input stream number is #2.
+ \def\tmpfh{#2}%
+ \ifeof\tmpfh
+ \else
+ \read\tmpfh to \tmpline
+ \fi
+ \ifeof\tmpfh
+ \@namedef{#1}{}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter \let \csname #1\endcsname = \tmpline
+ \fi
+ \def\axohelp{}%
+ \stepcounter{axo@objectIndex}%
+ \def\axo@currentInput{#1 #2;}%
+ \immediate\write\axo@spec{[\arabic{axo@objectIndex}]\space \axo@currentInput}%
+ \ifaxo@axohelpRerun%
+ \else%
+ \def\axo@currentInput{{#1 #2;}}%
+ \getoneline{axo@partOne}\axo@axohelpFile%
+ \catcode`\ =13%
+ \getoneline{axo@partTwo}\axo@axohelpFile%
+ \catcode`\ =10%
+ \getoneline{axo@partThree}\axo@axohelpFile%
+ \ifeof\axo@axohelpFile
+ \rlap{New object; rerun axohelp}%
+ \global\axo@axohelpReruntrue
+ \else
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\axo@partTwo}{\axo@currentInput}}%
+ {% Current definition is same as the one processed
+ % by axohelp, so it is safe to use
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\axohelp\axo@partThree%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \rlap{Changed object; rerun axohelp}%
+ \global\axo@axohelpReruntrue
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \fi%
+% #] getaxohelp :
+% #[ Use the axohelp output :
+% Implement conversion of length unit from pt to bp by scaling
+\def\contentspdf{q \axoscale\space 0 0 \axoscale\space 0 0 cm
+ 0.99626401 0 0 0.99626401 0 0 cm
+ 1 0 0 1 \axoxo\space \axoyo\space cm
+ \axohelp\space
+ Q}
+\def\contentspdfNoOffset{q \axoscale\space 0 0 \axoscale\space 0 0 cm
+ 0.99626401 0 0 0.99626401 0 0 cm
+ \axohelp\space
+ Q}
+% #] Use the axohelp output :
+% #] PDF specific :
+% Process options now, after all potentially necessary commands have
+% been defined. Use starred form, so that the options are processed
+% in the order the user writes them. Also set defaults here.