path: root/graphics/asymptote/fileio.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/fileio.h')
1 files changed, 814 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/fileio.h b/graphics/asymptote/fileio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5e78cec29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/fileio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+ * fileio.h
+ * Tom Prince and John Bowman 2004/05/10
+ *
+ * Handle input/output
+ ******/
+#ifndef FILEIO_H
+#define FILEIO_H
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "common.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_RPC_RPC_H
+#include "xstream.h"
+#include "pair.h"
+#include "triple.h"
+#include "guide.h"
+#include "pen.h"
+#include "camperror.h"
+#include "interact.h"
+#include "errormsg.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "process.h"
+namespace vm {
+extern bool indebugger;
+namespace camp {
+extern string tab;
+extern string newline;
+static const string FileModes[]=
+ "input(binary)","output(binary)","output(binary,update)",
+ "input(xdr)","output(xdr)","output(xdr,update)","output(pipe)"};
+extern FILE *pipeout;
+inline void openpipeout()
+ int fd=intcast(settings::getSetting<Int>("outpipe"));
+ if(!pipeout && fd >= 0) pipeout=fdopen(fd,"w");
+ if(!pipeout) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "Cannot open outpipe " << fd;
+ reportError(buf);
+ }
+class file : public gc {
+ string name;
+ bool check; // Check whether input file exists.
+ Mode type;
+ Int nx,ny,nz; // Array dimensions
+ bool linemode; // Array reads will stop at eol instead of eof.
+ bool csvmode; // Read comma-separated values.
+ bool wordmode; // Delimit strings by white space instead of eol.
+ bool singlereal; // Read/write single-precision XDR/binary reals.
+ bool singleint; // Read/write single-precision XDR/binary ints.
+ bool signedint; // Read/write signed XDR/binary ints.
+ bool closed; // File has been closed.
+ bool standard; // Standard input/output
+ bool binary; // Read in binary mode.
+ bool nullfield; // Used to detect a final null field in csv+line mode.
+ string whitespace;
+ size_t index; // Terminator index.
+ bool Standard() {return standard;}
+ void standardEOF() {
+#if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES)
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ void purgeStandard(T&) {
+ if(standard) {
+ int c;
+ if(cin.eof())
+ standardEOF();
+ else {
+ cin.clear();
+ while((c=cin.peek()) != EOF) {
+ cin.ignore();
+ if(c == '\n') break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void purgeStandard(string&) {
+ if(cin.eof())
+ standardEOF();
+ }
+ void dimension(Int Nx=-1, Int Ny=-1, Int Nz=-1) {nx=Nx; ny=Ny; nz=Nz;}
+ file(const string& name, bool check=true, Mode type=NOMODE, bool binary=false,
+ bool closed=false) :
+ name(name), check(check), type(type), linemode(false), csvmode(false),
+ singlereal(false), singleint(true), signedint(true),
+ closed(closed), standard(name.empty()),
+ binary(binary), nullfield(false), whitespace("") {dimension();}
+ virtual void open() {}
+ void Check() {
+ if(error()) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "Cannot open file \"" << name << "\"";
+ reportError(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~file() {}
+ bool isOpen() {
+ if(closed) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "I/O operation attempted on ";
+ if(name != "") buf << "closed file \'" << name << "\'";
+ else buf << "null file";
+ reportError(buf);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ string filename() {return name;}
+ virtual bool eol() {return false;}
+ virtual bool nexteol() {return false;}
+ virtual bool text() {return false;}
+ virtual bool eof() {return true;}
+ virtual bool error() {return true;}
+ virtual void close() {}
+ virtual void clear() {}
+ virtual Int precision(Int) {return 0;}
+ virtual void flush() {}
+ virtual size_t tell() {return 0;}
+ virtual void seek(Int, bool=true) {}
+ string FileMode() {return FileModes[type];}
+ void unsupported(const char *rw, const char *type) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << rw << " of type " << type << " not supported in " << FileMode()
+ << " mode";
+ reportError(buf);
+ }
+ void noread(const char *type) {unsupported("Read",type);}
+ void nowrite(const char *type) {unsupported("Write",type);}
+ virtual void Read(bool&) {noread("bool");}
+ virtual void Read(Int&) {noread("int");}
+ virtual void Read(double&) {noread("real");}
+ virtual void Read(float&) {noread("real");}
+ virtual void Read(pair&) {noread("pair");}
+ virtual void Read(triple&) {noread("triple");}
+ virtual void Read(char&) {noread("char");}
+ virtual void Read(string&) {noread("string");}
+ virtual void readwhite(string&) {noread("string");}
+ virtual void write(bool) {nowrite("bool");}
+ virtual void write(Int) {nowrite("int");}
+ virtual void write(double) {nowrite("real");}
+ virtual void write(const pair&) {nowrite("pair");}
+ virtual void write(const triple&) {nowrite("triple");}
+ virtual void write(const string&) {nowrite("string");}
+ virtual void write(const pen&) {nowrite("pen");}
+ virtual void write(guide *) {nowrite("guide");}
+ virtual void write(const transform&) {nowrite("transform");}
+ virtual void writeline() {nowrite("string");}
+ virtual void ignoreComment() {};
+ virtual void csv() {};
+ template<class T>
+ void ignoreComment(T&) {
+ ignoreComment();
+ }
+ void ignoreComment(string&) {}
+ void ignoreComment(char&) {}
+ template<class T>
+ void read(T& val) {
+ if(binary) Read(val);
+ else {
+ if(standard) clear();
+ if(errorstream::interrupt) throw interrupted();
+ else {
+ ignoreComment(val);
+ val=T();
+ if(!nullfield)
+ Read(val);
+ csv();
+ whitespace="";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Int Nx() {return nx;}
+ Int Ny() {return ny;}
+ Int Nz() {return nz;}
+ void Nx(Int n) {nx=n;}
+ void Ny(Int n) {ny=n;}
+ void Nz(Int n) {nz=n;}
+ void LineMode(bool b) {linemode=b;}
+ bool LineMode() {return linemode;}
+ void CSVMode(bool b) {csvmode=b; if(b) wordmode=false;}
+ bool CSVMode() {return csvmode;}
+ void WordMode(bool b) {wordmode=b; if(b) csvmode=false;}
+ bool WordMode() {return wordmode;}
+ void SingleReal(bool b) {singlereal=b;}
+ bool SingleReal() {return singlereal;}
+ void SingleInt(bool b) {singleint=b;}
+ bool SingleInt() {return singleint;}
+ void SignedInt(bool b) {signedint=b;}
+ bool SignedInt() {return signedint;}
+class opipe : public file {
+ opipe(const string& name) : file(name,false,OPIPE) {standard=false;}
+ void open() {
+ openpipeout();
+ }
+ bool text() {return true;}
+ bool eof() {return pipeout ? feof(pipeout) : true;}
+ bool error() {return pipeout ? ferror(pipeout) : true;}
+ void clear() {if(pipeout) clearerr(pipeout);}
+ void flush() {if(pipeout) fflush(pipeout);}
+ void seek(Int pos, bool begin=true) {
+ if(!standard && pipeout) {
+ clear();
+ fseek(pipeout,pos,begin ? SEEK_SET : SEEK_END);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t tell() {
+ return pipeout ? ftell(pipeout) : 0;
+ }
+ void write(const string& val) {
+ fprintf(pipeout,"%s",val.c_str());
+ }
+ void write(bool val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(Int val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(double val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(const pair& val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(const triple& val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(const pen &val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(guide *val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << *val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void write(const transform& val) {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ write(s.str());
+ }
+ void writeline() {
+ fprintf(pipeout,"\n");
+ if(errorstream::interrupt) throw interrupted();
+ }
+class ifile : public file {
+ istream *stream;
+ std::fstream *fstream;
+ char comment;
+ std::ios::openmode mode;
+ bool comma;
+ ifile(const string& name, char comment, bool check=true, Mode type=INPUT,
+ std::ios::openmode mode=std::ios::in) :
+ file(name,check,type), stream(&cin), fstream(NULL), comment(comment),
+ mode(mode), comma(false) {}
+ // Binary file
+ ifile(const string& name, bool check=true, Mode type=BINPUT,
+ std::ios::openmode mode=std::ios::in) :
+ file(name,check,type,true), mode(mode) {}
+ ~ifile() {close();}
+ void open() {
+ if(standard) {
+ if(mode & std::ios::binary)
+ reportError("Cannot open standard input in binary mode");
+ stream=&cin;
+ } else {
+ if(mode & std::ios::out)
+ name=outpath(name);
+ stream=fstream=new std::fstream(name.c_str(),mode);
+ if(mode & std::ios::out) {
+ if(error()) {
+ delete fstream;
+ std::ofstream f(name.c_str());
+ f.close();
+ stream=fstream=new std::fstream(name.c_str(),mode);
+ }
+ }
+ index=processData().ifile.add(fstream);
+ if(check) Check();
+ }
+ }
+ bool eol();
+ bool nexteol();
+ bool text() {return true;}
+ bool eof() {return stream->eof();}
+ bool error() {return stream->fail();}
+ void close() {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ fstream->close();
+ closed=true;
+ delete fstream;
+ fstream=NULL;
+ processData().ifile.remove(index);
+ }
+ }
+ void clear() {stream->clear();}
+ void seek(Int pos, bool begin=true) {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ clear();
+ fstream->seekg(pos,begin ? std::ios::beg : std::ios::end);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t tell() {
+ if(fstream)
+ return fstream->tellg();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void csv();
+ virtual void ignoreComment();
+ // Skip over white space
+ void readwhite(string& val) {val=string(); *stream >> val;}
+ void Read(bool &val) {string t; readwhite(t); val=(t == "true");}
+ void Read(Int& val) {*stream >> val;}
+ void Read(double& val) {*stream >> val;}
+ void Read(pair& val) {*stream >> val;}
+ void Read(triple& val) {*stream >> val;}
+ void Read(char& val) {stream->get(val);}
+ void Read(string& val);
+class iofile : public ifile {
+ iofile(const string& name, char comment=0) :
+ ifile(name,comment,true,UPDATE,std::ios::in | std::ios::out) {}
+ Int precision(Int p) {
+ return p == 0 ? stream->precision() : stream->precision(p);
+ }
+ void flush() {if(fstream) fstream->flush();}
+ void write(bool val) {*fstream << (val ? "true " : "false ");}
+ void write(Int val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(double val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(const pair& val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(const triple& val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(const string& val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(const pen& val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void write(guide *val) {*fstream << *val;}
+ void write(const transform& val) {*fstream << val;}
+ void writeline() {
+ *fstream << newline;
+ if(errorstream::interrupt) throw interrupted();
+ }
+class ofile : public file {
+ ostream *stream;
+ std::ofstream *fstream;
+ std::ios::openmode mode;
+ ofile(const string& name, Mode type=OUTPUT,
+ std::ios::openmode mode=std::ios::trunc) :
+ file(name,true,type), stream(&cout), fstream(NULL), mode(mode) {}
+ ~ofile() {close();}
+ void open() {
+ if(standard) {
+ if(mode & std::ios::binary)
+ reportError("Cannot open standard output in binary mode");
+ stream=&cout;
+ } else {
+ name=outpath(name);
+ stream=fstream=new std::ofstream(name.c_str(),mode | std::ios::trunc);
+ index=processData().ofile.add(fstream);
+ Check();
+ }
+ }
+ bool text() {return true;}
+ bool eof() {return stream->eof();}
+ bool error() {return stream->fail();}
+ void close() {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ fstream->close();
+ closed=true;
+ delete fstream;
+ fstream=NULL;
+ processData().ofile.remove(index);
+ }
+ }
+ void clear() {stream->clear();}
+ Int precision(Int p) {
+ return p == 0 ? stream->precision() : stream->precision(p);
+ }
+ void flush() {stream->flush();}
+ void seek(Int pos, bool begin=true) {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ clear();
+ fstream->seekp(pos,begin ? std::ios::beg : std::ios::end);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t tell() {
+ if(fstream)
+ return fstream->tellp();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool enabled() {return !standard || settings::verbose > 1 ||
+ interact::interactive || !settings::getSetting<bool>("quiet");}
+ void write(bool val) {*stream << (val ? "true " : "false ");}
+ void write(Int val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(double val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(const pair& val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(const triple& val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(const string& val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(const pen& val) {*stream << val;}
+ void write(guide *val) {*stream << *val;}
+ void write(const transform& val) {*stream << val;}
+ void writeline();
+class ibfile : public ifile {
+ ibfile(const string& name, bool check=true, Mode type=BINPUT,
+ std::ios::openmode mode=std::ios::in) :
+ ifile(name,check,type,mode | std::ios::binary) {}
+ template<class T>
+ void iread(T& val) {
+ val=T();
+ if(fstream) fstream->read((char *) &val,sizeof(T));
+ }
+ void Read(bool& val) {iread(val);}
+ void Read(Int& val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) {int ival; iread(ival); val=ival;}
+ else iread(val);
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) {unsigned ival; iread(ival); val=Intcast(ival);}
+ else {unsignedInt ival; iread(ival); val=Intcast(ival);}
+ }
+ }
+ void Read(char& val) {iread(val);}
+ void Read(string& val) {char c; iread(c); val=c;}
+ void Read(double& val) {
+ if(singlereal) {float fval; iread(fval); val=fval;}
+ else iread(val);
+ }
+class iobfile : public ibfile {
+ iobfile(const string& name) :
+ ibfile(name,true,BUPDATE,std::ios::in | std::ios::out) {}
+ void flush() {if(fstream) fstream->flush();}
+ template<class T>
+ void iwrite(T val) {
+ if(fstream) fstream->write((char *) &val,sizeof(T));
+ }
+ void write(bool val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(Int val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) iwrite(intcast(val));
+ else iwrite(val);
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) iwrite(unsignedcast(val));
+ else iwrite(unsignedIntcast(val));
+ }
+ }
+ void write(const string& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(const pen& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(guide *val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(const transform& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(double val) {
+ if(singlereal) iwrite((float) val);
+ else iwrite(val);
+ }
+ void write(const pair& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ }
+ void write(const triple& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ write(val.getz());
+ }
+ void writeline() {}
+class obfile : public ofile {
+ obfile(const string& name) : ofile(name,BOUTPUT,std::ios::binary) {}
+ template<class T>
+ void iwrite(T val) {
+ if(fstream) fstream->write((char *) &val,sizeof(T));
+ }
+ void write(bool val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(Int val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) iwrite(intcast(val));
+ else iwrite(val);
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) iwrite(unsignedcast(val));
+ else iwrite(unsignedIntcast(val));
+ }
+ }
+ void write(const string& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(const pen& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(guide *val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(const transform& val) {iwrite(val);}
+ void write(double val) {
+ if(singlereal) iwrite((float) val);
+ else iwrite(val);
+ }
+ void write(const pair& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ }
+ void write(const triple& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ write(val.getz());
+ }
+ void writeline() {}
+#ifdef HAVE_RPC_RPC_H
+class ixfile : public file {
+ xdr::ioxstream *fstream;
+ xdr::xios::open_mode mode;
+ ixfile(const string& name, bool check=true, Mode type=XINPUT,
+ xdr::xios::open_mode mode=xdr::xios::in) :
+ file(name,check,type,true), fstream(NULL), mode(mode) {}
+ void open() {
+ fstream=new xdr::ioxstream(name.c_str(),mode);
+ index=processData().ixfile.add(fstream);
+ if(check) Check();
+ }
+ void close() {
+ if(fstream) {
+ fstream->close();
+ closed=true;
+ delete fstream;
+ fstream=NULL;
+ processData().ixfile.remove(index);
+ }
+ }
+ ~ixfile() {close();}
+ bool eof() {return fstream ? fstream->eof() : true;}
+ bool error() {return fstream ? fstream->fail() : true;}
+ void clear() {if(fstream) fstream->clear();}
+ void seek(Int pos, bool begin=true) {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ clear();
+ fstream->seek(pos,begin ? xdr::xios::beg : xdr::xios::end);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t tell() {
+ if(fstream)
+ return fstream->tell();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void Read(Int& val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) {int ival=0; *fstream >> ival; val=ival;}
+ else {val=0; *fstream >> val;}
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) {unsigned ival=0; *fstream >> ival; val=Intcast(ival);}
+ else {unsignedInt ival=0; *fstream >> ival; val=Intcast(ival);}
+ }
+ }
+ void Read(double& val) {
+ if(singlereal) {float fval=0.0; *fstream >> fval; val=fval;}
+ else {
+ val=0.0;
+ *fstream >> val;
+ }
+ }
+ void Read(pair& val) {
+ double x,y;
+ Read(x);
+ Read(y);
+ val=pair(x,y);
+ }
+ void Read(triple& val) {
+ double x,y,z;
+ Read(x);
+ Read(y);
+ Read(z);
+ val=triple(x,y,z);
+ }
+class ioxfile : public ixfile {
+ ioxfile(const string& name) : ixfile(name,true,XUPDATE,xdr::xios::out) {}
+ void flush() {if(fstream) fstream->flush();}
+ void write(Int val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) *fstream << intcast(val);
+ else *fstream << val;
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) *fstream << unsignedcast(val);
+ else *fstream << unsignedIntcast(val);
+ }
+ }
+ void write(double val) {
+ if(singlereal) *fstream << (float) val;
+ else *fstream << val;
+ }
+ void write(const pair& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ }
+ void write(const triple& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ write(val.getz());
+ }
+class oxfile : public file {
+ xdr::oxstream *fstream;
+ oxfile(const string& name) : file(name,true,XOUTPUT), fstream(NULL) {}
+ void open() {
+ fstream=new xdr::oxstream(outpath(name).c_str(),xdr::xios::trunc);
+ index=processData().oxfile.add(fstream);
+ Check();
+ }
+ void close() {
+ if(fstream) {
+ fstream->close();
+ closed=true;
+ delete fstream;
+ fstream=NULL;
+ processData().oxfile.remove(index);
+ }
+ }
+ ~oxfile() {close();}
+ bool eof() {return fstream ? fstream->eof() : true;}
+ bool error() {return fstream ? fstream->fail() : true;}
+ void clear() {if(fstream) fstream->clear();}
+ void flush() {if(fstream) fstream->flush();}
+ void seek(Int pos, bool begin=true) {
+ if(!standard && fstream) {
+ clear();
+ fstream->seek(pos,begin ? xdr::xios::beg : xdr::xios::end);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t tell() {
+ if(fstream)
+ return fstream->tell();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void write(Int val) {
+ if(signedint) {
+ if(singleint) *fstream << intcast(val);
+ else *fstream << val;
+ } else {
+ if(singleint) *fstream << unsignedcast(val);
+ else *fstream << unsignedIntcast(val);
+ }
+ }
+ void write(double val) {
+ if(singlereal) *fstream << (float) val;
+ else *fstream << val;
+ }
+ void write(const pair& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ }
+ void write(const triple& val) {
+ write(val.getx());
+ write(val.gety());
+ write(val.getz());
+ }
+extern ofile Stdout;
+extern file nullfile;
+} // namespace camp
+#endif // FILEIO_H